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Downloaded from SAE International by Sparsh Sharma, Friday, January 16, 2015

CFD Modeling of Advanced Swirl Technique at Inlet-Runner

for Diesel Engine

Published 01/14/2015

Bhagyada Dhingra

Vellore Institute of Technology

Sparsh Sharma

Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology

Kamalkishore Vora

B Ashok

Vellore Institute of Technology

CITATION: Dhingra, B., Sharma, S., Vora, K., and Ashok, B., "CFD Modeling of Advanced Swirl Technique at Inlet-Runner for
Diesel Engine," SAE Technical Paper 2015-26-0095, 2015, doi:10.4271/2015-26-0095.
Copyright 2015 SAE International and Copyright SAEINDIA



This paper summarizes the research work incorporated in the

exploration of the potential of swirling in CI Engine and designing of
a new mechanism, particularly at inlet, to deliver it to improve the
in-cylinder air characteristics to eventually improve mixing and
combustion process to improve the engine performance.

The rate of depletion of petroleum based fuel due automobiles is now

driving the current generation of engineers and scientists to develop
new techniques of extracting power from the fuel and enhancing the
overall efficiency of existing techniques. Currently, the world has a
huge number of automobiles on the road using Internal Combustion
Engine (IC Engine). It is estimated by World Energy Forum in 2009
that the worldwide reserves of crude oil will be exhausted in less than
100 years [1]. Compression Ignition (CI) engines, more commonly
known as diesel engines, can operate on conventional petroleum
diesel fuel but also on neat vegetable oil [2,3], non-edible oil [4, 5, 6,
7], waste cooking oil [8] and biodiesel [9]. Moreover a CI engine can
be operated on biodiesel [10], hence, biodiesel can be a potential
alternative fuel to replace or supplement depleted crude oil. Many
attempts had been made by researchers to utilize this advantage.
Among them, Celikten et al [11] compared CI engine performance
fuelled with diesel, rapeseed and soybean fuels. Bio-diesel
experiences a reduction of maximum power and torque of 1.0 kW
and 2.1 N.m respectively compared to diesel [11]. Additionally the
fuel consumption of rapeseed and soybean were also reported to
increase from diesel by about 29 g/kWh and 47 g/kWh, respectively.
These problems are mainly due to the inferior chemical properties of
biodiesel compared to the conventional diesel fuel. The viscosity and
density of biodiesel were reported to be higher and volatility lower
than diesel fuel [12,13,14] which lead to the incomplete combustion
and this eventually produces lower engine performance and affects
the durability of the engine [15,16]. Furthermore the emission of
toxic gases like CO, HC, aldehydes, particles and black smokes are
also reported to be lower, in comparison to burning diesel fuel, except
NOX, which is higher. The researches in this area are focused to

The research is concentrated on the measures to be done on engine

geometry so as to not only deliver advantage to any specific fuel.
According to the CI combustion theory, better engine performance
may be achieved with Higher Viscous Fuel by improving the
in-cylinder air-fuel mixing by increasing the swirl (rotation of air
view from top of the cylinder) and tumble (rotation of air view from
front of the cylinder) of in-cylinder air inside the fuel-injected region.
The proposed inlet component is embedded with airfoil and is
suitably designed after being iterated from four steps. The deciding
factors of shape and orientation of these airfoils are height, chord
length and number of blades. The preliminary assessment of the
proposed component is performed on a CFD code using
incompressible Navier-stokes with k-epsilon turbulence modeling.
The 3D cold flow IC engine simulation is conducted on COSMOS
and ANSYS Fluent. The validation of the results of in-cylinder
airflow characteristics from simulations are compared with other
related research works.
This paper is the first in series of our research on Diesel Engine. The
experimental validation of the proposed component is currently
going-on and would be presented in the next publication. The results
show that the better mixing of fuel is achieved and the concentration
of CO and Unburned Hydrocarbons is also reduced.

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improve the properties of biodiesel by using additives [17], preheating the fuel to level its viscosity to that of diesel [18] and
adjusting the injection timing [19].
The current research is focused on the measures to be done on engine
geometry so as to not only deliver advantage to any specific fuel. The
most popular techniques employed to improve the combustion
efficiency using HVF (Higher Viscous Fuel due to their higher
viscosity compared to petroleum diesel fuel) are preheating HVF
before injection [8, 20] and changing the injection timing [21].
According to the CI combustion theory, better engine performance
may be achieved with HVF by improving the in-cylinder air-fuel
mixing by increasing the swirl (rotation of air view from top of the
cylinder) and tumble (rotation of air view from front of the cylinder)
of in-cylinder air inside the fuel-injected region. Various methods
have been used to improve the in-cylinder airflow in diesel engines
such as: closing part of the intake port using a butterfly valve
[22,23,24,25] modifying intake port/manifold geometry inserting
shroud around the intake valve and modifying the piston bowl.
Alternatively, in-cylinder airflow may be improved through the use of
a guide vane.
One of the primary approaches to get the fuel entirely oxidized is to
make it mix properly with the air is swirling or commonly known as
turbulence. The more is the swirling of air-fuel mixture, the more
breakdown of viscous fuel particle is. The breakdown of these heavy
fuel particles occurs during the compression/combustion stroke. The
concept of organized air flow is not new and was first found for
carbureted engine using gasoline using gasoline by using rotating
blades placed between carburetor and intake manifold to provide more
air swirl for efficient air-fuel mixing [26]. Afterwards, atomizers and
fuel molecule breaker were patented with different identities [14].
Instead of duplicating what has been done, this research explores the
potential of swirling in CI Engine and designing of a new mechanism
to deliver it to improve the in-cylinder air characteristics to
eventually improve mixing and combustion process to improve the
engine performance. The figure shown below shows the basic shape
of airfoils which has been tested in present work.

Swirl Generation during Induction

There are two broad tactics to create swirl during the induction
stroke. In one, the flow is discharged tangentially toward the cylinder
wall, where it is deflected sideways and downward in a swirling
motion. In the other, the swirl is largely generated within the inlet
port: the flow is forced to rotate about the valve axis before it enters
the cylinder.

Governing Equations: COLD Flow Analysis

The three major equations used in the computational fluid dynamics
problem are Continuity equation, Momentum equation (Navier-stokes
equation) and Energy equation. For the generalized fluid flow
problems mostly two equations are used. The first one is Continuity
equation which fulfils the law of conservation of mass, thus a mass
balance requirement posed in a mathematical form and the second
one is Navier-stokes equation which fulfils the law of conservation of
momentum. The Navier-stokes equations are vector hence they have
separate set of equations for each coordinate direction. On the basis
of control volume, the continuity equation is derived as follows:


Where is the fluid density and U is the three dimensional flow

velocities in x, y and z directions. The Navier-stokes equation is
based on the Newton's second law where the forces taken into
account are body forces and surface forces on the control volume and
is derived as follows:


In this equation p, and SM are the fluid pressure, strain rate and
momentum source, respectively. Since this problem is quite a
complex thus the involvement of Energy equation in the calculations
is inevitable. The rate of change of energy inside the fluid element
which is equal to the combined net flux of heat into the element and
the net rate of work done on the element due to the body and surface
forces comprises the Energy equation which is further mathematically
denoted as follows:


Where htot and represent the total enthalpy and thermal conductivity
respectively of the fluid.

Figure 1. Different types of airfoil shortlisted for analysis

The engine simulation model is modelled conferring to the Kirloskar

TAF-1 diesel engine coupled with a generator that operated at a
constant speed of 1500 rpm. The technical specifications of the
engine are listed in Table 2. SolidWorks 2014 is used to model the

Downloaded from SAE International by Sparsh Sharma, Friday, January 16, 2015

essential drawings of the intake port, intake runner, intake valve, and
cylinder volume. The dynamic analysis is carried out in ANSYS
Fluent. The CFD simulation is carried out for only cold flow without
combustion. At the boundaries i.e. at the intake as well as exhaust
manifold, constant pressure conditions are given. Logarithmic law of
wall unified with No-slip wall boundary condition is used. Moreover
the simulation is dynamic and time dependent thus turbulence
modeling comes into play.

modelled as 2D for initial purpose so as to save the time (i.e., solve

the axisymmetric problem) and include the prediction of the
circumferential (or swirl) velocity. It is important to note that while
the assumption of axisymmetric implies that there are no
circumferential gradients in the flow, there may still be non-zero swirl
velocities as shown in the figure:

Turbulence Modeling of the Swirling Flow

The swirl number is mathematically defined as follows:


where r is the radial coordinate (specifically, the radial distance from

the axis of rotation), v is the tangential velocity, is the velocity
vector, a unit vector normal to the surface, S is the inlet or outlet.
For flows with weak to moderate swirl (S < 0.5), both the RNG k -
model and the realizable k - model yield appreciable improvements
over the standard k - model. For highly swirling flows (S > 0.5), the
RNG k - model is strongly recommended. The effects of strong
turbulence anisotropy can be modeled rigorously only by the
second-moment closure adopted in the RNG k - model
In this study RNG k- model is used. k is the turbulence kinetic
energy and is defined as the variance of the fluctuations in velocity
and is the turbulence eddy dissipation and has dimensions of k
per unit time. The TKE equation after few simplifications is as

Figure 2. In-cylinder picture showing the region needed to be modeled

Dynamic Meshing for Piston Movement

The to and fro motion of piston is modeled using the technique
known as Dynamic mesh. It allows the movement of the boundaries
of a cell zone relative to other boundaries of the zone, and to adjust
the mesh accordingly. The boundaries can move rigidly with respect
to each other (i.e., linear or rotational motion), and/or deform. The
relative motion of stationary (cylinder) and moving (piston)
components gives rise to transient interactions.

Mesh Update Method

As per the availability of mesh motion methods in ANSYS Fluent,
Spring-Based Smoothing and Dynamic Layering Method are chosen
which are further explained in subsequent section.


The first term on the RHS is the production of k, the second term ()
is the specific dissipation per unit mass. The last terms describe the
transport of k by molecular and turbulent diffusion. This model is
best suited for flows with high Reynolds number where turbulence is
almost isotropic. The scale elimination procedure in RNG theory
results in a differential equation for turbulent viscosity:

Spring-Based Smoothing
In the spring-based smoothing method, the edges between any two
mesh nodes are idealized as a network of interconnected springs. The
initial spacing's of the edges before any boundary motion constitute
the equilibrium state of the mesh. A displacement at a given boundary
node will generate a force proportional to the displacement along all
the springs connected to the node. Using Hooke's Law, the force on a
mesh node can be written as [45]:



The problem here is axisymmetric with respect to geometry and flow

conditions and includes swirl or rotation. In this case, the flow can be

are the displacements of node i and its neighbor j, ni
is the number of neighboring nodes connected to node i, and kij is the
spring constant (or stiffness) between node i and its neighbor j. The
spring constant for the edge connecting nodes i and j is defined as


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Dynamic Layering Method

In prismatic mesh zones, dynamic layering method adds or removes
layers of cells adjacent to a moving boundary, based on the height of
the layer adjacent to the moving surface. The dynamic mesh model in
ANSYS FLUENT allows you to specify an ideal layer height on each
moving boundary.

The simulation goes projected when the geometry gets the required
set of physical parameters associated with the operational conditions.
In preceding sections, it is decided to go with k- Turbulence
modelling with dynamic meshing supported by spring based
smoothing and dynamic layering.

Boundary Conditions
This section describes the associated boundary conditions with the
suction stroke in CI engine. There is no turbocharging linked with the
in-take stroke. The following figure shows all the attached boundary
conditions to every important component.
The simulation goes projected when the geometry gets the required
set of physical parameters associated with the operational conditions.
In preceding sections, it is decided to go with k- Turbulence
modeling with dynamic meshing supported by spring based
smoothing and dynamic layering.
Figure 3. Dynamic layering at the moving boundary layer (piston-cylinder

If the cells in layer j are expanding, the cell heights are allowed to
increase until


Here hmin is the minimum cell height of cell layer j, hideal is the ideal
cell height, and as is the layer split factor.
If the cells in layer j are being compressed, they can be compressed


where ac is the layer collapse factor. When this condition is met, the
compressed layer of cells is merged into the layer of cells above the
compressed layer; i.e., the cells in layer j are merged with those in
layer i.

Figure 4. Engine geometry showing all the boundary conditions attached

The following table.1 tabulates all the boundary conditions attached

to its respective component.
Table 1. Boundary conditions attached to their significant component

Implicit Update Settings

For such applications, having the mesh motion updated within the
time step based on the converging flow solution results in a stronger
coupling between the flow solution and the mesh motion, and leads to
a more robust solver run. Implicit mesh updating allows you to run
simulations that otherwise could not be solved or would require an
unreasonably small time step. The relaxation of the displacements is
defined by the following equation [45]:


Where xk is the node position at iteration k (within a time step),

xcomputed,k is the computed node position (based on the flow field), and
is the motion relaxation.

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Simulation Results and Discussion

A complete parametric study of four different types of blade shape
incorporated in the component is done computationally in this
chapter. Parametric study is performed with the component
maintaining the constant engine geometry throughout the analysis for
four different configurations namely S1 to S4.
The method of testing adopted for this project is one of learning from
the results of each shape tested, and implementing appropriate
changes in the subsequent blade shape. The best configuration is then
chosen after analyzing computational result and comparing various
plots for in-cylinder velocity and vorticity.
As for preparing the simulation model, SolidWorks 2014 was utilized
to draw the four different blade shape design and S1 to S4
configuration for Advanced Swirl Device (ASD). The best design is
then chosen by comparing the results obtained by CFD analysis.
The for k- turbulence modeling brought the following plots. It can
be construed from the figure shown below that the velocity of the
fluid at the cylinder wall is apparently negligible as compared to the
velocity in the core of cylinder. This evidences the problem of
formation of thin wall of charge inside the cylinder in CI engine.

In the figure.7, a comparison of velocity among all the proposed

ASDs is shown. The in-cylinder velocity in S1 and S3 is relatively
less when compared with that of S2 and S4. The more the green color
a plot has the less the swirl it has and adhering to which
configurations S1 and S3 simply draw out from the further
comparison. Now moving towards the left ones, S4 delivers high
in-cylinder velocity at almost every point.
Nevertheless S4 has a static region in the right side of the cylinder, S2
has certainly very low velocity in the core of the cylinder.
Next illustration (figure.8) shows the vorticity cut plot. The circular
motion along the vertical axis or simply swirl is inferred from this
plot. Configuration S1 delivers mixed response whereas S2 and S4, as
expected, distribute more swirl inside the cylinder. Performance of S3
is dramatically poor in this context, the flow remain irrotational all
the time. The more the rotational flow near the walls, the less the
formation of fluid film there; S4 has more vorticity vectors at every
visible location inside the cylinder as compared to others.

Figure 7. Cut plot showing velocity distribution in S1-S4 (clockwise from top
left) configurations

Figure 5. ASD-S1 to S4 (from left to right)

Adding up the results from all the cut plots, it is inferred that S2 and
S4 are the best possible designs for ASD, but to move on for further
iteration process it is suggested to select the best so that advance
design changes can be introduced into the selected design. A thorough
analysis of the plots suggest a draw between S2 and S4 whereas
figure 7 and 8 characterize the drawbacks in S2 thus marking S4 as
the best suited ASD design.

Additionally, vorticity plot also shows a level of turbulence

(disturbance) directly beneath the port which fades out when moving
away from the axis in radial direction. The blue color depicts the zero
magnitude of swirl parallel to the cylinder head plane as shown in

Figure 6. Cut plot showing velocity (left) and vorticity (right) distribution in
baseline configuration

Figure 8. Cut plot showing vorticity distribution in S1-S4 (clockwise from top
left) configurations

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The overhead discussion simply suggest that configuration S4 is best

among all the proposed designs, thus the usage of a cambered airfoil
in the inlet runner can be considered fruitful in terms of increasing
in-cylinder velocity and swirl resulting in less emission.
Since this is a progressive iteration process, S4 moves on the next
iteration process and will be tested with next design optimization.
After being decided upon the shape, the designing process of ASD
arrives at phase-2. The positioning of the device is considered the
second important parameter. Parametric study is carried out with the
component placed at two different positions namely L1 and L2 as
shown in figure.9.

Figure 9. ASD-L1 (left) and ASD-L2 (right)

The cut plot shown in figure.10 shows the difference between

velocity distributions inside the cylinder delivered by L1 (left) and L2
(right). In configuration L1, the particle moves somewhat slower
inside the cylinder, the yellow region near the ports and around the
walls proves this.

Figure.11 shows the vorticity plot for both the configurations. The
swirl intensity is high in L2 configuration at every place. On the walls
where velocity seems to less in previous graph, vorticity plot
evidences the presence of high swirl at those positions. In L1 the
swirl is critically less the left side of the cylinder whereas in L2 the
red and yellow color confirms the high swirl.
From above interpretation, ASD-S4-L2 comes out to be the best and
can be moved on the next the iteration phase.
Till now S4 shape with L2 positioning is confirmed by the robust
computational analysis. This chapter deals with the optimization of
the component for number of blades. A parametric study is performed
with the component maintaining the constant engine geometry
throughout the analysis. Three different ASDs with different number
of blades have been modeled, in SoildWorks 2014, namely B1, B2,
and B3.

Figure 12. Cut plot showing velocity distribution in B1, B2, and B3 (from left
to right)

The figure.12 illustrates the velocity distribution inside the cylinder.

All the three configuration differ from each other. The plot on the
extreme right (eight blade configuration) has almost zero velocity
around the wall of the cylinder. The two red spots around the central
axis show high velocity swirls in the center but due to the presence of
more blue and green color it stands last in the comparison. Coming to
the configuration B2 (six blades), the velocity around the wall on the
right side is pretty low but in the core of cylinder the presence of
more red color is quite an evidence of high velocity vectors

Figure 10. Cut plot showing velocity distribution in L1 (left) and L2 (right)

Looking at L2 configuration, the red portion is more than any other

color. The velocity near the axis of the cylinder is also very high in
this case. On the right side of the cylinder, blue color is visible which
shows the area of high tumble, this is caused due to usage of
conventional valve in the analysis.

Figure 13. Cut plot showing vorticity distribution in B1, B2, and B3 (from left
to right)

With the most of red color inside the cylinder, configuration with four
blades can be considered as the best in terms of velocity distribution.
The little yellow spot near the left wall shows some static region but
overall it has better performance capabilities.

Figure 11. Cut plot showing vorticity distribution in L1 (left) and L2 (right)

Now comes to the vorticity plot. This plot also favors the coin to B1.
The high pressure swirl is present around the wall of B1. B2 also has
good turbulence relative to B1. Upon looking B3, there is no sign of
high swirl.

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From above interpretation, ASD-S4-L2-B1 comes out to be the best

and can be moved on the next the iteration phase.
This section is the last in this iteration process, counts the parametric
study of three different configurations of ASD with four blades but of
different heights namely H1, H2, and H3. The study is performed
with components maintaining the constant engine geometry
throughout the analysis.
The next plot is the velocity distribution inside the cylinder of all the
three configurations having blades with different height as shown in
figure.14. The picture in the extreme right is having blade of 4.5mm
length. It is previously mentioned that these blades will impart
obstruction to the air flow. Furthermore, the presence of more green
and yellow color in H3 prove the presence of static dead fluid zone
which is not good for combustion. Now coming to H2 (picture in the
middle), the velocity vector is somewhat increased relatively H1, yet
the presence of more yellow and red color in this configuration prove
that increasing the length of blade is definitely increasing the
obstruction to the incoming air. Now moving to H1 (extreme left)
which has blade height of 2.5mm length. The velocity near the wall
and around the central axis is comparatively high compared to every
other configuration.

Figure 14. Cut plot showing vorticity distribution in H1, H2, and H3 (from left
to right)

The final plot in the series of this long iteration process is the
vorticity plot accommodating H1, H2, and H3 as shown in figure 15.
Looking at the extreme right, H3 configuration, the vorticity around
the wall is observed which diminishes when moving in to the central
axis. Two dead zones are clearly visible. H2 delivers a surprisingly
high vortical flow with yellow portion motivating the presence of
swirls. Finally coming to H1, i.e. 2.5mm long blades, the vortical
flow is strongest in this configuration with least concentration of dead
fluid zones. The red portion on the right side of the cylinder wall is a
great indication of high velocity swirl.

Experimental Results and Discussion

This section is certainly the most important chapter of this paper. It
includes the prototyping of Advanced Swirl Device and its
installation, commissioning and run of the engine. Substantial
development of the engine test facility was necessary before testing
could begin.
After being iterated in long designing process ASD has finally taken
its shape. The CAD model is prepared in SolidWorks 2014 and has
been scaled up for the purpose for being tested on the available
facility. The manufacturing process incorporated in manufacturing
ASD is also mentioned in this chapter.
The engine available at VIT University is a Kirloskar TAF-1 diesel
engine used for agricultural application which is a constant speed of
1500 rpm. Full specification of this engine and installation of ASD at
the inlet runner is elaborated in this chapter.
The final section deals with the results and validates the
computational results obtained from CFD analysis.

Figure 16. Manufactured blades (left) according to S4-B1-H1 configuration

and the final ASD (right) with blades embedded inside the cylindrical pipe

The final ASD as shown in figure 16 has been manufactured using CNC
The engine simulation model is modelled conferring to the Kirloskar
TAF-1 diesel engine that operated at a constant speed of 1500 rpm is
coupled with a eddy current dynamometer. The technical
specifications of the engine are listed in Table 2. SolidWorks 2014 is
used to model the essential drawings of the intake port, intake runner,
intake valve, and cylinder volume.
The analysis is done for 5 load variations namely 20%, 40%, 60%,
80%, and 100%; with and without ASD.

Figure 15. Cut plot showing vorticity distribution in H1, H2, and H3 (from left
to right)

From above interpretation, ASD-S4-L2-B1-H1 comes out to be the

best and can be moved on the next phase of this project which is
prototyping and experimental tests on engine bed.
Figure 17. Kirloskar TAF-1 Diesel Engine

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The engine test is made possible not only because of engine but also
the auxiliaries like electronic display board which shows engine
speed in rpm, data acquisition system recording every bit, fuel tank
holding enough diesel fuel for the test, gas analyzer for analyzing the
emission constituents, and dynamometer. Schematic diagram of the
experimental set up is depicted in figure 18.

fuel. The same phenomena is observed here but a variation in the

concentration of CO2 and NOx in both the engine configuration is

Figure 19. CO2 emissions vs load

Figure 18. Overall experimental set-up

Table 2. Engine specifications

Both the graphs show no deviation to each other. At 20% load the
baseline engine run produces 233ppm CO2 whereas run with ASD
produces only 193ppm which is 40ppm less CO2 emissions at minimal
load. At 40% load, ASD engine run emits 50ppm less CO2. This trend
is dominant for all the load values and on an average engine with ASD
emits 45ppm less CO2 than an engine without ASD.

Figure 20. NOx emissions vs load

The following table tabulates engine specifications in a broad way.

When the engine speed is kept constant, the performance of a diesel
engine is mainly dictated by the quantities of diesel fuel injected.
Usually, the specific fuel consumption decreases while the exhaust
temperature increases with the increase in engine power, and NOx
and CO2 emissions increase with the increased addition of the diesel

Since the NOx formation is more complex than any other pollutant so
are its measures. At nominal load of 20%, instead of a drop in NOx
emissions, an unexpected rise of 35ppm is observed which could be
estimated due to more mixing inside the cylinder. At 40% load the
emissions get lower in ASD engine whereas the baseline engine keep
following the same trend. It can be simply inferred from the figure 20
that NOx emission increases in engine with ASD which could a
possible outcome of more mixing. So it is advisable for future work if
catalytic converter can be incorporated in the research work for
further development of this new idea.

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Concluding remark in favor of ASD is evidently given by this

positive variation in BTE. At initial 20% load, there is no difference
observed in efficiencies of both the configurations.
Till 50% load conditions, baseline performs better in terms of
efficiency but after 50% the configuration with ASD topples up
everything in favor of this new invention.an overall rise of 3.12% is
calculated, which means using ASD increases the BTE by 3%.

Figure 21. CO emissions vs load

The results obtained for CO and unburned hydrocarbons, the ASD

seem advantageous. With the increment in load from 20% to full load
condition reduction 0f 0.05% CO to 0.07% CO emissions are
observed with the usage of ASD.
From initial load variation to the final load, a drop of HC emissions is
observed in the range of 50 ppm to 200 ppm with the usage of ASD.
Figure 24. Exhaust Gas Temperature (EGT)

Certainly the reason for trivial performance of ASD for NOx

emissions could be explained with the help of figure 24. A very
oscillating data has been recorded for EGT. Between the intervals of
40% load to 75% load, engine with ASD produces higher temperature
exhaust whereas the baseline engine shows a linear curve for all the
ranges of loads. Beyond 80% load conditions, ASD lowers down the
exhaust gas temperature by 5%.

Summary & Conclusions

Figure 22. HC emissions vs load

Advanced Swirl Devices (ASDs) were tested by performing a

rigorous design and analyses process consisting of both CFD
simulations and experimental tests on an engine bed. This
encompassed a wide range of boundary conditions, engine speeds and
loads. And provided a suitable basis upon which to compare thee
emissions performance of each ASD.
Substantial variances in the trend of CO2, NOx, CO and unburned
Hydrocarbons between different mode tests.
The figure shown below depicts the advantage ASD is delivering in
terms of enhancing swirl and mixing of fuel-air particles. The more
red color is visible in ASD configuration which evidences more
turbulence and swirl inside the chamber.

Figure 23. Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE)

Figure 25. Cut plot showing velocity comparison between baseline (left) and

Downloaded from SAE International by Sparsh Sharma, Friday, January 16, 2015

10. Murugesan, A., et al., as an alternative fuel for diesel

engines-A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
2009. 13(3): p. 653-662.

Figure 26. Cut plot showing vorticity comparison between baseline (left) and

ASD-S4-L2-B1-H1 has been prototyped and is tested on the engine

bed. The engine ran twice; one with the device and one without
device. The fuel used is diesel without pre-heating. The exhaust gas
analyzer analyzed the exhaust at every load and it is evidently
recorded that the application of ASD at the inlet reduces CO2, CO,
Unburned HCs. This is due to the proper mixing of air-fuel particles
because as expected ASD has imparted high velocity vortical flow
into the cylinder.
A drop in the range of 50-200 ppm is observed in HC emissions,
furthermore a reduction of 0.05% CO is also observed. While moving
towards CO2 a descent of 50ppm is achieved.
Brake thermal efficiency is surprisingly increased by 3% which needs
to be validated with more robust engine tests in future.


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Bhagyada Dhingra
Fiat-Chrysler Automotive pvt Ltd.
Sparsh Sharma
Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology

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