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Introduction To Finite Element Method Dr. R. Krishnakumar Department of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Madras Lecture - 14

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Introduction to Finite Element Method

Dr. R. Krishnakumar
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Lecture - 14
In the last class, we saw the potential energy theorem. We actually derived it by using
variation of principles. We also in that process saw the principal of virtual work and
we said that both of them are the same, in the sense that, we can get solution of a
problem either by going through this potential energy theorem or through the virtual
work principal. I hope, you all remember. On one hand, we derived potential energy
theorem from the virtual work principle. On the other hand, we also said that if I have
to go through this route, what is the assumption that we made? We said that strain
energy should be defined or in other words, as far as potential energy theorem is
concerned, it is valid when its functional exists; in a more mathematical term, the
functional exist.

In this case, what is the functional? Pip is the functional. In other words, the potential
energy is called as the functional, because it is the function of the functions. This
functional exists, only when strain energy density function exists or in other words for
an elastic problem, we say that we can go through the route of the potential energy.
On the other hand if you look at elastoplastic problems, then we cannot derive the
constitutive equation through the strain energy density. Then we have to resort to the
virtual work principal or in other words, our starting point will not be the potential
energy theorem, but will be one step before it. That is the virtual work principle. We
will see that later, because we are going to derive somethings now. So, we will do that
first and then come back to this problem of defining or determining the stiffness
matrix and in that process how do we go about either from potential energy principal
or from the virtual work principle. We have to wait for, I mean that, that has to wait
may be, till next class.

(Refer Slide Time: 3:12)

But, before we go ahead, let us look at the problem that we did or that we posed in the
last class. We said that we have to derive or we have to determine what this problem
is. I hope all of you remember this problem. This is one of our earliest problems that
we did. What is that we determined? We determined u2 and u3; all of you remember
this problem? Right. Now, my goal is to do the same problem by using potential
energy principle.

(Refer Slide Time: 3:39)

You know what potential energy is. It is the strain energy minus the potential lost due
to external loads; due to the work done by the external loads. u minus say omega; let
me write that as u minus omega. Omega is the potential or minus omega is the
potential lost or in other words, in simple terms, it is just P into d. P is the load that is
acting, d is the displacement for that load. Can you help me now to determine u? u is
equal to, please note that I have already put for your sake 1, 2 and 3. There are two
ways in which we proceed; just a word of caution, two ways in which we can proceed.
One is to look at the boundary condition at this stage itself. We look at it like that and
start writing down, but for a bigger problem this may cause a bit of confusion. There
is nothing wrong, but it may cause a bit of confusion. Why, because actually the
problem has it that there is a reaction that acts at 1; there is a reaction that acts at that
point or in other words, the potential is also lost due to reaction. But, it so happens
that the displacement at that place is equal to zero and hence P into d term would b
equal to zero. Is that clear?

But, nevertheless in order to complete the picture, in order to complete the picture, it
is a good practice to write it down completely along with the reaction. Help me in
writing that. So, that is equal to half into K1, one of you can say that; K1 into say u2
minus u1 whole squared; u2 minus u1 whole squared plus half K2 into u3 minus u2
whole squared minus P into u3 minus R into u1, where R is the reaction that happens
to be present at 1. Is this clear? What is the next step? What are my degrees of
freedom? u1, u2 and u3; so, pip is the function of u1 u2 and u3.
What is that we do as a next step? Differentiate this with respect to uis. So dow pip by
dow ui is equal to zero. Is that clear? So, what happens to dow pip by dow u1? Yeah,
work it out, because it is a good practice. Instead of just following what I write, it is a
good practice; just you write it down. That will be half into K1 into, so, u1 squared
plus u2 squared minus 2u1 u2. The first term here will be 2u1; 2u1 minus, minus 2u1 u2,
so minus 2u2. Is that clear? So, nothing will be present here and then we will have
minus R; minus R and that is equal to zero. Is it clear? Straight forward.

(Refer Slide Time: 8:05)

Now, write down what is dow pip by dow u2? dow pip by dow u2. What is it? Yeah,
you do that. You look at this here; look at this thing here and then differentiate it with
respect to u2. May be, I think it is better to write it here, so that you can see it here.
What will happen to the first term? Here also, u2 is there. So, differentiate it and then,
do the same thing with respect to u3 as well. Both of them are equal to zero. I will
give you 2 minutes. Just do that and look at the result and ultimately fill this up for

(Refer Slide Time: 8:59)

So, just do that you fill it up for me. So, what will you get? We will get K1, there
minus K1, zero; here minus K1 K1 plus K2, sorry minus K2 minus K2 and K2. Look at
that expression now. Is it clear? What is this? Go back and of course that is zero; go
back and have a look at what we did in your earlier classes? Is it exactly the same? In
other words, what is that you have done? You have got the same stiffness matrix, first
from equilibrium equation; remember that we got that from equilibrium equation.
Now, you have got the same stiffness matrix from potential energy theorem. What is
here by the way?

R and minus P, because the directions are important; minus P, R and minus P, so on
and so you can work it out. P, R and P, rather R zero P; R zero and P and so the
direction of R automatically be determined from this. I am sure you can or in other
words you can leave the first row, calculate the u2 and u3 from the second and third
row and you can get this thing going. After this, I think I will leave this problem. I
just wanted to show you that the same problem that you did earlier with the
equilibrium equation can also be determined by means of this potential energy
theorem. I would like to do another problem. The other problem is slightly more
complicated and I am going to introduce Rayleigh-Ritz procedure today. Yeah, any
question? Is that clear? Let us now look at another problem and we will introduce
what is called as a Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, before we go into actually the finite
element analysis.

(Refer Slide Time: 12:08)

Look at the problem, q is equal to Cx. C is equal to force per L squared. Determine
the displacement. Determine the displacement and the stress and the strain. That is the
problem; q is equal to Cx and C is equal to some force per L squared. Determine the
displacement. Now, you have to first write down pip. What is this displacement?
Displacement is now function of x. So, u is some function of x. Is it clear? Now, write
down pip first, as a first step write down pip. It consists of two terms; strain energy
term as well as the potential that is lost due to external loads. What is the strain energy
in this case? You know that, half sigma epsilon. What is sigma? E into epsilon.

What is epsilon? du by dx; now, this is integrated. This is per unit volume, so this is
integrated throughout the bar. I can ultimately write the first term of pip as half zero to
L E into u comma x whole squared into Adx. That is all; Adx. Is that clear, first term?
What is the second term? Minus integral zero to L u into what is now the force?

(Refer Slide Time: 14:36)

Cx into dx; Is that clear? So, force is u into Cx into dx. My whole job becomes
slightly more complicated here, because I want to find out now u as a function of x.
Now, we will follow what is called as Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, which actually is a
precursor or a pre runner to finite element analysis. What Rayleigh-Ritz did was to
convert an accurate problem into an approximate. In other words, he found out
approximate solutions to this problem. What he did was that, he introduced an
approximate function for u, introduced an approximate function for u.

(Refer Slide Time: 15:31)

For example a polynomial can be introduced for u. u is equal to say a0 plus a1x and
a2x squared and so on. It was found that this polynomial should satisfy the boundary
condition. In other words, u in this case happens to be a1x plus a2x squared plus so on.
Is that clear? So, he said that I will approximate u in terms of some polynomial
function which we say a1x plus a2x squared plus a3x cube and so on. That is the first
step. Now, what he did was to substitute this expression for u into the function pip.
What happens when I substitute like that? This is an approximate solution; remember
that it is an approximate solution. We will comment about the solution later in the
class, but right now, let us say that what we want to do is to approximate u in terms of
some a1 a2 and so on.
What happens when I substitute this into this expression, into pip? pip will now
become a function of a1s, sorry, as; that is a1 a2 a3 and so on. In other words, in the
previous expression or previous problem, I had piP in terms of u1 u2 and so on. Now, I
will have it in terms of a1 a2 and so on. In other words, a1 a2 a3 can be looked at as a
degree a freedom. That is correct. So, a1 a2 a3 can be looked at as degrees of freedom.
Is it clear? Yes, what is this degree of freedom? I know I can understand that you
immediately do not catch. There is no physical meaning to this degree of freedom. On
the other hand in my previous problem, you did not have any doubts, because the
degree of freedom was very clearly written as u2 u3 and so on, for which physical
meaning was very clear to you.

On the other hand, here I am writing it in terms of a1 a2 and a3 and hence you may
have a doubt as to what this means and that is one of the reasons why, finite element
method modified this Rayleigh-Ritz procedure and introduced this concept of nodes
and degree of freedom, corresponding to the displacements of the nodes. Is it clear?
So, as a first step, let us see how to do the problem with, say, taking only one, u is
equal to a1x; only one term. We will do that with two terms as well, but before that let
us look at the final result.

Just write it down at the corner of your note book, so that when you do this problem
with single or a1 alone or one term and then with two terms compare that with the
final result which I am going to give.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:59)

The final result can be written as u is equal to 6, sorry C divided by 6 AE into 3L

squared x minus x cube; 3L squared x minus x cube. So, that is the final solution or
accurate solution or analytical solution, by solving this problem analytically. Now, my
goal is to get an approximate solution. In other words, whatever I am talking about,
equilibrium is approximately satisfied; is not accurately satisfied at every point, but
on an average it is satisfied. So, the first thing is take u is equal to a1x, substitute it
into this expression and see what you get.

Let us see how to do that. Yeah, any questions, any doubts? Yeah; half into sigma
epsilon. What is sigma? E epsilon; so half E epsilon squared. What is epsilon? du by
dx or u comma x; What is du by dx is what I write as u comma x. So, E epsilon, sorry,
E epsilon squared becomes E u comma x squared. Is it clear?

(Refer Slide Time: 20:40)

Yeah. Now, u is equal to a1x. That is what I want you to work on, so that du by dx
becomes a1. Is that clear? Now, you have to help me. What is pip?
(Refer Slide Time: 21:05)

Half zero to L, E into a1 squared into dx minus, Adx minus the other terms. Now, you
fill it up. You know, I will just wait for a minute. I am not going to do this problem. I
am going to give you some five, ten minutes, let us see. What I want you to do is, I
want you to do the first problem with this a1 alone and then I want you to do the
second problem with a1 plus a 2x. Let us get the results for these two problems and
then, we will see, compare it with the final result. Before we proceed, just a minute;
so, you will write it in terms of pip. The next solution is very simple. If you want, I
can write that also. Zero to L, u is what? a1x into Cx dx.
It is a1x into Cx dx. So, pip is now function of a1. Clear? Any question? No; a1 is not a
constant. It is a degree of freedom. What it means is that, u is equal to a function of a1
plus a2x and I am trying to find out what this distribution is? Please note this
carefully. It is not a constant, because whatever be the loading, I will write it in terms
of a1 plus a2x. This is the polynomial, irrespective of the loading condition. Is that
clear? It is the polynomial irrespective of the loading condition; a1 plus a2x and so on.
Now, I will find out that a1 and that a2 which will satisfy the potential energy theorem.
That is dpip by dai; dow pip the dow ai.
What is that? That is what I am trying to find out. So a1 a2 is something like a
variable. It is not that you can, it is a concept, whereas on the other hand, this form of
the equation a1 plus a2x or a0 plus a1x plus a2x squared plus a3x cubed and so on, that
form is the same. Usually polynomials are used; may be, sometimes sine and cos
functions can also be used but 99% of the case, it is the polynomial that is used. So, a1
a2 a3 and so on becomes the degree of freedom. They are like us; u1 u2 u3 and so on.
Is that clear? Now what you do is, differentiate this. Then, calculate dow pip by dow ai
or dow a1, in this case. There is only one a; so, a1. dpip by da1 and calculate a1. That is
the first step. Just a minute; you know, before you proceed, let us look at the other

The next problem or next step in this problem is to compare this result with two as.
What happens if there are two as? That is a1 plus a2. u is equal to a1x plus a2x
squared, so that du by dx is equal to a1 plus 2 a2x. Substitute it here. Find out what the
results are and let us now compare the results with respect to one degree of freedom
and two degrees of freedom or in other words, a linear term and the quadratic term.

We will stop for 10 minutes and see whether you are able to work out this solution
and then later, one of you can come and work out this and then we will get some very
interesting results to compare with actual solution or analytical solutions. So, you had
some 10 minutes time to work out. I hope you would have done the problems, but let
us look at the first problem.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:48)

For your sake let me work out or let me look at the first problem or the first part of the
problem. The first part we had said that u is given by means of a1x. Substituting it
here in this expression so that du by dx becomes a1 and hence epsilon x whole squared
becomes just a1 squared, I can write down pip in this format. Then, integrating it, so,
this term becomes, now this tern becomes just L and that term becomes, what is it? L
cube by 3, so that, ultimately a1 becomes CL squared by 3AE and note that dpip by
da1 is equal to zero and that is our initial condition for the potential energy theorem. Is
that clear?


(Refer Slide Time: 26:47)

Now let us look at the second part of the problem. The second part of the problem has
u to be defined in terms of a1x plus a2x squared or in other words what is that we have
done? We have taken more terms in the polynomial and all of you know that as I take
more and more terms in a polynomial I can fit, whatever be the order of u I can fit or
whatever be the curve, I can fit it closer and closer. Any curve can be represented by
means of polynomials. I go closer to the curve, as I take many more number of terms.
That is the whole idea. You are right now clear that, when I take more terms to u then,
I will go closer to the solution. We are going to see that in just a minute.

At this point of time compare u with, what you have got as the final solution or the
accurate solution or rather solution that has been arrived at from analytical means and
then compare this also, the stress and strain that you arrive at also, with respect to the
other thing or in other words, immediately you can realize, how do you calculate
stress, by the way?


(Refer Slide Time: 28:12)

So, this is equal to, u is equal to a1x. So, du by dx will give me epsilon x and that is
equal to a1 and that is equal to this expression. So, CL squared by 3AE gives me the,
what is that it gives? Strain multiplied by E gives me the stress. So, what does it
mean? It means that, now the stress, if I have taken, when I have taken the one term,
is constant throughout the bar, which is definitely rather an approximation.

Let us look at two term solution. Let us see how better this two term solution is and
let us see whether one of the students can come and workout a two term solution. Can
you come? We can work out the two term solution. You can bring your paper,
whatever you have worked out and look at that. Write boldly, yeah. You work it out;
work it out as you have done; the second one. Yeah; so, you can point out if there is
any mistake. Is it correct? a1 squared; what happens to this term actually u comma x;
u comma x is what? dow u by dow x. What is that here? a1 plus a2x whole squared.
What? Is he writing correctly? So, 4; so, this is the second one. a1 a2x, so, the first
term is right. What is it? 2, yeah, 2a2x; not x2, yeah, that is it. Just x squared, yeah, I
did not notice it, sorry. 2a2x squared, so, second term is right. a1x plus a2x squared
into C into xdx.

Now integrate this. First term becomes a1 squared into x. When I substitute for L, that
becomes a1L. Yeah, yeah; you left out a1 squared.


(Refer Slide Time: 32:14)

Yeah; is that the second step? What is the third step? Please note here that pip is now
in terms of a1 a2 only, because we have already integrated. So, you can clearly see that
pip, like in the previous problem or previous discussion, is a function of D1 and D2 and
so on. Now, it is a function of a1 a2 and so on. So, obviously what we have to do is to
differentiate pip with respect to a. That is a1 and a2; dow a1.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:52)

By 3; algebra can be quite complicated, you cannot leave out any term. Is that right?
2a1 L plus, this term comes from the 4a1 a2 L squared divided by 2; from that term


you get that. That is for a1. Similarly, you write down dow pip by dow a2; dow pip by
dow a2. Yeah, you can take this side dow pip by dow a2. Is that okay? Any one has any
objections to it? No algebra mistake; you can rub this off. So, we get now two
equations in a1 and a2. Just I think you can write down the final value of a1 and a2, you
can solve for it. Just get the final values of a1 and a2. You can write down the a1 a2
final values.

(Refer Slide Time: 35:42)

CL squared by 12AE; CL by 4AE, a1 is CL by, yeah by 4AE; CL by four AE and a1 is

7CL squared by 12AE.

How does this solution look like? Let us just draw approximately how this solution
looks like and see where we stand with respect to the actual solution? Let us see what
What is the actual solution? How many terms are there or what is the, I think, I had
written down already, I think I have written in a piece of paper. What is the solution?
It is cubic, in terms of x cube. First let us plot u versus x.


(Refer Slide Time: 37:32)

Let us say that that is the correct solution or in other words that is the solution. It has
been obtained from analytical means. What is the solution when we took only one
term? It is a linear solution and hence that is what if I plot it, that is what I would have
got and the second term solution is actually very, very close to the actual solution and
looks something like that. In other words, as I take more and more terms, as I take
more and more terms, what is that I do? I approach the actual solution.

(Refer Slide Time: 38:23)


Now, let us see how the stress plot looks like? Now, what would be the stress plot for
the first case that is for the actual solution? Will it be a straight line? What is the stress
plot for the actual case? It is in terms of x cube. So, it will be a quadratic. The solution
would look something like this, sigma versus x. Now, how would the first thing look
like or the first solution or first part of the solution? It would be a constant. So, it is
like this and the second one, what about the second one? It would be linear. That is
something like this. That is the case. Is it clear? Can someone Just look at it for a
minute. Can you comment on this graph? There are very interesting things there; there
are very interesting things.

Number one is that, yes, there is a constant; there is a linear variation, that is very
clear. But apart from that, there are other things as well. Can you look at that graph
and tell me? Just take a minute to look at it and tell me. Beautiful; so in other words in
other words That is a very good answer. In other words, what it means is that there are
points where the solution is very accurate. There are points in this particular bar,
where the solution happens to be very accurate. Later on you will see that in finite
element analysis also, there are points where the solutions are very accurate and these
points are called as super convergent points. That is a very interesting result. So, these
two are very interesting, but the point you may ask is how many terms do I take? Do I
take only one term, two terms or three terms and number two whether I can take only
x cube terms, from x cube terms onwards? What will happen and so on? These are
some of the questions, you may ask. So, there are some rules for writing down the
displacement functions.


(Refer Slide Time: 41:28)

Number 1, the displacement function should be complete, should be complete. What

does it mean? It means that if I take a higher order term, x squared term, then I should
also take the linear term and so on. Why, because for example, if I had started this
whole exercise of writing u in terms of x power 4, if I had taken this in terms of x
power 4, what would have happened? Beautiful; so, we would not have got the
solution at all. It is important that we have a complete series. If I take x power 4, I
should also have x terminate, x squared terminate, x cube terminate and then only x
power 4 terms; so, it should be complete in that sense.

Yes, I can leave out, after a1 and a2 I can leave out other terms, it does not matter. But
I cannot go to the end or n? terms like, after cube or terms with higher order terms and
then leave out lower order terms. Number 2, the u should be continuous. Whatever I
choose, the u should be continuous and should be single valued, or in other words
then only it will give you compatible results. It should be a single valued function;
that is important. We are going to expand these conditions later, when we go to the
second degree and so on. But right now, it is important to realize that this is the one
these are the two important conditions.

Now, let us again look back this curve, look at this curve. Now, look at this curve.


(Refer Slide Time: 43:27)

There is one more thing that you would notice from this curve. What is that you
notice? That the displacement that we have arrived at is lower than the actual
displacement; the displacement that we have arrived at is lower than the actual
displacement. In other words, what does it mean, physically? No, what it means
physically? Physically it means, yeah, that is it. Physically it means that the stiffness
is more. The stiffness is more, when? When is that? When I restrict the degree of
freedom; see, obviously in a one term solution, I had only that a1 fellow. On the other
hand, when I make it two terms, a1 and a2, I had two chaps to really tell me, how
displacement takes place? So, lesser the degree of freedom, more stiff it becomes and
hence the displacement terms are smaller or displacements are smaller.

Another thing you should notice very carefully between the two graphs. What is that,
between this graph and this graph? What is that you notice between the two?


(Refer Slide Time: 44:48)

Please notice that displacements are much more accurate than the strains and the
stresses. Notice that displacements are much more accurate than strain and stress. This
is the same as stress or strain .. the same; only thing is I have multiplied by E. But,
in other words u is much more accurate than its derivative and notice one more thing
carefully. These observations are very important because we are going to extend this
same observations into finite element analysis, which is nothing but a small extension
of the Rayleigh-Ritz principle.

One more thing can you notice from the stress graph. You see that at the end, stress is
not zero, as is shown in other cases. In other words, stress boundary conditions will
not be exactly satisfied but will also not be accurately satisfied, but also be
approximately satisfied. You can look at Rayleigh-Ritz procedure, what we have
done, in another sense; in the sense that we do Rayleigh-Ritz procedure by assuming
as if the whole body is one element. Now, finite element can be looked at as a
Rayleigh-Ritz procedure with the difference that we split up the body into a finite
number of elements and start writing down this kind of equations, for every element.

There is quite a unity between finite element and this Rayleigh-Ritz procedure,
because both of them are approximate, both of them try to write down the
displacement conditions in terms of certain other factors like a1 or u1 and so on and
both of them rely on, say, for example potential energy minimization or potential


energy principle. Is that clear? We will start the derivation for finite element analysis
from potential energy principle in the next class. But, meanwhile if there is any
question, I can answer. Is this procedure clear? What we are going to do is to extend
this procedure and apply it to a number of elements. I know that the criticism, as
someone said that, a1 a2, what is a1 a2 a3? That is not very clear. That is exactly what
we are going to address, when we go to finite element or in other words what we are
going to do is to replace the degrees of freedom a1 a2 a3, which does not seem to have
any physical meaning by means of degrees of freedom of the nodes, which seems to
have much more or which looks like it has a much more physical sense rather than
as. How are we going to derive this? We will see that in the next class.


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