Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Chemical Engineering Prof. S. de Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Chemical Engineering Prof. S. de Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Advanced Mathematical Techniques in Chemical Engineering Prof. S. de Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Prof. S. De
Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture No. # 27
Solution of Higher Dimensional PDEs (Contd.)
Good morning everyone. So, we are looking into the higher order differential equations
for multidimensional partial differential equations and parabolic equations to you and use
the separation of variable to solve these equations.
Now, in today’s class, in the last class whatever we have done is that, we have taken up a
3-dimensional problem in the and with all Dirichlet boundary conditions, 2 dimension in
space and 1 dimension in time and we solve the problem completely by using separation
of variable technique.
Now, we have also discussed in the last class, what are the conditions where one will be
using a lumped systems analysis in heat conduction problem in chemical engineering
applications, where the governing equation is basically an ordinary differential equation.
And under what conditions, the special variations of the temperature within the body of
the material become very important and the problem becomes a multi-dimensional
problem and you will be landing with a partial differential equation.
Now, in today’s class, we will be looking into the 3-dimensional problem and 4-
dimensional problem in more detail and in the last class, we have done the we have taken
up an example, where we have solved the problem using all Dirichlet boundary condition
un embassy basic problem. Now in today’s class, what you discuss, I will discuss out of
the 4 boundary conditions, at least some of the boundary conditions will be containing
are Dirichlet, Neumann and Robin mixed boundary condition for a basic problem.
Then we will take up one more example for an actual problem, how to reduce the actual
problem in the form of the basic problem and one can get the complete solution. And
then, we will move into the 4-dimensional parabolic partial differential equation.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:17)
Now, we have the 4 boundary conditions, we fix up some of the boundary conditions as
robin mixed and Neumann and Dirichlet are mixture of the of all, at t is equal to 0. Since
it is a basic problem, we must be dealing with a non-homogeneous initial condition. So,
at t is equal to 0, u is equal to let say u naught or that means, it is a constant or in more
general, it may be a function of x and y, where or it may be a function of x alone or it
may be a function of y alone.
So, all of these 4 combination can be specified can be this functions can be specified as
the initial condition. And the boundary conditions, where let us say at x is equal to 0, u is
equal to 0, at x is equal to 1 we have u del u del x plus Beta u is equal to 0, at y is equal
to 0, we have let say del u del y is equal to 0 and at y is equal to 0, y is equal to 1 we
have let say u is equal to 0.
So, if you look into this problem and compare with the earlier problem solved in the last
class, the difference is that, both the problems are 3-dimensional parabolic partial
differential equations, both the problems of a homogeneous boundary condition and non-
homogeneous initial condition.
In the earlier problem the difference is that, in the earlier problem all the boundary
conditions were Dirichlet boundary condition, but in this problem, we have a Dirichlet
boundary condition present at x is equal to 0; we have a mixed boundary condition
present at x is equal to 1, we have a Neumann boundary condition present at y is equal to
0 and we have a Dirichlet boundary condition present at y is equal to 1.
So with this, let us move forward to solve this problem almost completely, since this is a
linear and homogeneous governing equation and linear boundary linear boundary
conditions and homogeneous boundary condition, we can go ahead with the separation of
variable type of solution. That means, the solution u is composed of a product of 3
quantities, 3 functions, which will be a function of time alone, another function will be
function of x alone, another function is function of y alone.
So, therefore, we can write u as a product of T of t X of small x and capital Y for small y,
then we substitute this in the governing equation. If we do that, then you will be getting
X Y d T d t is equal to Y T d square x d x square plus X T d square Y d y square, divide
by X Y and T. What will be getting is 1 over T d T d t is equal to 1 over X d square x d x
square plus 1 over Y d square Y d y square.
Now, the left hand side is a function of time alone, the right hand side is a function of
space alone and they are equal, they must be equal to some constant. And this constant is
minus lambda square, if this constant can be 0 or positive then, will be landing up with a
trivial solution, we have already proved it earlier. Now, let us compose decompose the
spatial part, 1 over X d square x d x square is equal to minus lambda square minus 1 over
Y d square Y d y square.
So, again the left hand side is completely a function of x, the right hand side is entirely a
function of y and that. So, they will be equal to some constant, again if this constant is 0
or positive, we will be landing up with a trivial solution. So, this constant must be a
negative constant that will be minus alpha square. Next, we put it we formulate the
governing equation of x.
So, we equate 1 over X d square X d x square with minus alpha square. So, you will be
getting d square X d x square plus alpha square x is equal to 0. Now, let us put down the
boundary conditions on capital X, it must be satisfying the x varying part must be
satisfying the boundary conditions on x of the original problem. So, at x is equal to 0
your capital X is equal to 0, because u was equal to 0 at that boundary and at x is equal to
1, you have d X d x plus Beta u is equal to 0 per Beta is scalar parameter.
Now, if you look into this problem and examine this problem, this problem is a special
form of a standard Eigen value problem or Sturm Liouville Problem with the boundary
conditions as homogeneous boundary conditions. We have already solve this sub-
problem earlier, if you remember that the Eigen values of this equation will be obtained
from the transcendental equation, b Eigen values of this equations will be obtained from
the equation write alpha n tan alpha n plus Beta is equal to 0. So, Eigen values are roots
of this equation where n goes from 1, 2, 3 up to infinity.
So, Eigen values are the roots of this equation and Eigen functions are sine functions are
sine functions, they are sine alpha n x. Next, we have also solve this problem and got the
complete solution, let us look into the complete solution. X n is the Eigen function of
corresponding to n th Eigen value, so this will be C 1 sine alpha n x.
So, these are the Eigen functions and then, let us look into the other problem, that is the y
varying part. If we look into the y varying part, the governing equation becomes lambda
square minus with 1 by Y d square Y d y square is equal to minus alpha square.
So, this will be 1 over Y d square Y d y square is equal to alpha square minus lambda
square, again if you look into the right hand side, alpha is a constant, lambda is a
constant this constant can be positive. So, the whole thing becomes a constant, again this
constant is positive, if this constant is 0, we are going to get a trivial solution. So, this
constant has to be a negative constant. So, let us say this negative constant is nu square.
So, we can get an expression of lambda square will be nothing but, nu square plus alpha
So, d square Y d y square plus nu square Y becomes 0 and if you look the into the
boundary conditions on y, the boundary conditions on y of y must be satisfying the
boundary conditions of the original problem on y. So, therefore, at y is equal to 0, d Y d
y must be equal to 0 and at y is equal to 1, capital Y must be equal to 0.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:53)
So, if you look into this problem, this problem is again a standard Eigen value problem
with the homogeneous boundary condition a Neumann at the center at y equal to 0 and at
y is equal to 1 a Dirichlet boundary condition. And we have already solved this problem
earlier and we if you remember that for this particular problem, the Eigen values will be
2 m minus 1 pi by 2 and Eigen functions are cosine function. So, this is a again a
standard Eigen value problem. So, therefore, the Eigen functions, the Eigen values will
be 2 m minus 1 pi by 2, where the index m runs from 1, 2, 3 up to infinity and Eigen
functions are cosine functions cosine 2 m minus 1 pi by 2.
So, this we write as nu m and y. So, this will be cosine nu m y, where nu m is nothing
but, 2 m minus 1 pi by 2. So, let us write down the y m as c 2 cosine nu m y, next we
look into the time varying part. If you look into the time varying part, this time varying
part will be nothing but, one over ok. So, if you look into the lambda square now, lambda
square we have already obtained is equal to nu m square plus alpha n square and if you
really look into the value, you know value of lambda, lamda is a function of nu m and
alpha n.
So, therefore, what is left for this problem is the time varying part, the time varying part
if you look into the time varying part, this becomes 1 over T d T d t is equal to minus
lambda square. So, since lambda is a function of m and n, so we put a subscript m n
corresponding to lambda and corresponding solution on T we put m and n. So, therefore,
we integrate this out, T m n can be expressed as x, some constants c 3 exponential minus
lambda m n square times t.
So, now, we have solved each of the segments, each of individual segments separately
and we can construct the complete solution. The complete solution first will be having let
say U m n, U m n will be nothing but, 3 constants multiplication of this three functions
and the 3 constants will be multiplied and giving rise to a new constant, let us have it C
m n. So, C m n exponential minus lambda m n square times t cosine nu m y into sine
alpha n x.
So, the overall solution will be obtained as u is nothing but, double summation over u m
n, one is over m another is over n. So, therefore, this will be double summation C m n e
to the power minus lambda m n square t cosine nu m y sine alpha n x. Now, this problem
is solved and what is left behind is the solution of the determination of the constant C m
n. So, we get this constant from the initial condition at t is equal to 0, u was equal to u
naught. So, this will be u naught summation, double summation one over m another over
n. So, this becomes c m n cosine nu m y sine alpha n x.
So, what we do next? We utilize the orthogonal property of the Eigen functions, cosine
functions and sine function. We Exploit orthogonal property of Eigen functions cosine
function and sine function. So, therefore, what we are going to do? We are going to
multiply both sides of this equation by sine nu n y and cosine alpha n x d x d y.
So, if you do that, we will be getting u naught double integral u naught sine nu n y cosine
alpha m x d x d y, this will be from 0 to 1, this over x, this over y from 0 to 1 that will be
is equal to summation 1 over m, another over n C m n integral double integral 1 over X,
another over y cosine nu m y nu n y d y. So, that will be integration over y, then this
should be multiplied by we another integration over x, that will be sine alpha n x sine
alpha m x d x.
This will be sine alpha m and this will be cosine nu, we multiply both side by sine nu m
y and sine alpha n sine alpha m x (Refer Slide Time: 19:49). So, this is fine, this is sine
nu m y cosine alpha m x. So, what we are going to get here that, once open up this
summation series what will be getting is that, cosine nu m y, this will be cosine here
cosine nu n y d y will be is equal to 0, for m not is equal to n and integral sine alpha n x
sine alpha m x d x will be is equal to 0, for m not is equal to n.
So, all if you open up this summation series, all the terms will vanish, only one term will
remain that will be 1 m is equal to m. So, what we will be getting is integral y integral x,
u 0 will be taken out because that is a constant, integral sine nu m y and cosine alpha m x
d x d y is equal to C m n integral cos square nu m y d y from 0 to 1 and integral sine
square alpha n x d x.
So, we know the value of cos square nu m y will be 0 to 1 will be half, but this value is
not half because that will be not the you know, so will be getting this equation by solving
whatever we have done earlier. So, we already know how to handle this integral. So, I
will just write down the value of C m n, C m n will be 2 u naught integral over y integral
over x, sine nu m y cosine alpha m x d x d y divided by integral from 0 to 1 sine square
alpha n x d x.
So, we can evaluate this integral analytically and we will be able to solve this problem
completely. So, that gives you the solution of the equation, u is equal to summation
double summation C m n e to the power minus lambda m n square t plus e multiplied by
cosine nu m y sine alpha n x, this is over m 1 to infinity, this is over n 1 to infinity, this
integral from 0 to 1, this integral from 0 to 1 (Refer Slide Time: 23:13).
So, we can analytically evaluate this constant and one will be able to obtain the complete
solution of the function of the variable u as a function of x y t. So, this gives a
presentation that when the boundary conditions are not of same time, if they are mixed
with the Dirichlet boundary condition, Neumann boundary condition and mixed
boundary condition, what will be the nature of the solution one will get? Since you will
be having the Neumann boundary conditions, the Eigen functions will be cosine
functions and Eigen values will be 2 n minus 1 pi by 2, since the one of the boundary
conditions in a y direction is basically they are in the Eigen functions, they are in the
mixed boundary condition.
So, you will be getting the sine functions as the Eigen functions and sine and the Eigen
values will be obtained from a transcendental equation. So, depending on the boundary
conditions, one will get the various Eigen functions and can get either sine function or
cosine function in your solution. Now, I will be taking up one complete example in a 3-
dimensional problem in chemical engineering application and see, how that will be
reduced to the solution. So, we have already known, how to solve a basic problem in 3-
dimensional basic problem in 3-dimensional analysis.
And I will be taking up just 1 chemical engineering application, where we will be getting
the boundary conditions all non-homogeneous sine generalized and then, we can break
down the problem in the form of basic problem; then one can construct the complete
solution by superposing a by using principle of linear superposition of all the solution to
add them up and you will be getting the complete solution.
So, if you divide both side by rho C p, what you will be getting is del T del t is equal to
alpha del square T del x square plus alpha del square T del y square a bracket. Now,
alpha is the thermal diffusivity and this will be K divided by rho C p, now we set up the
boundary conditions at t is equal to 0, we have T is equal to T naught. Let say T naught
is the temperature that is existing for T is equal to at initially at time T equal to 0 at x is
equal to 0, let us say we have a Dirichlet boundary condition, let say x is equal to 0, T is
equal to T 1 and at x is equal to 1, at x is equal to a.
So, this will be let say minus K del T del y del T del x is equal to h times T minus T
infinity; that means, the boundary at located at x is equal to a is expose to the
environment. That means, how much whatever the heat that is coming by conduction at
the boundary is taken up by the convection.
So, you have a Dirichlet boundary condition at x is equal to 0, you have a robin mixed
boundary condition at x is equal to a, next what we do? We set up the boundary
conditions for y, at y is equal to 0, we have T is equal to let say, it is a we are supplying
let say constant heat flux to the system. So, minus K del t del y will be is equal to q
naught, q naught is the constant heat flux that is going into the system.
So, this is known as the constant heat flux condition, then let us put the other boundary
that is at y is equal to b, T is equal to T 2, we maintain a Dirichlet boundary condition or
a constant temperature at the boundary located at y is equal to b. Now, let us first non-
dimensional this equation as we have done earlier, if you really set it up what will be
getting is that, at we define x star as x by a and y star as y by b.
And we defined, so there are how let us look into the how many sources of non-
homogeneity are present in this problem? In this problem, initial condition is a non-
homogeneous initial condition, the boundary condition at x is equal to 0 is non-
homogeneous, the boundary condition at x is equal to 0 is non-homogeneous because of
this term.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:03)
So, we have 1, 2, 3 non-homogeneities here and both the boundaries on y, that is minus k
del T del y is equal to q naught and T is equal to t 2, both are the both of this term they
contribute as the non-homogeneous term in the governing equation. So, there are 5
sources of non-homogeneity in this particular problem. So, if we define a temperature
such that, we can reduce at least 1 non-homogeneity and we can reduce them from 5 to 4.
So, this T 1 minus infinity, T 1 minus infinity will be cancelled, what we can do, we
multiply both side by a square. So, this becomes alpha by a square you take a square
common. So, this becomes d square theta d x star square plus a square by b square del
square theta del y star square. So, we take it on the other side, so it becomes a square by
alpha t del theta del t is equal to del square theta del x star square plus a square by b
square del square theta del y star square.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:37)
Now, if you remember that, a square divided by a square divided by alpha. So, this not T
here a square divided by alpha as a unit of time. So, we can define a non-dimensional
time. So, the right hand side is entirely non-dimensional. So, left hand side has to be non-
dimensional. So, we define a time as tau t alpha divided by a square as a non-
dimensional time.
So, our governing equation now becomes del theta del tau is equal to del square theta del
x star square plus let us say, kappa square del square theta del y star square, where kappa
is equal to a by b, the geometric factor. Now, let us set up the, make the boundary
conditions non-homogeneous the dimensionless. So, at x is equal to 0 means, at x star is
equal to 0, t is equal to t 1, so therefore, theta is equal to t 1 minus t infinity divided by t
1 minus t infinity. So, theta becomes 1.
So, that is the boundary condition at x is equal to x star is equal to 0, at x star is equal to
1 that means, that at x equal to a, this becomes minus K theta t becomes T 1 minus T
infinity del theta del x. So, divided by a del x star is equal to h theta, into T 1 minus T
infinity. So, this will be cancelling out. So, what will be getting is del theta del x star plus
Biot number times theta is equal to 0, where Biot number is equal to h a over k.
So, that becomes the boundary condition at x star is equal to one, now if you see this
boundary condition as become homogeneous boundary condition. So, therefore, let us
make the other boundary conditions non-dimensional at y is equal to 0; that means, at y
star is equal to 0 minus k del t del y is equal to q naught. So, minus K T 1 minus T
infinity del theta del y star is equal to q naught. So, if we take it other side, del theta del y
star becomes q naught b divided by K 1 T 1 minus T infinity with a negative sign.
So, the left hand side is completely non-dimensional. So, right hand side has to be a non-
dimensional quantity, let us put this as q 0 prime, which is a non-dimensional quantity.
Next, we put the other boundary condition, so that is at y is equal to b, t is equal to t 2.
So, at y star is equal to 1, we have theta is equal to T 2 minus T infinity divided by T 1
minus T infinity is equal to let say theta 2. Now, let us see in this problem, how many
sources of non-homogeneities are there.
(Refer Slide Time: 35:51)
So, we put the initial condition, we make the initial condition non-dimensional as well.
So, this becomes T was is equal to t naught. So, therefore, theta was is equal to T naught
minus T infinity divided by T 1 minus T infinity. So, that becomes theta naught. So, if
you look 1, 2 and 3 and 4, so there are 4 sources of non-homogeneities in this problem
ties in this problem and this if you remember in the original problem, we had 5 sources
of non-homogeneities; so, therefore, we have reduced at least one non-homogeneity in
this by doing this non-dimensionalization.
Now, since there are 4 sources of non-homogeneity, so therefore, the original theta the
will be divided into 4 sub-problem considering, 1 non-homogeneity at a time. Let us say,
theta is equal to theta 1 plus theta 2 plus theta 3 plus theta 4. So, what I will be doing? I
will be formulating all these sub-problems one after another, but I would not be solving
it completely, because you have already looked into the solution of the basic problem in
the earlier two examples.
So, one can get these sub-problems and break down these sub-problems up to the form of
the basic problem then, one can go ahead with the solution whatever we have done in the
earlier class. So, let us look into the formulation of the governing equation of theta one,
considering one non-homogeneity at a time, del theta 1 del tau is equal to del square
theta 1 del x star square plus del square theta 1 del y star square with a kappa square
So, this with the now we consider, one non-homogeneity at a time therefore, we keep the
non-homogeneity of the initial condition with this forcing all the other non-
homogeneities on the boundaries to be vanish. So, at tau is equal to 0, we write theta is
equal to theta naught at x star is equal to 0, we had theta is equal to 1, theta is equal to 0,
we force the non-homogeneity to vanish, at x star is equal to 1, this is already non-
So, this becomes del theta 1 del x star plus Biot times theta 1 is equal to 0, at y star is
equal to 0, we have we make this forces boundary condition to be homogeneous, del
theta del y del theta 1 del y star is equal to 0 and y star is equal to 1, we have the
boundary condition as theta is equal to theta 2.
So, we force all the other 3 non-homogeneities to vanish. So, we have 1 non-
homogeneity here this is force to be homogeneous, this is already homogeneous, the
boundary condition at y star is equal to 0 is force to be homogeneous, the boundary
condition at y star equal to 1 is forced to be homogeneous. So, this is a basic problem
basic problem or a well-posed problem. So, we have already seen the solution of this. So,
we know the solution of theta 1.
Now, let us look into the other parts, the governing equation of theta 2 will be del theta 2
del tau is equal to del square theta 2 del x star square plus kappa square del square theta 2
del y star square. Now at tau is equal to 0, theta 2 we make it homogeneous, the initial
condition and one boundary condition, we keep as non-homogeneous that is at x star is
equal to 0, we keep this non-homogeneity intact. So, theta 2 is equal to 1 and at x star is
equal to 1, we have del theta 2 del x star plus Biot times theta 2 is equal to 0.
So, it is already there, it is already homogeneous and at y star is equal to 0, del theta 2 del
y star is equal to 0 and at y star is equal to 1, theta 2 is equal to 0. So, we keep this non-
homogeneity intact forcing all the other non-homogeneities to vanish, but this is an ill
posed problem; simply because this becomes a ill posed problem, the initial condition is
0 and one of the boundary condition becomes homogeneous.
So, this problem has to be divided into two sub-problems theta 2 becomes f a theta 2 s
which will be function of x and y alone, and there will be other part that is theta 2 t.
Now, what we do? We put this value there. So, this becomes del theta 2 t del tau is equal
to del square theta 2 s, del x star square plus del square theta 2 s, del y star square plus
del square theta 2 t, del x star square plus there will be kappa square here, plus kappa
square del square theta 2 t del y star square. So, we collect the similar terms and
formulate the governing equation, first we solve the steady state part, we take the steady
state part the steady state part is del square theta 2 s. So, it becomes del square theta 2 s
del x star square plus del square theta 2 s del y star square is equal to 0 and next we
formulate the theta 2 t.
So, that will be del theta 2 t, del tau is equal to del square theta 2 t del x square plus
kappa square del square theta 2 t del y star square. Now, let us set up the boundary
condition of the steady state part, the boundary condition should satisfy the boundary
condition of the original problem. The original problem in this case is theta 2, that is the
parent problem for this, at x star is equal to 0, we have theta 2 is equal to 1.
So, therefore, we put theta 2 s plus theta 2 t is equal to 1. So, we associate the non-
homogeneous part with the steady state solution and we associate the homogenous, we
force the boundary condition of theta 2 t the time varying part, we force it to be
homogeneous. Therefore, at x star equal to 0, we put theta 2 s is equal to 1 and at x star is
equal to 0, we put theta 2 t is equal to 0.
So, we force it to be homogenous and this at x star is equal to 1, if you look into the
original problem it was del theta 2 del x star plus B i theta 2. So, this will be del theta 2 s
del x star plus B i theta 2 s is equal to 0 and for this, at x star is equal to 1 del theta 2 t del
x star plus B i theta 2 t is equal to 0 and at y star is equal to 0 we had del theta 2, del y
star is equal to 0. So, it is homogeneous, so no problem.
So, this becomes del theta 2 s del y star is equal to 0 and at y star is equal to 0, we have
del theta 2 t del y star is equal to 0. And similarly, at y star is equal to 1, there will be
kappa square here, at y star is equal to 1 we had theta 2 is equal to 0 so, therefore, theta 2
s is equal to 0 and at y star is equal to 1 theta 2 t is equal to 0.
And let us put into the initial condition at tau is equal to 0, theta was theta 2 was theta 2 s
plus theta 2 t, that will be equal to 0. So, it will be theta 2 t is nothing but, theta 2 s which
will be a function of x star and y star. Now, if you look into this particular problem, this
will be the initial condition is non-homogeneous and this is not equal to 0 and this is
nothing but, the solution of the steady state part that is number 1.
Now, let us come back to the steady state problem. In this steady state problem, this is an
elliptical partial differential equation, we have not seen till now, how to solve the
elliptical partial differential equation. We will see shortly after couple of classes may be
then this boundary condition, all these 3 boundary conditions are homogeneous, but 1
boundary condition is non-homogeneous will be able to solve this problem completely.
So, that problem is solvable, this is a well posed problem.
So, we have already seen the solution of this, provided we can supply the initial
condition as the solution from this problem and we have homogeneous boundary
conditions. So, absolutely no problem, we can get the solution of theta 2 which will be
nothing but, a linear superposition of theta 2 s plus theta 2 t.
Similarly, if you look into the third problem and we can solve the third problem as a we
and fourth problem like that. So, if we formulate the third problem, keeping 1 non-
homogeneity at a time. So, third problem will be del theta 3 del tau is equal to del square
theta 3 del x star square plus kappa square del square theta 3 del y star square at tau is
equal to 0, theta 3 is equal to is equal to 0 at x star is equal to 0, we have theta 3 is equal
to 0 at x star is equal to 1. We had del theta 3 del x star plus B i Biot theta 3 is equal to 0
that is already homogeneous from the parent problem, at y star is equal to 0, we have del
theta 3 del y star is equal to is equal to q 0 prime, this non-homogeneity we keep intact.
And at y star is equal to 1, we force the non-homogeneity to vanish. So, again if you
examine in this problem, in this problem only 1 non-homogeneity we have kept in the
formulation and this non-homogeneity is appearing in the boundary condition with a 0
initial condition. So, again this problem has to be divided into two sub-problem, one is
the function of space there is the steady state part, another is the function of time and
space, both that is the transient part.
So, theta 3 is nothing but, theta 3 s which is a function of x and y plus theta 3 t which is a
function of x y t both. We have already seen in the earlier example that, how to get the
governing equation of theta 3 s and theta 3 t and we will by selecting we will be
associating the boundary condition, non-homogenous boundary condition with the steady
state part forcing this boundary condition for that transient part to be homogeneous.
So, that way and the initial condition of the transient part will be nothing but, the minus
of the solution of the steady state part. So, we can completely solve the steady state part
which turns out to be a parabolic lead and elliptical partial differential equation in this
case as well and you know transient part will be having non-homogeneous initial
condition and all the boundary conditions becomes homogeneous. So, this problem
becomes a well-defined or well posed problem and we have already seen the solution to
that and we can get the solution of this problem as well.
Next, we look into the formulation of the sub-problem theta 4, that will be del theta 4 del
tau is equal to del square theta 4 del x star square plus kappa square del square theta 4 del
y star square. Now, we keep one non-homogeneity here and forcing the others to vanish.
So, this will be tau is equal to 0, theta 4 is equal to 0, at x star is equal to 0 theta 4 is
equal to 0, at x star is equal to 1 del theta 4 del x star plus Biot times theta 4 is equal to 0,
at y star is equal to 0 del theta 4 del y star is equal to 0.
And at y star is equal to 1, we keep the non-homogeneous term theta 2 naught. Now, in
this problem, we have kept all we have forced all the non-homogeneous term to vanish
and kept the boundary condition non-homogeneity of at the boundary at y star is equal to
1. Again, this problem has 0 initial condition, non homogeneous initial condition, non-
homogeneous boundary, 1 non-homogeneous boundary condition.
Then again it is an ill posed problem, we have to convert this problem into well posed
problem. So, therefore, theta 4 is equal to theta 4 as a function of theta 4 s, which is a
function of x star y star plus theta 4 t, which is a function of x star y star and tau both all.
So, this will be function of x star, y star and tau; now like the earlier problem, we
formulate differently the governing equation of steady state part, the transient governing
equation of the transient part and we can we associate the non-homogeneous term to with
the steady state solution, force forcing that the transient part should be assured have a
homogeneous boundary condition at y star is equal to 1.
So, therefore, will be having and the initial condition of the transient part theta 4 2 t will
be nothing but, at time t is equal to 0, it will be nothing but, the minus negative of the
steady state solution, which will be completely solvable. Therefore, again the transient
part becomes a well posed problem and will be getting complete solution from theta 4,
we have we already seen the solution of theta 4 s and theta 4 t.
We have not seen the solution of the of the partial of a differential equations in the as the
elliptical characteristic, we will be looking the solution of that shortly. So, will be getting
the complete overall solution as theta is equal to theta 1 plus theta 2 plus theta 3 plus
theta 4. And thus an appropriate that actual chemical engineering 3-dimensional problem
can be reduced into 4 sub-problems and we can do the solution by doing a linear
superposition of all the individual solutions.
So, I stop it here at this particular class and then, I will move into the next class, I will
move into the next topic, that is a formulation of a 4-dimensional problem or a highest
possible dimensional in our realty. So, we will be talking about a 4-dimensional problem,
3 dimension in space at 1 dimension in time. Thank you for your kind attention.