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Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lump: Correlation of Cytologically Malignant Cases With Their Histological Findings

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Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lump: Correlation of

Cytologically Malignant Cases with Their Histological Findings

Touhid Uddin Rupom1, Tamanna Choudhury 2, Sultana Gulshana Banu 3

Department of Pathology, National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka, 2 Associate
Professor, Department of Pathology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka, 3Assistant Professor, Department
of Pathology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), Dhaka

Background: In Bangladesh a large number of patients have been suffering from breast cancer and with each passing
year, the number is increasing. Objectives: To correlate breast lesions diagnosed as cytologically malignant with their
histological findings. Methods: This is a prospective study carried out in the Department of Pathology, BSMMU, Dhaka
during the period of January 2009 to December 2009. Patients with breast lump, having malignant breast lesions on
cytology were included in the study. A total of 524 patients with breast lump underwent FNA examination for the
diagnosis during this period. FNA slides were examined under light microscope after Papanicolaou staining and were
categorized into five groups: i) inadequate ii) benign iii) atypical cells iv) suspicious for malignancy and v) malignant. Of
these, 431 were diagnosed as benign, 4 as atypical, 17 were diagnosed as suspicious for malignancy and 72 cases were
diagnosed as malignant. Out of these 72 cases, which were cytologically diagnosed as malignant, 55 corresponding
surgical specimens (either mastectomy or lumpectomy specimens) were received for histopathology. The sections were
stained with haematoxylin and eosin for microscopic examination. Results: 55 cases which were diagnosed as malignant
by FNAC were found to be malignant by histopathology. 54 (98.18%) were invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) and one
(1.82%) was mucinous carcinoma. In this study, considering only cases with a definitive diagnosis of malignancy, the
sensitivity of FNAC to diagnose the disease was 100% and accuracy was 100% and Chi-square test revealed Chi-square
value 10.83 (P< 0.001). Conclusion: From the present study it is evident that FNAC is a simple and reliable method. No
local anaesthesia is required. Operative risk of surgical biopsy, danger of post operative infection can be avoided by
adopting the procedure. It helps to confirm the clinical impression without open biopsy.
Key words: Breast lump; FNAC; Mastectomy; Malignancy.
[BSMMU J 2011; 4(2):60-64]
In Bangladesh, patients suffering from breast cancer have
been increasing. Because of the existing social
circumstances, the tendency to overlook the complaints,
and because female patients are hesitant to be examined
by the clinicians for lump in the breast, they report in
advanced stage of breast cancer1. FNAC of breast lump
can be effectively used as a diagnostic tool in the diagnosis
and management of breast lump on an outpatient basis as
hospitalization of the patient is not necessary. Fine needle
aspiration cytology (FNAC) of breast is an important part
of the triple assessment of palpable breast lump (clinical
examination, imaging [mammography or ultrasonography],
and FNAC). It has been shown that FNAC can reduce the
number of open biopsies2. The most common sign and
symptom of breast disease is a palpable mass; although
breast diseases can also present as inflammatory lesion,
nipple secretion or imaging abnormalities3.
Address of correspondence: Dr. Touhid Uddin Rupom,
Lecturer, Department of Pathology, National Institute of
Cancer Research and Hospital (NICRH), Mohakhali, Dhaka,
Email: touhidrupom@yahoo.com

FNAC is now used more frequently to diagnose any mass

in the breast, which is clinically malignant. It is extremely
beneficial in reaffirming the clinical impression of benign
disease, which may not need subsequent biopsy.
Furthermore, it allows more rapid diagnosis of a malignant
condition in clinically non-suspicious masses. The ultimate
benefit of aspiration cytology, however, rests in its
demonstration of malignant disease, when other diagnostic
modalities are inconclusive 4 . FNAC is now a well
established tool for the investigation of women with
suspected breast carcinoma5. A cytodiagnosis based on
the examination of smears prepared from the aspirate can
accurately predict the histology of the tumour in about
90% of cases6.
It has improved decision making and the selection of
patients for biopsy of breast lesion and has contributed in
saving time in the clinical management of breast disease7.
Advantage is that when the cytological diagnosis is a
malignant lesion, the nature of the condition can be
discussed with the patient and a full explanation of the
proposed operation, length of stay in hospital and after
care can be given8.


Vol. 4, Issue 2, July 2011

The present study is designed to correlate findings of

cytologically malignant breast lesions of patients attending
outpatient department, with their histomorphologic findings.
It was a prospective type of study carried out in the
Department of Pathology, BSMMU, Dhaka, during the period
of January 2009 to December 2009 and the study was approved
by the departmental ethical committee. Patients with breast
lump, initially diagnosed as malignant on FNA cytology were
included in the study. A total of 524 patients with breast lump
underwent FNA examination for evaluation during this period.
FNA slides were examined under light microscope after
Papanicolaou staining and were categorized into five groups:
i) inadequate ii) benign iii) atypical cells iv) suspicious for
malignancy and v) malignant. Of these, 431 were diagnosed
as benign, 4 as atypical, 17 were diagnosed as suspicious for
malignancy and 72 cases were diagnosed as malignant and
were graded by Robinsons Cytology Grading System. Out
of these 72 cases, cytologically diagnosed as malignant, 55
corresponding surgical specimens (either mastectomy or
lumpectomy specimens) were received for histopathological
examination subsequently. Specimens were fixed in 10%
formalin solution, routinely processed, sectioned and stained
with hematoxylin and eosin staining methods for microscopic
examination and were graded by Bloom Richardson Scoring
System. Cytological findings of malignant cases were
correlated with their histologic findings. Sensitivity and
accuracy of diagnosis were calculated using Chi-square
The age range of total 55 patients was 20-80 years with the
mean age of 43.2 years. Highest frequency of malignant
breast lump was found in the age group of 36-45 years.
Out of 55 patients, 32 had lump in the right breast and 23
had lump in the left breast. In both right and left breasts,
highest percentage was located in the upper and outer
quadrant (29.09% and 18.18% respectively).
Correlation between cytopathologic and histopathologic

All the 55 cases diagnosed malignant by FNAC were found

to be malignant by histopathology. 54 (98.18%) were
invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS) (Fig: 1) and one (1.82%)
was mucinous carcinoma. (Fig: 2) (Table-I)
Cytologic findings (FNAC):
Out of 55 cases, 54 were ductal carcinoma and only one
was mucinous carcinoma. Out of the 54 ductal carcinoma
(NOS), 11 were in grade-I, 43 were in grade- II. No case
was diagnosed as grade- III (Fig-3).
Histologic findings:
Out of 55 patients, 54 were diagnosed as invasive ductal
carcinoma (NOS) and one was mucinous carcinoma.
Among 54 patients with invasive ductal carcinoma (NOS),
36 cases were in grade- II, 17 were in grade- I and one was
in grade- III. (Fig-4).
Cytologic grading compared with the histologic grade:
It was found that out of 17 cases of histological grade- I,
10 were cytologically in grade- I and 7 were in grade- II.
Out of 36 cases which were histologically in grade- II, 35
were cytologically in grade- II and one was in grade- I.
One patient with histological grade- III was grade- II
cytologically (Fig-5).
Statistical analysis by Chi-square test showed that
cytological grade significantly correlated with histological
grade, P<0.001.
Evaluation of cytopathologic diagnosis and histologic findings:
In this study, the sensitivity of the test (FNAC) to diagnose
malignant breast diseases was 100%.
The overall diagnostic accuracy of FNAC in the present
study was 100%. Statistical analysis by Chi-square test
revealed Chi-square value 10.83 (P< 0.001), which is
statistically significant. Sensitivity of FNAC obtained by
various workers ranges from 97% to100% and present
study correlates with that study (Table-II). So there is
strong correlation between cytologically malignant cases
with their histologic findings.

Table- I
Cytologic and histopathologic correlation of 55(n) cases with malignant breast lesions.

Total 55(n)



Percentage of (+) ve correlation= 100%.


Histology (n=55)







Study of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Breast Lump: Correlation of Cytologically Malignant

Rupom et al

Table- II
Comparative evaluation of FNAC of the present study with other studies.


Russ et al 1978


Lannin et al 1984
Wollenberget al 1985
Hammond et al 1985
Silverman et al 1987
Friechteret al 1997
Willkison et al 1989
Chiemchanya et al 2000
Present Study2010


False positive

False negative




























T= Total, M= Malignant

Fig-1: Ductal Carcinoma (NOS).

Fig-3: Distribution of cases by Robinsons cytology

grading system

Fig-2: Mucinous Carcinoma

Fig-4: Distribution of cases by Bloom Richardsons

histologic grading system


Vol. 4, Issue 2, July 2011

both systems are nuclear pleomorphism. Development of

a grading system common to both cytology and histology
can significantly reduce the discordance.
In the present study, lumps were found more frequent in
the right breast than in the left. Upper and outer quadrant
of the breast was found most frequently involved. The
highest frequency was found in the 4th decade of life.
This observation is almost same as that of Eisenberg et al,

Fig-5: Comparison of histological and cytological

grading by Bar Diagram.
Breast cancer is one of the common clinical problems in
Bangladesh. Although there has been little success in
preventing breast cancer, significant reduction of mortality
could be achieved by early detection. It is the general
consensus that a firm pre-operative diagnosis should be
established before surgery and FNAC is an extremely
useful diagnostic technique. It has already been
established that FNAC is an easily performed outpatient
diagnostic method for determining the nature of breast
lesion. Its success is due to its diagnostic accuracy and
its cost effectiveness in the management of breast lump.
As a diagnostic modality, FNA cytology has many
advantages for the patients as well as for the physicians.
Before the introduction of FNAC, open biopsy/true cut
biopsy was carried out in only suspicious cases. The
purpose of this present study was to determine the value
of fine needle aspiration cytology in the diagnosis of breast
carcinoma and to compare the result of FNAC with
histological diagnosis to assess its accuracy. Keeping in
mind the aim and objectives of the present study, 55 cases
which were diagnosed as malignant breast lesions on
FNAC, were correlated with their histological diagnosis.
All the cytologically diagnosed malignant lesions were
proved to be malignant on histology. All but one of 55
cases of breast carcinoma was invasive ductal carcinoma
which was the most common group (98.18%).
Chiemchanya et al, 2000 reported a similar finding from
FNAC of the breast lumps9. In this study, 45 cases showed
correlation between histologic and cytologic grades.
Maximum correlation occurred in grade- II. Only 9 cases
showed no correlation. This discrepancy between
cytological and histological grades is possibly due to
dissimilar criteria of the grading systems and appears to
occur in the lower grades. The only common criteria in

The diagnostic accuracy of the present study is 100%

which correlates well with Chiemchanya et al, 20009. The
data indicate that when adequate, well prepared samples
are submitted, accurate cytological diagnosis can be made.
The high predictive value of positive results allows for
early diagnosis, treatment and management of breast
The present study shows that FNAC is a reliable method.
It helps to confirm the clinical impression without open
biopsy. The most important aspect of this procedure lies
on the diagnosis of malignancy. With adequate number of
trained cytopathologists this procedure can be extended
to all the Medical Colleges and district hospitals of
Bangladesh and this will help in pre-operative management
of the patients and to take decision about the type of
surgery. From this study it can be concluded that diagnosis
of breast carcinoma from fine needle aspiration cytology
(FNAC) should be practiced as a routine procedure as
there is a high degree of correlation with histopathological
findings. Now-a-days, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is
increasingly being offered to the patients with invasive
breast carcinoma. In this regard, FNAC as an alternative
to histological examination is an important denominator
for planning of management where core biopsy of breast
is not practised in Bangladesh. Experience gained from
this study further advocates that FNAC could be an ideal
method for follow-up of malignant cases, especially when
there is recurrence.

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