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Traditional Water Conservation Systems of India

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Modern India Can Learn a Lot from These 20

Traditional Water Conservation Systems
by Sanchari Pal
July 15, 2016, 7:33 pm

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We all know water is essential, but too many of us think it’s unlimited. In reality,
fresh water is a finite resource that is rapidly becoming scarce. In India, a warming
climate is drying up lakes and rivers, while rapid urbanisation and water pollution
are putting enormous pressure on the quantity and quality of surface and ground
water. The country’s fragile agricultural system still depends primarily on rainfall
and a bad monsoon season can wreck havoc on the national economy.


Water conservation is a key element of any strategy that aims to alleviate the water
scarcity crisis in India. With rainfall patterns changing almost every year, the Indian
government has started looking at means to revive the traditional systems of water
harvesting in the country. Given that these methods are simple and eco-friendly for
the most part, they are not just highly effective for the people who rely on them but
they are also good for the environment.


History tells us that both floods and droughts were regular occurrence in ancient
India. Perhaps this is why every region in the country has its own traditional water
harvesting techniques that reflect the geographical peculiarities and cultural
uniqueness of the regions. The basic concept underlying all these techniques is that
rain should be harvested whenever and wherever it falls.

Archaeological evidence shows that the practice of water conservation is deep

rooted in the science of ancient India. Excavations show that the cities of the Indus
Valley Civilisation had excellent systems of water harvesting and drainage. The
settlement of Dholavira, laid out on a slope between two storm water channels, is a
great example of water engineering. Chanakya’s Arthashashtra mentions irrigation
using water harvesting systems. Sringaverapura, near Allahabad, had a
sophisticated water harvesting system that used the natural slope of the land to
store the floodwaters of the river Ganga. Chola King Karikala built the Grand Anicut

or Kallanai across the river Cauvery to divert water for irrigation (it is still functional)
while King Bhoja of Bhopal built the largest artificial lake in India.

Drawing upon centuries of experience, Indians continued to build structures to

catch, hold and store monsoon rainwater for the dry seasons to come. These
traditional techniques, though less popular today, are still in use and efficient. Here
is a brief account of the unique water conservation systems prevalent in India and
the communities who have practised them for decades before the debate on
climate change even existed.

1. Jhalara

Jhalaras are typically rectangular-shaped stepwells that have tiered steps on three
or four sides. These stepwells collect the subterranean seepage of an upstream
reservoir or a lake. Jhalaras were built to ensure easy and regular supply of water

for religious rites, royal ceremonies and community use. The city of Jodhpur has
eight jhalaras, the oldest being the Mahamandir Jhalara that dates back to 1660 AD.

2. Talab /Bandhi


Talabs are reservoirs that store water for household consumption and drinking
purposes. They may be natural, such as the pokhariyan ponds at Tikamgarh in the
Bundelkhand region or man made, such as the lakes of Udaipur. A reservoir with an
area less than five bighas is called a talai, a medium sized lake is called
a bandhi  and bigger lakes are called sagar or samand.

3. Bawari


Bawaris are unique stepwells that were once a part of the ancient networks of
water storage in the cities of Rajasthan. The little rain that the region received would
be diverted to man-made tanks through canals built on the hilly outskirts of cities.
The water would then percolate into the ground, raising the water table and
recharging a deep and  intricate network of aquifers. To minimise water loss
through evaporation, a series of layered steps were built around the reservoirs to
narrow and deepen the wells.
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4. Taanka 


Taanka is a traditional rainwater harvesting technique indigenous to the Thar desert

region of Rajasthan. A Taanka is a cylindrical paved underground pit into which
rainwater from rooftops, courtyards or artificially prepared catchments flows. Once
completely filled, the water stored in a taanka can last throughout the dry season
and is sufficient for a family of 5-6 members. An important element of water
security in these arid regions, taankas can save families from the everyday drudgery
of fetching water from distant sources.
5. Ahar Pynes


Ahar Pynes are traditional floodwater harvesting systems indigenous to South

Bihar. Ahars are reservoirs with embankments on three sides that are built at the
end of diversion channels like pynes. Pynes are artificial rivulets led off from rivers
to collect water in the ahars for irrigation in the dry months.  Paddy cultivation in
this relatively low rainfall area depends mostly on ahar pynes.

6. Johads


Johads, one of the oldest systems used to conserve and recharge ground water, are
small earthen check dams that capture and store rainwater. Constructed in an area
with naturally high elevation on three sides, a storage pit is made by excavating the
area, and excavated soil is used to create a wall on the fourth side. Sometimes,
several johads are interconnected through deep channels, with a single outlet
opening into a river or stream nearby. This prevents structural damage to the water
pits that are also called madakas in Karnataka and pemghara in Odisha.
7. Panam Keni


The Kuruma tribe (a native tribe of Wayanad) uses a special type of well, called the
panam keni, to store water. Wooden cylinders are made by soaking the stems of
toddy palms in water for a long time so that the core rots away until only the hard
outer layer remains. These cylinders, four feet in diameter as well as depth, are then
immersed in groundwater springs located in fields and forests. This is the secret
behind how these wells have abundant water even in the hottest summer months.

8. Khadin


Khadins are ingenious constructions designed to harvest surface runoff water for
agriculture. The main feature of a khadin, also called dhora, is a long earthen
embankment that is built across the hill slopes of gravelly uplands. Sluices and
spillways allow the excess water to drain off and the water-saturated land is then
used for crop production. First designed by the Paliwal Brahmins of Jaisalmer in the
15th century, this system is very similar to the irrigation methods of the people of
ancient Ur (present Iraq).

9. Kund


A kund is a saucer-shaped catchment area that gently slope towards the central
circular underground well. Its main purpose is to harvest rainwater for drinking.
Kunds dot the sandier tracts of western Rajasthan and Gujarat. Traditionally,
these well-pits were covered in disinfectant lime and ash, though many modern
kunds have been constructed simply with cement. Raja Sur Singh is said to have
built the earliest known kunds in the village of Vadi Ka Melan in the year 1607 AD.

10. Baoli

Built by the nobility for civic, strategic or philanthropic reasons, baolis were secular
structures from which everyone could draw water. These beautiful stepwells
typically have beautiful arches, carved motifs and sometimes, rooms on their sides.
The locations of baolis often suggest the way in which they were used. Baolis
within villages were mainly used for utilitarian purposes and social gatherings.
Baolis on trade routes were often frequented as resting places. Stepwells used
exclusively for agriculture had  drainage systems that channelled water into the

11. Nadi

Found near Jodhpur in Rajasthan, nadis are village ponds that store rainwater
collected from adjoining natural catchment areas. The location of a nadi has a
strong bearing on its storage capacity and hence the site of a nadi is chosen after
careful deliberation of its catchment and runoff characteristics. Since nadis
received their water supply from erratic, torrential rainfall, large amounts of sandy
sediments were regularly deposited in them, resulting in quick siltation. A local

voluntary organisation, the Mewar Krishak Vikas Samiti (MKVS) has been adding
systems like spillways and silt traps to old nadis and promoting afforestation of
their drainage basin to prevent siltation.

12. Bhandara Phad


Phad, a community-managed irrigation system, probably came into existence a few

centuries ago. The system starts with a bhandhara (check dam) built across a river,
from which kalvas (canals) branch out to carry water into the fields in the phad
(agricultural block). Sandams (escapes outlets) ensure that the excess water is
removed from the canals by charis (distributaries) and sarangs (field channels) The
removed from the canals by charis (distributaries) and sarangs (field channels). The
Phad system is operated on three rivers in the Tapi basin – Panjhra, Mosam and
Aram – in the Dhule and Nasik districts of Maharashtra.

13. Zing


Zings, found in Ladakh, are small tanks that collect melting glacier water. A network
of guiding channels brings water from the glacier to the tank. A trickle in the
morning, the melting waters of the glacier turn into a flowing stream by the
afternoon. The water, collected by evening, is used in the fields on the following day.
A water official called a Chirpun is responsible for the equitable distribution of water
in this dry region that relies on melting glacial water to meet its farming needs.

14. Kuhls


Kuhls are surface water channels found in the mountainous regions of Himachal
Pradesh. The channels carry glacial waters from rivers and streams into the
fields. The Kangra Valley system has an estimated 715 major kuhls and 2,500 minor
kuhls that irrigate more than 30,000 hectares in the valley. An important cultural
tradition, the kuhls were built either through public donations or by royal rulers. A
kohli would be designated as the master of the kuhl and he would be responsible
for the maintenance of the kuhl.

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15. Zabo


The Zabo (meaning ‘impounding run-off’) system combines water conservation with
forestry, agriculture and animal care. Practised in Nagaland, Zabo is also known as
the Ruza system. Rainwater that falls on forested hilltops is collected by channels
that deposit the run-off water in pond-like structures created on the terraced
hillsides. The channels also pass through cattle yards, collecting the dung and urine
of animals, before ultimately meandering into paddy fields at the foot of the hill.
Ponds created in the paddy field are then used to rear fish and foster the growth of
medicinal plants.

16. Bamboo Drip Irrigation


Bamboo Drip irrigation System is an ingenious system of efficient water

management that has been practised for over two centuries in northeast India. The
tribal farmers of the region have developed a system for irrigation in which water
from perennial springs is diverted to the terrace fields using varying sizes and
shapes of bamboo pipes. Best suited for crops requiring less water, the system
ensures that small drops of water are delivered directly to the roots of the plants.
This ancient system is used by the farmers of Khasi and Jaintia hills to drip-irrigate
their black pepper cultivation.
17. Jackwells


The Shompen tribe of the Great Nicobar Islands lives in a region of rugged
topography that they make full use of to harvest water. In this system, the low-lying
region of the island is covered with jackwells (pits encircled by bunds made from
logs of hard wood). A full-length bamboo is cut longitudinally and placed on a
gentle slope with the lower end leading the water into the jackwell. Often, these split
bamboos are placed under trees to collect the runoff water from leaves.
Big jackwells are interconnected with more bamboos so that the overflow from one
jackwell leads to the other, ultimately leading to the biggest jackwell.

18. Ramtek Model


The Ramtek model has been named after the water harvesting structures in the
town of Ramtek in Maharashtra. An intricate network of groundwater and surface
water bodies, this system was constructed and maintained mostly by
the malguzars (landowners) of the region. In this system, tanks connected by
underground and surface canals form a chain that extends from the foothills to the
plains. Once tanks located in the hills are filled to capacity, the water flows down to
fill successive tanks, generally ending in a small waterhole. This system conserves
about 60 to 70 % of the total runoff in the region!

19. Pat System


The Pat system, in which the peculiarities of the terrain are used to divert water
from hill streams into irrigation channels, was developed in the Bhitada village in
Jhabua district of Madhya Pradesh. Diversion bunds are made across a stream
near the village by piling up stones and then lining them with teak leaves and mud
to make them leak-proof. The Pat channel then passes through deep ditches and
stone aqueducts that are skilfully cut info stone cliffs to create an irrigation system
that the villagers use in turn.
20. Eri


The Eri (tank) system of Tamil Nadu is one of the oldest water management
systems in India. Still widely used in the state, eris act as flood-control systems, 
prevent soil erosion and wastage of runoff during periods of heavy rainfall, and also
recharge the groundwater. Eris can either be a system eri, which is fed by channels
that divert river water, or a non-system eri, that is fed solely by rain. The tanks are
interconnected in order to enable access to the farthest village and to balance the
water level in case of excess supply. The eri system enables the complete use of
 river water for irrigation and without them, paddy cultivation would have been
impossible in Tamil Nadu.

There are several other hyperlocal versions of the traditional method of tank
SHOPin Android
irrigation in India. From keres CentralApp ह ी മലയാളം
Karnataka and cheruvus in Andhra Pradesh
to dongs in Assam, tanks are among the most common traditional irrigation
systems in our country.

These ecologically safe traditional systems are viable and cost-effective

alternatives to rejuvenate India’s depleted water resources. Productively combining
these structures with modern rainwater-saving techniques, such as percolation
tanks, injection wells and subsurface barriers, could be the answer to India’s
perennial water woes.

Also Read: 7 Ways Indian Villages Adopted Water Management to Combat Drought

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Written by Sanchari Pal

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