Memo 11 389 - en
Memo 11 389 - en
Memo 11 389 - en
More specifically, Russia is the EUs most important single supplier of energy
products, accounting for over 25% of the EU consumption of oil and gas. In turn,
Russias economy remains highly dependent on the export of energy raw materials,
with the EU as its most important destination. In 2010 63% of Russias exports
consisted of crude oil, oil products and natural gas. The EU accounts for 88% of
Russia's total oil exports, 70% of its gas exports and 50% of its coal exports.
Financial cooperation
Financial cooperation with Russia began in the early 1990s, under the TACIS
program, which has in the meantime been replaced by the European Neighbourhood
and Partnership Instrument. To help smooth Russias transition, a whole range of
sectors were supported. Since 1991, a total of around 2.8 billion of assistance was
provided through the European Commission. A number of TACIS projects are still
being implemented until 2013.
Given the significant recent improvements in the Russian Federations fiscal position,
the need for large volumes of financial assistance has declined. In fact, Russia
herself has become a donor. Financial cooperation is now specifically targeted to
meet the objectives defined in the road-maps to the EU-Russia Common Spaces.
Cooperation is now carried out on the principle of co-financing by the EU and
Russia. Most notably, Russia is co-financing Cross Border Cooperation
programmes. Emphasis is on higher education cooperation, with Erasmus Mundus
and Tempus supporting mobility of students and teaching staff.
Furthermore, funding for Russia also came from the Nuclear Safety Instrument (500
million since 1991) and a number of other thematic programs. The European
Democracy and Human Rights Instrument (EIDHR) financed 14 human rights
projects in Russia in 2010 for nearly 2 million, and the Institution Building
Partnership Programme supported 16 projects with NGOs for a total of 5 million.
EU-Russia relations - background
The legal basis for EU relations with Russia is the Partnership and Cooperation
Agreement (PCA) which came into force on 1 December 1997 for an initial duration
of 10 years, and which has been automatically extended beyond 2007 on an annual
basis. It sets the principal common objectives, establishes the institutional framework
for bilateral contacts, and calls for activities and dialogue in a number of areas.
The EU is currently working with Russia on a new agreement to replace the PCA.
Both the EU and Russia have experienced many political, economic and social
changes since the entry into force of the PCA in 1997. The new agreement must
reflect these changes as well as the new challenges linked to the globalised world in
which we are living.
At the St. Petersburg Summit in May 2003, the EU and Russia agreed to reinforce
their cooperation by creating four "common spaces":
- the Common Economic Space aiming to make the EU and Russias economies
more compatible to help boost investment and trade;
- the Common Space on Freedom, Security and Justice covering the area also
known as Justice and Home Affairs;
- the Common Space on External Security aiming to enhance cooperation on
foreign policy and security issues; and
- the Common Space on Research, Education and Culture aiming to promote
scientific, educational and cultural cooperation.