VLSI Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding Using SOLS Technique For Wireless Sensor Network
VLSI Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding Using SOLS Technique For Wireless Sensor Network
VLSI Architecture of FM0/Manchester Encoding Using SOLS Technique For Wireless Sensor Network
The SOLS technique is classified into two parts B(t1).If the DFFA is directly removed, a non
area compact retiming and balance logic operation synchronization between A(t) and B(t)causes the logic
fault of FM0 code. To avoid this logic-fault, the DFFB
is relocated right after the MUX1, where the DFFB is
A. Area Compact Retiming
assumed be positive-edge triggered flip flop. At each
cycle, the FM0 code, comprising A and B, is derived
Fig.5. shows fm0 state code of the each state is
from the logic of A(t) and the logic of B(t),
stored into DFFA and DFFB .the transition of the state
respectively. The FM0 code is alternatively switched
code is only depends on the previous state of B(t-1)
between A(t) and B(t) through the MUX1 by the
instead of the both A(t-1) and B(t-1)
control signal of the CLK. In the Q of DFFB is
directly updated from the logic of B(t) with 1-cycle
latency. When the CLK is ogic-0, the B(t) is passed
through MUX1 to the D of FFB. Then, the
upcoming positive-edge of CLK
updates it to the Q of DFFB.
Transistor Count Of Fm0 Encoding Architecture With
Area Compact Retiming
RTL Schematic
Technology Schematic:
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