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VLSI Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding Using SOLS Technique For Wireless Sensor Network

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VLSI Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding Using

SOLS Technique for Wireless Sensor Network

Department of Electronics and communication Engineering
Tudi Ramreddy Institute of Engineering & Technology, ting0in Manchester format, for the first half cycle a
low voltage will send, and for the next half cycle a
In this paper we studied the implementation of high voltage is send. The advantage of Manchester
Manchester coding is being described.Manchester coding is that, when sending a data having continuous
High signals or continuous low signal (e.g.: 11110000)
coding technique is a digital coding technique in
, it is difficult to calculate the number of 1 S and Os in
which all the bits of the binary data are arranged in a
the data. Because there is no transition from low to
particular sequence. The Intersil HD-15530 is
high or high to low for a particular time period (Here
a high performance CMOS device intended to
it is 4 x T, T is the time duration for a single
service the requirements of MlL-STD-1553 and
pulse).The detection is possible only by calculating the
similar Manche- Ster II encoded, time division
time duration of the signal. But when we code this
multiplexed serial data protocols.This LSI chip is
signal in Manchester format there will always be a
divided into two sections, an Encoder and a
transition from high to low or low to high for each
Decoder.These sections operate completely
bit.Thus for a receiver it is easier to detect the data in
independent of each other, except for the Master
Manchester format and also the probability for occureReset functions. This circuit meets many of the
requirements of MIL-STD-1553.The Encoder produces nce of an error is very low in Manchester format and it
is a universally accepted digital encoding technique.
the sync pulse and the parity bit as well as the
encoding of the data bits. The Decoder recognizes the
The dedicated short range communication is a
sync pulse and identifies it as well as decoding
protocol for one or two way medium range
the data bits and checking parity.This integrated
communication. The DSRC can be briefly classified
circuit is fully guaranteed to support the 1MHz
into two categories: automobile-to-automobile and
data rate of MlL- STD-1553 over both
temperature and voltage. It interfaces with CMOS, automobile-to road side.In automobile-to-automobile,
the DSR Cenables the messages ending and broad
TTL or N channel support circuitry.The HD-15530
casting among automobile.The automobile to-roadside
can also be used in many party line digital data
communications application such as an environmental focuses on the intelligent transportation service, such
as electronic toll collection (ETC).The DSRC
control system driven from single twisted pair
architecture having the transceiver. The transceiver
cable of fiber optic cable throughout the building.
having the base band processing, RF front end and
The functions of the encoder section of the MED
include a microprocessor interface, parallel to serial microprocessor. The microprocessor is used to transfer
the instruction to the baseband processing and RF front
conversion, frame generation, and NRZ to Manchester encoding. This circuitry can run very fast since end. The RF front end is used to transmit and receive
it does not require a high-frequency clock. The frame the wireless signals using the antenna .The base band
format used is similar to that of a UART.The Manche- processing is responsible for modulation, error
Ster decoder limits the maximum frequency of operati- correction, encoding and synchronization. The
On of the MED, since it uses a high-frequency clock. transmitted signal consists of the arbitrary binary
The receiver circuitry is more complex, since clock sequence, it is very difficult to obtain the dc balance.
recovery and center sampling is done. Additional rece- The fm0 and Manchester are providing the transmitted
Iver functions are frame detection, decoding of signal and then the dc-balance. both FM0 and
Manchester codes are widely adopted in encoding for
Manchester to NRZ, serial to parallel conversion, and
a microprocessor interface.
Keywords: Manchester coding, Encoder, Decoder,
NRZ, Moores law, UART, clock frequency.
Manchester coding technique is a digital
coding technique in which all the bits of the binary
data are arranged in a particular sequence.Here a bit
1is represented by transmitting a high voltage for
half duration the input signal and for the next halftime
Period an inverted signal will be send. When transmit-

The (SOLS) similarity oriented logic simplification

having the two methods:
A. area compact retiming and
B. balance logic operation sharing.
The area compact retiming used to reduce the
transistor counts, the balance logic operation sharing is
used to combine the fm0 and Manchester encoding.

Fig: 1.System architecture of DSRC transceiver.

The system architecture of DSRC transceiver is
shown in Fig. 1. The upper and bottom parts are
dedicated for transmission and receiving, respectively.
This transceiver is classified into three basic modules:
microprocessor, baseband processing, and RF frontend. The microprocessor interprets instructions from
media access control to schedule the tasks of baseband
processing and RF front-end. The baseband processing
is responsible for modulation, error correction, clock
synchronization, and encoding. The RF frontend
transmits and receives the wireless signal through the
The DSRC standards have been established
by several organizations in different countries. These
DSRC standards of America, Europe, and Japan are
shown in Table I. The data rate individually targets at
500 kb/s, 4 Mb/s, and 27 Mb/s with carrier frequency
of 5.8 and 5.9 GHz. The modulation methods
incorporate amplitude shift keying, phase shift keying,
and orthogonal frequency division multiplexing.
Generally, the waveform of transmitted signal is
expected to have zero mean for robustness issue, and
this is also referred to as dc-balance.

The literature [6] develops a high-speed VLSI

architecture almost fully reused with Manchester and
Miller encodings for radio frequency identification
(RFID) applications. This design is realized in 0.35-m
CMOS technology and the maximum operation
frequency is 200 MHz. The literature [7] also proposes
Manchester encoding architecture for ultrahigh
frequency (UHF) RFID tag emulator. This hardware
architecture is conducted from the finite state machine
(FSM) of Manchester code, and is realized into fieldprogrammable gate array (FPGA) prototyping system.
The maximum operation frequency of this design is
about 256 MHz. The similar design methodology is
further applied to individually construct FM0 and
Miller encoders also for UHF RFID Tag emulator [8].
Its maximum operation frequency is about 192 MHz.
Furthermore, [9] combines frequency shift keying
(FSK) modulation and demodulation with Manchester
codec in hardware realization.
In the following discussion, the clock signal and
the input data are abbreviated as CLK, and X,
respectively. With the above parameters, the coding
principles of FM0 and Manchester codes are discussed
as follows.
A. FM0 Encoding for each X, the FM0 code consists
of two parts: one for former-half cycle of CLK, A, and
the other one for later-half cycle of CLK,B. The
principle of FM0 is listed as the following three rules.
1) If X is the logic-0, the FM0 code must exhibit a
transition between A and B.
2) If X is the logic-1, no transition is allowed between
A and B.
3) The transition is allocated among each FM0 code no
matter what the X is.

The transmitted signal consists of arbitrary binary

sequence, which is difficult to obtain dc-balance. The
purposes of FM0 and Manchester codes can provide
the transmitted signal with dc-balance. Both FM0 and
Manchester codes are widely adopted in encoding for
downlink. The VLSI architectures of FM0 and
Manchester encoders are reviewed as follows
A. Review of VLSI Architectures for FM0 Encoder
Manchester Encoder
The literature [4] proposes VLSI architecture of
Manchester encoder for optical communications. This
design adopts the CMOS inverter and the gated
inverter as the switch to construct Manchester
encoder. It is implemented by 0.35-m CMOS
technology and its operation frequency is 1 GHz. The
Fig: 2.Illustration of FM0 coding example.
literature [5] further replaces the architecture of switch
in [4] by the nMOS device. It is realized in 90-nm
A FM0 coding example is shown in Fig. 2. At cycle
CMOS technology, and the maximum operation
1, the X is logic-0; therefore, a transition occurs on its
frequency is as high as 5 GHz.
to rule 3, a transition is allocated among each FM0
code, and thereby the logic-1 is changed to logic-0 in
the beginning of cycle 2. Then, according to rule 2,
FM0 code, according to rule 1. For simplicity, this
transition is initially set from logic-0 to -1. According

this logic-level is hold without any transition in entire

2 for the X of logic-1. Thus, the FM0 code of each
cycle can be derived with these three rules mentioned
B. The Manchester coding example is shown in Fig.3.
The Manchester code is derived from
The Manchester encoding is realized with a XOR
operation for CLK and X. The clock always has a
transition within one cycle, and so does the
Manchester code no matter what the X is.

Fig: 4.Hardware architecture

The active components means the components are
work in the both fm0 and Manchester code. The total
components means the number of the components are
present in the hole circuit. The HUR rate is given
below the following Table 1.
Fig: 3.Illustration of Manchester coding example.

HUR rate of FM0 And Manchester Encoding

Hardware Architecture Of Fm0/Manchester Code:

This is the hardware architecture of the fm0/Manchestercode shown in Fig.4. the top part is denoted
the fm0 code and then the bottom part is denoted as
the Manchester code. In fm0 code the DFFA and
DFFB are used to store the state code of the fm0 code
and also mux_1 and not gate is used in the fm0 code.
When the mode=0 is for the fm0 code. The
Manchester code is developed only using the XOR
gate and when the mode=1 is for the Manchester
code. The hardware utilization rate is defined as the
For both the encoding methods the total components
is 7.for the fm0 code the total component is 7 and then
the active component is 6.in Manchester code the
(2) total component is 7 the active component is 2.in
both coding having 98 transistors are used without
SOLS. The fm0 was having 86 transistors, and then
the Manchester having the 26 transistor. The average
The component is defined as the hardware to perform for both coding is 56 transistors .In proposed work
a specific logic function, such as AND, OR, NOT, and reduces the total components from 7 to 6 and reduce
flip-flop.The active components mean the components the transistor counts.
that work for FM0 or Manchester encoding. The total
In this paper two multiplexer is used in proposed
components are the number of components in the
reduce two multiplexer from one multiplexer,
entire hardware architecture no matter what encoding
when reduce the multiplexer the total components are
method is adopted.
reduced the area and then the power Consumption also
IV. FMO and Manchester Encoder Using SOLs

The SOLS technique is classified into two parts B(t1).If the DFFA is directly removed, a non
area compact retiming and balance logic operation synchronization between A(t) and B(t)causes the logic
fault of FM0 code. To avoid this logic-fault, the DFFB
is relocated right after the MUX1, where the DFFB is
A. Area Compact Retiming
assumed be positive-edge triggered flip flop. At each
cycle, the FM0 code, comprising A and B, is derived
Fig.5. shows fm0 state code of the each state is
from the logic of A(t) and the logic of B(t),
stored into DFFA and DFFB .the transition of the state
respectively. The FM0 code is alternatively switched
code is only depends on the previous state of B(t-1)
between A(t) and B(t) through the MUX1 by the
instead of the both A(t-1) and B(t-1)
control signal of the CLK. In the Q of DFFB is
directly updated from the logic of B(t) with 1-cycle
latency. When the CLK is ogic-0, the B(t) is passed
through MUX1 to the D of FFB. Then, the
upcoming positive-edge of CLK
updates it to the Q of DFFB.
Transistor Count Of Fm0 Encoding Architecture With
Area Compact Retiming

Fig: 5.Area compact retiming

The timing diagram for the Q of DFFB is consistent

whether the DFFB is relocated or not. The B(t) is
passed through MUX1 to the D of DFFB. Then,
the upcoming positive-edge of CLK updates it to the
Fig: 6.FM0 encoding without area compact retiming
Q of DFFB. the timing diagram for the Q of
DFFB is consistent whether the DFFB is relocated
The previous state is denoted as the A(t-1) and
or not. The transistor count of the FM0 encoding
then the B(t-1).and then the current state is denoted as
architecture without area-compact retiming is 72, and
the A(t) and then the B(t).
that with area- compact retiming is 50. The areacompact retiming technique reduces 22 transistors.
B.Balance logic operation sharing
The Manchester encoding is derived using the XOR
operation. The equation of the XOR gate is given

Fig: 7.FM0 encoding with area compact retiming.

Thus, in Fig.6. the FM0 encoding just requires a
single 1-bitflip-flop to store the previous value


The concept of balance logic-operation sharing is to
integrate the X into A(t) and X into B(t).The fm0 and
Manchester logics have a common point of the
multiplexer like logic with the selection of the CLK.
the diagram for the balance logic operation sharing
given the following.
In Fig.7. The A(t) can be derived from an inverter of
B(t1),and X is obtained by an inverter of X. The logic

for A(t)/X can share the same inverter, and then a

multiplexer is placed before the inverter to switch he
operands of B(t 1) and X. The Mode indicates
eitherFM0 or Manchester encoding is adopted. The
similar concept can be also applied to the logic for
B(t)/X shown in Fig.8.

without assigning an individual CLR control signal,

this leads to a conflict between the coding mode
selection and the hardware initialization. To avoid this
conflict, both Mode and CLR are assumed to be
separately allocated to this design from a system

Fig: 8.Balance logic operation sharing

Never the less, this architecture exhibits a drawback that the XOR is only dedicated for FM0
encoding, and is not shared with Manchester
encoding. Therefore, Fig.9.shows the HUR of this
architecture is certainly limited. The X can be also
interpreted as the X
0, and thereby the XOR
operation can be shared with Manchester and FM0
encodings, where the multiplexer irresponsible to
switch the operands of B(t1) and logic-0.
This architecture shares the XOR for both B(t) and
X, and there by increases the HUR. When the FM0
code is adopted, the CLR is disabled, and the B(t 1)
can be derived from DFFB .Hence, the multiplexer
can be totally saved, and its function can be
completely integrated into the relocated DFF. The
logic for A(t)/X includes the MUX2 and an inverter.
Instead ,the logic for B(t)/X just incorporates a
XOR gate. In the logic for A(t)/X, the computation
time of MUX2is almost identical to that of XOR
in the logic for B(t)/X.
However, the logic for A(t)/X further
incorporates an inverter in the series of MUX2.
This unbalance computation time between A(t)/X and
B(t)/X results in the glitch to MUX1,possibly causing
the logic fault on coding. To alleviate this unbalance
computation time, the architecture of the balance
computation time between A(t)/X and B(t)/X The
XOR in the logic for B(t)/X is translated into the
XNOR with an inverter, and then this inverter is
shared with that of the logic for A(t)/X. This shared
inverter is relocated backward to the output of
MUX1. Thus, the logic computation time between
A(t)/X and B(t)/X is more balance to each other.

Fig: 9.VLSI architecture of FM0 and Manchester

encodings using SOLs technique. (a) Unbalance
computation time between A(t)/X and B(t)/X. (b)
Balance computation time between A(t)/X and B(t)/X.

Whether FM0 or Manchester code is adopted, no logic

component of the proposed VLSI architecture is
The adoption of FM0 or Manchester code depends wasted. Every component is active in both FM0 and
on Mode and CLR. In addition, the CLR further has Manchester encodings. Therefore, the HUR of the
another individual function of a hardware initializati- proposed VLSI architecture is greatly improved.
on. If the CLR is simply derived by inverting Mode
FM0 Module:

Fig: 13.Technology schematic of FM0/Manchester

Encoding using SOLs Technique.
Fig: 10.FM0 Code

Fig: 11.Manchester Coding

RTL Schematic

The coding-diversity between FM0 and Manchester

encodings causes the limitation on hardware utilization
of VLSI architecture design. A limitation analysis on
hardware utilization of FM0 and Manchester
encodings is discussed in detail. In this paper, the fully
reused VLSI architecture using SOLS technique for
both FM0 and Manchester encodings is proposed.
The SOLs technique eliminates the limitation on
hardware utilization by two core techniques: area
compact retiming and balance logic-operation sharing.
The area compact retiming relocates the hardware
resource to reduce the transistors. The balance logicoperation sharing efficiently combines FM0 and
Manchester encodings with the identical logic
components. This paper is realized in180nm
technology with outstanding device efficiency. The
power consumption is
29392.843nW for Manchester encoding and FM0
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