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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

Elementary Lesson Plan Template

UNLV Student:

Kristen Luque

PSMT Name:


Lesson Plan Title:

Daily Math Lessons

Lesson Plan Topic:




Estimated Time:

70 minute

Grade Level:

5th Grade

School Site:


1. State Standard(s):
5.NBT.3a - Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. Read and write decimals to
thousandths using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form, e.g., 347.392 = 3 x
100 + 4 x 10 + 7 x 1 + 3 x (1/10) + 9 x (1/100) + 2 x (1/1000).
5.NBT.3b - Read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. Compare two decimals to
thousandths based on meanings of the digits in each place, using >, =, and < symbols to record
the results of comparisons.
2. Teaching Model(s):
3. Objective(s):
o SW name decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by applying place
value reasoning.
o SW read and write decimals using base ten numerals, word form, and expanded
o SW compare decimal and fractions to the thousandths using like units, and
express comparisons with >, <, =.
o SW compare decimals to the thousandths using like units, and express
comparisons with >,<, =.
o SW place decimal numbers on a number line and order them.
o SW name decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by applying place
value reasoning.
o SW compare decimal to the thousandths using like units, and express comparisons
with >, <, =.

Knowledge Targets
I know place value to the thousandths.

I can read and write numbers in word form.

I can write numbers in expanded form using unit fractions.
I can write decimals as a fraction.

Reasoning Targets
I understand decimal equivalents (e.g. 0.8 = 0.80 = 0.800 = 8/10 = 80/100).
I know how to multiply a whole number by a unit fraction.
I understand to compare like place value positions
I understand that if both decimals have the same digit in the tenths place, then they must
compare the hundredths, and if those digits are the same, they much compare the
Product Targets
I can write numbers in expanded form incorporating unit fractions and decimals.
Performance Targets
I can use multiple strategies to compare decimals.
Essential Questions/Big Idea (Interactive Anchor Chart)
Monday & Tuesday
o How can we read and write decimals?
o Decimals are read using fractional language. We can write decimals in expanded
form using fractions.
Wednesday & Thursday
o How can we compare decimals?
o Using a variety of strategies to compare decimals increases students number
sense and place value understanding.
comparison symbols
place value positions (to thousandths)

expanded form
4. Materials and Technology Resources:
o Anchor Chart
o Weekly Math Warm-up
o Elmo/Smart Board
o Engage NY Lesson 5
o Math Sprint
o White Boards

o Place Value Charts

o Problem Set
o Exit Slip
o Lesson 5 homework
o Weekly Math Warm-up
o Elmo/Smart Board
o Personal white boards
o Social Studies Weekly Newspaper
o In the Paper WS (Georgia Math)
o Math Sprint(homework)
o Anchor Chart
o Weekly Math Warm-up
o Elmo/Smart Board
o Personal Whiteboards
o Engage NY Lesson 6
o Problem Set
o Exit Slip
o Lesson 6 homework
o Place Value Game (extension)
o Weekly Math Warm-up
o Elmo/Smart Board
o Personal Whiteboards
o On the Line Activity (Georgia Math)
o Exit Slip
o Elmo/Smart Board
o Personal Whiteboards
o Place Value Spinner review game (Teachers Pay Teachers)
o 5.NBT.3 Summative Assessment

5. Instructional Procedures:
Monday 9/19
a. Motivation/Engagement:
We will begin with our morning math warm up. Students will have independent
time to complete their Monday math warm-up. We will review the warm-up
together on the Smart Board. (10 min)
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
After our morning warm up, we will begin the fluency practice.

Students will complete the Math Sprint: Multiply Decimals by 10, 100
and 1000. (5 min)
Students will practice multiplying and dividing by exponents on their
personal white boards.(5 min)
Teacher will display place value chart on the white board and
list a variety of numbers in the chart for practice.
5 tens and 4 ones
Can you recall how we would say this decimal?
Now multiply it by 10^2
Can you recall what happens to the place value when
we multiply a number by the powers of 10? (DOK1)
As a class, we will complete the Application Problem. (10 min)
Display on Smart Board:
Jordan measure a desk at 200 cm. James measure the
same desk in millimeters, and Amy measures the same
desk in meters. What is James measurement in
millimeters? What is Amys measurement in meters?
Show your thinking using a place value chart or an
equation with exponents.
As a class we will complete the Concept Development (20 min)
Students will use their personal white boards to complete the
Students will write the number 3,047 on their boards in
standard, expanded and word form.
After students express the following, they will discuss
with their group members the purpose of writing this
number in different forms.
What can you say about the purpose of writing
this number in these different forms? (DOK2)
Students will represent 1 thousandth in standard,
expanded and unit form.
Students will discuss and share their answers
with their tablemates.
We will write and practice each form on the
Smart Board whole group.
Students will represent three thousandths in standard,
expanded and word form.
Students will discuss and share their answers
with their tablemates.
We will write and practice each form on the
Smart Board, whole group.
Students will represent 25.413 in standard, expanded
and word form.

Students will discuss and share their answers

with their tablemates.
We will write and practice each form on the
board whole group.
Students will work with partners on the problem set. (10 min)
Students will be able to select their own partners to complete
the problem set with.
I will be walking around the room, assessing student
understanding of the following problem set.
c. Closure: (10 min)
As the students are finishing the problem set, we will come back together whole
group, and review any questions they may have had. The students will then take
what they have learned today, and complete the exit slip.

d. Extension:
The students will use the place value chart to create their own numbers that they
will practice writing in standard, expanded and word form. The students will
complete this with their partners, challenging each other to practice saying the
numbers name.
Tuesday 9/20
a. Motivation/Engagement:
We will begin with our morning math warm up. Students will have independent
time to complete their Monday math warm-up. We will review the warm-up
together on the Smart Board. (10 min)
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (50 min)
After our morning warm up, we will begin by passing out the students Social Studies
Weekly Newspaper.
o WG we will review how we represent decimals as fractions such as 1/100 is
the same as .01. We will also review how we can show that representation in
picture form.
o Students will use their personal white boards to review the following: (5 min)
Can you recall how we can represents .01 as a fraction? (DOK1)
Can you recall how we can show this representation in picture form
using a hundredths grid? (DOK1)
The students will work in their triads to complete the following task: (45 min)
o Students will count out 100 words in their SS Weekly Newspapers, and draw a
box around it.
o Students will then follow the directions on the table to determine the fraction
of words that are:
What is a verb? (DOK 1)
What is a noun? (DOK 1)

What are articles? (DOK 1)
Compound Words
What are compound words? (DOK 1)
Number Words
What are number words? (DOK 1)
c. Closure: (10 min)
As the students are finishing the newspaper task, we will come back together as a
whole group to review the assignment.
Can you identify which of the categories had the largest fraction of words
in your selected section? (DOK 1)
Can you recall which of the categories had the smallest fraction of words
in your selected section? (DOK 1)
Can you identify different ways we could order the following decimals?
(DOK 1)

d. Extension:
The students will count out a second section of 100 words, and find the fraction of
words for the same categories a second time. The students will then compare the
two decimals founds in the paper using <,>, =.
Wednesday 9/21
a. Motivation/Engagement: (10 min)
We will begin with our morning math warm up. Students will have independent
time to complete their Monday math warm-up. We will review the warm-up
together on the Smart Board. (10 min)
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (50 min)
After our morning warm up, we will begin with the Application Problem. (10 min)
o Teacher will display the following word problem on the Smart Board:
Ms. Meyer measured the edge of her dining table to the hundredths of
a meter. The edge of the table measured 32.15 meters. Write her
measurement in standard from, word form, and expanded form using
fractions and decimals.
5 tens and 4 ones
Can you recall how we would say this decimal?
Now multiply it by 10^2
Can you recall what happens to the place value when
we multiply a number by the powers of 10? (DOK1)
As a whole group, we will begin the concept development (30 min)
Compare 13,196 and 13,296
Students will use their personal white boards to compare the
two numbers using >,<,=.
Students will discuss their answers with their tablemates.

WG we will discuss the students findings.

Can you identify which number is >,<,=? (DOK 1)
Can you explain how you knew 13,296 was greater?
(DOK 2)
Can you recall you thought process when deciding
which number was greater? (DOK 1)
Compare 0.012 and 0.002 and display on your white board.
Can you identify which number is >,<,=? (DOK 1)
Can you explain how you knew .012 was greater?
(DOK 2)
Can you recall your thought process when deciding
which number was greater? (DOK 1)
Compare .299 and .3 and display on your white board.
Can you identify which number is >,<, or=? (DOK 1)
Can you explain how you knew .3 was greater? (DOK
Can you recall your thought process when deciding
which number was greater? (DOK 1)
Order from least to greatest: 0.413, 0.056, 0.164, and 0.531
Can you explain your strategy for ordering these
numbers? (DOK 2)
Students will work independently to complete the Problem Set. (10 min)
c. Closure: (10 min)
As the students are finishing the problem set, we will come back together whole
group, and review any questions they may have had. The students will then take
what they have learned today, and complete the exit slip.
d. Extension:
The students will work with a partner to compare and contrast numbers using the
place value game. Each pair will receive a deck of cards and place value chart.
Partners will then take turns choosing cards and putting them in whichever place
value they choose. Students will then record their numbers, and compare them to
one another. Students will record whether the number was >,< or =.
Thursday 9/22

a. Motivation/Engagement:
We will begin with our morning math warm up. Students will have independent
time to complete their Monday math warm up. We will review the warm-up
together on the Smart Board. (10 min)
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
After our morning warm up, we will review comparing and ordering decimals on our
personal whiteboards. (15 min)
o Compare 56.789 and 56.879
o Compare 0.453 and 0.435
o Order from least to greatest: 0.089, 0.076, 1.099 and 1.098

o Order from greatest to least: 2.567, 2.095, 0.083 and 0.023

WG we will practice ordering decimals with the use of a number line. (6.5, 6.25, 6.36,
6.72, 6.9) (5 min)
SW work with partners of their choosing to complete the Decimal Line up task. (30
c. Closure: (15min)
As the students are finishing the decimal line-up, we will come back together
whole group, and review any questions they may have had. The students will then
take what they have learned today, and complete the exit slip.
d. Extension:
Students will work together to create a number line on construction paper with the
numbers created from the place value game.
Friday 9/23
a. Motivation/Engagement: (15 min)
We will begin with our morning with the Place Value Spinner Game.
Students will work in pairs and play the Place Value Spinner Game.
Each student will receive a recording sheet
Each pair will receive a set of spinners, and a paper clip
b .Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences: (55 min)
After playing the review game, we will come back together whole group, and review
writing numbers to the thousandths in standard form, word form and expanded form.
We will then review comparing and ordering decimals on the white boards.
Students will take the rest of the time to work on their 5.NBT.3 summative
c. Closure: (10 min)
As the students are finishing their assessment, they will get a sticky note and
answer the essential question(s):
How can we read and write decimals?
How can we compare decimals?
d. Extension:
Students will use this time to complete any of the math activities that they were
unable to complete.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
o Materials will be shown on the Smart Board.
o Students will be read aloud word problems.
o Thursdays Decimal Line up will have multiple versions in order to provide
each student with the appropriate level of difficulty.
Other version will be pulled from Envisions
7. Assessment and Evaluation of Learning:
a. Formative:

Each day throughout the lesson, I will be logging the students performance
with the use of a formative assessment log. I will also use the days classwork
as a gauge to see how the class is doing on each lesson.
b. Summative: The students will complete the 5.NBT3 summative assessment on Friday.
8. Homework Assignment:
Monday: Lesson 5 Homework
Tuesday: Math Sprint
Wednesday: Lesson 6 Homework
Thursday: Review Sheet

9. Reflection:
a. Strengths:

b. Concerns:

c. Insights:

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