3 6 A Instantchallengeflingmachine
3 6 A Instantchallengeflingmachine
3 6 A Instantchallengeflingmachine
2 cotton balls
1 balloon
2 corks
1 rubber band
2 paper clip
1 piece aluminum foil
2 coffee stir sticks
2 straws
2 pipe cleaners
Using only the materials provided, design and build a device to launch a cotton ball
and send it as far as possible.
1. Your team will have 15 minutes to devise a solution and document the solution both
in writing and in graphical form with a drawing.
2. Your team will have 5 minutes to build your solution.
3. Your team will have 5 minutes to test your solution. Record the distance traveled by
the cotton ball (to the nearest quarter inch) for at least ten attempts.
4. Finally, your team will have one attempt to demonstrate your solution.
5. Use the design process learned in Unit 1. Document each step in your engineering
notebook as you complete this design challenge.
Your team may receive points for the following.
Creativity: Up to 10 points for creativity in the design and use of materials.
Teamwork: Up to 10 points for how well your team works together.
Performance: Using the landing point of the cotton ball that was propelled the
furthest from the launch device, 2 points for each inch between the device
and the point at which the cotton ball lands.
1 Analyze the cotton ball travel distance data that you collected.
a. Record the travel distances of the cotton ball that you measured during the
testing phase below and create a dot plot of your data.
d. Calculate the mean, median, range and sample standard deviation of the
travel distances of the cotton ball.
e. Give a range of travel distances within which you would predict that 95% of all
cotton balls launched with your device would fall. For example, you might
predict that 95% of the cotton balls that you launch would travel between
2.25 ft and 3.00 ft. Justify your answer.
6. Do you feel that the statistical analysis results would be a better measure of
performance when comparing alternate devices that the distance traveled by a
cotton ball in a single attempt? Why or why not?
7. How would you recommend using the results of your statistical analysis of travel
distances to assess device performance (rather than giving points for the distance of
the single attempt allowed in the challenge)?
8. If you had the opportunity to optimize your design, how would you increase the
distance that the cotton ball moves?
9. If you had the opportunity to optimize your design, how would reduce the amount of
materials used?