1 Dogsm: Pseudo-Code For The Dogsm State Machine
1 Dogsm: Pseudo-Code For The Dogsm State Machine
1 Dogsm: Pseudo-Code For The Dogsm State Machine
Pseudo-code for the DogSM state machine
This is the state machine that handles the overarching logic for the hovercraft.
Takes a priority number, returns true
Create PostDogSM
The parameter it takes in will be ThisEvent and the parameter field of
ThisEvent will be the time that the event occurred. Returns ES_NO_Event.
// Turn off Pokemon LEDs
// Set the next state to go back to WaitingToPair
// Endif
// If case is WaitingForControl
// If event type is EV_ControlReceived
// Post to DogXBeeTransmitService to send a STATUS packet to the FARMER
// Start the unpair timer again
// If event type is EV_EncryptionReset
// Start the unpair tier again
// Post to DogXBeeTransmitService to send an ENCR_RESET packet to the FARMER
// Else if event type is EV_RetryXmit2Xbee
// (If the transmit status packet indicates the packet was a NACK or a CCA)
// Resend the previous packet
// Else if unpair timer timesout
// Reset the pair status to be unpaired (0)
// Reset the encrypt status to be inactive (0)
// Turn off lift and thrust fans
// Turn pokeball servo back on
// Turn off Pokemon LEDs
// Set the next state to go back to WaitingToPair
// Endif
// Endif
// Set CurrentState to NextState
// Return ES_NO_EVENT
End of RunDogSM
Initializes UART module 1 in order to use asynchronous wired communication with the
on board Xbee
// Return the destination address
// Return the current pair status
// Return the encryption status (a formality, since should be the same as the pair
A getter function which reads an analog input pin and computes dog tag number based
on the computed voltage.
A function for turning both lift and thrust fans off.
// Turn lift fan off by posting an EV_ToggleLIft event to PIC_UARTService with the
// fan off parameter
// Set thrust fan duty cycles to zero
// Mask thrust fan interrupt
End of FansOff
An interrupt service routine which responds to both transmits and receive events
having to do with the Xbee.
// Check which flag caused the UART interrupt to fire (TX or RX):
// If it was transmit:
// Clear the transmit interrupt flag
// Call the UART1 transmit ISR
// Else if it was receive:
// Clear the receive interrupt flag
// Call the UART1 receive ISR
// Endif
End of UART1_ISR
End of DogSM