Workout 2.1: For Time and Weight
Workout 2.1: For Time and Weight
Workout 2.1: For Time and Weight
100x Singles
5x Snatches
25x Ring Rows
40x DUBs
4x Snatches
20x C2B Pull-Ups
80x Singles
4x Snatches
20x Ring Rows
30x DUBs
3x Snatches
15x C2B Pull-Ups
60x Singles
3x Snatches
15x Ring Rows
20x DUBs
2x Snatches
10x C2B Pull-Ups
40x Singles
2x Snatches
10x Ring Rows
10x DUBs
1x Snatches
5x C2B Pull-Ups
20x Singles
1x Snatches
5x Ring Rows
Powered by:
Workout 2.1 - Rx
50x DUBs
5x Snatches
Weight Used
25x C2B
40x DUBs
4x Snatches
Weight Used
20x C2B
30x DUBs
3x Snatches
Weight Used
15x C2B
Total Weight
20x DUBs
2x Snatches
Weight Used
10x C2B
Powered by:
10x DUBs
1x Snatches
Weight Used
5x C2B
Workout 2.1 - Scaled
100x Singles
5x Snatches
Weight Used
Weight Used
Weight Used
Total Weight
40x Singles
2x Snatches
Weight Used
Powered by:
20x Singles
1x Snatches
Weight Used
5x Ring Rows
Workout 2.1
Jump Rope
Plates to load the barbell to the appropriate
A video is required for every workout to place in
the top 3 for any division.
Prior to starting, film the barbell and plates to be
used so the load can be seen clearly. All video
submissions should be uncut and unedited in order
to accurately display the performance. A running
clock, a timer from an app, or a second person with
a stopwatch, should be in the frame throughout
the entire workout. Shoot the video from an angle
so all exercises can be clearly seen meeting the
movement standards.
Note: This video may be longer than previous
workouts. Be sure you have enough battery life,
memory and time to upload your video. You may
need to increase your limit on YouTube to allow a
longer video.
Workout 2.1
Double Under
This is a standard Double Under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope
must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not just attempts.
Single Under
This is a standard Rope Skip in which the rope passes under the feet only once for each jump. The rope
must spin forward for the rep to count. Only successful jumps are counted, not just attempts. For a rep
to count the athlete must jump with two feet, and land with two feet (Boxing Jump Rope will not be
The Barbell begins on the ground and must be lifted overhead in one smooth motion. Touch-and-go
is permitted. No bouncing or dropping and catching the Barbell on the rebound. Once dropped, the
Barbell must settle on the ground before the athlete begins the next repetition. The Barbell must come
to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the
middle of the body. This is not a ground-to-overhead any way. A clean and jerk, where the bar is lifted
to the shoulders and then lifted overhead is a no rep. If using an empty Barbell, or if plates smaller in
diameter than standard bumper plates are used, each repetition must begin with the Barbell clearly below
the knees.
This is a standard Chest To Bar Pull-Up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as
all the requirements are met. Any grip is allowed, as long as the arms are fully extended at the bottom.
At the top, the chest MUST CLEARLY COME INTO CONTACT with the bar, below the collarbone.
This is a standard Ring Row. Each rep begins with the athlete in a dead hang, with elbows fully
extended, and will finish with both rings in contact with chest. Kipping is allowed, but the ring straps
must remain perpendicular to the ground at all times. The bottom of the rings will be set at hip height.