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Kaneez Fatima Curriculum Vitae

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917 Edge brook Drive, Apartment #18, DeKalb, Illinois, 60115. Contact #
815-517-4314 springkfatima88@gmail.com.

Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, United States, Fall, 2015- Spring, 2017
Master of Science in Education.
Major. Early Childhood Education
University of Baluchistan Quetta, Pakistan, March 2006-December 2008
Master of Arts Persian Literature
Honors 625/ 1000 First Division
University of Baluchistan, Quetta, Pakistan, March 2005- March 2006
Master of Education , Foundation of Education , Research Methods and Statistics, Curriculum
Development, Guidance and Counseling, Educational Leadership & Supervision, Educational
Measurement & Evaluation, Modern Instructional Strategies
Honors 387/ 700 Second Division
University of Baluchistan, Quetta, Pakistan, March 2002-March 2003
Bachelor of Education Perspective of Education in Pakistan, Human Development and Learning,
School Organization and Management , Evaluation and Guidance , Society School And Teacher ,
Teaching of Chemistry, Teaching of Biology, Essay and Viva , Practice in Teaching
Honors 611/ 1000 First Division
University of Sindh, Hyderabad, Sindh August 1991-December 1993
Bachelor of Science Biology & Chemistry, English, Pakistan Studies
Honors 994/ 1650, First Division
Government Nazareth Girls College, Hyderabad, Sindh August 1989-May 1991
Higher Secondary Certificate Examination physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Urdu,
Pakistan Studies
Honors 807/1100 Grade A

Government Khalid Memorial Girls High School, Hyderabad, Sindh August 1986- March
Secondary School Certificate, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Sindhi, English, Urdu,
Pakistan Studies
Honors 670/ 850 Grade A

Fluent in Persian, Sindhi, Urdu and English

Senior Subject Specialist: Provincial Institute for Teacher Education, Quetta June 2009 up
April, 2015.
Impart training to the participants. Write Instructional Materials / Training Manuals, Supervise
Teaching practices, Teach the experimental classes / courses., Provide leadership in the relevant
areas and Any other responsibility or task assigned by the admin.

Attended four day Early Childhood Professional Development Workshop June 5-8, 2016
Attended 5 day online D5X4 data literacy training October 17-21, 2016
Attended 2 day ECD Working Group Meeting July 1-2, 2014
Attended 2 day workshop on Gender Sensitivity on June 4-5,2014
Reviewed and designed Course outline of ECE for Associate Degree in Education for
in-service Teachers in April-May 2014
Attended 3 day ECD Working Group Meeting May 12-14, 2014
Attended 3-day workshop on DRR , PEACE, and Conflict Management with
collaboration of UNESCO, from November 18 to 20, 2013 in Quetta
Attended 3 day workshop on Standard Operating Procedures for Curriculum and
Textbook Development Baluchistan from July 05to July 07 ,2013,conducted under the
supervision of Bureau of Curriculum and Extension Center Quetta.
Attended 3rd Four Week National Training Program on EDUCATIONAL
at AEPAM, Islamabad)
Attended a course on Advance Course on Research Methods organized by The Agha
Khan University IED from November 27 to December 01, 2012
Attended Provincial Conference on Legislation of Child Rights in collaboration with
SPARC in November 13, 2012.
Attended a course on Action Research Methods (60 hours) organized by The Agha
Khan University IED duration of March 26-June 20, 2012.
Attended 2 days TOT workshop on Multi grade Teaching and Disaster management at
PITE in February 02-03,2012

Attended Capacity building workshop on Environmental Impact Assessment

December 27-29,2011
Attended 15 day TOT Workshop on Teaching of English and Math through Joyful
Learning Approaches of Mentors and Lead Master trainers in collaboration with UNICEF
held from March 14 to 28, 2011
Attended Certificate of Professional Development in Leadership in a Climate of
Change, from Plymouth State University USA ,July 03-31,2011
Attended 10-day TOT workshop on Child friendly Schools Dimensions and Standards
with emphases on Subject Based Curriculum Contents and Pedagogy in Collaboration
with UNICEF from 17th-26th May 2010
An assessment on secondary school Science Lab Baluchistan from 9th July, 09 to 15th
July, 09 conducted by EDLINKS.
3 day survey of National Achievement Testing 2008 for Grade 5 & 8 conducted by NEAS
Conducted Action Research on the topic How Can I help Teachers(Male and Female) to
introduce Project Based Learning Approach in teaching of Science at Secondary Level ,
under the supervision of Agha Khan University IED(March 26-June 20, 2012)
Reviewed textbook of English for grade VI and learning material from primary to
secondary level.
Conducted 3 day workshop on Life Skills Based Education for public school teachers
with collaboration PIDS on May 23rd to 25th ,2014 at Quetta
Imparted training on the theme of Quality Education, Orientation of Curriculum 2006,
multi grade teaching and National Professional Standards for Teachers of Pakistan, to
District Program Managers (Education) of NCHD, Sind from November 25 to 29, 2013,
at Karachi.
Imparted 6 day training to all teachers /head teachers/ DOEs, on the theme of School
Health Program in the month of June.2013 at PITE Baluchistan
Imparted 6-days training workshop to teachers of Elementary college (Girls) Pishin
district on Orientation Of Curriculum Development and Implementation from
05th March 2013- 11th March 2013.
Imparted training to newly appointed Head teachers in two phases of 12 and 9 days in
Nov. and Dec. 2012 at PITE.
Impart training to Primary teachers of Quetta district on content and pedagogy in
collaboration with Save the Children in two phases from 18 th Sepetember-06th October
2012 and 15th October-10th November 2012
Conducted one day workshop on Classroom Management for private school Teachers
on March 17, 2012.
Impart training to Middle Head teachers in two cycles of 19 days in 2011 and 2012 at
PITE in collaboration and funded by CIDA.
Conducted 06 days workshop on Multi grade teaching and disaster management in
RAHA districts funded by UNESCO, from February 13-18, 2012.
Conducted 03 days workshop on Pollution and its effects on human health form
December 12-14, 2011.

Conducted 15 days workshop on Teaching of Maths and English through joyful learning
techniques funded by UNICEF in Sibi from September 05-19,2011
Conducted of mentoring Workshop in PTMP (UNICEF) in Lasbela District on monthly
bases from May 2010 to December 2012.
Conducted of 2 Days Orientation Workshop for Master Trainers and 12 days Workshop
for Teachers of Baluchistan Package in Government Elementary college and Govt. Girls
H/ S Hub in Feb.2011
Conducted 12 days Child Friendly Workshop for Primary teachers of Lasbela district in
December 2010.
Conducted 12 days Child Friendly Workshop for Primary teachers of Zhob district in
August 2010.
Conducted three days Refresher workshop Using science labs / practical /experiment in
teaching Science particularly, Chemistry, Biology, and physics for Resource Persons at
PITE Quetta from January 28-30, 2010, by Edlinks Quetta.
Developed learning material on Blooms Taxonomy, Classroom Management and
Introduction of Curriculum 2006 for teachers of Save the Children in January 2014.
Developed material for Newly appointed Head teachers through Baluchistan Public
Service Commission on Introduction of Curriculum 2006, Subject Based orientation of
Curriculum 2006, School Development Plan and National Professional Standards for
Teachers of Pakistan funded by Save The Children in 2012.
Developed material of English for primary and Secondary teachers of Quetta district
funded by Save The Children in 2012
Developed material of English and Classroom Management for Primary teachers of
Pishin District.
Developed material of English for professional development of Primary Head teachers of
Baluchistan for CIDA funded program.
Developed and reviewed material for Head Teachers of RAHA District through UNESCO
from April 26-2, 2011, at Islamabad.

Subject Specialist Government Model Girls High School Mission Road Quetta January 25th
2005 June 25th 2009

Worked as Science teacher, taught Science subjects to secondary classes

Maintained Biology laboratory and Science Equipments
Supervised Science exhibition activities
Maintained Teachers attendance register

Senior Science Teacher Government Model Girls High School Mission Road Quetta
November 20 1998- January 24, 2005

Taught Science, English to secondary and computer to elementary classes

Maintained Science Laboratory and records of equipments.
Supervise Science exhibition and Meena bazar activities.

Supervise whole school Cleanliness matters.

Received Reorientation course for secondary school Math teachers conducted by BOC &
EC from 3rd June to 12th June1999.

Administrator &Vice Principal Tameer-e- Nasle Nau High School Alamdar Road Quetta,
January 1995- December 1998

Designed curricular and co- curricular activities with the help of concerned faculty
Conducting regular meetings with the staff and community members
Ensured and maintained good working relationship between administration and staff
Maintained and updated records of concerned activities
Conducted and supervised students assessment activities
Prepared School timetable
Organized and supervised National events within the School
Received Short term 3-day workshop on skill improvement techniques conducted by
Tameer-e-Nasle Nou High School, from 6th to 8th November, 1997.


Serving as Vice president of Golden Key International Honor Society NIU Chapter
Volunteered in Northern Illinois University on Halloween Event
Volunteered in Give and Go event organized by Golden Key International Honor Society
Volunteered for two hours to Feed My Starving Child in November, 2015
Took voluntarily tuition classes at Tameer-e- Nasle Nau High School in the evening for
more than 2 years
Have membership of NAEYC
Have membership of Golden Key International Society
Have membership of Kappa Delta Pi organization
Have membership of Pakistan Education Foundation Since March 2008
Participated in science exhibitions, debate competitions, Quizzes and Role Plays
competitions conducted by Pakistan Education Foundation


Proficient in MS Word, Excel, MS Power Point, and Internet Explorer

Proficient in searching through different search engines
Active user of social sites such as Facebook, twitter and Skype, skill pages, and LinkedIn


Love travelling
Enjoy reading novels ,poetry and watching dramas, sometime movies too
Love to read fairyland stories, fictions, and childrens magazines
Enjoy cooking, having expertise in Asian dishes specially Biryani, Zarda , chicken karhai
and well in cooking Chinese rice, macaroni, spaghetthi and chicken jelfarezi

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