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Port Timing Diagram 2.1 AIM

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2.1 AIM
To study the cut section of given two stroke variable speed engine and to draw the
port timing diagram.
1. Measuring tape
2. A strip of paper
Type : 2 stroke, variable speed, single cylinder, vertical petrol engine.
ower : ! "# $ %.%1 &'
"ore : %1.( mm
)troke : (* mm
)peed : (+++ rpm
iston displacement : 1,- cc
.ompression ratio : %.%:1
/gnition : Magneto type
)tarting : &ick starter pedal
Make : 0).12T) 3td., 42A5611T7
2.3.1 THEORY
The working cycle of the engine is completed in two strokes of the piston or in one
revolution of the crank shaft. 6uring the upward stroke, the suction and compression
processes takes place and during the downward stroke the e8pansion and e8haust processes
takes place. /t has no valves but consists of the inlet port, e8haust port, and transfer port.
#ere, the burnt gases are forced out through the e8haust port by a fresh charge of the
fuel which enters the cylinder nearly at the end of the working stroke through the transfer
port. This process is termed as ).A90:;/:;. The top of the piston is made of the
particular shape that facilitates the deflection of the fresh charge upwards and thus avoids the
escape along with the e8haust gases.
The actual cut section of the two stroke petrol engine is shown in <ig. 2.1 4a, b, c, d7.
The port timing diagram shows the position of the crank when the various operations begin
and close.
6uring the upward stroke of the piston, the inlet port 4/7 opens and fresh charge 4air
= fuel mi8ture7 enters the crank case due to the suction created. The charge already drawn
already from the inlet port in the previous stroke is get compressed and the ignition starts due
to the spark given by the spark plug. 6ue to the e8pansion, gas is doing work on the piston,
so the piston is pushed downward. 6uring this downward stroke the e8haust port 407 opens
and the products of combustion escape to the atmosphere. Also, the piston compresses the
mi8ture stored in the crank case which will be supplied to the cylinder through transfer port
4T7. This pushes out the burnt gases out of the e8haust port. The top of the piston is made of
particular shape that facilitates the defection of the fresh charge upwards and thus avoids
escape along with the e8haust gases. After reaching the bottom dead centre, when the piston
moves up, first it closes the transfer port 4T7 and then e8haust port. The fresh charge gets
compressed and then ignition starts by means of spark plug. After the ignition of the charge,
the piston moves downward for the power stroke and the cycle is repeated as before. <ig 2.2
shows a model port>timing diagram.
1. 'hat is the basic difference between two stroke engine and four stroke engine?
1. 'hat are the important components in an /. 0ngine?
2. :ame the four strokes present in an @ stroke /. engine?

-. 'hat is the importance of valve timing?
@. #ow valves are opened and closed in an /. engine?
1. 'hat is the basic difference between two stroke engine and four stroke engine?
/n two stroke engine, one revolution of crank shaft comprises two power strokes but
in case of four stroke engine, one revolution of crank shaft produces one power
2. 'hat are the important components in an /. 0ngine?
.onnecting rod, crank shaft, piston rings, cam shaft, fly wheel, etc.,
-. :ame the four strokes present in an @ stroke /. engine?
)uction, .ompression, ower and 08haust strokes.

@. 'hat is the importance of valve timing?
9alve timing is crucial to the efficient operation of the @>stroke petrol or diesel
engine. The opening and closing of the inlet and e8haust valves at the correct time in
relation to piston position must be precisely controlled, either at a fi8ed compromise
position, or variable within finely controlled limits.

(. #ow valves are opened and closed in an /. engine?
The valves are opened and closed by the camshaft4s7 which are driven by chain,
toothed belt or gear train from the crankshaft.
1. <ind out the direction of rotation of the flywheel.
2. /dentify the ports
-. Mark the reference point on the flywheel.
@. Mark the T6. and "6. position on the flywheel.
(. <ind out the opening and closing point of the inlet, e8haust and transfer port and mark
it on the flywheel.
%. Measure the circumference of the flywheel by using a tape or thread.
,. <ind out the arc length of /1, /., 01, 0., T1 and T. with respect to T6. or
"6. 4which is closer to that point7
.ircumference of the flywheel A 52.5 c
0vents ort position Arc length 4cm7 Angle 46egrees7
/1 "efore T6. !.@ %@.@%
/. After T6. !.@ %@.@%
01 "efore "6. 11.% ,!.(@
0. After "6. 11.% ,!.(@
T1 "efore "6. *.( (*.2!
T. After "6. *.( (*.2!
The arc length to the respective points can be converted into angles, using the
following formula and tabulate the values obtained.
1. Angle A
r 2

X -%+
'here, > .ircumference of the flywheel
> 2adius of the flywheel in BmC
X > Arc length of the corresponding points measured from the T6. or "6.
in BmC
1. 'hat is the function of carburettor?
2. #ow many piston strokes are reDuired to complete the cycle for a 2>stroke engine?
-. 'hy the top of the piston usually has a proEection?
@. 'hat do you mean by scavenging?
(. 6efine the super charging of 2>stroke engines?
%. 'hat are the disadvantages of 2>stroke engines?
1. 'hat is the function of carburettor?
/t mi8es the petrol and air in appropriate proposition.
2. #ow many piston strokes are reDuired to complete the cycle for a 2>stroke engine?
2 > )trokes
-. 'hy the top of the piston usually has a proEection?
<or preventing scavenging.
@. 'hat do you mean by scavenging?
The fresh charge with out combustion will escape the cylinder and will be waste.
(. 6efine the super charging of 2>stroke engines?
As the speed of the engine is more sufficient time is not there for the fresh air to enter,
so some compressor is aided for giving more Duantity of air to the cylinder.
%. 'hat are the disadvantages of 2>stroke engines?
.omplete combustion is not happening because of this more pollution is coming out.
1. / opens for 12*.!2F crank travel.
2. 0 opens for 1(!.+* F crank travel.
-. T opens for 11%.(* F crank travel.
@. )cavenging operation takes at 11%.(* F crank travel.
(. )uction at crank takes at 12*.!2 F crank travel.
The actual cut section and the operations of the 2>stroke petrol engine has been
carried out the port timing diagram is also drawn.

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