J Quaternary Science - 2022 - Gibbard - The Anthropocene As An Event Not An Epoch
J Quaternary Science - 2022 - Gibbard - The Anthropocene As An Event Not An Epoch
J Quaternary Science - 2022 - Gibbard - The Anthropocene As An Event Not An Epoch
ABSTRACT: Over the course of the last decade the concept of the Anthropocene has become widely established
within and beyond the geoscientific literature but its boundaries remain undefined. Formal definition of the
Anthropocene as a chronostratigraphical series and geochronological epoch following the Holocene, at a fixed
horizon and with a precise global start date, has been proposed, but fails to account for the diachronic nature of
human impacts on global environmental systems during the late Quaternary. By contrast, defining the Anthropocene
as an ongoing geological event more closely reflects the reality of both historical and ongoing human–environment
interactions, encapsulating spatial and temporal heterogeneity, as well as diverse social and environmental processes
that characterize anthropogenic global changes. Thus, an Anthropocene Event incorporates a substantially wider
range of anthropogenic environmental and cultural effects, while at the same time applying more readily in different
academic contexts than would be the case with a rigidly defined Anthropocene Series/Epoch.
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
KEYWORDS: Anthropocene; Epoch; Event; stratigraphy; terminology
favour a later date in the mid‐20th century that coincides with major European biome changes (Fyfe et al., 2015); global‐scale
what has been termed the ‘Great Acceleration’ (Steffen industrial development with associated transformation of
et al., 2015) in human impacts on Earth systems (e.g. waterways (diversion, canalization and damming; Merritts
Zalasiewicz et al., 2015; Syvitski et al., 2020; Figure 1). Since et al., 2011); or extraction of fossil fuels for energy (Smith and
then, the AWG has been working towards a definition of the Zeder, 2013; Lewis and Maslin, 2018). It is also true that in
Anthropocene as a new series/epoch beginning around CE archaeological chronologies, boundaries between major ar-
1950 (Zalasiewicz et al., 2017, 2019), and appears to have chaeological periods (Mesolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, etc.)
reached an internal agreement that this is marked by the Great are not time parallel, for the same reasons. An isochronous and
Acceleration (Head et al., 2021a). meaningful lower boundary for the Anthropocene is similarly
Formally establishing the Anthropocene as a series/epoch1 impractical, since it fails to reflect the evidence. While the
requires that certain protocols must be followed. A proposal series/epoch status of the Anthropocene defined by the CE 1950
from the AWG is submitted to the SQS and, if approved, is radiogenic spike in sedimentary accumulations has the merit
transmitted to the ICS for further consideration. To be of being underpinned by a broadly isochronous and global
accepted, a supermajority (60%) of voting members is stratigraphical record (as required for a GSSP), the time‐
required. If accepted, the proposal is passed to the Interna- transgressive nature of human impacts on Earth systems during
tional Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) for ratification. the Holocene raises questions about the validity, and indeed
Fundamental to any proposal is the identification of a type or the applicability, of defining the Anthropocene as a new (and
representative stratigraphical section that contains a unique meaningful) chronostratigraphical/geochronological unit in
basal boundary or Global boundary Stratotype Section and the GTS.
Point (GSSP). This is a formally ratified (by the IUGS) point in a
rock, sediment or ice sequence that is characterized by
physical, chemical and biological changes in a continuous
depositional succession (Remane et al., 1996). The boundary
The Anthropocene as a geological stage/age
represents the series base and delineates a horizon that is If the Anthropocene is not to be a stratigraphical unit of series/
representative of the same point worldwide. By definition, the epoch status, how then can it be defined? One possibility is to
boundary is time‐parallel (i.e. it is globally isochronous); it distinguish the Anthropocene as a stage/age, the lowest rank
cannot be diachronous. The AWG has been exploring formal taxonomic unit in the stratigraphical hierarchy (Hed-
potential GSSPs, based principally on radionuclide fall‐out berg, 1976; Salvador, 1994). While designated global stage
from atomic weapons testing in the 1940s and 1950 that left a names are required in the GTS, the conventional practice in
global, broadly isochronous signature in lake sediment and Quaternary science has been to use regional rather than global
other depositional successions (Waters et al., 2018), but no stage divisions, especially in the European Pleistocene.
formal proposal has yet been made. Until it is, then any Accordingly, their subseries (‘Lower’, ‘Middle’ and ‘Upper’)
definition of the Anthropocene must remain informal. How- or, more commonly, subepoch (‘Early’, ‘Middle’ and ‘Late’)
ever, the question might arise as to whether the international equivalents have been favoured (Head et al., 2021b). In this
geological community would welcome a new series/epoch for classification, the Anthropocene would become the fourth
which the lower boundary is based on the radiogenic by‐ (uppermost) stage/age (or subseries/subepoch) of the Holocene
products of weapons of mass destruction. These are significant Series/Epoch following the Greenlandian, Northgrippian and
issues in Late Holocene stratigraphy that will eventually be Meghalayan (Walker et al., 2019). Two difficulties arise with
debated within the SQS and ICS, but it is important that the this proposition, however. The designation of a stage/age
wider Quaternary community contributes to deliberations on requires a GSSP and this, as was discussed above, poses a
any formally submitted proposal, as has happened in the past problem because of the time‐transgressive nature of the
(Finney and Edwards, 2016). evidence. Second, the name itself would have to change, for
However, a further practical problem also remains. The stages/ages are named after the type geographical locality
stratigraphical record is unequivocal in showing that measur- (hence ‘Greenlandian’ to reflect the location of the Early
able human impacts on Earth system functioning extend Holocene GSSP on the Greenland Ice Sheet). As such the term
back several thousand years into the Holocene in many ‘Anthropocene’ could no longer be employed.
parts of the world, and possibly earlier in some regions
(Roberts et al., 2021). Moreover, a range of proxy records
reveals the markedly time‐transgressive nature of human
impact when studied on historical or human timescales.
The Anthropocene as a geological event
Human–environment transformations that affected global An alternative approach, and the one that we propose
processes began in different places at different times and (Gibbard et al., 2021), is that the Anthropocene should not
demonstrably spread geographically at different rates (Fig. 1). be designated as a formal chronostratigraphical/geochronolo-
This is the case irrespective of whether it is ecosystem change gical unit, but rather that it be defined as an ongoing event. In
and mass extinction of large vertebrates at the end of the last contrast to a series/epoch, the definition of a geological event
cold stage (Seersholm et al., 2020); the development of early has no formalization procedures or GSSP requirements. While
farming influencing atmospheric loading of trace gases (Ruddi- this means that the Anthropocene would not become a ratified
man et al., 2016); long‐term patterns of tropical deforestation unit within the international GTS, designation as an event in no
affecting precipitation, temperature, soil stability and the way diminishes its significance in Earth's history. Indeed, it
carbon cycle (Roberts et al., 2021); land clearance in the would define the Anthropocene in a similar way to globally
Americas (Lewis and Maslin, 2015); the extent and impacts of significant transformations that have previously affected the
Earth's biosphere. These include the Palaeoproterozoic Great
Oxidation Event (GOE: c. 2.4–2.0 Ga), the Great Ordovician
In stratigraphical nomenclature, ‘series’, ‘subseries’ and ‘stage’ are chronos- Biodiversity Event (GOBE; 485–455 Ma) and the Middle–Late
tratigraphical or ‘time‐rock’ terms that refer exclusively to all rocks/sediments
formed during a specific interval of geological time, whereas ‘epoch’, ‘subepoch’
Devonian forestation of continents (DeFE: c. 390–360 Ma), all
and ‘age’ are geochronological or time terms referring to the timespan of a of which demonstrate that humans are not the first organisms
stratigraphical unit (Salvador, 1994). to transform the global Earth system (Sagan, 2020). Before the
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 37(3) 395–399 (2022)
10991417, 2022, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.3416 by Ufrgs - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Wiley Online Library on [29/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
Figure 1. Geological timeline (top) compared with historical timeline (bottom). A number of different starting dates have been proposed for the
Anthropocene that correspond to different environmental and social changes that are evident as markers in the stratigraphical record. The ‘AWG
view’ refers to the Anthropocene Working Group ‘Great Acceleration’ proposal for a start date in the mid‐20th century. Colour densities broadly
indicate the intensity of change; (a) indicates years. Modified after Ellis et al. (2016) and Gibbard et al. (2021). [Color figure can be viewed at
GOE, Earth had a weakly reducing atmosphere in which influence on the planet. Accordingly, the Anthropocene
oxidation was prevented. With the development of cyano- should be defined as: ‘the aggregated effects of human
bacteria and oxygen generation as a product of photosynthesis, activities that have transformed, and continue to transform,
atmospheric oxygen increased and radically changed the the Earth system and influence biodiversity, thereby producing
course of planetary development with the evolution of a substantial, characteristic and unique record in sedimentary
multicellular life (Schirrmeister et al., 2013). During the strata and in human‐modified ground’ (cf. Gibbard et al., 2021).
GOBE, the diversity of life and new communities increased Event stratigraphy was first proposed for the recognition,
exponentially, yet diachronously, through the marine realm study and correlation of the effects of important physical or
(Servais and Harper, 2018). The evolution of forests and their biological events in the broader stratigraphical record
spread across continents during the Devonian produced an (Ager, 1973). Geological events can be time‐transgressive,
even greater transformation. Many biogeomorphic phenomena multi‐temporal and spatially variable, ranging by orders of
that operate in modern terrestrial environments appeared for magnitude from minutes to millions of years, and from local to
the first time (Davies et al., 2021), and the dramatic changes in regional and, ultimately, global (Rawson et al., 2002). The
levels of atmospheric oxygen and carbon dioxide became a event paradigm has been firmly embedded in Quaternary
driver of Late Devonian mass extinction and latterly of Late science from the mid‐19th century onwards, with the
Devonian–Carboniferous glaciation (Le Hir et al., 2011; Dahl subdivision of Quaternary time being based on the recognition
and Arens, 2020). However, despite their firm basis in the of successive climatic events, principally glacials and inter-
stratigraphical record, (Eriksson and Cheney, 1992; glacials but also stadials and interstadials, their use in
Buick, 2008), neither the GOE nor the GOBE, nor the stratigraphical classification being generally referred to as
Devonian continental forestation event, are employed to ‘climate–stratigraphy’. Highly resolved stratigraphical succes-
define time‐unit boundaries within the GTS. They are, none- sions, such as those from ice cores, provide evidence of
theless, widely regarded as major transformative phases of the millennial‐scale climatic events that are superimposed on
Earth system. Moreover, they are not particular points in time; these broad glacial–interglacial cycles (Björck et al., 1998;
they were significant events that varied spatially and tempo- Rasmussen et al., 2014), while other short‐term episodes, such
rally, as is the case with ongoing anthropogenic transforma- as Dansgaard–Oeschger events and Heinrich events, are
tions. Indeed, in proposing an Anthropocene Crutzen was not evident in ice‐core sequences and deep‐ocean sediment
principally attempting to define a new formal stratigraphical records, respectively (Dansgaard et al., 1993; Hemming, 2004).
unit, but rather was drawing attention to increasing human The hallmark of all these events is that while time intervals are
© 2022 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Quaternary Sci., Vol. 37(3) 395–399 (2022)
10991417, 2022, 3, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jqs.3416 by Ufrgs - Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande Do Sul, Wiley Online Library on [29/05/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
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