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Ic Engines: Four Stroke Cycle Diesel Engines

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FOUR STROKE CYCLE DIESEL ENGINES: The four-stroke cycle diesel engine is similar to the four-stroke petrol engine except that only fresh air is taken in to the engine cylinder during suction stroke instead of air fuel mixture. The fuel injector is fitted instead of spark plug.

1.SUCTION STROKE: During this stroke, the inlet valve is open and the exhaust valve is closed. The crank rotated by the energy of the flywheel when the engine is running or by a starter motor for initial starting. The piston moves from TDC to BDC. The movement reduces pressure inside the cylinder below atmosphere. Due to this pressure different fresh air is admitted in to the engine cylinder through air cleaner & inlet valve. 2.COMPRESSION STROKE: During this stroke both inlet & exhaust valves remain closed. The piston moves from BDC to TDC. The air in the cylinder is compressed. The compression ratio for diesel engine is 12 to 18. The temperature at the end of compression stroke of the air is 600 - 700C.


3.POWER STROKE: During this stroke both inlet & exhaust valve are closed. At the end of compression stroke, the fuel is injected into the engine cylinder in the from of fine spray & ignition of fuel take place. The combustion of fresh fuel injected into the cylinder during is due to the high temperature already development in the cylinder during compression stroke. The combustion products force the piston to move down in the cylinder. This movement of the piston is converted into rotary motion of the crankshaft. This is the working stroke of the cycle. 4.EXHAUST STROKE: During this stroke inlet valve is closed and the exhaust valve opens. The piston moves from BDC to TDC. Most of the burnt gases escape to the atmosphere through exhaust valve. The remainder of burnt gases occupies the clearance volume. The exhaust valve closed shortly before the TDC & the cylinder is ready to receive fresh air to start a new cycle. TWO STROKE CYCLE PETROL ENGINE: There is one working stroke in one revolution of the crankshaft. Fig.

IGNITION & INDUCTION:-(A) The piston almost reaches the TDC. Ignition of compressed air fuel mixture takes place in the cylinder by means of an electric spark produced by the spark plug. At the same time the inlet the moving piston uncovers port and the fresh charge (air fuel mixture) enters the crankcase. EXPANSION & COMPRESSION :-(B) The combustion product expands in the cylinder and forces the piston down. Thus useful work is obtained, when the piston moves down the air fuel mixture is partially compressed in the crankcase. This compression is known as crank case compression. EXHAUST AND TRANSFERENCE :-(C) Nearly at the end of power stroke, exhaust port is uncovered and the combustion products escape to the atmosphere. Immediately, the transfer port is also uncovered and the partially uncovered and partially compressed air fuel mixture from the crankcase enters the cylinder through transfer port. The top of the piston is made of deflected shape. The charge entering the cylinder is deflected upwards and thus the escape of fresh charge along with exhaust gases is reduced. The piston after reaching BDC, the piston moves up. As it moves it first closes the transfer port and then the exhaust port. The compression of the charge in the cylinder takes place. When the piston is nearing TDC the inlet port is uncovered. Fresh charge enters in to the crank case due to fall of pressure in the crankcase. After compression, the ignition of the charge takes place, gases expand, piston moves down again & the cycle is repeated.

TWO STROKE CYCLE DIESEL ENGINES: All the operations of a two stroke cycle diesel engine are exactly similar to that of two stroke petrol engine except that, in this case only fresh air is drawn in to the cylinder during suction stroke instead of air fuel is injector is used instead of spark plugs.


PARTS Cylinder block Cylinder head Crank case Piston Piston rings Connecting rod Cranks shaft Valves

MATERIAL Cast iron, Alloy steel Cast iron, Al. Alloy Alloy steel CI, Al. alloy Silicon, CI Plain carbon St., Al. alloy Alloy steel Nickel-Cr., Is-Cr

Casting Casting, forging Forging C, F C F F F


SCAVENGING: Scavenging is the process of forcing out the burnt exhaust gases from the cylinder by admitting fresh charge into the cylinder. This action takes place in two-stroke cycle engine. This charge from the crankcase enters the cylinder at a pressure, which is above atmosphere. This forces the exhaust gases to the atmosphere through exhaust port. There is a possibility of the fresh charge escaping out with burnt exhaust gases. However this is overcome by designing the piston to have a deflected shape. Due to the deflected shape of the piston, the fresh charge is deflected upward in the engine cylinder. Thus deflected charge also helps to forging the exhaust gases to atmosphere. This process is known as SCAVENGING. SUPER CHARGING OF IC ENGINES: The power of an aircraft engine is reduced when it flies in the air at high altitudes. This reduction in power is mainly due to lack of oxygen since the pressure of the atmosphere is low. To overcome this defect, the mass of the air consumption should be increased. The above deficiencies are corrected by super charging. When the heavy load, forcing of air fuel mixture or air alone to the cylinder during suction stroke under a high pressure greater than that of atmospheric pressure is known as supercharging. Application: - To maintain the power output of an engine working at high altitudes or installed in mountains. - To increase power of an existing engine when greater power needed



1. One power stroke in one revolution of One power stroke in two revolution of the the crankshaft. crankshaft. 2. Power developed for the same engine Power developed for the same engine speed is speed is theoretically twice of a four theoretically that half that of a two stroke stroke cycle engine cycle engine. 3. Uniform torque is obtained since one There is one power stroke in two revolution power stroke in one revolution of the of the crankshaft. Hence heavier flywheel is crankshaft. A light flywheel can be used. needed for balancing 4. For the same power this is simple in For the same power this is heavier in design & lighter in construction construction. 5.It has fewer parts. Design of ports is It has more spare parts. Design of valve much simpler. Hence initial cost is less mechanism is not simple. Hence initial cost is more. 6. No valves are there. Hence a two-stroke This cannot be easily reversed due to the engine can be easily reversed. presence of valves. 7. Exhaust port is open only for a short time. Hence scavenging (removal of exhaust gases) is poor. There is a separated exhaust stroke. Hence scavenging is better 8. Poor scavenging leads to mixing of fresh changes with exhaust gases. This results in poor preference, slow running & poor efficiency. Better preference & efficiency also better. 9. Employed in light vehicle, scooter, motorcycle etc.

Used in heavy vehicle, cars, buses, and lorries.





1. Otto cycle is employed in petrol engine, Diesel engine works on diesel & Dual Otto cycle is more efficient At a given combustion cycle. They are less efficient than compression ratio than diesel cycle. Otto cycle. 2. Petrol engines are high-speed engines. Diesel engines are low speed engines.

3. Weight of petrol engine per unit power Weight of diesel engines per unit power is more is less 4. Starting is easy since low cranking Starting is difficult since cranking effort needed effort is needed is more 5. Less initial cost & maintenance cost due More initial cost due to heavy weight and to simple & lighter construction sturdy construction 6. It gives less noise It gives more noise

7. Compression ratio range from 6 to 8. Compression ratio range from 12 to 18. This Hence, thermal efficiency is less. enables high thermal efficiency. 8.Specific fuel consumption is more Specific fuel consumption is less.

9. Petrol engines are fitted with carburetor Diesel engines are fitted with injection pump & spark plug. and fuel injectors 10. The fuel is ignited by an electric spark. The fuel is ignited due to high compression Hence the engine is called spark ignition temperature. Hence the engine is called (SI) engines compression (C I) ignition 11. Petrol is costly. It is more volatile & Diesel is cheaper than petrol. It is less volatile fire & fire hazard is less. 12. Used in automobiles & aero planes Widely used in heavy vehicles like trucks, due to low initial cost, low weight. buses, tractor etc.


VALVE TIMING DIAGRAM : We consider that, the valves open & close at the dead center position of the piston. But, in actual practice, they do not open and close instantaneously at dead centers. They operate some degree before or after the dead centers. The ignition is timed to occur a little before top dead center. The timings of these sequence of events such an inlet valve opening, inlet valve closing, ignition exhaust valve closing can be shown graphically in terms of crank angles from dead center positions. These diagrams are known as valve timing diagram.


CARBURETTORS A carburetor is a device, which vaporises the fuel & mixes it with air. The process of vaporising the fuel & mixing it with air in carburetor is known as carburetor. The carburetor supplies air fuel mixture to the engine. In a petrol engine the correct air fuel ratio is 15:1.

PRINCIPLE: A constant level of petrol is maintained in the float chamber by the float and a needle valve. If the fuel level goes down in the float chamber the float also goes down. This opens the needle valve and the fuel enters the float chamber. When the desired level is reached the flat closes the needle valve and the supply of fuel is stopped. Flat chamber is vented to atmosphere. During the suction stroke in an engine vacuum is created in the cylinder. This is causes the pre. Difference between the cylinder and outside the carburetor. Atmospheric air rushes into the carburetor through air cleaner / filter. This air passes through the venturi & sweeps over the mouth of fuel nozzle. Due to this the fuel is split up into fine particles & mixes with air to form air to form air fuel mixture. This air fuel mixture is admitted to the engine through throttle valve. The throttle valve is operated by an accelerator. During cold starting, the choke valve is closed completely. This causes a greater pre. Difference & consequently more fuel are drawn are drawn from the nozzle. Thus a rich mixture is obtained.


IC ENGINES VS STEAM ENGINES ICENGINE 1. Internal combustion engine STEAM ENGINE External combustion

2. Petrol, diesel & gas are used to Steam is used to develop power develop power. 3. Used in Automobile & air craft Very large size of engine is required. industries

MAJOR COMPONENTS OF AN IC ENGINE: CYLINDER: The cylinder of an IC engines is considered as the main body of the engine in which the piston reciprocates to develop power. It has to with stand very high pre. (About 70 kg/cm) and temperature (about 2800 C) because there is direct combustion inside the cylinder. There fore its material should be such that it can retain strength at high temperature, should be good conductor of heat and should resist to rapid wear & tear due to reciprocating parts. Generally ordinary cast iron is used, but in case of heavy-duty engines alloy steel is steel is used. CYLINDER HEAD: The cylinder head closes one end of the cylinder. It houses the inlet & exhaust valves through which the charge is taken inside the cylinder and burnt gases are exhausted to the atmosphere from the cylinder. Cylinder head is usually casts as one piece and bolted to the top of the cylinder. A copper and asbestos gasket is provided between the cylinder and cylinder head to obtain a gas tight joint. The material used for the cylinder head is also cast Iron. PISTON: It is the heart of the engine. The function of the piston is to compress the charge during compression stroke and to transmit the gas force to the connecting rod and then to the crank during power stroke. The piston of IC engines is usually made of cast Iron, cast steel & aluminum alloy. PISTON RINGS: The piston rings are housed in the circumferential grooves provided on the outlet surface of the outlet surface of the piston. It gives gastight fitting between the piston and the cylinder and prevents the leakage of high pre. gases. These are made up of special cast Iron.


CONNECTING ROD: It is usually steel forging of circular, rectangular, I, T, or H section and is highly polished for increased endurance strength. Its small end forms a hinge and pin joint work the piston and its big end is connected to the crank-by-crank pin. It has a passage for the transfer of lubricating oil from the big end bearing to small end bearing (gudgeon pin). CRANK & CRANKSHAFT: Both crank and crankshaft are steel forging machined to a smooth finish. The two are held together by means of key. Crankshaft is supported in main bearings and has a heavy wheel, called flywheel, to even out the fluctuations of torque. The power required for any useful purpose is taken off from crankshaft only. The crankshaft is the backbone of the engine. PISTON PIN OR WRIST PIN: The piston pin provides the bearing for the oscillating small end of the connecting rod. INLET VALVE: This valve controls the admission of the charge into the petrol engine or air into diesel engine during suction stroke of the engine. EXHAUST VALVE: The removal of exhaust gases after doing work on the piston is controlled by this valve. VALVE SPRING: The valves are kept closed by the valve springs. INLET MANIFOLD It is the passage, which carries the charge from carburetor to the petrol engine. EXHAUST MANIFOLD It is the passage which carries the exhaust gases from the exhaust valve to the atmosphere. CAMSHAFT The function of the camshaft is to operate the inlet & exhaust valves through the cams, cam followers, push rods and rocker arms. The camshaft is driven positively from the crankshaft at half the speed of the crankshaft. CAM & CAM FOLLOWER It is made of a required profile to give desired motion of the valve through the follower. PUSH ROD & ROCKER ARM The motion of the cam is transmitted to the valve through the push rod and rocker arm. These links together are also known as valve gear.


CRANK CASE It is the base which hold the cylinder and crankshaft. It also serves as a pump for the lubricating oil. FLY WHEEL It is a wheel mounted on the crankshaft, which stores excess energy during the power stroke and returns that energy during the other strokes and maintains a fairly constant output torque on the crankshaft. GOVERNOR It is run by a drive from the crankshaft. The function of the governor is to regulate the charge in case of petrol engine and amount of fuel in case of diesel engine to maintain the speed of the engine constant, when the load requirement varies. CARBURETTOR The function of the carburetor is to supply the uniform air fuel mixture to the cylinder of a petrol engine through the inlet manifold. The mass of the mixture entering the cylinder is controlled by throttle valve. SPARK PLUG The function of the spark plug is to initiate the combustion after completing the compression in the petrol engine. It is generally mounted in the cylinder head. FUEL PUMP It forces the fuel oil at high pressure through fuel nozzle into the cylinder at the end of compression stroke in diesel engine. BORE The inside diameter of the cylinder is known as bore. STROKE The max. distance traveled by the piston in the cylinder in one direction is known as stroke and it is equal to twice the radius of the crank. TDC The extreme position of the piston at the top of the cylinder is called top dead center position. BDC The extreme position of the piston at the bottom of the cylinder is called, bottom dead center position. STROKE LENGTH This distance between these two extreme position is known as stroke length. CLEARANCE VOLUME The volume contained in the cylinder alone the top of the piston when the piston is at TDC, is called the clearance volume and is denoted by Vc. SWEPT VOLUME The volume swept through by the piston is defined as the piston displacement or swept volume and it is denoted by Vs Therefore cylinder volume= Vs + Vc
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COMPRESSION RATIO The ratio of the volume when the piston is at BDC to the volume when the piston is at TDC is called the compression ratio and it is denoted by RC Rc= Vs + Vc Vc THROTTLE VALVE The basic control element is the throttle valve. This control the air velocity in the intake manifold and there fore the head under which the fuel flows. CHOKE VALVE It is necessary to provide an extra rich mixture to the engine during starting or warm-up in cold weather. The extra rich mixture ensures enough fuel availablityin vaporized from for combustion. This is done by introducing the choke valve. The choke valve is nearly closed during cold starting or warming and it controls the flow of air and creates high vacuum near the fuel jet.

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