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The Practice of English Language Teaching (Chapter 4)

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The practice of English Language Teaching (Chapter 4)

It is doubtless the theory because is a statement of a general principle

based upon reasoned argument and supported by evidence that is
intended to explain a particular fact, event or phenomenon. Method is an
overall plan for systematic presentation of language based upon a
selected approach interrelation of theory and practice. There are
different methods of language teaching. Techniques is a specific
activities carried out in the classroom that are consisted with a method
and therefore in agreement with an approach varieties of exercises.
Approach is different theories about the nature of language and how
languages are learned. Methodology in the field of language teaching
methodology includes: study of the nature of language skills (reading,
listening, speaking, and writing) and ways for teaching them: lesson
plan, materials, and textbooks for teaching the target language. For a
methodology includes ideas at all a variety of levels, and methods,
procedures and approaches which influence the state of English
language teaching. It is important to say that there are methods in
foreign language teaching. Before the nineteenth century appeared
grammar-translation, direct method and audiolingualism.
For grammar-translation method is based on students gave explanations
of individuals point of grammar and sentences which illustrated it.
Grammar translation method pointed out in the first place, language was
used only at the level of the sentences, at the stages of great texts.
Secondly, there was the consideration of spoken language. And thirdly,
accuracy was considered to be essential.
Besides, at the end of the nineteenth century appeared the direct
method, which the teacher and students were agree that grammatical
forms in which they studied to objects and pictures, etc in order to found
their meaning. This sentence was the main object of attention, and
accuracy was important too. It was considered that target language
should be practiced in the classroom.

On the other hand, audiolingualism is characterized by drills to form

these practice; substitution was built into these drills by levels, in which
the student learned frequently and shielded with the possibility of that
the student can make mistakes by the design of the drills. The purpose
of audiolingual is teaching practice formation through repetition of
correct utterances, helped and comforted by positive reinforcement.
Also, audiolingualism the students practice the language adopted
accurate reproduction techniques such as choral repetition, individual
repetition, and cue-response drills. Also, the students practice the new
language; in where they make sentences of their own production. In this
process the teacher introduces a situation which the students in couples
apply the sentences and before listening to a few examples in order to
use the language taught. In this method is created the immediate
creativity, for instances: the teacher accomplishes that the students
think about things are doing at this moment .It is to say situation
presented in their real-life.
Regarding, PPP and alternatives to PPP presents a procedure, which
offers to teacher trainees as a considerable teaching procedure.
According to Johnson 1982,he suggested the deep-end strategy as an
alternative, where students by encouraging the students into immediate
production, when teacher can see if and where students are having
problems during this production phrase and return to presentation and
practice as and when necessary after production phase. Moreover, four
methods are developed in the 1970s and 1980s, such as:
suggestopaedia, total physical response, silent way.
As for, suggestopaedia was developed by George Lozanov which is
concerned with physical environment in which the learning takes place
because is necessary that students require to be comfortable and
relaxed because their affective filter is lowered thanks to Baroque
music. Besides, during this activity students receive different names and
achieve child- parent relation with their teacher, Lozanok calls this
infantilisation; immediately the teacher reads a previously-studied
dialogue to the accompaniment of music baroque, during this phase
there are several minutes in absolute silence and then the students
leave the room silently.

As well, total physical response (TPR) refers that the teacher tells
students some commands which are accompanied by the actions.
Immediately the students respond to commands correctly, one of them
starts to give instructions to other peers.

Besides, silent way points out by Caleb Gattegno which shows the
conduct of the teacher who rather entering into conversation with
students says as modest as possible. In this method the teacher points
to different sounds on a phonemic chart, modeling them before
indicating that the students should say the sounds. In this activity the
teacher all the time, he is in silent, indicating only gesture or action
when individual students begin to speak and then he shows when
sounds and words are said correctly in order to advance to the next
On the other words, communicative language teaching (CLT) presents if
students are involved in meaning-focused communicative task, and
exposure to language in use and opportunities to use it for a students
development of knowledge and skill. The role play and simulation are
performed in CLT taking into account that communicative language
teaching involves real or realistic communication.
Moreover, task-based learning (TBL) makes the performance of
meaningful task central to the learning process, in which is very
important language structure or function to learn; students are
presented with a task who perform or a problem they have to solve. For
instance: a class performs some pre-task activities which involve
questions and vocabulary checking.
With regarding to lexical approach by Dave Willis and Michael Lewis, this
approach is based on the assertion that language consist not of
traditional grammar and vocabulary it is regularly multi-word
prefabricated chunks (these are lexical phrase) such as: the collocations,
idioms, fixed and semi-fixed phrases which form part of the language.
Also, lexical approach has an over-concentration on syntax and tense
usage towards the teaching of phrase which show words in combination,
in a different way from traditional grammar substitution tables.

In fact, teacher and students in dialogue together by Thornbury in 2005

who suggests that ELT needed rescue action and a return to a materials
and technology-free classroom in which language emerges as teachers
and students participated in dialogic relationship who should apply
principles to language learning based on materials into the classroom.
Now, bargains, postmethod and context-sensitivity, for example:
bargains have two essentially divergent methodological beliefs adapted
together as a result of mediation between teacher and students. Also,
postmethod is the way as the teachers and students can study how to
learn collectively.

Nevertheless, there are six strands such as: Affect is when their feelings
and attitudes have relation to their encounters with the language itself
in term of the learning experience in general. Input is when students
need constant exposure to the language that they will not learn how to
use. Output is referred as students need chances to active their
language knowledge through meaning-focused task. Cognitive effort
shows students encouraged to think about language as they work with it
with aids retention. Grammar and lexis are necessaries because lexis is
as important as grammar.


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