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Gulika Mandi Tips

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Sage Mandavya says that lord Saturn had two sons named Mandi and Gulika as two v

illians and they cause a lot of injury to the house dwelt or tenanted by them.
The details or delineations are not commonly known and used. But in Hindu
Astrology, the Sages have opined that the position of Gulika and Mandi must be a
nalysed in the horoscope.
Gulika aspects 2nd, 7th and 12th houses from his position.
So we provide the details about them and the author recommends the use i
n delineations and in the predictions.
We now provide methods to find the positions of Gulika and Mandi which w
ill correspond to the lagna at the time.
The distinction between Mandi and Gulika should be carefully noted. Thei
r exact position on any week day are not the same.

The length of day and night on the day of birth is to be ascertained, which is c
alled DINMAN and RATRIMAN respectively. A day and night is composed of 60 Ghatis
. One Ghati is equal to 2 hours 30 minutes.
In Jataktava, it is stated in Sloka A-61 to 63, the method of finding th
e position of Gulika which reads as :
From Sunrise to Sunset is the day, it is night afterwards and lasts till
the entry of the next weekday. The entire interval of day or night as the case
may be, when multiplied by week days past as stated below and divided by 8 will
reveal Gulika's position at the same time, which corresponds to the lagna at the
time of birth.
In a day time, if a day be divided into 8 equal parts, Gulika's period w
ill be 7th part on a Sunday, the 6th on a Monday 5th on a Tuesday, 4th on a Wedn
esday, 3rd on a Thursday, 2nd on a Friday and the 1st on a Saturday.
During night time, the counting has to be made from Mercury instead of f
rom the Sun; that is, when a night is divided into 8 equal parts, Gulika's posit
ion will be the 7th on a Wednesday night, 6th on a Thursday night, 5th on a Frid
ay night, 4th on a Saturday night, 3rd on a Sunday night, 2nd on a Monday night
and 1st on a Tuesday night.
<b>Example. Suppose a native is born on 13th/14th October, 1928 on Saturday nig
ht 6 Ghatis and 45 vighatis before Sunrise at Lat. 30-12' N and Longitude 71-28' E
Length of night was 31 ghatis 43 vighatis. Divide this by 8, one gets du
ration of each part of night to be 3 ghatis 57 vighatis and 52 1/2 palas. Accord
ing to the rule supra
Gulika's position on that night is 4th part or the lagna revealed at 4x
(3-57-52 1/2) or 15 ghatis 51 vighatis 30 palas. After Sunset or dividing by 2 1
/2 we get 6 hours
20 minutes 30 seconds. The position of Gulika will correspond to the la
gna or ascendant at the time. So from the table of ascendants we find the positi
on for 30-12'
N Latitude. Lahiri's table indicates the position as Virgo 11 degrees 2
8 minutes.

In Jatak Parijats, Adhaya II Sloka 6, the method is stated thus :
When the length of day or night is 30 ghatikas, the position of Mandi on
the week day counting from Sunday onwards is at the end of ghatik as 26, 22, 18
, 14, 10, 6 and 2
during day time. These figures have to be proportionately increased or d
ecreased accordingly as the length of day chosen is greater or less than 30 ghat
ikas. But since the
lords of the first 7 muhuratas in the night are counted, not from the lo
rd of the week days chosen; from that of the 5th, the position of Mandi at night
time will be
different on the week days, viz; at the end of ghatikas 10, 6, 2, 26, 22
,18 and 14 respectively.

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