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Developing Ecospheres On Transiently Habitable Planets

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Astrophys Space Sci (2016) 361:324

DOI 10.1007/s10509-016-2911-0


Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets:

the genesis project
Claudius Gros1

Received: 8 June 2016 / Accepted: 19 August 2016 / Published online: 5 September 2016
The Author(s) 2016. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract It is often presumed, that life evolves relatively

fast on planets with clement conditions, at least in its basic
forms, and that extended periods of habitability are subsequently needed for the evolution of higher life forms. Many
planets are however expected to be only transiently habitable. On a large set of otherwise suitable planets life will
therefore just not have the time to develop on its own to
a complexity level as it did arise on earth with the cambrian explosion. The equivalent of a cambrian explosion
may however have the chance to unfold on transiently habitable planets if it would be possible to fast forward evolution
by 34 billion years (with respect to terrestrial timescales).
We argue here, that this is indeed possible when seeding the
candidate planet with the microbial lifeforms, bacteria and
unicellular eukaryotes alike, characterizing earth before the
cambrian explosion. An interstellar mission of this kind, denoted the Genesis project, could be carried out by a relatively low-cost robotic microcraft equipped with a on-board
gene laboratory for the in situ synthesis of the microbes.
We review here our current understanding of the processes determining the timescales shaping the geo-evolution
of an earth-like planet, the prospect of finding Genesis candidate planets and selected issues regarding the mission layout. Discussing the ethical aspects connected with a Genesis
mission, which would be expressively not for human benefit,
we will also touch the risk that a biosphere incompatibility
may arise in the wake of an eventual manned exploration of
a second earth.
Keywords Astrobiology Habitable planets Interstellar

B C. Gros


Institute for Theoretical Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt,


1 Introduction
Three ongoing lines of research have progressed in the last
years to a point which allows us to assess now the feasibility
of sending out interstellar probes with the mission of bringing life to otherwise barren exoplanets.
In first place comes here the insight from exoplanet
search efforts, that the diversity of the hitherto discovered
exoplanetary systems is very high. This implies, in particular, that no two habitable planets may be alike (Gdel et al.
2014) and that there will be many planets having only limited periods of habitability. There may hence exist in our
galaxy a plethora of planets where life could truly thrive,
having however not enough time to fully develop on its own.
The key idea of the Genesis project is to bring life to these
kind of exoplanets.
The Genesis project is based furthermore on the evolving
consensus (Long 2011; Gilster 2015; Worden et al. 2016),
that robotic interstellar missions may be realizable within
a foreseeable future. A conceivable scenario would be in
this context to accelerate lightweight interstellar probes with
ground- or orbit-based arrays of powerful lasers (Zhang
et al. 2015; Brashears et al. 2015). Decelerating could
then be achieved, on arrival, using magnetic and/or electric sails (Zubrin and Andrews 1991; Perakis and Hein
The progress (Gibson et al. 2010; Hutchison et al. 2016)
achieved recently in creating synthesized and minimal (in
terms of the genome) cells, indicates furthermore that humanity will acquire most probably already within a few
decades the capability to synthesize a vast palette of life
forms from scratch. We can hence envision that a Genesis
probe would be able to cultivate in situ many different types
of microbes using a robotic gene laboratory.


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The Genesis project consists hence of three steps.

Searching for transiently habitable planets.
Sending interstellar robotic crafts for detailed investigations.
Seeding the candidate planet with in situ synthesized lifeforms.
In this study we will review the prospects of discovering
Genesis candidate planets, the time scale for evolutionary
speedup one may realistically hope to achieve and the time
scales the Genesis process may take to unfold. The Genesis
project comes of course with serious ethical caveats regarding in particular planetary protection, which we will also
The Genesis project is in first place not for human benefit.
The key idea is to initiate a self-sustained evolutionary process, which will then carry the developing biosphere of the
host planet to its own future. Later stage human interventions are not excluded, but not necessary. The same holds
for an eventual human settlement of the candidate planet. In
this context we will also discuss the prospective that biosphere incompatibilities may accompany manned missions
to second-earth like exoplanets.

C. Gros

the late heavy bombardment of our home planet (compare

Sect. 2.2).
Indigenous processes.
An initially habitable planet may become inhabitable also
all by itself. Various indigenous processes are conceivable
in this context.
Plate tectonic may cease functioning after a certain
time, giving way to the type of stagnant lid magma convection presumable in place on Venus. Episodic overturns of the crust may then result in global resurfacing
Shifts in the CO2 balance could lead to the complete
depletion of atmospheric CO2 levels. On earth this is
actually happening, as discussed in Sect. 2.6, albeit
only very slowly. A continuous accumulation of CO2
could result on the other side in either a catastrophic
runaway, or in a welcome Greenhouse effect.
Reviewing the prospects of discovering Genesis candidate we will rely in part on an analysis of the timeline of
the geo-evolutionary history of our home planet. Of particular interest for the Genesis project are here the involved
time scales and the question, whether alternative evolutionary routes would have been possible.

1.1 Genesis candidate planets

We currently do not know whether the bio-geological evolution of earth has been fast or slow in relation to evolutionary
processes on other habitable planets. We know however, that
the timescale of major geo-evolutionary steps has been typically of the order of one or more billion years (Ga). Taking
hence one Ga as a reference time we may consider a planet
to be transiently habitable if the time span it remains in the
habitable zone (HZ) ranges from at least a few hundred million years to about 12 Ga.
There are various conceivable scenarios why a planet
may be habitable for a finite, but prolonged period.
Shift of the habitable zone.
Main sequence stars as our sun, which was initially about
30 % less luminous, become brighter with the eons passing. A planet starting out at inner edge of the HZ may
hence become eventually too hot (Rushby et al. 2013).
An initially too far away planet may reversely warm up,
but possibly only after a few Ga have passed. In the later
case not enough time for the unfolding of a full-fledged
evolutionary process may be left.
Long-term orbital instabilities.
Several kinds of long-term orbital instabilities, like the
Hill and the Lagrange instability discussed in Sect. 3.2
and 3.3, may throw a planet out of the habitable zone
or, reversely, promote a planet into the HZ (Jones et al.
2006). Habitability may also be interrupted by later stage
orbital resonances, as the one which has possibly caused

2 Terrestrial timescales
A central question of the present study regards the time one
may expect a Genesis process will need to unfold on an exoplanet. As a backdrop to this question we start with a short
review of some of the key events in the geo-biological evolution of earth, where a self-organized Genesis process is
known to have occurred. Times will be given either in Gigayears (109 Ga) or Mega-years (106 Ma). Some of the key
events shaping our home planet are shown on scale in Fig. 1.
Shortly after earth was formed together with most of the
solar system about 4.6 Ga ago, an impact with a Mars-size
object led to the creation of the moon (Canup and Righter
2000). Our moon is exceptionally large and it is established
that its size helps to stabilize the rotation axis (the obliquity)
of earth (Laskar et al. 1993). Seasonal variability (between
sumer and winter) would be otherwise substantially larger.
The presence of the moon is however not a precondition for
habitability per se.
2.1 4.54.0 Ga: the hadean CO2 sequestration
It is not known how wet earth initially was, viz which percentage of todays water was initially present and to which
extent water was brought to young earth from further-out
solar objects (Drake and Righter 2002). It is however believed that the outgasing of the volatiles from the initially hot
magma lead to a dense CO2 atmosphere (Sleep 2010) (about

Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets: the genesis project

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Fig. 1 Some major milestones

in the history of our home planet
(time in 109 -years, Ga).
A one-shot Genesis probe may
achieve an evolutionary fast
forward for the candidate planet
to eukaryotic life, viz by about
three Ga. The blue bars denote
episodes of global glaciation
(snowball earth). Huronian,
Sturtian and Marinoan at
2.27 Ga and 716.5/635 Ma
(Tang and Chen 2013;
Macdonald et al. 2010)

100 bar of CO2 , as for todays Venus), which, in turn, prevented earth to cool below 500 C after the formation of the
moon. A liquid ocean of some extent would however been
present despite the elevated surface temperature as a consequence of the likewise increased atmospheric pressure.
Any planet hoping for an earth-like habitability needs
to rid itself of its primordial CO2 atmosphere. This was
achieved on earth by the carbonation
CaSiO3 + CO2 CaCO3 + SiO2

Table 1 The mol-abundances (relative number of atoms, not weight;

in percentage) of some selected elements. For the solar system (disregarding Hydrogen [ ] and Helium [ ]) (Lodders et al. 2009), the
earth (all) (McDonough and Sun 1995), the crust (of the earth) (Lide
and Fredrikse 2008), and for the human body (Lide and Fredrikse
2008). Note that the crust is weakly reducing in the sense that the
available oxygen is nearly enough to oxidize all other elements via
Si + O2 SiO2 , 4Al + 3O2 2Al2 O3 , etc. 92.1 % and 7.8 % of the
overall number of atoms of the solar system are Hydrogen and Helium
atoms respectively


of silicates and the subsequent subduction of carbonized

rocks (the Urey weathering reaction). It is unsure how long
it actually took, possibly up to the end of the Hadean (4 Ga),
for the subducted crust to sequester CO2 to levels of only
10100 times todays levels (about 0.0004 bar).
The hadean CO2 sequestration was a massive process.
For a perspective we note that the present day rate of CO2
sequestration by modern plate tectonics is of the order of
3.3 1018 mol/Ma (Sleep and Zahnle 2001). With 100 bar
CO2 corresponding to 12000 1018 mol this implies, that
the sequestration of the primordial CO2 at present-day rates
would have taken (12000/3.3) Ma, viz 3.6 Ga. Substantially
faster subduction processes must have been consequently at
work in the early Hadean (Sleep et al. 2014).
It is reasonable to expect CO2 sequestration to be generically vigorous on potentially habitable rocky planets.
The essentially unlimited reservoir of silicates rocky planets like the earth dispose of, compare Table 1, allows
to sequester basically all CO2 from the atmosphere. The
steady-state level of atmospheric CO2 will then result on
habitable planets from the balance between volcanic outgasing and ongoing sequestration (the inorganic carbon
cycle) (Sleep and Zahnle 2001).
The hadean CO2 sequestration occurred at a time when
earth dissipated its internal heat by bottom-up mantle convection, viz when modern plate tectonics was most probably not yet at work (Korenaga 2013). We will come back
to this issue in Sect. 3.

It is not clear whether Venus had ever been able to start

the process of CO2 sequestration even when starting out
with earth-like conditions. It may have been, that its initial
magma ocean took substantially longer time (100 Ma instead of 14 Ma, as for earth) to solidify (Hamano et al.
2013) and that Venus may have had lost most of its primordial water by that time through hydrodynamic escape
(Hamano et al. 2013; Leconte et al. 2013; Kasting et al.
2015). The mechanism involves water to rise to the stratosphere and to photodissociate via H2 O + light H2 + O.
The free hydrogen molecules then escape the pull of gravity,
being too light for a rocky planet, dragging some of the oxygen with it. This process led on Venus to the loss of an ocean


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worth of water, shutting down also the carbonation of silicate rocks via the Urey weather reaction (1), which needs in
turn the formation of carbonic acid CO2 + H2 O H2 CO3
and hence the presence of liquid water in an intermediate
step. The concentration of hydrogen bearing molecules like
H2 O and NH4 is on the other side very low in the stratosphere of earth, at least nowadays, and such the loss of H2
(Catling et al. 2001).
2.2 3.93.8 Ga: the late heavy bombardment
After the formation of the moon not much happened apart
from the ongoing CO2 sequestration for about 600 Ma.
Then, by 3.93.8 Ga, the late heavy bombardment (LHB)
took place in the form of a cataclysmic wave of planetesimals (both asteroids and comets) battering earth together
with the entire inner solar system (Gomes et al. 2005). An
event like the LTB would eradicate all higher life forms on
a planet, if existing, but it would not sterilize the planet
altogether. The LTB may have been delivering in addition
a certain fraction of the water present nowadays on earth
(78 1021 mol H2 O in the ocean alone), without affecting
otherwise the habitability of the planet.
The late heavy bombardment did originate, as far as we
know, from an instability of a disc of planetesimals left over
from the formation of the solar system. What is interesting
is, that such disks must have continued to exist long after
the formation of the solar system and that the instability
occurred with a huge delay. A possible scenario for this to
happen is illustrated in Fig. 2 (the Nice model Gomes et al.
2005; Tsiganis et al. 2005; Bottke et al. 2012). It assumes
that a 2:1 orbital resonance (in terms of their respective orbital periods) did built up due to the migration of Jupiter and
Saturn, which were in turn caused by the interaction with
the then still existing outer discs of planetesimals. The orbits
of both Jupiter and Saturn were strongly deformed at resonance, with the consequence that the disc of planetesimal
was perturbed together with the then substantially denser
disc of asteroids between Mars and Jupiter. Objects were
subsequently thrown out of their original orbits and sent into
the inner solar systems.
2.3 3.32.9 Ga: the archean genetic expansion
Life emerged on earth in a multi-step process which may
have started quite soon after the late heavy bombardment
(Bada 2004), possibly also before, having come to a completion by around 3.5 Ga (Nisbet and Sleep 2001). Using phylogenomic methods to analyze the evolutionary history of 3983 gene families it was found (David and Alm
2011) that the de novo creation of bacterial genes was a
concentrated process, the archean genetic expansion, starting around 3.3 Ga and ending by 2.9 Ga with the essential completion of the bacterial molecular machinery. Gene

C. Gros

Fig. 2 An illustration for a possible scenario for the origins of the

great late bombardment. Shown are todays planet positions (on scale)
together with the location of the modern Kuiper belt of comets and a
putative initial belt of unused planetesimals (a then still present leftover
of the solar system formation). The mutual interaction with these disks
may have caused Saturn and Jupiter to migrate until they entered a 2:1
orbital resonance. Todays orbital periods of 29.5 and 11.9 years, respectively for Saturn and Jupiter, are actually closer to a 3:1 resonance.
An eccentricity instability would have occurred, roughly 700 Ma after the formation of the solar system, leading to a disturbance of both
the disk of planetesimal and of the asteroid belt between Mars and
Jupiter (Gomes et al. 2005). The distances are given in astronomical
units (earths distance from the sun, AU)

transfer and loss tended to dominate bacterial evolution ever

since (David and Alm 2011) and it is not understood why it
took evolution another Ga to develop eukaryotic cells (see
Sect. 2.5).
2.4 2.42.3 Ga: the great oxidation event
Living organisms need an energy source to power reaction pathways utilizing CO2 for the synthesis of organic
molecules (carbon fixation). Early in the history of life this
energy was provided mostly by chemotrophic reaction pathways (Wchtershuser 2006), such as
3FeS + 4H2 S + CO2 3FeS2 + CH3 SH + 2H2 O,


which uses in this case the energy released by the reaction of

ferrous sulfide (FeS) with hydrogen sulfide (H2 S). The reaction products are here pyrite (FeS2 ), methanethiol (CH3 SH)
and water (H2 O).
The global bioproductivity of chemotrophy is limited
by the rate by which volcanism replenishes the primary
reagents. For present day hydrothermal activity levels this
implies that about (220) 1012 mol organic C per year
could be fixated via chemical pathways (Des Marais 2000).
Todays biosphere produces by contrast around 8700
1012 mol organic C per year using the light of the sun to
power the photosynthesis reaction
6CO2 + 6H2 O + light C6 H12 O6 + 6O2 .


The invention of photosynthesis occurring by the end of the

archean genetic expansion, around 2.82.5 Ga (Des Marais
2000), possibly also later (Rasmussen et al. 2008), did therefore allow the terrestrial biosphere to expand dramatically.
The balance equation (3) is in addition oxygenic in the

Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets: the genesis project

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sense that free O2 is produced as a waste besides glucose

(C6 H12 O6 ).
Earth changed in many ways once life started to produce
oxygen in relevant quantities (Catling et al. 2001).
The Fe+2 ions present till then in the ocean were rapidly
precipitated as banded iron formations (Lyons et al.
2014). Essentially all iron-based biological pathways, like
anoxic photosynthesis (Canfield 2005) (which does not
produce oxygen), came hence to an abrupt end, at least
on a global scale, surviving only in suitable niches.
Non-CO2 greenhouse gases like methane (CH4 ) were
equally washed out from the atmosphere. The sky became
clear and earth the blue planet of today. Global temperatures dropped consequently.
Taking a closer look at the elements making up our home
planet, as listed in Table 1, one notices that the crust is
weakly reducing in the sense that the oxidation of the other
Si + O2 SiO2 ,

4Al + 3O2 2Al2 O3 ,


would need somewhat more than the actually available

amount of oxygen (earth as a whole would be on the other
hand strongly reducing). For oxygen to accumulate in the
atmosphere two things must consequently happen.
Part of the carbon fixated via oxygenic photosynthesis
must be removed from the surface via sedimentation in
a process denoted the organic carbon cycle (see Fig. 3).
All reducing elements (like iron) present on the surface
must first be oxidized.
It is notoriously difficult to determine how, when and
why oxygen did eventually accumulate in the atmosphere
(Catling and Claire 2005; Lyons et al. 2014). It is however
clear, that oxygen appeared at appreciable levels (of the order of a few percent of todays levels) in the atmosphere
during the great oxidation event around 2.42.3 Ga. Oxygen levels didnt though remain stable afterwards, possibly
plunging again for a billion years or more, with modern levels of O2 being reached only at the end of Proterozoic, viz
shortly before the cambrian explosion. This second rise of
O2 levels was the prerequisite for the subsequent development of animals and hence all important from a human perspective. Its ultimate causes are however not yet understood
(Och and Shields-Zhou 2012).
2.5 540520 Ma: the cambrian explosion
Though it is difficult, it is not impossible for bacteria
to develop into at least primitive multicellular organisms
(Shapiro et al. 1997). All higher plants and animals are
built however out of eukaryotic cells, which dispose of a
much higher complexity of internal organization. Eukaryotes evolved out of prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea) in a

Fig. 3 Sketch of the organic carbon cycle (Jacob 1999; Sleep and
Zahnle 2001). The overall amount of sedimentated organic carbon
has been estimated to be of the order of 1250 1018 mol. This implies, with about 37 1018 mol O2 present nowadays in the air, that
earths biosphere has produced at least 1250/37 34 times more oxygen over the last four billion years than the one remaining in todays
atmosphere. The present-day fluxes are: 8.7 1015 mol biological C
per year global NPP (net primary production) (Field et al. 1998), with
roughly equal contributions from land and oceans, and 11 1018 mol
biological C/Ma buried in sediments (Sleep and Zahnle 2001)

multi-stage process ending, as determined e.g. by a multigene molecular clock analysis (Parfrey et al. 2011), by
around 1.91.7 Ga. At that point, the last common ancestor
of all eukaryotes drifted through the waters of the Proterozoic (Knoll et al. 2006).
Very little is known when the next important step in the
evolution of life, sexual reproduction, did take place, (Goodenough and Heitman 2014). It could even be the case that
no additional step was needed, viz that sexual reproduction
is inherent to eukaryotic life per se (Speijer et al. 2015) and
that the last common eukaryotic ancestor was already sexual. The advantages of sexual reproduction for multicellular
organisms are in any case undisputed.
The pace of evolution did not pick up directly with the
invention of eukaryotic cells. Only in the second part of
the following about 1.3 Ga, the boring billion (Roberts
2013), animal phyla started to diverge measurably (Blair and
Hedges 2005). It is unknown (Zhang et al. 2014) which of
the geo-biological events accompanying the demise of this
prolonged period of stasis where the actual drivers both for
ending the boring billion and for initiating the following unprecedented divergence of life known as the cambrian explosion (Morris 2000; Marshall 2006).
Multicellular organisms developed not in a singular event
but at least on 25 distinct occasions (Grosberg and Strathmann 2007), with the first major multicellular biota emerging being the ediacaran fauna (590540 Ma). Of all animals crawling on the earth however only the Ecdysozoa (like
centipedes) have ediacaran ancestors (Rota-Stabelli et al.
2013). All other animal phyla appeared in contrast during the following cambrian explosion, with the initial burst


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(540520 Ma) lasting only 20 Ma. Soon after land was colonized by the ancestors of our modern plants and animals
(510470 Ma) (Rota-Stabelli et al. 2013).
2.6 20 Ma: C4 photosynthesis
Earth started, as discussed in Sect. 2.1, with something like
100 bar of CO2 , which were then rapidly sequestrated. Volcanic outgasing and limited sedimentation rates kept atmospheric CO2 concentrations afterwards at levels which
where still relative high in comparison to todays value
(Kaufman and Xiao 2003). By 2.2 Ga atmospheric CO2
was, for a reference, about 23 PAL (present day preindustrial atmospheric levels: 280 ppm) (Sheldon 2006). That
changed however when global bioproductivity increased after life colonized land in the aftermath of the cambrian explosion (Igamberdiev and Lea 2006), both because of the
additional carbon fixation by the land plants and because
the roots of the plants intensified, in addition, the weathering of rocks and hence the amount of biologically available
mineral nutrients (like phosphorus). The resulting decline of
atmospheric CO2 led eventually to such low levels of CO2
(about present-day PAL) (Sage et al. 2012), that life had to
The reason is that C3 photosynthesis, the dominant pathway for oxygenic photosynthesis for plants, becomes at
first linearly less effective with declining CO2 concentration (Collatz 1977), stopping in the end altogether once the
CO2 level falls below a certain threshold (which depends in
turn on other parameters like humidity, oxygen level and the
like). The recent, human-induced raise of atmospheric CO2
has led conversely to an ongoing greening of earth (Sheldon
2006). By 20 Ma, with precursors starting around 30 Ma,
C4 photosynthesis was developed as a new pathway for photosynthesis by at least 66 different terrestrial plants (Sage
et al. 2012). The efficiency of C4 photosynthesis does not
depend on CO2 partial pressures, in contrast to C3 photosynthesis, and it is therefore believed that its evolution constitutes a response of the biosphere to a chronic shortage of
atmospheric carbon dioxide (Sage et al. 2012).
Today about 23 % of the terrestrial NPP (net primary production of organic carbon) is due to C4 plants. During the
last 0.4 Ma, when the CO2 level oscillated between 180 ppm
(during periods of extended glaciation) and 280 ppm (during interglacials) (Petit et al. 1999), an additional expansion
of C4 vegetation could be observed every time CO2 levels
dropped to 200 ppm or below (Pinto et al. 2014). One can regard the emergence of C4 photosynthesis hence as a turning
point in the history of our planet, in the sense that earths
biosphere will be entrenched, from now on till the end, in
a battle over the ever declining amounts of recycled CO2
pumped out by earths progressively receding geothermal
activity (OMalley-James et al. 2013). The total amount of

C. Gros

CO2 remaining in the atmosphere today, 0.05 1018 mol

at 280 ppm, is actually so small, that an individual CO2
molecule will remain in the air for only 510 years (Jacob
1999). Ever hungry plants are waiting (Zhu et al. 2016). The
residence times for O2 and N2 molecules are, on the other
side, 3 Ma and 13 Ma respectively.
2.7 Earths lost billions
Evolution is seldomly dependent on singular events. This
holds also for major evolutionary steps like the invention
of multicellularity and C4 photosynthesis, which have been
developed independently, as discussed in Sect. 2.6 and 2.5,
on at least 25 and 66 occasions respectively. Why did earth
then take about one Ga to develop full fledged bacteria, and
another one for the eukaryotic cell? It could not have been
for the lack of living organisms.
It has been estimated in this context (Kallmeyer et al.
2012) that about (932) 1029 bacteria dwell on earth,
nowadays, making up in turn a few percent of the overall biomass. Given or taken a few orders of magnitude,
we may assume that a similar number of microbes populated earth since the inception of life, with the population density being somewhat smaller before the invention
of oxygenic photosynthesis in the late Archean (compare
Sect. 2.4). 1029 organism with a life cycle of hours to days
harbor an enormous evolutionary potential and a better understanding of the mechanism tapping into this evolutionary
potential would hence help to clarify greatly our perspective of finding complex life elsewhere in the universe (Ward
and Brownlec 2000). The alternative view taken here is that
habitable planets would have a much higher chance to bear
complex life if they would be given a speedup by several Ga.

3 Habitability that waxes and wanes

Transient habitability can be classified into four fundamental types (compare Fig. 4):
fading habitability, when initially clement conditions become progressively adverse,
delayed habitability, if the planet becomes habitable only
late in the lifetime of the host star,
punctuated habitability, if the habitability is interseeded
by relatively short periods of inhabitable conditions and
intermittent habitability, whenever clement conditions
stabilize only intermittently.
Punctuated habitability is in this context the type of habitability taking a prominent place in doomsday scenarios.
There is however a difference between catastrophic extinction and the temporarily termination of habitability per se.
For a perspective we recall that the permian mass extinction at 252 Ma (Benton and Benton 2003), the biggest extinction event ever occurring on earth, erased only 8096 %

Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets: the genesis project

Fig. 4 Schematic illustration of the four possible classes of transient

habitability. The timescale may range from (12) Ga for a FGK host
star or up to 10 Ga for a planet orbiting a M dwarf

of the marine and about 70 % of the terrestrial vertebrate

species. Biodiversity had no problems to recover in the aftermath within 89 Ma together with overall trophic levels
(Chen and Benton 2012).
It is actually surprisingly hard to construct a scenario in
which a singular event wipes multicellular life completely
off the surface of a planet. The 11000 sec gamma-ray bursts
emitted (possibly as frequent as once every 500 Ga in our
galactic habitat Piran and Jimenez 2014) during the collapse
of a nearby massive star, have been discussed extensively in
this context together with other conceivable high-energy astrophysical events (Horvath and Galante 2012). Such a burst
would indeed sterilize half the planet, viz the exposed face,
leading in addition to a series of events which would deplete
the ozone layer for a few months by an average of 40 %
(Thomas et al. 2005). For comparison we note that the areas
affected by the present-day antarctic ozone hole, on earth,
which itself has had depletion levels of up to 50 %, have actually seen only a reduction of terrestrial plant productivity
by less than 6 % (Ballar et al. 2011).
3.1 Stagnant-lid planets
Mantle and crustal reorganization processes are driven by
the need to dissipate the internal heat. They often settle into
steady-state convection patterns (Ernst 2009), with the two
most important types being stagnant-lid and plate tectonics
(compare Fig. 5).
Plate tectonics ensures on earth the continuous recycling
of carbon, which would be otherwise lost as a consequence
of the inevitable sedimentation of biomass and due to the
ongoing carbonization of the oceanic lithosphere. Carbon is
released back to the atmosphere from the subducted ocean
floor in part directly and in part indirectly, through further
mantel convection, by arc volcanos and by the mid-oceanic
ridges respectively (Sleep et al. 2014). The oceanic lithosphere is such fully renewed within 170 Ma, recycling on

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Fig. 5 Top: Illustration of stagnant-lid tectonics, for which lithosphere

acts as a lid for the mantle dynamics. Updwelling plumes will however
erupt through the lid time and again. Bottom: Illustration of plate tectonics. The ocean floor is subducted below the continental plates (grey),
which tend in turn to act as heat traps. Mantle may overheat especially
below a supercontinent, rise and erupt in the form of extended basaltic

the way about 3.3 1018 mol carbon per Ma (Sleep and
Zahnle 2001). The sequestration of a 100 bar worth of carbon dioxide through the burial of carbonated crust, compare
Sect. 2.1, was however achieved in the Hadean without the
help of plate tectonics, which was then not yet operative
(Harrison 2009).
Plate tectonics is the dominant but not the only type of
tectonic activity present on our home planet. Other known
processes are mid-plate volcanism, such as the one causing
the Hawaiian and Yellowstone hotspots (Fouch 2012), and
the subcontinental overheating of magma (or the updwelling
of mantle plumes Santosh et al. 2014), which is thought to be
causal for the widespread basaltic flooding occurring in conjunction with the breakup of supercontinents (Coltice et al.
Carbon recycling will be in contrast a much more dramatic process on planets with stagnant-lid tectonics, which
do not dispose of a primary mechanism for the continuous
recycling of CO2 (Lammer et al. 2009), but most probably of a discontinuous carbon cycle in the form of episodic
basaltic overturns. The resulting fluctuations of atmospheric
CO2 levels will however not forestall habitability per se (Petit et al. 1999), at least as long as no runaway instability is
induced. It has been suggested in this context, that stagnantlid planets may have a more vigorous mantle dynamics than
planets with plate tectonics (Kite et al. 2009) and that their
volcanic activity may abate consequently somewhat faster.
Stagnant-lid planets can therefore be expected to support
clement conditions for extended but otherwise limited periods and to be hence prime candidates for the Genesis mission.
Stagnant-lid planets may of course also be utterly inhabitable whenever other factors wont allow it. The classical
example is Venus, where the stagnant crust is punctuated
continuously by updwelling plumes (Phillips and Hansen
1998), in part on a local and in part on a global scale (Sm-


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rekar et al. 2010). It is not known whether plate tectonics

would have set in, eventually, in the case that Venus would
not have lost its ocean.
3.2 Hill instability
A pair of planets is said to be Hill unstable when their orbits eventually cross due to their mutual gravitational interaction. The resulting massive orbital deformation (if not a
direct collision) would terminate habitability for any planet
located initially in a habitable zone. For an illustration of
this process we consider a planetary system with two planets having masses i (i = 1, 2, relative to the mass of the
host star) and eccentricities ei (a measure of how elliptic an
orbit is). The Hill stability line is then determined by (Gladman 1993)

1 + 2 (1 1 + 2 2 )2 > 3 + 34/3 1 2 5/3 , (4)

where = 1 + 2 is the total relative mass and i =

1 ei2 . The distances of the two planets to the host stars
are taken to be unity and 1 +  respectively, with =

1 + .
Solving Eq. (4) for e2 we have plotted in Fig. 6 the stability region for an earth- and Jupiter-like planetary system
with 2 = 3001 and 2 = 1/1000. The influence of e1 is
in this case so small that one can set e1 0. Overlayed
are the parameters of 129 known exoplanets around G and
F stars whose orbits would not cross the orbit of a putative
rocky planet located at 1 AU. Note, that the Hill instability
line shown in Fig. 6 has been evaluated only for an outer
planet of Jupiter mass. It moves up/down for outer planets
with smaller/larger masses.
Most exoplanetary systems detectable to date are dominated by super-Jupiter gas giants. It is hence not surprising
that configurations allowing for Hill stable habitable planets
are rare. A certain time is however needed, the orbital lifetime, before the instability actually happens. This lifetime
ranges from typically a few 104 years, deep in the unstable
region, to up to few 109 years close to the Hill stability line
(Rivera and Haghighipour 2007; Veras et al. 2013). Figure 6
hence suggests, that Genesis candidate planets may be found
in systems with weak Hill instabilities.
Above considerations concerned exoplanets for which
habitability is eventually terminated. The opposite may also
happen, especially when two or more outer gas giants scatter dynamically (Veras and Armitage 2006). The resulting
orbital deformations have been shown to move rocky planets closer to the sun (Veras and Armitage 2006), viz possibly
from outside to inside the habitable zone (in the case that the
initial distance was too large). A potentially large number of
earth-size exoplanets may therefore be newcomers to their
habitable zone, yet barren and hence candidates for a Genesis mission.

Fig. 6 The region of Hill stability (below the solid green line), as defined by Eq. (4, for an earth-like planet (2 = 3001 ) against the perturbation by a Jupiter-size planet (2 = 103 ) with eccentricity e2 . For
large eccentricities the perihelion of the Jupiter-like planet would cross
the orbit of the earth-like planet (solid red line). The open circles are
129 exoplanet around G and F stars listed in the extrasolar planets encyclopedia (Roques et al. 2016), with the sizes the circles indicating
the respective masses. The filled maroon dot is the Jupiter of the solar

3.3 Lagrange instability

Genesis candidate planets may also be found in Hill stable,
but Lagrange unstable planetary systems. A massive orbital
deformation occurs also in this case, for one of the involved
planets, this time however one which leads either to a collision with the central star or to an escape from the planetary
system. Estimating the Lagrange lifetimes for a specific exoplanetary system is a demanding task (Veras et al. 2016) and
beyond the scope of the present study. We restrict ourselves
therefore to a first assessment whether very long Lagrange
lifetimes may potentially exist.
For this purpose we consider the minimal time TL for an
Lagrange instability to occur. TL has been estimated (Veras
and Mustill 2013) to scale roughly as

for systems composed of two planets with an equal relative mass and eccentricities below 0.3. T1 is here the
orbital period of inner planet and J the relative mass of
the solar-system Jupiter. This scaling has been derived (Veras and Mustill 2013) for a configuration where the relative orbital distance of the two giants is confined to within
[1 + 0.3(1 + e1 )(1 + e2 )] Hill limits. The two gas giants are
hence assumed to be in a Hill stable configuration close to
the stability threshold.
In a Hill stable three-planet system, with an inner rocky
planet in the habitable zone and two outer gas giants, a Lagrange instability of the inner gas giant occurring due to
the mutual interaction between the two gas giants may also
throw the rocky planet out of its orbit and consequently also

Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets: the genesis project

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4.1 Genesis vs. interstellar exploration

Fig. 7 The distribution of the minimal Lagrange lifetimes (in Ga;

bin-size: 0.1 Ga), as given by Eq. (5), for 91 exoplanets around G and
F stars, with eccentricities below 0.3 and with orbits outside 1 AU,
listed in the extrasolar planets encyclopedia (Roques et al. 2016). The
results are for putative exoplanetary systems, when a not too far away
further-out Hill stable equal mass companion would exist in addition
to each of the actually observed exoplanet

out of the habitable zone. We have hence evaluated Eq. (5)

for all the 91 exoplanets shown in Fig. 6 having an eccentricity less than 0.3. That is, we have added by hand to each
of these exoplanets a putative equal mass companion located
further out.
The distribution of Lagrange escape times resulting from
this Gedanken-experiment is shown in Fig. 7. Small minimal Lagrange lifetimes clearly rule out the actual existence
of a further-out (but close-by) equal mass companion in the
respective exoplanetary system. Figure 7 shows on the other
side that long Lagrange escape times would be present for
suitable configurations of gas giants. Transient habitability
as resulting from long-term Lagrange or other orbital instabilities, like resonances (see Sect. 2.2), of the host exoplanetary system may hence be common. A detailed analysis of
the orbital past and future of extrasolar systems constitutes
therefore an important screening tool for prospective Genesis missions.

4 The Genesis mission

A very large number of habitable planets may potentially
exist in our galaxy. Current estimates range from about 0.06
per sun-like star (Petigura et al. 2013; Silburt et al. 2015),
to 0.120.24 habitable planets per M-dwarf (Dressing and
Charbonneau 2015). The problem is however the distance.
There are only 9 extrasolar systems (containing 14 stars)
within 10 light years (lyr) and about 14 103 stars within
100 lyr (as extrapolated from the Gliese (Gliese and Jahrei
1991) and HIPPARCOS (Perryman et al. 1997) catalogue
entries). Among these we may expect up to a few hundred
potentially habitable planets and possibly up to a few dozen
Genesis candidate planets.

Interstellar exploration via robotic or manned crafts can be

regarded as a long-term research investment aiming to increase our scientific knowledge regarding the geophysics,
the habitability and the astrobiology of extraterrestrial planetary systems (Crawford 2009). An explorative mission
would therefore be only realizable if the projected mission
duration would respect the maximal planning horizon of the
funding institution, which will correlate in turn with typical
human life expectancies, say a hundred years (Gilster 2015).
The Genesis project is however not for human benefit and it
is consequently irrelevant how long it would take for a Genesis craft to arrive to the target. A few millennia more or less
would be negligible on evolutionary time scales.
The absence of strict travel time requirements allows
in first place for reduced cruising velocities. A Genesis
probe would therefore need only comparatively modest
financial and technical resources.
The irrelevance of cruising times also allows to consider
time-consuming deceleration options, e.g. via magnetic
and/or electric drag (Zubrin and Andrews 1991; Perakis
and Hein 2016).
Overall traveling times are however restricted on the technical side by the lifetime of the constituent components.
A Genesis probe targeting candidate planets within a radius
of 100 lyr may hence take a minimum of 103 104 years to
arrive. The Voyager spacecrafts need in comparison about
19 103 years to travel one light year. A close-up examination of the target planet, the first thing to be done, would
then be followed by the decisive step, the autonomous decision whether to start the seeding sequence. The Genesis
process would not be started if higher life forms would be
detected from orbit.
The alternative to an in-situ decision taking, waiting for
a response back from earth, would rely on the other hand on
the long-term functioning of a trans-generational contract.
Such a long-term conditioning would however be a questionable perspective when considering humanitys history of
political and social turmoil. In this light it is actually an appealing aspect of the Genesis concept that the craft can be
designed as a one-shot launch-and-forget project. The backtransmission of the in situ collected data (to anybody still
listening) should be considered that notwithstanding to constitute an integral part of the mission layout.
4.2 Biosphere incompatibilities
Let us digress for a moment and ask the question: What may
happen, if humanitys dream of a spaceship load of human
settlers setting foot on a second earth would come true? In
this case we would bring terrestrial life, microbes included,


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to a planet with a biosphere as rich as the one of our home

planet. Both the alien biosphere and the invading fragment
of the terrestrial biosphere would interpenetrate each other
and humanity would have started a non-reversible experiment for which the outcome will most probably be determined by how universal the immune system of the respective multicellular organisms are.
The reason is that all multicellular organisms, plants and
animals alike (Rodrguez et al. 2012), are vitally dependent
on a performing immune system for their defense against
pathogenic microbes. Key to the functioning of an immune
reaction is the recognition of non-self, which is achieved in
turn by the ability of the immune systems, at least on earth,
to recognize certain products of microbial metabolism that
are unique to microbiota (Medzhitov and Janeway 2002).
How likely is it then, that non-self recognition will work
also for alien microbes?
Here we presume, that general evolutionary principles
hold. Namely, that biological defense mechanisms evolve
only when the threat is actually present and not just a theoretical possibility. Under this assumption the outlook for two
clashing complex biospheres becomes quite dire.
In the best case scenario the microbes of one of the biospheres will eat at first through the higher multicellular
organism of the other biosphere. Primitive multicellular
organism may however survive the onslaught through a
strategy involving rapid reproduction and adaption. The
overall extinction rates could then be kept, together with
the respective recovery times, 110 Ma (Chen and Benton 2012), to levels comparable to that of terrestrial mass
extinction events.
In the worst case scenario more or less all multicellular organism of the planet targeted for human settlement would
be eradicated. The host planet would then be reduced to a
microbial slush in a pre-cambrian state, with considerably
prolonged recovery times. The leftovers of the terrestrial
and the indigenous biospheres may coexist in the end in
terms of shadow biospheres (Davies et al. 2009).

C. Gros

the ethics of such an endeavor one may ask whether it is legitimate to bring life to a planet which will cease anyhow
to be habitable in the foreseeable future. Here we take the
stance that death is no less part of the life cycle than birth,
which is equivalent to saying that the value of being alive
is not grounded in the avoidance of an inescapable death.
We do acknowledge, however, that this is a viewpoint that
will not be universally shared (somewhat related issues have
been raised in the context of unlimited human life extensions
Pecujlija 2013; Gyngell 2015).
The situation becomes substantially more tricky when
primordial life forms do already exist on the candidate
planet, in a stage either before or after the equivalent to
the archean genetic expansion (which occurred on earth by
3.32.9 Ga, see Sect. 2.3). The Genesis process could then
lead to the destruction of a substantial fraction of indigenous
lifeforms and therefore to a flagrant violation of the current
consensus regarding planetary protection (Nicholson et al.
2009). In contrast one may note that the microbes living on
old earth, being them bacteria or eukaryotes, have never enjoyed human protection. Ethical or other type of arguments
in favor of protecting our terrestrial microbes are generically not voiced. Taking a deeper look one may argue that
planetary protection draws its justification from two sources
(Lupisella 2009):
The scientific benefit for humanity. Contaminating Mars
or any other planet of the solar system with terrestrial microbes could ruin the possibility to study non-terrestrial
lifeforms. This argument does not apply to Genesis candidate planets, which are selected expressively for being
out or range for in depth science missions. Planetary protection will also break down, by the way, once the doors
of a manned spaceship opens on Mars (Campion 2016).
Independently evolved life constitutes a value per se
(Randolph and McKay 2014). This argument is actually
closely related to core motivation of the Genesis project,
namely that life as such is valuable.

It is then clear, that exoplanets harboring multicellular life

should be off-limit for Genesis missions. Expanding civilizations may find it equally unattractive to settle other
life-bearing planets in the context of the Fermi paradox
(Webb 2015; Gros 2005). Biosphere incompatibilities may
be generic.

It then boils down to the balancing of two options involving

the prospect that the habitable lifespan of the host planet
may be too short for the indigenous life to evolve complex
life by itselfthe very reason the planet has been chosen whereas the further evolved precambrian terrestrial life may
be prepared to do so.

4.3 Ethics and planetary protection

4.4 Seeding with unicellular organisms

Exoplanets already harboring a biosphere with multicellular lifeforms, being them primitive or advanced, would not
be targeted by Genesis probes. The objective of the Genesis
mission is after all to give life the chance to prosper in places
where it has not yet a foothold, and not to invade and possibly to destroy existing biospheres (see Sect. 4.2). Regarding

The simplest design for the seeding process would be the

from-orbit delivery via nano-sized reentry capsules, which
could be in turn ejected backwards at high velocities, viz
decelerated with respect to the orbital motion of the main
Genesis probe, by a compact railgun (Poniaev et al. 2015).
A minimal heat shield would then be enough to protect the

Developing ecospheres on transiently habitable planets: the genesis project

content of the delivery capsules during the subsequent drop

to the surface.
Key to the success prospects of the Genesis mission is capability of the probe to use a databank of terrestrial genomes
for the selection of the right mix of microbes to be synthesized in situ by the on-board gene laboratory. This brew of
prokaryotes (bacteria) and unicellular eukaryotes will be optimized with respect to the requirements resulting from the
geophysical conditions of the host planet. It could be advantageous for the Genesis probe to spread the seeding process
over several centuries, albeit with slowly adapting mixtures
of microbes.
The goal of the Genesis mission is to fast forward the
target planet to a precambrian state (see Fig. 1). Life would
be given a head start consisting of a biosphere of unicellular
organisms, from which on it could further flourish and develop. Direct seeding with multicellular organisms wouldnt
be impossible per se, but both substantially more complex
and in part also questionable.
A planet with substantial levels of O2 may be expected
to develop complex life on its own. Planetary protection arguments in conjunction with possible biosphere incompatibilities would then dictate not to bring higher life
forms to its surface (nor to seed it in first place).
A planet without O2 , the most probable situation, could
also be seeded with multicellular life, as a matter of principle, but only with fully anaerobic animals of the type
that are thought to dwell in earths oxygen-free deep
sea environments (their cells are devoid of mitochondria,
possessing however hydrogenosomes Mentel and Martin 2010). It is however questionable whether a passively
dropping reentry probe could successfully deliver these
sub-millimeter animals to their proper habitats.
Even though most eukaryotes are aerobic and hence dependent on free oxygen, a wide range of unicellular eukaryotes
have adapted to anoxic environments (Mller et al. 2012).
Seeding of a planet devoid of free oxygen with eukaryotes
will hence not pose a problem (Yu et al. 2012).
4.5 Post-seeding evolution and the oxidation
of the atmosphere
The mission of the Genesis project is to lay the foundations
for a self-evolving biosphere. It is however clear that fine
tuning wont be possible and that the primary seeding process will result at best in a highly unbalanced ecosystems
of microbes. Global scale ecological disasters are hence
expected to occur initially in the post-seeding phase, such
as the uncontrolled blossoming of unicellular algae. The
ecosystem should however self-stabilize relatively fast, say
within a few thousand years. The further evolution will then
depend on a flurry of parameters, like the initial concentration of atmospheric CO2 , the average temperature, the

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eventual presence of continents and the overall level of hydrothermal activity.

It is presently not possible to estimate reliably how long
it will take afterwards for the photosynthetically produced
O2 to accumulate in the atmosphere of a Genesis plant.
Nearly all excess oxygen ever produced by earths biosphere has been used oxidizing the crust, compare Fig. 3,
with less than 1/34 accumulating in the end in the atmosphere.
Planets may dispose of quite different crustal compositions in terms of the relative percentages of oxygen and
reducing elements (see Table 1).
Both the bare metallicity (the abundance of heavy elements) and the relative abundances of the heavy elements will be distinct to a planetary system (Longstaff
The initial core-crust segregation will depend likewise
on the then present conditions, like the overall mass
of the planet and the amount of radioactive heating
(Longstaff 2014).
The post-segregation deposition of elements by comets
and asteroids, see Sect. 2.2, may also influence the
composition of the crust.
Non-biological processes like
2FeO + H2 O Fe2 O3 + H2
contribute additionally to the net oxidation of the crust
whenever the resulting H2 molecule manages to escape to
space (Wallace and Hobbs 2006).
About 60 % of all atoms present in the crust of the earth are
oxygen atoms and one may wonder whether this percentage
is already close to saturation, at least with respect of what
may be achievable by geo-planetary processes. It would be
in any case optimal if the oxidation of the crust through antecedenting inorganic processes would be in an advanced
stage. This could be expected to be the case for planets with
delayed habitability and with elevated stratospheric H2 O
concentrations (Catling et al. 2001), allowing in turn for hydrogen to escape into space (see the analogous discussion in
Sect. 2.1).
A constant and hopefully high flux of minerals and CO2
is a general precondition for a Genesis planet to develop a
high bioproductivity and hence a prerequisite also for a potentially rapid raise of atmospheric oxygen levels. We note
here that about 11 1018 out of the 8700 1018 mol of organically produced C per Ma are buried in continental sediments (Field et al. 1998; Sleep and Zahnle 2001), nowadays on earth, from where it is recycled through carbonate
weathering within about 350 Ma (compare also Fig. 3). With
about 37 1018 mol O2 present in the atmosphere (Jacob
1999) that would imply that an atmosphere worth of O2 is
produced via organic CO2 fixation every 37/11 = 3.4 Ma.


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The balance of the biotic oxygen production through the

weathering of continental carbon deposits occurring on earth
will however not start immediately on planets not yet disposing of extended carbon sediments. The pace at which
the atmospheric O2 level rises then depends on the overall bioproductivity and on the amount of oxygen lost to the
crust. An appreciable level could be achieved relatively fast,
within 10100 Ma, if comparatively small amounts of oxygen would be lost, viz whenever the crust of the Genesis
planet would already be in an advanced state of oxidation.
The initial surge of oxygen levels would be rebalanced in
this scenario only once the weathering rates have caught up
Most habitable planets will probably take of the order
of a few Ga to acquire an oxygen bearing atmosphere, if
at all. We are however confident that substantially shorter
time scales may be achievable, as discussed above, under
optimal conditions and that we will hence be able to find
Genesis candidate planets for which an initial seeding would
initiate a geo-evolutionary process leading to the subsequent
emergence of complex and multicellular life. Our best case
estimates however still exceed human planning horizons by
many orders of magnitude, implying that the Genesis process is intrinsically unsuited for the preparation of a barren
planet for an eventual human colonization.

achieved by a light-weight interstellar craft using a robotic

gene laboratory for the seeding the target exoplanet with a
brew of in situ synthesized microbes. By the end of the mission, which we call the Genesis project, a precambrian and
hopefully thriving biosphere of unicellular organisms would
flourish on the candidate planet. Complex life in the form of
multicellular animals and plants will evolve autonomously
at a later state once the photosynthetically produced oxygen
has had the time to accumulate in the atmosphere.
One of the key issues remaining to be settled at this stage
regards the selection procedure for target planets. Remote
sensing of exo-planetary biosignatures from earth is possible (Des Marais et al. 2002), albeit only to a certain degree.
An even more daring task would be to actually prove that a
world is uninhabited (Persson 2014). It is hence clear that
the final decision to go ahead must be taken autonomously
by the on-board artificial intelligence. This may seem an
imprudent strategy nowadays, but possibly not so in a few
The Genesis mission is furthermore unique in the sense
that the actual cruising velocity is of minor importance. It
could be launched with the help of suitable beams of directed energy and decelerated at arrival by time consuming
passive means like magnetic sails. We hence believe that the
Genesis project opens a new venue for interstellar missions
and for the unfolding of life in our galactic surroundings.

5 Conclusions

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creative
commons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

Todays scientific environment is made up by a diverse mix

of emerging and mature fields, characterized respectively
by swift and lackluster rates of progress (Gros 2012). The
sluggish progress of traditional space launching technologies (Ragab et al. 2015) contrast here, e.g., with the rapid
advances in synthetic biology (Stano and Luisi 2013; Caspi
and Dekker 2014). Transformative concepts are hence critical for reigniting innovation in science and technology time
and again. It has been proposed in this context(Benford
2013), that robotic interstellar missions of low-weight crafts
accelerated by beams of directed energy will become realizable, both on technical grounds and financially, in the
near future (Gilster 2015; Worden et al. 2016). At the same
time we are discovering that planetary habitability isnt
an all-or-nothing feature characterizing exoplanets (Gdel
et al. 2014). Our galaxy is expected in particular to teem
with planets which are in part habitable, but for which the
clement conditions do not last long enough for higher life
forms to evolve on their own.
Reversing the argument we have pointed out in this study
that complex life may emerge also on transiently habitable exoplanets whenever the extraordinary long time it
took earth to develop eukaryotic cells could be leapfrogged.
We have argued furthermore that this endeavor could be

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