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Exhaust Gas Analysis - Part One PDF

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Counter Point

T H E E L E C T R O N I C,

Exhaust Gas Analysis – Part One

Volume 7 Issue 1, January 2003
R E S O U R C E.

leaving very little HC in the exhaust.

Acceptable HC levels are 50 PPM or less.

• O2 is any oxygen not consumed during the

combustion process that has reached the

xhaust gas exhaust stream. About 21 percent of our
atmosphere is composed of oxygen. Most of
analysis is a this oxygen should be used during the
combustion process as it oxidizes the
powerful hydrocarbons in the gasoline. O2 levels in the
exhaust should be very low (about 0.5
tool that should be percent).
a part of your • NOX, or oxides of nitrogen, are formed at
diagnostic arsenal. abnormally high combustion temperatures,
when nitrogen and oxygen are able to

And what about stoichiometry? Stoichiometry

is the point at which the air/fuel mixture in
We’ve used the past few Counter Point issues periodic table notations, such as CO, HC and the combustion chamber burns most
to explore OBD II vehicle systems and OBD so on. Let’s begin with a definition of the five efficiently. This occurs at an air/fuel ratio of
II diagnosis. While a vehicle’s OBD II system measured components of the vehicle exhaust. approximately 14.7 parts of air to 1 part of
can be a powerful tool, there may be The level amounts in the following fuel. HC, CO and O2 emissions are nearly
situations when it becomes necessary to descriptions are general statements. equal and at their optimum, lowest levels at
employ other diagnostic tools. One of these stoichiometry. At the same time, CO2
tools is the four (or five) gas exhaust analyzer. • CO2 is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is readings are at their highest point. Refer to
formed when the carbon in the fuel and Figure 1 on page 3 for a visual explanation.
An exhaust gas analyzer offers several oxygen in the air are combined during
diagnostic advantages: combustion. An acceptable level of CO2 in Interpreting Exhaust
• It’s a dynamic test. The information from the exhaust is above 12 percent. A high CO2 Gas Readings
your analyzer is collected in real time, while reading indicates an efficiently operating
the engine is running. engine. Normal Combustion
• Once you learn how to interpret the data, Let’s begin with an engine that is running
exhaust gas analysis can speed up your • CO, or carbon monoxide, is an unstable normally and has good combustion. What
troubleshooting. byproduct of combustion that will easily should the exhaust gas readings look like?
• After the repairs are made, a follow-up combine with any oxygen available to form
exhaust gas analysis allows you to determine stable carbon dioxide (CO2). This instability • CO2 should be high. Carbon dioxide is
whether those repairs were successful. is why CO is a poisonous gas. If inhaled, it produced when carbon (C) and oxygen (O2)
combines with oxygen in the lungs to form combine during the combustion process.
Before we go any further in our discussion of CO2, which deprives the brain of oxygen. CO When combustion efficiency increases, CO2
exhaust gas analysis, let’s define our terms. By levels of a properly operating engine should levels also increase.
now, you’ve heard (or read) the word be less than 0.5 percent. • CO and O2 should be equal. The CO level
stoichiometry. If we sound it out phonetically, indicates whether the mixture is rich or lean.
it reads ‘STOY key OM e tree.’ Perhaps • HC, or hydrocarbons, are unburned fuel If CO is high, the mixture is rich. When the
you already know the definition of this molecules that have not been consumed engine is at stoichiometry, CO and O2 levels
strange-sounding word, perhaps not. during combustion. HC is measured in parts should be almost equal, indicating balanced
We also often see the main components per million (PPM). A correctly operating combustion.
of vehicle exhaust referred to by their engine should burn almost all the gasoline, continued on page 3

WHAT’S INSIDE: EXHAUST GAS ANALYSIS - PART ONE…Page 1&3 / FINE TUNING…Page 2 / HOT OFF THE WIRE: 2003 Engine Management Systems Catalog...Page 2
QU QUALITY POINTS: Wells Manufacturing Corp. Bulk Current Injection (BCI) Testing Chamber…Page 4 / Publisher’s Information…Page 4
Fine Tuning questions are answered by coil with four secondary terminals. This is actually
Mark Hicks, Technical Services Manager.
Please send your questions to: Mark Hicks two separate coils in one package.
c⁄ o Wells Manufacturing Corp.,

Fine Tuning
P.O. Box 70, Fond du Lac, WI The coil incorporates three primary pins.
54936-0070 or e-mail him at
technical@wellsmfgcorp.com. One of these pins is connected to a 15
We’ll send you a Wells shirt if your amp fuse and carries the positive current
question is published. So please include
your shirt size with your question.
for both coil primary windings. The other
two pins are connected directly to the
PCM. The PCM alternately provides
Q: “I have been working on a 1999 Ford F-150 with a attempt to correct the fuel mixture, and if the ground to each of these pins, which power the
4.6L V-8 engine. The number 6 cylinder has a misfire. condition shows no improvement, the PCM will primary winding of the respective coils.
Could this cause a long cranking time before the switch to a set of learned values. This scenario will
engine starts?” occur only if the misfire is not severe. During a The secondary winding of the powered coil is energized
severe misfire the PCM will immediately change to via magnetic induction. When the circuit resistance is
Matt Lange learned values. This means the timing and fuel trim overcome, the PCM opens the circuit, discharging the
Goodyear will be set to parameters that are stored in its coil and simultaneously firing two spark plugs in a loop.
Irving, TX memory. To determine the correct parameters, the
PCM looks at the engine coolant temperature, Considering only one cylinder is misfiring and its
It depends on how long the engine has been misfiring. cylinder head temperature, intake air temperature mate sharing the ignition coil secondary windings
If the cylinder misfire has just started, it is unlikely and mass air flow sensor inputs. However, the engine is not, it appears you have a problem in the
that it is the cause of the long cranking condition. But will run rich until the PCM enters the learned mode, secondary ignition system, the fuel system or the
if the misfire has been going on for some time, then increasing the possibility of saturating the cylinders mechanical engine. The problem is not in the
yes, this definitely could be the cause. and the oil with unburned fuel. primary ignition, which also rules out the PCM.

When a misfire occurs, the oxygen in the Results: After replacing the ignition wires, spark plugs Examine the secondary ignition circuit closely. If
combustion chamber is not used in the and changing the oil, the engine started as normal. the ignition wires or spark plugs have high
combustion process. This unused oxygen is pushed resistance or an extended gap, a premature ignition
through the exhaust system and past the oxygen The "Fine Tuning" question from the last Counter coil failure will result. Remember, when checking
sensor, along with unburned hydrocarbons. The Point concerned a 1999 Ford Escort with a 2.0L the spark plugs at least one firing in a positive
high concentration of oxygen passing over the engine. The vehicle was brought to the shop due to direction needs to be examined to determine
oxygen sensor causes it to report a lean running a cylinder number 2 misfire. Replacing the coil center electrode wear. The companion cylinder
condition to the powertrain control module repaired the problem at that time. Two weeks later, spark plug will show wear on the outside electrode.
(PCM). In an attempt to correct the mixture, the the customer returned with the same cylinder
PCM increases injector pulse width. The engine misfiring. Could the PCM (Powertrain Control Results: After closely examining the spark plugs,
ends up receiving more fuel than it can consume. Module) be causing this problem? they were determined to be worn beyond
This problem is not as common on today’s vehicles acceptable service limits, and they were
as it was in the past. However, it can still happen. To answer this question, we need to determine replaced. The ignition coil has been
what type of ignition system this vehicle utilizes. holding up since, and cylinder number
On an OBD II compliant vehicle like your It’s a DIS (distributorless ignition system), with the two has never run better.
customer’s, the main purpose of the engine coil primary circuit controlled and energized by
management system is to maintain a 14.7:1 the PCM. Crankshaft position information is The first correct e-mail or fax answer was from:
air/fuel ratio. If the PCM has made several relayed to the PCM by a magnetic reluctance Rick Panganiban
adjustments to the long term fuel trim in an crankshaft position sensor. The system has a DIS Firestone Tire
Colonie, NY

Hot off the Wire

The first correct postal answer received was from:
Gary Curtis
Car Care Doctors, Inc.
Pomeroy, OH

Diagnose The Problem Win A Shirt

Wells Manufacturing Corp. Q: “I have been working on a 1992 Olds Delta 88 off
100th Anniversary and on for the last month. To correct a no-start
condition, I have installed three ignition control
1903 - 2003 modules over this period of time and can’t find a
reason for the repeat failures.
In 1903, Robert Wells opened the doors of a new
business. His goal was to manufacture the highest “The ignition coil, ignition wires and spark plugs
quality products for an emerging industry—the were replaced along with the module the first time
automobile. Through an acquaintance with Henry the vehicle was towed in. I have rechecked them
Ford, Wells Manufacturing Corp. received its first and they all look good. I have performed voltage
contract to manufacture coils for the Model T. drop tests on all the ground circuits and they are
in good shape. I just don’t understand what else
To ensure the success of his new business, Mr. Wells could cause these ignition modules to fail.”
knew he would need reliable employees to produce
high quality products at sensible prices. One Tom McCabe
hundred years later, those values are still alive within As we begin our 100th year of doing business, we J&R Repair
every Wells employee. Our commitment to quality is are proud to announce the arrival of our 2003 Tallahassee, FL
exemplified by the fact that all of Wells’ facilities are Engine Management Systems Applications Catalog
QS-9000 certified. We are the only full-line manu- and Illustrated Parts Guide. More than 2,000 new The first reader to respond with the most
facturer of engine management components to earn part numbers have been added since last year’s accurate answer via e-mail or fax, and the first
that distinction. In 1903, our founder had a dream catalog, which helps to explain why Wells continues reader to respond with the most accurate answer via
that became a reality. Today, all of Wells’ employees to lead the industry with the most comprehensive snail-mail, will receive a Wells golf shirt. The answer
enjoy the privilege of perpetuating that dream. engine management parts coverage. will appear in the next issue.

continued from page 1 generation ago are no longer adequate. For a the oxygen sensor) and produce abnormally
Exhaust Gas Analysis - Part One more accurate diagnosis we need to be able to high O2 readings at the tailpipe. This in turn
see the other exhaust gasses too. For example, could cause the injector pulse width to increase,
• HC should be low. A low HC level O2 is a better indicator of a rich condition than leading to high CO and HC readings.
indicates that the air/fuel mixture is CO. If O2 emissions drop too low, this
burning efficiently. All (or nearly all) of indicates that there isn’t enough oxygen High HC
the fuel (HC) is being consumed available for the amount of fuel being delivered. The air/fuel ratio can vary within limits,
during combustion. There’s one thing without causing a misfire. But when fuel
to keep in mind, however. A properly The CO reading may be low, while O2 is high. mixtures go beyond these limits, the results
functioning catalytic converter can reduce A low CO reading by itself is not enough to are incomplete combustion and high HC
higher than normal levels of HC and CO, determine whether the mixture is lean. The emissions. Other factors can also cause
and possibly mask a problem. This is why O2 low reading may be the result of catalyst incomplete combustion. In fact, anything that
is a better indicator of combustion efficiency. efficiency, rather than a lean condition. prevents complete combustion will cause an
We’ll delve deeper into the relationships However, if O2 is also high, the extra oxygen increase in HC.
between the exhaust gasses as we go along. left in the exhaust when a lean mixture burns
will give you an added clue that the pre- If all the available hydrocarbons are consumed
Poor Combustion catalyst CO is too low. This is why an intrusive in the combustion process, HC emissions are
Now let’s assume the engine is not running test that samples the exhaust stream before the zero. No engine is completely efficient,
properly and has poor combustion. How do catalytic converter is often the best. however, so there will always be some HC left
we interpret the abnormal exhaust gas over, even at stoichiometry. The catalyst then
readings we see on the analyzer? 25% 4000 cleans up the remaining unburned

Efficient Air/Fuel Range (Stoichiometry)

hydrocarbons. But an engine with a serious
The CO reading may be high. CO is an CO misfire will put more hydrocarbons into the
indicator of the air/fuel ratio, so anything that exhaust than the catalyst can handle.
affects that ratio can cause a change in CO.
O2 High HC Causes
Here are some factors that can contribute to • Poor secondary ignition. A bad spark plug,
high CO: plug wire, cap or rotor or a weak or cracked
• High fuel pressure. 2000 ignition coil may cause high HC. Over-
• A leaking fuel injector (or injectors). ppm advanced ignition timing can also cause high
• A faulty input or inputs to the 15%
PCM. This may cause the PCM to • Low or no compression. Compression loss in
keep the injectors open too long. For HC a cylinder or cylinders may cause a miss.
example, a bad coolant temperature • An EGR that is sticking open.
sensor can fool the PCM into • If the mixture is too rich to burn, high HC
thinking the engine is cold. This increases and CO will result. Refer to the comments
injector ON time, causing an abnormally rich
CO2 400
ppm on high CO causes, as they may also cause
mixture. 3% high HC.
• A plugged air filter or other restriction in • Any of the possible causes of extremely low
the air intake limits the amount of air 0% 0 CO can cause a misfire if the mixture gets too
available for combustion. ppm lean to burn.
10/1 14.7/1
• A saturated charcoal canister or faulty
purge valve. Figure 1: HC, CO, CO2 and O2 at or near stoichiometry. Other Symptoms
• A fuel-saturated crankcase. Fuel vapors will That Accompany High HC
be drawn into the intake through the PCV Possible Causes of a Lean Mixture • Lower than normal CO2.
system. Infrequent oil changes and short-trip Lean mixtures are caused by too little fuel, • CO and O2 may be low, high or normal.
driving may cause fuel-saturated oil. Any of too much air, or a combination of the two.
the previously mentioned defects could also The following are possible causes of low CO: More To Come
cause a fuel-saturated crankcase. • Low fuel pressure. Check for a plugged fuel
filter, weak fuel pump or restriction in the Some of the scenarios we’ve introduced have
Accurate exhaust gas analysis depends on your fuel inlet hose. included the O2 level in the diagnosis. Oxygen
ability to interpret the readings as they relate • Restricted fuel injectors. (O2) and CO2 were always present in the
to one another. For example, slightly higher • Engine vacuum leaks. exhaust, you just couldn’t measure them with a
than normal CO levels may occur without a • A defective O2 sensor. two gas analyzer. However, these two gases
corresponding increase in HC. The engine provide the information we need to paint a
may be able to burn a slightly rich mixture Exceptions complete picture of an engine’s combustion
without an apparent loss of performance. If We’ve been using CO and O2 to evaluate a efficiency, especially if the engine is equipped
CO gets too high, however, a miss will result lean condition. However, there are a couple of with a catalytic converter (as most are now ).
and HC levels will rise. exceptions to be aware of:
• High O2 accompanied by high HC Relying on only one or possibly two of the
Catalytic converters can also mask indicates a mixture that is so lean that it is four gas readings can lead to an incorrect
small problems with the air/fuel causing a lean misfire. diagnosis. In the next Counter Point, we’ll
mixture by lowering the levels of CO and HC • High O2 can also be caused by an exhaust leak explain how O2 and CO2 readings can be
your analyzer sees. This is one reason why the that is drawing air into the exhaust system. This combined with HC and CO readings to
two gas exhaust analyzers that were common a will fool the exhaust gas analyzer (and possibly produce an accurate diagnosis. See you then.

P.O. Box 70
Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070


Quality Points
Publisher’s Information
Wells’ President ..............William Allen
Vice President of Sales ....Gavin Spence
Technical Services Manager .. Mark Hicks
Newsletter Editor ...............Karl Seyfert
Bulk Current Injection Counter Point is a quarterly publication of Wells
Manufacturing Corp., P.O. Box 70, Fond du Lac, WI
(BCI) Testing Chamber 54936-0070. Letters and comments should be
directed to: Counter Point Editor,
c/o Wells Manufacturing Corp., P.O. Box 70,
Radio frequency interference (RFI) and Fond du Lac, WI 54936-0070.
electromagnetic pulses (EMP), which can affect a
car radio, can also affect other vehicle electronics © COPYRIGHT 2003 WELLS MANUFACTURING CORP.
All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part is permitted
if they are not properly shielded. For example, it without the written consent of Wells Manufacturing Corp.
is essential to route the ignition wires on today’s
vehicles exactly as the manufacturer intended. But Scott Waranius monitors operation of the Wells
bulk current injection testing chamber. The Wells
what if the engine has an intermittent stumble or module being tested is in the photo inset.
cuts out occasionally, even when the wires are
routed correctly? Could these symptoms be Next, a radio frequency injection probe is
caused by a poorly engineered module? clamped around the wires near the connector.
Unlike the inductive spark plug wire clamp on
Wells Manufacturing Corp. has taken steps to your timing light, the injection probe injects RFI
ensure this does not happen to your customers’ instead of absorbing it. The injection probe is
vehicles. Our totally enclosed, electromagnetically connected to a spectrum analyzer on the other
shielded, galvanized steel testing chamber is side of the wall, where a technician operates the
dedicated to testing our products for resistance to controls and gathers the data.
the influence of RFI and EMP. Each product to
be tested is connected to a wiring harness All Wells products are subjected to the same rigorous
suspended 50 millimeters above a copper plane tests as original equipment (OE) products. Our
table. The table simulates an automobile chassis, RFI/EMP testing procedures are another example of
and the wires are suspended above it to allow a our ongoing efforts to ensure that every product we
bombardment of RFI and EMP to encircle them. manufacture meets or exceeds OE specifications.

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