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Investigating Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions Using CFD

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The document discusses using CFD to model diesel engine performance and emissions. It aims to better understand in-cylinder gas motion and the combustion process.

The document is discussing using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to model direct injection diesel engines. It aims to model things like fuel spray characteristics, combustion, and pollutant formation.

The document discusses modeling turbulence, combustion processes, spray formation, ignition delay, and chemical kinetics using CFD. It also discusses modeling the effects of swirl and tumble motions on spray behavior.

Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5, 171-180

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/epe.2013.52017 Published Online March 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/epe)

Investigating Diesel Engine Performance and Emissions

Using CFD
Tarek M. Belal1, El Sayed M. Marzouk2, Mohsen M. Osman1

Department of Mechanical Engineer, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Umm Al-Qura University, Makka, KSA
Email: tarek.belal@eg.bureauveritas.com, emmarzouk@yahoo.com, mohsen7351@yahoo.com

Received November 23, 2012; revised December 22, 2012; accepted January 7, 2013

Fluid flow in an internal combustion engine presents one of the most challenging fluid dynamics problems to model.
This is because the flow is associated with large density variations. So, a detailed understanding of the flow and combustion processes is required to improve performance and reduce emissions without compromising fuel economy. The
simulation carried out in the present work to model DI diesel engine with bowl in piston for better understanding of the
in cylinder gas motion with details of the combustion process that are essential in evaluating the effects of ingesting
synthetic atmosphere on engine performance. This is needed for the course of developing a non-air recycle diesel with
exhaust management system [1]. A simulation was carried out using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT. The turbulence and combustion processes are modeled with sufficient generality to include spray formation, delay
period, chemical kinetics and on set of ignition. Results from the simulation compared well with that of experimental
results. The model proved invaluable in obtaining details of the in cylinder flow patterns, combustion process and
combustion species during the engine cycle. The results show that the model over predicting the maximum pressure
peak by 6%, (p-), (p-v) diagrams for different engine loads are predicted. Also the study shows other engine parameters captured by the simulation such as engine emissions, fuel mass fraction, indicated gross work, ignition delay period
and heat release rate.
Keywords: Numerical Simulation; Unsteady Flow; Combustion; Diesel Engine

1. Introduction
The requirement to meet the challenge of producing
cleaner and more efficient power plants will intensify
further over the next few years. This challenge requires
an increased commitment to research by the transportation industry. The internal combustion engine represents
one of the more challenging fluid mechanics problems to
model because the flow is compressible with large density variations, relatively high Mach number, turbulent,
unsteady, cyclic, and non-stationary, both spatially and
temporally. Much progress has been made in CFD model
development for engines in recent years.
Clean diesel engines are one of the fuel efficient and
low emission engines of interest in the automotive Industry. The combustion chamber flow field and its effect on
fuel spray characteristics plays an important role in improving the efficiency and reducing the pollutant emission in a direct injection diesel engine, in terms of influencing processes of breakup, evaporation mixture formation, ignition, combustion and pollutant formation. CFD
modeling is a valuable tool to acquire detailed information about these important processes. In this context [2],
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the characteristics of ultra-high injection pressure diesel

fuel sprays are simulated and validated in a quiescent
constant volume chamber. A profile function is utilized
in order to apply variable velocity and mass flow rate at
the nozzle exit. The CFD model is also applied to an
open cycle engine model to study the effects of engine
flow field features such as swirl and tumble motions on
the spray behavior [2].
A multi-zone direct-injection (DI) diesel combustion
model has been implemented for full cycle simulation of
a turbocharged diesel engine [3]. The above combustion
model takes into account the following features of the
spray dynamics:
the detailed evolution process of fuel sprays;
interaction of sprays with the in-cylinder swirl and the
walls of the combustion chamber;
the evolution of a Near-Wall Flow (NWF) formed as
a result of a spray-wall impingement as a function of
the impingement angle and the local swirl velocity;
interaction of Near-Wall Flows formed by adjacent
the effect of gas and wall temperatures on the evapoEPE



ration rate in the spray and NWF zones.

A NOx calculation sub-model uses detailed chemistry
analysis which considers 199 reactions of 33 species. A
soot formation calculation sub-model used is the phenomenological one and takes into account the distribution of the Sauter Mean Diameter in injection process.
The ignition delay sub-model implements two concepts.
The first concept is based on calculations using the conventional empirical equations. In the second approach the
ignition delay period is estimated using relevant data in
the calculated comprehensive 4-D map of ignition delays.
The model has been validated using published experimental data obtained on high- and medium-speed engines.
Comparison of results demonstrates a good agreement
between theoretical and experimental sets of data [3].
By separating the fluid dynamic calculation from that
of the chemistry, the unsteady flamelet model allows the
use of comprehensive chemical mechanisms, which include several hundred reactions. This is necessary to describe the different processes that occur in a DI Diesel
engine such as auto ignition, the burnout in the partially
premixed phase, the transition to diffusive burning, and
formation of pollutants like NOx and soot. The experimental results show good agreement for the whole combustion cycle (ignition delay, maximum pressures, torque
and pollutant formation) between the two-component reference fuel and Diesel. The simulations are performed
for both reference fuels and are compared to the experimental data. Pollutant formation (NOx and soot) is predicted for both reference fuels. The contributions of the
different reaction paths (thermal, prompt, nitrous, and reburn) to the NO formation are shown. Finally, the importance of the mixing process for the prediction of soot
emissions is discussed [4].
The KIVA code is widely used for model development
in academia due to the availability of the source. However, its capability for resolving complex geometries is
The KIVA engine simulation developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory was used to characterize the
combustion of alternative fuels in a direct injection diesel
engine. Rapeseed oil, its methyl ester and hexadecane
were used in engines run at 3000 rev/min and 50% maximum torque. Approximately 40 consecutive cycles were
phase averaged to derive the pressure traces for comparison to KIVA predictions. The engine parameters and
the fuel properties used in the simulations are described.
Simulation results were good for the methyl ester and for
hexadecane which was used as a reference fuel. The model predicted lower pressures for the rape oil than those
which were experimentally observed [5].
A modified CFD code based on the KIVA family of
codes incorporating several strategies for reducing the
computational time required for diesel engine simulations
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

is presented. The improved code and coarse meshes are

used together to simulate combustion in a heavy-duty
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries diesel engine operated over
a range of loads, speeds, and injection strategies. The average simulation time from IVC to EVO is reduced from
around 60 hours to 1 hour through the use of 12 processors and the new strategies [6].
On the other hand, other commercial CFD codes such
as STAR-CD, FIRE, VECTIS and FLUENT are frequently
used by industry due to their superior mesh generation
interfaces and because of their available user support.
Some scientists combined STAR-CD and KIVA code for
the engine simulations but they concluded that, it would
be preferable to implement the advanced sub models directly into one commercial code for engine simulations
The gas motion inside the engine cylinder plays a very
important role in determining the thermal efficiency of
an internal combustion engine. A better understanding of
in cylinder gas motion will be helpful in optimizing engine design parameters. An attempt has been made to
study the combustion processes in a compression ignition
engine and simulation was done using computational fluid
dynamic (CFD) code FLUENT, Turbulent flow modeling
and combustion modeling was analyzed in formulating
and developing a model for combustion process [8].
This paper describes the development and use of sub
models for combustion analysis in direct injection (DI)
diesel engine. In the present study the Computational
Fluid dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT is used to model
complex combustion phenomenon in compression ignition (CI) engine. The results obtained from modeling
were compared with experimental investigation. Consequences in terms of pressure, rate of pressure rise and
rate of heat release are presented. The rate of pressure
rise and heat release rate were calculated from pressure
based statistics. The modeling outcome is discussed in
detail with combustion parameters. The results presented
in this paper demonstrate that, the CFD modeling can be
the reliable tool for modeling combustion of internal combustion engine [9].

2. Scope of Present Work

It is evident from the foregoing discussion that multidimensional calculations for the in cylinder flows are proved
to be powerful tool for diesel engines simulation. A three
dimensional model has been chosen for this investigation.
The turbulence model and combustion model has been
taken for analysis. The turbulence and combustion processes are modeled with sufficient generality to include
spray formation, delay period, chemical kinetics and on
set of ignition. Also the model predicts NO and soot
emissions over a wide range of operating conditions in a
diesel engine.



3. Mathematical Description
3.1. Mesh and Boundaries
The mathematical models in CFD start with combustion
chamber geometry approximation representation (engine
mesh) and boundaries types. The geometry can be made
using the pre-processor as shown in Figure 1. The gambit software (pre-processor is used to build and meshing
a model [10]. Table 1 shows engine data [11,12].

3.2. Numerical Modeling

The physical phenomena of combustion flows in internal
combustion engines are very complex, this study uses Eulerian and Lagrangian equations in Fluent code to solve
the gas and liquid phases governing equations [10]. The
gas governing equations consist of mass, momentum,

energy, species, turbulent equation, and chemical reaction. The liquid fuel governing equations contain the
equation of motion, the droplet energy, and spray equations. Regarding the physical boundary conditions, velocity at wall is approximated by turbulent law-of-the-wall
velocity and temperature at wall prescribed by fixed temperature (cylinder head = 490 K, cylinder wall = 473 K
and piston and piston bowl = 550 K. The program starts
at CA = 239 CA at inlet valve close with inlet charge
already fill the cylinder and ends at CA = 469 CA at exhaust valve opening. That means the simulation is counting for the indicated gross work and associated combustion parameters. The simulation is based on the experimental work using the DI diesel engine F1L511 [13].
The present model uses standard k- model for solving
Navier stokes equations employing the eddy dissipation
3.2.1. Modeling Basic Fluid Flow
It is often required to model a region of the engine as an
open thermodynamic system. Such model is appropriate
when the gas inside the open system boundary can be
assumed uniform in composition and state at each point
in time, and when that state and composition vary with
time due to heat transfer, work transfer, mass flow across
the boundary, and boundary displacement. Governing
equations are mass, momentum equations and energy
equations. These equations for open system, with time or
crank angle as the independent variable, are the building
blocks for thermodynamic based models.
Continuity equation:

v Sm


Momentum equation:

v vv p g F
Figure 1. Engine combustion chamber mesh.
Table 1. F1L511 Engine Data.

Duetz F1L511

Operating principle

Four stroke

Number of cylinders

One cylinder

Type of injection

Direct injection


100 mm


105 mm

Swept volume

825 cm3

Compression ratio


Cooling system

air cooled

Piston crown

Bowl in piston

Injection pressure

175 Bar

Injection duration

26 CA

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3.2.2. Heat Transfer Modeling

The energy equation solved is taking the following form:

E v E p

keff T j h j J j eff v S h


The first three terms on the right-hand side of Equation

(3) represent energy transfer due to conduction, species
diffusion, and viscous dissipation, respectively. Sh includes
the heat of chemical reaction, and any other volumetric
heat sources may be defined.
3.2.3. k- Model
The k- model is the simplest complete model of turbulence consists of two-equation model. It is a semiEPE




empirical model, and the derivation of the model equations rely on phenomenological considerations and empiricism [14].

k kui
t k

Gk Gb YM Sk

k x j




C1 0.22 S p



du p

3.2.4. Combustion Modeling

The ignition/combustion model is based on a modified
eddy dissipation concept (EDC) which has been implemented into the CFD code. Multiple simultaneous chemical reactions can be modeled, with reactions occurring in
the bulk phase (volumetric reactions) and/or on wall surfaces. The conservation equation takes the following general form:

a Cn H m b O 2 cN 2
eH 2 fCO gCO 2 hH 2 O jN 2

Zeldovich mechanisms [8]:

O N 2 N NO
O 2 N O NO

The equilibrium reactions are:

H 2 2H
O 2 2O
N 2 2N
O 2 H 2 2OH
CO O 2 CO 2 O
H 2 O O 2OH

3.2.5. Engine Ignition Modeling

For the present study the Auto-ignition model (Hardenburg model) [16] is the most suitable one for simulating
direct injection Diesel engine. The transport equation for
an ignition species, Yig is given by:
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FD u u p

gx p



3.2.7. Spray Modeling

In the present study the collision model along with the
TAB breakup model are used [17-19].
2.4 f

bcrit r1 r2 min 1.0



It is assumed that reaction occurs in small turbulent

structures, called the fine scales [15]. The bulk reaction is
assumed to be:


1 21.2

exp Ea

RT 17,190 p 12.4


3.2.6. Discrete Phase Modeling

The Lagrangian discrete phases model in the CFD code
follows the Euler-Lagrange approach. For x-direction it
takes the following form

Yi vYi J i Ri Si


The ignition delay period is calculated using the Hardenburg and Hase correlation [9] which is given by:



G1 Gk C3 Gb

x j

vYig t Yig Sig



dy dt n



3.2.8. Emissions Modeling

In the present study the mass transport equation for the
NO species is solved, taking into account convection,
diffusion, production and consumption of NO and related




For soot formation the two-step Tesner model is used

[20]. The model predicts the generation of radical nuclei
and then computes the formation of soot on these nuclei.

t bnuc
Rnuc (13)


Rsoot Rsoot,form Rsoot,comb


4. Results and Analysis

4.1. Grid Analysis
The computational grids of the DI diesel engine are
showed in Figure 1. The present study model is build using approximate 200,000 unstructured mixed cells types
(hexagonal and tetrahedral) the grid is divided into two



zones. The first zone is the cylinder zone and the second
is the bowl zone. The first zone uses the hexagonal cells
and the second zone uses tetrahedral cells as shown in
Figure 1. In engine operation, valves and the piston move,
so the mesh should move according to the real engine in
order to simulate the charge of valve and piston position
with crank angle. Piston and piston bowl movement are
decided by the stroke, connecting rod and crank angle.
Simulation starts at 239 CA and ends at 469 CA. This
is the period from the inlet valve closing till exhaust
valve opening. That means thermodynamically; the compression stroke and power stroke only accounted in this
study (indicated gross work). The simulation time step is
0.5 crank angles. Each computer run spends about 12
hours on IBM compatible computer using quad duo processor with 2 GHz and 4 MB cache and 6 GB RAM. The
simulation uses fixed temperature boundary conditions
[21] and the initial conditions driven from the experimental work [13].

4.2. Model Validation

Figure 2 shows the comparison of the measured and predicted cylinder pressures. The ignition model scaling factor tuned for the first case (maximum load simulation)
and kept constant in all cases (other load simulated). The
ignition point in most cases is nearly captured. The peak
pressure and the pressure gradient over the combustion
period produced by CFD simulation match closely with
measurements. The peak cylinder pressure is over predicated by about 6%. Figures 3-6 demonstrate the in-cylinder processes reproduced by CFD simulation using a
series of distribution plots illustrating temperature, pressure, fuel mass fraction and gas velocity across the cylinder center plan respectively.

Figure 2. Comparison of the measured and predicted incylinder pressures.

4.3. Engine Performances

The engine performance at different loads is shown in
Figure 7. The figure shows the predicted performance
from maximum load till the no load. From the pressurecrank angle diagram the peaks pressure at different loads
are determined, also the start of injection, start of ignition
is observed. Figure 8 shows p-v diagram which is not
closed, because the simulation period did not reach to the
end of expansion stroke at exhaust valve opening.
Figure 9 shows predicted rate of heat release. The
curve accurately and clearly determined the different combustion zones and delay time period.
The start of injection crank angle is determined from
[13] and the injection period is determined from [11,12].
The delay time period is determined to be from the start
of injection till the p- change its slope as identified in
Figure 9. This period is nearly 11 crank angles vary according to the (equivalence ratio) or load. Figure 10
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

Figure 3. Temperature distribution in (K) at = 0.556, CA

= 339 (maximum load).

shows the predicted heat release along with the predicted

engine pressure at maximum load. From Figure 10 we
can get that the total burning period is much longer than
the injection period, also the magnitude of the initial
peak of the burning rate depends on the ignition delay
period; that means increasing delay period will increase
burning rate peak [22]. Figure 11 illustrates the relative



Figure 4. Pressure distribution in (Bar) at = 0.556, CA =

339 (maximum load).

Figure 6. Gas velocity magnitude (m/s) at = 0.556, CA =

339 (maximum load).

Figure 5. C10H22 mass fraction at = 0.556, CA = 345

(maximum load).

magnitude of the gross and net heat release, heat transfer

and heat of vaporization and heating up of the fuel at
1500 RPM for the base line engine. The heat release analysis method [23] is used to obtain the combustion information from the pressure data. The net heat release is
the gross heat release due to combustion extracts from it,
the heat transfer to the walls (omitting the crevice effect)
and the effect of fuel vaporization and heat up. The energy
change associated with heating up fuel vapor from injection temperature to typical compression air temperature
is about 6% of the fuel heating value. The heat transfer
integrated over the duration of the combustion period is
about 35% of the total heat release. The small kink in the
lower part of the curve shows the heat of vaporization
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

Figure 7. Pressure-crank angle at different engine loads.

and heating up fuel.

Figure 12 shows the predicted temperature-crank angle diagram at different loads. The curve shows that increasing the load which corresponding to increasing the
fuel mass flow rate results in increasing the combustion
temperature. Figure 12 shows that the temperature of the
air at the end of compression is sufficiently high for the
droplets of fuel to vaporize and ignite as they enter the
cylinder. Very small downward kinks found near fuel inEPE



Figure 10. Predicted rate of heat release and engine cylinder

pressure at full load.

Figure 8. Pressure-volume diagram at different loads.

Figure 11. Predicted grows and net heat Release profile

during combustion at 1500 RPM.

Figure 9. Predicted rate of heat release diagram identifying

different diesel combustion phases at maximum load.

jection crank angle represent the interaction between the

liquid fuel (heated up) and the air in the cylinder (cooled).

4.4. Emissions
Engine emissions due to combustion of hydrocarbon fuel
depend on the combustion equations and the emission
model solved to calculate engine pollutant. In the present
study the combustion emissions CO, CO2, NO and Soot
are calculated. Figure 13 shows NO concentrations rise
from the residual gas value following the start of combustion, to a peak at the point where the burned gas equiCopyright 2013 SciRes.

Figure 12. Temperature-crank angle diagram.

valence ratio changes from rich to lean (where the CO

and CO2 concentration has its maximum value).
As the burned gas equivalence ratio becomes leaner
due to mixing with excess air, NO concentrations decrease since formation becomes much slower as dilution


of Diesel Engine CFD Simulations, International Multidimensional Engine Modeling Users Group Meeting, SAE
Congress, 23 April 2012

Figure 13. Concentration of Soot, NO and CO for different

loads as a function of crank angle.

5. Conclusions
From the present study the main conclusions are:
The fluid flow in DI diesel having bowel in piston
with turbulence and combustion processes modeled
with sufficient generality to include spray formation,
delay period, chemical kinetics and onset of ignition;
adequately simulated the engine cycle.
The model is validated through the comparison of the
predicted p- curve with the experimental p- curve.
Some important engine characteristics are predicted
such as heat release rate, gross and net heat release. In
addition the T- diagrams for different loads are shown.
Detailed CFD model predictions are obtained as incylinder temperature and pressure distributions, gas
velocity and fuel mass fraction on the piston bowl.



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20%, 80%

Engine loads percentage


C1 , C2
Fraction of max. volume
FD(u up)

Critical droplet offset

Constant 0.36
Constants 1.44, 1.92 respectively
Diesel fuel
Crank Angle
Computational fluid dynamics
Carbon monoxide
Carbone dioxide
effective diffusion coefficient (m2/s)
Direct injection
Eddy dissipation concept
Fuel effective activation energy (J/kgmole)
pressure exponent
Flow energy (J/kgmole)
Volume fraction of current cylinder volume to maximum cylinder volume
external body forces (N)
Drag force per unit particle mass (N/kg)
External force in x-direction
Droplet radius function (r1, r2)
turbulence kinetic energy due to buoyancy (m2/s2)
Component of the gravitational vector in the ith direction (N)
turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity gradients (m2/s2)
Heat Release Rate (kJ/kg)

H, H2

normalized radical nuclei concentration (particles 1015/kg)

diffusion flux of species j (kg/(m2/s))

Rsoot, comb

Turbulent kinetic energy (m2/s2)

effective conductivity (W/(mK))
Overall reaction rate constant
turbulent thermal conductivity (W/(mK))
Internal combustion engine simulation code from Los Alamos National laboratory
Minimum function
engine speed in revolutions per minute
Time step
Nitrogen oxide
static pressure (Pa)
turbulent Prandtl number for energy
Fuel energy (J/kmole)
Chemical heat release (J/kmole)
Universal gas constant (J/kmoleK)
net rate of production of species i by chemical reaction (kg/(cm3s))
rate of soot combustion (particles/s)
revolution per minutes
rate of soot formation (particles/s)

r1 , r2

Droplet radius


Turbulent Schmidt number

Copyright 2013 SciRes.

normalized net rate of nuclei generation (particles 1015/m3s)




S k, S

Rate of creation by addition from the dispersed phase plus any user-defined sources
user-defined source terms for k and equations
mass added to the continuous phase from the dispersed second phase (kg)
source term is to be determined for NO mechanism


Start of injection
time at which fuel is introduced into the domain (s)
Fluid phase velocity (m/s)
Particle velocity (m/s)
Weber number
Critical Weber number
Displacement in x-direction
Displacement in y-direction
mass fraction of a passive species representing radicals which form when the fuel in the domain breaks down
fluctuating dilatation in compressible turbulence to the overall dissipation rate (kg/(ms2))
mass fraction of NO in the gas phase
Turbulent rate dissipation (m2/s2)
Crank angle
molecular viscosity of the fluid (Ns/m2)
Absolute velocity vector (m/s)
gravitational body force (N)
fluid density (kg/m3)


mean piston speed (m/s)

turbulent Prandtl number for nuclei transport


correlation of ignition delay with the units of time (s)


Effective stress tensor (N)

Fuel to air ratio

Angular velocity (rps)

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