Biscuit Factory Set Up
Biscuit Factory Set Up
Biscuit Factory Set Up
Biscuit is an important item of bakery industry. It has now become a common item of
consumption among all classes of people. With tea or coffee, biscuit makes a tasty nutritious
snack. Biscuit is highly nutritious, easy to digest and can be preserved for a long time.
By varying the ingredients and flavours it is possible to produce a variety of biscuits. About
50 per cent of the total biscuit production in our country is of glucose variety, thin arrow root
biscuits account for 10 per cent, salted variety around 5%, and sweet assorted variety like
coconut cookies, cream biscuits, etc about 25%. Govt. agencies like ITDC, Defence,
Railways, Airlines, etc. are the bulk consumers of biscuits. In recent years Bangladesh made
biscuits have also found ready acceptance in the export market.
Suggested Capacity
The minimum economic capacity of a unit manufacturing biscuits is 525 tons per annum
based on a single shift operation of 300 days working schedule in a year.
Raw Material
The annual requirement of main raw materials for the manufacture of 525 tonnes biscuits
per annum at 100% capacity utilisation is estimated as follows:
1. Wheat flour
345.00 M.T.
2. Sugar
105.00 M.T.
3. Vegetable fat
62.28 M.T.
4. Liquid glucose
8.16 M.T.
5. Misc. items, milk powder, yeast, colours, flavours, coconut, fat, packaging materials, etc.
The unit may require a total connected load of about 80 KVA and a maximum demand load
of about 75 KVA. Its annual requirement of water is estimated at about 3,000 KL.
Manufacturing Process
The process of manufacture of biscuits is nearly the same as used for bread up to the
fermentation period. In some cases such as vanilla wafers, fer-mentation is not done and
therefore yeast is not required. Soda crackers are usually made by the sponge Dtugh process.
The dough is then passed through biscuits moulding, stamping and cutting machines. The
pieces are then baked in an oven such as reel :ven, band oven, travelling plate oven, steel
mesh oven, etc.
The baking takes place at 200-260C and the time taken varies between 3-15 minutes
depending an the type and thickness of the biscuit being made. The baked biscuits are cooled
and sorted. The defecrve biscuits are removed and the rest wrapped in waxed papers and
packed. A typical ingredient mix for plain biscuits is given below:
1. Flour
2. Fats and shortening
3. Sugar
4. Invert sugar syrup
5. Ammonium bicarbonate
6. Sodium bicarbonate
7. Non fat milk powder
8. Eggs
as reqd
9. Salt
10. Yeast
11. Flavour
12. Edible colours
The unit may provide employment to about 42 persons including factory workers and staff
for factory supervision, administration and sales, and watch and ward, etc.