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My Aptitude Notes

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Gai] ep- oP *, Low oy gat Isalevays veakoned on C d o B Lov) x10 nw oo) Te | Yarl= (wo + Gain st) tos “)s) s= gee a ee & es ree i ey oleh Goren) Tt an ariel is opld at « ger St Sey (ay), fen p= ey OP Lon Say Baa), van P= ales) CP gp rat? calratite taal Sg eat a gant ey A) and Ihe gells too Similar items 1 Ons When @ person cin are wpe) Common tov) 604 Gain “th io ae Won the Selley clays Inc < on given by pee, but ae fabe © B Th a tinder pofere? to sell his gee at Cos” Err 4 ee Tue Evry — Ever Gain { coeigh fs, Then and sells (kam ae [it] fr [ez] Eh a bay bay oranges att) 4 What dow be gain * lore pevcant ? ig Purchase q oranges fr Ret6 Sells uy orenges for S20 y , 9x20 — xle J. profit oy ley = ——————— vo = E37] ux16 > Sinde UR Si ; ign 1s 4ve, Iman is 5 gan % 22 eT A qeer ail ma ah a pent OF [RA] ona oo, TRU Fina hn total perdenr gain. aps profit + “te lenin wh okal percentage prefil = a ae «key to wh sala Direct Formule: Th Ia Shopkeeper ells his goody at| x =f: [low] on Cosh priee bul , hy j i instead & |Z gr} than bis Percentage. iprepil- Tor tov is - [a9 Z _\m | anlts Sign is 4ve or —ve [Ex] A dishonest decley sells goods at \sd a] ron MN apsida Abe te Instecd oH [16 What Is his percentage profit alow? “fr profik ov loss = (oa) = 0) , ais wt , @ es Ne Since Ike signis tve, VKave is profit cy lo On the cost pri. bur w [Eq] A dishonest desler sells thi goods at Pay! cacight - alhat is his percentage profil or lows? feo ae eee Ko 1 = = Hi gteo — 1 (@- 25 ely +p Profit or low eee ia = A yi 10 2 niet = ie 14 wy » ody and beay al Mss] y +. On Cost priag Ihe his cotael ane Ben i 0 is | Coo: Tage is [Umgy) ER —1@ | acooraing a1 sign 1 ve ov fe) A acter une Yeas 8) w Rack propit ov lov actaal “7° a when he sells bis estiok on 4 When he Sells his artiale, ee . ‘soe t, 40 ines Ihe sign is ave, Wein @ gen b ye prett eqn = Ba @® wrt Qe +4) =e toy 100 wo eye Diveat Fovewle Bikes ot 4) When tRere Profit percent fs aver Py wy OH 2) Wher (hare is 4 hr aoe Joy percent 1 BS i vesul tanh per % Deas a good [Be ot @ prefir aka and o sa) 1 Pees eas) fo ih het Repultant prof oe ae - profit of lw = ony aloe A 1a aver ie fe aie a a Ko seaomse ons 3 fead [Ea we rsa en tap IEG Hed he been «ble to ey tr wnuld have petehed [eo by) run it did. het “en se a ae Ee , 4+ Gt) ap — orl TE] A poser Selb an teu at & \lo-s-]- af he had bough! Find thi ces price? 1 a. = --. CS es aia yas: ASE) 40x12 5 —tlo x1 a) * A (ee ete — BXkiDx*ID ae | ae Goxi25 — Mo x100 250 4 Diveet formula? ae. eee price = l ene ae jo) A desler sald < velo at a lon of [E55)- Had he gtd it for =) mnie Fax whet value should be sell it in order be gain Ia (too +28 ) : ee = Tes S28) eauer, : veut ystems « 4. Pee carek 15 sed oF [PH] petit. Ths oe pee os ty An gcme tine tty SP) Js also lowered by oa y [Rs 8), Tan ea A te vy el: fina tks cost price Of Ihet avlrole- Oe ie : x : bie =| ost price = Wr) -10l(e-<) 7 4 2 a] An atiek 1s Sold at Bea) profit . IPits ap ana sp eve (Tea by ana i ss _ deavean r 5] sespeattiely ke Persentaye profit (increases) [to sh) - find [Re cash pslae™ : to Wore) = to (610) 30. eee] } = 8 2 fesse] - Hy GS pa. Ve ae Ww c c cot pier une Cs i , ad | soles ec aise =e 0 if ite Cour price is. Inercared by [es Sojant Bi] As antiate 15 gold at ea] petit « at tke Same lime if its selling price dd co profit decreased by ea ina Uke Colm Price ? oP e54 ania popts 28> = ae = I pereentage. 1s also tnereaned by: {Read 2 4a. + cool prica = we ae we) Increase In CP — Tnerese 30 Ps 4 a (0. g@iep. SEBReaisuees 30 30 ee ae peracnt Should Ke Yemcinder be sold! Se whole transaction 2 r any Let (K] be WR required perder? - 4, o (worte) 4 3% (max) = whole @ (wre) no) ‘ 2 Qatn? 3 sfo# 2% =2%0 Gs 12 10 lesz, © 120 TE) A men puveharey [5 fever] an eae aa He sells at (15) profit and Ik acu» at Bind I cat 6 YE herd and [A ceos sopavclely Solu lef tra cart af 4 hove be Ra. %, (hin total Jelling pres. = enue) + (uDe-5 ) ts 2 lus BI5% 440 40000 -450% = 10375 x1KO mo" 2137500. 1. x2 ‘St \Rare fore , Get Gt One hexse = Re. i100 (and Cok of —o =) eet eC) 6410 ae Diveat melhod = Value 44 Consignment = ola eb [Ra] pefir and ea P x10 @ betel Comignment = am+yn7+ZR, A 5 we ae a a. wai sold at a pret Yen at a Wh OF aT Iktre Wa 6 OVverell refit oes Fine | \ka dom) nmenlh + | = 5) jae i Value Oy Gansgnment: = Sate go Ra. § bee 2 aoe 16060 Diveal formule’ ab x th pit on fiir pa + geaend pert x ay. profifon Seaencl =r! Fink p. | Peroentage profit = \ eee | Total OF tao (ails. 1 Nandlal Purchared [Bal dozen note books at (Re: 48) for dozen. He ded [@Hozen profit . whe is ha =E] profit ana Te yemainding [iz] dozen al- Hiansaation 7 Pereentage profit = 20 Profit percentage In this Diveat founulst Bos ak moter gene, Creal alatag 1) Aman puychares calain tier ame oe He: mixes (kam togellar ‘and Selb) era ee DY, : ; his gon. loy Je = fa | acauding wai ign te Z@ry) «| 3 beas a lon 64% A a Vhs this businvs he ave of =Ve* A penson bought 2 urnber 8 9506 ei a og ae Wee 2 th bai r Die ct formula = if a Bademen marks a puchasen a discount 4 [ya] fer cash, Ikan Wiore 19 ie a) eae oy -ve eign TenpratTuely. his geod ab al] cbeve by Cat Pitas and allay tor) acanding to +e a where 22 profin in pervert Ea leedesmien ments (his goods al (zoe) aleve bt ont price and Allous pURhERE hs | fo cash. chat profit 1. dots he ee? a discount O P 25% 25 solu ee ee a een eS ile Fs = aT “ fe) et to[Blat 2 gain a\z071) and [2] sels it te]G) at gain {El Wis «Pp (ergs we[Blars gain o (25 PF Blpop [Rs tees} neh dar aot A? \ a) (ce aay = ples oo Pca = S|) is) ces) [Ed A mitten bays Sore smi. tf he sell staf [es 6] titre , he lover SS: 705) ut tghen he sels sea (Re: Gea We he ging (Zag, tee much milk did he Purchare 7 ai Quastity OF mK = jee Bare, eats ce Diffeenes 6 ole =e Diveat fevmuls ay & mie ab ee ‘oil wo Kg 24 Oh Reo) See ae 1" ir (PB) tq oF pube 2 TE Ky % Ome we + edible oil- op alg oF mile costs AL nil ii) Pind VR dost & TAK: ‘ — i 4 milk ETRE Ky Gp edibu oil costa [Rea] Teen a n Kyo milk OX VOR PR VN mxuxw x 7x at formate cosy pens Slane 1. Diffecnos hn meer Re god ling que 2 Ret 4 Difference in ae eS a Bq] A hui mechan meker & profit oy \2ar] by selling mengoed APSE re 1p te charged Re tine om exch merge? he! would gene] Pd! heh tox fina Ia cat price Pex mange: Per @ mange did he gel) ab fist: Also iy ap = jo x 1 alo a oo ee 50-25 ep OE = ae 2. ese ss e Divest -for mule! a Bu cg ie oe ee end a popit LEZ] &. hey eer eae! commodilic and a 10) OF ca sy) mede on Ihe sedondy Sie ho ran Tks percentage in made onplibe cts gem a BB = accessing Gere) We) = KIOXT | w@-1) pecenage gaat Ae, | EEA pres seve TER) & BH tecome 14 le tecem nereares by [2a decides ‘D Save @ bis income , by that pervent bay his Saving | _ U® +) 15 ~ loxito “J: Inarease in Saving = (26515 ~toe0 'o ee Note ‘ ‘i ——Bhen the ineeme b> Mereasen ike Person Saving is contant [han «|. es = 2atitko merewed 6 fall Peraembag ¢ Of Ieame areas . [Ez] A men Sells Fao horsey fer The Gest Op Ike first ir equa) be We sellin Price @y We gain. Ohakis hin total gain or los (in Rupen) 7 Solu We suppoc Ihe ect price GRE fit howe 1) RS. lp 1 horse and horse Tota op 100 lo 5h eN re) RO eee at 90 ae 3 aes No. Grose jee: 17D) = ee A : Pafirs OS ia = [es 40 5 |. He sib A desler ells abu t= [Rs 4a], meting a PRAY BEDE e A iF new los anike tube aba lon op (OT) and cn Im eohok he males neiibel pepe Whet did IKE gerond table cat him? w (25 2 RSS Pope Geom ee er ue) ore TF Mix selling priae OF bl A} Ulan que Ihe Same Profile Bnd thely Seling mig? ea ‘a Diveat “formula: Oieat “eae Ditle = e = Us wry) (oot) ee dased’ \f Rekoh oe evoh get x-)- profit and & emesh EH yn Pall petit Ikan, Selling price = auer) Where A= DiPferenax in profit NTS W57- Wo ~NO+. Of TES ete erst Ge GAP = ‘ W251) Won = eee 00 a 2-B5xO1S & whet sill be the percentage. profil atter Selling an allah aba devlain a a profit = x(le- bles) -10 4 pufik= 28-45) -10 = 10% A hase and acew were sold sr [RS 540] vmaking « profit O-[B5Y) on Wi hi 4 ane an Tre tow. By Selling 4u [Rs- 538) UL profit axculd be On faa) Uk Forse ana (2577) On IK: Cou. Fine Iki Cost o each. BuO 4538 DO +338 (ors fy ele sey ee ES a at os 440 sy). 4 pe} b254tae Seeded eee ees) A ee a 7 = — 1257. — poo. 25-120 0s Hie = 440 “ 4-¢ = 4o 4 # 2H uso He 240 Compound Tntere Compoun) infer = AmunrP ag Let prinaipel 2, Rater Rel Per 2 ae 3% een: 5 When Rater axe different fx different years 1 Sa Rite, Raley Rah Ft ee, ye? verpedivelg Then & eS eG a fa) Wt “) present waert6 OF Reon due n yea hence is given 44° Te] Ar abet vole Peveentage (Coompountt Interest) 401) Sun oO money Gme in [tree years]? aa R Ye “se e i gels, ste te [8 \] xv © [tay 1] e100 2-1) 0 flee) [Ee] Ab that vate percent compounded yeay will fs. 80,¢ tn |B years 2 2 e solu we have goicoo (14 45, ) = 881400 2 eee Ur) ee a (eye Beroee | Ge 20 qo i Hy. 21 Ex The Compound infereit On 9 certain Sum op for |Z years] 1s[ Re qos] = Fimph interenf- is. IRs Ae-0d. Find vate G Interal per ennum and sum 7 Quicker method + [Re 2 yeu only J 2X Differences i eT and ST | —= «100 Rate = ST Kio I ae eee : [EB ted Soo «ona aun ny thin | I feo Diflerenae » Une)? sate Cane Byeen peepee aan * saa COTS cael aro differenea between Ike simp and compount Interests on @ eertain Sum oy money for Been] at \4 | per eon is Re 4] di Goo) 2 R? Pind Ike sum: erlain Sum Of money fr Tf ks difference peliveen Landi St) an 4 a] peel ee Differena x 1007 122 x loo? : at 2 (eeoth) BY (qnots) are compound ‘interes On @ certain sum G+ morey. biayer|s loreal ieeieteae 420.| Pind We eter lene) uae he Steere iris 200% R t o. = eS ea ee only ae ¢ ee kL 2 a “0 Wor) eal Rs. [God becomes Rs. Boon] 1» [yeas] ab « ceclsla vate @ compound What «will be thi Sum aften| a years]? 1214 Gow) 3 - Solu Required Amount = st 005 Tae ase *N4 qa Poe Difference @ amount after nyeas and (N41) yeen x10 at ee .._idsdCOWC:dOd( Arout after 9 years an Js years on Compound Interest + find ie rake percont= , B24 —4syo q8uo x 100 ou 1, Rete 2 ind yale & interest few fis TE] yeoo $s FEE], fo Ri neg Spr tis next be years is ate and ihe lot be yee ts York, Valereal” Oe Rs |x] ty (G 66 ate Fst y weeem und infers will emncuny te CL EEEIIESEESS z= 2249-52 ——— = ok (oup leq ei boe 3 Lovo, payment wail discharge debt % [Ro 162d clue in Bye] er \ pes ennum compound interest? what annuel 2 \e Ler exah installment, be ea[a) Ite a yeer hence} + (BW! oy Reese aie henae), [rw o} Raxdue 4 [pw o ba * dus ayeco henad] = 1620 x as pe x “eee aa + = = Gs a s ° + “4 Se?) reed) ae 64 E x Bs 4 Oe 2U6* 7620 dod 2TH 4250 F2IEX = TEe a at 243 x 3u > Giese ee 762 Drmeunt Of eco iatallmen = [eau] A dum op meray Pala ca 6670 — © Sp (14 Bye 101088 © . i we get @ On dividing aubs tty velin in eavalian © ea = eer ey lige + Ex] A men saver [Rs 2a] at Mend G ecoh yer and bendy thi [Baz] compound interest. How much will IF besemes ef thi enc oy gue Amount = Re [ow (4 > 4 20(4 5)? 4 20 vz3] 2 fae «20 edt 2) 4 20 2) «2h ' fe aS oh ae eet =o a TE}. A bank fers deposits \& (eco Jeach on 47% Tenvery end a8 quly of yee. AF thee IK yer, I amount he would have gained by way of Joteres ig 2 a compound wleresI~ calaulated on elf Yeerig|hass A 2 : a ——- Amount = [0 (i a) 4 16m (9 ea ] = | t600 (4+! 44 5 q ( (4) 4 Ideny tt = econe say Play ~ 16@ x GIK x Payers eae ere) - [Re 23an J 4qOxK qo z l= Rs(332] ~ 3200 ) > Bi] = Gas 6 we ag ied pt . Oe Lael i Bt she compaund interes on a Sum Gp mene! for yeas] is [e gimp _inteven} Tenth ems sum fur same period — Ca ie aie . nie Compaund infereat and Ue almp interest for @ yen] in) ee. «Ree Sole ie betwen pifferenee in aT and 8-T fer 2yeovs = Re 32. Gr tes one year = RS 40° 5.1 on Re-ten dw ore Nears (RSESE| id So, Rate | (2*32 = ) = Sl 400%) Venae, Aiffernas, 4p (Opulent eee ate . Bt an Re ean = Be eee sey 10 Total difference = na (2 466-56) Rs 48-56 ey bar lent at compound salenest fer Eyer] ot Eel ew gable half yea A sum G me! ee (oe . Te sun is ? Ves) 12 th payable aonuall{ Ikea, elf aed = Ler The gum be RS % ~ QT when compounded # (tebe Seeug GT when campounaed « The effective annudl rele Interest eres pond fear] per annum paysble [half yecrly P 4 year then Compounded bal - pearl. ig te a aensel noms oly Amount Re ico ter Boe = Ra. tow (14 5)" 2 Rs 106-07, EYfeatwe vale = (io6-07-10) 4 = (6:01) [Ex] My Due invested meney in tiie Schem A and B offering Compeund 4, “d. d [Ecrecpea) ana fro pa} opectoely - cf ta total amount Gri tetal amounl Invested ay \Ra acheme A? Sols LF IK investment- in gaheme A be Rs X- Wier , Investenenl” in Scheme ® = Rs. @t000- 1) tle : a 17 aS | + (21000 alt a i| + Gs18-80- 1881 Coteoo x) _ 481830 si [e000 1@ G@e00~x) = 484630 60 , 4) = (50787000 ~ + 8183, 000) ea The leash ‘number “Gagaeyy nels ea iis ahaa s = a Rae money pulour ab 20%}, aompound Interest wit be mem Wan deubled is 7 p(n )> 20 >2 So, 92 4 year. A man bores JR5-a te be paid “back toil5 compound Inféreat ap 2 vate o [gst] per snmum by Ike end Ez ay] In Kise equal Teal Isfeteat Hows mudh toil) each instelinenD be ? ‘ Let the Value Cy eceh instalment be [as 3) , ams x ~ -—— el = 2560 te 1K, bury (aS a 4 4 yz as Cre Gee Ge r 2550 NEM ison aa Valu } each inslaleent~ « Ra: 1352 compound Inferaaf At IRE end! gh every pao much dees be still Cue after wats y= 2550 RETE CS X= ia: se0\et (sex) mo bs pat yepayrnent Ex A man. borrows [A yeav he pays [Rs lire. Such inatalments 7 4H a [ase (te) | ee aed. | 4 Besa) 2, 2ado( &) +2 as (aven(&) Eames) eee) 7) Bier as (ese) Simple Lntevest— oni ee TP Ike infeves on a sum bovrowed fur a certain perled 4 we cltoned nif , Ikan iris called “Simple infers” k principal = « Lek princi. Pos Rete = Kele py annum (pa) and Time = years fem =: SS (oo : = 4h The aonuel payment Hal oil) disaberge a deb Oy + Ike vate G Wheres!” fev] per cpnum 3s 100 A a1 : ea 2 | [Ee] Whet annual payment will discharge a debt o Ro 176] due in vee] + haan tke vate @ toterot being ez per oe 7 ce tay eee b OP ETAS. «lige. sh A Sa a = Boot Phe a Henae Annual 04 yment= = [142] ‘ ; —potereal x 100 _| Prireipel At + Rott ERnTO pa eemeteyee| ee reli EY ts [pales 209 fer Ire period beyond [Bynes Pee on ie : ae ws pies depos F 10 ky Oy alana 5 pant © i a of 3 =| hove rch money simp interest” (exe) Gh ors) ee

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