Why Compressors Fail Part 4 - Overheating
Why Compressors Fail Part 4 - Overheating
Why Compressors Fail Part 4 - Overheating
Part 4 - Overheating
Compressors naturally run warm due to the heat from the Motor, from friction and from the Compression cycle.
Providing the compressor runs within its design limits then it will give long and reliable service.
When the compressor is run outside of its design limits or some other external situation exists that creates this
problem then the lifetime of the compressor will be drastically reduced.
Compressors are designed around evaporating and condensing conditions along with the various refrigerants
Compressors evaporating below -10C may show frosting on the suction connection. This is quite normal
providing the oil sump temperature is warm to the touch.
Problem Scenario
When the compressor is run outside of design limits, the rst thing
that happens is that the discharge temperature/superheat increases.
This increase in temperature is rst felt inside the cylinders and at the
discharge valves. As the temperature increases, the lubrication to the
cylinder and piston is literally cooked away causing the now dry
rubbing surfaces to score and ne iron particles are scrapped from
the cylinder wall and end up in the compressor sump oil and around
the compressor motion gear. This overheated oil as it passes through
the discharge valves causes the oil to coke or carbonise on the
Here you can see the ne iron particles caused by the loss
of lubrication due to the oil being cooked away . Also
notice the discolouration due to the carbonising of the oil.
valveplate causing the valve to leak bye, elevating the temperature even
higher. This gas leaking past the valves and pistons will elevate the
compressor suction pressure and cause loss of capacity in the machine.
As the oil in the compressor starts to break down due to the heat, acids and
carbon are produced. These acids will, to a certain extent, be absorbed by the
drier desiccant, but will eventually start attacking the motor winding
insulation and cause either a spot burn or full motor burn out.
Both the valve and valveplate are heavily
carbonised by the degrading oil.
Field Service
title Fail : Part 4 - Overheating
The binding on the motor has been burst due to the motor running hot
in an overheated state. This will eventually lead to a motor burnout
which you can see is beginning to happen with the discoloured winding.
The scores on the pistons indicate that the compressor has been running in a dry
overheated condition which will lead to metallic debris being distributed
throughout the machine and would most likely lead to a spot burnout of the motor.
The weak acids that are produced will slowly migrate throughout the entire system and may cause other
problems later on. As the oil continues to degrade, its ability to lubricate and support the bearing loads and
stresses become compromised to the point where extensive
wear to the machine takes place. With the discharge valve
plate leaking bye, the upper side of the piston gudgeon pin
bearing surfaces wear as the piston has compression loading
on the up and down stroke. This will cause loss of capacity
and also cause the piston to slap the valve plate causing a
loud knocking noise.
The cylinder overheating will cause the gudgeon pin plastic
caps to melt allowing the pin to grind into the cylinder wall
The 2 grooves seen in the bore of the cylinder are a direct result of
gudgeon pin plastic caps melting allowing the pin to grind into the
cylinder wall.
Overheating will cause the oil to darken as it becomes degraded (Carbonised) .This can be seen by looking in
the oil sight glass. The oil should look clear and transparent. Any darkening will be due to overheating.
The temperature at the discharge pipe should be monitored and is normally around the 70-80C mark. When
discharge temperatures of 110C plus are monitored the oil is starting to degrade. Discharge Safety thermostats
or DGTs normally trip around the 130C mark. These stats will prevent the compressor from being totally
destroyed providing preventative measures are taken to get the discharge condition back to normal, and are
NOT left to short cycle under automatic control.
Remember these DGTs trip at the MAXIMUM worst condition and are a safety control, and should not be used as
a running control point. (HAND RESET ONLY)
title Fail : Part 4 - Overheating
title Fail : Part 4 - Overheating
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