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Front cover

Customizing and Extending

IBM Content Navigator
Understand extension points and
customization options
Create an action, service, feature,
and custom step processor
Use widgets in apps, mobile
development, and more

Wei-Dong Zhu
Tomas Barina
Yi Duan
Nicole Hughes
Marcel Kostal
Chad Lou


Brett Morris
Rainer Mueller-Maechler
Ron Rathgeber
Jana Saalfeld
Jian Xin Zhang
Jie Zhang

International Technical Support Organization

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator
May 2014


Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in
Notices on page xi.

Second Edition (May 2014)

This edition applies to Version 2, Release 0, Modification 0 of IBM Content Navigator found in
IBM FileNet Content Manager (product number 5724-R81), IBM Content Manager (product
number 5724-B19), and IBM Content Manager OnDemand (product number 5724-J33).

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP
Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
May 2014, Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
Part 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 Before you begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.1 IBM Content Navigator terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.2 Development options with IBM Content Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 Configuring IBM Content Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.2 Implementing the EDS interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2.3 Implementing a plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.2.4 Developing or integrating a custom application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.2.5 Delivering mobile access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2.6 Common use cases and their development options summary . . . . . 14
1.3 IBM Content Navigator development architecture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.3.1 Programming interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.3.2 Communication flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.4 Developing with IBM Content Navigator APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.1 URL API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.2 External data services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.4.3 Plug-in API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.4.4 Content Navigator JavaScript API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1.5 IBM Content Navigator samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.5.1 Sample external data service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.5.2 Sample web pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
1.5.3 Sample plug-in application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
1.5.4 Sample mobile application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.5.5 Sample mobile plug-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
1.6 Samples we developed for this book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


1.7 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
2.1 Customizing the desktop appearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.2 Adding a logo and banner color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
2.3 Adding login notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
2.4 Adding password rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
2.4.1 Testing the password rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
2.5 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.1 Prerequisites for plug-in development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.1.1 IBM Rational Application Developer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
3.1.2 Eclipse development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.1.3 WebLogic and Eclipse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2 Setting up development environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
3.2.1 Installing the Eclipse plug-in in base Eclipse environments . . . . . . . 77
3.2.2 Installing the Eclipse plug-in in Rational Application Developer . . . . 77
3.2.3 Troubleshooting Eclipse plug-in installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.2.4 Verifying Eclipse plug-in installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
3.3 Plug-in development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.1 Creating a simple plug-in project using the wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
3.3.2 Creating plug-in extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.3.3 Packaging and building a plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
3.3.4 Registering and testing a plug-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
3.4 Creating a new empty EDS project using the wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
3.5 Getting started with the SamplePlugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
3.6 Building a plug-in JAR manually . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
3.7 Debugging plug-ins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.7.1 Remote debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
3.7.2 Local debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
3.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Part 2. Customizing Content Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points. . . . . . . . . 117
4.1 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
4.2 Developing the Create Dossier action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.2.1 Setting up a new plug-in project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
4.2.2 Packaging and deploying . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
4.2.3 Adding the action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
4.2.4 Implementing the action JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4.2.5 Preparing ECM system and deploying current version . . . . . . . . . . 127

4.3 Developing a plug-in service to create the substructure of the dossier . . 133
4.3.1 Server type independent code: CreateSubStructureService . . . . . 136
4.3.2 IBM FileNet P8 code: CreateSubStructureServiceP8 . . . . . . . . . . . 138
4.3.3 IBM Content Manager code: CreateSubStructureServiceCM . . . . . 140
4.3.4 Deploying and verifying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.4 Developing the Open Dossier action. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
4.4.1 Adding an action to the plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
4.4.2 Extending the Action model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
4.4.3 Packing, deploying, and configuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
4.4.4 Enhancing the Create Dossier action to also open the dossier . . . 156
4.5 Open dossier view in its own feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
4.5.1 Adding the feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
4.5.2 Deploying and configuring the feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
4.5.3 Developing a dossier feature by using the browse feature . . . . . . . 159
4.6 Adding configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
4.6.1 Adding a configuration panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
4.6.2 Adapting code to use configuration values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
4.7 Dossier management in the real world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
4.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
5.1 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
5.2 Viewing results in ContentList widget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
5.3 Custom repository search service in sample plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
5.3.1 Sample code of custom repository search service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
5.4 Query string for search against repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5.4.1 IBM Content Manager query string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
5.4.2 IBM FileNet Content Manager query string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
5.5 Creating a new plug-in with custom repository search service . . . . . . . . 187
5.5.1 Creating a new plug-in project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
5.5.2 Importing search service from sample plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
5.5.3 Importing feature pane from sample plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
5.5.4 Building and deploying the new plug-in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
5.6 Adding a new function to the existing search service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
5.6.1 Adding a paging function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
5.6.2 Getting the result properties setting from admin configuration . . . . 207
5.6.3 Main files of custom search plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
5.7 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets . . . . . . 211
6.1 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
6.2 Adjusting the layout of the feature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213



Creating a tree widget to show a custom tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Adding function on the class node to search and show results. . . . . . . . 223
Configuring more modules to the ContentList widget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external

data services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
7.1 Request and response filter overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.1.1 When to implement request and response filters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
7.2 External data service (EDS) overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.2.1 When to use EDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.2.2 Sample EDS service provided with IBM Content Navigator . . . . . . 239
7.3 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
7.4 Setting up the sample EDS project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
7.5 Choice lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.5.1 Simple choice lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.5.2 Dependant choice lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.6 Property field validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.7 Setting field properties. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
7.7.1 Setting field status. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
7.7.2 Setting field minimum and maximum values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7.8 Ordering properties on the add dialog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
7.9 Filter for large choice lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
7.10 Deployment and configuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
7.11 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
8.1 Workflow step processors overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
8.2 IBM Content Navigator step processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
8.3 Custom step processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
8.4 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
8.5 Creating a custom step processor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
8.5.1 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
8.5.2 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.js . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
8.5.3 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.jsp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
8.6 Deploying the custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
8.7 Registering the custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
8.8 Configuring Application Space and in-basket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
8.9 Adding an action to use an embedded viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
8.9.1 Updating StepProcessorAction.java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.9.2 Updating StepProcessorActionPlugin.js . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.9.3 Building and deploying the action plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
8.10 Using and testing the custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

8.10.1 Creating the workflow with custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . 292

8.10.2 Adding subscription to initiate workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
8.11 Adding external data services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
8.11.1 Testing the workflow and custom step processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
8.12 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications . . . . 297
9.1 Integration into other applications overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
9.2 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
9.3 Externalizing IBM Content Navigator widgets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
9.3.1 Approaches of IBM Content Navigator externalization . . . . . . . . . . 299
9.3.2 Simulation of IBM Content Navigator integration part 1 . . . . . . . . . 303
9.4 Integrating Content Navigator with URL API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
9.5 Integrating Content Navigator with a specific feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
9.6 Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
9.6.1 Setting up a new plug-in project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
9.6.2 Adding the layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
9.6.3 Adding the ContentList widget to the layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
9.7 Integrating specific widgets of Content Navigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
9.7.1 Initialization phase of Content Navigator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
9.7.2 Step 1: Initialize Dojo and Content Navigator libraries . . . . . . . . . . 328
9.7.3 Step 2: Select the appropriate visual widget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
9.7.4 Step 3: Select and initialize the necessary model classes . . . . . . . 337
9.7.5 Step 4: Wire the widgets together through event registration . . . . . 342
9.8 Integrating the externalized widgets (Step 5) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
9.8.1 Deploying the externalized widget (unbound integration) . . . . . . . . 346
9.8.2 Setting up external widgets in the container (bound integration) . . 347
9.8.3 Defining a reverse proxy in an HTTP Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
9.8.4 Outline of a bound integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
9.9 Integrating stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft SharePoint page . . . . . . 356
9.9.1 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
9.9.2 Implementing the Microsoft SharePoint integration . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
9.10 Integrating stand-alone widgets as a portlet in WebSphere Portal . . . . 359
9.11 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating
third-party viewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
10.1 Built-in viewers overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
10.2 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
10.3 Customizing the FileNet Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
10.3.1 Adding headers and footers to documents for branding and
confidentiality requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 371
10.3.2 Making annotations anonymous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373



10.3.3 Disabling document streaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375

10.4 Exploring viewer extensibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
10.4.1 Viewer architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376
10.4.2 Extension points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
10.5 Integrating third-party viewers into IBM Content Navigator . . . . . . . . . . 387
10.5.1 Snowbound VirtualViewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
10.5.2 Informative Graphics Brava! Enterprise Viewer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
10.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 412
Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
11.1 IBM Content Navigator mobile solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
11.1.1 Mobile development options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
11.2 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
11.3 Customizing IBM Worklight sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
11.3.1 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420
11.3.2 Environment preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422
11.3.3 Updating model layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425
11.3.4 Developing views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426
11.3.5 Adding controller for WorkView . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
11.3.6 Integrating to sample. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
11.3.7 Packaging and deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
11.4 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server. . . . . . 437
12.1 What is available in IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438
12.2 Microsoft Lync Server and UCWA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
12.2.1 UCMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
12.2.2 UCWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
12.3 Example overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
12.4 High-level design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
12.4.1 Goals of the new plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
12.4.2 Contact card or business card function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
12.4.3 Microsoft Lync Contact Card and Status Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
12.5 Implementing the Lync Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
12.5.1 Configuring the Lync Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
12.5.2 Microsoft Lync Service user interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
12.5.3 Error handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
12.5.4 Log in to Microsoft Lync Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
12.5.5 Getting contact information from Microsoft Lync Server . . . . . . . . 448
12.5.6 Adding a response filter to user name fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
12.6 Object-oriented design for Java and JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
12.6.1 Java objects of the Lync Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
12.6.2 Extending the existing Java classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

12.6.3 Extending JavaScript classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455

12.6.4 Extending the configuration pane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
12.6.5 Notes for programming with Microsoft Lync UCWA Service . . . . . 456
12.6.6 Displaying business card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
12.7 Setup, installation, and enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
12.7.1 Considerations for development environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
12.7.2 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
12.7.3 Debugging the plug-in application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
12.7.4 Installing and setting up the Lync Plug-in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
12.7.5 Future enhancements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
12.8 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
Part 3. Deployment, debugging, and troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Chapter 13. Component deployment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
13.1 Strategies for managing a production environment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
13.2 Identifying the components of your application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
13.2.1 Component hierarchy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
13.2.2 Persistence characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
13.2.3 Database layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
13.3 Manual deployment of an IBM Content Navigator solution . . . . . . . . . . 470
13.3.1 Repository dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470
13.3.2 IBM Content Navigator desktop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
13.4 Injecting a level of predictability in your environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
13.5 Using export and import to deploy a Content Navigator solution . . . . . 481
13.5.1 Using the Export function within the Administration Desktop . . . . 482
13.5.2 Using the Import function within the Administration Desktop . . . . 488
13.5.3 Import summary and reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 492
13.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495
14.1 Client debugging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
14.1.1 Firefox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
14.1.2 Chrome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
14.1.3 Fiddler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
14.2 Client logging. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
14.2.1 Logging levels and browser types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
14.2.2 Enabling logging in JavaScript files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
14.3 Server-side logging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
14.4 Log and trace files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
14.4.1 IBM Content Navigator log files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
14.4.2 Application server log files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
14.5 Troubleshooting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
14.5.1 IBM Content Navigator troubleshooting tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 506



14.6 Conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510

Part 4. Appendixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
Appendix A. Action privileges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Appendix B. Document class definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
Adding example class to IBM FileNet Content Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
Adding example class to IBM Content Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project. . . . . . . . 519
VirtualFolderBrowsePane.js . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Enhanced SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
Appendix D. Additional material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Locating the web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
Using the web material. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
System requirements for downloading the web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Downloading and extracting the web material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

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Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

IBM Content Navigator provides a unified user interface for your Enterprise
Content Management (ECM) solutions. It also provides a robust development
platform so you can build a customized user interface and applications to deliver
value and an intelligent, business-centric experience.
This IBM Redbooks publication guides you through the Content Navigator
platform, its architecture, and the available programming interfaces. It describes
how you can configure and customize the user interface with the administration
tools provided, and how you can customize and extend Content Navigator using
available development options with sample code. Specifically, the book shows
you how to set up a development environment, and develop plug-ins that add an
action, service, and feature to the user interface. Customization topics also
include implementing request and response filters, external data services (EDS),
creating custom step processors, and using Content Navigator widgets in other
applications. In addition, this book covers mobile development, viewer
customization, component deployment, and debugging and troubleshooting.
This book is intended for IT architects, application designers, and developers
who work with IBM Content Navigator and IBM ECM products. It offers both a
high-level description of how to extend and customize IBM Content Navigator
and also more technical details of how to do implementation with sample code.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


This book was produced by a team of specialists from around the world working
in Seattle and at the IBM Software Development lab in Kirkland, Washington.
Wei-Dong Zhu (Jackie) is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Project
Leader with the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO). Jackie
joined IBM in 1996 and has more than 10 years of software development
experience in accounting, image workflow processing, and digital media
distribution. She is a Certified Solution Designer for IBM Content Manager, and
has managed many Enterprise Content Management Redbooks publications.
Jackie holds a Master of Science degree in Computer Science from the
University of Southern California.
Tomas Barina is an ECM Consultant with the IBM Software Group in Czech
Republic. He has more than 10 years of experience in the content management
field. For the last eight years, his focus has been primarily on design and delivery
of IBM FileNet solutions. His areas of expertise include solution design, ECM,
and mobile development. Tomas holds masters degree in Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence from Czech Technical University.
Yi Duan is an ECM Advisory Software Engineer with the IBM Software Group in
China. He has over 11 years of experience in the software engineering field. Yi
joined the IBM Content Navigator Quality Assurance team with the first release in
2011. He has extensive experience with IBM Content Navigator, especially in
EDS. Before joining the team, Yi worked with the IBM Document Manager team
for six years. Yi holds a masters degree in Computer Science from Beijing
University of Posts and Telecommunications.
Nicole Hughes is a Certified IT Specialist with the North America ECM Channel
Sales team. Nicole specializes in IBM Content Analytics with Enterprise Search
and IBM Content Classification and is also skilled in IBM Content Manager, IBM
FileNet, and IBM Lotus Domino solutions. Nicole joined IBM in 2003 through
the Green Pasture Software acquisition and has 17 years of experience in the
ECM industry. Her expertise in system design has led to successful
implementations of ECM solutions, such as facilities management, engineering
drawings management, and procedures/policies management in various
industries including manufacturing and utilities. Nicole holds a B.A. degree from
Washington State University.
Marcel Kostal is an ECM Solution Consultant with IBM Software Group in
Slovakia. He has more than 12 years of experience in designing, developing, and
delivering Java Platform, Enterprise Edition solutions. For the past five years,
Marcel has focused on ECM solutions primarily in the banking sector. His areas


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

of expertise include solution architecture, application design, implementation,

integration, and technical enablement with the IBM FileNet P8 product suite.
Chad Lou is a Senior Software Engineer with the IBM Software Group. He works
extensively in designing and implementing solutions in the ECM area. Chad has
worked on various platforms, with Web 2.0 technology at the forefront, Java in
the middle-tier, and database in the back end. Before joining IBM, Chad worked
at Twentieth Century Fox as a Technical Lead.
Brett Morris is the Lead Architect for Enterprise Content Management Client
Development and one of the primary people responsible for the architecture and
design of IBM Content Navigator. He has been with IBM for nearly fifteen years
and has over a decade of experience in Enterprise Content Management. Brett
has written several technical articles and conducts sessions at many technical
Rainer Mueller-Maechler is a Senior IT Specialist with the IBM Software Group
in Zurich, Switzerland. He has ten years of software engineering experience in
the ECM field including consulting, design, development, installation, and
integration. He has been with IBM for three years; previously, he worked for
several IBM FileNet Business Partners for seven years. Rainer has strong
background in client development for ECM systems and for five years has
contributed to one of the leading ECM client products. Rainer holds a masters
degree in Computer Science from the University of Ulm.
Ron Rathgeber is an ECM Software Architect working on the IBM Enterprise
Records product with the IBM Software Group in United States. Previously, he
worked on the IBM FileNet Capture and FileNet WorkForce Desktop products.
Ron has over 20 years of experience in the imaging and content management
fields, working in the software development group. Ron holds a Bachelor of
Science degree in Information and Computer Science from the University of
California, Irvine.
Jana Saalfeld is a Certified IT Specialist with the IBM Software Group Services
in Germany. Jana has eight years of experience in the ECM field and has been
with IBM for nine years. She holds a bachelors degree in Applied Computer
Science at the Cooperative State University of Stuttgart. Her areas of expertise
include solution and application design, implementation, integration, and
technical enablement within the ECM product suite.
Jian Xin Zhang is a Software Developer for IBM Content Navigator with the IBM
Software Group in China. Jian joined IBM in 2004 and he has more than 10 years
of software development experience. He has over nine years of development
experience on IBM Content Manager and IBM FileNet products. Jian holds a
masters degree in Computer Science from Beijing Institute of Technology.



Jie Zhang is a Software Developer for IBM Content Navigator in the China
Development Lab. Jie joined IBM in 2005 and he has more than 10 years of
software development experience. He has over six years experience on IBM
Content Manager and IBM FileNet products including quality assurance and
development. Jie holds a masters degree in Computer Science from Tsinghua
Special thanks to the IBM Content Navigator management team and lead
architects. Without their support and leadership, we could not have completed
the book:
IBM Content Navigator product management team:
Ian Story
Scott Mills
IBM Content Navigator development and testing management team:
Dana Morris
Mary Booher
Song Guan
Hansen Lee
Kristin Wallio
IBM Content Navigator lead architect:
Brian Owings
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Julia Bamford
Yoav Ben-Yair
Matt Bogusz
Michael Davidovich
Jon Elslip
James Iuliano
Bob LaTurner
Oren Paikowsky
Robert Rusch
Eitan Schreiber
IBM Software Group, US, China, and Israel
Alen Dranikov
George Farnham
Informative Graphics and Snowbound Software
Thanks to the authors of the first edition of this book, which was published
October 2012:
Wei-Dong Zhu (Jackie), Ya Zhou Luo, Johnny Meissler, Ron Rathgeber, Harry
Richards, Jana Saalfeld, Sebastian Schmid, and Kosta Tachtevrenidis.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

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Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Summary of changes
This section describes the technical changes made in this edition of the book and
in previous editions. This edition might also include minor corrections and
editorial changes that are not identified.
Summary of Changes
for SG24-8055-01
for Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator
as created or updated on April 13, 2015.

May 2014, Second Edition

This second edition has extensive revisions because of changes in IBM Content
Navigator software and the feedback we received from the previous edition of the
book. When possible, more explanations are provided regarding why, where, and
how to do customization and extensions for Content Navigator. We created and
documented many new samples based on common requests.
Specifically, this edition reflects the addition, modification, or deletion of
information as described here. The previous edition is downloadable with this
second edition book.

New information
The following chapters are added to the book or have gone through major
changes for this second edition:
Chapter 1, Extension points and customization options on page 3 (major
Major revisions include better explanations of Content Navigator architecture,
extension points, and customization options. To help you to better prepare for
doing customizations, we added two new sections:
1.1, Before you begin on page 4
1.6, Samples we developed for this book on page 58
Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73 (major
Major revisions include adding a new procedure for setting up the
development environment. The chapter also shows how to create a new

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


plug-in project by using an Eclipse wizard and includes references for testing
and debugging your application.
Chapter 4, Developing a plug-in with basic extension points on page 117
(new chapter)
Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173 (new
Chapter 6, Creating a feature with search services and widgets on page 211
(new chapter)
Chapter 8, Creating a custom step processor on page 277 (new chapter)
Chapter 9, Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications on
page 297 (major changes)
Major reworking of the chapter content includes better explanations,
approaches, logic, and flow, and includes sample code.
Chapter 11, Extending solutions to mobile platform on page 413 (major
Major reworking was done to the chapter based on the new mobile application
Chapter 12, Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server on page 437
(new chapter)

Changed information
The following chapters have been updated with latest features and functions of
Content Navigator and new sections added to cover the additional information:
Chapter 2, Customizing desktop appearance on page 61
This is a recap of section 3.6 from the previous edition of the book.
Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and external
data services on page 233
Improved explanation of when to use external data services (EDS) and when
to implement request and response filters.
Chapter 10, Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers
on page 365
Added a section about integrating Informative Graphics Brava! Enterprise
Viewer in addition to the original Snowbound VirtualViewer section.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 13, Component deployment on page 465

Added a section about how to use the new export and import tools for solution
Chapter 14, Debugging and troubleshooting on page 495
Added a section about tools available for debugging and troubleshooting.

Deleted information
Since the previous edition of the book, the following chapters were removed. The
reason is because we want to focus on customizing and extending Content
Navigator, and not cover the general introduction and concepts that are in the
IBM Knowledge Center.
Chapter 1, Introducing IBM Content Navigator
Chapter 2, Functions, features, and concepts
Chapter 3, Configuration and customization
Section 3.6 from this chapter has been retained because of popular demand;
but, it is renumbered as Chapter 2 in this second edition of the book.
Chapter 6, Developing a plug-in to add an action
This chapter is replaced with the new chapter, Chapter 4. Developing a
plug-in with basic extension points of IBM Content Navigator which covers
developing a plug-in that adds multiple actions, services, and features.

Previous edition is downloadable

The previous edition of the book is still downloadable as additional material with
this second edition of the book. See Appendix D, Additional material on
page 535 for information.

Summary of changes



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Part 1


In this part, we introduce the extension points and customization options for
working with IBM Content Navigator, and how to set up a development
environment for the customization. In addition, we show how to customize
desktop appearance without any coding. This part contains the following
Chapter 1, Extension points and customization options on page 3
Chapter 2, Customizing desktop appearance on page 61
Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 1.

Extension points and

customization options
IBM Content Navigator provides a unified user interface for your Enterprise
Content Management solutions. It also provides a robust development platform
that you can use to build a customized user interface and applications to deliver
value and an intelligent, business-centric experience. This chapter guides you
through this platform, the architecture of the application, and available
programming interfaces to help you understand the available development
This chapter covers the following topics:

Before you begin

Development options with IBM Content Navigator
IBM Content Navigator development architecture
Developing with IBM Content Navigator APIs
IBM Content Navigator samples
Samples we developed for this book

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.

1.1 Before you begin

To understand this book, you must first understand the terminology. To
understand how to develop your user interface of your solution, you must know
what are the available options. This section defines several important terms that
are used in this book. 1.2, Development options with IBM Content Navigator on
page 6 describes the options you can use to fulfill business requirements.

1.1.1 IBM Content Navigator terms

Several terms used in this book are unique to IBM Content Navigator or have
special meaning within the context of IBM Content Navigator administration and
Repository: A repository in this book represents a document management
system to which IBM Content Navigator can connect. It can include one or
more of these systems: IBM FileNet Content Manager, IBM Content Manager,
IBM Content Manager OnDemand, or any third-party document management
system that implements Content Management Interoperability Standard
Content item: The term content item is used to address documents, folders,
custom objects and individual items stored in various repositories to which
IBM Content Navigator can connect.
Desktop: An IBM Content Navigator desktop represents a tailored view of the
available repositories and the functionality that IBM Content Navigator can
provide. The desktop is one instance of the IBM Content Navigator
application within the Content Navigator deployment, for which you can
configure a different appearance, different available functionality, and different
repositories that will be available and visible within the user experience. A
common real-world scenario is that one desktop is dedicated to one business
role or department.
Plug-in: IBM Content Navigator plug-in is a powerful mechanism that allows
you to extend and change the capabilities of IBM Content Navigator to meet
the specific business requirements of your application without modifying the
code of the software itself. IBM Content Navigator plug-in is a Java class that
a developer must extend to implement a custom plug-in; in most cases it
refers to a Java archive (JAR) file, containing Java classes that implement
defined middle tier (midtier) extension points and also web resources for
extending a browser UI.

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Extension point: The term extension point in this book is used to address one
of the available options you can implement in your plug-in, to add new or
change existing functionality. It is primarily represented as a Java class that is
referenced by your Plugin class.
Feature: An IBM Content Navigator feature refers to top-level menu item that
provides basic functionality in IBM Content Navigator such as browse, search,
or favorites. It also refers to one of available extension points in plug-in
Layout: The term layout is used in two ways in this book. Either it refers to an
extension point, that allows you modify the overall look and feel of IBM
Content Navigator or it refers to a dijit layout. (See the term dijit below)
Content Navigator API: A Content Navigator API is a set of Java and
JavaScript classes you can use to develop a plug-in or to implement your own
application leveraging IBM Content Navigator functionality.
External data services: The external data services (EDS) is an IBM Content
Navigator plug-in that allows you to modify property behavior by introducing
new REST interface. EDS is designed as a quick and easy starting point for
your customization, without the need to implement a plug-in.
Widget: A widget is a user interface component to provide a specific function
that can be used in constructing a user interface. Widgets are typically
packaged in a library of related components. A designer can construct a web
page from multiple widgets that work together to provide a unified visual
experience to users. A widget can be a visual widget, which is responsible for
a portion of the interface that users see such as a tree view, or a non-visual
widget, which provides supporting functionality to the user interface, such as
form validation.
Dojo: A dojo is a JavaScript library designed to increase speed and ease of
development of client-side code for a web application. Dojo provides a library
of widgets that can be used to easily construct a client-based user interface
for a web application. Dojo widgets are designed to be both configurable and
Dijit: The word dijit is an abbreviation for a Dojo widget.
Dijit layout: A dijit layout is a dijit that contains child widgets. It is a JavaScript
class that extends dijit/_Container class or its subclasses.
Step processor: A step processor in IBM Content Navigator is a widget
that displays a human task in a workflow. It extends the
ecm/widget/process/ProcessorLayout dijit.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options

1.2 Development options with IBM Content Navigator

IBM Content Navigator provides several options to customize or develop the user
experience for your application. Each option requires a different development
skill set, amount of effort, and time to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is important
to understand what each option was designed for and how each option might
best fit within your project and application requirements.
The options are as follows:
Configuring IBM Content Navigator
Implementing the EDS interface
Implementing a plug-in
Developing or integrating a custom application
Delivering mobile access
The following sections describe each option, the skills required to develop or
implement these options, and the links that can help you learn more about these
topics. In 1.2.6, Common use cases and their development options summary
on page 14, we provide a list of common use cases and summarize where you
want to look for customization and extension.

1.2.1 Configuring IBM Content Navigator

The easiest way to change the appearance of the IBM Content Navigator
desktop is through configuration. In most cases, this is often the most common
option used to comply with corporate naming and visual standards of an
organization. IBM Content Navigator contains an Administration Desktop that
you can use to configure several visual aspects of the desktop:
Specify the name of the desktop.
Add a company logo to both the login page and the banner of the desktop.
Alter the colors used in the desktop banner.
In addition, on the global level (for all desktops) you can configure the following
visual aspects:
Change icons for specific MIME types.
Alter the labels used in the desktop.

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Configuration options in IBM Content Navigator can also cover some security
and business requirements of the overall solution. Desktop configuration can
cover the following requirements:
Add useful notes to the login page such as forgot password information.
Add or remove features from the desktop.
Alter the menu items on both toolbar and context menus.
Specify the displayed properties for which you can configure:
System properties that will be displayed to the user.
Properties that will be displayed for documents and folders in the content
list when users are browsing.
Properties available in search operations, together with available
operators for specific data type.

Required skills
The configuration tasks within IBM Content Navigator can all be performed as
administrative tasks through the Administration Desktop and do not require
development or coding to complete. For more information about configuring IBM
Content Navigator desktop, see Chapter 2, Customizing desktop appearance
on page 61.

Helpful links
See information about defining desktops in the IBM Knowledge Center to learn
more about configuring Content Navigator:

1.2.2 Implementing the EDS interface

The underlying repository of your solution has specific options for how properties
are defined in your document model and system taxonomy. At a minimum, it
allows you to specify the data type. The system may also allow you to specify
data validations such as required status or read-only status. However, you cannot
change them during run time, which is a common requirement in complex
solutions including workflows and various document and folder states. Another
common requirement is the ability to predefine values that a property can hold.
As is, you may only be able to define a static choice list within the repository
without any relation or connection to an external system. EDS interface was
introduced to address these issues in a light-weight manner, without the need for
you to understand Java or implement an IBM Content Navigator plug-in.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options

An external data service is invoked for actions such as adding and editing
content items, creating and using searches, and editing step processor
properties in IBM Content Navigator or IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft
Office. The following use cases can be covered by implementing an EDS REST

Prefill properties with values.

Look up the choice list values for a property or dependent property.
Set minimum and maximum property values.
Set property status or controls, such as read-only, required or hidden.
Implement property validation and error checking.

Your implementation of EDS REST interface is invoked by IBM Content Navigator

(EDS plug-in) without propagation of a users session and credentials. EDS
plug-in sends only the user ID in the ClientContext node of the JavaScript Object
Notation (JSON) request. EDS is therefore not suitable to implement, if you need
this credential to connect to your external system, for example to filter the results
(choice list values) by logged in user.
Tip: If the use cases or the REST interface does not cover your needs, you
can implement your own plug-in for request and response filters. The external
data services are implemented as one case for the request and response
filters in IBM Content Navigator plug-in.

Required skills
You need these skills to implement the external data service REST interface:
Web application development (GET and POST request)
Read and write JSON
See 1.4.2, External data services on page 24 to understand which properties
and actions in IBM Content Navigator (or IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft
Office) you can customize through an external data service and understand what
the communication protocol looks like.

Helpful links
See the following sources to help you get started with gaining the required skills:
JSON tutorial describing the notation:
JSON Java API bundled with IBM Content Navigator

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

External data services at IBM Knowledge Center for FileNet P8:


1.2.3 Implementing a plug-in

An IBM Content Navigator plug-in is a powerful mechanism and the most flexible
option for customizing user experience within your solution. It enables developers
to add new functionality, change existing behavior and appearance of the
application or create completely new application. A plug-in can implement one or
more extension points to fulfill business requirements.
The following extension points are available:
Action: Used to add a new context menu item or toolbar menu item. It is often
accompanied with a Service extension point that implements the business
logic for the action. For example you can add an action that will export a
selected folder and its contents to a ZIP file.
Open Action: Used to alter the behavior when opening a content item. For
example, depending on a document property value, you can implement the
Open Action to open different viewers or opening a specific folder display in a
new feature.
Feature: Used to add new functionality that has its own interface pane or use
an existing interface pane with some modifications. You also must implement
a dijit layout that will render the content of the feature, where you can use
existing widgets or customized widgets. For example, you can implement a
feature that displays a custom search form and existing content list widgets.
Menu: Used to add configurable menu items to your widgets, instead of hard
coding them in the widgets. This allows you to configure different actions for
different desktops or roles from Administration Desktop. For example, you can
implement a menu that displays a configured action in a newly created widget
for displaying customers.
Layout: Used to create a completely new look and feel on top of the IBM
Content Navigator framework or to change the existing features in your
desktop. For example, you can build a custom layout for mobile browsers that
will adapt to its screen size.
Viewer: Used to change existing viewer for a specific MIME type. For
example, you can implement a viewer that can be used to view PDF
documents and allow users to electronically sign the opened document.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options

Request filter: Used to change the parameters (JSON request) sent from the
browser to a service or to replace invoked service by sending its own JSON
response. For example you can censure restricted words in a comment
entered by user or restrict access to a content item by performing additional
security check in external system.
Response filter: Used to change the JSON response of an invoked service to
change the behavior and appearance of the IBM Content Navigator. For
example, you can determine which columns are displayed in a content list in
the browse view or change the order of properties on an add document form.
Service: Used to provide server side functionality for your action, widget or
any other front-end component. You can use repository-specific API,
configuration API, or your own library to invoke operations you need. For
example, you can implement a service that creates folder with several
subfolders in a repository.
A special type of extension point that is not represented by the Java class is
Widget. You can use it in your plug-ins to render feature, support actions with
some dialogs or create customized step processor.
A specific use case can be implemented with the OnDemand Authentication
Service extension point that allows you to forward authentication token from IBM
Content Navigator to IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository for a single
sign-on (SSO) solution.
Important: Request and response filters change behavior and appearance of
all clients using IBM Content Navigator services such as IBM Content
Navigator for Microsoft Office.
A format of the JSON messages exchanged between client and server is
subject to change without notice. You might need to update your code of
request and response filters if newer version of IBM Content Navigator is

Required skills
From a development perspective, there are two types of extensions points, each
with different skills prerequisites:
Server-side extensions: These requires that you understand Java
programming language and JSON. These extension points are as follows:


Request Filter
Response Filter
OnDemand AuthenticationService

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Client-side extensions: These require you to understand JavaScript

programming language in addition to Java programming language and JSON.
These extension points are as follows:

Open action

To develop a widget that is part of your plug-in, you must know how use the
following technologies:
Dojo 1.8.4 (This version is packaged with IBM Content Navigator)
HyperText Markup Language version 5 (HTML 5)
IBM Content Navigator provides a Java API for implementing plug-in classes and
JavaScript API for developing the client extension points. For more information,
see 1.4.3, Plug-in API on page 27 and 1.4.4, Content Navigator JavaScript
API on page 47.

Helpful links
See the following sources for more information to help you get started with
gaining the required skills:
Dojo tutorial for beginners:
The minimum requirement for experienced JavaScript developers is to
understand the Dojo modules. How to use declare, define, and require
functions as at the following web page:
JSON tutorial describing the notation:

1.2.4 Developing or integrating a custom application

Implementing new Enterprise Content Management solutions require
consideration for existing applications within your organization. There might be
several front-end applications that you must integrate with or there might be a
unified front-end platform such as IBM WebSphere Portal or Microsoft
SharePoint through which your application will be accessed.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


IBM Content Navigator provides two approaches for integrating custom

Unbound: A lightweight integration using IBM Content Navigator URL API, to
render a specific desktop, feature, folder, document or search template in an
iFrame of your application or in a new window. This approach has limited
options for interaction with your application, but avoids cross-site scripting
problems and Dojo version conflicts.
Bound: A heavyweight integration, where all the JavaScript code is running
directly within your application. This option gives you better control of the
interactions with your application thought JavaScript event wiring. To
accomplish this integration, you will have to initialize connection to IBM
Content Navigator server and resolve any cross-site scripting problem.
To develop a custom application, you can either leverage IBM Content Navigator
GUI and develop your own layout plug-in for your desktop or you can create
completely new application by using IBM Content Navigator JavaScript API.

Required skills
For unbound integration, you must understand IBM Content Navigator URL API
as described in 1.4.1, URL API on page 23.
To develop a custom layout in IBM Content Navigator, you must understand the
plug-in development as described above.
Developing a completely new application or bound integration requires the
understanding of the following technologies and APIs:
IBM Content Navigator JavaScript API
Dojo 1.8.4 (This version is packaged with IBM Content Navigator)
HyperText Markup Language version 5 (HTML 5)
For more details see 1.4.4, Content Navigator JavaScript API on page 47.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Helpful links
See the following sources for more information to help you get started with
gaining the required skills:
Dojo tutorial for beginners:
The minimum requirement for JavaScript experienced developers is to
understand the dojo modules. How to use declare, define, and require
JSON tutorial describing the notation:
IBM Content Navigator JavaScript API reference at IBM Knowledge Center
for FileNet P8:

1.2.5 Delivering mobile access

If you are planning to deliver access to your repository from mobile devices, one
of the first considerations is whether you create a mobile application users can
download or create a mobile website accessible from a browser on the phone.
IBM Content Navigator framework can support both options:
Mobile application development: Supported by the IBM Worklight project
that can be extended to your needs. It builds a hybrid application that can be
deployed on several platforms such as Android and iOS.
Web application development: Supported by IBM Content Navigator
JavaScript model library, which you can use in your own application or more
easily in your layout plug-in.
Note: IBM Content Navigator provides a mobile application for iOS devices
that can be downloaded from Apple App Store. You can add new features to
this application though desktop configuration, by specifying the web page
(URL) of your feature.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Required skills
Both mobile application development and web application development require
an understanding of the following technologies:
Dojo Mobile
In addition, for mobile application development, you must also understand
these areas:
Application development with IBM WorkLight Studio
Apache Cordova API
For more details see Chapter 11, Extending solutions to mobile platform on
page 413.

Helpful links
See the following sources for more information to help you get started with
gaining the required skills:
Extending Your Business to Mobile Devices with IBM Worklight:
IBM Worklight Version 6.0.0:
Apache Cordova:
Tutorial for Dojo Mobile:

1.2.6 Common use cases and their development options summary

To help you with IBM Content Navigator customization and extension, this
section summarizes the common use cases mentioned in this chapter, where
you should look to do the customization or extension, the required skills needed
to do the work, and alternatives.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The use cases are divided into the following categories:

Adding new functionality (Table 1-1)
Modifying existing behaviors (Table 1-2)
Modifying existing functionality (Table 1-3 on page 16)
Modifying appearances (Table 1-4 on page 16)
Integrating with external applications (Table 1-5 on page 17)
Table 1-1 Use cases for adding new functionality
Use case

Look for

Required skills

Add new context menu

item or toolbar menu item

Plug-in - Action
and Service

Java, JavaScript

Add new feature page

Plug-in - Feature
and Widgets

Java, Widget
library, Dojo,
(Model Library)

Add new document

viewer for specific MIME

Plug-in - Viewer

Java, Widget
library, Dojo,
Model Library

Implement custom step


Plug-in - Widgets

JSP, PE API, Dojo,

Widget library,
Model Library

Add feature to existing

iOS application

Configuration Desktop



Plug-in OpenAction

Mobile Worklight

Table 1-2 Use cases for modifying existing behavior

Use case

Look for

Required skills


Prefill property with value

when creating content
items, searching or working
with tasks


Web application,

Plug-in Request filter

Alter the property to choice

list or dependent choice list


Web application,

Plug-in Request filter

Hide properties when

editing content items or
working with task


Web application,

Plug-in Request filter

Make properties non

editable when editing
objects or working with task


Web application,

Plug-in Request filter

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Use case

Look for

Required skills

Implement custom sorting

mechanism for search

Plug-in Response filter


Restrict access to content

item or to execute a service

Plug-in - Request



Table 1-3 Use cases for modifying existing functionality

Use case

Look for



Add front-end validations

for properties when editing
content items or working
with task



Plug-in Response

Alter existing feature

Plug-in - Layout and


Java, Widget
library, Dojo

Plug-in Feature

Change the existing open

action for a content item

Plug-in - OpenAction


Plug-in Viewer

Censure comments
entered by user

Plug-in - Request


Implement SSO solution for


Plug-in - OnDemand


Table 1-4 Use cases for modifying appearances


Use case

Look for



Change the logos and

banner colors

Configuration Desktop


Plug-in - Layout

Change the columns in

content list when browsing
in general

Configuration Repository
and Desktop


Plug-in - Response
filter or Feature and

Change or add columns in

content list for specific
folder or at specific

Plug-in Response


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Use case

Look for



Change the property

formatter for a cell in the
content list

Plug-in Response


Change which properties

are available for user in
search or system
properties widgets

Configuration Repository
and Desktop


Plug-in - Feature
and widget

Change the look and feel of

whole desktop (such as for
mobile browser)

Plug-in Layout and


Java, Widget
library, Dojo,

Custom app

Change the order of

properties in add/edit/view
properties widgets

Plug-in Response


Entry template

Change the property

formatter or property editor
of properties in
add/edit/view properties

Plug-in Response


Table 1-5 Use cases to integrate with external applications

Use case

Look for



Integrate feature, search

template or folder list into
own application



Custom app

Display ICN widget in own


Custom app

Dojo, Widget
library, Model

iFrame pointing to
desktop with own
layout or to own

Deliver mobile application

Mobile Worklight

Cordova API

Dojo, Model library

Deliver web application

accessible from mobile

Plugin - Layout
and Widgets

Java, Widget
library, Dojo

Custom app

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


1.3 IBM Content Navigator development architecture

The IBM Content Navigator architecture is based on modularity and clear
separation of presentation layer, data access layer, and midtier services. The
modularity allows you to add new functionality without affecting existing
functionality through plug-in mechanism; the separation into layers provides an
option to replace a specific layer without reworking the entire application.
Figure 1-1 shows the virtual layers of IBM Content Navigator and depicts the
dependencies of the components.
Custom web client


IBM Content Navigator web client

IBM Content Navigator visual widget library

Folder tree

Content viewer

Content list



IBM Content Navigator JavaScript model



Des ktop

Work list



Custom plug-in


Client side

Search form

Custom plug-in

Data access

IBM Content Navigator Mid-Tier Services

OD Java

P8 Java




Chemistry API




EDS plug-in

data services

Custom plug-in
services and filters

server or
data store

Server side

CM8 Java


Figure 1-1 IBM Content Navigator development architecture

Presentation layer as the top-most level has two main responsibilities: it renders
the output to the user and handles interaction with user; it uses data access layer
to store, retrieve and update the data model of the application. The main
component of the presentation layer is IBM Content Navigator visual widget
library, which contains a set of visual widgets extracted from any business logic.
It is built on Dojo 1.8.4 and IBM Dojo Extension for OneUI (IDX) and
extends the Dojo, Dojo widgets, and IDX libraries. The visual widgets such as
content list, folder tree, dialogs, search form, and others, builds IBM Content
Navigator web application user interface, but can also be used in your custom
web client.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The data access layer is responsible for holding the application data and for
providing transparent access to the repositories and services running on the
server. It also allows you to attach an event listeners for any data model changes.
The main component, IBM Content Navigator JavaScript model, abstracts
repository-specific functions into a common interface and offers unified
(repository-independent) approach to retrieve, create, delete or modify content in
the underlying repository. The data model optimizes the midtier access through
caching mechanisms and smart requests. It is implemented as JavaScript library
that can be easily included and used in your own applications.
The service layer is responsible to provide a complete set of services for your
Enterprise Content Management solution. It is designed as an integration layer
between the front-end application and the back-end systems. IBM Content
Navigator Midtier services is a server component implemented in Java and
provides services and interfaces to all supported repositories and to IBM Content
Navigator configuration database. It contains a plug-in mechanism that allows
you to augment or modify functionality at each layer. External data service
plug-in, which is part of IBM Content Navigator, exposes a REST interface that
you can use to integrate your external system into IBM Content Navigator for
specific use cases without the need to implement a plug-in.

1.3.1 Programming interfaces

Each layer from IBM Content Navigator architecture provides a programming
interface that you use to deliver a custom user experience. Depending on the
layer you want to change, you can use these interfaces:
URL API: Used at the presentation layer to integrate IBM Content Navigator
into custom web application.
External data services (EDS): Defines the REST interface that allows you to
change the presentation layer, which is the behavior when editing properties
of documents, search templates, folders and step processors.
Java API:
Plug-in API: Defines a Java interface that allows you augment or modify
each layer of IBM Content Navigator architecture. It contains set of
abstract and utility classes for building your own plug-ins.
Configuration API: Used by midtier services layer to access or update
configuration of IBM Content Navigator and user configuration.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


JavaScript API:
Modeling: Used by presentation layer to access the data from the server. It
contains a set of JavaScript classes that custom web application or
Worklight application can use to connect to midtier services.
Widgets: Used at presentation layer to create new or extend existing
widget catalog of IBM Content Navigator.
See the following reference information in the IBM Knowledge Center:
A complete Java API reference:
A complete JavaScript API reference:

1.3.2 Communication flows

To understand IBM Content Navigator architecture, you must understand the flow
of the information exchanged between layers. There are two primary
communication flows in IBM Content Navigator architecture:
Communication between widget library and JavaScript model
Communication from JavaScript model to midtier services

Widget to model communication

Although the communication between widget library and JavaScript model is
bidirectional, there is no dependency in the JavaScript model on the widget
library. The bidirectional communication is achieved by an event-driven
approach. The model library publishes several events that defines the change in
the objects state. An example might be that a desktop was loaded or a document
property was changed. A visual widget can subscribe a listener to the event (in
Dojo terminology, this is connect a function to the event). This listener or
function is then automatically called when the event occurs. The same approach
is used in widget-to-widget communication when you need to connect two
widgets together.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 1-2 shows communication flow during desktop initialization. The

LoginPane registers for an onDesktopLoaded event, and the
NavigatorMainLayout registers for an onLogin event during the postCreate phase
of the widget initialization.

IBM Content Navigator JavaScript model



Calls loadDesktop()
to initialize IBM
Content Navigator


Listens for
event to render a
login form

Calls logon() when

user submits the
login form


Listens for onLogin
event to render a


IBM Content Navigator visual widget library

Figure 1-2 Communication flow between widget library and JavaScript model

Model to midtier services communication

All communication from JavaScript model library to IBM Content Navigator
midtier services is done through ecm.model.Request JavaScript class. It
provides a common way to handle session, timeouts and errors. Generated
service call sends HTTP POST request containing parameters encoded in JSON
The server side uses a controller to handle incoming service calls. The controller
distributes the service call to a specific class as defined in the
struts-config.xml file. The plug-in mechanism of IBM Content Navigator allows
you to implement request and response filters that intercept the original flow. The
request filter allows you to modify incoming JSON message before the requested
action is invoked. It also allows you to return your own response and skip any
additional processing. The response filter is executed after the requested service
is invoked. It allows you to modify JSON response returned by the service.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-3 show communication flow.

ECM JavaScript Modeling Library


Search Template





(JSON request)



(JSON response)

Controller servlet



Response filter

p8 services

cmis services

configuration services

cm services

od services

plugin service

custom service

IBM Content Navigator Mid-Tier Services

Figure 1-3 Communication flow from model library to midtier services


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

1.4 Developing with IBM Content Navigator APIs

IBM Content Navigator APIs consist of a URL API, external data services, plug-in
API, and Content Navigator JavaScript API.

1.4.1 URL API

The easiest way to integrate a document management solution into your
application is through a URL link. IBM Content Navigator allows you to access
desktops, features, documents, search templates, and folders directly by
embedding constructed URL link into your application. You can use the following
URL types:
Desktop URL: Opens a specified desktop in the full IBM Content Navigator
Feature URL: Opens a desktop with the specified feature preselected,
ignoring the default feature setting for the desktop.
Folder URL: Opens a view that displays the sub-tree and content of specified
Document URL: Opens the document in the preconfigured viewer for the
MIME type of the document. If the document is a StoredSearch, it will open
the search form.
For integration through iFrame, you can also render a particular feature or
desktop without the context of the entire desktop. You can hide the banner across
the top of the window or hide the Features sidebar by appending the sideChrome
parameter to the URL.
As an enhancement for the URL API, you can also implement a custom layout
plug-in or a custom feature, which renders widgets you want to display in your
application or portal. A good approach is to combine both the layout and the
feature for your integration scenario. Create an integration desktop with your
custom layout, containing all custom features you want to integrate.
An important consideration when integrating application through the URL is a
single sign-on solution between your application and IBM Content Navigator, so
the user does not need to log in to IBM Content Navigator when redirected from
your application or when part of IBM Content Navigator is rendered within your

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


More details about construction of the URL and available parameters are in the
following locations:
IBM FileNet P8:
IBM Content Manager:
IBM Content Manager OnDemand:

1.4.2 External data services

The external data services (EDS) is an interface that IBM Content Navigator
provides to access data from external data sources. EDS can be used to define
field validation criteria, prefill the field values, or other custom properties for
existing repository metadata during delivery or change of documents or folders.
EDS provides the following options to change the behavior of properties when
adding or changing document or folders, based on the document class. If a
document class has the same name in IBM Content Manager and IBM FileNet
Content Manager, the following defined rules are valid for both document
Create a choice list for attributes based on a data source lookup.
Prefill attributes with default values.
Create choice list dependencies. For example, if a user must enter the names
of the state and the city, EDS can provide two choice lists: one that contains
the states, and one that contains the cities. If a user selects a state, then only
the cities that are located in this state are displayed in the second choice list.
The second choice list is therefore dynamically loaded by EDS, depending on
the first selection in the state-list.
Define a maximal and a minimal length of properties.
Set properties to be hidden, required, or read only.
Define regular expressions for the validation of user input.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Using EDS ensures a high level of valid metadata because it avoids

typographical errors during the delivery of new items. Using EDS also improves
the search results. After EDS is enabled for property validation or choice list, the
defined rules are applied to every IBM Content Navigator form using the defined
document classes and their properties.
A choice list can be created from any existing data source or repository that IBM
Content Navigator can access. The choice list values can be obtained from a
simple text file or through complex database tables. The use of a JSON file is
also possible.
Technically, EDS is a plug-in that is provided by IBM Content Navigator. The
customer-specific implementation of EDS and the connection to the various
repositories or validation files is done in a web application that must be
implemented and deployed. Next, the URL to the custom EDS implementation
must be configured in the EDS plug-in configuration.
Figure 1-4 on page 26 shows the general workflow of EDS. The process consists
of the IBM Content Navigator client, which is the user front end, the IBM Content
Navigator server, which holds the EDS plug-in itself, and its configuration to the
EDS web application. The communication between IBM Content Navigator and
the EDS Service is based on the REST protocol.
The web application accesses the external data source, such as a JSON file,
external database, or a simple CSV file.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-4 External data services flow of information

If a user selects a choice list for a property that is provided and enabled by EDS,
the IBM Content Navigator Server EDS plug-in is called and forwards the request
to the configured EDS web application as a POST request.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The requestMode provides a set of values, depending on the executed action in

the front end:
initialNewObject: Delivered if a new object is being created.
initialExistingObject: Delivered if an existing object should be modified.
inProgressChanges: Delivered if an existing object should be modified and
the dependent choice list is defined for a property.
finalNewObject: Delivered before the new object is persisted in the datastore,
such as check in or final add.
finalExistingObject: Delivered before the existing object is persisted, for
example by selecting save action.
The servlet that implements the POST request accesses the data source that
contains the validation rules and delivers the response to the IBM Content
Navigator server EDS plug-in. Next, the plug-in merges the rules from the
external data source with the repository-specific rules, and displays the result in
the front end.
Implementing a new EDS can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a web application that contains the implementation of doGet() and
doPost() requests, and deploy the web application.
2. Deploy the EDS plug-in that is delivered with IBM Content Navigator and
configure the plug-in to use the web application URL that was created and
deployed in step 1.

1.4.3 Plug-in API

IBM Content Navigator plug-ins are powerful mechanisms that provide extensive
capabilities for extending the product to meet your specific business needs.
Through the use of plug-ins, you can add functionality directly into the IBM
Content Navigator user interface, or you can completely customize the user
interface to meet your business needs.
To implement a plug-in, you must implement a set of abstract Java classes that
provide IBM Content Navigator with information about which functionality is
provided by the plug-in and how that functionality should be integrated with the
base product. Additionally, you might need to implement JavaScript classes
depending on what type of extension points your plug-in contains.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-5 and Figure 1-6 show the plug-in extension point classes and the
dependencies between them. Blue links in the diagrams express indirect
dependency specified by identificator or file name of the object instead of real
object reference.

Figure 1-5 IBM Content Navigator Plugin extension points (part 1 of 2)


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 1-6 IBM Content Navigator Plugin extension points (part 2 of 2)

Plug-in class
Your plug-in must provide an implementation of the abstract Plugin class. It has
basic information for the IBM Content Navigator plug-in container about the
name, ID and version of the plug-in and which extension points are implemented
within this plug-in. An overriding method in the Plugin class can specify additional
resources that are used by the plug-in. These resources are as follows:
Configuration of dijit class
Script file and debug version of the script file
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file and a debug version of CSS file

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Note: All resources used by the plug-in must be in the WebContent subfolder
created in the Java package folder of the plug-in class. See Figure 3-5 on
page 83.
The WebContent folder represents the root folder for your resources and Dojo
packages. Any reference to your resource file or widget must be relative from
the WebContent folder.
Important: A method getDojoModule() must be implemented to allow using
dojo.require with path names that are relative to the WebContent folder.
Figure 1-7 shows plug-in and its resources directly defined by the Plugin class.

Figure 1-7 Class diagram for custom Plugin class

Configuration dijit class is specified when your plug-in requires an ability to

configure the plug-in through Administration Desktop without doing any coding
(for example, to configure a server host name of your external system used in
plug-in service for the specific environment). The specified dijit class must extend
ecm/widget/admin/PluginConfigurationPane dijit, where you can define a user


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

interface for your configuration parameters. If you specify the configurationString

attribute and call the onSaveNeeded(true) method in your dijit, the framework will
manage the save process automatically for you. To initialize the user interface
with stored configuration values you must override the load method and provide
code that will extract your configuration values from configurationString. For a
complex set of configuration parameters, you can encode your parameters and
values in configurationString into JSON format.
A script file or debug script file is required when your plug-in needs to execute
some JavaScript code during initialization of IBM Content Navigator, for example
to instantiate custom widgets used in your plug-in. The script is also required for
definition of global functions used by your OpenActions plug-in. The script is
executed during the application initialization after the Desktop.loadDesktop call
and before onDesktopLoaded event is called. If debug script file is not specified,
IBM Content Navigator will use the script file when running in debug mode.
The Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) file defines the rules for rendering the HTML
elements. You can define custom rules used by your widgets. You can also
override existing rules of IBM Content Navigator, but it is not recommended
because the Content Navigator rules are not exposed as API, and may change
from one release to another. However, the CSS file from the latest defined plug-in
has the highest priority when the style for HTML element is calculated.
Note: CSS is loaded asynchronously and may load after Dojo has initialized
and sized layouts. This means that the provided CSS should not add rules that
can affect the layout (such as widths, heights, visibility) because these rules
might not be considered on initial layout.
Implementing a new plug-in can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new Java class that extends the com.ibm.ecm.extension.Plugin
2. Optionally add configuration options for the plug-in:
a. Create a new dijit that extends, at least, the following dijit:
b. Implement the getConfigurationDijitClass() method in the Plugin Java
class to return the name of the configuration dijit.
c. Implement getDojoModule() method in the Plugin Java class, to return the
package of your digit.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


3. Optional: Add custom widgets and JavaScripts:

a. Create a new widget with all required elements (for example, template file
and JavaScript file).
b. Create a JavaScript file that instantiates the new widget in the plug-in.
c. Implement the getScript() method in the Plugin Java class to return the
name of the JavaScript file from previous step.
d. Implement getDojoModule() method in the Plugin Java class, to return the
package of your widgets.
4. Optional: Add a custom CSS file:
a. Create a new CSS file.
b. Implement the getCSSFileName() method in the Plugin Java class, to
return the name of the CSS file.

A menu action extends current IBM Content Navigator functionality by providing
a mechanism to insert a new context menu item or toolbar menu item. The action
can be added to existing menus or it can be added to a new menu. When you
implement the action, you also implement the functionality that is provided by the
new action, which is typically done by adding a new service. An example of an
action is to update a hidden attribute of a document or folder. If the new action is
available to users through one of the existing IBM Content Navigator menus, for
instance the ContentList menu, this menu must be copied and updated with the
new action in the IBM Content Navigator administration console.
When you define the action, you define several characteristics about the action,
including the following characteristics:

Whether the action is available in a toolbar or a menu

Whether the action is global (displayed directly below the banner)
Which privileges of the item must the user have in order to invoke this action
Whether the action can be invoked when multiple items are selected
Which type of repositories the action applies to
Which classes or items in a content list the action can be invoked for

An action consists of a Java class that defines the action parameters, and a
JavaScript model class that implements the action.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 1-8 shows an overview of components that must be involved by an action.

Figure 1-8 Class diagram for an action

A Java class extends the PluginAction class and provides the basic parameters,
such as name and privileges for the new action. The JavaScript model class
supplements the Java class and implements the behavior of the action. You can
override the isEnabled function of the model class to hide the action for specific
classes or items fulfilling your custom condition.
Implementing a new action can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new Java class to extend the com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction
class, and provide details for the new action.
2. Create a new Dojo class that extends the ecm.model.Action class and
override the performAction function.
3. Implement the getActionModelClass() method in the Action Java class to
return the name of the Dojo class created previous step. Alternatively, you can
implement getActionFunction() that returns the name of the global function
defined in plugin.js file, but the getActionModelClass is the preferred way.
4. Implement the getActions() and getDojoModule() methods in the Plugin Java

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Note: Make sure the getActionFunction() does not return null. It must return at
least an empty string if you override performAction in the ActionModel
javascript class. Otherwise, although your plug-in will be loaded correctly, you
will not be able to add the action into a menu (Content Navigator will not show
your action in a list of available actions).

An OpenAction is a built-in action to open documents or folders, for example by
double-clicking an item in the tree or in the content list. By extending the
PluginOpenAction abstract class, you can change the behavior of existing
OpenAction. Instead of opening a viewer defined for specific MIME type you can
for example first open a dialog prompting to accept terms and conditions for
accessing this content and then open a viewer.
When you define the OpenAction, you must define MIME types and server types
for which specified function will be invoked.
Figure 1-9 shows an overview of the components that must be involved by an

Figure 1-9 Class diagram for an OpenAction

A NewOpenAction extends the PluginOpenAction class and provides the

information about supported MIME types and server types. The JavaScript
function specified in getOpenActionFunction method has to be defined globally
and therefore implemented in plug-ins JavaScript file.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Implementing a new OpenAction can be summarized with the following steps:

1. Create a new Java class that extends the
com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginOpenAction class, and provide details for the
new action.
2. Define and implement global JavaScript function with your own logic for
OpenAction in plug-ins script file.
3. Implement the getOpenActions() method in the Plugin Java class.
Note: Viewer definition for specified content type has a higher priority than
OpenAction. Therefore, for your OpenAction to work, you must remove the
specified content type from the viewer map definition for your desktop.

Menu and MenuType

IBM Content Navigator has menus that are associated with various widgets in the
user interface. An administrator can use the Administration Desktop to modify
menus to add actions or remove actions from these menus. This task is done by
copying the default menu for a specific menu type, modifying the copied menu,
and then associating the modified menu with a widget in the user interface that
uses that menu type.
In a plug-in, you can take this concept even further by defining new menu types
and new actions that can be associated with the menus created for these menu
types. These new menu types can then be used by your custom widgets to
provide the functionality that you need. Although you do not need to implement
MenuType for your widget, implementing it allows an administrator to customize
the menu. You can create multiple menus associated with the menu type and
then assign a specific one to the widget, based on the current user or the type of
object currently associated with the widget.
When you define a new menu, you make decisions about items and menus:
Which items (actions) should be in the menu?
Is the menu a context menu or a toolbar?
A menu typically consists of a Java class that defines the menu properties, the
actions that should be included, and the type of the menu. The menu items of a
menu are actions, which are defined as described in Action on page 32. A
menu can be used in a custom widget by using ecm.widget.ActionMenu widget.
Use the desktop.loadMenuActions function to load the actions for your menu.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-10 shows an overview of the components that are involved in a menu
and menu type.

Figure 1-10 Class diagram for a menu and menu type

A menu consists of various properties that must be defined through several

classes. The first one is a class that extends the PluginMenuType class to define
whether the menu is a context or toolbar menu. The type of menu, referenced by
the MenuType ID, is assigned to the new Menu class, which extends the
PluginMenu class. The new Menu class can also contain a list of menu items that
are listed in the menu. A menu item is typically an action that shows up in the
menu. The PluginMenuItem class can be instantiated directly, without the need to
extend it. An ID of the action must be specified when creating instance of the
PluginMenuItem class.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Implementing a new menu can be summarized with the following steps:

1. Create a new Java class that extends the
com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginMenuType class, and provide details for the
menu type (for example, if it is a toolbar menu or a context menu).
2. Create a new Java class to extend the com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginMenu
class. For the class, provide details for the menu (for example, reference the
menu type created in step 1) and define menu items for the new menu (for
example, an ID of an action created earlier or an existing action in IBM
Content Navigator).
3. Implement the getMenus() and getMenuTypes() methods in the Plugin Java

IBM Content Navigator provides a Feature pane that displays functions that are
available for a desktop. For instance, the base Feature pane includes Favorites,
Browse, Search, Work, and Teamspaces. In the Administrator desktop, the
administrator feature is added and you can decide which parts of the feature
should be available to the user. When you select a feature from the Feature pane,
the associated view is displayed in the client.
You can create a plug-in to add a custom feature to the client. This feature can
then provide a custom view with associated menus and actions that can be used
for a particular business process. For instance, you can create a dashboard
feature that displays information about the current state of policy applications.
This feature will display custom widgets that displayed the number of applications
received, processed and approved. It might also provide a custom action such as
creating a snapshot and sending it to specific users. The new feature component
can be assigned to a specific desktop through the Administration Desktop of IBM
Content Navigator.
For a new feature component, you can decide about icons and widgets:
Which icons should represent the feature?
Which widget should be shown if the new feature is selected?

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-11 shows the components of a feature.

Figure 1-11 Class diagram for a Feature

To create a new feature, extend the PluginFeature class and define an icon,
which appears in the Feature pane. Also define a content class that specifies the
widget to be displayed when the feature is selected. If only one of these methods
is implemented, the new feature will not be displayed. The icon must be 32 x 32
pixels image. The widget, which must be returned in the getContentClass()
method, must extend _LaunchBarPane digit layout.
To define the icon that represents the new feature in the Feature pane, the
getIconURL() method must return a CSS class name defined in CSS file of the
plug-in. See step 4 on page 32 for details.
Implementing a new feature can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new icon that represents the feature in the web client. Define new
CSS class in your CSS file with background-image rule pointing to your icon.
2. Create a new widget that extends ecm.widget.layout._LaunchBarPane class
to provide the content pane for the feature.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3. Create a new Feature Java class by extending the abstract

com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginFeature class, and then define the icon CSS
class name in getIconURL method and the name of the Content class widget
in getContentClass method created in previous steps.
4. Enhance the CSS plug-in file to define the path to the icon file.
5. Implement the getDojoModule() and getFeatures() methods in the Plugin
Java class

Plug-in service
Some plug-ins provide a customized user interface to perform only a specific
task; however, most plug-ins add new functionality that extend the capabilities of
IBM Content Navigator and need to be run on the server. IBM Content Navigator
provides the capability to implement new services within the plug-in architecture.
These new services can then be called by your custom actions or widgets.
To invoke your service from the JavaScript code you can use this function:
It requires you to specify the ID of the plug-in and ID of the service. Optionally
you can provide request parameters for your service and a callback functions
when request completes or fails. In special cases, you might need to access your
services by URL. You can construct the URL as shown in Example 1-1, but you
must append the security token by calling the
Request.appendSecurityToken(url) method.
Example 1-1 URL pattern to access plug-in service

The services are secured by default and cannot be called by an unauthenticated
user, for example if the users session expires, or before the user logs in, in the
plug-in JavaScript file. You can allow execution of your service before the user
logs in, by overriding the isSecureService method so it will return false.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-12 shows components of a service that are typically used.

Figure 1-12 Class diagram for a Service

The NewService class extends the abstract PluginService class and implements
the basic methods and the behavior of the new service. The execute method
contains the business logic of your service. The method is supported by the
PluginServiceCallback class that is included in parameters of the method
together with HTTP request and response objects. The PluginServiceCallback
provides connections to the underlying repositories, access to configuration
database and a set of methods for obtaining the items from various repositories.
Note: The getOverridenService() method is no longer used. To override an
existing service, use the RequestFilter that will return the response to the
Implementing a new plug-in service can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new class that extends the PluginService class and implement the
execute() method to define the behavior of the service.
2. Implement the getServices() method in the Plugin Java class.
3. Optional: If the service is activated through a custom action, create a new
Action, and call Request.invokePluginService() in the performAction
function of the JavaScript ActionModel class.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

IBM Content Navigator provides an interface to define new viewers, which can be
enabled for specific document types (depending on the MIME type of the
document) and repositories. This interface provides an easy way of customizing
IBM Content Navigator with well-known viewers.
When you define the viewer, you define several characteristics about the viewer,
including the following characteristics:

Whether you use a default viewer widget or a custom viewer widget.

Whether the viewer should be opened in a separate window.
What the supported repositories are.
What the supported content types are.

Choosing the default viewer widget (ecm.widget.viewer.IframeDocViewer)

requires you to specify the URL for the iFrame by implementing the
getLaunchURLPattern() method. The returned URL specifies the address of the
HTML document embedded in the iFrame of standard IframeDocViewer widget.
The URL can point to external system to obtain content of the iFrame or can also
point to the plug-ins service that returns the content you want to render for the
A more flexible approach is to implement custom viewer widget and override
getViewerClass() method. Specified viewer widget class has to extend from
DocViewer class and override the showItem() function. Usually the viewer widget
uses custom service to obtain the content of the document or other document
related information you want to render for the user.
Figure 1-13 on page 42 shows the components that are usually implemented to
define a new viewer.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-13 Class diagram for a viewer

A plug-in that contains a new viewer consists of a class that extends the
PluginViewerDef to define the ID, name, and supported content and server types
of the viewer. Additionally, you must either override the getViewerClass() method
for custom viewer widget implementation or implement getLaunchUrlPattern()
method if using the default IframeDocViewer. The returned string from
getLaunchUrlPattern() is evaluated as a JavaScript expression during run time
and allows you to use the following variables in the expression:
servicesUrl: The URL to IBM Content Navigator
docId: The identifier for the document
docName: The name of the document. The name can be displayed in the
user interface
mimeType: The MIME content type of the document
serverType: The content repository type (cm, od, p8, cmis)
docUrl: A URL that will load the document content
privs: A string of privileges for the document


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

For FileNet repository you can also use these variables:

vsId: For IBM FileNet P8 documents
replicationGroup: For IBM FileNet P8 documents
objectStoreName: For IBM FileNet P8 documents
Alternatively you can use the entire object item, which is an instance of
ContentItem class for the document, but it can be subject to change in the next
Example 1-2 shows the return value of this method.
Example 1-2 Sample implementation of getLaunchURL method

return "'http://localhost/convertDocument?documentId='+docId+'&docUrl='
return "servicesUrl+'/plugin.do?plugin=NewPlugin&action=NewService&docu
Implementing a new viewer can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new class that extends the PluginViewerDef class, and implement
either the getLauchURLPattern() method or the getViewerClass().
2. If a custom viewer widget is used, then do these steps:
a. Create a new widget that extends ecm.widget.viewer.DocViewer class to
render the content of the document.
b. Implement the getViewers() and getDojoModule() methods in the Plugin
Java class.
3. If the default IframeDocViewer widget is used, then do these steps:
a. Implement the getViewers() method in the Plugin Java class.
b. Make sure the provided URL is accessible from the clients.
4. Create a new Plugin class that extends the Plugin class of IBM Content
Navigator, and instantiate the new ViewerDef class that was created in step 1
and the new PluginService that was created in step 2. If you decide to create
an action to open the viewer, also define the new action in the Plugin class.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Although widgets provide individual user interface components, you create a
layout if your custom widgets provide a full user interface in the IBM Content
Navigator desktop. When you create a layout, specify the widget that provides
the main user interface, where you can display features and other user interface
components of IBM Content Navigator in a different arrangement. Also provide a
PluginLayout class that points to the widget and defines the name of the new
layout. Figure 1-14 shows the components of a layout.

Figure 1-14 Class diagram of a layout

The core component for a new layout is the JavaScript file, which defines the
user interface of the new layout. It must extend ecm.widget.layout.BaseLayout
class or one of its subclasses, such as ecm.widget.layout.MainLayout or
ecm.widget.layout.NavigatorMainLayout. The BaseLayout class provides the
following functionality for your subclasses:


Ability to enable demo and debug modes

Processing and error dialog setup
Login and logout handling
Session timeout handling

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The MainLayout class adds the visual part containing the banner, message bar,
global toolbar and the LaunchBarContainer that contains the feature list on the
left side and the LaunchBarContentArea for the content of the feature.
The NavigatorMainLayout class provides additional interactions specific to IBM
Content Navigator and performs repository syncing between Browse and Search
Implementing a new layout can be summarized with the following steps:
1. Create a new widget that extends ecm.widget.layout.BaseLayout or one of its
2. Create a Java class that extends the PluginLayout class, and implement the
getLayoutClass() method to return the name of the widget class that was
created in step 1.
3. Implement the getLayouts() and getDojoModule() methods in the Plugin Java

Response filter and request filter

When executing a service call, a request is sent to the service and the response
is sent back from the service to the client tier. These responses and requests are
formatted in JSON. In general, the IBM Content Navigator framework creates the
requests and responses in a standard JSON format that is defined by the service
call and the framework.
In some instances, you might want to modify the requests and responses to
modify the data that is being sent to or returned from the service. For example,
you might want to check the documents that are included in the request and
perform an extra level of security check based on external information. For the
response, you might want to implement extra error handling code when the
service is not able to perform a specific request. You can also define special
formatting for dedicated columns of a result set through modifying the JSON
output by using special Dojo classes. A request or response filter stands between
the client and the service, and modifies the responses and requests as needed.
A filter is always assigned to one service or a list of services within IBM Content
Provided services are listed in the struts-config.xml file, which is located in the
following directory:

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


In the <action-mappings> section of the struts-config.xml file, a list of actions

is defined that can be filtered. The name of the action that must be returned by
the getFilteredServices() method is the <action path> tag.
Figure 1-15 shows the required components to create request filter plug-in and
response filter plug-in.

Figure 1-15 Class diagram of RequestFilter and ResponseFilter

A new request filter is created by extending the PluginRequestFilter class and

implementing the following methods:
The getFilteredServices() method, to define when the filter should be applied
The filter() method, to define the behavior of the filter
A response filter is similar to the request filter definition. The difference is that,
instead of extending the PluginRequestFilter class, the PluginResponseFilter
class must be extended and instantiated within the Plugin class.
Important: A format of the JSON messages exchanged between client and
server is subject to change from release to release. You might need to update
your code of request and response filters if newer version of IBM Content
Navigator is released.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Implementing a new request and response filter can be summarized with the
following steps:
1. Define the request and response filter by extending the PluginRequestFilter or
PluginResponseFilter class, and implement the getFilteredServices() and
filter() methods.
2. Implement the getResponseFilter() or getRequestFilter() method in the Plugin
Java class.

1.4.4 Content Navigator JavaScript API

Content Navigator JavaScript API are provided in the JavaScript Modeling
Library and JavaScript Widget Library.

JavaScript Modeling Library

The classes in the modeling library provide the business logic and data for IBM
Content Navigator. These classes are used by the widgets to access and
represent data in the content servers and in the IBM Content Navigator
configuration. Figure 1-16 on page 48 shows the hierarchy of the primary classes
in the modeling library.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-16 JavaScript model diagram

As shown in this diagram, an instance of the Desktop class encompasses the

other objects in the model. The Desktop object specifies the repositories,
features, actions, and viewers to which a set of users will have access.
An instance of the Repository class represents a specific repository. The
repository can be an IBM Content Manager, IBM Content Manager OnDemand
server, IBM FileNet Content Engine object store or also a CMIS repository.
With the Repository object, users can access and perform actions on repository
objects. These objects are also represented by classes in the modeling library.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

SearchTemplate class
This class represents a search that is stored in the repository. In an IBM Content
Manager or IBM FileNet P8 repository, a SearchTemplate object represents a
saved search. In an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository, a
SearchTemplate object represents a folder. With a SearchTemplate object users
can enter or modify the criteria that is used to perform a search. The criteria is
represented in the model library by the SearchCriterion class.

EntryTemplate class
This class represents an entry template that is stored in an IBM FileNet P8
repository. With an EntryTemplate object, users can create a document, folder, or
custom object. An EntryTemplate object also provides the default values for the
destination folder, properties, and security.

ContentClass class
This class represents a document or folder class in a IBM FileNet P8 repository
or an item type in an IBM Content Manager repository. With a ContentClass
object, users can access the item and to edit the properties and attributes of the
item. Each property or attribute is represented by an instance of the
AttributeDefinition class that contains information about the property or attribute,
such as type and allowed values.

WorklistFolder class
This abstract class represents a collection of work lists, which are sometimes
called in-baskets or inboxes. The subclasses of the WorklistFolder class
represent collections of the types of work lists and in-baskets. For example, the
ProcessApplicationSpace class represents a collection of process roles that
determine who can access an IBM FileNet P8 process application. The
ProcessRole class represents a role that is defined on an IBM FileNet P8 server.
An instance of this class determines who has access to the in-baskets that are
defined in an application space.

Worklist class
This class represents a single work list. With a Worklist object, users can process
the work items that are assigned to them. The model includes the
ProcessInBasket subclass for IBM FileNet P8 repositories.

Teamspace class
This class represents a teamspace. A Teamspace object provides users with the
ability to organize and share the content that a team needs to complete its tasks.
The individual users and groups who belong to a teamspace are represented in
the model by the User and UserGroup classes.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


TeamspaceTemplate class
This class represents a teamspace template. With a TeamspaceTemplate object,
users can set predefined options for creating a teamspace.

ResultSet class
This class represents a set of items that are returned by a search or the content
of a folder or worklist. With a ResultSet object, users can locate and select
documents, folders, or work items.
An individual item in a ResultSet object is represented in the model by the Item
class or one of its subclasses:
The ContentItem class represents a document, folder, or other content item in
the repository.
The WorkItem class represents a workflow item.

Other classes
Other classes in the modeling library support the classes that are shown in the
diagram (Figure 1-16 on page 48). For example, the model includes the following
The SearchTemplateFolder class and TeamspaceFolder class represent
collections of search templates and teamspaces. These abstract classes
provide collections for items such as the recent folders or all folders that are
displayed in navigation trees in the user interface.
For an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository, a SearchTemplateFolder
object represents a cabinet.
The Request class represents a request that is made to an IBM Content
Navigator service.
The PropertyFormatter class represents the formatting that is applied to
properties when they are displayed. This class can be extended or overridden
to provide custom formatting of certain types of properties.
The _ModelStore class and the classes that are suffixed with TreeModel
represent Dojo data stores and trees. These classes can be used with Dojo
dijit classes to populate widgets with data.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

JavaScript Widget Library

The classes defined in the widget library provide the visual components for
rendering the data obtained from JavaScript model. These classes extend the
dijit/_Widget class defined in the Dojo 1.8.4 library and altogether build the user
interface of the IBM Content Navigator.
The root widget that renders the IBM Content Navigator desktop is the
DesktopPane widget. However, the layout of the widgets on the page is defined
by NavigatorMainLayout class, which also provides access to all available
features. Figure 1-17 on page 52 shows the hierarchy of primary components
that defines standard features in the widget library.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Figure 1-17 Hierarchy diagram of the features in the JavaScript Widget Library


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The NavigatorMainLayout defines the top level layout of the IBM Content
Navigator. In addition to banner, message box, and global toolbar, it also defines
the main working area (LaunchBarContainer) where all available features are
rendered. Figure 1-18 shows the layout of primary widgets defined in the
NavigatorMainLayout class.

Figure 1-18 Layout of the NavigatorMainLayout class

For your convenience, we include an overview of relevant widgets (based on

information center) in this section. The widgets are divided in groups by
Widgets package (ecm.widget)
The classes in the package define widgets that you use to create and edit
repository objects such as documents, folders, and work items. This package
also includes classes that define common user interface components such as
buttons, menus, and tabs.

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Administration widgets package (ecm.widget.admin)

The classes in the package define the widgets that make up the IBM Content
Navigator administration tool. You can use these widgets to customize the
administration user interface.
Content list widgets package (ecm.widget.listView)
The classes in the package define widgets, modules, and decorators that are
used to construct the content list seen in IBM Content Navigator. The content
list is used to provide lists of repository items, favorites, work items, and more.
Dialog box widgets package (ecm.widget.dialog)
The package contains classes that define the dialog boxes that are used in
the IBM Content Navigator web client.
Layout widgets package (ecm.widget.layout)
The package contains classes that define components of the web client
Process widgets package (ecm.widget.process)
The package contains classes that are used to build custom launch
processors and step processors for an IBM FileNet P8 workflow.
Search widgets package (ecm.widget.search)
The classes in the package define widgets that you use to search repository
objects such as documents, folders, and work items.
Teamspace builder widgets package (ecm.widget.teamspaceBuilder)
The package contains the widgets that create and edit teamspaces and
teamspace templates. In IBM Content Navigator, these widgets are used for
the teamspace builder.
Viewer widgets package (ecm.widget.viewer)
The package contains classes that are used to view the document content.
New custom visual widgets can be created in the visual layer. Creating widgets
can be done either by inheriting or overwriting an existing widget from the IBM
Content Navigator visual widget library, or by writing a completely new widget.
Because a widget is only the visual representation of content (for example, list of
documents and statistics), using the underlying modeling tier can be helpful to
access the data and implement the business logic.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

1.5 IBM Content Navigator samples

The IBM Content Navigator software package includes several samples that
cover the major use cases for you custom development. You can use these
samples as a base for creating custom applications.

1.5.1 Sample external data service

The sample external data service (EDS) implements an EDS REST interface as
Java Platform, Enterprise Edition application deployable on application server. It
uses the file system as an external source and allows you to create a file for your
class or workflow step, where you can specify the properties part of the JSON
response returned from your EDS interface.
The sample EDS also extends the EDS JSON format with these capabilities:
Definition of dependent choice list values for a property by specifying
dependentOn and dependentValue attributes
The validateAs attribute that allows you to specify two types of custom
NoThrees: Validation for occurrence of the 3 character in a user-entered
Required: Check for empty value in a user-entered value.
The timestamp attribute specifying that the current time will be saved as
attribute value, without notifying the user.
The sample web pages are available in the following directory:

1.5.2 Sample web pages

The sample web application demonstrates the use of the IBM Content Navigator
Toolkit. The pages demonstrate various aspects of the IBM Content Navigator
toolkit. The samples are divided into three parts, each explaining a separate
approach for developing a custom user interface:
How to work with JavaScript model classes.
How to use stand-alone widgets in your application.
How to build complete new application using the toolkit.
The sample web pages are available in the following directory:
ECMClient_installdir\samples\ samplePages

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Deploy the included WAR file into the application server with IBM Content
Navigator in order to get it working.

1.5.3 Sample plug-in application

The sample plug-in implements a plug-in that demonstrates several extension
capabilities available to plug-in writers. The files in this sample application show
how to implement various extension points in IBM Content Navigator plug-in
development. These samples demonstrate the following tasks:
How to use action handling for custom file uploads.
This functionality in the sample includes single file upload control from the
client, server access of the uploaded document in the plug-in action, and
sample service for file manipulation. Look for the following file:
How to change property formatter and property editor.
It includes sample formatter that will render createdBy and modifiedBy
attributes as email links in ItemPropertiesDisplayPane. It also includes
sample property editor that adds a button next to DocumentTitle text field and
makes the DocumentTitle attribute read only. Look for the following file:
How to change property decorator in content list widget.
Look for the SamplePluginResponseFilter.java file.
Two alternatives for how to create a custom viewer:
By using URL pattern. Look for the SamplePluginViewerDef.java file.
By implementing custom viewer widget. Look for
How to extend the item properties pane, used in the property editor, to add a
custom section. Look for SampleItemPropertiesPaneExtension.js file.
How to create feature and service for custom search.
It includes widget for entering custom search query and services for
IBM FileNet P8 and IBM Content Manager repositories. Look for the
SamplePluginFeature.java file.
The files for the sample plug-in are available in the following directory:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The SamplePlugin.jar file that you can deploy by using the IBM Content
Navigator administration tool is available in the following directory:

1.5.4 Sample mobile application

This sample demonstrates how to create a stand-alone mobile application that
requires content management capabilities. These samples were developed using
the IBM Worklight Studio, and the sample mobile application project is provided
in that format. The principles and code provided can be adapted to other
development environments, and do not require any server-side prerequisites,
except for a properly configured IBM Content Navigator server. The sample
mobile application covers following functionality:

Browse a repository.
Work with favorites.
Use IBM Datacap Taskmaster Capture.
Preview documents.
Open documents in other applications.
Check out documents.
Check in documents from other applications by using Open in function.
Edit metadata of documents.
Persist application data.

The sample Worklight project is packed in the SampleMobileApp.zip file, located

in the following directory:

1.5.5 Sample mobile plug-in

This sample, which provides a mobile web layout for IBM Content Navigator,
enables users to access the server by using a web browser on a mobile device.
This sample demonstrates how mobile access to the IBM Content Navigator
server can be supported without installing a mobile app. The
sampleMobilePlugin.jar file is a standard IBM Content Navigator plug-in that is
deployed to IBM Content Navigator and applied to a desktop.
The sample layout contains the following functionality:

Browse a repository
Work with favorites
Preview documents

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


Open documents in other applications (Open in)

Check out documents
Edit metadata of documents
Persist application data

The sample plug-in JAR file SampleMobilePlugin.jar, is available in the following

For a list of samples provided with IBM Content Navigator, see 1.5, IBM Content
Navigator samples on page 55. See 1.6, Samples we developed for this book
on page 58 for a list of samples.

1.6 Samples we developed for this book

Several examples are described in this book and use various development
options and extension points that IBM Content Navigator provides. Each chapter
describes the scenario when and how the sample code can be used. The
following list summarizes the extension points used in the samples:
Chapter 4, Developing a plug-in with basic extension points on page 117:
Plugin/Action: Opens a new create folder dialog that extends existing
AddContentItemDialog and calls a custom service after creating the folder.
Plugin/Service: Creates subfolders for a specified folder based on
template configuration.
Plugin/Action: Opens a feature and preselects a folder.
Plugin/Feature: Extends standard browse feature.
Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173:
Plugin/Feature: Displays searchbox and standard ContentList widget,
allowing custom repository search with SQL like queries.
Plugin/Service: Performs SQL like query in the repository.
Plugin/RequestFilter: Modifies the /p8/continueQuery request to provide
paging functionality for the custom search ContentList widget.
Chapter 6, Creating a feature with search services and widgets on
page 211:
Plugin/Feature: Displays virtual folder structure using the Tree digit and
ContentList widget.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and external

data services on page 233:
EDS: Reads property configuration including formatting, validation and
choicelist values from database.
Plugin/ResponseFilter: Modifies the */openContentClass request to
reorder the properties of specified class displayed in IBM Content
Plugin/ResponseFilter: Modifies the cardinality of specified property in
*/openContentClass request to provide custom property editor with
search dialog.
Plugin/Widget: Custom property editor that allows searching in large
choice lists.
Chapter 8, Creating a custom step processor on page 277:
Step processor: Embeds the document viewer into the user interface of
the workflow step.
Plugin/Action: Opens the document in embedded viewer if it is available
on the page.
Chapter 10, Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers
on page 365:
Plugin/ViewerDef: Uses plug-in service to open a viewer.
Plugin/Service: Stores and loads plug-in configuration and opens the
Snowbound VirtualViewer by redirecting the browser.
Chapter 9, Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications on
page 297:
Plugin/Layout: Displays just the ContentList widget.
Integration: Shows how to integrate IBM Content Navigator into
stand-alone application, into Microsoft SharePoint and into IBM
WebSphere Portal.
Chapter 11, Extending solutions to mobile platform on page 413:
Mobile development: Shows how to add Work list feature into the mobile
Chapter 12, Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server on
page 437:
Plugin/ResponseFilter: Modifies */search and */openFolder requests to
provide custom decorator for certain columns.
Plugin/Services: Acts as a proxy for the requests to the Microsoft Lync

Chapter 1. Extension points and customization options


1.7 Conclusion
This chapter describes the architecture of the IBM Content Navigator and
available programing interfaces. It also gives an overview of all the available
configuration and development options that IBM Content Navigator provides.
The following chapters describe these options in detail with sample codes as
summarized in 1.6, Samples we developed for this book on page 58.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 2.

Customizing desktop
The IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop provides an easy way to
customize the user interface. This chapter describes how the IBM Content
Navigator user interface can be configured by changing the desktop appearance.
It shows how to change logos, colors, and icons to make the desktop match your
corporate standards.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Customizing the desktop appearance

Adding a logo and banner color
Adding login notes
Adding password rules

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


2.1 Customizing the desktop appearance

The visual characteristics of IBM Content Navigator are displayed using a
customized theme. The theme determines the overall appearance, such as fonts
and colors. Although altering the theme is possible, it is currently not a supported
option for IBM Content Navigator. You can make changes to the desktop without
altering the theme. For example you can make the following changes:

Add your company logo to both the login page and banner of the desktop.
Add useful notes to the login page.
Alter the color of the desktop banner.
Add or remove features from the desktop.
Alter the menu options on both toolbar and context menus.
Change icons.
Change the lists of properties available for search and browse.
Alter the labels used in the desktop.

The following sections describe how to change the visual appearance of the
desktop by adding a logo, changing the banner, and adding login notes and
password rules.

2.2 Adding a logo and banner color

New logos must be referenced by a URL. Create a new web application and add
your logos to the Web Content folder. If you already created a separate web
application for plug-ins, reuse it for external content. Deploy the application,
ensuring that it is available to all servers where IBM Content Navigator is
The IBM banner logo used by IBM Content Navigator is 43 x 16 (width x height)
pixels. Depending on the background color and other factors, the banner width
can accommodate a larger image. The logo should not be larger than 200 x 150
pixels and is recommended to use transparent background.
The login logo can be larger than the banner logo. The example login logo used
later in this section is 150 x 112 pixels.
When you use a URL to reference the external content, such as a logo or an
HTML page, you can use a relative path if the content is in a web application that
is located on the same web server as IBM Content Navigator. The examples in
this chapter refer to /customConfig. If you have deployed it in a highly available
configuration, use a fully qualified path that will be available to all instances of
IBM Content Navigator.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

For example, use the following URL:

For our example, ecmclient is the DNS resolvable name:
Use the Administration Desktop or administration feature from your desktop to
edit a previously saved desktop. For our example, we edit the desktop named
Data Management.
To configure the desktop to access a new log and external content, complete the
following steps:
1. Select Desktops.
2. Select your desktop from the list of available desktops, in our case Data
3. Click Edit and select the Appearance tab.
To use your company logo on the desktop banner, enter a URL to access the

Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance


Figure 2-1 shows our example Data Management desktop setup.

Figure 2-1 Configure the desktop appearance

Enter the following information:

URL for the banner logo.
For our example, we enter: /customConfig/tango1.png
URL for the login page logo.
For our example, we enter: /customConfig/tango3.png
Color code for the banner background color.
For our example, we enter: #FF6600
4. Save the desktop.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 2-2 shows the result of our new desktop appearance.

Color code: Colors must be expressed as either three-character or
six-character hexidecimal codes.

Figure 2-2 Testing the desktop appearance

2.3 Adding login notes

Adding content to the login page provides a method for communication of the
latest information or news to users when they access IBM Content Navigator.
This information can include guidance about the use of the system, the hours of
operation, and help desk contact procedures. In addition, you can notify users of
planned downtime for system maintenance on the login page.
To add login page content, prepare a new HTML file that contains the information
that you want to display to users. Add the file to a web application that is available
to all systems where IBM Content Navigator is installed.
To add content to the login page, use the Administration Desktop and follow
these steps:
1. Select Desktops.
2. Select the desktop to be modified.
For our example, we select Data Management.
3. Click Edit and select the Appearance tab.

Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance


4. Enter a URL for the HTML page that contains the login content.
For our example, we enter: /custom/Config/loginNotes.html
Figure 2-3 shows the login page setup.

Figure 2-3 Configure login page content

Note: If you use an image in the login content, make sure that the src
attribute of the <img> tag uses a fully qualified path to location of the image
file, as the following example shows:
<img border="0"
src="http://ecmclient:9080/customConfig/tango3.png" width="150"
5. Save the configuration.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 2-4 shows our example of the revised login page with the additional login

Figure 2-4 Displaying additional content on the login page

For additional information about changing the appearance of IBM Content

Navigator, see the IBM Knowledge Center for IBM Content Navigator.

Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance


Example 2-1 shows the loginNotes.html file that we modified.

Example 2-1 The lloginNotes.html file we modified

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<p><div> <img border="0"
src="http://localhost:9080/customConfig/tango3.png" width="150"
height="112"><span><h1>Terms of Use</h1></span></div>
The Tango system is soley for use by employees of the insurance company
for processing data relating to policy holders. No person from a 3rd
party is authorized to access the system. Any such access will be
tracked and audited.
<p>The system is soley for the storage, retrieval and processing of
policy data. No personal data is to be stored.</p>
<p>The system will be available between the hours of 07:30 to 19:00
Monday to Friday.</p>
<p>If you require access outside of the normal working period please
call the help desk.</p>

2.4 Adding password rules

IBM Content Navigator enables users to change their passwords. Each company
has its own password rules that are in force at the time. To communicate the
rules information to users, you can add a password rules information page to the
user interface so users can click the information link and read the rules for
Note: Systems that are configured to use LDAP for authentication, such as
IBM FileNet Content Manager, are not allowed to change passwords by using
IBM Content Navigator.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To include the password rules information from the desktop, you first create an
HTML file that contains the information describing your password rules. Then,
you add the file to your web application. The example in this section uses the
passwordRules.html file.
From the Administration Desktop, add the password rules information to a
desktop as follows:
1. Select Desktops.
2. Select the appropriate desktop from the list.
For our example, we select Data management.
3. Click Edit and select the Appearance tab.
4. Enter the URL for your external content in the Password rules field.
For our example, we enter: /custom/Config/passwordRules.html. See
Figure 2-5.

Figure 2-5 Configure desktop password rules

5. Save the configuration.

Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance


Example 2-2 shows the content of the passwordRules.html file.

Example 2-2 Content of the passwordRules.html file

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<div> <img border="0"
src="http://ecmclient:9080/customConfig/tango3.png" width="150"
height="112"><span><h1>Password rules</h1></span></div>
Password for the Tango system must conform to the following rules:
<p>Minimum length 8 characters</p>
<p>Minimum of 1 digit and 1 uppercase alpha character to be used</p>
<p>Password to be changed every 90 days, no password re-use.</p>
<p>If you require assistance please call the help desk.</p>

2.4.1 Testing the password rules

To test your password rules, complete the following steps:
1. Launch IBM Content Navigator by using the URL with you desktop name:
For our example, we enter this URL:
2. Use the user command tool, which you access by clicking the down arrow
next to you user name, and select Change Password. See Figure 2-6 on
page 71.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 2-6 Using the User Command Tool

The Change Password dialog opens (Figure 2-7).

Figure 2-7 Change the password dialog

3. Select the Password rules link to display your page.

Chapter 2. Customizing desktop appearance


Our page looks like the example in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8 A sample password rules display

For additional information about changing the appearance of IBM Content

Navigator, see IBM Knowledge Center for Content Navigator.

2.5 Conclusion
This chapter shows how you can change desktop appearance by changing
desktop configuration using administration tools without coding.
If you want to make other types of modification or customization, review
Chapter 1, Extension points and customization options on page 3 for the
available customization and extension options. Then, follow Chapter 3, Setting
up the development environment on page 73 to set up your environment, and
other chapters in the book for examples of making those changes.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 3.

Setting up the development

This chapter describes how to set up the development environment for IBM
Content Navigator to customize and extend the IBM Content Navigator. It shows
how to create a new plug-in project with an Eclipse wizard and also includes
references for testing and debugging your application. At the end of this chapter,
you should have an integrated development environment (IDE) that is ready to
use and a basic understanding of how to create and deploy a IBM Content
Navigator plug-in.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Prerequisites for plug-in development

Setting up development environment
Plug-in development
Creating a new empty EDS project using the wizard
Getting started with the SamplePlugin
Building a plug-in JAR manually
Debugging plug-ins

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


3.1 Prerequisites for plug-in development

Extending and customizing IBM Content Navigator through plug-ins can be done
with any Eclipse based development environment. This chapter outlines the
recommendations regarding the development environment and additional
extensions for the following development environments:
IBM Rational Application Developer Version 9
Eclipse Software Development Kit
You can choose between both development environments. Because Rational
Application Developer is based on Eclipse, the necessary features are included
in both development tools. Rational Application Developer offers more features
for Dojo and web development.
Note: This chapter does not describe how to install the development
environment. It shows only which additional package can be useful for the
development of extensions for IBM Content Navigator. Basic development
experience with Eclipse or Rational Application Developer can be helpful.

3.1.1 IBM Rational Application Developer

IBM Rational Application Developer is a powerful and flexible platform for
developing Java Platform, Enterprise Edition and plug-in projects. It provides
wizards and plug-ins that simplify Java, Java Platform, Enterprise Edition and
web development. Within Rational Application Developer, you can set up or
integrate multiple application servers and deploy your workspace projects directly
to these servers. This is a convenient feature for testing and debugging web
applications in multiple application servers. In addition, Rational Application
Developer offers powerful tools for developing web applications using the Dojo
Toolkit. With it, you can construct HTML pages and Dojo widget HTML templates
by dragging existing widgets into a page editor. A Rational Application Developer
project can be set up to access the Dojo Toolkit and visual editor with a preview
for what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG).
The online documentation at the following link has useful information about
installing and developing with Rational Application Developer Version 9:
Use the latest Rational Application Developer Version. If it is not possible, use
Rational Application Developer Version 8.5, at the minimum.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

During the installation process of Rational Application Developer, you can

choose various packages to be installed. Select the following packages during
Java EE and web service development tools
Depending on your target WebSphere Application Server version:
WebSphere Application Server Version X.X development tools
Tools for developing of applications without a local Server installation
Ajax, Dojo Toolkit, and HTML development tools
JSP and servlet development tools
JSF development tools
XML development tools
IBM Worklight Package (when you want to create mobile applications:)
Note: IBM Worklight Developer Edition for mobile development can be
selected from your Rational Application Developer download page and can
also be downloaded from the web and installed as Eclipse plug-in. For details
regarding the installation and usage of Worklight, go to the following address:

3.1.2 Eclipse development environment

The Eclipse Software Development Kit (Eclipse SDK) is an open source software
development platform. The Eclipse organization is created by a consortium of
software development tool providers comprised of IBM and other leading tool
providers. Eclipse SDK is free to use and has different packages depending on
the type of development you want to do.
For developing code shown in this book, use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE
Developers package. It includes the basic Java Platform, Enterprise Edition
components, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS editors.
The installation package is at the following location:
We used the latest Eclipse Kepler Package based on Eclipse Version 4.3.1. If
you want to use the IBM Worklight Eclipse plug-in for mobile development, you
must use the Indigo or Helios Eclipse Package.
If you decide to use the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, you can easily
create new plug-ins for Content Navigator by creating new Java projects and

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


build up your external data service application with the Java Platform, Enterprise
Edition components.
For development of Dojo components, you can use tools such as Maqetta:
For details about installing, using, and downloading Worklight, see the Worklight
Information Center.

3.1.3 WebLogic and Eclipse

In addition to WebSphere Application Server, IBM Content Navigator also
supports WebLogic Server as an application server. The following Oracle web
page lists an installer that delivers an Eclipse environment and the WebLogic
server environment. This enables developers to build web applications, and
deploy and test them directly on the application server within the development
At this web page, see the Installers with Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle
Coherence and Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse topic.
The Eclipse package we use is based on the Kepler Eclipse release and contains
special features to develop and deploy on WebLogic servers. This package also
delivers the necessary Java Platform, Enterprise Edition components.

3.2 Setting up development environment

In this section, we describe the steps which are necessary to prepare your
development environment to easily create new IBM Content Navigator plug-in
and external data services (EDS) projects.
There is an Eclipse plug-in for IBM Content Navigator that can be integrated in
your development environment. The Eclipse plug-in eases the creation of new
Content Navigator plug-in projects and external data service projects.
The Eclipse plug-in can be downloaded from the additional material link that is
associated with this book. Two Java Archive (JAR) files are included with the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

These two JAR files contain the extensions for Eclipse, enabling both a new
project for IBM Content Navigator plug-in development and a new Eclipse web
project facet for building EDS web projects.

3.2.1 Installing the Eclipse plug-in in base Eclipse environments

Follow these steps to install the Eclipse plug-ins:
1. Download the JAR files from the additional materials for this book (see
Appendix D, Additional material on page 535).
2. Copy the JAR files in the Eclipse dropins directory.
The dropins directory is under the Eclipse installation path, as in this example:
If you are running Eclipse for WebLogic, the installation directory might be in a
directory similar to the following one:
3. Restart Eclipse.
Sometimes it is necessary to call Eclipse with the -clean parameter from the
command line to make the changes active, as in the following example:
C:/eclipse/eclipse.exe -clean

3.2.2 Installing the Eclipse plug-in in Rational Application Developer

Follow these steps to install the Eclipse plug-ins in Rational Application
1. Download the JAR files from the additional materials for this book (see
Appendix D, Additional material on page 535).
2. Copy the JAR files in the plug-ins directory of Rational Application developer,
as in this example:
C:/Program Files/IBM/SDP/plugins
3. Restart Rational Application Developer.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


3.2.3 Troubleshooting Eclipse plug-in installation

If you restart Eclipse and do not see the option to create an IBM Content
Navigator plug-in project, then you probably do not have all the dependencies
installed. Check the Eclipse logs for errors. You can find the Eclipse log under the
menu Window Show View Error Log. The following error in the log is
Unable to satisfy dependency from com.ibm.ecm.icn.plugin.202 to bundle
org.eclipse.wst.jsdt.core [1.1.202,2.0.0).
To resolve this, go to the Eclipse marketplace and download the missing
Note: If you have installed Rational Application Developer 8.5 or later, or the
latest Java Platform, Enterprise Edition version of Eclipse, then all IBM
Content Navigator Eclipse plug-in dependencies should already be installed.

3.2.4 Verifying Eclipse plug-in installation

In 3.2.1, Installing the Eclipse plug-in in base Eclipse environments on page 77
and 3.2.2, Installing the Eclipse plug-in in Rational Application Developer on
page 77, we describe how to install the Eclipse plug-ins for Content Navigator
plug-in development and the installation of the external data services (EDS)
Eclipse extension in your development environment. In this section, we verify that
the installation was successful by validating that the new menus are visible in
your development environment.
To verify the installation of the Eclipse plug-in for Content Navigator plug-in
projects, follow these steps:
1. Open your development environment, for example, Eclipse or Rational
Application Developer.
2. Go to File New Project and ensure that you can see the IBM Content
Navigator folder. In this folder, you should see Content Navigator Plug-in, as
shown in Figure 3-1 on page 79. If the entry is listed in the dialog, the Eclipse
plug-in for Content Navigator plug-in installation was successful.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-1 New Content Navigator plug-in dialog

3. Click Cancel to close the dialog. Being able to open the dialog is enough to
verify that the installation was successful.
To ensure that the EDS Eclipse plug-in has also been installed successfully,
follow these steps:
1. Open your development environment, for example Eclipse, if it is not already
2. Go to File New Project Dynamic Web Project. In the wizard, ensure
that you can select IBM External Data Service Web Project in the
Configuration section, as shown in Figure 3-2 on page 80. If the entry is
listed in the dialog, the plug-in for external data services was installed

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-2 New Dynamic Web Project for External Data Service

We show how to install the Eclipse plug-in for Content Navigator plug-in and EDS
web applications. At this point, you are ready to create your first Content
Navigator plug-in project and external data service web project.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Before you begin: Read through Chapter 1, Extension points and

customization options on page 3 to review the skillset that is required for
plug-in development. If you are new to this type of development, go through
the helpful links provided in the various sections of that chapter to gain
necessary knowledge before you start setting up the environment for Content
Navigator plug-in development.

3.3 Plug-in development

This section provides detailed information about creating, packaging, and
deploying a Content Navigator plug-in project. We will describe the structure of a
plug-in project and also provide information on how to deploy and test a Content
Navigator plug-in.
A prerequisite for this section is that the Content Navigator Eclipse plug-in
installed successfully as described in 3.2, Setting up development environment
on page 76.

3.3.1 Creating a simple plug-in project using the wizard

This section describes how to create a new project in your development
environment for customizing or extending IBM Content Navigator.
Before creating a new Content Navigator project, ensure that you have access to
the navigatorAPI.jar file. The file is located in the lib folder of the Content
Navigator installation directory, as in the following example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\ECMClient\lib
In our case, we copied navigatorAPI.jar to C:\ICNLibs, the local directory. The
navigatorAPI.jar file will be referenced later in the plug-in project.
Now that the extensions are enabled for our Eclipse development environment, it
is time to create the first IBM Content Navigator plug-in project. Proceed through
the following steps:
1. Select File New Other and scroll until you find the IBM Content
Navigator folder. Expand the folder and click Content Navigator Plug-in.
2. Click Content Navigator PlugIn Project and then click Next. A wizard
opens, which guides you through the process of creating a Content Navigator
plug-in as shown in Figure 3-3 on page 82.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-3 New IBM Content Navigator plug-in project wizard

3. Provide a name for your project, for example SimpleICNPlugin. Keep the
default settings for the project location and click Next.
4. In the next window, define the values listed in Table 3-1. Figure 3-4 on
page 83 shows the values provided for our SimplePlugin project. After setting
all necessary parameters, click Finish.
Table 3-1 Plug-in information in the new plug-in dialog


Plug-in information


Descriptive Name

The descriptive name is the string that identifies your

plug-in in the IBM Content Navigator administration plug-in

Java Package

The Java package is the namespace for your plug-in source


Class Name

The class name is the name of your primary plug-in class.

The primary plug-in class provides instructions to the IBM
Content Navigator server about which extensions your
plug-in provides and which classes to load at runtime.


The Version number of the plug-in will be set in the Class

provided under Class Name.


The navigatorAPI.jar file contains the plug-in interfaces and

classes provided by IBM Content Navigator that you will
need to build your extensions. The navigatorAPI JAR file is
installed with IBM Content Navigator under the lib
directory (for example: C:\Program

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-4 shows this information in the Eclipse development environment.

Figure 3-4 Plug-in information in the new plug-in dialog

The wizard generates a working Content Navigator plug-in project. You will see
the primary plug-in class, with an ANT build script you can use to generate a
deployable JAR file of your plug-in. Figure 3-5 demonstrates how the newly
created plug-in project looks in the Eclipse package explorer.

Figure 3-5 Project structure of SimpleICNPlugin

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Before we continue with packaging and deploying of SimpleICNPlugin, we

examine the created project structure.
As Figure 3-5 on page 83 shows, your project consists of a src folder, lib folder,
and a META-INF folder. It also shows build.xml, the ANT build script file.
In addition to the primary plug-in class, notice that the wizard generates several
other classes and packages within the project. Under the primary package name
you provided in the plug-in project creation wizard, there is a WebContent
directory. This directory is used as the root for any extensions your plug-in is
providing to the client-side of IBM Content Navigator. In this case, the client-side
extensions do not actually extend or change the user interface. They are shells
you can use to build your customizations. For example, if you want to add a style
change or override, you can add it to the CSS file generated under the
WebContent directory. Also, if you want to prompt the administrator deploying your
plug-in for custom configuration, you modify the ConfigurationPane JavaScript
and HTML template generated by the wizard.
The wizard generates a Dojo package name for your custom Dojo widgets.
This is the namespace that IBM Content Navigator registers for your Dojo
widgets. For example, if we create a custom dialog, MyTestDialog, we add
it to the simplePluginDojo package of this project and reference it as
The lib folder contains the j2ee.jar file by default. To avoid major changes in
the build.xml, you can add all JARs that are later required by your plug-in to the
lib folder.
The META-INF folder contains a MANIFEST.MF file that defines the Main plug-in
class for the plug-in project. In our project, the MANIFEST file parameter
Plugin-Class points to com.ibm.ecm.simpleplugin.SimplePlugin and has
automatically been set through the project creation wizard. The Plugin-Class
parameter is used by the Content Navigator plug-in registration in the
Administration Desktop to define the plug-in specification. If you build your
project manually, it is important that the Plugin-Class points to the correct plug-in
Java class.
The build.xml is an ANT script which compiles and generates a JAR file out of
the existing project code. The build.xml file in our project is ready to run. Be
aware if you extend the SimpleICNPlugin project, for example by adding actions,
features, services, and so on, ensure that all necessary libraries (for example
repository specific JARs) are referenced in the path section of the build script;
otherwise, build errors will occur. In addition, the build.xml also contains the
name of the output plug-in JAR file in the jar section. For details about the ANT
script and packaging of the plug-in, see 3.3.3, Packaging and building a plug-in
on page 90.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The SimpleICNProject we created here is an empty plug-in project. The following

section shows how to add extensions to a Content Navigator plug-in project.
Note: Be sure you are using Java Compiler Level 1.6 in your plug-in project to
avoid Java Version errors during plug-in registration.

3.3.2 Creating plug-in extension

The Content Navigator plug-in menu in Eclipse allows you to add extra plug-in
components such as action, features, layouts, menus, viewer, and server
extensions such as request and response filters to your plug-in.
Now that we have created a plug-in project and deployed it to IBM Content
Navigator, it is time to create extensions for the plug-in. Right-click on the Java
package in your plug-in project; you see a new menu named IBM Content
Navigator. This menu type exposes new wizards for creating Content Navigator
plug-in extensions. Several extensions are grouped into a submenu named
Server Extensions, while others are located in the main menu. Server extensions
are plug-in extensions that apply only to the Content Navigator server-side; other
extensions can have client-side enhancements also. Figure 3-6 on page 86
shows what you see if you expand the IBM Content Navigator menu.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-6 Eclipse plug-in context menu

The next section shows how new extensions can be added to a plug-in project.

Server-side extensions
IBM Content Navigator provides several server-side extensions, including
response filers, request filters, and services. If you want to add a response filter,
select the com.ibm.ecm.simpleplugin java package, right-click and select IBM
Content Navigator Server Extensions New Response Filter. Response


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

filters are extensions to existing IBM Content Navigator services, which allow
you to manipulate the standard JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) payload
returned by the server-side service. You can use this feature to insert custom
formatter widgets in the list and property information user interface widgets, alter
values within the JSON, or insert entirely new entries in the JSON return.
Figure 3-7 shows a populated version of the New Response Filter wizard.

Figure 3-7 New Response Filter wizard

In this example, we searched for services responsible for handling openFolder

actions and we added each service matching the search criteria to the response
filter by selecting the appropriate check box and clicking Append selected. By
adding each of the openFolder services to the list of services extended by this
response filter, we are instructing IBM Content Navigator to call this response
filter for any openFolder service request against an IBM Content Manager, IBM
FileNet Content Manager, or Content Management Interoperability Services
repository source. Click OK.
The wizard then generates the new response filter Java class and updates the
primary plug-in Java class. The plug-in Java class update is necessary to instruct
the IBM Content Navigator server that this plug-in contains a response filter. If

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


you enter the values specified previously, you see an update to your plug-in class
as shown in Example 3-1.
Example 3-1 Extension to plug-in class for Response Filter

* Provides a list of filters that are run after a requested
* service. This list of filters can be used to modify the
* the response that is returned.
* @return An array of
<code>{@link com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginResponseFilter
public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginResponseFilter[]
getResponseFilters() {
return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginResponseFilter[]{new
In addition to response filters, you can also create request filters and services.
Request filters are similar in nature to response filters, but instead of applying
after the IBM Content Navigator service has completed, a request filter is applied
before the service executes. This allows the plug-in to manipulate the request
parameters applied to the service prior to any action being taken by the service.
A plug-in service is used when you need to add an entirely new server-side
procedure to IBM Content Navigator. This is the equivalent of building a custom
servlet that provides some specific service. For example, you can use this
method to expose additional capabilities from an ECM repository that are not yet
available as ready-to-use.

Client-side extensions
Now that a server-side extension is created, create an extension to the
client-side. To open the IBM Content Navigator menu again, right-click the Java
package, and click the New Action link. The wizard for creating an IBM Content
Navigator action opens.
An action is an extension that allows the plug-in to define a new user interface
action. Typically, actions are exposed as buttons in a toolbar or menu items in a
context menu. However, they may also be actions executed implicitly during other
user interactions within IBM Content Navigator. Figure 3-8 on page 89 shows a
completed New Action wizard window.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-8 New Action wizard

After clicking OK, the wizard generates a new Java class for the action, updates
the primary plugin Java class and updates the main plug-in JavaScript. The
changes to the plug-in Java class are necessary to instruct the IBM Content
Navigator server that this plug-in includes a custom action. If you enter the
values specified above in Figure 3-8, you see the update to your primary plug-in
class, as shown in Example 3-2.
Example 3-2 Extension to plug-in class for Action

* Provides a list of actions that this plug-in adds to the main
* toolbar of the web client.
* @return An array of
<code>{@link com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction
* PluginAction}</code>
objects. The plug-in should return the same set of
* objects on every call.
public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[] getActions() {
return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[]{new
This change allows your action to be called from anywhere within the user

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Note: Because the action method is defined globally, use a function name that
is less likely to cause conflicts with other functions that are defined in the user
interfaces. For example, you might choose to append your plug-in ID to every
JavaScript function name; in this case, it would be SimplePlugin.simpleAction.
In addition to plug-in actions, you see wizards for creating viewers, menus, menu
types, open actions, features and layouts. Table 3-2 briefly explains each plug-in
Table 3-2 Plug-in types



Plug-in viewers provide a mechanism for adding custom document



Menus allow a plug-in to define new menus of an existing menu type. For
example, you can provide a custom version of the standard toolbar IBM
Content Navigator displays above a list of content.


Menu types are entirely new menus not exposed by standard IBM Content
Navigator widgets. Plug-ins can use this capability to define custom menus
and toolbars for custom widgets added to the layout.


An open action plug-in is a special type of action that applies only to the
opening of documents.


Features are user interface panels that are exposed in the IBM Content
Navigator standard layout widget. For example, the standard Search and
Browse panels in IBM Content Navigator are features. Plug-in developers
can add custom features that might add entirely new capabilities to IBM
Content Navigator or extend existing features.


Layouts are used when you do not want to use the standard IBM Content
Navigator layout, but instead want to provide a completely custom user

3.3.3 Packaging and building a plug-in

In 3.3.1, Creating a simple plug-in project using the wizard on page 81, we
described how to create a simple plug-in project. To deploy a plug-in in Content
Navigator, you must create an Java archive (JAR) file from the project code. In
this section, we describe how to build a JAR file that later can be installed in IBM
Content Navigator. Before you start building the JAR file, ensure that no
compilation errors exist in your simple plug-in project.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Two ways are available to build a JAR file from the plug-in project:
Export the project using the default export functionality of Eclipse and
Rational Application Developer (see 3.6, Building a plug-in JAR manually on
page 109).
Use an ANT script to build the JAR.
Our SimpleICNPlugin project already contains a working build.xml file, which
can be used to create the JAR file. We provide details about this ANT script.
We focus on two major sections of the build.xml:
The first section contains the class path tag, which must include all libraries
that are necessary in order to compile your plug-in project.
The second section (JAR section) contains the Main plug-in class of your

Description of class path section

The class path section contains all necessary libraries to compile the plug-in
project. In our case, it is necessary to have only the navigatorAPI.jar and the
j2ee.jar to compile the project. The Content Navigator Plug-in wizard created
the entries of the build.xml from the location of the provided navigatorAPI.jar
(see Figure 3-4 on page 83) and also for the j2ee.jar automatically. The temp
folder will contain the compiled class files created through the ANT script and is
also created automatically.
You do not need to change the paths unless you need special libraries in your
plug-in code. In this case, add an extra path element in the class path section.
Example 3-3 shows the build.xml file generated automatically.
Example 3-3 Class path section of build.xml for SimpleICNPlugin

<path id="class path">

<pathelement location="C:/ICNLibs/navigatorAPI.jar" />
<pathelement location="./lib/j2ee.jar" />
<pathelement location="./temp" />

Description of JAR section

The JAR section of build.xml creates the Manifest file for the plug-in. It is
important that the parameter for the attribute Plugin-Class matches the Java
Class name that extends the com.ibm.ecm.extension.Plugin class. In addition,
the name of the JAR file to be generated can be set in this section.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Example 3-4 The jar section of build.xml for SimpleICNPlugin

<jar jarfile="SimpleICNPlugin.jar">
<fileset dir="./temp" includes="**/*" />
<attribute name="Plugin-Class"
value="com.ibm.ecm.simpleplugin.SimplePlugin" />
<section name="build">
<attribute name="Built-By" value="${user.name}" />
<attribute name="Build" value="${TODAY}" />

Execute the build

To build the plug-in JAR file, complete the following steps:
1. Open the build.xml file within your development environment.
2. Within Eclipse, find the special Run configuration for ANT scripts. Right-click
the build.xml file and select Run as Ant Build. See Figure 3-9 on
page 93.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-9 Execute ANT script

3. The Eclipse Console view shows the execution of the build. The build ends
with a build successful statement. If it does not, inspect the error message
and make the necessary changes.
4. Refresh your project. Within the project, you see the SimpleICNPlugin.jar
Note: If you want to build the JAR manually, see 3.6, Building a plug-in JAR
manually on page 109.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


3.3.4 Registering and testing a plug-in

This section explains how to register a plug-in JAR file in IBM Content Navigator.
IBM Content Navigator provides two mechanisms for loading plug-ins:
The first mechanism requires you to build your plug-in as a JAR file and
specify a path to the JAR file. This path can be a local file system path or a
URL path. For production deployments, build your plug-in as a JAR file and
load it through a URL path.
To simplify your development efforts, a second option allows you to provide
the file system path to your plug-in project bin directory and the full class
name of your primary plug-in class. Using this mechanism allows you to make
changes to the plug-in source code and test it immediately within IBM Content
Navigator, without having to first rebuild and reload a plug-in JAR file. This
reduces the steps required to develop and test a new plug-in.
The next section describes how to register a plug-in as class file path and name.

Test a plug-in within development lifecycle

With IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2, it is possible to test a plug-in within the
development lifecycle and without the need to package the JAR file during the
development process. In this section, we describe what is necessary to use this
feature and we demonstrate the use with our example project.
First, the project we created must be accessible on the Content Navigator Server.
Assuming your development environment is on your local workstation, you
should have a workspace on the Content Navigator server file system, because
the plug-in registration can handle only server-side file systems. Therefore, you
can map a network drive from your local workstation to the Content Navigator
server. Another option is to copy the project to the Content Navigator server. If
you develop directly on the Content Navigator server, which means your
development environment is installed on the Content Navigator server, you do
not need to handle the network drives or connections.
We decided to connect our local workstation development environment to a
workspace on the Content Navigator server so the project can be accessed
directly. Our workspace is located in C:\workspace on the Content Navigator


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To register the plug-in without doing the packaging, use these steps:
1. Open the Administration Desktop and go to the plug-ins tab, which lists all the
plug-ins that are already installed in your environment. See Figure 3-10.

Figure 3-10 Installed plug-ins in IBM Content Navigator

2. Click New Plug-in and specify the path to your plug-in.

3. Select the Class file path radio button and provide the path to your bin folder
within your project in the workspace. In the Class name field, provide the
name of the plug-in class file including the whole Java package. The class file
path in our case is C:\workspace\SimpleICNPlugin\bin and the name of the
class file is com.ibm.ecm.simpleplugin.SimplePlugin.
4. Click Load. The plug-in is loaded, as shown in Figure 3-11 on page 96.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-11 Plug-in registration by class file

5. Click Save and Close.

Register a plug-in JAR file

For registration of the JAR file, we use the SimpleICNPlugin.jar file that was
created in 3.3.3, Packaging and building a plug-in on page 90.
The plug-in JAR file must be in a location where the IBM Content Navigator
application has access. This access is especially important for high availability
scenarios. If the plug-in JAR file is not available at the defined location or is
erroneous, it can not be registered or executed correctly. During plug-in
registration, you can choose between providing a file path to the JAR file or using
a URL path to the JAR.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Follow the steps to deploy the plug-in created in the previous section:
1. Open the Administration Desktop and click the Plug ins tab, which lists all
plug-ins that are already installed in your environment (Figure 3-12).

Figure 3-12 Installed plug-ins in IBM Content Navigator

2. Click New Plug-in and specify the path to your plug-in. Select the JAR file
path radio button (Figure 3-13) and provide the full path to the plug-in JAR
file. In our case, the file location is as follows:

Figure 3-13 Publish a new plug-in within Administration Desktop

3. Click Load.
If the plug-in is built correctly, information about the plug-in is displayed, for
example, the version number, the name, available actions, viewers, features,
and layouts. In our case, we have only a simple plug-in without any functions.
4. Click Save and Close to save and close the plug-in.
Now the plug-in is displayed in the plug-ins view.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Considerations for plug-in deployment in production

At the end of every development cycle, you deploy the plug-in in various stages,
starting in a test environment, going to the user acceptance test environment,
and ending at the production environment. Most companies have a well-defined
deployment process of how new pieces of software must be delivered and
deployed through all of these stages. From the Content Navigator perspective,
often more than one single plug-in JAR file is to be deployed; that is, multiple
components developed by different people or departments. You will also find
company-specific resources that must be embedded and addressable through
a URL in the Administrator desktop. To provide a consistent deployment process,
we suggest you package all extensions, plug-ins, logos, logon sites, and so on,
in one web application that can be versioned and deployed through all
environments through a standard deployment procedure.
Figure 3-14 on page 99 shows four stages: development, system integration,
user acceptance, and production environment. In the first stage, the developer
usually creates new Content Navigator plug-ins and test the extensions in
developers owned environment. After development and testing is complete, the
created plug-in and other custom components, such as logos, are packaged to
one web application, which then can be deployed through all the stages, from
system integration to production. The additional resources contained in the web
application, for example logos, can than be used for desktop customizations.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-14 Deploy extension through different stages

This section describes how to create a new web application for customization,
how to add the new plug-in to this web application, and how the plug-in is
deployed in IBM Content Navigator. You may also reuse an existing web
application for this purpose; however, to ease the maintenance efforts, using
a dedicated web application is recommended.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


To create a new web application in your development environment, complete the

following steps:
1. Use one of the following steps, depending on how you want to deploy the web
project in your environment:
Select File New Dynamic Web Project.
Select File New Static Web Project.
If you choose a static web project, you can define the application context
during the deployment and add this static web project to an existing EAR file.
We select a Dynamic Web Project for this task.
2. Provide a name for your project, for example, customConfig. Define the
runtime environment, select the Add project to EAR box, and provide a
name for the EAR file. If you want to add this project to an existing EAR,
select the name of the EAR project from the drop-down list. The runtime
environment selected must match the server where you want the web
application to deploy. Click Finish. If you want to install the web application in
a WebLogic server, select the appropriate target runtime and configuration.
3. Open the customConfig project and add the SimpleICNPlugin.jar (that was
created in 3.3.3, Packaging and building a plug-in on page 90) to the
WebContent folder.
4. The application can now be deployed to your application server, for instance
by using the Administration Console of WebSphere. Complete these steps:
a. Export the customConfigEAR project as an EAR file to a user-defined
location. Right-click your project, select Export EAR file, and provide
the necessary parameters, such as export destination.
b. Deploy your EAR to your Application Server instance. For details see the
appropriate application server documentation.
5. Make sure you can reach the web application and the JAR file through the
URL. The URL depends on the server where you deployed the web
application and on the context you provided. If you follow our example, the
context is customConfig. Assuming the web application is deployed on a local
server (localhost) and in a default WebSphere Application Server instance,
the URL will be similar to the following example:
A window opens where you specify whether you want to save the JAR file.
6. To register the plug-in, complete the following steps:
a. Open the Administration Desktop, click the Plug-ins tab, which lists all the
plug-ins that are already installed in your environment.
b. Click New Plug-in and specify the path to your plug-in. Enter the URL that
references to your SimpleICNPlugin.jar. Our example is as follows:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

c. After specifying the URL path to the JAR file, click Load.
If the plug-in is built correctly, information about the plug-in is displayed, for
example, the version number that the plug-in has, available actions,
viewers, features, and layouts.
d. Click Save and Close. Now, the plug-in is displayed in the plug-ins view.

3.4 Creating a new empty EDS project using the wizard

In addition to the Eclipse tools for creating an IBM Content Navigator plug-in, you
will also find a new web facet available to assist in the creation of an external
data service. An external data service is a REST API, called by the IBM Content
Navigator external data service plug-in, which uses data from an external source,
such as a file or data in a database, to customize field properties and manage
property behavior. The Eclipse tooling generates the external data service APIs
as Java Servlets. However, you can implement the service in other programming
languages, for example a .NET service, or as a JAX-RS API.
During the next steps, you create an empty EDS Web Application in your
development environment, deploy the application, and register and configure the
EDS plug-in.
To create a project using the Eclipse tooling, switch to the Java EE perspective
and follow these steps:
1. Click File New Project Web Dynamic Web Project.
2. Eclipse opens the standard dynamic web project wizard (Figure 3-15 on
page 102). On the first panel of the wizard, click the Configuration
drop-down and select IBM External Data Service.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-15 New EDS application wizard

3. Provide a name for the project and click Next.

4. The next window provides an optional dialog for adding folders to the web
project source folder. After you add folders, if any, click Next to move to the
next panel. On this panel (Figure 3-16 on page 103), you have the option to
change the context root and content directory of the web project. You can also
optionally generate a web deployment descriptor.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-16 Context root for EDS implementation

5. Click Next.
6. The next window (Figure 3-17 on page 104) asks for a Java package name
for your default external data service servlet classes and also the location of
your navigatorAPI.jar file. As mentioned in the previous sections, we copied
the navigatorAPI.jar from our Content Navigator server to a local directory
named C:\ICNLibs. For this sample, we set the package name to

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-17 Java package declaration for EDS implementation

7. Click Finish.
The new project is being created. You see two servlets were created.
The first, GetObjectTypesServlet, is the API called by the IBM Content
Navigator external data service plug-in to determine the object types that this
external data service project is augmenting. Example 3-5 shows a return
Example 3-5 Sample return value

{"symbolicName" : "Document"}


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

In this example, the EDS service instructed the EDS plug-in in IBM Content
Navigator that it should be called any time the user accesses the Document
The second servlet, UpdateObjectTypeServlet, is the API that the EDS
plug-in will call when the user accesses an object type specified by the
GetObjectTypesServlet. For example, this service might return a JSON
payload that instructs IBM Content Navigator to set a property on the
Document class to read-only. It might also hide properties, pre-populate
properties, create choice lists and choice list dependencies, and so on.
Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and external
data services on page 233 describes the implementation of an external data
After implementing the two servlets according to your requirements, the web
application must be deployed in an application server (for example WebSphere
Application Server). The EDS plug-in, delivered with the product, must be
registered and configured to point to your EDS application. Follow these steps:
1. Export the project as an EAR file:
a. Right-click the SimpleEDSEAR application and select Export EAR file.
b. In the export dialog, define a location where the EAR file should be
exported to, for example C:\SimpleEDSEAR.ear.
c. Click Finish.
2. Deploy the EAR file on WebSphere Application Server:
a. Open and log in to the WebSphere Application Server administration
b. Select Applications New Application New Enterprise
c. Select the installation path to the EAR file that you exported in step 1 and
then click Next to go through all the steps. Click Finish, and then click
Save to save the master configuration.
d. Start the application if it has not been started yet.
e. Test the application by entering the following URL. The context SimpleEDS
can be set either within the project itself or during deployment of the
application. The URL for our sample is as follows:
The output of this URL should not contain any errors, only an empty page.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


3. Register the EDS plug-in and configure EDS:

a. Open the Content Navigator Administration Desktop.
b. Go to Plug-ins and select New Plug-in.
c. Select the JAR file path radio button and provide the URL to the
edsPlugin.jar file in the Content Navigator installation path, as in the
following example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\edsPlugin.jar
In the configuration field at the bottom, provide the URL for the application
we deployed in step 2.
d. Click Save and Close.

3.5 Getting started with the SamplePlugin

IBM Content Navigator provides a sample plug-in that contains samples for basic
functions like usage of actions, filters, features, viewers, menus, and services.
The SamplePlugin source code is located in the installation directory of IBM
Content Navigator:
You can import the sample plug-in into your development environment by
selecting File Import Existing Projects into Workspace. Select the
samplePlugin from your Content Navigator installation and the project will be
The imported project has some class path errors you must resolve, if you want
to rebuild and redeploy. Therefore changing the projects class path and the
build.xml file is necessary.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Table 3-3 lists the necessary JAR files for compiling the SamplePlugin and their
Table 3-3 JAR files required for the SamplePlugin project
Name of JAR file

Location of JAR file











Web-INF classes folder

This folder is necessary only if you want to compile the

class SamplePluginGetAnnotationsService; you must
involve the following path:

IBM FileNet P8 Library



IBM Content Manager OnDemand Library



IBM Content Manager Library



CMIS Libraries










Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Besides the projects build path, you must also change the build.xml of the
samplePlugin. The build.xml file must contain the location of the JAR files in
order to run and compile correctly. Therefore, ensure that the class path plug-in
section of the build.xml contains all files listed above. We did this through
changing the property values for J2EE_HOME, NAVIGATOR_HOME,
ODWEK_HOME,CM_HOME, and P8_HOME, as shown in Example 3-6.
We point the CM_HOME and the P8_HOME location to the directory where
Content Navigator was installed in WebSphere Application Server. There you
can find all the necessary JARs for the repositories. If you installed the repository
APIs on your development workstation, you can also point to their library folders.
The ODApi.jar is not included in the navigator deployment, so ODWEK must
be installed and referenced directly to compile also the Content Manager
onDemand samples.
Example 3-6 Sample Plugin build.xml changes

<property name="NAVIGATOR_HOME" value="C:/Program Files

ngNode01Cell/navigator.ear/navigator.war" />
<property name="J2EE_HOME" value="C:/Program Files
(x86)/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib" />
<property name="P8_HOME" value="${NAVIGATOR_HOME}" />
<property name="ODWEK_HOME" value="C:/Program Files/IBM/OnDemand Web
Enablement Kit/api" />
<property name="CM_HOME" value="${NAVIGATOR_HOME}" />
After changing the build.xml accordingly, you can build the JAR file as described
in Execute the build on page 92. The SamplePlugin.jar is generated and can
now be deployed in your Content Navigator environment. See Register a plug-in
JAR file on page 96 for the SamplePlugin.jar file. You can also use the JAR that
is delivered within the Content Navigator installation package:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\SamplePlugin.jar


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3.6 Building a plug-in JAR manually

Building a plug-in JAR file manually can be useful, if you have included all the
necessary JARs directly in your projects build path and you do not want to
change the build.xml file to contain these JARs.
Complete the following steps to manually generate a JAR file by using Eclipse or
Rational Application Developer:
1. Create a manifest file that specifies the Java plug-in class. Example 3-7
shows the manifest file for JAR file generation. An important aspect about the
manifest file is the value for the attribute Plugin-Class. This value must
correspond to your main Java plug-in class, which extends the IBM Content
Navigator plug-in class.
Example 3-7 Manifest file for JAR file generation

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.1
Created-By: 2.4 (IBM Corporation)
Plugin-Class: com.ibm.ecm.simpleplugin.SimplePlugin
Name: build
Built-By: icnPlgin
Build: ${TODAY}
2. Export the JAR file:
a. Right-click the project and select Export Java/JAR File. The Java
Project file selection window opens.
b. Deselect the lib folder, and specify a location and a file name for your
plug-in JAR file. The lib folder does not need to be included in the target
JAR file because the containing JAR files are necessary only to compile
the project and are included in the Content Navigator application.
c. Click Next.
3. The Java Packaging Options window opens. Keep the default options and
click Next.
4. The JAR Manifest Specification window opens. Select Use existing manifest
from workspace and provide the path to the manifest file you created before.
Click Finish.
The plug-in project is now exported as a JAR file, by using Eclipse or Rational
Application Developer

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


3.7 Debugging plug-ins

This section provides an overview of how to enable debugging for the Java part
of plug-ins in your development environment. For more information regarding
troubleshooting and debugging, see Chapter 14, Debugging and
troubleshooting on page 495.
Debugging plug-ins can be useful to determine the cause of certain issues
regarding the Java part of a plug-in. You can either enable remote debugging or
debug your applications locally.

3.7.1 Remote debugging

To debug your application remotely, turn on debugging for the WebSphere
Application Server at the Administration console and enable your development
environment to access the dedicated application server.
The following steps describe the process to enable remote debugging for
WebSphere Application Server and Rational Application Developer:
1. Enable debugging on your WebSphere Application Server where Content
Navigator is installed:
a. Open the Administration console and log in:
For example:
b. Go to Application Servers <name_of_your_appServer>
Additional properties Debugging service.
c. Select the Enable service at server startup check box.
d. Remember the port number shown in Figure 3-18 on page 111. This port
number is necessary for configuring the Rational Application Developer
environment later. Make sure that this port is not used by any other
e. Click Apply and Save to save the changes that you made and exit the
Administration console.
f. Restart the WebSphere Application Server.
By the time server is started, the debugging port is available.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 3-18 Enable debugging on WebSphere Administration Console

2. Add a new Runtime Configuration in Rational Application Developer:

a. Go to Run Debug Configurations.
b. Select Remote Java Application from the list and click New
configuration at the upper left corner.
c. Enter a new name for the configuration, for example, DebugSamplePlugin.
d. Enter the name of the project you want to debug or select it from the
Browse tree. For our example, we select the SamplePlugin project.
e. Enter the host name of your WebSphere Application Server and enter the
port number from step 1b on page 110. Determine whether the host name
is available and can be accessed from your development environment.
f. Click Apply and Close to save the configuration.
A sample of the configuration is displayed in Figure 3-19 on page 112.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment


Figure 3-19 Create new debug configuration: Set connect information

3. Add breakpoints in your source code.

4. Start debugging by selecting Debug Debug configuration
DebugSamplePlugin Debug.
5. Start your Content Navigator in a web browser. When the web application
reaches a breakpoint, you see it in the development environment.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3.7.2 Local debugging

If you run the Content Navigator and the development environment on the same
physical machine, follow these steps to enable debugging for the server:
1. Set breakpoints in your Java code.
2. Open the Server view in Rational Application Developer by clicking
Window Open View Server.
3. Select the server where Content Navigator is installed, right-click the Server,
and select Restart in Debug mode.
4. Start your Content Navigator in the web browser. When the web application
reaches a breakpoint, you see it in the development environment.
For more information about application debugging, see the IBM Knowledge
Center for both WebSphere and the Rational Application Developer.

3.8 Conclusion
This chapter describes how to set up the development environment for IBM
Content Navigator. It offers suggestions and recommendations for deploying a
new plug-in. The remaining chapters in this book provides concrete use cases of
customizing and extending IBM Content Navigator with sample code.

Chapter 3. Setting up the development environment



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Part 2


Content Navigator
In this part, we show how to customize and extend Content Navigator with
multiple code samples. The code samples include how to develop actions,
services, features, request filter, EDS, custom step, mobile application. We also
show how to work with built-in viewers, integrate third-party viewers, and more.
This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 4, Developing a plug-in with basic extension points on page 117

Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173
Chapter 6, Creating a feature with search services and widgets on page 211
Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and external
data services on page 233
Chapter 8, Creating a custom step processor on page 277
Chapter 9, Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications on
page 297
Chapter 10, Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers
on page 365
Chapter 11, Extending solutions to mobile platform on page 413
Chapter 12, Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server on page 437

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 4.

Developing a plug-in with

basic extension points
This chapter describes how to create an IBM Content Navigator plug-in to
customize and extend its base functionality. The chapter first provides
information about the examples we will be implementing and then describes how
to implement the IBM Content Navigator plug-in.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Example overview
Developing the Create Dossier action
Developing a plug-in service to create the substructure of the dossier
Developing the Open Dossier action
Open dossier view in its own feature
Adding configuration
Dossier management in the real world

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


4.1 Example overview

In the next sections we introduce examples of how to extend IBM Content
Navigator at the various extension points introduced in Chapter 1, Extension
points and customization options on page 3.
To make the examples more illustrative, we introduce the requirements of
Redbooks Fictional Company A that wants to customize the IBM Content
Navigator to meet the needs of its workers. This fictitious company A wants to
organize the electronic documents of its customers in a way that is analogous to
how it was done with the physical binders and files when paper was used.
There is one single physical binder for all documents of a single customer and
the documents are structured by document types into different slots. A dossier is
an electronic equivalent to the physical binder. Technically, it is a top-level folder
(with a specific folder class that holds the dossier properties, such as dossier
number) and subfolders that contain the dossiers documents. In a way, the
top-level folder represents the whole dossier.
Fictional Company A defines the data model of a customer dossier and how the
user interface should look, as in Figure 4-1.

Figure 4-1 User interface for customer dossiers


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The workers of Fictional Company mainly perform the following activities with the
dossiers of their customers:
Create a new dossier for new customers.
Search for a customer, for example with the customer number as the search
criteria, and open the customers dossier and work on the customer

Browse the customer documents.

View some of the documents.
Edit the metadata.
Add the dossier to the favorites.

We must provide the following extensions:

An action to create a new customer dossier
The create action includes a midtier service to create the substructure of the
An action to open a customers dossier and show the dossier view (see
Figure 4-1 on page 118)
A feature for the dossier view
A configuration pane so users can define the following items:
The folder class for the dossier (the top-level folder for the dossier)
The folder in which all the dossiers are filed
The folder that holds the template for the folder substructure of all dossiers
In this chapter, the plug-in is developed in an iterative process (we do not
implement everything and pack and deploy the solution once and at the end). A
step-by-step procedure is provided and we pack and deploy the solution at
various times to immediately see the progress we make. With this approach,
troubleshooting is much easier if an error occurs because we can always easily
return to the last iteration when all was working well; we must analyze only the
last modifications we made.
We use IBM Rational Application Developer and the Eclipse Plugin Extension
for IBM Content Navigator development as the integrated development
environment (IDE). The menus and steps in Eclipse are similar to those that
are described for IBM Rational Application Developer. Although not absolutely
necessary, we suggest you use the Eclipse Plugin Extension for IBM Content
Navigator development for this chapter. All the generated code can also be
written manually but it will be easier for you to follow through this chapter if you
use the Eclipse Plugin.
To download the source code for this chapter, see Appendix D, Additional
material on page 535.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.2 Developing the Create Dossier action

This section steps through the process of creating an IBM Content Navigator
plug-in to create a dossier for a new customer.
The steps to add the Create Dossier action through a plug-in are summarized as

Set up a new plug-in project.

Package and deploy.
Add the action.
Implement the action JavaScript.
Prepare the ECM system and deploy current version.

4.2.1 Setting up a new plug-in project

Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73 describes the
process of creating a plug-in and the structure of the IBM Rational Application
Developer project that we use here.
To set up a new plug-in project for the dossier example, the steps are as follows:
1. Create a new IBM Content Navigator Plug-in project with the values in
Table 4-1.
Table 4-1 Parameters for IBM Content Navigator plug-in project


Descriptive name

Dossier Plugin

Java package


Class name


2. Add necessary libraries for your back-end system to the project.

3. Modify build.xml by adding the new JAR files of step 2 and do further
modifications if necessary.
We do not provide further details for these steps, because it is already explained
in 3.3, Plug-in development on page 81.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Your project now looks similar to Figure 4-2.

Figure 4-2 The plug-in project including the top-level package

The wizard created a Plugin class DossierPlugin in the com.ibm.ecm.extension

package, which is the base class of the plug-in. In this class, we will register all
the extension points we implement in this chapter.
At this point, the plug-in provides no functionality because all methods that define
IBM Content Navigators extension points have only dummy implementations.
Throughout this chapter, we implement some of these methods to gradually add
more functionality to the plug-in.

4.2.2 Packaging and deploying

During this iterative, step-by-step approach, we pack and deploy the plug-in now.
In this way, we can confirm that we correctly set up the project and have a good
starting point for further enhancements.
Instructions for how to package and deploy a plug-in to IBM Content navigator
are in 3.3, Plug-in development on page 81. Following the steps results in an
administration view of your plug-in similar to Figure 4-3 on page 122.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Figure 4-3 Packing and deploying DossierPlugin: Iteration 1

As you can see, no extension points of IBM Content Navigator are defined. Make
sure your window is similar as the one shown in Figure 4-3.
If your window is not similar: if the lower part (beginning with the row of the
Name plug-in) is not displayed, then your plug-in did not load. This is likely
because of some errors. You must determine the cause of the problem before
proceeding. One problem might be that your Manifest.mf file of your plug-in
JAR is not defining your Plugin class correctly. This happens, for example, if
you renamed your Java packages and did not update the manifest file.
See how to debug and troubleshoot IBM Content Navigator in Chapter 14,
Debugging and troubleshooting on page 495.

4.2.3 Adding the action

We next implement an IBM Content Navigator action extension point. To add an
action to the plug-in, complete these steps:
1. Create a specific com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction Java class and
implement its methods to add the functionality you need.
2. Hook it to the base Plugin class by adding your PluginAction class, overriding
the getActions() method.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Step 1 can be done with the New Action wizard of the Eclipse Plugin for IBM
Content Navigator development, as shown in 3.3.2, Creating plug-in extension
on page 85. Use CreateDossierAction as the class name. This creates a
skeleton of the class with basic implementations for each of the abstract
methods. Example 4-1 demonstrates the main methods needed for the Create
Dossier sample:
getName(): Return the name of the action, which is Create Dossier Action.
getPrivilege(): The Create Dossier action must be able to add new folders to
the repository, so we specify privAddItem privilege. For a full list of available
privileges, see Appendix A, Action privileges on page 513.
isMultiDoc(): We are not concerned about this parameter for this action. This
is because we will define the Create Dossier action to be global, which means
the action can be invoked without having to select any documents or folders.
The default value of false is acceptable.
isGlobal(): We set the value to true because we want to show the Create
Dossier in the global toolbar.
getActionFunction(): This method must return the name of the JavaScript
method that implements the action (which is covered in 4.2.4, Implementing
the action JavaScript on page 124). Implementing the JavaScript function in
this way will place it into global namespace which should be avoided in the
modern Dojo world. How this can be accomplished is shown in another
action we provide in 4.4, Developing the Open Dossier action on page 145.
But as the current API still instructs to do it in this way, we also show it this
getServerTypes(): We provide support for IBM FileNet P8 and IBM Content
Manager, so set the value to p8 and cm.
getActionModelClass(): This method allows you to override the Action model
(ecm.model.Action). For this action, we use the default implementation, but
for the Open Dossier action, we provide a custom Action model, see 4.4.2,
Extending the Action model on page 147.
Example 4-1 Implementation of the CreateDossierAction class

public class CreateDossierAction extends PluginAction {

public String getName(Locale locale) {
return "Create Dossier Action";
public String getPrivilege() {
return "privAddItem";
public boolean isMultiDoc() {
return false;

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


public boolean isGlobal() {

return true;
public String getActionFunction() {
return "createDossierAction";
public String getServerTypes() {
return "p8,cm";
public String getActionModelClass() {
return "";
Step 2 is already accomplished by the New Action wizard. See the
implementation of the getActions() method in DossierPlugin class in
Example 4-2.
Example 4-2 Adding an ActionPlugin to the Plugin class.

public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[] getActions() {

return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[] {
new com.ibm.ecm.extension.CreateDossierAction()

4.2.4 Implementing the action JavaScript

The createDossierAction JavaScript method that is provided in this section is
invoked when a user performs the new action. The method that we need for our
implementation include the following parameters:
repository: Provides a link to the current repository.
items: This is an array of ecm/model/item objects to which this action should
be applied to. In our case, because we use the action in the global toolbar,
this parameter is undefined. An alternative approach is to define the action in
a folder context menu and let the user invoke the Create Dossier action only
while selecting a parent folder. In that case, the items array are filled with the
selected folder item.
callback: You can provide any JavaScript function that will be called after the
action method has been completed.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The task of the createDossierAction method can be divided into two subtasks:
1. Create a new folder that will be the top-level folder of the new dossier.
2. Create the substructure of the top-level folder, which is a subfolder structure,
defined in a template structure.
This section shows the first task; the second task is describe in 4.3, Developing
a plug-in service to create the substructure of the dossier on page 133.
For the creation of a new folder we can reuse the generic widget,
ecm/widget/dialog/AddContentItemDialog, which is provided by IBM
Content Navigator to add all types of items to a repository.
Alternate approach: Build your own dialog by extending
ecm.widget.dialog.BaseDialog. To keep the process simple, consider
which existing widget of IBM Content Navigator comes closest to your
requirements and try to adapt that component to your needs. If this is
not feasible, then use your own implementation.
We prepare this dialog with the following settings:
Set the parent folder of the new dossier. This parent folder will be the parent
folder of all our dossier folders. So we call it dossierRootFolder and set it to a
hard-coded folder, which is made configurable in a later section.
For FileNet P8, dossierRootFolder is specified with a folder path.
For Content Manager, dossierRootFolder is specified with the persistent
identifier (PID) of an item. One way to get the correct PID is to navigate to
the item in the Browse pane of IBM Content Navigator and open its
properties pane. In the System Properties area, you can find the ID value,
as in the following example:
96 3 ICM15 cm-richmondvm129 ClbFolder59 26
A1001001A13E14B45839G3889018 A13E14B45839G388901 14 1009

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Source code for IBM FileNet P8 and IBM Content Manager:

This chapter is implemented for both IBM FileNet P8 and IBM Content
Manager. Because the code here was implemented for FileNet P8 at first,
the terminology at some point in the source code might be specific to
FileNet P8.
If implementation details are specific for IBM Content Manager, they are
described in a comment in the source code. So, if your platform is IBM
Content Manager you scan the source code for comments starting with the
following text:
//CM code: ....
Set the folder class to the folder class of the dossiers, which is
CustomerDossier in the hard-coded version.
For Content Manager, set the name of the item type of the dossier.
Change the title of the dialog to Create new Dossier.
Change the introduction text of the dialog to a meaningful description.
Before creating the dialog, retrieve the parent folder of the dossier. For retrieving
various items, you can use ecm.model.Repository, which provides the method
retrieveItem(). The first parameter is the path of the new folder; second
parameter is the callback function that is invoked when the retrieveItem() method
is returned. The retrieveItem() method retrieves the specified item by path and
returns an ecm.model.ContentItem, which is passed as a parameter to the
callback() function; see Example 4-3.
Note: The retrieveItem() method is executed asynchronously. This is the usual
way for all methods that go to the midtier service layer. The thread that invokes
this method immediately continues with the next line of code, while the
retrieving process is still in progress. So no code after this method can
assume that the requested item is already retrieved. All code that must rely on
the retrieved item must go into the callback function.
Example 4-3 Implementation of createDossierAction in DossierPlugin.js: Iteration 1

function(declare, lang, AddContentItemDialog) {
lang.setObject("createDossierAction", function(repository, items) {
var dossierRootFolder = "/CustomerDossiers"; //CM code:folder-PID
var dossierFolderClass = "CustomerDossier"; //CM code: item type
var templateDossierStructure = "/TemplateDossierStructure";


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

//CM code: folder-PID of item for template folder structure

var _createFolderSubStructure = function (dossierFolder) {
console.log("Dossier folder created: " + dossierFolder.name);
function(dossierRootFolderItem) {
var addContentItemDialog = new AddContentItemDialog();
addContentItemDialog.show(repository, dossierRootFolderItem,
false, false, _createFolderSubStructure, null, false, null);
addContentItemDialog.set("title","Create new Dossier");
addContentItemDialog.setIntroText("This folder will be the top
level folder of your dossier.");
In our sample, the callback function of the retrieveItem method is anonymous
and has one parameter, dossierRootFolderItem, which will be set to the retrieved
item. The main purpose of this function is to open the dialog to create the new
dossier; the next, callback function is declared as _createFolderSubStructure
function. It is invoked when the dialog is closed when the OK button is clicked
and the new folder is created. The first parameter, dossierFolder is filled with the
newly created folder.
The creation of the substructure of the dossier depends on the newly created
top-level folder of the dossier. That is why that code must be executed in the
_createFolderSubStructure callback function. For this iteration, we print only a
message to the console.

4.2.5 Preparing ECM system and deploying current version

Before redeploying the plug-in with the new action, you must prepare the ECM
back-end system. First, prepare an IBM FileNet P8 system. Then, prepare an
IBM Content Manager system. Then deploy the current plug-in version.

Preparing your IBM FileNet P8 system

Prepare a FileNet ObjectStore of your choice. You can use either of the following
Import the export manifest file of the exportP8.zip archive (which is provided
in Appendix D, Additional material on page 535) into your ObjectStore

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Manually prepare the following items:

a. Create a P8 folder class with name CustomerDossier and add StringType
properties such as CustomerNumber, Company, Phone Number, or
b. Create a P8 folder directly under the root folder with the name
CustomerDossiers (so the path to this folder is /CustomerDossiers). All the
customer dossiers will be filed in this folder.
c. Create a P8 folder directly under the root folder with the name
TemplateDossierStructure (so the path to this folder is
/TemplateDossierStructure). This is the template folder structure, which
will be shared by all dossiers.
d. Create a subfolder under /TemplateDossierStructure and use names
such as Contracts, Claims, Orders, or others. You can also create
level-two folders.
This folder structure will be copied to all of your dossiers by the service we
implement in 4.3, Developing a plug-in service to create the substructure
of the dossier on page 133.
Be sure that your IBM Content Navigator users have proper access rights:
For the root folder of the customer dossiers: At least add to folder access
For the template folder (and subfolders): At least view properties access level.
For the folder classes CustomerDossier and Folder: At least create instance

Preparing your IBM Content Manager system

Prepare your Content Manager repository with the following steps:
1. Create an item type with name CustomerDossier. We use this item type to
create folder items that serve as a top-level folder of a dossier.
Add attributes such as CustomerName, CustomerNumber, Company, Phone
Number, or others.
2. Create a folder item with the name CustomerDossiers. All the customer
dossiers will be children of this folder.
If you want this item type to have been preselected when you create a new
dossier, choose the CustomerDossier item type for Customer Dossiers. The
reason is because, for Content Manager, the AddContentItemDialog
preselects the item type with the one from the selected parent folder.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3. Create a folder item with the name TemplateDossierStructure. This folder

item is the template folder structure, which will be shared by all dossiers.
4. Create any subfolder items as child folders of TemplateDossierStructure,
such as Contracts, Claims, Orders, and others. You can also create level-two
folder items.
This folder structure will be copied to all of your dossiers by the service we
implement in 4.3, Developing a plug-in service to create the substructure of
the dossier on page 133.
Be sure that your IBM Content Navigator users have appropriate permissions:
For the root item folder of the customer dossiers: At least permission to add to
this folder item.
For the template folder item (and subfolders items): At least permission to
view the items and its attributes.
Permissions for the users to create items as folders for the item types:
CustomerDossier (for creating top level folders of the dossier)
<Item type> of the folder items of the template structure (for creating the
subfolder structure of the dossier).

Deploying the plug-in with the action

At this point, we deploy our plug-in again (as in 4.2.2, Packaging and deploying
on page 121). The Actions section of the plug-in pane now shows
CreateDossierAction (Figure 4-4).

Figure 4-4 Dossier Plugin with CreateDossierAction

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


The next step is to configure the Create Dossier action so it is displayed in the
global toolbar of IBM Content Navigator. To add the new action to the toolbar (or
menu), complete the following steps in the Administration view of IBM Content
1. Select Menus from the list on the left. A list of the menus that are defined is
displayed. For our example, we select the Default global toolbar from the
2. Because the default menus are read-only, make a copy of the toolbar to
modify it. To do so, open the context menu of the Default global toolbar and
click Copy. The New Menu dialog box opens (Figure 4-5).
3. In the New Menu dialog box, enter Dossier global toolbar as the name of
the new menu.
4. From the Available Action list on the left panel, select CreateDossierAction
and move it to the right-side panel of Selected Actions.
Optional: You can add a separator before the new action or remove actions
that you do not want to appear in the global toolbar.

Figure 4-5 Global Toolbar with CreateDossierAction


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

After a menu is created, it must be added to a desktop so that it can be

displayed. You can add the new menu to the desktop of your choice. We create a
new desktop with the name DossierDesktop with following specifications:
In the Administration view, select Desktops New Desktop.
From the General tab, enter the following information:
Name and ID: DossierDesktop
Authentication: Select the ObjectStore you prepared in the previous
From the Repositories tab, assign a repository that we prepared in previous
From the Appearance tab; use these settings:
Application name: Simple Dossier Management.
Displayed features: Select Favorites, Browse, Search.
Default repository: Select the repository you just assigned to the desktop.
Show global toolbar (at the bottom): Enable.
To add the global toolbar to the desktop, complete the following steps:
1. Select the Menus tab to assign a new menu.
2. Find the global toolbar and in the associated drop-down list, select Dossier
Global Toolbar. Because our toolbar is a copy of the default content list
toolbar, it is displayed in the drop-down list. See Figure 4-6.
3. Click Save to submit the changes to the desktop configuration.

Figure 4-6 Set Dossier Global Toolbar as the global toolbar

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Now we are ready to see our new action in the global toolbar:
1. Empty the cache from your browser (use the shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+Del for
Firefox and Internet Explorer).
2. Enter a URL such as the following example:
3. Log in as a user with appropriate permissions. You will see the Create
Dossier action in the global toolbar.
Troubleshooting: If you do not see the global toolbar, be you selected the
check box in the configuration of the desktop at the bottom of the Appearance
If you see the global toolbar but not the Create Dossier action, verify that you
assigned the global toolbar with the Create Dossier action selected to the
desktop to which you logged in.
Click the Create Dossier button to open the Create Dossier dialog. See
Figure 4-7 on page 133. The folder class and the parent folder are preselected.
Remember, for Content Manager repositories, the preselected class is not the
specified item type defined in Preparing your IBM Content Manager system on
page 128, but the item type of the parent folder item.
Provide meaningful values for the properties of the dossier and click OK. A new
folder is created as a child of the parent folder (/CustomerDossiers). To verify the
result, switch to the browse feature and navigate to your new folder.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 4-7 Create new Dossier dialog

4.3 Developing a plug-in service to create the

substructure of the dossier
If the plug-in must provide back-end functionality, a service must be
implemented. Often, the service is integrated to an action because the user
cannot directly invoke a service in the user interface of IBM Content Navigator;
therefore, the user must call an action that will invoke a service.
This example shows how you can develop a service to create the substructure of
the dossier.
To add a service to the plug-in, do these steps:
1. Create a specific com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginService Java class and
implement its methods to add the functionality you need.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


2. Hook it to the general Plugin class by adding your PluginService class

overriding the getServices() method.
Both tasks can be done with the Eclipse Plugin for IBM Content Navigator
development, as shown in 3.3.2, Creating plug-in extension on page 85. Use
CreateSubStructureService as class name. This creates the class with skeleton
and basic implementations for each of the abstract methods. See Example 4-4.
Example 4-4 Skeleton of the PluginService

public class CreateSubStructureService extends PluginService {

public String getId() {
return "CreateSubStructureService";
public String getOverriddenService() {
return null;
public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
Exception {
Example 3-6 shows how the wizard has registered the new service into the
DossierPlugin class.
Example 4-5 getService() of DossierPlugin class

public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginService[] getServices() {

return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginService[]{
new com.ibm.ecm.extension.CreateSubStructureService()
Before we implement the server type specific code, we integrate our
CreateSubStructureService service into the Create Dossier action. In the Create
Dossier action in DossierPlugin.js, we already have prepared the
_createFolderSubStructure function. Example 4-6 on page 135 shows the new
implementation of it.
We prepare the parameters for the CreateSubStructureService service in the
serviceParams object and use the invokePluginService function, which is
provided by IBM Content Navigator to use for any midtier service that is provided
by a plug-in. The first parameter specifies the plug-in; the second parameter
specifies the ID of the service.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Do not forget to define the additional Dojo module we need: ecm.model.Request.

Example 4-6 Implementation of createDossierAction in DossierPlugin.js

function(declare, lang, AddContentItemDialog, Request) {
var _createFolderSubStructure = function (dossierFolder) {
var serviceParams = {
icnRepository : repository.id,
serverType : repository.type,
dossierId : dossierFolder.id,
templateFolderStructure: templateDossierStructure
requestParams: serviceParams
At this point, the service is invoked after the top-level folder of the dossier is
created. Now that all is prepared, we can implement the actual service.
The main method we must implement for the service is execute. In our example,
the service creates a folder structure beneath the top-level folder of the new
The implementation of the service consists of two parts:
A part that independent of server type: extracting the parameters, preparing
and invoking the service call specific to the back end
A part that depends on the selected server type: the actual implementation of
the back-end service
Therefore, we separate the code into different files: one is server-independent
and then there is one implementation file for each supported server type. We
describe each file in the next subsections. The server-type-specific code is not
explained in detail because the focus of this book is IBM Content Navigator
development and not back-end implementation. We also assume that if you need
to develop code to work with a specific server type, you must be familiar with
development with that server type.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.3.1 Server type independent code: CreateSubStructureService

The execute() method starts by extracting the parameters that are passed in.
See Example 4-7. Do not forget to add necessary Java import statements (as a
shortcut, you can use Ctrl+Shift+O)
Example 4-7 Implementation of CreateSubStructureService

public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,

HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
Exception {
callbacks.getLogger().logEntry(this, "execute", request);
String icnRepositoryId = request.getParameter("icnRepository");
String serverType = request.getParameter("serverType");
String dossierId = request.getParameter("dossierId");
String templateFolderStructurePath =
JSONResponse jsonResults = new JSONResponse();
try {
if ("p8".equals(serverType)) {
CreateSubStructureServiceP8.execute(callbacks, jsonResults,
dossierId, templateFolderStructurePath, icnRepositoryId);
} else if (serverType.equals("cm")) {
Object synchObject =
callbacks.getSynchObject(icnRepositoryId, serverType);
if (synchObject != null) {
synchronized (synchObject) {
jsonResults, dossierId, templateFolderStructurePath, icnRepositoryId);
} else {
jsonResults, dossierId, templateFolderStructurePath, icnRepositoryId);
} else {
JSONMessage jsonMessage = new JSONMessage(0, "Server type
is not supported: "+serverType,"", "", "Not yet implemented.", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
callbacks.getLogger().logError(this, "execute", request, e);
JSONMessage jsonMessage = new JSONMessage(0, "Creation of the
dossier's substructure failed.", e.getMessage(),"","Check the IBM
Content Navigator logs for more details.", "");


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

callbacks.getLogger().logExit(this, "execute", request);
When you implement the action and the service, you must determine which
parameters are needed to implement the functionality. For our example, the
following parameters are passed to the service in the request object:
icnRepositoryId: Identifies the repository in which the new dossier will be
serverType: Identifies the target back-end server type. For our service type,
valid values are p8 and cm.
dossierId: This is the item ID of the newly created top-level folder.
templateFolderStructurePath: Specifies a folder in the back-end repository
with a subfolder structure that will serve as a template for the dossier.
Beneath the top-level folder of each dossier, these folder structure is created,
so at the end, all dossiers will have the same substructure.
Note: The dossierId parameter is an IBM Content Navigator identifier (ID); do
not confuse it with the identifiers of the underlaying ECM server type. It has a
different syntax for each server type, so it is handled in the server type specific
For IBM FileNet P8, the syntax is as follows:
For IBM Content Manager, the syntax is the same as the persistent
identifier (PID).
After retrieving the parameters, the appropriate service implementation,
depending on the server type, is called. The back-end-specific code is handled in
CreateSubStructureServiceP8.java and CreateSubStructureServiceCM.java. If
you want to support only one of these server types, comment the invocation of
the unsupported server type in your code. Otherwise an error occurs because
the code looks for both implementation classes.
The service returns a JSON response. IBM Content Navigator provides the
com.ibm.ecm.json Java package with some helper classes, for your convenience.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


In our example, we use JSONResponse, which can be used to provide three

kinds of messages to the front end:
addInfoMessage: This message is displayed in the status bar of IBM Content
addWarningMessage: This warning is displayed as a pop-up window.
addErrorMessag: This error message is displayed as a pop-up window.
If the service must return some data to the front end, any property can be added
to the response object. Because our service creates only the substructure and
does not return anything, we add only an information message.
Finally, the serialize method of JSONResponse converts the object into a stream
of JSON text, which is written to the output stream of the HTTP response object.

4.3.2 IBM FileNet P8 code: CreateSubStructureServiceP8

The server type specific code for IBM FileNet P8 is handled in the Java class
CreateSubStructureServiceP8.java. So, in your development environment,
create a new Java class in the com.ibm.ecm.extension package and give it the
following name: CreateSubStructureServiceP8.
The class has a static method with the name execute, which is the main entry
point and performs the following steps, as shown in Example 4-8 on page 139:
1. Authenticates to IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine.
2. Fetches the ObjectStore.
3. Parses the IBM Content Navigator identifier.
4. Fetches the newly created folder (dossier top-level folder) from the
ObjectStore. This will be the parent folder for the substructure.
5. Fetches the template folder which will hold the folder structure to be created.
6. Invokes the work performer createDossierSubstructureP8, which recursively
creates the subfolder structure.
7. Returns the response.
To make the example more readable, only limited error and exception
handling exists in this code. For production quality code, you must add
more error handling. The sample code assumes, for example, that
templateFolderStructurePath is a valid path name to a folder that exists in
the configured ObjectStore; no error checking is done on the folder path.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 4-8 Implementation of CreateSubStructureServiceP8 with execute

package com.ibm.ecm.extension;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;


public class CreateSubStructureServiceP8 {

public static void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
JSONResponse jsonResults, String dossierId,
String templateFolderStructurePath, String icnRepositoryId) {
Subject subject = callbacks.getP8Subject(icnRepositoryId);
try {
ObjectStore objectStore =
StringTokenizer dossierIdTok = new StringTokenizer(dossierId, ",");
String classID = (dossierIdTok.hasMoreTokens() ?
dossierIdTok.nextToken() : null);
String objectStoreID = (dossierIdTok.hasMoreTokens() ?
dossierIdTok.nextToken() : null);
String dossierObjectId = (dossierIdTok.hasMoreTokens() ?
dossierIdTok.nextToken() : null);
Folder dossierFolder =
Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objectStore, dossierObjectId, null);
Folder templateRootFolder =
Factory.Folder.fetchInstance(objectStore, templateFolderStructurePath,
createDossierSubstructureP8(dossierFolder, templateRootFolder,
JSONMessage infoMessage = new JSONMessage(1000, "Successfully
created dossier substructure", "",
"Successfully created dossier substructure for Dosser "
+ dossierFolder.get_Name(), "", "");
} finally {

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


The createDossierSubstructureP8 method is shown in Example 4-9.
Example 4-9 Implementation of createDossierSubstructureP8 method

private static void createDossierSubstructureP8(Folder dossierFolder,

Folder templateRootFolder, ObjectStore os) {
FolderSet subFolders = templateRootFolder.get_SubFolders();
Iterator it = subFolders.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Folder templateFolder = (Folder) it.next();
String subFolderName = templateFolder.get_FolderName();
Folder subFolder =
// call recursively
createDossierSubstructureP8(subFolder, templateFolder, os);
It retrieves the child folders of the templateRootFolder folder and creates, for
each, a corresponding child folder to the dossierFolder, which is the top-level
folder of the dossier. For each created child folder, this method is invoked
recursively, so the newly created child folder becomes the parent folder for the
next level of recursion.
In a more sophisticated implementation, we would not only adapt the folder name
from the template, but also the folder class and maybe copy documents if they
are filed in the template folder structure. One use case might be templates for
office documents used for consistent correspondence to the client.

4.3.3 IBM Content Manager code: CreateSubStructureServiceCM

The server type specific code for IBM Content Manager is handled in the Java
class CreateSubStructureServiceCM.java. So in your development environment,
create a new Java class in the com.ibm.ecm.extension package and give it the
following name: CreateSubStructureServiceCM.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The class has a static method with the name execute, which is the main entry
point and performs the following steps, as shown in Example 4-10:
1. Gets the datastore from the callback.
2. Creates DDOs for the parent folder item and the item that holds the template
3. Invokes the work performer, createDossierSubstructureCM8, which
recursively creates the subfolder structure.
4. Adds an information message to the JSON response object.
To make the example more readable, only limited error and exception
handling exists in this code. For production quality code, you must add
more error handling. The sample code assumes, for example, that the
templateFolderStructurePath has a valid PID of an item with semantic
type Folder. No error handling is done here in the sample code.
Example 4-10 Implementation of CreateSubStructureServiceCM with execute
package com.ibm.ecm.extension;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;


public class CreateSubStructureServiceCM {

public static void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks, JSONResponse
jsonResults, String dossierId,
String templateFolderStructurePath, String icnRepositoryId) throws
DKUsageError, DKException, Exception {
DKDatastoreICM datastore = callbacks.getCMDatastore(icnRepositoryId);

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


DKDDO ddoDossier = datastore.createDDOFromPID(dossierId);

String dossierName = getRepresentsItemAttribute(ddoDossier, datastore);
DKDDO ddoTemplate =
createDossierSubstructureCM8(ddoDossier, ddoTemplate, datastore);
JSONMessage infoMessage = new JSONMessage(1000, "Successfully created
dossier substructure", "",
"Successfully created dossier substructure for Dosser " +
dossierName, "", "");
private static String getRepresentsItemAttribute(DKDDO item, DKDatastoreICM
datastore) throws Exception {
String objectType = item.getPidObject().getObjectType();
DKDatastoreDefICM dataStoreDef = (DKDatastoreDefICM)
DKItemTypeDefICM itemType = (DKItemTypeDefICM)
DKSequentialCollection attrCol = (DKSequentialCollection)
dkIterator iter = attrCol.createIterator();
while (iter.more()) {
DKAttrDefICM attr = (DKAttrDefICM) iter.next();
if (attr.isRepresentative()) {
return attr.getName();
// no name found
return item.getPidObject().getPrimaryId().toString();

Example 4-11 shows the implementation of the createDossierSubstructureCM8

It fetches a list of subfolder DDOs of the templateRootFolder DDO and creates
for each, a corresponding child item to the dossierFolder DDO, which is the
top-level folder item of the dossier. For each created child folder item, this method
is invoked recursively, so the newly created child folder item becomes the parent
folder item for the next level of recursion.
Example 4-11 Implementation of createDossierSubstructureCM8 method
private static void createDossierSubstructureCM8(DKDDO dossierFolder, DKDDO
templateRootFolder, DKDatastoreICM datastore)
throws Exception {


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

List<DKDDO> subFolders = getSubfolder(templateRootFolder, datastore);

System.out.println("got number subFolders: " + subFolders.size());
Iterator<DKDDO> it = subFolders.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
DKDDO templateFolder = it.next();
DKRetrieveOptionsICM retrieveOptions =
String attributeName = getRepresentsItemAttribute(templateFolder,
System.out.println("got attributeName: " + attributeName);
String subFolderName = (String) getAttributeValue(attributeName,
System.out.println("create Subfolder ... : " + subFolderName);
String itemType = templateFolder.getObjectType();
DKDDO subFolder = createChildFolder(datastore, dossierFolder,
subFolderName, attributeName, itemType);
// call recursively
createDossierSubstructureCM8(subFolder, templateFolder, datastore);
private static List<DKDDO> getSubfolder(DKDDO folder, DKDatastoreICM
datastore) throws Exception {
DKRetrieveOptionsICM dkRetrieveOptions =
short dataid = folder.dataId(DKConstant.DK_CM_NAMESPACE_ATTR,
if (dataid == 0) {
throw new Exception("No DKFolder Attribute Found! DDO is either not
a Folder or Folder Contents have not been explicitly retrieved.");
DKFolder dkFolder = (DKFolder) folder.getData(dataid);
dkIterator iter = dkFolder.createIterator();
ArrayList<DKDDO> subFolders = new ArrayList<DKDDO>();
while (iter.more()) {
DKDDO ddo = (DKDDO) iter.next();
return subFolders;

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


private static DKDDO createChildFolder(DKDatastoreICM datastore, DKDDO

parentFolder, String subFolderName, String attributeName,
String itemType) throws Exception {
DKDDO newDDOFolder = datastore.createDDO(itemType,
short dataId = newDDOFolder.dataId(DKConstant.DK_CM_NAMESPACE_ATTR,
newDDOFolder.setData(dataId, subFolderName);
System.out.println("subFolder added:" + subFolderName);
return newDDOFolder;
private static Object getAttributeValue(String attributeName, DKDDO item) {
Object value = null;
try {
// user defined attributes
short dataId = item.dataId(DKConstant.DK_CM_NAMESPACE_ATTR,
if (dataId == 0) {
// system attributes
dataId = item.propertyId(attributeName);
if (dataId == 0) {
System.out.println("Cannot find the attribute: " +
attributeName + "for object " + item.getPidObject().getIdString());
return "no value found";
} else {
value = item.getProperty(dataId);
} else {
value = item.getData(dataId);
} catch (DKUsageError e) {
System.out.println("Cannot find the attribute: " + attributeName +
"for object " + item.getPidObject().getIdString() + " error: "
+ e.getMessage());
return "no value found";
return value;

In a more sophisticated implementation, we adapt the name attribute from the

template folder item and also the item type and maybe copy documents if they
are filed in the template folder structure. One use case might be templates for
office documents that are used for consistent correspondence to the client.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4.3.4 Deploying and verifying

Package your plug-in and deploy it again (as described in 4.2.2, Packaging and
deploying on page 121). Unfortunately, in the administrative pane of your
plug-in, the new service extension is not displayed. So, you must try the new
1. Empty browser caches and reload the page.
2. Log in to the DossierDesktop with an appropriate user.
3. Verify the Create Dossier action.
When you click Create Dossier in the global toolbar, the creation of the top-level
folder is now followed by the creation of the substructure of the dossier, which is
implemented in this section. Watch the status bar of IBM Content Navigator at
the bottom. You see the message that the substructure is created.
Troubleshooting: If you receive an error while executing an action in IBM
Content Navigator, determine whether a midtier service is invoked (in our
sample, adding a new folder ends in a corresponding midtier service). If yes,
check the application servers system out log for any error information.
For WebSphere, this is as follows:
<Path to the WebSphere Profile>/logs/<serverName>/SystemOut.log
To verify the result, we still must switch to the browse feature in IBM Content
Navigator and navigate to the substructure of the new dossier. In the next
section, we develop an action that opens the dossier directly in the browse

4.4 Developing the Open Dossier action

One main requirement of the dossier management in our sample scenario is to
provide a comprehensive view to one specific dossier. The simplest way is to use
the browse feature pane included with IBM Content Navigator, and set its root
folder to the top-level folder of the dossier that should be displayed.
In this section, we develop an action that opens a selected dossier in the browse
pane. If executed in a different feature, for example in the result list of the search
feature, the action includes switching to the browse feature.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


The steps to add the Open Dossier action through a plug-in are summarized as

Add an action to the plug-in.

Extend the action model.
Pack, deploy, and configure it.
Enhance the Create Dossier action to also open the dossier.

4.4.1 Adding an action to the plug-in

Similar to 4.2.3, Adding the action on page 122, we use Eclipse Plugin for
Content Navigator Development for creating a new action for our dossier plug-in.
We name it OpenDossierAction and implement its methods, as shown in
Example 4-12:
getId and getName: Set by the wizard.
getPrivilege: We do not specify any privileges for the action, because when
the user has the permission to see the top-level folder of a dossier, that user
is also allowed to open the dossier.
isMultiDoc: Set to false because the user can open only one dossier at a
isGlobal: Set to false because a top-level folder of a dossier must be selected
to perform the action. We will make this action available for the context menu
for folders.
getActionFunction: Set to empty string, because we will provide the
implementation of the action in the performAction method of the action model
getActionModelClass: Specifies a Dojo module that defines the action model
class for the Open Dossier action.
We set it to dossierPluginDojo/OpenDossierAction, which says IBM Content
Navigator is to load OpenDossierAction.js in a directory or package
dossierPluginDojo. We develop the OpenDossierAction model in 4.4.2,
Extending the Action model on page 147.
Example 4-12 Implementation of the open action PluginAction

public class OpenDossierAction extends PluginAction {

public String getId() {
return "OpenDossierAction";
public String getName(Locale locale) {
return "Open Dossier";


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

public String getPrivilege() {

return "";
public boolean isMultiDoc() {
return false;
public boolean isGlobal() {
return false;
public String getActionFunction() {
return "";
public String getServerTypes() {
return "p8,cm";
public String getActionModelClass() {
return "dossierPluginDojo/OpenDossierAction";
The wizard also adds the OpenDossierAction class to the defined PluginActions
in the DossierPlugins getActions method. See Example 4-13.
Example 4-13 getActions method of DossierPlugin.java

public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[] getActions() {

return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginAction[]{
new com.ibm.ecm.extension.CreateDossierAction(),
new com.ibm.ecm.extension.OpenDossierAction()};

4.4.2 Extending the Action model

Each action that is performed in IBM Content Navigator has a corresponding
model, which is ecm/model/Action. The model defines the behavior of the action.
The main methods of the action model are as follows:
isEnabled: Determines when the button (or menu) is active. There is a default
implementation, which for example checks if the type of the selected item or
items is supported by this action.
isVisible: Determines if the button (or menu) is visible in the toolbar (or in the
context menu). There is a default implementation, which for example verifies
that the user has sufficient privileges to perform the action and that the
current repository supports that action.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


performAction: The default implementation tries to find an action handler for

the action; this code is finally executed if the user performs that action.
Most default actions use a default implementation for the first two methods and
invoke a corresponding method in the following class for performing the actual
For example, the checkIn action has an actionCheckIn method in
CommonActionsHandler, which implements the check-in of a document.
In this section, we implement the Open Dossier action directly in the
performAction method.
Declaring action in the global space: In the Create Dossier action (from 4.3,
Developing a plug-in service to create the substructure of the dossier on
page 133), we defined the action as a global JavaScript object in the
DossierPlugin.js file:
lang.setObject(createDossierAction, function(repository, ...)
This function is then registered to the action handlers known to IBM Content
Navigator. When the action is executed by the user, the default implementation
of performAction can find this action and invoke it.
We do not want to pollute the global space because that is not a good
practice. So we provide a more object-orientated way of defining the Open
Dossier action: We define it in the class, to which it belongs and that is a
specialized Action model class. This approach follows the principle of
encapsulation, which is one of the key concepts of object-orientated
In the com.ibm.ecm.extension.WebContent.dossierPluginDojo package, we
create a new OpenDossierAction.js file and declare our specialized Action
model class. See Example 4-14 on page 149, which shows the skeleton:
define: Registers the new module to the AMD loader and specifies the
dependent modules (dojo/_base/declare, ecm/model/Action), which we
need for our implementation.
declare: Specifies the Action model class, which is identified as
Default implementation for the three methods described above. Now, they
invoke only the methods of their super class.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 4-14 Implementation of OpenDossierAction.js

define(["dojo/_base/declare", "ecm/model/Action"],
function(declare, Action) {
return declare("dossierPluginDojo.OpenDossierAction", [ Action ], {
isEnabled: function(repository, listType, items, teamspace,
resultSet) {
return this.inherited(arguments);
isVisible: function(repository, listType) {
return this.inherited(arguments);
performAction: function(repository, itemList, callback,
teamspace, resultSet, parameterMap) {
return this.inherited(arguments);

Developing the isEnabled method

First, we call the default implementation of this method by using
this.inherited(arguments). Then, we add our own implementation.
Enable the Open Dossier action only if the selected item is a folder and if it is a
top-level folder of a dossier. And because all these dossier folders are from a
specific folder class (in our example CustomerDossier), we can verify if the
selected item is an object of this class. Example 4-15 shows the implementation
of the isEnabled method.
Example 4-15 Implementation of isEnabled method of OpenDossierAction.js

isEnabled: function(repository, listType, items, teamspace, resultSet)

var enabled = this.inherited(arguments);
if (items && items[0].isFolder && items[0].getContentClass) {
var sameClass =
return enabled && items[0].isFolder() && sameClass;
return false;

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Developing the performAction method

This method has two tasks
In the browse feature, set the root folder of the FolderTree to the top-level
folder of the selected dossier.
Switch to the Browse feature pane.
Example 4-16 shows the code to set the root folder, which we provide as
additional function for OpenDossierAction class.
Example 4-16 Implementation of setBrowseRootFolder in OpenDossierAction.js

setBrowseRootFolder : function(newRootFolder, browseFeature) {

// optionally set content list to the first child.
To switch between features, we must understand the component and the
mechanism that is responsible for this.
The layout of IBM Content Navigators desktop (ecm.model.Desktop) determines
which widgets are displayed and how they are arranged. Default base
implementation is ecm.widget.layout.MainLayout. We are interested in two
aspects of MainLayout:
getAvailableFeatures(): Provides the available features for the desktop.
Here we find the definition of the browse feature and its identifier that we need
for switching, which is browsePane.
launchBarContainer: Is a property that is defined through
data-dojo-attach-point in the MainLayout.html template. It is of type
ecm.widget.layout.LaunchBarContainer and is the actual component that
handles initialization and selection of a specific feature that is displayed.
Now that you have the necessary background information, see Example 4-17 on
page 151, which shows the code to switch to the Browse feature.
The Main method (of LaunchBarContainer) to switch to a feature is as follows.:
selectContentPane(button, UUID, params)
So, we must provide three parameters:
button: We get the button with the getButtonByID method.
UUID: We know this identifier from the getAvailableFeatures method.
params: We must specify the repository. This is necessary for the Browse
feature pane.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The getContentPaneByID method returns the initialized browse feature. And

finally, we invoke the setBrowseRootFolder method.
Example 4-17 Implementation of switching to the browsePane

performAction: function(repository, itemList, callback, teamspace,

resultSet, parameterMap) {
this.logEntry("performAction", "items=" + itemList);
var newDossier = itemList[0];
var layout = ecm.model.desktop.getLayout();
var featureIdToSwitch = "browsePane";
var button =
var params = {};
featureIdToSwitch, params);
var browseFeature =
Logging: IBM Content Navigator provides convenient logging capabilities with
the ecm/LoggerMixin module. Some of the common log functions are as
Log methods for each debug level, for example logDebug(...),
logInfo(...), and others:
log<DebugLevel>(functionName, message, extra)
For marking the beginning and the end of the operation:
logEntry/logExit(functionName, message)
The LoggerMixin is already mixed in the base module of all models
(ecm/model/_ModelObject) and therefore is ready for use in your custom
modules (here we use it in the OpenDossierAction model).
An alternative way of logging while in development is to write to the console
object. You have several methods for each debug level, such as
console.debug(), console.info(), and more. But because this is a Firebug
API call, you would not use this code in production because in some browsers
especially older versions of those browsers, this code might crash the browser
(because the console object is undefined).

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.4.3 Packing, deploying, and configuring

You can now deploy the plug-in again (as done in 4.2.2, Packaging and
deploying on page 121). The Actions section of the plug-in pane has, in addition
to the CreateDossierAction, the OpenDossierAction action.
Now, we configure the new action to show up in the folders context menu of IBM
Content Navigator to be able to open a selected dossier folder.
To add the new action to the menu, complete the following steps in the
Administration view feature of IBM Content Navigator:
1. Select Menus from the list on the left. A list of the menus that have been
defined is displayed. For our example, we select the Default Folder Context
Menu from the list.
2. The default menus are read-only, so make a copy of the menu to modify it.
Open the context menu of the Default Folder Context Menu and click Copy.
The New Menu dialog box opens.
3. In the New Menu dialog box, enter Dossier Folder Context Menu as the
name of the new menu.
4. From the Available Action list in the left panel, select the Open Dossier action
and move it to the right panel of Selected Actions. See Figure 4-8 on
page 153.
Optional: You can add a separator before the new action and move the entry
to the preferred position in the list. We suggest you move the action to an
upper position directly below the open action.
5. Click Save.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 4-8 Defining the Folder Context Menu with Open Dossier action

Using the dossier in the favorite feature: If you want to use the dossiers
also in the favorite feature, adding a dossier to the favorites can be done with
the standard Add to Favorites action.
To open the dossier in the Favorites feature, provide your own Favorites Folder
Context Menu and add the Open Dossier action to it. The steps tare similar to
steps 1 - 5 on page 152 and are not shown here.
After a custom context menu is created, it must be assigned to a desktop:
1. While the Administration view is still open, select Desktops from the left
pane. The desktops are listed in the panel on the right.
2. From the list, select the DossierDesktop or another desktop, and click Edit to
display the edit window for the desktop.
3. Select the Menus tab to assign a new menu.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4. In the Folder context menu (Figure 4-9), select the new Dossier Folder
Context Menu we just created. Because our menu is a copy of the Default
Folder Context Menu, it is displayed in the drop-down list.
5. Click Save to save the changes to the desktop configuration.

Figure 4-9 Apply the Dossier Folder Context Menu to the desktop

Now you are ready to see the new action in the folder context menu:
1. Empty the cache from your browser (use the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Del for
Firefox and Internet Explorer).
2. Refresh the IBM Content Navigator page (shortcut is to press F5).
3. Log in as a user with appropriate permissions.
Because you will set the root folder of the Browse feature to a dossier folder, you
can no longer navigate through the whole repository. To access your dossiers,
define a new search in the Search feature, which will search for dossiers. In its
result list, select one dossier, right-click, and invoke the Open Dossier action. See
Figure 4-10 on page 155.
Create a new search by clicking +New Search and then setting the search criteria:
Search in Folder: CustomerDossiers is the root folder of all our dossiers.
Search options: Search only folders.
Class: Set to CustomerDossier.
Save the search as Customer Dossiers.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 4-10 Saved Search for Customer Dossiers

In our example, we search for the dossier of John. From the result list, select the
Open Dossier action; the browser feature displays, as shown in Figure 4-11.
The folder tree starts with the top-level (root) folder of John Smith.

Figure 4-11 Dossier view in the browse feature

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.4.4 Enhancing the Create Dossier action to also open the dossier
With a simple enhancement, you can improve our Create Dossier action method.
After the creation of the dossier, switch to the browse pane and open the newly
created dossier. In the DossierPlugin.js, add a callback function to the
invocation of our CreateSubStructureService. See Example 4-18.
Example 4-18 enhance Create Dossier action in DossierPlugin.js.

function(declare, lang, AddContentItemDialog, Request,
OpenDossierAction) {
requestParams: serviceParams,
requestCompleteCallback: function(response) {
var newFolders = new Array();
var openDossier = new OpenDossierAction();
openDossier.performAction(repository, newFolders, null);
Do not forget to add the dossierPluginDojo/OpenDossierAction module to the
list of required modules.
You can redeploy your plug-in now and verify that the Create Dossier action
opens the new dossier directly after its creation or do it later.
This enhancement reveals the object-orientated character of the
OpenDossierAction: Instantiate an action object and call its method to perform
the action.

4.5 Open dossier view in its own feature

One unusual aspect of our solution is that we can no longer use the standard
browse feature for browsing the whole repository, which might be necessary for
some use cases. This section shows an easy way to specify your own feature for
displaying a specific dossier.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4.5.1 Adding the feature

To create a new feature, we use the wizard of Eclipse Plugin for IBM Content
Navigator development. Before starting the wizard, you need an icon that
represents the feature. For this sample, you can use Files32.png, which is
included with the IBM Content Navigator in the following directory:

Copy this image to the following directory:

Rename the file to DossierFeature32.png. Now start the New Feature wizard
with values listed in Table 4-2.
Table 4-2 Values to enter when creating a new feature using the wizard


Java Package


Class Name


Icon Style Class


Feature Image


To select the Feature image, you must select Use new Feature image, which
enables the Select feature image button. Click on that button, navigate to the
DossierFeature32.png file, and select it. If no errors exist, the icon is displayed
next to the Feature Image label.
The wizard generates the following files:
DossierViewFeature.java: The Java class that defines the feature.
DossierViewFeature.js: The Dojo module that implements the feature
widget. It is referenced by the getContentClass() method in
DossierViewFeature.html: The template file that defines the layout of
features with the template mechanism of Dojo. The wizard provides an empty
DIV tag. Here is the starting point to design the layout of the feature.
DossierViewFeature.css: Defines the CSS for the new feature. Currently it
sets only the style for the features icon we provided in the wizard.
For more details about the files, see Chapter 6, Creating a feature with search
services and widgets on page 211.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.5.2 Deploying and configuring the feature

We deploy the plug-in as described in 4.2.2, Packaging and deploying on
page 121. In the feature section of the plug-in administrative pane, you now find
Next step is to assign the new feature to a desktop. Complete the following steps
in the Administration view feature:
1. Select the DossierDesktop item from the list on the left, and open it.
2. Assign the DossierViewFeature to the desktop by moving it to the list of
selected features. See Figure 4-12. If the DossierViewFeature is not in the left
box, reload the page, log in, and try it again.

Figure 4-12 Add the Dossier Feature to the desktop


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Log in to IBM Content Navigator, to the desktop you just configured. The icon of
the new feature is in the left part. When you click the icon, an empty pane opens.
See Figure 4-13.

Figure 4-13 Empty new feature

4.5.3 Developing a dossier feature by using the browse feature

The New Feature wizard generates a good skeleton for creating a new feature
from scratch. For example, it inherits from _LaunchBarPane, so it already has the
functionality that LaunchBarContainer of Mainlayout can switch to the new
But this time, rather than beginning from scratch, use the Browse feature and
inherit all the functionality. To do so, make the DossierViewFeature.js empty and
inherit from BrowsePane. See Example 4-19.
Example 4-19 DossierViewFeature that inherits from BrowsePane

function(declare,BrowsePane) {
return declare("dossierPluginDojo.DossierViewFeature",
[BrowsePane], {
If you pack and deploy the plug-in now, you see the normal browse functionality
when you click on the feature.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


As the next step, adapt the Open Dossier action in a way that it switches to the
new dossier feature and not to the default Browse feature. See Example 4-20.
Example 4-20 Modification of OpenDossierAction.js to Open Dossier feature

performAction: function(repository, itemList, callback, teamspace,

resultSet, parameterMap) {
var featureIdToSwitch = "DossierViewFeature";
At this point, you can pack and deploy the plug-in. Switch to the search pane,
open the dossier search, and search for a dossier. Right-click and select Open
Dossier. IBM Content Navigator switches to the dossier feature and opens the
dossier. See Figure 4-14.

Figure 4-14 Dossier feature with Open Dossier


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4.6 Adding configuration

So far, we have hard-coded several key parameters, which unnecessarily
restricts the use case of the dossier we defined. In this section, we make these
parameters configurable.

4.6.1 Adding a configuration panel

Add a configuration panel that allows you to configure the following key
parameters in the sample code:
dossierFolderClass: The name of the class of the top-level folder of the
dossier. In our example, it is CustomerDossier. (For Content Manager, this is
the name of the item type.)
dossierRoot: The path to the parent folder of all dossiers (for example, of the
top-level folder of the dossiers). In our example, it is /CustomerDossiers. (For
Content Manager, it is the PID of the root folder item.)
templateFolderStructure: The path to the folder that is a template for the
dossier structure. Its subfolder structure will be copied to every new dossier.
In our example, it is /TemplateDossierStructure. (For Content Manager, it is
the PID of the folder item of the template structure.)
Perhaps we want to use the dossier structure for our employees. The following
names might be appropriate for these parameters:
dossierFolderClass: EmployeeDossier with properties like EmployeeNumber,
Social Security number (SSN), BirthDate, EntryDate, Manager, and others.
dossierRoot: /EmployeeDossiers
templateFolderStructure: /EmployeeDossierStructure
IBM Content Navigator provides a mechanism for a configuration panel to be
integrated with the plug-in. This panel will be displayed on the plug-in window in
the Administration view and allow specific plug-in information to be specified by
the administrator.
If we use the Eclipse Plugin for IBM Content Navigator development to create a
new plug-in, it automatically creates a ConfigurationPane to handle the
configuration for the plug-in (ConfigurationPane.js in dossierPuginDojo folder).
The ConfigurationPane inherits from the following class:

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


It provides the following functionality:

configurationString: A string that is managed by IBM Content Navigator. It
is persisted in the database of IBM Content Navigator. You can store whatever
you need for the configuration of the plug-in.
load: IBM Content Navigator loads configurationString from the database.
You can overload that function to parse the configurationString.
onSaveNeeded: use this method to indicate that configurationString has
changed and must be written to the database. If you call this method, the
Save and the Save and Close buttons of the administrative pane of the
plug-in are enabled.
save: This method is automatically called by IBM Content Navigator when the
Save button of the plug-in administrative pane is clicked. The
configurationString is written to the database.
Example 4-21 shows the code for the plug-in configuration pane widget.
Example 4-21 Implementation of ConfigurationPane.js
function(declare, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin,ValidationTextBox,
PluginConfigurationPane, template) {
return declare("dossierPluginDojo.ConfigurationPane",
[PluginConfigurationPane, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
templateString: template,
widgetsInTemplate: true,
load: function(callback){
var jsonConfig = JSON.parse(this.configurationString);
_onParamChange: function() {
var configArray = new Array();
var configString = {
name: "dossierFolderClass",
value: this.dossierFolderClassField.get('value')


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

configString = {
name: "dossierRoot",
value: this.dossierRootField.get('value')
configString = {
name: "templateFolderStructure",
value: this.templateFolderStructureField.get('value')
var configJson = {
"configuration" : configArray
this.configurationString = JSON.stringify(configJson);
validate: function() {
|| !this.dossierRootField.isValid()
|| !this.templateFolderStructureField.isValid() )
return false;
return true;

We use the Dojo template mechanism to define the layout of the configuration
pane. This is accomplished with _TemplateMixin, which provides templateString.
The layout is defined in ./templates/ConfigurationPane.html and is loaded with
the dojo/text! Dojo plug-in into the templateString. Because the layout contains
another widget (ValidationTextBox), you also need _WidgetsInTemplateMixin,
which defines the widgetsInTemplate property.
The load() method parses the configurationString and grabs the values.
The next method is _onParamChange(). This method is called when any of the
items in the configuration pane are changed. When it is called, it generates the
new JSON string, based on the changed configuration values. It then calls the
onSaveNeeded(true) method to tell the framework that the configuration values
have changed. The framework then enables the Save button and also manages
the save process automatically, although it can be overridden if necessary by
implementing the save method.
In the validate() method, we use the validation mechanism of ValidationTextBox.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


The template HTML file associated with the configuration pane defines a table
with three rows. Each row contains a label and an input box, which is managed
by the ecm/widget/ValidationTextBox widget. See Example 4-22.
Example 4-22 HTML implementation of the configuration pane.
<div class="dossierContainer" data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane">
<table class="propertyTable">
<td class="propertyRowLabel">
<label for="dossier_param1">Folder class of dossier</label>
<td class="propertyRowValue">
<div id="dossier_param1" maxLength="128"
data-dojo-attach-event="onKeyUp: _onParamChange"
<td class="propertyRowLabel">
<label for="dossier_param2">Root Folder for all Dossiers</label>
<td class="propertyRowValue">
<div id="dossier_param2" maxLength="128"
data-dojo-attach-event="onKeyUp: _onParamChange"
<td class="propertyRowLabel">
<label for="dossier_param3">Template Folder for dossier substructure</label>
<td class="propertyRowValue">
<div id="dossier_param3" maxLength="128"
data-dojo-attach-event="onKeyUp: _onParamChange"


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Notice, that the Eclipse Plugin for IBM Content Navigator Development has
already specified the Dojo module and the widget class for the configuration
pane. Example 4-23 shows the two methods that were implemented in the
DossierPlugin.java file.
Example 4-23 Specification of configuration pane in DossierPlugin.java

public String getDojoModule() {

return "dossierPluginDojo";
public String getConfigurationDijitClass() {
return "dossierPluginDojo.ConfigurationPane";
Figure 4-15 on page 166 shows the configuration pane of the plug-in.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Figure 4-15 Configuration pane for Dossier Plugin

Note: In a real-life scenario, we must add a more sophisticated validation for

the values the user enters in the input fields. Although the ValidationTextBox
we use provides only basic validation, we can verify, for example, if the folder
class or the folder paths exist in the repository. Adding extra error handling is
recommended. Because only minimum validation and error handling exists
now, be sure the values you provide for the three parameters are valid when
Remember that the last two values for FileNet P8 are folder paths that must
begin with a leading forward slash, for example /CustomerDossiers.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4.6.2 Adapting code to use configuration values

In 4.6.1, Adding a configuration panel on page 161, the administrator
configures the three key parameters of the dossier sample. In this section, we
show how the code must be adapted to remove the hard-coded parameters and
use these configuration values.
The service code is independent of the three key parameter, so it remains
unchanged. If it is necessary to access the configuration in the service,
com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginServiceCallbacks provides a method,
loadConfiguration, that returns configurationString.
We must access the configuration in our two actions. There is no mechanism
provided by IBM Content Navigator to directly access the configuration string of a
plug-in in the JavaScript modeling library. So, we must provide a small service to
fetch our configuration. We use Eclipse plugin for IBM Content Navigator
development and create a new Service with the name GetConfigurationService.
Example 4-24 shows the implementation of the execute method. It gets the
configurationString from the callback and writes it to the response object. In
addition, you must import java.io.PrintWriter.
Example 4-24 Implementing the GetConfigurationService

public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,

HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws
Exception {
String configuration = callbacks.loadConfiguration();
PrintWriter responseWriter = response.getWriter();
try {
} finally {
Now we are prepared to update the Create Dossier action.
Example 4-25 on page 168 shows the updated code for the
createDossierAction() method in the DossierPlugin.js file. Basically, the entire
code is surrounded by the request to GetConfigurationService. Remember that
the service call is asynchronous. Because action depends on the configuration, it
must go into the callback function of the service, because this code is executed
after the service returns the configuration.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


Example 4-25 Updated Create Dossier action in DossierPlugin.js

function(declare, lang, AddContentItemDialog, Request, OpenDossierAction) {
lang.setObject("createDossierAction", function(repository, items) {
requestCompleteCallback: function(response) {
var dossierRootFolder = response.configuration[1].value;
var dossierFolderClass =response.configuration[0].value;
var templateDossierStructure =response.configuration[2].value;
var _createFolderSubStructure = function(dossierFolder){
var serviceParams = {
icnRepository : repository.id,
serverType : repository.type,
dossierId : dossierFolder.id,
templateFolderStructure: templateDossierStructure
"CreateSubStructureService", {
requestParams: serviceParams,
requestCompleteCallback: function(response) {
var newFolders = [];
var openDossier = new OpenDossierAction();
openDossier.performAction(repository, newFolders, null);
repository.retrieveItem(dossierRootFolder, function(dossierRootFolderItem)
var addContentItemDialog = new AddContentItemDialog();
addContentItemDialog.show(repository, dossierRootFolderItem, false,
false, _createFolderSubStructure, null, false, null);
addContentItemDialog.set("title","Create new Dossier");
addContentItemDialog.setIntroText("This folder will be the top level
folder of your dossier.");
} //requestCompleteCallback


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Also, the Open Dossier action must be adapted to read the configured folder
class name; see Example 4-26.
Example 4-26 Constructor of OpenDossierAction.js

define(["dojo/_base/declare", "ecm/model/Action", "ecm/model/Request"],

function(declare, Action, Request) {
return declare("dossierPluginDojo.OpenDossierAction", [ Action ], {
isEnabled: function(repository, listType, items, teamspace,
resultSet) {
var enabled = this.inherited(arguments);
if (items && items[0].isFolder && items[0].getContentClass) {
if (!this.dossierFolderClass) {
requestCompleteCallback: dojo.hitch(this,
function(response) {
this.dossierFolderClass =
var sameClass =
return enabled && items[0].isFolder() && sameClass;
return false;
We add dossierFolderClass class property and, in the isEnabled method, we
invoke the GetConfigurationService service with the requestCompleteCallback
callback function to load the value from the configuration. Because the functions
execution context in JavaScript is determined not when the function is designed
but when it is executed, we must explicitly set the execution context to the object
for which it is designed. With dojo.hitch, we can accomplish exactly this: We
execute the function in the context of the OpenDossierAction object and are now
able to set its dossierFolderClass property.

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points


4.7 Dossier management in the real world

In this sample, and mainly for demonstration purposes, we create the
substructure of the dossier through an implementation of the service
extension point of IBM Content Navigator.
In a production environment, you would consider implementing the substructure
in the back-end server. The general architecture guideline is to execute any task
in the component for which it is best suitable. In our example, the creation of
several subfolders is a typical back-end task and would be implemented in the
back end rather than in the front end (such as IBM Content Navigator).
For IBM FileNet P8, this can be realized as an event action that is triggered when
the top-level folder of the dossier is created. An associated event action handler
can then asynchronously create the substructure.
Another simplification in the sample is that the design is to store the dossiers in a
flat manner. Because we created only a few dossiers for demonstration
purposes, this is not a problem. However, in a real-life scenario with maybe
thousands or millions of customer dossiers, a poor design is to file all dossiers in
one single parent folder. Consider managing the dossier in a substructure, for
example, divided into regions, grouped by postal code, initial letters, and so on.
Finally, one consideration might be to eliminate physical folders in the repository
and create a tree structure only at the client site where the documents are
managed in a flat and unfiled manner at the repository. In this case, a tree node
is a virtual folder and its content is determined by a search. This approach is
shown in Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173.
A dossier constructed in this way is also called a virtual dossier.

4.8 Conclusion
This chapter describes how to implement and add a new plug-in to your IBM
Content Navigator. Details are provided for developing most of the basic
extension points of IBM Content Navigator such as PluginAction, PluginService,
and PluginFeature. Configurative values for this plug-in are provided through the
plug-ins ConfigurationPane.
The example plug-in implements a simple dossier management extension for
IBM Content Navigator. The base idea of dossiers is to get a structured view of
the documents in your repository according to a primary order principle, such
as all documents of a customer, all documents of an employee, and so on. It


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

enables users to create new dossiers and also search, open, and work on
existing dossiers.
This plug-in is implemented for both IBM FileNet P8 and IBM Content Manager

Chapter 4. Developing a plug-in with basic extension points



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 5.

Building a custom
repository search service
This chapter describes how to create an IBM Content Navigator plug-in to extend
the base functionality of the product. It introduces how to create a custom
repository search service and shows the results in existing ContentList widgets.
With the custom repository search service, customers can make their own
functions with search and view the results.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Example overview
Viewing results in ContentList widget
Custom repository search service in sample plug-in
Query string for search against repositories
Creating a new plug-in with custom repository search service
Adding a new function to the existing search service

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


5.1 Example overview

IBM Content Navigator provides SearchTemplate as the repository search
model. If you want to extend IBM Content Navigator and create new functions,
you can use the SearchTemplate model to build your own searches.
There are many reasons why you want to build your own searches. The current
search template builder does not provide all of the complex Boolean operations
that the search designer applet of IBM FileNet Workplace or IBM FileNet
WorkplaceXT did at the time of writing. In addition, sometimes you want to
search with a query string that is much easier to build than building an entire
SearchTemplate model. Another reason might be that you do not want to build
searches against the content management repositories; however, you want to
build your search against a database. In this scenario, you still want to use the
ContentList widget of Content Navigator to handle the results and objects. In
these situations, a custom repository search service will be needed by users.
This does not mean you always need to use the custom repository search
service when you extend IBM Content Navigator. When you need to handle
saved searches in IBM Content Navigator, for example, retrieve saved searches
and modify saved searches, SearchTemplate model must be used.
The example shown in this chapter is a plug-in of IBM Content Navigator that
provides custom repository search service and shows the results in the existing
ContentList widgets. You can use query string of IBM Content Manager or IBM
FileNet Content Manager to do a search. This example extends the base
functionality of IBM Content Navigator. With the custom repository search
service, you can make your own functions with search and view the results.

5.2 Viewing results in ContentList widget

When you use the custom repository search service, you must consider how to
handle and show the search results. ContentList widget, provided with IBM
Content Navigator, is a powerful widget to show the search result set. It contains
many modules that can be customized. We suggest using the ContentList widget
whenever possible.
The ContentList widget looks like a general grid, which is the Dojo module that is
used to display result set list. The ContentList is based on GridX packages. It is
an extension of Dojo. There are several enhancements and customizable
modules for it.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

For example, there are three types of views of ContentList widget: ViewDetail,
ViewMagazine, and ViewFilmStrip. You can decide which view will be used for
your ContentList widget.
We show a ContentList example with ViewDetail, ViewMagazine, and
ViewFilmStrip views modules configured. Three square icons are displayed on
the top right button. Users can select which view they want to use. Figure 5-1
shows an example of ViewDetail view.

Figure 5-1 ContentList widget with modules

The toolbar module is at the top of the window. It shows several buttons. The
breadcrumb module shows the path just under the toolbar module. Figure 5-1,
shows RedBK RedBK. The grid shows the document list with properties. The
docinfo module shows a thumbnail and document properties on the right.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Figure 5-2 shows an example with the ViewMagazine view module.

Figure 5-2 Magazine view of ContentList


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 5-3 shows a film strip view example. This affects only the grid.

Figure 5-3 FilmStrip of ContentList

ContentList Modules
The ContentList has several modules provided by IBM Content Navigator. You
can choose and customize these modules within the ContentList.
ContentList: The core module that shows data and launch actions.
Toolbar: Provides a toolbar containing buttons.
Bar: Provides the bar capability to arrange content list widgets.
Breadcrumb: Provides the breadcrumb function.
DocInfo: Shows document details.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


FilterData: Provides ability to filter data.

InlineMessage: Shows messages inline.
TotalCount: Shows the results of total count. It will be hidden for repositories
that cannot provide the total count information.
ViewDetail: A view module that shows detail view.
ViewMagazine: A view module that shows magazine view.
ViewFilmStrip: A view module that shows the filmstrip view.
RowContextManu: Grid module that displays context menu.
DndFromDesktopAddDoc: Grid module that allows users to drag-and-drop
from desktop to grid.
DndRowMoveCopy: A grid module that provides the ability to drag-and-drop a
row. Then moves or copies when dropping the document or documents.
DndRowCopy: A grid module that provides the ability to drag-and-drop a row,
then copies when dropping the document or documents.
DndDropOnly: A grid module that extends DndRowMoveCopy. It can disable
the dragging of rows.
Example 5-1 is from the SampleFeaturePane.js sample plug-in file. It shows how
to set the grid modules and other modules for ContentList widget. The
DndRowMoveCopy and DndFromDesktopAddDoc modules provide the drag
and drop functions. RowContextMenu module provides the context menu. You
can create your own context menu module and replace the system menu. There
is a setting in desktop configuration to control whether the ViewFilmStrip view
can be used. The code here also honors this setting.
Example 5-1 SampleFeaturePane.js

getContentListGridModules: function() {
var array = [];
return array;
getContentListModules: function() {
var viewModules = [];
if (ecm.model.desktop.showViewFilmstrip) {


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

var array = [];

moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
moduleClass: Toolbar
moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
return array;
To set the data to ContentList widget, use setResultSet (model, list Parent)
method to set the result set. If the result set is from IBM Content Navigator
model, such as SearchTemplate search result, the result can be set directly. If the
result set is from other repository searches, such as a database, the result must
be constructed along with the ResultSet model format. Then, ContentList can
view it also.

Helpful links
See the following sources for more information:
Learn the basics of GridX:
Learn more about content list widgets package:

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


5.3 Custom repository search service in sample plug-in

The custom repository search service is an extended service of IBM Content
Navigator. IBM Content Navigator provides a sample in the sample plug-in.
Before implementing the custom repository search service, we first examine how
it works. To see how it works, add the sample plug-in to your IBM Content
Navigator. Configure a desktop to show the sample feature. Click Save to save
the changes. Figure 5-4 shows adding of the sample feature to the desktop.

Figure 5-4 Add sample features to display

After you add the sample feature to the desktop, you can see it listed in the
feature pane of the desktop. Click it; the view for custom repository search of the
sample plug-in will be shown. The search service supports IBM Content
Manager and IBM FileNet Content Manager. The prompt text for the sample
plug-in search bar differs for the various repository types. The Sample Feature
icon is the same as the original search feature. See Figure 5-5 on page 181.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 5-5 Sample feature for custom repository search service

To search, enter a valid query string and click Search. The search result is
shown in the ContentList widget below. Be aware that the infolder /RedBk
parameter means, in IBM FileNet Content Manager object store, that there is a
folder named RedBk just under the root folder. Query string is described in 5.4,
Query string for search against repositories on page 183.

Figure 5-6 Search with query string and show the results

In this way, users can build their own search easily.

5.3.1 Sample code of custom repository search service

If you want to use the custom repository search service in some plug-in, start
with the code in the sample plug-in first. If the function of the sample code meets
your requirements exactly, you can use them as they are without any adjustment.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


The sample code provides the ability to run query string against IBM Content
Manager or IBM FileNet Content Manager repository.
In the sample plug-in project, there are three Java files related to custom
repository search service:
SamplePluginSearchService.java is the real service that extends PluginService.
The three methods in this file are as follows:
The getId() method returns the serviced ID that will be used in Dojo code.
The execute() method carries the major functionality. It first gets the repository
information from the request. Then it gets the query string. The
callbacks.getSynchObject() method tries to get the synchronized repository
object. If there is one, synchronize it, and perform a search. If there is none, just
search directly. The getSynchObject() method is only for IBM Content Manger or
IBM Content Manager OnDemand repositories. For IBM FileNet Content
Manager repository, it always returns null. Then it writes the response.
The writeResponse() method writes response back, as its name indicates. It
writes header for no-cache. Then it tries to compress the response if the client
supports it or it sends the original JSON string.
SamplePluginSearchServiceCM.java and SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java do
the actual search, one for IBM Content Manager and one for IBM FileNet Content
Manager. Both files build the response and are invoked from
SamplePluginSearchService.java. When run, they do the following tasks:
1. Build the result structure.
2. Run the query string against the repository.
3. Get privilege masks for items.
4. Add attributes to the results.
The important part is how to build the result structure. In the methods
buildCMReusltStructure() and buildP8ResultStructure(), users can see how to
add columns for result set, and how to add columns for magazine view.
The SampleFeaturePane.js runSearch() method invokes
samplePluginSearchService when users click the Search button.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The button-click event and Dojo method are connected in the

SampleFeaturePane.html template. The result set is built in the Java service
so it can be set to the ContentList widget with name as searchResults. The
searchResults is defined in the SampleFeaturePane.html template.
Chapter 6, Creating a feature with search services and widgets on page 211
describes how to extend a new feature pane of IBM Content Navigator. It also
explains the HTML template and other details.

5.4 Query string for search against repositories

The sample plug-in shows how to use the query string to search against
repositories. In this section, we introduce the IBM Content Manager and IBM
FileNet Content Manager query strings.
Like SQL is to a database, a query string is used to search in content
management repositories. Different content management repositories have a
different query string syntax.

5.4.1 IBM Content Manager query string

If the repository type is IBM Content Manager, compose query string by using the
IBM Content Manager query language. It is not an SQL type language, but is
more like XQuery, a language defined to search in XML format files. IBM Content
Manager uses XPATH queries, which are transformed to SQL. This SQL
statement will then be executed against the IBM Content Manager library server.
The query string of IBM Content Manager can be tested in IBM Content Manager
Client for Windows.
We show several examples next.

Sample IBM Content Manager query strings

The sample query string for IBM Content Manager in Example 5-2 looks up all
items that have the Title attribute and contains the book string. The characters
at the beginning of the line (/*) means to search in all ItemTypes, The forward
slash (/) is used to qualify the ItemType scope. The at sign (@) is prefixed to IBM
Content Manager internal attribute name in the rules. The square brackets ([])
are used to embrace the rules.
Example 5-2 Search all items that have attribute Title contains the book string

'/* [@Title like "%book%"]'

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


If you are going to search for items only in the ItemType book, the query string in
Example 5-3 will have better performance.
Example 5-3 Search for book items with Title attribute contains the book string

'/BOOK [@Title like "%book%"]'

In IBM Content Manager, every item has a semantic type that is a
system-defined attribute, The documents semantic type is 1 and the folders
semantic type is 2. If you want to search for only documents, the following rule
must be joined to the rules with the AND keyword:
Example 5-4 Search only documents with Title contains the book string

'/* [(@SEMANTICTYPE IN (1)) AND @Title like "%book%"]'

The rule in Example 5-5 means that icmadmin is the last modifier.
Example 5-5 Search for items that were last modified by icmadmin

The query string for IBM Content Manager is flexible and powerful. It can get
complicated. It is beyond the scope of this book to describe all in details. In this
section, we only show some of the frequently used system attributes that can be
joined to query rules. With these examples, you can try some simple searches.

Helpful links
For more information about query string for IBM Content Manager, see the
following sources for more information:
Searching for data:
System tables, ICMUT00300001 (Base table):


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

5.4.2 IBM FileNet Content Manager query string

Generally, the IBM FileNet Content Manager query string syntax conforms to
SQL-92 standard. When it is running, it is transformed to SQL against the
There are specific IBM FileNet Content Manager parameters. For example, if you
want to search for items in a particular folder, then the infolder parameter must
be used. The query string in Example 5-6 searches for all documents with all
their properties in the folder RedBK called under the root folder.
Note: If you copy this query string from the PDF file, replace the open and
close single quotation marks ( ) characters to standard single quotation
marks on your web page.
Example 5-6 Search all documents in the RedBk folder and return all their attributes

select * from document where this infolder /RedBK

The Query Builder within the Enterprise Manager administration client of IBM
FileNet Content Manager provides the function to build and run the query strings.
You can use it to test whether your query string works and the results you will get.
Query Builder can be launched from the Windows system that installed IBM
FileNet Content Manager Enterprise Manager administration client.
To test your query string with Query Builder of the Enterprise Manager
administration client, use the following steps:
1. Start Enterprise Manager for IBM FileNet Content Manager.
2. Go to the object store that you want to search.
3. Right-click on Search Results node and select New Search.
You can also open a saved search to run or make adjustments on an existing
search. To see the saved searches, select View SQL View.
4. Write your query string. Click OK to determine if the syntax is correct and get
the search results.
There is a difference between the query strings running in Enterprise Manager
and the those running with API. The query strings that run in Enterprise Manager
must use This or TableName. This as the first value. See Figure 5-7 on page 186.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Figure 5-7 Sample query string running Enterprise Manager Query Builder

Using Query Builder, you can try your query string first to avoid debugging in the
application. That will save a lot of time.
For IBM FileNet Content Manager Version 5.2 or later, there is an administration
client called Administration Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE). To
access it, use the following URL through your browser:
To test your query string from the Administration Console for Content Platform
Engine, complete the following steps:
1. Launch the browser client.
2. Select the object store you want to access in Object Stores list.
3. Select Search node.
4. Construct a search in the Simple Search tab or run a query string in the SQL
Query tab. See Figure 5-8 on page 187.
In ACCE, the search result returns only total quantity for running the query string.
Test your query string here to avoid syntax error.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 5-8 Search with query string in ACCE

Helpful link
To learn more about ACCE and finding objects, see the IBM Knowledge Center:

5.5 Creating a new plug-in with custom repository

search service
If you want to create a new plug-in to contain the custom repository search, the
easiest way is to use the existing code in the sample plug-in if possible. In this
section, we show you how to add the existing custom repository search service
into the plug-in.

5.5.1 Creating a new plug-in project

Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73 describes how
to start a new plug-in project with the Eclipse plug-in. Follow the steps described
there to create a new plug-in named CustomSearchPlugin. The configuration is
shown in Figure 5-9 on page 188.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Figure 5-9 The new plug-in, CustomSearchPlugin configuration

5.5.2 Importing search service from sample plug-in

After the plug-in project is created, create the search service in the
CustomSearchPlugin project. Follow these steps:
1. Expend the CustomSearchPlugin project in Eclipse and expand the src
2. Right-click the com.ibm.com.extension.customsearch package and select
IBM Content Navigator Server Extensions New Service.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3. For the class name field, enter SearchService. See Figure 5-10.

Figure 5-10 Enter the class name for the new service

4. Click OK. Now SearchService.java is created. It is also registered into the

CustomSearchPlugin.java file as a service. It does not yet contain any
5. Copy the following JAR files to the directory where you keep JAR files related
to Content Navigator, for example, where you put navigatorAPI.jar. Add
them into the build path of CustomSearchPlugin project.
The jace.jar file provides the Java API for IBM FileNet Content Manager.
The cmbicmsdk81.jar file provides the Java API for IBM Content Manager.
The struts-1.1.jar file provides struts-related API.
You can find them if the sample plug-in project is set up properly as described
in Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73.
6. Copy the following Java files into the com.ibm.com.extension.customsearch
If you encounter a compile error for these two Java files, check that the
jace.jar, struts-1.1.jar, and cmbicmsdk81.jar files are in the project build

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


7. Invoke the search service logic into SearchService.java. Do this by copying

the code from the SamplePluginSearchService.java file:
Copy the definitions of REPOSITORY_ID, REPOSITORY_TYPE, and
QUERY to SearchService.java.
Copy the execute() method and writeResponse() method from
SamplePluginSearchService.java to SearchService.java. Make sure to
remove the old empty execute() method from SearchService.java.
8. There might be an import error that points to the sample plug-in path of the
following two files. Remove the two import lines.
The code in the SearchService.java file is similar to Example 5-7.
Example 5-7 SearchService.java
package com.ibm.com.extension.customsearch;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStream;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


* Provides an abstract class that is extended to create a class
* implementing each service provided by the plug-in. Services are
* actions, similar to servlets or Struts actions, that perform
* operations on the IBM Content Navigator server. A service can access
* content server application programming interfaces (APIs) and Java EE
* APIs.
* <p> Services are invoked from the JavaScript functions that are
* defined for the plug-in by using the
* <code>ecm.model.Request.invokePluginService</code> function.
* </p>
* Follow best practices for servlets when implementing an IBM Content
* Navigator plug-in service. In particular, always assume
* multi-threaded use and do not keep unshared information in instance
* variables.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

public class SearchService

extends PluginService {

public static final String REPOSITORY_ID = "repositoryId";

public static final String REPOSITORY_TYPE = "repositoryType";
public static final String QUERY = "query";
* Returns the unique identifier for this service.
* <p>
* <strong>Important:</strong> This identifier is used in URLs so it must
* contain only alphanumeric characters.
* </p>
* @return A <code>String</code> that is used to identify the service.
public String getId() {
return "SearchService";
* Returns the name of the IBM Content Navigator service that this
* service overrides. If this service does not override an IBM
* Content Navigator service, this method returns <code>null</code>.
* @returns The name of the service.
public String getOverriddenService() {
return null;
* Performs the action of this service.
* @param callbacks
* An instance of the <code>PluginServiceCallbacks</code>
* class that contains several functions that can be used by the
* service. These functions provide access to the plug-in
* configuration and content server APIs.
* @param request
* The <code>HttpServletRequest</code> object that provides the
* request. The service can access the invocation parameters from
* the request.
* @param response
* The <code>HttpServletResponse</code> object that is generated
* by the service. The service can get the output stream and
* write the response. The response must be in JSON format.
* @throws Exception
* For exceptions that occur when the service is running. If the
* logging level is high enough to log errors, information about

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


* the exception is logged by IBM Content Navigator.

public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {String methodName = "execute";
callbacks.getLogger().logEntry(this, methodName, request);
String repositoryId = request.getParameter(REPOSITORY_ID);
String repositoryType = request.getParameter(REPOSITORY_TYPE);
String query = request.getParameter(QUERY);
JSONResultSetResponse jsonResults = new JSONResultSetResponse();
try {
if (repositoryType.equals("p8")) {
Subject subject = callbacks.getP8Subject(repositoryId);
Object synchObject = callbacks.getSynchObject(repositoryId,
if (synchObject != null) {
synchronized (synchObject) {
if (repositoryType.equals("cm")) {
SamplePluginSearchServiceCM.executeCMSearch(repositoryId, query, callbacks,
jsonResults, request.getLocale());
} else if (repositoryType.equals("p8")) {
SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.executeP8Search(repositoryId, query, callbacks,
jsonResults, request.getLocale());
} else {
if (repositoryType.equals("cm")) {
query, callbacks, jsonResults, request.getLocale());
} else if (repositoryType.equals("p8")) {
query, callbacks, jsonResults, request.getLocale());
// Write results to response
writeResponse(request, response, jsonResults);
} catch (Exception e) {
// provide error information


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

callbacks.getLogger().logError(this, methodName, request, e);

JSONMessage jsonMessage = new JSONMessage(0, e.getMessage(), "This
error may occur if the search string is invalid.", "Ensure the search string is
the correct syntax.", "Check the IBM Content Navigator logs for more details.",
writeResponse(request, response, jsonResults);
} finally {
if (repositoryType.equals("p8")) {
callbacks.getLogger().logExit(this, methodName, request);
private void writeResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response, JSONResultSetResponse json) throws Exception {
Writer writer = null;
try {
// Prevent browsers from returning cached response on subsequent
response.addHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
// GZip JSON response if client supports it
String acceptedEncodings = request.getHeader("Accept-Encoding");
if (acceptedEncodings != null && acceptedEncodings.indexOf("gzip")
>= 0) {
if (!response.isCommitted())
response.setBufferSize(65536); // since many times response
is larger than default buffer (4096)
response.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
response.setContentType("text/plain"); // must be text/plain
for firebug
GZIPOutputStream gzos = new
writer = new OutputStreamWriter(gzos, "UTF-8");
// Add secure JSON prefix
} else {
response.setContentType("text/plain"); // must be text/plain
for firebug
writer = response.getWriter();
// Add secure JSON prefix

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


} catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
} finally {
if (writer != null)

If you try to build the CustomSearchPlugin project with build.xml, it will fail. You
must add the JAR file path to the build.xml file. The classpath section of
build.xml is shown in Example 5-8.
Example 5-8 Class path section of build.xml

<path id="classpath">
<pathelement location="C:/icnlib/navigatorAPI.jar" />
<pathelement location="C:/icnlib/jace.jar" />
<pathelement location="C:/icnlib/struts-1.1.jar" />
<pathelement location="C:/icnlib/cmbicmsdk81.jar" />
<pathelement location="./lib/j2ee.jar" />
<pathelement location="./temp" />
Now, your CustomSearchPlugin project has the custom repository search
service from the sample plug-in. You must test it. To do so, import the feature
pane from the sample plug-in.

5.5.3 Importing feature pane from sample plug-in

Create a new feature in the CustomSearchPlugin project:
1. Expand the project in Eclipse and expand the src node.
2. Right-click on the com.ibm.com.extension.customsearch package.
3. Select IBM Content Navigator New Feature.
4. Enter the configurations for the new plug-in feature. See Figure 5-11 on
page 195.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 5-11 Enter configuration for the new plug-in feature

In Figure 5-11, the Icon Style Class is the class that shows the icon of the new
feature. We use searchLaunchIcon class, which is what SamplePluginFeature
uses. It is provided by IBM Content Navigator definitions. You can build your own
class with custom icon for the new feature. Or you can click Select feature
image to select the icon file. If you use myIconClass as the class name here, a
class should be defined in CustomSearchPlugin.css file, as in Example 5-9.
Example 5-9 Icon class example

.myIconClass {
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
background: url('images/<NameOfYourImage>.png') no-repeat;
To learn how the icon is set and how to add more resources, see Chapter 6,
Creating a feature with search services and widgets on page 211.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Now we get a new empty feature. You can test it by building and deploying it to
IBM Content Navigator to be sure everything works successfully.
Check your CustomSearchPlugin project to see what happened when creating a
new feature. Unlike extending a service, several files are created:
A new feature usually has its own pane and template. See Figure 5-12.

Figure 5-12 Structure after creating a new feature

Now you can move the feature-related code from the sample plug-in to the new
1. For the CustomFeaturePane.html file, replace its content with the content of
SamplePluginFeaturePane.html in the sample plug-in.
2. For the CustomFeaturePane.js file, replace its content with the content of
3. Make additional adjustments to the CustomFeaturePane.js file as follows:
Modify the last line of the define sector as follows:
The reason for modifying it is because the template we use is
CustomFeaturePane.html in this project, but the line in
SamplePluginFeaturePane.js points to a different one.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Modify the first value of declare as follows:

Find the Request.invokePluginService line in the runSearch() method
and change it to the following text:
The first value is plug-in ID defined in the CustomSearchPlugin.getId()
method. The second value is the search service ID defined in
SearchService.getId(). This is how the service is invoked.

5.5.4 Building and deploying the new plug-in

After moving the search service, and the pane to use it, from the sample plug-in
to another plug-in project, you can build and deploy the new plug-in.
To build and deploy the new plug-in, follow these steps:
1. Find the build.xml in your project, right-click on it, and select Run As Ant
Build. If a compile error occurs, check that all JAR files in the project build
path are in the build.xml build path.
When the build is done, a file named CustomSearchPlugin.jar is generated in
the plug-in project. Refresh in Eclipse to see it.
2. Go to IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop using the following URL:
3. Click the Plug-ins tab, select New Plug-in, enter the
CustomSearchPlugin.jar path, and click Load.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Information about the plug-in is displayed (Figure 5-13).

Figure 5-13 Add custom search plug-in Administration Desktop


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4. Open the desktop you want to configure, click the Appearance tab, and add
CustomFeaturePane to the Selected Features. See Figure 5-14.

Figure 5-14 Add CustomFeaturePane to Selected Features

5. Test the new feature by again accessing the desktop of IBM Content
Navigator in the browser:
If you can see the sample plug-in feature pane, then it is successful.

5.6 Adding a new function to the existing search service

Now that we get the custom repository search service as the sample plug-in, it is
time to do more customization.
This section covers the enhancements that are done for IBM FileNet Content
Manager only in the custom search plug-in sample.

5.6.1 Adding a paging function

The SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java code has a parameter defined for
page size:
int pageSize = 350;
The code in the original SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java retrieves the first
page of the search result. Therefore, with this search service, you get the first
350 items of the results from IBM FileNet Content Manager. In the IBM Content
Navigator browse pane or search pane, you can scroll the ContentList to the

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


bottom to trigger the continued search for the next few pages. We add this
feature to the custom search plug-in. Again, this implementation is done for IBM
FileNet Content Manager repository only.
Figure 5-15 shows when ContentList triggers paging search, there will be some
lines with blue columns to show that they are waiting for results.

Figure 5-15 ContentList in paging search

IBM FileNet Content Manager API provides the paging ability by the PageIterator
object. In the original SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java in the sample plug-in,
the code shown in Example 5-10 gets the first page from the search result. You
can find the complete code in the sample plug-in.
Example 5-10 Code snippet from SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java
// Retrieve the first pageSize results.
int pageSize = 350;
List<Object> searchResults = new ArrayList<Object>(pageSize);
IndependentObjectSet resultsObjectSet = searchScope.fetchObjects(searchSQL,
pageSize, filter, true);
PageIterator pageIterator = resultsObjectSet.pageIterator();
if (pageIterator.nextPage()) {
for (Object obj : pageIterator.getCurrentPage()) {


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To get the next page of the search result, use the pageIterator.nextPage()
method. The method to implement the paging is to save the pageIterator object,
then use it to get the next page when users trigger the continued search.
The searches are divided into two types:
Start the search, get the first page of the results, save the pageIterator object
into the session. Put the continuationData value into the ResultSet.
Get the pageIterator from session. If it exists, get the next page of the search
result from it.
The first type of search can be implemented by modifying the
SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java. We add the pageIterator object into
session. In the custom search plug-in SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java file
final version, the code includes this. When the first page items count equals
pageSize, it means there might be more results. The pagerIterator sessionKey is
put in the continuationData result set. Then the pageIterator is put into session
with that sessionKey as the name. Example 5-11 shows the key snippet of the
code. Check the complete code in SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java in the
CustomSearchPlugin project for this chapter. The itemCount parameter is the
result quantity from the first page. The request parameter is the request object of
web application.
Example 5-11 Set key and pageIterator into session

String sessionKey = "pagerIterator";

if (itemCount == pageSize) {
jsonResultSet.put("continuationData", sessionKey);
//this require CE version >=5.0
request.getSession().setAttribute(sessionKey, pageIterator);
The ContentList widget already provides the paging function required part.
When you scroll through the ContentList, if the ResultSet object contains the
continuationData parameter, then the ContentList will trigger a service such as
/p8/continueQuery. The first path value depends on the repository type. It might
be /cm/continueQuery or /cmis/continueQuery. This service can return a next
page if there is one.
The service that the ContentList triggers is the IBM Content Navigator service. It
processes the paging search in a different way than what we described here. So
you need your own for the custom search plug-in to do what you want.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


To trigger your own service, use the request filter feature that is included with IBM
Content Navigator. Request filter is a mechanism that you can use to replace any
request with your own. That means when ContentList sends a request to
/p8/continueQuery, you can capture it and use another method to response to it.
With IBM Content Navigator, you can more easily extend and build a request
filter. We build a request filter named ContinueQueryService.java to replace the
/p8/continueQuery for the plug-in.
Complete the following steps:
1. Create a request filter by using Eclipse plug-in. Right-click on the packages in
the custom search plug-in project, and select IBM Content Navigator
Server Extensions New Request Filter.
2. In the new request filter dialog, configure it as follows (see Figure 5-16 on
page 203):
Enter the Class Name as ContinueQueryService.
Select /p8/continueQuery from the services list and click Append
selected. You can select more than one services to be filtered. For this
sample, we modify the code only for IBM FileNet Content Manager.
3. Click OK. The request filter is then generated and registered into


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 5-16 Configure a new request filter

In the new ContinueQueryService.java, the getFilteredServices() method

(Example 5-12) shows which service is filtered. It can be a list.
Example 5-12 getFilteredServices method in ContinueSearchService.java

public String[] getFilteredServices() {
return new String[] { "/p8/continueQuery" };
The core method is in the filter() method. The return type should be JSONObject.
You can add any code you want in the method.
We try to get the continuationData string from the request, and then use it as the
key to get the value from session. If the value is not null, it should be the
pageIterator we put into the session before. Then, we will use it to get the next
page of the search result. If it is null, that means the request is not for the custom

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


search plug-in, but for IBM Content Navigator. In this situation, return null. It will
go to the original IBM Content Navigator service handler. See Example 5-13.
Example 5-13 filter method in ContinueQueryService.java

public JSONObject filter(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, JSONArtifact jsonRequest) throws Exception
String continueQeurySessionKey =
if (request.getSession().getAttribute(continueQeurySessionKey) !=
null) {
//the request is from plug-in service
JSONResultSetResponse jsonResults = new
this.execute(callbacks, request, jsonResults);
return jsonResults;
} else {
//the request is not related with sample plug-in search
//goto the default ICN service handler.
return null;
The logic to get the next page data and return the result is in method execute().
The method gets the pageIterator from session with the key we created. If the
pageIterator is not null, then use pageIterator to get the next page of search
result. See Example 5-14. We modify the pageSize to 50 because testing the
paging feature with this value is easier. Although you can keep the original value
350 if you want, you will need a search result larger than 350 to see if the paging
Example 5-14 execute method in ContinuQueryService.java
public static final String REPOSITORY_ID = "repositoryId";
public static final String REPOSITORY_TYPE = "repositoryType";
public static final int pageSize = 50;
public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks, HttpServletRequest
request, JSONResultSetResponse jsonResults) throws Exception {
String methodName = "execute";
callbacks.getLogger().logEntry(this, methodName, request);
String repositoryId = request.getParameter(REPOSITORY_ID);


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

String continueQeurySessionKey =
List<Object> searchResults = new ArrayList<Object>(pageSize);
int itemCount = 0;
try {
Subject subject = callbacks.getP8Subject(repositoryId);
Object synchObject = callbacks.getSynchObject(repositoryId, "p8");
if (synchObject != null) {
synchronized (synchObject) {
PageIterator pageIterator = (PageIterator)
if (pageIterator.nextPage()) {
for (Object obj : pageIterator.getCurrentPage()) {
if (itemCount == pageSize) {
String sessionKey = "pagerIterator";
jsonResults.put("continuationData", sessionKey);
} else {
} else {
PageIterator pageIterator = (PageIterator)
if (pageIterator.nextPage()) {
for (Object obj : pageIterator.getCurrentPage()) {
if (itemCount == pageSize) {
String sessionKey = "pagerIterator";
jsonResults.put("continuationData", sessionKey);
} else {
// Retrieve the privilege masks for the search results.
HashMap<Object, Long> privMasks =
callbacks.getP8PrivilegeMasks(repositoryId, searchResults);
ObjectStore objectStore = callbacks.getP8ObjectStore(repositoryId);

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


for (Object searchResult : searchResults) {

Document doc = (Document) searchResult;
* IDs use the form:
* <object class name>,<object store ID>,<object ID>
StringBuffer sbId = new StringBuffer();
long privileges = (privMasks != null) ? privMasks.get(doc) : 0L;
JSONResultSetRow row = new JSONResultSetRow(sbId.toString(),
doc.get_Name(), doc.get_MimeType(), privileges);
// Add locked user information (if any)
row.addAttribute("locked", doc.isLocked(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_BOOLEAN, null, (new Boolean(doc.isLocked())).toString());
row.addAttribute("lockedUser", doc.get_LockOwner(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_LockOwner());
row.addAttribute("currentVersion", doc.get_IsCurrentVersion(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_BOOLEAN, null, (new
// Add the attributes
row.addAttribute("ID", doc.get_Id().toString(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_Id().toString());
row.addAttribute("className", doc.getClassName(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.getClassName());
row.addAttribute("ModifiedBy", doc.get_LastModifier(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_LastModifier());
doc.get_DateLastModified().toString(), JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_TIMESTAMP, null,
row.addAttribute("Version", doc.get_MajorVersionNumber() + "." +
doc.get_MinorVersionNumber(), JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null,
doc.get_MajorVersionNumber() + "." + doc.get_MinorVersionNumber());
row.addAttribute("{NAME}", doc.get_Name(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_Name());
row.addAttribute("ContentSize", doc.get_ContentSize(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_INTEGER, null, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
// provide error information
callbacks.getLogger().logError(this, methodName, request, e);


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

JSONMessage jsonMessage = new JSONMessage(0, e.getMessage(), "This

error may occur if the search string is invalid.", "Ensure the search string is
the correct syntax.", "Check the IBM Content Navigator logs for more details.",
} finally {
callbacks.getLogger().logExit(this, methodName, request);

The logic of the custom search service with paging is summarized in Figure 5-17.

Custom Search Service

with Paging

Click Search

Get first page by


Scroll down ContontList

Try to get next page by


Show ResultSet in
Figure 5-17 Custom search service with paging logic

5.6.2 Getting the result properties setting from admin configuration

Now the custom search service has the paging function. You can see that all the
properties displayed in the ContentList are hard-coded. In the Search tab of IBM
Content Navigator, there is a setting for the search result displayed for
repositories. See Figure 5-18 on page 208. The displayed properties will be
shown in the search result of IBM Content Navigator. This can also be used for
the plug-in custom search service if the plug-in code reads and uses it. We
enhance the code to do this. Do not select the Class property as it is; it causes
an error during the processing of the search result.

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


Figure 5-18 Search result properties display configuration

We can easily get the search result display configuration information in the
plug-in. See Example 5-15.
Example 5-15 Get search default columns setting in SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java

RepositoryConfig repoConf = Config.getRepositoryConfig(request);

String[] folderColumns = repoConf.getSearchDefaultColumns();
With the folderColumns, we can decide which properties should be searched
based on the query string. We can then decide which column will be shown with
that setting.
In the sample code, we did not add these properties to the query string. We
select the system properties that every document has. See Example 5-16.
Example 5-16 Build result set columns based on SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java

String[] states = new String[1];

states[0] = JSONResultSetColumn.STATE_LOCKED;
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("&nbsp;",
"multiStateIcon", false, states));
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("&nbsp;", "17px",
"mimeTypeIcon", null, false));
"search.results.header.id"), "200px", "ID", null, false));


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

//jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("Class Name",

"125px", "className", null, false));
for (String columnString : folderColumns) {
if (columnString.equals("LastModifier"))
"search.results.header.lastModifiedByUser"), "125px", "ModifiedBy",
null, false));
else if (columnString.equals("DateLastModified"))
"search.results.header.lastModifiedTimestamp"), "175px",
"LastModified", null, false));
else if (columnString.equals("MajorVersionNumber"))
"search.results.header.version"), "50px", "Version", null, false));
else if (columnString.equals("{NAME}"))
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("Name",
"200px", columnString, null, false));
else {
JSONResultSetColumn(columnString, "80px", columnString, null, true));
After using this, we can show the columns based on configuration (Figure 5-19).

Figure 5-19 Display search result properties according to configuration

Chapter 5. Building a custom repository search service


5.6.3 Main files of custom search plug-in

Not all content of the source code in the custom search plug-in are listed in the
previous sections. Check them in the project of CustomSearchPlugin associated
with this chapter. The following list describes all the main files.
Main class of the custom search plug-in provides all information needed by an
IBM Content Navigator plug-in. All extensions and scripts are registered in it.
This service extension allows you to do custom search. The detailed
implementations are in SamplePluginSearchServiceCM.java and
This i copied from the sample plug-in and allows you to search in IBM Content
Manager repository with a query string.
This is copied from the sample plug-in and then enhanced to support a
paging search. With it, you can search in IBM FileNet Content Manager
repository with query string.
This request filter extension enables paging search. It filters the request of
/p8/continueQuery. If pageIterator is saved in session, it returns the next
page of the search result.

5.7 Conclusion
This chapter describes how to implement a custom search service in IBM
Content Navigator plug-in. Sample code is provided for custom search service in
the sample plug-in. This chapter describes how to reuse the code in other
plug-ins. It also describes how to enhance the code with a paging function for
IBM FileNet Content Manager and use the search result properties configuration
for repositories.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 6.

Creating a feature with

search services and widgets
This chapter describes how to create a new feature plug-in including search
services and widgets. It continues the topic of Chapter 5, Building a custom
repository search service on page 173, but focuses on using widgets to build a
real scenario. A virtual folder browse pane will be implemented in this chapter.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Example overview
Adjusting the layout of the feature
Creating a tree widget to show a custom tree
Adding function on the class node to search and show results
Configuring more modules to the ContentList widget

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


6.1 Example overview

In Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173, we
created a new feature with search services, imported from the sample plug-in.
We did not use the search service in our own page. The CustomSearchPane was
created to demonstrate that the search service is working. In this chapter, we
enhance the custom search plug-in a real scenario, a virtual folder browse pane.
IBM Content Navigator provides a feature called browse pane. Users can change
repositories if there are multiple repositories and users can see the folder tree in
the left pane. By clicking on a node of the folder tree, the content of that folder will
be shown in the ContentList in the right-side pane. Figure 6-1 shows the IBM
Content Navigator browse pane.

Figure 6-1 Browse pane of IBM Content Navigator

With the browse pane, you can navigate through documents and folders in the
selected repository. Users can explore the content repository by folder structure.
Sometimes you might want a more flexible method to browse the documents in a
repository. In this example, we create an alternative browse functionality called
virtual folders. There will be a tree, but not based on folders: some nodes are
document classes, and some nodes are document property values. Users can
build a navigation tree. When users click on a node of the tree, a search is
triggered to get the matching documents.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

You can leave the tree structure definition to users. They can define their own
tree, and then save the tree structure configuration.
In this chapter, we show a basic virtual folders example. The tree structure is
hard-coded, but you can enhance it to implement more functions. We enhance
the custom search plug-in example to implement this feature.

6.2 Adjusting the layout of the feature

For Dojo widgets, an HTML template is defined. The layout of the widget is
defined in this template file. The dijit._TemplatedMixin helps you to create
widgets quickly and easily. IBM Content Navigator uses this to build widgets.
When we created the custom feature pane for a custom search plug-in in
Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173, a
template HTML file was created automatically by the Eclipse plug-in. The name
of the file is CustomFeaturePane.html and the code for the feature is shown in
Example 6-1.
Example 6-1 CustomFeaturePane.html in custom search plug-in

<div class="ecmCenterPane">
<div data-dojo-type="idx/layout/BorderContainer"
<div data-dojo-attach-point="searchArea"
<div data-dojo-attach-point="repositorySelectorArea"
<label for="${id}_queryString"
data-dojo-attach-point="cm8HelpText" style="display:none">Enter an
XPath query to run below (for example, &quot;/NOINDEX&quot;)</label>
<label for="${id}_queryString"
data-dojo-attach-point="p8HelpText" style="display:none">Enter an SQL
query to run below (for example, &quot;SELECT * FROM
<div class="sampleQueryInputArea">
<input id="${id}_queryString"
<button data-dojo-attach-point="searchButton"

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


data-dojo-attach-event="onClick: runSearch"
<div data-dojo-attach-point="resultsArea"
<div data-dojo-attach-point="searchResults"
The layout of this template is shown in Figure 6-2.


Figure 6-2 Layout of CustomFeaturePane.html

The following components are in the template:

This is the reference to the created Document Object Model (DOM) element.
The value can be used in the widget as a property. For example, you can find
cm8HelpText in CustomFeaturePane.js by using this.cm8HelpText.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

This provides a reference to a predefined Dojo widget. For example, the
search button uses the existing dijit/form/Button widget.
This provides the mechanism to handle an event of the widget. For example,
the onClick event of the search button will be handled by the runSearch
function in CustomFeaturePane.js.
This defines properties of the widget.
The layout we use for the new feature pane of virtual folder browsing is similar to
the IBM Content Navigator browse pane. Figure 6-3 shows this layout.


Figure 6-3 Layout of virtual folder browsing feature

For this example, the template HTML file is modified as in Example 6-2.
Example 6-2 Template for virtual folder browse pane

<div class="ecmCenterPane" data-dojo-attach-point="containerNode">

<div data-dojo-type="idx.layout.BorderContainer"
data-dojo-attach-point="container" class="contentPane" gutters="false"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="leading"
class="paneNoOverflow" splitter="true">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.BorderContainer"
gutters="false" class="navContainer">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
data-dojo-props="region:'top'" >

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


<div data-dojo-attach-point="repositorySelectorArea"
<div data-dojo-attach-point="searchSelectorArea"
class="navContainerBottomBar" data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
id="navTreePane" , style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto;",
data-dojo-attach-point="navTreePaneObj" ></div>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane" region="center">
<div data-dojo-attach-point="navResult"
data-dojo-type="ecm.widget.listView.ContentList" emptyMessage="folder
is empty"></div>
To accomplish this, we need to create a new feature in the custom search
plug-in. The following steps create the feature. The complete dialog is shown in
Figure 6-4 on page 217.
1. Make sure the IBM Content Navigator Eclipse plug-in is configured.
2. Right-click the com.ibm.ecm.extension.customsearch package in the
CustomSearchPlugin project in Eclipse and select IBM Content Navigator
3. For the class name, enter VirtualFolderBrowePane.
4. Try to find any 32*32 PNG picture file as the new feature icon. Select the Use
new feature image box and then select your image. You see the preview on
the big button. Click OK.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 6-4 New virtual folder browse pane feature

5. Complete the wizard; the following files will be created:

VirtualFolderBrowsePane.html files
6. Verify that the getFeatures() method in CustomSearchPlugin.java looks like
Example 6-3. If not, modify it manually.
Example 6-3 getFeatures method of CustomSearchPlugin.java

public com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginFeature[] getFeatures() {

return new com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginFeature[] {new
com.ibm.ecm.extension.customsearch.CustomFeaturePane(), new

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


7. The VirtualFolderBrowsePane.html file that is generated by Eclipse plug-in

contains no content except an empty div element. Replace the content of this
file with the code from Example 6-2 on page 215. This will adjust the layout to
the design. If you want, you can build the plug-in and try to see if the template
layout works and make any needed adjustments.
8. The feature icon file will be copied to the following package:
com.ibm.ecm.extension.customsearch.WebContent.images package
You can also add icons to that package. Then, the icon definition will be in the
CustomSearchPlugin.css file as shown in Example 6-4.
Example 6-4 CSS definition for icon

.CustomSearchPluginLaunchIcon {
width: 32px;
height: 32px;
background: url('images/search.png') no-repeat;
9. Define the icon for feature in VirtualFolderBrowsePane.java as shown in
Example 6-5.
Example 6-5 Icon definition for feature

public String getIconUrl() {

return "CustomSearchPluginLaunchIcon";

6.3 Creating a tree widget to show a custom tree

In 6.2, Adjusting the layout of the feature on page 213, we create the needed
layout. The repository selector-related code is already in CustomFeaturePane.js
file. We can reuse it in the VirtualFoldedrBrowsePane.js file.
The next step is to create a custom tree. The tree will be created with the Dojo
Tree dijit. The Tree dijit needs to have a TreeStore to manage data and nodes.
The tree data initialization is a JSON string. It defines the original blank tree data.
There are three properties for each node to be displayed:
name: Display name
id: ID for the node
children: Children nodes data


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 6-6 shows the JSON that defines the initial tree structure that we use.
Example 6-6 Original tree data structure

var data ="{\"name\": \"Multiple Demension Tree\",\"id\":

\"root\",\"children\": [{\"name\": \"My Navigator\",\"id\":
\"my_navigator\", \"children\":[]}]}";
The tree needs an object store model to manage data and to service the display.
We use a memory store here. It is a built-in object store provided by Dojo. The
code is shown in Example 6-7.
Example 6-7 Using memory object store

this.TreeStore = new Memory({

data: [ json.parse(data) ],
getChildren: lang.hitch(this,function(object){
return object.children;
We create a sample tree (Figure 6-5) to show folders and classes combined.
With this, users can navigate documents by folders and classes.

Figure 6-5 Custom tree with folders and classes

To build this tree, get the folder list and class list. IBM Content Navigator provides
a model layer API that you can use to handle data in the repositories.
To get folders from the root folder requires the root folder ID. The root folder ID
can be retrieved by IBM Content Navigator API as shown in Example 6-8.
Example 6-8 Set rootItemId to root folder.

var rootItemId = this.repository.rootFolderId || "/";

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


With the root folder ID, you can get the top-level folder by calling the IBM Content
Navigator API as shown in Example 6-9.
Example 6-9 Get sub folders of root folder

this.repository.retrieveItem(rootItemId, lang.hitch(this,
function(rootFolder) {
rootFolder.retrieveFolderContents(true, callbackGetFolders);
}), null, null, null, this._objectStore ? this._objectStore.id : "");
You can use rootFolder.retrieveFolderContents to get all its subfolders. With
callbackGetFolders, you set the folders into tree nodes. The code is in
Example 6-10.
Example 6-10 callbackGetFolders, set folders into tree nodes.

var callbackGetFolders = lang.hitch(this, function(resultset)

for(row in resultset.items)
var element= {
name:"Folder: "+resultset.items[row].name,
The code to get the classes is shown in Example 6-11. The callbackGetClasses
is a callback function that inserts class data into the tree. The code is shown in
Example 6-12 on page 221.
Example 6-11 Get classes of repository



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 6-12 callbackGetClasses

var callbackGetClasses = lang.hitch(this, function(contentClasses)

for(docclass in contentClasses)
var element= {
name:"Class: "+contentClasses[docclass].name,
To show the classes that the customer wants to display in the custom tree, you
can add filter logic in this code.
You might notice that the icon of the custom tree is not the same as the IBM
Content Navigator folder icon. We show how to use a different icon and also how
to create the tree with an object store. Example 6-13 on page 222 shows how to
override the getIconClass() method of tree. It returns different icons for different
types of nodes. The example also shows how to use the new icon resource.
Example 6-14 on page 222 shows how to manually add icon resources into the
IBM Content Navigator plug-in project.
File types: Not all resource file types are supported by IBM Content Navigator
plug-in mechanism. Supported file types for now are .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif,
.json, .js, .css, .xml, and .html.

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


Example 6-13 Create tree with object store and different icons

this.navTree = new Tree({

model: TreeModel,
onOpenClick: true,
persist: false,
getIconClass: lang.hitch(this, function(item,opened)
if(item.id != "root" && item.id !="my_navigator")
return (opened ? "searchFolderOpenIcon" :
return (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" :
}, "divTree");
In JavaScript code, icon string is a class name in the CSS file. The icon classes
definition in the CSS file is shown in Example 6-14. It shows that the icon files are
in the images path. They are actually put into the following location:
Example 6-14 icon definitions in CustomSearchPlugin.css

searchFolderOpenIcon {
background-image: url(images/SearchFolderOpened.png);
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
searchFolderCloseIcon {
background-image: url(images/SearchFolderClosed.png);
width: 16px;
height: 16px;
The example shows how to build a simple custom tree. Based on this
mechanism, you can build your own tree with other data. For example, you can
build the tree with values from a property, then users can navigate documents by
property values. You can also build the kind of property value tree with
hierarchical structure. To add more enhancements, you can save the tree
configuration for each user. Then, users can define their own document
navigation tree. This way to manage document navigation is flexible.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

6.4 Adding function on the class node to search and

show results
Currently, the tree is displayed when changing the repository selector, but so far
no action has been defined when a node is selected in the tree.
In IBM Content Navigator, when users click the node of the folder tree, a search
or several searches are triggered. The content of the folder is retrieved and
displayed in the ContentList.
For this virtual folder browse feature example, we also want to get functionality
that is similar to the IBM Content Navigator browse pane. If you click the node of
custom tree, a search is triggered and the results are displayed in the
ContentList. The search criteria will be built according to the node properties.
To do this, we need to connect the search method to the custom tree. With Dojo
connect, we can bind a DOM event with a function. In Example 6-15, the onClick
event of a custom tree node is bounded with the executeSearch() method. The
executeSearch() method will build the query string based on node information
and then search to get the result. Example 6-15 shows how to connect the tree
onClick event to the search function. The executeSearch() method will run the
search based on the folder or class that users click.
Example 6-15 Connect tree onClick event to search function

this.connect(this.navTree, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function(item) {

if(item.id != "root" && item.id !="my_navigator")
The search uses the existing search service in the custom search plug-in that is
built in Chapter 5, Building a custom repository search service on page 173. It
supports searching with a query string. The service for IBM FileNet Content
Manager supports paging and displays the property configuration.
When a user clicks on a folder node, the search passes the folder as a parameter
to find all documents in that folder. When a user clicks on a class node, the
search passes both the folder and class as the parameters to find documents.
Example 6-16 on page 224 shows this logic. After building the parameters, the
runSearch() method will be launched to do the search against the repository.

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


Example 6-16 Build parameters for search

var node = this.navTree.getNodesByItem(item);
var path = node[0].tree.path;
var docClassName="";
var mainFolderID="";
}else if(path[i].criterionType == "Folder")
In the previous sample, we needed to enter the entire query string manually. But
in this tree-node-triggered search, the query string needs to be generated by the
code. Example 6-17 shows how to build the query string.
Example 6-17 Build query string

if( this.repository.type == "cm" ){

var scoperule="/* ";
var baserulestart='[(@SEMANTICTYPE IN (1))';
var ruleEnd="]"
var attributerule="";
scoperule='/'+docClassName+" ";
var query = scoperule+baserulestart;
if(attributeName!="" && attributeName!=undefined)
attributerule='((@' +attributeName+" = "+attributeValue +'))'
query = query +" AND "+attributerule;
itemid =mainFolderID.split(" ")[6];
mainFolderID =itemid.substr(0, itemid.length-2);
folderrule = folderrule+'"'+mainFolderID+'"';


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

query = query +" AND "+folderrule;

query +=ruleEnd;
requestParams.query = query;
}else if(this.repository.type=="p8"){
var query = "Select * from ";
if ( docClassName && docClassName.length > 0 ){
query += docClassName;
query += "DOCUMENT ";
if( mainFolderID || ( attributeName && attributeValue) ){
query += " where "
if( mainFolderID && mainFolderID.length >0 ){
var folderID = mainFolderID.substr( mainFolderID.length-38,
mainFolderID.length );
query += " this INFOLDER " + folderID ;
After that, when a user clicks on a node in the custom tree, the search is
launched and results will be shown in the ContentList.

6.5 Configuring more modules to the ContentList

The ContentList widget is a important widget in IBM Content Navigator. It is
based on the Dojo GridX widget but contains many enhancements. There are
also some modules through which ContentList can be modified and configured.
GridX is a data grid widget to display data. It also supports a module mechanism.
It has some modules and you can extend or build your own modules to GridX.
ContentList modules are as follows (they are described in Chapter 5, Building a
custom repository search service on page 173):
ContentList: This is the core module to show data and launch actions.
Toolbar: Provide a toolbar containing buttons.
Bar: Provide the bar capability to arrange ContentList widgets.
Breadcrumb: Provide the breadcrumb function.
DocInfo: Show document details.

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


FilterData: Provide ability to filter data.

InlineMessage: Show messages inline.
TotalCount: Show the total count of the results. It is hidden for repositories
that cannot provide the results total count.
ViewDetail: View module to show detail view.
ViewMagazine: View module to show magazine view.
ViewFilmStrip: View module to show filmstrip view.
RowContextManu: Grid module to display context menu.
DndFromDesktopAddDoc: Grid module to allow users to drag-and-drop
from desktop to grid.
DndRowMoveCopy: Grid module to drag-and-drop a row, then move or copy
when dropping the document or documents.
DndRowCopy: Grid module to drag-and-drop a row, then copy when dropping
the document or documents.
DndDropOnly: Grid module extends DndRowMoveCopy. It can disallow the
dragging of rows.
In this section, we configure more modules of the ContentList in the sample
code. Example 6-18 shows the ContentList modules. The code is imported from
the sample plug-in.
Example 6-18 ContentList modules

getContentListModules: function() {
var viewModules = [];
if (ecm.model.desktop.showViewFilmstrip) {
var array = [];
moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
moduleClass: Toolbar


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
return array;
The following modules are available:


The Bar module allows users to arrange ContentList modules below or above the
ContentList grid. In the sample code, there is one line of modules set above the
ContentList. The first is ToolBar, the second is view modules for ContentList. The
"className": "BarViewModules" means giving a class name to view modules.
Users can set any class name here. Bar module processes the string to <table>
<tr>, and <td> where the arrays determines how many <table>, <tr>, and <td> to
We can then add more lines and more modules. There is one more module of
FilterData in the first line. The second line is Breadcrumb. The third line is
InlineMessage. Then, the TotalCount module is added to the bottom of the
ContentList grid. Example 6-19 shows the updated ContentList modules.
Example 6-19 Add more modules to ContentList

var array = [];

moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
moduleClass: Toolbar

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


moduleClass: FilterData,
"className": "BarFilterData"
moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
moduleClass: Breadcrumb,
moduleClass: InlineMessage
bottom: [
moduleClass: TotalCount
return array;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

After modifying the code, build and deploy the plug-in. Figure 6-6 shows the
updated interface. A filter data component is shown on the top. The inline
message shows that 50 items are in the result set of this page. The TotalCount
module shows that the quantity of all results is 59. When you scroll down the
ContentList, a continuous query will be launched to get the last 9 results.

Figure 6-6 Updated custom search results display interface

The Breadcrumb module must set parentFolder or searchTemplate in the result

set. When you click on the link, the open method of that item is run. If users want
to use the breadcrumb function for other conditions, you can write your own
module, and add it here.

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets


The InlineMessage module shows messages of warning, information, confirm,

and error with the setMessage() method. Example 6-20 shows how many items
are in the result set.
Example 6-20 Using InlineMessageModule to show messages

var inlineMessageModule = this.navResult.getContentListModule(

"inlineMessage" );
if (inlineMessageModule){
inlineMessageModule.setMessage("Result set items length is: "
+resultSet.items.length, "info");
The TotalCount module shows how many total results are found. Set the
totalCount and totalCountType in the result set. Then it will show in the
ContentList. IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.2, or later, has an option that
can be specified in a query string to return the result size by using the
pageIterator.getTotalCount() method. The option is similar to OPTION
Return null: Be aware that if the result size is less than the page size, the
pageIterator.getTotalCount() will return null.
Example 6-21 shows the query with the count limit specified.
Example 6-21 IBM FileNet Content Manager V5.2 COUNT_LIMIT option

select * from document where this infolder '\Test' OPTIONS (COUNT_LIMIT

Example 6-22 shows the sample code to set data in the result set for the
TotalCount module to display. This module can also be used for other data by
setting these two values in the result set.
Example 6-22 Sample for TotalCount module setting

jsonResultSet.put("totalCount", totalCount);
jsonResultSet.put("totalCountType", "total");


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 6-7 shows the user interface for the completed feature.

Figure 6-7 User interface with the completed feature implemented

6.6 Conclusion
In this chapter, we enhance the custom search plug-in to provide a new feature
for virtual folder browsing. To do this, we adjust the layout, create a custom tree,
connect the search method to the tree node, and build the query string
automatically. We also show how to use modules to customize the ContentList
widget in code. With the sample code for this chapter, you can build your own
custom document navigation plug-in.
The sample code for Chapter 4, Developing a plug-in with basic extension
points on page 117 shows how to use a folder to manage different type
documents. But, this chapter shows that you can manager different type
documents by document class also. The users can also navigate documents by
document class.
Appendix C, Core code for the custom search plug-in project on page 519
provides core code from two files for the custom search plug-in project for your:
Enhanced SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java code
For complete code, download the additional material associated with this book.
See Appendix D, Additional material on page 535.

Chapter 6. Creating a feature with search services and widgets



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 7.

Implementing request and

response filters and external
data services
This chapter introduces request and response filters. These filters enable you to
modify a request before it is sent to the service and modify the response after it is
received from the service. In IBM Content Navigator, the external data service
(EDS) is a special implementation of the request and response filters. This
chapter also describes an EDS implementation. It is important to know when to
implement your own request and response filters and when to use EDS. This
chapter provides guideline as when to implement one versus the other.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Request and response filter overview

External data service (EDS) overview
Example overview
Setting up the sample EDS project
Choice lists
Property field validation
Setting field properties
Ordering properties on the add dialog
Filter for large choice lists
Deployment and configuration

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


7.1 Request and response filter overview

In IBM Content Navigator, when executing a service call, a request is sent to the
service and the response is sent back from the service to the client tier. These
responses and requests are formatted in JSON. In general, the IBM Content
Navigator framework creates the requests and responses in a standard JSON
format that is defined by the service call and the framework.
In some instances, you might want to alter the requests and responses to modify
the data that is being sent to or returned from the service. You can create a
plug-in to filter a request that is made to a service or to filter a response that is
received from a service. For example, you might want to check the documents
that are included in the request and perform an extra level of security check
based on external information. For the response, you might want to implement
extra error handling code when the service is not able to perform a specific
request. You can also define special formatting for dedicated columns of a result
set through modifying the JSON output by using special Dojo classes. A request
or response filter stands between the client and the service, and modifies the
responses and requests as needed. A filter is always assigned to one service or
a list of services within IBM Content Navigator.
Provided services are listed in the struts-config.xml file, which is in the
following directory:
The <action-mappings> section of the struts-config.xml file lists actions that
can be filtered. The name of the action that must be returned by the
getFilteredServices() method is the <action path> tag.
In this chapter, two response filter samples are implemented:
7.8, Ordering properties on the add dialog on page 260
7.9, Filter for large choice lists on page 266

7.1.1 When to implement request and response filters

Implement request and response filters if you want to do these types of tasks:
Reorder properties in the dialog.
Control data in the action that is not included in EDS, such as Teamspace
Builder pane.
Add custom control in the document list view when open a folder in Browse
view (for example, set different default sort columns for different folders).


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Note: Before you proceed with learning about and implementing EDS in the
next section, be aware that many implementations should probably be done
as request and response filters. You can use the EDS as an example of the
request and response filter implementation.

7.2 External data service (EDS) overview

The two parts for the EDS are as follows:
The EDS plug-in that is used to enable the EDS function
The EDS web application that is used to get external data and set the
property behavior
The EDS plug-in uses request and response filters to enable a service to provide
the EDS functions. Often, you implement your own request and response filters.
However, sometimes, EDS can simplify your implementation.
The following EDS samples are implemented in this chapter:

7.5.1, Simple choice lists on page 246

7.5.2, Dependant choice lists on page 255
7.6, Property field validation on page 256
7.7, Setting field properties on page 257

7.2.1 When to use EDS

Use EDS if you want to perform the following tasks:

Prefill properties with values.

Look up the choice list values for a property or dependent property.
Set minimum and maximum values.
Set property status, such as read-only, required or hidden.
Implement property validation and error checking.

In EDS plug-in, it implements many request and response filters. The following
request filters are included in EDS plug-in:


Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


For each request filter, Table 7-1 describes its service and action.
Table 7-1 Request filter in EDS plug-in





Add documents and




Checkin documents



Edit properties










In the EDS plug-in, the following response filters are included:


Table 7-2 lists the service and action for each response filter.
Table 7-2 Response filter in EDS plug-in







Select class



Edit properties




Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator






Dependent parameter in



Dependent properties












Dependent parameter in

According to the implemented EDS request and response filters, the following
actions in IBM Content Navigator can be implemented:
Adding documents and folders
Checking documents in to the repository
Editing properties for one or multiple items
Editing item properties in the viewer
Using entry templates
Setting process workflow step properties and workflow filter criteria fields
Creating or using searches
Controlling IBM Content Manager OnDemand search folders
EDS usage: If you want to do actions other than mentioned here, consider
implementing a custom request and response filter.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


Several default property behaviors in the EDS plug-in are described in Table 7-3.
Table 7-3 Default property behaviors in the EDS plug-in




New Label

Label for the property


New value

Value for the property


This field should have the

mail format

Description of an invalid



Invalid multi-value items



Readonly or readwrite



Required or not



Hidden or not


Override min value



Override max value



Override max length



The format in regular




Sample of the format


Choice lists

"displayName" :
"active": <true
or false>
"value" : <value>
// More choices ...


Has dependent properties

You can use the property behaviors in your EDS service directly.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

7.2.2 Sample EDS service provided with IBM Content Navigator

The sample EDS service, which IBM Content Navigator provides, uses the JSON
files to store the property behavior definition and data list. In ObjectTypes.json, it
includes all the object types that the EDS function will be taken effect. The object
types include the class name in the repository, workflow step, IBM Content
Manager OnDemand search name, and so on. For every object type, there is a
JSON file named with the object name plus _PropertyData to store the property
behavior definition and data list in this object type. As an example, for the class
Document, the JSON file is named Document_PropertyData.json.
In the PropertyData JSON file, you can set the behavior for every property.
Example 7-1 shows the JSON format in the JSON file.
Example 7-1 Sample JSON file

"symbolicName" : "<symbolic_name>",
"value" : <potential new value>,
"customValidationError" : "Description of an invalid reason",
"customInvalidItems" : [0,3,4,8], // invalid multi-value items
"displayMode" : "<readonly/readwrite>",
"required" : <true or false>,
"hidden" : <true or false>,
"maxValue" : <overridden max value>,
"minValue" : <overridden min value>,
"maxLength" : <underlying max>,
"format": <regular expression validating the format>,
"formatDescription": <human readable description of the
"choiceList" :
"displayName" : "<display_name>",
"choices" :
"displayName" : "<name>"
"active": <true or false>
"value" : <value>
// More choices ...
} // Or the special values:

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


//Value Description
//-------------------------------------//"default"Use class defined choice list (if any).
//null Removes the currently assigned choice list.
// When no choice list is used, Navigator will create a
choice list from the list of valid values, if valid values are defined.
"hasDependentProperties" : <true or false>,
// More properties ...
Besides the default property behaviors defined in the EDS plug-in, the sample
EDS service provides customized property behaviors. You can also customize
the property behavior in your own EDS service. For implementation of the
customized property behaviors, see UpdateObjectTypeServlet.java in the
sample EDS service.
For implementation of the customized property behaviors, see the set up in the
UpdateObjectTypeServlet.java file in the sample EDS service as follows:
initialValue: Give an initial value for a property
validateAs: For now, the sample EDS service implemented a customized
property validation NoThrees (see 1.5.1, Sample external data service on
page 55). This customized property validation does not allow any 3
character in the string, such as sample3.
timestamp: Give a forced timestamp value to the property.
dependentOn: Specify another property that this property depends.
dependentValue: Specify the value that this property depends.

7.3 Example overview

The insurance company handles property, casualty, and automobile policies. All
documents that relate to policies are stored in the insurance companys
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) repository, which uses IBM FileNet
Content Manager.
Inbound correspondence is scanned, indexed, and stored in a folder-based filing
system by document type, within policy number of a client number.
The filing of inbound documentation is dependant upon the assignment of correct
values to the inbound document. An invalid or misspelled word means that the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

document will not be filed correctly. Incorrectly filed documents do not enter the
appropriate business process, which then leads to delays and additional costs.
The insurance company has decided to implement external data services to
manage the consistency of data that is entered during the post-scanning
indexing phase of inbound document capture.
The insurance company wants to implement a range of features in its application:
Choice lists
Simple choice lists: For selecting data such as marital status
Dependent choice lists: For constraining values such as address data
Filter choice lists: For filtering selections in the choice list
Field validation
For validating key data such as policy number and client ID against the
main policy administration system
Reorder the properties in the Add dialog
The implementation of the EDS will reduce the data entry effort and improve
accuracy of the document-indexing phase, minimizing the risk of misfiled
documents, and reducing the overall cost of the operation.
For the simple choice lists, dependent choice lists, and field validation features,
the company can easily implement them with EDS. For the filter choice lists and
reorder of properties in the add dialog features, they cannot be implemented with
EDS. The company needs to use the response filter plug-in to implement the
The company wants to leverage the functionality that is provided by EDS to
manipulate the companys property input fields. Several use cases will be fulfilled
with EDS capabilities:
Provide a choice list for all the estimators for a car insurance claim. This
choice list can be a list of people from a database table.
See 7.5.1, Simple choice lists on page 246 for details.
Provide a dependent choice list of categories that belong to one main
category. This choice list is to limit the available categories under each main
category. Categories can be regions; subcategories are cities with offices.
See 7.5.2, Dependant choice lists on page 255 for details.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


Validate, by format, the claim numbers that are entered; for example, validate
whether they contain the exact number and types of characters.
See 7.6, Property field validation on page 256 for details.
Hide the input property field, which accepts custom text describing the
reason a claim is opened, if none of the provided reasons in the choice list
make sense.
See 7.7, Setting field properties on page 257 for details.
Limit the amount of adjusted loss for a newly created insurance claim to a
certain value.
See 7.7.2, Setting field minimum and maximum values on page 259 for
The following features will be realized by implementing the request and response
Reorder properties in add dialog. The original order for the properties in the
add dialog is not appropriate. It will set a specific order for a specific class.
See 7.8, Ordering properties on the add dialog on page 260 for details.
Filter choice lists. For the large choice list, it provides filter function for the
specific property that has a large choice list.
See 7.9, Filter for large choice lists on page 266 for details.

7.4 Setting up the sample EDS project

In this section, we create a new implementation of a EDS based on the sample
EDS implementation that is provided with IBM Content Navigator. The sample
EDS implementation is in the following location:
<IBM Content Navigator install>/samples/sampleEDSService
The provided sample can be imported as a WAR file into the workspace of
Eclipse or Rational Application Developer, which is being used throughout this
The following steps describe the import and setup of the sample project:
1. Click File Import, select Existing project into workspace as the option,
and then click Next.
2. In the next window, enter the path to the provided sampleEDSService
directory. See Figure 7-1 on page 243.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 7-1 Import project dialog

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


3. Click Finish. The imported project is shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Sample EDS project structure

4. After importing the existing project, a build path problem occurs with the
configured reference to the j2ee.jar file, which can easily be fixed. Open the
project properties, select Java Build Path from the left navigation on the left,
and then select the Libraries tab where you delete the existing reference to
the missing j2ee.jar file.
5. Select Add Library Server Runtime Next WebSphere Application
Server v7.0 Finish to add the built-in WebSphere run time that is included
with Rational Application Developer to your build path.
6. Rename the project to customEDSService by selecting the project, and then
selecting Refactor Rename from the top action bar.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

If you plan to use Eclipse or another IDE, specify the path to a valid j2ee.jar file.
The build path should be similar to what is shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 EDS project build path

Two servlet classes build the entire functionality of the EDS implementation:
GetObjectTypesServlet: Provide the HTTP GET service to determine the list
of object types that are supported by this EDS implementation.
UpdateObjectTypeServlet: Provide the HTTP POST service that is used to
obtain external data and dynamically change, validate, and enrich metadata.
The remaining files in the sample are JSON files that hold the data returned
by this EDS implementation, which we are not using except for the
ObjectTypes.json file. In 7.5, Choice lists on page 246, we modify the
UpdateObjectTypeServlet class and keep the GetObjectTypesServlet
For the insurance company in the sample, we create a data model that consists
of two document classes, Claim and Policy. Because we use only the Claim

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


document class in the sample, this entry is the only one we need to be put to the
existing ObjectTypes.json file, replacing all the existing entries to be recognized
as EDS-supported object type. The new ObjectTypes.json file is shown in
Example 7-2.
Example 7-2 ObjectTypes.json

{"symbolicName": "Claim"}

7.5 Choice lists

One of the main features of EDS is to provide values for choice lists. The choice
lists can be hierarchical and can also be specified as dependant. This means
that the values of one choice list are dependant on the selection of a value for
another property.

7.5.1 Simple choice lists

The first requirement of the insurance company in our example is to have a list of
estimators that can be assigned for a car insurance claim. The list is retrieved
from a database table that contains the information about the people. It is
required for preparing the web application to be able to connect to the database,
by using a data source definition that is assigned to the application through a
resource reference. Because the Internet has many samples of how to configure
JDBC database access, this information is not covered in this chapter. Instead,
we rely on a working data source configuration on the application server that we
are deploying to.
The first lines of the UpdateObjectTypeServlet remain unchanged when they
load the request JSON and extract some values using JSNON4J. Example 7-3
shows the first lines that are used to load the request and initialize the database
Example 7-3 Code snippet from sample EDS servlet

protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse

throws ServletException, IOException{
String objectType = request.getPathInfo().substring(1);
// Get the request json
InputStream requestInputStream = request.getInputStream();


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

JSONObject jsonRequest = JSONObject.parse(requestInputStream);

String requestMode = jsonRequest.get("requestMode").toString();
JSONArray requestProperties =
JSONArray responseProperties = new JSONArray();
JSONArray propertyData =
getPropertyData(objectType, request.getLocale());

To read the properties for a specific object type, we implement the

getPropertyData() method of the sample to access the database instead of the
JSON files. This method is implemented as shown in Example 7-4.
Example 7-4 Custom getPropertyData reading from database tables

// database constants
private final String schema = "NAVIGATOR";
private final String edsTable = "EDS";
private final String edsChoicesTable = "EDS_CHOICES";
* Get property data from EDS database tables, replacing the original
* getPropertyData reading from JSON files.
* @param objectType
* @param locale
* @return The EDS data in sample JSON format
private JSONArray getPropertyData(String objectType, Locale locale) {
JSONArray jsonPropertyData = new JSONArray();
Connection con = null;
try {
Context ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/EDSDB");
con = ds.getConnection();
// Query the database for EDS data
Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
ResultSet results = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " + edsTable
+ ".OBJECTTYPE," + edsTable + ".PROPERTY," + edsTable
+ ".DISPMODE," + edsTable + ".REQUIRED," + edsTable
+ ".HIDDEN," + edsTable + ".MAXVAL," + edsTable
+ ".MINVAL," + edsTable + ".MAXLEN," + edsTable
+ ".FORMAT," + edsTable + ".FORMATDESC," + edsTable
+ ".HASDEPENDANT," + edsChoicesTable + ".LISTDISPNAME,"
+ edsChoicesTable + ".DISPNAME," + edsChoicesTable
+ ".VALUE," + edsChoicesTable + ".DEPON," + edsChoicesTable

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services



".DEPVALUE" + " FROM " + schema + '.' + edsTable + ' '

edsTable + " LEFT JOIN " + schema + '.' + edsChoicesTable
' ' + edsChoicesTable + " ON " + edsTable
".OBJECTTYPE=" + edsChoicesTable + ".OBJECTTYPE"
" AND " + edsTable + ".PROPERTY=" + edsChoicesTable
".PROPERTY" + " AND " + edsChoicesTable + ".LANG='"
locale + "'" + " where " + edsTable + ".OBJECTTYPE='"
objectType + "'" + " ORDER BY " + edsChoicesTable
".DEPON," + edsChoicesTable + ".DEPVALUE");

String property = null;

String listDispName = null;
boolean firstLoop = true;
String dependentOn = null;
String dependentValue = null;
JSONObject propertyJson = new JSONObject();
JSONObject choiceList = new JSONObject();
JSONArray choices = new JSONArray();
// iterate through the EDS data and build the corresponding JSON
while (results.next()) {
String propertyTemp = results.getString("property");
if (firstLoop) {
property = propertyTemp;
listDispName = results.getString("listdispname");
propertyJson = fillBasicProperties(results, property);
firstLoop = false;
// check if the property is different to the one
// in the previous loop
if (!propertyTemp.equals(property)) {
if (!choices.isEmpty()) {
choiceList.put("displayName", listDispName);
choiceList.put("choices", choices);
propertyJson.put("choiceList", choiceList);
listDispName = results.getString("listdispname");
choiceList = new JSONObject();
choices = new JSONArray();
property = propertyTemp;
propertyJson = fillBasicProperties(results, property);


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

String listDispNameTemp = results.getString("listdispname");

if (!results.wasNull()) {
if (!listDispNameTemp.equals(listDispName)) {
choiceList.put("displayName", listDispName);
choiceList.put("choices", choices);
propertyJson.put("choiceList", choiceList);
// close property, add to array and create new
listDispName = listDispNameTemp;
choiceList = new JSONObject();
choices = new JSONArray();
} else {
// no choice list attached, continue to next loop
String dependentOnTemp = results.getString("depon");
String dependentValueTemp = results.getString("depvalue");
// check if there is a dependenOn/Value
// set for the choice list
if ((null != dependentOnTemp && null != dependentValueTemp
&& !dependentOnTemp.isEmpty() && !dependentValueTemp
.isEmpty())) {
// historic values are null, set dependentOn/dependentValue
if (null == dependentOn && null == dependentValue) {
dependentOn = dependentOnTemp;
dependentValue = dependentValueTemp;
propertyJson.put("dependentOn", dependentOn);
propertyJson.put("dependentValue", dependentValue);
} else {
// historic values are not null but different,
// start new dependent list
if (!dependentOnTemp.equals(dependentOn)
|| !dependentValueTemp.equals(dependentValue)) {
dependentOn = dependentOnTemp;
dependentValue = dependentValueTemp;
propertyJson = fillBasicProperties(results,
propertyJson.put("dependentOn", dependentOn);
propertyJson.put("dependentValue", dependentValue);

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


JSONObject choice = new JSONObject();

choice.put("displayName", results.getString("dispname"));
choice.put("value", results.getString("value"));
// add the last property
} catch (NamingException e) {
} catch (SQLException se) {
System.out.println("SQL Exception:");
// Loop through the SQL Exceptions
while (se != null) {
System.out.println("State : " + se.getSQLState());
System.out.println("Message: " + se.getMessage());
System.out.println("Error : " + se.getErrorCode());
se = se.getNextException();
} finally {
try {
if (null != con && !con.isClosed())
} catch (SQLException se) {
System.out.println("SQL Exception:");
// Loop through the SQL Exceptions
while (se != null) {
System.out.println("State : " + se.getSQLState());
System.out.println("Message: " + se.getMessage());
System.out.println("Error : " + se.getErrorCode());
se = se.getNextException();
return jsonPropertyData;
* read properties from EDS table and start new property


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

* @param results
* @param property
* @return
* @throws SQLException
private JSONObject fillBasicProperties(ResultSet results, String property)
throws SQLException {
JSONObject propertyJson = new JSONObject();
propertyJson.put("symbolicName", property);
// check all the optional settings
String displayMode = results.getString("dispmode");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("displayMode", displayMode);
String required = results.getString("required");
if (!results.wasNull() && '1' == required.charAt(0))
propertyJson.put("required", true);
String hidden = results.getString("hidden");
if (!results.wasNull() && '1' == hidden.charAt(0))
propertyJson.put("hidden", true);
Double maxVal = results.getDouble("maxval");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("maxValue", maxVal);
Double minVal = results.getDouble("minval");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("minValue", minVal);
Integer maxLen = results.getInt("maxlen");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("maxLength", maxLen);
String format = results.getString("format");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("format", format);
String formatdesc = results.getString("formatdesc");
if (!results.wasNull())
propertyJson.put("formatDescription", formatdesc);
String hasDependant = results.getString("hasdependant");
if (!results.wasNull() && '1' == hasDependant.charAt(0))
propertyJson.put("hasDependentProperties", true);
return propertyJson;

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


In the database are two tables that contain the information necessary for each of
the document type properties. Consider the provided database structure as a
sample concerning nullable, varchar sizes, and other database column specifics.
The two tables are defined as shown in Figure 7-4 and Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-4 EDS object properties table definition

Figure 7-5 EDS choices table definition

After the getPropertyData() method is rewritten, the data can be inserted in the
tables according to the use case.
In the first sample, insert data in the object properties table and choice-list table.
For the object property table, insert one data entry for the Claim object type and
the Estimator property. See Figure 7-6.

Figure 7-6 Simple property definition


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

For the choice-list table, insert as many estimator choices as required. This
choice list of the estimators appears (using EDS) when a claim processing
requires a user to select an estimator for the claim. Figure 7-7 shows the four
data entries for the estimator choices.

Figure 7-7 Simple choice list data

Now, deploy and test the implemented service. For the deployment, follow the
instructions in 7.8, Ordering properties on the add dialog on page 260.
Validating the EDS implementation is done by using IBM Content Navigator and
calling the add document action in some of the windows. In our test, we use the
browse pane to call this action. From the folder structure, we select an existing
claim document and want to assign an estimator. During the properties dialog
loads, the program calls EDS to ask for modifications to the choice list and other
changes that influence the user interface and that are defined for this specific
document class.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


Figure 7-8 shows the resulting choice list, filled with the values coming from the
database served by EDS.
Important: Do not implement choice lists in the Content Platform Engine
definitions for the same properties that are associated with the choice lists that
you provide by using the external data services.

Figure 7-8 Simple choice list


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

7.5.2 Dependant choice lists

For dependant choice lists, we expand the first sample and make use of the
DEPON and DEPVALUE fields of the choices table, and also the
HASDEPENDANT field of the object properties table. Those items indicate that
the specific property has a dependancy to another property and its selected
value. In this case, we want to show a dependancy between the Region and
Branch Office properties and therefore must make inserts in both of our database
tables. The inserted data is shown in Figure 7-9 and Figure 7-10.

Figure 7-9 Property definition with dependancy

Figure 7-10 Dependent choice list entries

To test this new data that is entered in the database tables, we call the properties
dialog again; the Region property now has a choice list associated to it. See
Figure 7-11. As specified in the first table data, the Region property has the
hasDependentProperties flag enabled; it triggers IBM Content Navigator to recall
EDS each time such a property value changes.

Figure 7-11 Dependant choice list: Region

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


If you now change the value of Region to Southwest, the choice list for Branch
Office is updated and reflects the values from the database table.
The choice list shown in Figure 7-12 is the result.

Figure 7-12 Dependant choice list: Branch Office

7.6 Property field validation

A powerful function of EDS is the ability to implement custom validation
mechanisms for property fields, and responding the user with adequate error
In this sample, we want to have the Claim Number property match a specific
format that is two numbers, followed by a dash, and then followed by five
numbers, for example 01-12345. Therefore, we need to insert data to the EDS
object properties table, as in Figure 7-13.

Figure 7-13 Validation data

This step can be tested by using the properties dialog of an existing document
of the Claim class. We expect the Claim Number property input field to have a
validation error if we enter a string that does not match our defined rules. The
syntax of the rule is a regular expression, so you can also specify more complex
validation rules. The format description value is available in the tooltip to provide
you with a hint of what the entered value looks like.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To test the validation, we enter 01-123456 or 01-1234A as the value for Claim
Number. The resulting error is shown in Figure 7-14.

Figure 7-14 Validation error with tooltip

7.7 Setting field properties

With EDS, you can manipulate certain characteristics of a property field to
influence the appearance of your input mask, search view, or on whatever
window you manipulate object properties.

7.7.1 Setting field status

In the IBM Content Navigator user interface, several input fields have certain
properties that influence the appearance. Among those properties, the required,
hidden, or read-only status of an input field can be set through EDS. In this
sample, we want to dynamically show the Other Reason property if, for the
Reason property, the value of Other is selected from the choice list. Therefore we
insert data to both the EDS tables, as shown in Figure 7-15 and Figure 7-16.

Figure 7-15 Property definition: Reason

Figure 7-16 Choice list data with trigger value

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


When you reopen the properties dialog for a claim document, the newly
configured choice list is displayed with the Other option. See Figure 7-17.

Figure 7-17 Hidden property choice list

We want to use the Other option as the trigger to display the Other Reason
property input field. To make the specific value be a trigger for another property,
we add simple code functionality as a sample. The updated code section is
inserted in the original doPost() method of the UpdateObjectServlet class. The
code must be executed for initialNewObject, initialExistingObject, and
inProgressChnages, and therefore is placed inside this original if statement that
limits the request mode. Example 7-5 shows the code.
Example 7-5 Code insertion to dynamically hide property field

// Check if property 'Reason' is contained and depending on the

// value set hidden property of 'OtherReason' to true or false
if (overridePropertyName.equals("Reason")) {
for (int j = 0; j < requestProperties.size(); j++) {
JSONObject requestProperty =
(JSONObject) requestProperties.get(j);
String requestPropertyName = requestProperty.get(
if (requestPropertyName.equals("OtherReason")) {
if (overrideProperty.get("value").equals("Other")) {
requestProperty.put("hidden", false);
} else {
requestProperty.put("hidden", true);
The sample EDS implementation must be redeployed to incorporate the changes
that are made to the Java source code.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The result can be tested by opening the properties dialog again with the Reason
value set to Other; you then see that the input field for Other Reason property is
no longer hidden. If you select another value for the Reason field, the EDS is
called again and switches the property to a hidden state again. The result is
shown in Figure 7-18.

Figure 7-18 Initially hidden property shows up

7.7.2 Setting field minimum and maximum values

In addition to the input field properties and validation options that are shown in
the previous samples, a special range setting is available for integer, float, and
date-time properties. The minimum and maximum value for a property field can
be set through EDS, where appropriate.
In this sample, we want to restrict the maximum amount that can be set for
adjusted loss property value.
To have the maximum value in place, insert one line to the object properties EDS
table, as Figure 7-19 shows.

Figure 7-19 Maximum value property

We test the functionality and expect similar results to the other validation sample,
which is that a validation error occurs. The associated tooltip gives a hint about
what is causing the validation to fail. In our case, we can see the validation fail if
we enter an amount that is above 12000. This amount is what we entered to the
object properties table as the maximum value for the Adjusted Loss property. The
resulting validation error is shown in Figure 7-20.

Figure 7-20 Maximum value validation error

The configured minimum and maximum value also are visible when you hover
the mouse over the question mark icon next to the input field caption. This

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


hovering displays a similar tooltip, which provides information about the data type
and the minimum and maximum values.
Note: If a minimum or maximum value is specified for the property in the
repository, the service cannot make the setting less restrictive. That is, the
service can set the minimum or maximum only to a larger or smaller value. It
cannot decrease or increase the minimum or maximum value.

7.8 Ordering properties on the add dialog

In this sample, we work with the CustomerDossier class. The original order of the
properties is shown in Figure 7-21 where the Company property is under the
CustomerNumber property. This sample changes the property order by moving
the Company property above the CustomerNumber property.

Figure 7-21 CustomDossier class original order of properties

EDS can control only the property data and behavior; it cannot change the order
of properties in the dialog. To implement this function, a response filter plug-in is


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Note: Before you try to implement changes with EDS, first determine what
types of tasks EDS supports. See 7.2.1, When to use EDS on page 235.
If EDS does not support a type of task, implement your own request and
response filters instead.
After the modified plug-in is applied, the order of the properties will be as shown
as Figure 7-22.

Figure 7-22 Updated properties order for CustomDossier

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


To implement this response filter plug-in, use the following steps:

1. Create a new IBM Content Navigator Plug-in project.
For the sample plug-in, enter SampleFilterPlugin as the Descriptive Name.
Enter the remaining information for the plug-in project as shown in
Figure 7-23.

Figure 7-23 Create a new plug-in project

2. Create a new response filter in the newly created project by selecting IBM
Content navigator Server Extensions New Response Filter. See
Figure 7-24 on page 263.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 7-24 Create a new response filter

3. In the Response Filter setting dialog, enter the Java Package name and Class
Name. Select the services that are extended by this filter.
For this sample, enter the information as shown in Figure 7-25 on page 151.
The following two services are selected to get class information from the

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


Figure 7-25 Set up the new response filter

4. The OpenContentClassFilter.java file is created. In this Java file, you need

to implement the changing of the properties order that is stored in the
jsonResponse parameter. All the property information is stored in criterias
property in jsonResponse. The position of the property in the array
determines the order that shows in the dialog. This sample sets the specified
position for the properties in the array to realize the reorder function in the add
Example 7-6 shows the sample code for this plug-in. To illustrate how it works
and make the sample simple, the class name and properties order is hard-coded.
You can make it more configurable.
Example 7-6 Response filter code snippet to change property display order

package com.ibm.ecm.extension.samplefilter;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginResponseFilter;
import com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginServiceCallbacks;
import com.ibm.json.java.JSONObject;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

import com.ibm.json.java.JSONArray;
* Provides an abstract class that is extended to create a filter for
* responses from a particular service. The response from the service
* is provided to the filter in JSON format before it is returned to
* the web browser. The filter can then modify that response, and the
* modified response is returned to the web browser.
public class OpenContentClassFilter extends PluginResponseFilter {
* Returns an array of the services that are extended by this
* filter.
public String[] getFilteredServices() {
return new String[] {
"/cm/openContentClass","/p8/openContentClass" };
public void filter(String serverType, PluginServiceCallbacks
HttpServletRequest request, JSONObject jsonResponse) throws
Exception {
// fill in the initial property values to pass to EDS.
// would be the default values


JSONArray jsonProperties =
String symbolicName =
if (symbolicName.equals("CustomerDossier")) {
public void updateJSONPropertiesOrder(JSONArray jsonProperties){
String[] PropertiesOrder = {"Company", "CustomerNumber",
"PhoneNumber"} ;
for (int i = 0; i < PropertiesOrder.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < jsonProperties.size(); j++) {
JSONObject jsonProperty =

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


(jsonProperty.get("name").toString().equals(PropertiesOrder[i])) {
JSONObject jsonEDSProperty =
jsonProperties.add(i+1, jsonEDSProperty);

7.9 Filter for large choice lists

Figure 7-26 shows the drop-down input combo box used for the choice list of a
single value property.

Figure 7-26 Choice list with normal behavior


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The drop-down input combo box can provide the start with filter for the choice
list. For a large choice list, if you want the contain filter for the choice list, you
need a plug-in to change the behavior. To not break the existing drop-down input
combo box, in this sample, we provide a new filter widget for the specified
property. After the plug-in is registered, the choice list for the Company property
will be similar to Figure 7-27.

Figure 7-27 Modified choice list displaying only properties matching restrictions

In this plug-in sample, there is a response filter to specify the class and property
that the filter plug-in works on. The plug-in also provides the customized
widgets for the filter choice dialog. To invoke the customized widgets, the
plug-in overrides one _createSearchChoiceListEditor() method in the
SinglePropertyEditorFactory.js file.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


To implement this response filter plug-in, complete the following steps:

1. Create a new IBM Content Navigator Plug-in project,
SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin with the project information
as shown in Figure 7-28.

Figure 7-28 SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin project information

2. Create a new response filter in the project. In the Response Filter setting
dialog (shown in Figure 7-29 on page 269), do these tasks:
Enter the Java Package name and Class Name.
Select the services that are extended by this filter. In this sample, the
following two services are selected to get class information from the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 7-29 Response filter for SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin project

A Java file named OpenContentClassFilter.java is created. In this sample, the

response filter is used to specify the class that the plug-in will apply to. It also
adds a cardinality: SEARCHCHOICE option to the property in the response
JSON object. Example 7-7, shows the code snippet for this plug-in. To illustrate
how it works and make the sample simple, the class name and properties are
hard-coded. You can make it more configurable. Some comments have been
removed for a shorter code snippet.
Example 7-7 Response filter for a choice list items based on contains restriction

package com.ibm.ecm.extension.samplesearchchoicelist;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;


public class OpenContentClassFilter extends PluginResponseFilter {


Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


* Returns an array of the services that are extended by this

* filter.
public String[] getFilteredServices() {
return new String[] {
"/cm/openContentClass","/p8/openContentClass" };
public void filter(String serverType, PluginServiceCallbacks
HttpServletRequest request, JSONObject jsonResponse) throws
Exception {
// fill in the initial property values to pass to EDS.
// would be the default values
JSONArray jsonProperties =
String symbolicName =


if (symbolicName.equals("CustomerDossier")) {
public void updateJSONFilterOption(JSONArray jsonProperties){
for (int i = 0; i < jsonProperties.size(); i++) {
JSONObject jsonProperty =
if (jsonProperty.get("name").toString().equals("Company"))
JSONObject jsonEDSProperty =
jsonEDSProperty.put("cardinality", "SEARCHCHOICE");


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To invoke the customized widgets, the plug-in overrides one method, which is
_createSearchChoiceListEditor(). This method is overridden in
SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin.js. Example 7-8 shows the overridden method.
Example 7-8 Overridden method _createSearchChoiceListEditor() code snippet

function(declare, lang, SinglePropertyEditorFactory, SearchChoicePane)
* Use this function to add any global JavaScript methods your
plug-in requires.
SinglePropertyEditorFactory.prototype.createSinglePropertyEditor =
function(kwArgs) {
var methodName = "createSinglePropertyEditor";
this.logEntry(methodName, "name: " + kwArgs.name + " label: " +
kwArgs.label + " type: " + kwArgs.dataType + " required: " +
if (!kwArgs.minMaxValues) {
kwArgs.minMaxValues = this.getMinMax(kwArgs.minValue,
kwArgs.maxValue, kwArgs.dataType, kwArgs.dataFormat); // call this
before getPromptText
var baseConstraints = {
name: kwArgs.name || "",
label: kwArgs.label || "",
dataType: kwArgs.dataType,
readOnly: kwArgs.readOnly,
id: kwArgs.id,
promptText: this.getPromptText(kwArgs),
required: kwArgs.required
var editor = null;
kwArgs.cardinality = kwArgs.cardinality.toUpperCase();
if (kwArgs.cardinality && (kwArgs.cardinality == "LIST" ||
kwArgs.cardinality == "MULTI")) {
editor = this._createMultiValueEditor(baseConstraints,

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


} else if (kwArgs.cardinality && kwArgs.cardinality == "SINGLE"

&& kwArgs.choiceList && kwArgs.choiceListNested) {
editor = this._createSingleChoiceTreeEditor(baseConstraints,
} else if ((kwArgs.cardinality && kwArgs.cardinality ==
"SEARCHCHOICE" && kwArgs.choiceList)) {
editor = this._createSearchChoiceListEditor(baseConstraints,
} else if ((kwArgs.cardinality && kwArgs.cardinality == "SINGLE"
&& kwArgs.choiceList) || (kwArgs.valueOptions &&
kwArgs.valueOptions.length > 0)) {
editor =
this._createSingleChoiceListEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:date" || kwArgs.dataType ==
"xs:timestamp") {
editor = this._createDateTimestampEditor(baseConstraints,
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:time") {
editor = this._createTimeEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:guid") {
editor = this._createGuidEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:reference") {
editor = this._createReferenceEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:object") {
editor = this._createObjectEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:integer" || kwArgs.dataType ==
"xs:short" || kwArgs.dataType == "xs:long" || kwArgs.dataType ==
"xs:decimal" || kwArgs.dataType == "xs:double") {
editor = this._createNumberEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:group") { // user and group
editor = this._createGroupEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else if (kwArgs.dataType == "xs:user") { // user
editor = this._createUserEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
} else {
editor = this._createTextEditor(baseConstraints, kwArgs);
if (baseConstraints.label && editor) {
editor.set("title", baseConstraints.label);
editor.set("alt", baseConstraints.label);
return editor;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

* @private Creates the search choice list editor.
= function(baseConstraints, kwArgs) {
var availableData = kwArgs.choiceList;
var SearchChoice = new SearchChoicePane({
availableData: availableData,
selectedValues: kwArgs.values,
isTree: kwArgs.choiceListNested,
editable: !kwArgs.readOnly,
hasSorting: !kwArgs.uniqueValues,
hideAvailableOnAdd: kwArgs.uniqueValues,
allowDuplicateValues: !kwArgs.uniqueValues
lang.mixin(baseConstraints, {
"label": SearchChoice.getLabel(),
width: kwArgs.width || "",
dropDown: SearchChoice
var editor = new ecm.widget.DropDownInput(baseConstraints);
editor.set("value", SearchChoice.getValue());
return editor;
In this sample, there are two Dojo widgets, SearchChoicePane and ChoiceGrid
for the filter choice list. The ChoiceGrid is included in SearchChoicePane.
SearchChoicePane is called in SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin.js in step 4.
Because the Dojo part is not the key point in this chapter and the space is limited,
the detailed sample code for the Dojo widgets are not listed here.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


7.10 Deployment and configuration

Before we can deploy the application to the application server, which is
WebSphere Application Server for our sample, we must create the tables on the
database. This database can be the same as the database that is used for the
IBM Content Navigator to keep this scenario simple. If you want, you can also
create a separate database or use another existing database. The required
tables can be created and loaded with the attached DDL scripts, which are in the
downloadable material for this book (see Appendix D, Additional material on
page 535 for download information). Be sure to set the necessary permissions
on the table if you want to reuse the configured database user from the IBM
Content Navigator data source.
The next preparation step is to specify a JDBC data source that points to our
database, if you created a separate database and you deploy on a different
application server than the one IBM Content Navigator is deployed to. Otherwise
we can reuse the data source definition we already created through the IBM
Content Navigator configuration and deployment tool. If you need to create a new
data source, follow the instructions in your application server documentation.
To deploy the custom EDS implementation on a WebSphere Application Server,
complete the following steps:
1. Export the project as a WAR file to your desired location.
2. Open the WebSphere Administration Console and log in.
3. Select Applications New Application New Enterprise Application.
4. Point the installation path to the WAR file that you exported in step 1 and go
through all the steps by clicking Next. Then, select the JDBC data source
reference, for example jdbc/CIWEBDS and the deployment root
5. Click Finish and Save to save the master configuration.
6. Select Applications Application Types WebSphere enterprise
applications, and start the EDS application, if did not start automatically.
7. For validation test, enter the URL to the GetObjectTypesServlet:
This deployed EDS must be linked to your IBM Content Navigator deployment
where you register and configure the external data services support plug-in,
which is named edsPlugin, to use the sample external data services.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Complete the following steps:

1. Load the edsPlugin.jar file. In the IBM Content Navigator administration tool,
in the configuration options for the plug-in, define the URL or the file path to
the edsPlugin.jar file:
a. Enter the URL in the following sample format:
b. Enter the path to the file that is installed on the server, for example, use
one of the following paths:

Microsoft Windows:
C:\Program Files\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\edsPlugin.jar

Linux or IBM AIX system:


The ECMClient folder is the IBM Content Navigator installation directory.

2. After the edsPlugin.jar file is loaded, specify the URL to where the EDS is
deployed. For example, you can specify the following URL:
3. Click Save and Close.
4. Refresh your web browser.
Now your IBM Content Navigator has loaded the EDS plug-in. The plug-in is
configured to call your deployed sample EDS service, and use the data that is
returned to manipulate the data and properties that are displayed.
To register the request and response filter plug-in with IBM Content Navigator,
complete the following steps:
1. Build the plug-in projects and copy the JAR file to the location you want.
2. Load the SampleFilterPlugin.jar and SampleSearchChoiceListPlugin.jar
files. In the IBM Content Navigator administration tool, in the configuration
options for the plug-in, input the file path to the plug-in JAR files and click
3. Click Save and Close.
4. Refresh your web browser.
Now the request and response filter plug-in is loaded. The property order should
be in the plug-in setting. The filter dialog should also be opened with the choice
list property that is set in the plug-in.

Chapter 7. Implementing request and response filters and external data services


Performance considerations
When you want a custom EDS implementation and deployment, consider the
following aspects:
Put the EDS service physically as close as possible to the data that EDS is
supposed to access; having it on the same machine, with no network between
is the best approach to avoid any latency issues.
Think about implementing a caching technique so that the response time for
frequently requested object types is as low as possible.
Scale the WebContainer settings of the application server thread, appropriate
to the expected number of users and actions that call EDS.

7.11 Conclusion
This chapter describes request and response filters and one of the special
implementations, EDS. EDS is a powerful extension that can be used to
implement your custom requirements independently, based on a REST service
syntax. EDS can control the property data and behavior. This chapter shows how
to do an EDS implementation and several main features to manipulate the IBM
Content Navigator user interface. It also shows how to use request and response
filters to implement other features.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 8.

Creating a custom step

This chapter describes how to create custom workflow step processors using the
IBM Content Navigator toolkit. It provides background information about step
processors and the step processors delivered with IBM Content Navigator. It then
steps through the process of creating custom step processors.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Workflow step processors overview

IBM Content Navigator step processors
Custom step processors
Example overview
Creating a custom step processor
Deploying the custom step processor
Registering the custom step processor
Configuring Application Space and in-basket
Adding an action to use an embedded viewer
Using and testing the custom step processor
Adding external data services

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


8.1 Workflow step processors overview

A workflow is a series of work steps connected by routes. The routes determine
which step is processed next based on the output from the previous step. The
steps perform the actual tasks of the workflow.
Workflow steps can be categorized into work performers and step processors. A

work performer is an automated task that contains no user interface. Work

performers perform some action based on the information in the workflow. This
action can include updating the attached documents, calling external systems,
performing IBM FileNet P8 operations or other related activities. A step processor
is used to display a user interface and is added to a workflow queue for
processing. When the step is executed by a user, the user interface is displayed
and the user will perform the step. After the user has completed the appropriate
actions, the user completes the step and the workflow uses the routes from that
step to determine the next step to execute.
When designing a workflow, the designer adds a step processor to the workflows
by dragging the Activity icon onto the design window. They then configure the
step processor through the properties user interface. The first step is to specify
which step processor to use. If IBM Content Navigator is installed and
configured, then the IBM Content Navigator step and launch processors will
appear in the list of available step processors. Additionally, any custom step
processors will appear if they have been registered.

8.2 IBM Content Navigator step processors

IBM Content Navigator provides two configurable step processors for use in
workflows. They are a launch processor and a step processor. The launch
processor is a special type of step processor that is used as the first step in a
workflow and is used to start the workflow process. A launch processor can only
be used as the first step in the workflow. The step processor can be used
anywhere in a workflow except as the first step. The step processor is used to
provide the user interface for workflow steps that require user interaction.
The step processors delivered with Content Navigator provide functionality that
will work for many uses cases. They provide a multi-tab user interface that
displays the information needed for the user to complete the step. On the first
tab, all of the properties configured for the step are displayed. The user can
examine existing values and input values required to complete the step.
Figure 8-1 on page 279 shows a sample of the Properties tab.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 8-1 Content Navigator step processor properties page

The second tab displays any documents that have been attached to the workflow
and that are configured to display. The user can add additional documents and
view the existing documents. Figure 8-2 shows the Attachments tab of the
Content Navigator step processor.

Figure 8-2 Content Navigator step processor attachments page

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


There is also an optional third tab that will show the history of the workflow. In
addition, these step processors provide buttons to perform the various workflow
step actions such as complete the step, save the work in progress, cancel, or
reassign the work to someone else.
The Process Designer is the tool that is used to create and modify workflows. It
allows the users to drag workflow steps onto the design space, configure the
steps, and link them to other steps. When you add the Content Navigator step
processor to a workflow in the Process Designer, several basic customizations
are available that can be done through simple configuration. To perform these
customizations, add an activity to the workflow in the Process Designer and then
select this activity. Then select Navigator Step Processor from the Step
Processor dropdown list. This specifies that the Content Navigator step
processor is used for this step.
The first customization is the Instructions that are presented to the user. The
Instructions inform the user of the details of the task to be performed. It provides
the information they need to complete the task.
When configuring the step processor, you can also decide which properties are
displayed to the user. On the Parameters tab in Process Designer, you can select
which of the workflow properties are displayed to the user. In the step processor
itself, these will show up on the Properties tab and will show any values that have
already been entered. You can enter a prompt that is displayed for each property
and you can also specify whether the properties are read-only or read-write. The
step processor will sort the properties displayed based on the prompt specified in
Process Designer. It will then add any workflow group properties at the bottom of
the standard fields. Finally, the Comments field will be displayed last.
You can select which workflow attachments will be included in the step
processor. If there is a specific attachment that is needed, you add it to the list of
parameters. You can include all of the attachments, some of the attachments or
none of the attachments in the step processor. When defining the workflow
attachments in the Process Designer, you can designate one of the attachment
parameters as the Initiating Attachment by select the attachment in the
Attachments tab and clicking the Initiating Attachment button at the top.
You can also specify whether the user processing the step can reassign the work
to another user, whether the History tab is displayed and whether the workflow
status is displayed. These options are configured on the General tab of the step
processor configuration page.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

8.3 Custom step processors

The step processor delivered by Content Navigator will cover many of the use
cases for your work steps. If you need additional control of the step processor
then you can create a custom step processor. With a custom step processor, you
modify the Content Navigator step processor user interface by adding, or
modifying the widgets that are shown in the user interface.
The Content Navigator step processors are created using the Content Navigator
toolkit. When you create a custom step processor you create a new step
processor that extends the delivered step processor. When you extend the
delivered step processor, you start with the functionality that it provides, but you
can then extend it to include additional user interface components or to provide
additional functionality. Additionally, you can integrate Content Navigator external
data services for the properties that are displayed in the custom step processor.

8.4 Example overview

This example will create a custom step processor to process claims introduced in
earlier chapters. When a document is added to the system and assigned to the
Claims document class, an event action will be triggered that will start a claims
processing workflow. This workflow will utilize a custom step processor to review
and approve the claim.
In the Content Navigator step processor, you can view an attached document by
opening the document in the attachments pane. When you open the document,
the Content Navigator viewer opens in a separate browser window to display the
selected document. The custom step processor will embed the Content
Navigator viewer into the step processor user interface. This viewer will be in the
same browser window as the step processor instead of in a separate browser
window like the Content Navigator step processor.
Additionally, the external data services developed in Chapter 7, Implementing
request and response filters and external data services on page 233 will be
used to control the properties that are displayed in the step processor user
interface. The claim number validation will be used and the dependent property
lists for the Region and Branch fields.

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


8.5 Creating a custom step processor

The sample custom step processor will extend the delivered Content Navigator
step processor. This will allow the custom step processor to retain the
functionality provided by the Content Navigator step processor while adding the
new functionality for our sample. The existing step processor widget is being
extended, so only the extensions we are providing need to be coded. The other
functionality will be deferred to the existing step processor.
Three files implement the Content Navigator step processor:
StepProcessor.jsp located in the WebContent directory
StepProcessorLayout.html located in ecm\widget\process\templates
StepProcessorLayout.js located in ecm\widget\process
For this example, three new files will be created that will be deployed to Content
Navigator. The following sections describe these files and the code that will be
implemented in each.

8.5.1 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.html
This file provides the HTML template for the step processor widget. To create this
file, make a copy of the StepProcessorLayout.html delivered by Content
Navigator and name it StepProcessorRedbkLayout.html. This template will be
modified to add a new container for the viewer that will be included in the custom
step processor. The layout will include the existing tab container for the step
processor on the left and will add the viewer to the right side of the tab container.
The first step is to modify the existing stepContentPane. In Content Navigator
processor, this pane uses the full width of the step processor widget. This must
be modified so that the dialog will be split between this pane and the viewer pane
that is being added. To do this, you first change the region from center to
leading. This will place this widget on the left. Next, you add the following
attributes to this pane:
style=width: 50%
This adds a splitter between the stepContentPane and the viewer pane and it
specifies that the stepContentPane will be allocated half of the width of the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 8-1 shows the updates for the content pane in

Example 8-1 Update content pane in StepProcessorRedbkLayout.html

<div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.ContentPane"
region="leading" splitter="true" style="width: 50%" >
Next, the viewer container is added to the template after the stepContentPane
and before the ActionBar pane, which is at the bottom of the widget. This
container will hold the viewer widget that is added. Example 8-2 shows the code
to add the content pane.
Example 8-2 Add ContentPane to StepProcessorRedbkLayout.html

<div data-dojo-attach-point="customViewerContainer"
region="center" style="width: 50%" >
<div id="contentViewer"style="width: 100%; height: 100%">

8.5.2 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.js
StepProcessorRedbkLayout will create the step processor widget. This widget
extends the Content Navigator step processor so it includes only the additional
code needed by the widget to include the viewer. The base functionality of the
widget will be provided by the widget that is being extended, which is defined in
the StepProcessorLayout.js file.
This file starts by defining the files needed by the widget and then declares the
widget that is being creating. The code of most interest in this file is the startup
function, which will initialize the viewer. This procedure checks if the viewer has
already been created by checking contentViewer. If the viewer has not been
created, then this procedure creates an instance of the Content Navigator viewer
and assigns it to contentViewer. Example 8-3 shows the code for
Example 8-3 Listing for StepProcessorRedbklLayout.js

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


], function(declare, lang, connect, LoggerMixin, _ProcessorMixin,
StepProcessorLayout, template) {
* @name custom.widget.process.StepProcessorRedbkLayout
* @class Provides a custom layout for step processors.
* @augments custom.widget.process.StepProcessorLayout
return declare("custom.widget.process.StepProcessorRedbkLayout", [
], {
/** @lends custom.widget.process.StepProcessorRedbkLayout.prototype */
// widgetsInTemplate: Boolean
Set this to true if your widget contains other widgets
widgetsInTemplate: true,
contentString: template,
contentContainer: null,
contentViewer: null,
// postCreate() is called to override the superclass.
postCreate: function() {
// startup() is called to create the create and place the
// Content Viewer instance, resize the Content Viewer layout
// and override the default Viewer toolbar text.
startup: function() {
// if an instance of the Content Viewer doesn't exist then create one
if (this.contentViewer == null) {
var bidiDir = "ltr"; // left-to-right for English locale as
var language = dojo.locale;
if ((language.indexOf("ar") === 0) || (language.indexOf("he") ===
0) || (language.indexOf("iw") === 0)) {
bidiDir = "rtl"; // Use right-to-left for Arabic locale.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

var tabStyle = "margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height:

// create an instance of the Content Viewer
this.logDebug("startup-custom", "instantiate CV");
this.contentViewer = new ecm.widget.viewer.ContentViewer({
style: tabStyle,
isEntireWindow: false,
dir: bidiDir,
lang: language
// place the Content Viewer on the step processor page
this.logDebug("startup-custom", "place CV in the step processor
this.contentContainer = dojo.byId("contentViewer");
// resize the Content Viewer layout
this.logDebug("startup-custom", "resizing the CV layout");
// set the text on the Content Viewer toolbar
this.logDebug("startup-custom", "set the text on the CV toolbar");
this.contentViewer.viewerToolbarText.innerHTML = "Viewer";
// detect splitter movement and resize container
"onmouseup", function() {
if (this.contentViewer != null) {

8.5.3 StepProcessorRedbkLayout.jsp
The final file is StepProcessorRedbk.jsp. This is the step processor controller
and will be registered with the Process Configuration Console to identify it as a
step processor that can be used in workflows.

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


This file will be based on the StepProcessor.jsp file with only minor changes so
that it uses the custom step processor widget instead of the step processor
widget delivered with Content Navigator.
First, copy StepProcessor.jsp and name the copy StepProcessorRedbk.jsp.
Next, add dojo.require for the custom widget so that it can be used. Then, update
the controller to use the custom step processor. Example 8-4 shows the code for
Example 8-4 Listing for StepProcessorRedbk.jsp

<!DOCTYPE html>
String htmlLocale =
htmlLocale = htmlLocale.replace("iw", "he"); // workaround for
Java getLocale() spec.
<html lang="<%=htmlLocale%>">
response.setHeader("Pragma","no-cache"); //HTTP 1.0
response.setDateHeader ("Expires", 0); //prevents caching at the
proxy server
<%@ include file="header.jsp" %>
<body class="<%=bodyClasses%>" dir="<%=direction%>" style="width: 100%;
height: 100%; position: absolute;">
<div id="ECMWebUIloadingAnimation"
style="display:inline-block;position:absolute;top: 10px; left: 10px">
<div class="ecmLoading"></div>
<div id="ECMWebUIloadingText" class="contentNode
<div dojoType="custom.widget.process.StepProcessorRedbkLayout"
id="ECMStepProcUI" style="width: 100%; height: 100%"


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

8.6 Deploying the custom step processor

The implementation files must be installed directly into the Content Navigator
deployed directories. To deploy the custom step process, complete these steps:
1. Stop the Content Navigator application server.
2. Copy the custom step processor into the Content Navigator deployed location
on the application server.
3. Start the Content Navigator application server.
Copy the files into the following locations:
Copy StepProcessorRedbk.jsp into the Content Navigator WebContent
Under WebContent, create the directory custom\widget\process and copy
StepProcessorRedbkLayout.js in the directory you created.
Create a templates directory under the custom directory you created and
copy StepProcessRedbkLayout.html into the templates directory.

8.7 Registering the custom step processor

Before the custom step processor can be used in a workflow, it must be
registered through the Process Configuration Console. Registering the step
processor makes it available in the Process Designer as one of the supported
step processor. Additionally, registering the step processor tells the Content
Platform Engine where to find the custom step processor when a step is
To register the custom step processor in the Process Configuration Console,
complete the following steps:
1. In the tree view on the left, select the context menu for the appropriate
connection point and select Connect.
2. After you are connected, select the context menu for the connection point
again and select Properties.
3. Click the Web Applications tab and ensure that the appropriate URL has
already been specified for Content Navigator.
4. Click the Step Processor Info tab.

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


5. Click the Add icon in the upper right side and enter the following information
and configuration:
Enter Step Processor Redbk as the name for the custom step processor.
For the language, select HTML.
Update the width to 1200 and the height to 800. With the embedded viewer,
a larger dialog is needed.
Enter location information:
i. Double click in the Location field which will display the Step Processor
Locations dialog.
ii. Select the IBM Content Navigator entry.
iii. Enter StepProcessorRedbk.jsp into the Location field.
iv. Click OK to close the Location dialog box.
6. Click OK again to close the Add dialog box and commit the changes.

8.8 Configuring Application Space and in-basket

Content Navigator uses Application Spaces and in-baskets for displaying the list
of work items to be processed. If you do not already have one, then you need to
create a new Application Space in the Process Configuration Console.
To create the new Application Space, complete these steps:
1. In Process Configuration Console. Select the context menu for Application
Spaces and select New.
2. In the dialog, enter a name and description and then press OK.
To configure the Application Space, complete these steps:
1. Open the created Application Space.
2. Click the Roles tab, add a new role and name it ProcessClaims.
3. Under Select in-baskets, select the inbox from the list of in-baskets.
4. Select the users that will be processing the claims.
5. Save the changes by pressing OK.
The Application Space is then displayed in the Content Navigator Work View.
When the Application Space is expanded, you can select an in-basket, and then
the work items that are assigned to it will be displayed. The work item can be
opened by double-clicking it or by selecting it and clicking Open.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

8.9 Adding an action to use an embedded viewer

The next step is to provide a method for users to display documents in the
embedded viewer. The Content Navigator step processor will automatically
display the document in the external viewer, so an action is added that allows the
document to be displayed in the embedded viewer. The default Content
Navigator behavior will not be overridden so the user will have the option of using
the embedded or non-embedded viewer.
To add the action, a Content Navigator plug-in is created by using the Content
Navigator Eclipse extensions introduced in Chapter 3, Setting up the
development environment on page 73. Follow the instructions in that chapter to
create a new Content Navigator plug-in project. Table 8-1 shows the values to
enter when creating the project.
Table 8-1 Values for creating a new plug-in


Project name


Descriptive name

Step Processor Action Plugin

Java package


Class name




This plug-in is needed to deliver the action. Follow the instructions in Chapter 5,
Building a custom repository search service on page 173 to create a plug-in
extension. In this case, an action is added, so select Action from the list of
extensions. Enter com.ibm.ecm.icn.plugin as the Java Package and
StepProcessorAction as the Class Name.
To implement the action, several files that are generated must be modified. The
following sections outline the necessary changes.

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


8.9.1 Updating StepProcessorAction.java

The StepProcessorAction.java file provides some general information about the
action that is being implemented. Information specific to the action will need to be
added to several of the procedures.
The getName() method specifies the string that will be displayed on menus for
the new action. Update this field to a user-friendly string that describes the
action. Example 8-5 shows the code for updating this procedure.
Example 8-5 Listing for getName method

public String getName(Locale locale) {

return "Open in Embedded Viewer";
The getPrivilege() method must be updated to specify which privilege is needed
to perform this action. Anyone who can view the document will be able to perform
this action, so this procedure will return the value privViewDoc. Example 8-6
shows the code for the getPrivilege() method.
Example 8-6 Listing for getPrivilege method

public String getPrivilege() {

return "privViewDoc";
The getServerTypes() method must return the types of servers that are
supported. This example will be working with IBM FileNet P8, so return "p8" as
the value. Example 8-7 shows the code for the getServerTypes() method.
Example 8-7 Listing for getServerTypes method

public String getServerTypes() {

return "p8";

8.9.2 Updating StepProcessorActionPlugin.js

The StepProcessorActionPlugin.js file performs the action that is being added.
It verifies that a document has been selected, and then verifies that the
embedded viewer has been created. If both of these conditions are met, then it
sends the document to the embedded viewer. Example 8-8 on page 291 shows
the code for the StepProcessorActionPlugin.js file.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 8-8 Listing for StepProcessorActionPlugin.js

"ecm/widget/viewer/ContentViewer" ],
function(declare, lang, ContentViewer ) {
lang.setObject("stepProcessorAction", function (repository, items,
callback, teamspace, resultSet, parameterMap) {
// action definition only permits one object in the array
var item = items[0];
// check if the item is a document
if (!item.isFolder()) {
// check if viewer instance exists
if (window.contentViewer != null) {
// open the document in the viewer

8.9.3 Building and deploying the action plug-in

The project generated by the Eclipse tooling automatically creates a build.xml
file to build the plug-in JAR file. Run build.xml to create the plug-in JAR file.
After the JAR file is created, register and test it by following the instructions in
3.3.4, Registering and testing a plug-in on page 94.
After the plug-in is registered, you can add the action provided by the plug-in to
the appropriate menu:
1. Open Content Navigator with administrator privileges and open the
Administration View feature.
2. Expand Menus in the tree and find the Default attachment item context
menu. The default menu cannot be modified, so a copy of the menu must be
3. Select the context menu for the menu in the list and select Copy. This will
create a new menu of the same type as the menu selected.
4. Enter a name for the custom menu in the dialog. The ID will automatically be
populated based on the name you specify.
5. From the Available Actions on the left, select the Open in embedded viewer
action from the plug-in, and move it to the Selected Actions area.
6. Save the new menu that was created.

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


Next, assign the new menu to the appropriate toolbar:

1. Open the default desktop (or whichever desktop will be used), and select the
Menu tab.
2. Under the FileNet P8 Workflow Context Menus section, select the drop-down
next to the Document Attachment Context Menu and select the custom
menu that was created previously.
3. Save the changes to the desktop.

8.10 Using and testing the custom step processor

To use and test the custom step processor, create a workflow that incorporates it.
The workflow is created in the Process Designer. A subscription is used to initiate
the workflow whenever a document is added for the Claim document class. The
following sections provide an overview of creating and testing the workflow.

8.10.1 Creating the workflow with custom step processor

This example creates a simple workflow that consists of a launch step and then
an activity step that uses the custom step processor. It will include a set of
properties to display in addition to a single document attachment. The following
steps describe how to create the workflow:
1. Open Process Designer. It opens with a new workflow that contains a launch
2. In the Workflow tab at the bottom, enter Claim Processing as the Workflow
Name. Enter Process a claim as the subject. Optionally, enter a description.
3. On the Data Fields tab, add three string data fields, using these names for
them: Branch, ClaimNumber, and Region. Enter a description for each data
4. On the Attachments tab, add an attachment named ClaimDocument. Leave the
Array and Value fields blank, but enter a description.
5. Select the LaunchStep in the graphic area. On the General tab, enter
LaunchClaim as the Step Name.
6. Add an activity step by dragging the Activity icon to the graphic area.
7. On the General tab for the activity, do these tasks:
Enter ProcessClaim as the Step Name.
In the participants field, add F_Originator.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

In the Step Processor drop-down list, select Step Processor Redbk step
processor. If this step processor is not listed, recheck the configuration of
the step processor in the Process Configuration Console.
Enter instructions explaining to the user how to process the claim in this
custom step.
On the Parameters tab, add all four parameters to the list of selected
parameters. Enter a prompt for each parameter.
8. Add a route from the LaunchStep to the custom step.

8.10.2 Adding subscription to initiate workflow

The sample workflow can be launched manually, or to automate the process you
can create a workflow subscription. For this example, create a subscription that
launches the workflow when a document in the Claim document class is created.
This is done by subscribing to the check-in event for Claim and launching the
workflow. This way, whenever a document in this class is created in the object
store, the subscription is automatically launched with the new document as an
attachment. The workflow will then move to the Process Claim step and a work
item will arrive in the appropriate in-basket to process the claim.

8.11 Adding external data services

External data services can be configured to work with workflow step processors
including custom step processors. For this example, the external data services
are created in Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and
external data services on page 233. Through a simple modification, the external
data services that were created can be added to the custom step processor.
The external data services were configured to work on the Claim document class
and provided several customizations. EDS is used for the following fields:
ClaimNumber: Validate the format of this field.
Region: Add a choice list.
BranchOffice: Makes this choice list a dependent property of Region.
You will notice that the field names used in the custom step processor match the
field names from the Claims document class. This allows you to reuse the EDS
that was created for the document class fields.
To use these items, the external data services must be updated to include the
workflow step processor as a target. This is done by updating the
ObjectTypes.json file in the external data services project to include the

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


workflow in the list of supported classes. Example 8-9 shows the updated code.
In the example, Claim_Processing is the workflow name, spaces are replaced by
underscores, and ProcessClaim is the step name in the workflow.
Example 8-9 ObjectTypes.json updated to add the custom step processor

{"symbolicName": "Claim"},
{"symbolicName": "Claim_Processing.Workflow.ProcessClaim"},
After this change is made, regenerate the WAR file for the EDS service and
redeploy it to the application server. This simple change enables EDS for the step
External data services can provide a variety of functionality to validate and
simplify the entry of data by the user. As was shown previously, you can create
choice lists, designate dependent choice lists, and validate the data entered by
the user. Other key features that can be provided by external data services
include providing default values, defining minimum and maximum values, and
specifying the length of a string field. If a string field is specified as 256
characters or more, then the entry area for that field will automatically become a
multi-line input box.

8.11.1 Testing the workflow and custom step processor

The Process Designer tool can save and launch your workflow, to help you more
easily perform tests.
To test the workflow and custom process step processor, use these steps:
1. Select File Launch Main Workflow from the Process Designer menu.
2. In the first window, select the object store and folder where the workflow will
be saved and then click Next.
3. On the Save the Workflow dialog, enter ICN Claim Processing as the
Document Title and click Finish. This saves and then launches the workflow.
4. On the Launch dialog, click Launch.
5. Start Content Navigator, select the Process feature and then Navigate to the
in-basket you created from the Process Configuration Console. The listview
contains a work item for the workflow that you launched.
6. Open the work item to view the custom step processor.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 8-3 shows the custom step processor property pages. Notice that the
validation of the claim number is being performed and that the region and branch
are now associated with choice lists.

Figure 8-3 Custom step processor properties tab

Chapter 8. Creating a custom step processor


Figure 8-4 shows the custom step processor attachments page with a document
selected and displayed in the embedded viewer.

Figure 8-4 Custom step processor attachments tab

8.12 Conclusion
This chapter shows how to create a custom step processor based on the Content
Navigator step processor. The custom step processor modifies the original step
processor to provide an embedded viewer for displaying documents associated
with the workflow. This example shows how you can create custom step
processors to meet the functional needs of your application.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Chapter 9.

Using Content Navigator

widgets in other
The chapter describes how IBM Content Navigator components can be
integrated into external applications. An external application can be a
stand-alone application that invokes components of IBM Content Navigator or it
can be a container like a portal server that provides the runtime environment in
which IBM Content Navigator components must be executed.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Integration into other applications overview

Example overview
Externalizing IBM Content Navigator widgets
Integrating Content Navigator with URL API
Integrating Content Navigator with a specific feature
Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout
Integrating specific widgets of Content Navigator
Integrating the externalized widgets (Step 5)
Integrating stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft SharePoint page
Integrating stand-alone widgets as a portlet in WebSphere Portal

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


9.1 Integration into other applications overview

When integrating IBM Content Navigator or only some of its components into an
external application, you typically must complete two steps:
1. Externalize IBM Content Navigator widgets so that only the part that needs to
be integrated is displayed.
This can be either the entire IBM Content Navigator application or only one or
some of its widgets. It can be the standard layout with the look and feel of
IBM Content Navigator or a custom layout with a different style.
This step can be accomplished independently of the final target system in
which the IBM Content Navigator should be integrated and is covered in the
first part of this chapter.
2. Integrate the externalized IBM Content Navigator parts from step 1 into the
external application.
This can be a simple URL invocation of IBM Content Navigator, for example in
an iFrame of the external application, or it can be a tighter integration where
the JavaScript code is running in the external application. This, of course,
depends on the target system.

9.2 Example overview

This chapter shows examples of externalizing IBM Content Navigator widgets
and the following integrations:

Integrating Content Navigator with URL API

Integrating Content Navigator with a specific feature
Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout
Integrating stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft SharePoint page
Integrating stand-alone widgets as a portlet in WebSphere Portal

In principle, the steps for integrating into other systems are similar.
Note: The first part of the chapter provides several approaches for how to
externalize IBM Content Navigator or parts of it. In a real-world scenario, you
do not exercise all of the approaches; rather you choose the most appropriate
approach, which is probably the simplest one that complies with all the
requirements for your scenario.
The order of the approaches starts with the simplest and least flexible
approach and progresses to the most complex but most flexible approach.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

9.3 Externalizing IBM Content Navigator widgets

The first part of integration is to prepare IBM Content Navigator to show exactly
the part that you want to integrate into the external application.
We introduce various approaches of externalizing IBM Content Navigator and
provide a web application that is used to simulate the integration to the target

9.3.1 Approaches of IBM Content Navigator externalization

Depending on the requirements, there are several approaches with a different
level of integration. This section provides an overview.
The approaches can be categorized into unbound and bound integration as
introduced in 1.2.4, Developing or integrating a custom application on page 11.
Unbound integration means the external application is, in some way, invoking
a URL of IBM Content Navigator application and the IBM Content Navigator
widgets are running outside the external application.
Bound integration means initializing, invoking, and interacting with the IBM
Content Navigator widgets directly and not through URL invocation. IBM
Content Navigator widgets are run inside the external application or container.

Unbound integration
Unbound integration includes these features:
Externalize with URL API and deep linking
Externalize with your own custom feature
Externalize with your own layout

Externalize with URL API and deep linking

Full IBM Content Navigator is integrated as a whole application. From the
external application, you basically invoke the URL of IBM Content Navigator.
With additional URL parameters provided by the URL API, you gain certain
control regarding what parts of IBM Content Navigator should be displayed. This
approach is described in 9.4, Integrating Content Navigator with URL API on
page 308. If you need more flexibility and control, you must choose one of the
other approaches.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are as follows:

No coding, only configuration.
iFrame integration: no cross-site scripting problem.
No Dojo version conflicts between external application and IBM Content
iFrame integration:

Limited interaction with the master application (by changing the URL).
Each invocation will always reload the whole desktop.

Integrates whole IBM Content Navigator (not just a specific part or several

Externalize with your own custom feature

If the first approach is not enough and you want to externalize something that is
not covered by the default features of IBM Content Navigator, consider providing
your own feature through a plug-in and invoking this feature directly with the URL
API. For example, if you want a specific feature but without the bars at the top
and left sides, you can additionally specify the sideChrome parameter. This
approach is described in 9.5, Integrating Content Navigator with a specific
feature on page 310.
This approach is already powerful. Developing your own feature gives you total
freedom regarding which widgets to display and how to arrange them on the
page. All IBM Content Navigator widgets and models can be used or you can
develop your own widgets. There is practically no limitation if you want to show
your custom feature. But to change the default layout of the IBM Content
Navigator or to externalize only a specific widget and not launch the whole IBM
Content Navigator with the default launch page, consider other approaches.
Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
You can specify which widgets to render in a custom feature.
Seamless integration is possible with the sideChrome parameter.
iFrame integration: no cross-site scripting problem.
iFrame integration:

Limited interaction with the master application (by changing the URL).
Each invocation will always reload the whole desktop.

You cannot change the top banner or left feature bar (only show or hide).


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Externalize with your own layout

Like the first two approaches, you start the whole IBM Content Navigator through
URL invocation of the standard launch page. But this time you change the
standard layout of IBM Content Navigator (which is NavigatorMainLayout widget)
with a custom layout that is provided with a plug-in. In this way, you can arrange
features as you need or even abandon features. This approach is described in
9.6, Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout on page 313.
If you want to provide a custom page with widgets of your choice and arrange
them to your needs, this approach is as powerful as the previous one that uses a
custom feature to achieve the same goal. To eliminate disturbing banners or
bars, you basically skip them in your custom layout; however, in the custom
feature approach, you can specify the sideChrome parameter and have the same
You have more flexibility than with the previous approach if you need to change
aspects of the default layout. For example, perhaps the external application
displays other features in a tab container than the button bar on the left side, like
the IBM Content Navigator is doing in the standard layout. Then, consider
developing a custom layout where the user can switch the features of IBM
Content Navigator in a tab container to provide the same user experience with
the legacy application that the user is familiar with.
Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
You can specify which widgets to render.
You can customize the top banner or the left feature bar.
Layout can contain several features and act as a container for all your
integration features.
iFrame integration: no cross-site scripting problem.
iFrame integration:

Limited interaction with the master application (by changing the URL).
Each invocation will always reload the whole desktop.

Bound integration
This integration differs from the previous approach in that it uses widgets outside
the standard IBM Content Navigator application and the code runs in the external
application. You prepare the widgets you want to externalize and you do not
launch the entire IBM Content Navigator with its standard initialization process.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


This approach is described in 9.7, Integrating specific widgets of Content

Navigator on page 324.
This approach provides the most flexibility. Your are not restricted to the IBM
Content Navigator application. You have total freedom about which widgets to
display, how to initialize them, and how to arrange them. You also have a deeper
level of interaction with the external application because its not just invoking one
single URL but rather wiring arbitrary events and provide interaction between
components of the application and the externalized widgets of IBM Content
But you must have a good understanding on how IBM Content Navigator is
working internally, for example how the models are loaded and initialized and
how to wire the widgets you want to externalize.
One of the key preconditions for this integration type is that Dojo framework is
supported on the target system and that the exact Dojo version, which is used by
IBM Content Navigator, can be executed inside the external application.
Advantages and disadvantages of this approach are as follows:
It allows interaction with the master application and wiring with its
You can load the desktop model of IBM Content Navigator once.
You can control of the initialization process of the widgets to suit your
Requires a deep understanding of the IBM Content Navigator and its
Requires more coding and initialization of the javascript Model.
Confronts you with cross-site scripting.
Might lead to Dojo version conflicts if the external application also uses
Dojo framework.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

9.3.2 Simulation of IBM Content Navigator integration part 1

To test the first part of the integration, we simulate the second part, which is the
invocation of the IBM Content Navigator from an external application: We provide
a simple web application with a simple welcome page. This page is where we
integrate IBM Content Navigator. We can emulate unbound and bound
Figure 9-1 illustrates an unbound integration. The Container Simulation is a small
web application that can be deployed to the same web server where IBM Content
Navigator is deployed, or into a different web server as shown in Figure 9-1. This
simulation type is appropriate for the approaches described in these sections:
9.4, Integrating Content Navigator with URL API on page 308
9.5, Integrating Content Navigator with a specific feature on page 310
9.6, Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout on page 313

Figure 9-1 Emulation of an unbound integration of IBM Content Navigator

Figure 9-2 on page 304 illustrates a bound integration. As you see the code of
the IBM Content Navigator integration goes directly into the Index.html page,
which this time emulates a page of the external application. Bound integration is
possible only with the approach described in 9.7, Integrating specific widgets of
Content Navigator on page 324, because it is the only one in which you can
manually set up the IBM Content Navigator widgets directly in the page of the
external application.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Figure 9-2 Emulation of a bound integration of IBM Content Navigator

If you deploy the Container Simulation application in a remote server as

illustrated, you can already determine whether same-origin policy violations are
issued and you can try to solve them. These kinds of challenges are described in
9.8, Integrating the externalized widgets (Step 5) on page 344.
With these two simulation types, we can now test the various approaches before
we integrate the externalized IBM Content Navigator into a specific environment
in the remainder of this chapter. So the whole first part is independent of a
specific target system.
In the IDE of your choice, create a new web project and add a welcome file,
named index.html. Figure 9-3 shows the basic web project structure, after
adding the index.html file.

Figure 9-3 Project structure of the container simulation web project


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

A Java web application has a deployment description file web.xml that is in the
the WEB-INF directory. For our purpose, it can be basic and has only one main
entry that registers index.html as welcome file. Example 9-1 shows the web.xml
of this web project.
Example 9-1 web.xml of Container Simulation project
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app id="WebApp_ID" version="2.5" xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee"

The index.html welcome page is structured with three DIV tags. The first and the
last DIV tags represent content of the external application; the middle DIV
contains content of the externalized IBM Content Navigator. See Example 9-2.
In this file, the integration is done with an iFrame element, so this is an unbound
integration. The URL in the src attribute will be adapted in the different
approaches of the next sections. For a first test, adapt the URL to point to your
IBM Content Navigator deployment.
For a simulation of the bound integration, in 9.8.4, Outline of a bound
integration on page 349, we show how the externalized IBM Content Navigator
widget is initialized directly in the middle DIV tag, which simulates a direct
integration into the external application.
Example 9-2 index.html of Container Simulation project
<!DOCTYPE html >
<title>Container for IBM Content Navigator Integration</title>
@import "ContainerSimulation.css";
<div class="externalAppContent">
Here is some information from the Container
<div id="icnIntegration">
<iframe class="icnIntegrationFrame"

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


name="IBM Content Navigator" seamless>
<div class="externalAppContent">
Here is another piece of information from the Container

For providing initial CSS styles, add a new ContainerSimulation.css file to the
WebContent folder and provide an implementation. See Example 9-3 for a starting
Example 9-3 Implementation of ContainerSimulation.css
width: 800px;
height: 600px;
overflow: auto;
height: 50px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 24px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;

Compress your web application to a web archive by using the export function of
your IDE. The result is an archive file; in our case it is ContainerSimulation.war.
Deploy this web archive to the web server where IBM Content Navigator is
deployed. For the remainder of this section, we assume that you set the web
context to ContainerSimulation.
Invoke your Simulation Container web application by launching a web browser
with URL such as in the following example:
http://<web server>:<port>/ContainerSimulation


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

After you log in, the page shown in Figure 9-4 opens.

Figure 9-4 Deployed Simulation Container web application with unbound integration

Now that we have a web project to emulate IBM Content Navigator integration of
the next part of this chapter, we can start with the various approaches. This mock
container will be substituted by a real target system.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


9.4 Integrating Content Navigator with URL API

The first way of an unbound integration of IBM Content Navigator into another
application is to invoke its URL and let IBM Content Navigator appear as-is. The
simplest way is to invoke only the start page of IBM Content Navigator without
additional parameters, which was already done in the previous section.
As introduced in 1.4.1, URL API on page 23, IBM Content Navigator exposes a
URL API that provides some control of what to show to the user, through deep
You can mainly specify the following elements:


As a sample for this approach, we show the content of a specific folder.

If you want to display the content of a specific folder, you must invoke a different
start page as shown in Example 9-4. The docid parameter specifies the unique
identifier of the folder. For FileNet P8, this is the property ID, which is a Globally
Unique Identifier (GUID) of the object.
Example 9-4 Display the content of a specific folder

First, you can verify the constructed URL by copying it directly into the browser.
The result is similar to Figure 9-5 on page 309.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 9-5 Display the content of a folder with IBM Content Navigator URL API

Next, you can also try the integration with the Simulation Container application
that was created in 9.3.2, Simulation of IBM Content Navigator integration part
1 on page 303. To do that, edit the src attribute of the iframe tag in index.html
(shown in Example 9-5). If you empty your browser cache and restart your
Container Simulation application in the browser, you should find the folder
content in the iFrame and that is in the simulated external application.
Example 9-5 index.html of Container Simulation project with deep linking

<div id="icnIntegration">
<iframe class="icnIntegrationFrame"
name="IBM Content Navigator" seamless="true">
The control of IBM Content Navigator is restricted to the URL API. If this is not
enough, you might consider enhancing the URL API. We do not provide details
for this enhancement, but can give you some guidance. To better understand,
see 9.7.1, Initialization phase of Content Navigator on page 325.
When you start IBM Content Navigator using URL API and show the content
of a folder, specify a different start page: instead of the launch.jsp page,
specify bookmark.jsp.
The bookmark.jsp file basically calls browserbookmark.jsp for non-mobile

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


The browserbookmark.jsp file launches the specified component (for

example, a folders content) of IBM Content Navigator with the
BookmarkPane widget.
The ecm.widget.BookmarkPane.js widget overrides the standard basic widget
for IBM Content Navigator, which is ecm.widget.DesktopPane. The following
code snippet is of BookmarkPane.js:
declare("ecm.widget.BookmarkPane", [DesktopPane,LoggerMixin,
MessagesMixin ], {...});
In the desktopLoaded function, the layout is set to BookmarkLayout and is
started. That means the IBM Content navigator is not started with the
standard Layout, which is NavigatorMainLayout, but with BookmarkLayout.
The ecm.widget.layout.BookmarkLayout.js widget handles the additional
URL parameters like docid.
To enhance the URL API functionality, you can provide these items:
Provide your own start page, such as mybookmark.jsp.
The mybookmark.jsp can launch a myBookmarkPane widget, which extends
The myBookmarkPane.js can specify a layout that extends the
BookmarkLayout and provides the additional functionality you need.
This works for similar extensions as provided in the URL API of IBM Content
Navigator. If you want more control or must direct IBM Content Navigator to a
specific widget, consider using a different approach, as described in the next

9.5 Integrating Content Navigator with a specific feature

The next approach to integrate parts of IBM Content Navigator into an external
application is to leverage a single feature of IBM Content Navigator.
To open a specific feature and desktop in IBM Content Navigator, you can use
the IBM Content Navigator URL API as explained in the previous section. The
URL is constructed like the one in Example 9-6.
Example 9-6 Display a specific desktop and feature of IBM Content Navigator



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The standard feature IDs are as follows:

browsePane: for the standard browse feature

searchPane: for the standard search feature
favorites: for the standard favorite feature
manageTeamspaces: for the standard teamspace feature
workPane: for the standard work feature

Be sure the specified feature is properly configured and assigned to the given
With the additional URL parameter, sideChrome, you can also hide the bar for
features on the left side and the top banner for a more seamless integration.
When the feature is a standard feature of IBM Content Navigator, this integration
approach has the same level as in 9.4, Integrating Content Navigator with URL
API on page 308. But developing a custom feature provided through a plug-in
gives you a different level of freedom. When you provide a custom feature, you
can start from an empty page and add exactly the widgets you want to expose to
the external application. And if you set the sideChrome parameter to 0 (zero),
you have a seamless integration because only the feature is rendered without
anything additional from the IBM Content Navigator standard application, such
as a banner on the top or a feature bar on the left.
Several sections in this book describe how to create your own feature, so we do
not explain it here. You can experiment with any of the feature plug-ins you
created in other chapters, for example the dossier feature plug-in from 4.5, Open
dossier view in its own feature on page 156.
To give you an idea of how this approach might look, we invoke the Work feature
with the sideChrome parameter. We invoked the following constructed URL:
You can invoke the URL directly as shown in Figure 9-6 on page 312. It shows
only the application spaces.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


If you open it, you can select an in-basket, which lists work items, as illustrated in
Figure 9-7.

Figure 9-6 Externalize Work feature with sideChrome parameter

But, opening the application space and selecting the in-basket are two manual
steps, which must be done by the user. If you want to directly open a specific
inbox, you must either extend the URL API of IBM Content Navigator as
described in the previous section or develop your own work feature that can read
additional URL parameters (for example applicationSpace and inbasket) and
directly open the work item list. Your custom work feature is then deployed as a
plug-in, which implements the feature extension point.

Figure 9-7 Externalize Work feature with selected in-basket

This is again a sample for an unbound integration. After integrating it into the
Container Simulation application by setting the src attribute of the IFRAME tag (as
shown in Example 9-5 on page 309), it is similar to Figure 9-8 on page 313. This
is after manually selecting an application space and an in-basket, and
maximizing the work item list with the small triangular grip located between the
in-basket and the work item list area.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 9-8 Integrating the work pane feature into the Simulation Container

9.6 Integrating Content Navigator with a specific layout

In this section, we implement a new layout for the layout extension point of the
IBM Content Navigator plug-in. With this approach, we still use the IBM Content
Navigator standard application but we gain total freedom regarding which
widgets to display and how to arrange them. In the sample implementation, we
expose the ContentList widget. No folder tree for navigation should be provided.
The content list widget is explained in 5.2, Viewing results in ContentList widget
on page 174. It will be helpful if you have familiarized yourself with this widget
before starting this section.

9.6.1 Setting up a new plug-in project

Create a new project in your IDE; use the parameters listed in Table 9-1 on
page 314. We do not provide further instructions for this step (it is explained in
3.3, Plug-in development on page 81).

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Table 9-1 Parameters for IBM Content Navigator plug-in project



Descriptive name

Layout Plugin

Java package


Class name


Your project will be similar to Figure 9-9.

Figure 9-9 Structure of Layout Plugin project

The next step is to add a new layout to the plug-in.

9.6.2 Adding the layout

This section provides an implementation of an IBM Content Navigator layout
extension point. To add a new layout to the plug-in, complete these steps:
1. Create a specific com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginLayout Java class and
implement its methods to add the functionality you need.
2. Hook it to the base Plugin class by adding your PluginLayout class, overriding
the getLayouts() method.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Both tasks can be done with the New Layout wizard of the Eclipse Plugin for IBM
Content Navigator development. See 3.3.2, Creating plug-in extension on
page 85. Use ContentListLayout as class name. This creates a skeleton of the
class with basic implementations for each of the abstract methods, see
Example 9-7.
Example 9-7 Implementation of ContentListLayout.class

public class ContentListLayout extends PluginLayout {

public String getId() {
return "ContentListLayout";
public String getName(Locale locale) {
return "ContentListLayout";
public boolean areFeaturesConfigurable() {
return false;
public String getLayoutClass() {
return "layoutPluginDojo.ContentListLayout";
Keep the default implementation except for the areFeaturesConfigurable
method. We change the default value to false because we do not want to
support the concept of IBM Content Navigator features, we only render the
content list widget.
Example 9-8 shows the corresponding ContentListLayout.js file, which is the
layout widget.
Example 9-8 Implementation of ContentListLayout.js


Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


function(declare, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin,

StackContainer, BorderContainer, ContentPane, BaseLayout, Banner,
LoginPane, Feature , template) {
return declare("layoutPluginDojo.ContentListLayout", [ BaseLayout,
_TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin], {
templateString: template,
widgetsInTemplate: true,
getAvailableFeatures: function() {
return [
new Feature({
id: "favorites",
name: "favorites",
featureClass: "ecm.widget.layout.FavoritesPane",
We suggest implementing the getAvailableFeatures function, even if you do not
use any feature. Otherwise the Appearance tab on the Administration Desktop
will not correctly render the "Displayed features:" section.
The code defines the layout with the common Dojo template mechanism. The
corresponding template file is defined:
The wizard has generated the layout with a StackContainer similar to the
ecm/widget/layout/templates/MainLayout.html; see Example 9-9 on page 317.
This is a good starting point if you want to build a complex application. We just
want to place our content list widget here. So basically we can delete everything
and start with one DIV. The reason why we keep the StackContainer is that IBM
Content Navigator tries to set the focus on mainStackContainer, defined in the
data-dojo-attach-point. And, if we delete it, we get an error. So we keep the
StackContainer, and delete just the top banner definition.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The only item we put in the content area of the StackContainer now is a marker
to verify that everything is working correctly when we deploy the plug-in.
Example 9-9 ContentListLayout.html

<div class="ecmLayout">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
data-dojo-attach-point="mainContainer" data-dojo-props="gutters:false"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/StackContainer"
<div data-dojo-type="ecm/widget/LoginPane"
data-dojo-attach-point="loginPane" id="${id}_LoginPane"></div>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
data-dojo-attach-point="mainPane" data-dojo-props="gutters:false">
<!-- Add your main application layout here -->
Our content widget will go here.
As we take an iterative methodology, we already deploy our new plug-in, see
Figure 9-10 on page 318. At this time, we do not build a JAR file for the plug-in,
but configure the Class file path. This allows us to directly enhance the code
without having to rebuild a JAR file each time we want to see the effects of our

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Figure 9-10 Configure LayoutPlugin

To know how the new layout looks, we must assign it to a desktop. Complete the
following steps in the Administration view feature:
1. You can assign the layout to the desktop of your choice. From the
Administration view, create a new desktop by selecting Desktops New
Desktop and enter ContentListDesktop as the name of the desktop with the
following configurations:
General tab:

Name and ID: ContentListDesktop

Authentication: Select the repository of the folder that you want to list in
the ContentList widget.

Repositories tab: Assign this repository again.

Appearance tab (see Figure 9-11 on page 319):


Layout: Assign the ContentListLayout in the drop-down box.

Displayed features: Basically we do not need a feature. But, because

specifying a default feature is mandatory, we must provide at least one

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

feature, so we choose the Favorites feature, which we previously

specified in ContentListLayout.js.

Default feature: Favorites.

Default repository: Disable this because the favorites feature does not
need to be initialized with a repository.

2. Save the desktop. If the Save button is not enabled, update the state of the
Save button as follows:
a. Select Favorites in the Selected Features area.
b. Move Favorites to the Available Features area.
c. Move Favorites it back again to the Selected Features area.

Figure 9-11 Assigning the ContentListLayout to the new desktop

When you start IBM Content Navigator with this desktop, such as with the URL in
the following example, you see an empty page, filled only with the Our content
widget will go here marker:

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


9.6.3 Adding the ContentList widget to the layout

In the template HTML file, we add the ContentList widget; see Example 9-10.
Example 9-10 Adding ContentList to ContentListLayout.html
<div class="ecmLayout">
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
data-dojo-attach-point="mainContainer" data-dojo-props="gutters:false"
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/StackContainer"
<div data-dojo-type="ecm/widget/LoginPane"
data-dojo-attach-point="loginPane" id="${id}_LoginPane"></div>
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer"
data-dojo-attach-point="mainPane" data-dojo-props="gutters:false"><!-- Add your
main application layout here -->
<div data-dojo-attach-point="contentList"
data-dojo-type="ecm/widget/listView/ContentList" data-dojo-props="region:'center'">

Dojo framework provides a reference to the ecm/widget/listView/ContentList

widget with the this.contentList property (specified in the
data-dojo-attach-point attribute) in the ContentListLayout.js file. Example 9-11
shows the postCreate function that we override to initialize our ContentList
widget. In the Dijit lifecycle, this method is often a good place to do initialization
We set ContentListModules and ContentListGridModules, invoke the displayRoot
method, which retrieves the content of the root folder of the repository, and
initialize ContentList widget with the ResultSet.
Example 9-11 Initialization of ContentList in postCreate method of ContentListLayout.js
postCreate : function() {

Example 9-12 on page 321 shows the helper methods.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The first two methods to configure the content list modules and the modules
themselves are explained in 6.5, Configuring more modules to the ContentList
widget on page 225.
The displayRoot method gets the default repository from the desktop. The
verification that the repository is defined is necessary because the layout is also
loaded for configuration purposes in the administrative feature; at that time, the
desktop is not loaded and therefore no repository is defined. From the repository,
we retrieve the root item and retrieve, in its callback function, its folder content.
The retrieveFolderContents method also has a callback function, which has the
folder content filled into the resultSet parameter. Finally, the contentList is
initialized with this resultSet.
Example 9-12 Helper methods of postCreate in ContentListLayout.js

getContentListGridModules : function() {
var array = [];
return array;
getContentListModules : function() {
var viewModules = [];
var array = [];
moduleClass : Bar,
top : [ [ [ {
moduleClass : Toolbar
}, {
moduleClasses : viewModules,
"className" : "BarViewModules"
} ] ], [ [ {
moduleClass : Breadcrumb
} ] ] ]
return array;
displayRoot : function() {
var repository = ecm.model.desktop.getDefaultRepository();
if (repository) {

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


lang.hitch(this, function(rootItem) {
lang.hitch(this, function(resultSet) {
this.contentList.setResultSet(resultSet, rootItem);
Next, we must define the Dojo modules we need in the helper methods.
They are highlighted in the code (Example 9-13); at the beginning of
ContentListLayout.js, we add the declarations.
Example 9-13 Dependent modules for ContentListLayout.js

function(declare, _TemplatedMixin, _WidgetsInTemplateMixin,
StackContainer, BorderContainer, ContentPane, BaseLayout, Feature,
RowContextMenu,Breadcrumb, Bar, Toolbar, DocInfo, DndRowMoveCopy,
DndFromDesktopAddDoc, ViewDetail, ViewMagazine, ContentList,
Desktop,lang, template) {


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

If you load and save your plug-in configuration in the administrative pane of IBM
Content Navigator, you see the ContentList widget when you invoke the IBM
Navigator with the following URL:
The integration is done with URL invocation so it is still an unbound integration.
So the integrating into the Container Simulation application is done through the
iframe src attribute according to Example 9-14.
Example 9-14 index.html after integrating the Navigator with ContentList widget

<div id="icnIntegration">
<iframe class="icnIntegrationFrame"
name="IBM Content Navigator" seamless="true">
After invoking the Container Simulation application in the browser, the results are
similar to Figure 9-12.

Figure 9-12 Integration of ContentList widget with custom layout into the container

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


9.7 Integrating specific widgets of Content Navigator

In this section, we show the most flexible approach: we externalize only the IBM
Content Navigator widgets that we need, with as little initialization as needed.
The main difference to the previous approaches is that we do not invoke the
normal start page of IBM Content Navigator, which will initialize the specified
desktop with full functionality and features. Rather, we set up only the specific
pieces of the IBM Content Navigator that we need for the integration.
Because the architecture of IBM Content Navigator is built as a flexible and
extensible framework, you can use many of its components. The IBM Content
Navigator JavaScript model and the IBM Content Navigator visual widget library
provide the building blocks to create your own user interface.
The model is used to ease the access to midtier services for the client-side
components and to have one common place to hold the data for the visual
widgets which prevents that every widget holds the same date. In general, the
model consists of classes that provide non-visual business logic and data that is
shared across multiple visual widgets.
IBM Content Navigator user interface is built on visual widgets, arranged in a
layout and wired together through events. The model and visual widgets publish
and listen to events that can be used to trigger actions and changes to visual
In this section, we initialize IBM Content Navigator widgets in a single web page.
With this approach we can realize both unbound and bound integration:
For an unbound integration we can deploy this page either in the IBM Content
Navigator deployment or in its own web application inside the application
server of IBM Content Navigator. In any case, we invoke the URL of this web
page in the external application; if the external application is a web
application, the IBM Content Navigator widgets will most likely run inside an
You can also use this web page as stand-alone application. The steps of
implementing that page are nearly the same as if you were building a custom
application that uses the IBM Content Navigator widgets.
For a bound integration the implementation of such a single web page can be
just a starting point. For the real integration you must transfer that page into
the external application or container. For example, for a container like
Microsoft SharePoint, you must create a web part which runs the IBM Content
Navigator widgets and in a Portlet container like IBM WebSphere Portal
server you must create a portlet which leverages the IBM Content Navigator


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Complete the following tasks to set up an application that uses IBM Content
Navigator widgets:
1. Initialize Dojo and IBM Content Navigator libraries
2. Select the appropriate widgets from the visual widget library.
3. Select and initialize the necessary model classes
4. Wire the widgets together through event registration.
5. Integrate the externalized widget in the external application
The last step is different for the two type of integrations:
For an unbound integration, the externalized widget has to be deployed and
invoked by the external application.
For a bound integration, this is where you set up and run the externalized
widget inside the container of the external application.
To be able to set up the IBM Content Navigator widget, understanding how IBM
Content Navigator is initialized is helpful. This is why we help first examine the
initialization phase of IBM Content Navigator.
Next, follow the steps and implement the externalization of an IBM Content
Navigator widget. The sample code does the following tasks:
1. Accesses the desktop and the configured default repository.
2. Presents a login dialog where users enter their credentials.
3. Loads a specific folder or the root folder in the ContentList widget.

9.7.1 Initialization phase of Content Navigator

To determine how to initialize the widget that you want to externalize, understand
the initialization phase of IBM Content Navigator web application. For an
introduction, see 1.3.2, Communication flows on page 20; then, return here for
This initialization process might not be exactly the same for each release. If
you understand the basic methodology or strategy of how IBM Content
Navigator widgets must be initialized, then in future versions of IBM
Content Navigator, you can take the same approach, even if some details
differ slightly, in principle the process will be the same.
Be aware that this explanation just gives an overview and does skip a lot of

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Figure 9-13 outlines the initialization process of IBM Content Navigator.

Figure 9-13 Initialization of IBM Content Navigator

Consider the following information about Figure 9-13:

web.xml: This deployment descriptor is in the WEB-INF directory; every Java
web application has a deployment descriptor. The <welcome file> tag defines
the start page, which is launch.jsp
The included header.jsp header file reads a parameter for the application,
such as locale, loads the CSS files, and loads and initializes the Dojo
Provides the root <DIV> tag, where the whole DOM tree of IBM Content
Navigator is built. IBM Content Navigator is implemented as DesktopPane


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

<div dojoType="ecm.widget.DesktopPane" id="ECMWebUI"

style="width: 100%; height: 100%"
DesktopPane.js (1 of 2): Defines the IBM Content Navigator widget.
postCreate(): A specific desktop of available desktop configurations is loaded:
Desktop.loadDesktop(this.desktopId, lang.hitch(this,
Desktop.js: Defines the model of a desktop for IBM Content Navigator.
loadDesktop() loads the configuration for the desktop through midtier
service from the IBM Content Navigator database:
Request.invokeService("getDesktop", null,{...},
function(response) {
self._desktopLoaded(response, callback);
}, false, synchronous);
_desktopLoaded() is invoked after the desktop is loaded. This is the main
method for initialization for a lot of key aspects of IBM Content Navigator:

Initialize feature models

Initialize repository models
Initialize plug-in models:
- Load plug-in CSS files
- Load plug-in Dojo module
- Load plug-in script file and execute the script

Initialize action and menu models

Initialize viewers and viewer mappings
Set configured labels
Initialize mobile feature models

DesktopPane.js (2 of 2):
desktopLoaded() is invoked after the desktop model is loaded and other
models are initialized. It mainly loads and initializes the layout, which arranges
the widgets for the desktop in _handleLayout():
this.layout.setFeatures(Desktop.features, Desktop.defaultFeature);
BaseLayout.js (in ecm.widget.layout package):
Each Layout that implements the layout for IBM Content Navigator should
have BaseLayout as the parent class.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Among others, postCreate() methods of BaseLayout handles the LoginDialog

that is invoked when launching IBM Content Navigator for the first time and
when the session is expired.
NavigatorMainLayout.js is based on MainLayout.js (in ecm.widget.layout
It is the default IBM Content Navigator layout, arranges the available features,
and shows up with the default (or specified) feature. In the previous section
we substituted this default layout with a custom layout plug-in that rendered
only the ContentView widget.
The details of how the default layout of IBM Content Navigator is implemented
is out of scope for this book and is not needed for the purpose of this chapter.
If you want to get an idea of how to set up the models and widgets of IBM
Content Navigator, seeing how it is done when IBM Content Navigator initializes
itself in the start-up phase can be helpful.

9.7.2 Step 1: Initialize Dojo and Content Navigator libraries

Before selecting and integrating a Dojo widget, we must set up an HTML page
and do some initialization to enable Dojo and to make the IBM Content Navigator
widgets available on that page.
Note: For a bound integration into an external application, you probably must
do this initializing somewhere in an existing HTML page of the external
Here we start with a separate HTML page, which can directly be used for an
unbound integration.
We call the page External_ICN.html, which we implement in the next sections.
The previous section (9.7.1, Initialization phase of Content Navigator on
page 325) can serve as compass when setting up the page.
Example 9-15 illustrates the first step.
Example 9-15 Implementation of External_ICN.html: Step 1

<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>ICN Integration</title>


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

<link rel="stylesheet"
href="/navigator/ecm/widget/resources/dojo.css.jgz" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="/navigator/ecm/widget/resources/ecm.css.jgz" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="/navigator/ecm/themes/oneui/dojo.css.jgz" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet"
href="/navigator/ecm/themes/oneui/oneui.css.jgz" media="screen">
dojoConfig = {
async: true,
{name: "dojo",location: "/navigator/dojo"},
{name: "ecm",location: "/navigator/ecm"}
isDebug: true,
parseOnLoad: false,
<script src="/navigator/dojo/dojo.js.jgz"></script>
<script src="/navigator/ecm/ecm.js.jgz"></script>
<body class="ecm oneui">
<div id="icnWidget">
Here goes the ICN widget.
function(parser) {
Consider the following information about the External_ICN.html file:
<!DOCTYPE HTML>: Defines an HTML5 page.
The header of the HTML page defines the following items:
Four references to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), which are used by Dojo
and IBM Content Navigator widgets

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Configuration object for the Dojo framework contains these items:

async: Is set to true because we want to develop a Dojo application

with the new loader that uses Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD).

packages: Defines the location of the packages we need.

isDebug: Sets the debugging mode.

parseOnLoad: Is set to false because we want full control and to

explicitly parse the Dojo elements.

Sources of Dojo and IBM Content Navigator JavaScript libraries.

<body class="ecm oneui"> defines the CSS styles for the IBM Content
Navigator widgets.
The body of the HTML page defines one DIV tag to hold the IBM Content
Navigator widget we will externalize.
The last <script> element becomes the core of this page.
The require() function creates a closure of JavaScript code and provides the
Dojo modules needed to execute that code.
We declare two modules:
The parser module will be invoked in the function
The domReady! module is special mechanism to guarantee that the code is
invoked only when the whole DOM structure is created. The exclamation
point marks this module to be special. It also does not require a
corresponding parameter in the function. The domReady! module is
important because the parser will parse the DOM structure and we are in
asynchronous mode.
In the function, we will provide the actual code that initializes the models and
widgets we need for the page. For now, we only set up the Dojo parser, which
will parse the declarative Dojo widgets we will add later. Currently the parser
has nothing to do.
Although deploying the page is described only in 9.8, Integrating the
externalized widgets (Step 5) on page 344, we suggest doing it after each step
to test the current state and to detect errors as soon as possible.
In short, to test your page, the easiest way is to copy it to your IBM Content
Navigator deployment and invoke the page directly in the web browser.
Using IBM WebSphere as an application server, the location will be similar to the
following location:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

You can start the browser with the following URL:

A page shows only the following marker text:
Here goes the ICN widget.
For further details about deploying the page, see 9.8.1, Deploying the
externalized widget (unbound integration) on page 346.

9.7.3 Step 2: Select the appropriate visual widget

The next step is to browse the catalog of available widgets and select the
appropriate candidates, from the visual widget library, to satisfy your
The widgets are grouped by packages, depending on their functionality. For
example if you want to add a visual component to your application that shows a
tree view of your repository, select Folder Tree from the base widgets package in
the document and folder widgets group.
A good introduction of the important IBM Content Navigator widgets and an
overview for the JavaScript model library is in 1.4.4, Content Navigator
JavaScript API on page 47. A complete list of available visual widgets is in the
IBM Knowledge Center:
In our sample, we again select ContentList widget. This package is introduced
in 5.2, Viewing results in ContentList widget on page 174 and is known from
9.7.2, Step 1: Initialize Dojo and Content Navigator libraries on page 328. This
makes the various approaches more comparable. And we can focus on doing it
without having to introduce another widget. However, the general considerations
in the steps are similar if you select another widget. Finally, we make a small
extension and make the widget configurable: with a URL parameter you can pass
the folder to be opened in the ContentList widget.
Example 9-16 shows the body of the External_ICN.html after adding the
ContentList widget.
Example 9-16 Adding the ContentList widget to External_ICN.html: Step 2

<body class="ecm oneui">

<div id="contentList"

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


orted:'true',copyOnly:'true'" role="region" aria-label="Content List">
require([ "dojo/parser","dijit/registry",
function(parser, registry, ContentList) {
var contentList = registry.byId("contentList");
We replaced the top level DIV tag with one that holds the ContentList widget,
which is specified with the HTML5 data-dojo-type attribute. Because we use this
declarative approach to specify the Dojo widget, now the Dojo parser has work to
do: It must read the DOM and parse nodes that have been decorated with special
Dojo attributes. In our case, the ContentList widget is instantiated.
Note: We do not refer directly to ContentList in the anonymous callback
function of require() but nevertheless it is declared in the data-dojo-type
attribute in the ContentList widget declaration. Although, the code might work
even if you do not declare the widget, because the Dojo parser is capable of
auto-requiring modules, the best practice is to explicitly be sure that the parser
has loaded all required modules in advance.
All the widgets are registered and a reference can be fetched with the
registry.byId() method. We use this technique to get a reference to the
instantiation of the ContentList widget, which we will need later for setting the
content list modules and the items to show up in the list.
Several properties can be specified to orchestrate the Content List widget:
plugins={dnd: true}
This property indicates that you want to support drag and drop (DND) within
the content list. For example, you want to be able to select rows, and drag
them into a folder row.
Note: This parameter is ignored if the repository type is OD (IBM Content
Manager OnDemand repository).


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

This property supports dragging from the IBM Content Navigator desktop to
the content list. The added document dialog box opens if all of the following
conditions are true:
This property value is set to true.
You drag a file from the desktop to a folder row.
You have the authority to add documents to the folder.
If the property value is set to true, the server returns sorted results.
This property value is used for drag and drop and is used when only in the
following situation:
plugins={dnd: true}
The word copy in this context (copyOnly), does not mean creating a new copy
of the item; it rather means creating another reference.
The property has two values:
False (default): If you drag an item over a content list folder, the default
drop action is to move the rows into the folder.
Ctrl key: The user can always press Ctrl during a drag and drop
operation. If the Ctrl key is pressed during the drop, then the move is
not done; instead, a new link is created.
True: The default action for dropping onto a folder row is to create a new
link to this folder.
Note: If the value is set to true, the user cannot move rows.
Invoking the External_ICN.html file in a browser now still shows an empty page.
This is because the ContentList renders the content list only if an appropriate
model is set as resultSet. Nevertheless, we suggest you do this, because if you
have any errors you can fix them immediately.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


To get the ContentList widget rendered and see that it is well-defined, we provide
a small dummy implementation for the necessary ecm/model/ResultSet model
as shown in Example 9-17.
Example 9-17 Dummy implementation of the ResultSet model in External_ICN.html

require([ "dojo/parser","dijit/registry",
function( parser,registry, ContentList, ContentItem, ResultSet) {
var contentList = registry.byId("contentList");
var itemProperties = {
attributes: { "{NAME}":"DummyFolder"},
var contentItem = new ContentItem(itemProperties);
var resultSetProps = {
items: [contentItem],
cells:[[{ field: '{NAME}', name: 'Name', width: '20em'}]],
var dummyResultSet = new ResultSet(resultSetProps);
First, we create a mock ContentItem that we want to be displayed in the
ContentList widget. We set only the required properties ID and attributes.
The ResultSet model will get an array of items, which is initialized with the mock
item; a structure provides information about how columns should be rendered.
The structure object must be structured in a way that it is understandable for the
gridx.Grid dijit, which is used by the ContentList widget to display the result list.
Finally we initialize the contentList with the constructed dummy ResultSet. Now,
we invoke the page again in the browser. The result is similar to Figure 9-14 on
page 335.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 9-14 ContentList widget with dummy ResultSet model

Because the ContentList widget uses the Dojo gridx.Grid widget, it is structured
in a similar modular way. At this moment, only the standard modules are loaded
for the ContentList. IBM Content Navigator provides many more modules that we
will also add into our sample to make it fully functional. See Example 9-18.
Example 9-18 Defining the modules for ContentList widget in External_ICN.html

require([ "dojo/parser","dijit/registry",
function( parser, registry, ContentList, ContentItem, ResultSet,
ViewDetail, ViewMagazine, ViewFilmStrip, DocInfo, Bar, Toolbar,
Breadcrumb, DndRowMoveCopy, DndFromDesktopAddDoc, RowContextMenu) {
function getContentListModules() {
var viewModules = [];
if (ecm.model.desktop.showViewFilmstrip) {
var array = [];

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
{ moduleClass: Toolbar},
moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
{ moduleClass: Breadcrumb}
return array;
function getContentListGridModules() {
var array = [];
return array;
var contentList = registry.byId("contentList");
var itemProperties = {
attributes: { "{NAME}":"DummyFolder"},
Although you defined the itemProperties structure in the previous example, it is
shown here to help you find where to place the code snippet.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

See the array of required modules and the corresponding parameter in the
callback function of the Dojo required at the beginning. You must declare every
module you need in the code.
Note: Be careful with the order of the required modules and the corresponding
parameter of the callback function: the position of the modules and parameter
is crucial and must fit together. For example, the "dijit/registry" is at
position 2 in the array, and the registry parameter is also at position 2 in the
callback function.
Invoking the page again has a result similar to Figure 9-15. You will see the icons
of the modules on the upper right side. Do not try to switch between the modes
immediately, because the dummy item in the result list does not have all the
attributes needed for all the views. First, provide a real ResultSet model.

Figure 9-15 ContentList widget with dummy ResultSet model and different modules

9.7.4 Step 3: Select and initialize the necessary model classes

The main task of this step is to get real data for the ContentList widget. This
widget expects real data to be structured as ResultSet model. The content of a
folder can be retrieved as such a ResultSet model.
Note: To use any of the visual components in an external application, we must
prepare the IBM Content Navigator JavaScript model components that are
required by the widgets we want to use. The JavaScript Modeling Library is
illustrated in Figure 1-16 on page 48.
Repository models represent configured IBM Content Navigator repositories and
offer functionality to access and execute actions on the repository objects.
To retrieve the folder and its content for displaying in the ContentList widget, we
need the appropriate ecm.model.Repository model.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


The Desktop model encompasses all other classes of the model and specifies
the repositories, features, actions, and viewers that are configured for this
desktop instance. That is why we first initialize ecm.model.Desktop, which will
enable us to get the repository model; see Example 9-19.
Example 9-19 Getting a real ResultSet in External_ICN.html: Step 3

function(...,LoginDialog) {
var contentList = registry.byId("contentList");
ecm.model.desktop.loadDesktop(null, function() {
var repository = ecm.model.desktop.getDefaultRepository();
var retrieveFolder = function () {
repository.retrieveItem("/", function(folder) {
folder.retrieveFolderContents(false, function(resultSet){
if (!repository.connected) {
var initialLoginDialog = LoginDialog.getLoginDialog();
} else {
}, false);
Consider the following information about the example:
loadDesktop(<desktop id>,...)
We set <desktop id> to null, which loads the default desktop. If you want to
use a different desktop, replace the null with the desktop ID of your choice.
Anonymous function: This is a callback function of loadDesktop, which is
executed when the desktop is loaded:
Get the default repository
This function definition retrieves the folders content for display.
Specifically, it retrieves the folder from the repository and retrieves the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

folder content from the callback function. Currently we specify the root
folder that we will make configurable later. The retrieveFolderContents
function has a callback function that has the folder content in its resultSet
parameter. The resultSet parameter is ecm/model/ResultSet. Finally, the
contentList is initialized with this resultSet.
if (!repository.connected)
If we are not connected to a repository (connected means the repository is
loaded and the user is authenticated), we need LoginDialog, which we
declare at the beginning in the require statement.
This method tries to perform a direct logon to the repository if it is capable
of single sign-on (SSO); otherwise, a login window opens (the show
method of the LoginDialog is called implicitly in this case). For the callback
function, we provide the retrieveFolder function, which will be called after
the repository is connected.
else { retrieveFolder()...
If connected, we can directly retrieve the folder.
Now you have a working ContentList widget when you invoke your page again.
See Figure 9-16.

Figure 9-16 ContentList widget showing the root folder

After loading the desktop and logging in to the default repository, the root folder is
loaded and its content is displayed in the Content List widget. As an option to
browse in deeper levels of folders, the Content List widget includes a breadcrumb
widget. This widget indicates the actual depth in the folder structure and provides
the functionality to navigate back to any folder on the path.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


One small item is still missing, and you can see it if you try to open or preview a
document, that is you will get an error that the viewer object is null.
Background: IBM Content Navigator has implemented a lazy loading pattern
for the viewers. The implementation was done in legacy Dojo mode. But for
our page, we specified async=true in the Dojo configuration object to tell the
framework to use the new AMD loader, so to make lazy-load work, we
explicitly specify the viewer modules.
We must add the declarations shown in Example 9-20.
Example 9-20 Adding Viewer module declarations

require([ "dojo/parser","dijit/registry",
function(parser, registry, ContentList, ContentItem, ResultSet,
ViewDetail, ViewMagazine, ViewFilmStrip, DocInfo, Bar, Toolbar,
Breadcrumb, DndRowMoveCopy, DndFromDesktopAddDoc, RowContextMenu,
LoginDialog, FilenetViewer, BrowserViewer, ContentViewerWindow) {
Now you can view or preview documents with the provided viewers. If you want to
use different viewers, add them in an same way.
Finally we make the folder, which will be initially shown in the ContentList widget,
configurable through a URL parameter.
Example 9-21 on page 341 shows the definition of the retrieveFolder function
after the modifications to read the path of the folder from the path URL


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 9-21 Implementation of External_ICN.html with configurable folder

function(...,ioQuery) {
var retrieveFolder = function () {
var path = "/";
if (window.location.search !== '') {
var urlparams=
ioQuery.queryToObject(window.location.search.substring(1)) ;
if (urlparams.path)
path = urlparams.path;
repository.retrieveItem(path, function(folder) {
folder.retrieveFolderContents(false, function(resultSet){
Consider the following information about the example:
Add "dojo/io-query" and ioQuery to the require signature.
The default path is "/", which specifies the root folder.
The window.location.search provides the URL parameters beginning with
the question mark.
For example to get the content of a folder with the /Customers/L/L_Customer
path, we specify the following information:
Where window.location.search will be set to ?path=/Customers/L/L_Customer
The ioQuery.queryToObject transforms the search string to a JavaScript
In if (urlparams.path), we check if the path parameter is set and pass it to
the retrieveItem function.
Now, if you use the following URL in the browser, you can see the content of the
specified folder:

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


In our case, the path points to a dossier we create in Chapter 4, Developing a

plug-in with basic extension points on page 117. See Figure 9-17.

Figure 9-17 Showing the content of a specific folder through URL parameter

9.7.5 Step 4: Wire the widgets together through event registration

In addition to loading and initializing the model classes, the widgets must be
wired together through event registrations. In our sample, most of the wiring is
done internally in the ContentList widget itself. So all ContentList modules, for
example the breadcrumb widget, are already wired to be able to react to events
such as opening a folder, and so on.
One aspect to improve our sample is to add a handler routine if the session
expires. Example 9-22 shows the code snippet where we wire onSessionExpired
event: When a session is expired, IBM Content Navigator calls the
onSessionExpired method of the desktop model. With the inner dojo.connect we
register the sessionExpiredHandler method of the LoginDialog to be invoked,
which opens LoginDialog to prompt the user to provide credentials again.
Example 9-22 Connecting a handler for an expired session
if (!repository.connected) {
var initialLoginDialog = LoginDialog.getLoginDialog();
dojo.connect(initialLoginDialog,"onConnected", function() {
dojo.connect(ecm.model.desktop, "onSessionExpired",
initialLoginDialog, "sessionExpiredHandler");
} else {


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

We do not want to register this handler immediately because this might result in
two login windows if you invoke this page with a session that is expired. That is
why we need the outer dojo.connect (after the first LoginDialog successfully
authenticates the user to the repository, it invokes the onConnected methods).
With the outer dojo.connect, we register to this event a callback function that
invokes the inner dojo.connect.
To test it, invoke your page, and delete the current cookies of your browser. The
next attempt to open a folder, which you have not previously opened, will open
the LoginDialog; see Figure 9-18.

Figure 9-18 expired Session and the Log In dialog

Another helpful add-on is displaying error messages. This is especially helpful if

a midtier service call fails. For example, when you specify a desktop ID that is not
configured in your IBM Content Navigator application, you expect to get a
meaningful error message. For this, you must wire an ErrorDialog for displaying
error messages. See Example 9-23.
Example 9-23 Adding an ErrorDialog

function( ...,ErrorDialog) {
var errorDialog = new ErrorDialog();
dojo.connect(ecm.model.desktop, "onMessageAdded", errorDialog,
You can test this if you temporarily specify a non-existing desktop in this line:
ecm.model.desktop.loadDesktop("no-desk-id", function() {..}

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


After reloading the page, you get an error dialog as shown in Figure 9-19.

Figure 9-19 Error dialog

9.8 Integrating the externalized widgets (Step 5)

This is the final step of the integration, which depends on the external
application. Before we explore the two main types of integration, the following list
summarizes several common aspects:
Level of integration:
Unbound integration:

Invoke the prepared URL of IBM Content Navigator directly, which

opens a new window where the IBM Content Navigator part is

Invoke the prepared URL of IBM Content Navigator inside an iFrame,

which renders IBM Content Navigator as part of the page.

Bound integration:
If you have a container with a runtime environment that differs from a
simple web container, for example a Portlet container, and to have a bound
integration, you must do more than simply invoke the URL of the
externalized widgets of the IBM Content Navigator. To integrate the IBM
Content Navigator as a full-fledged part into that environment, you must
create a specific artifact of the target environment, for example a Portlet or
a web part.
In any case, the user who wants to interact with the integrated IBM Content
Navigator must be authenticated. So, if you invoke only the prepared URL
as-is, a login window opens and the user must provide the credentials.
Because the user is already authenticated to the external system in normal
cases, you do not want to bother this user with another login window. That is


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

the reason to consider a single sign-on (SSO) solution. IBM Content

Navigator is capable of SSO; for the integration, you can follow the same
instructions. For more information, go to the following location:
Look and feel:
IBM Content Navigator includes its own Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that
define how IBM Content Navigator is rendered. If you want to adapt the look
and feel of the integrated IBM Content Navigator, you can, as follows:
With the administrative feature of IBM Content Navigator, you can adapt
several elements, such as the icons in the icon mapping part, or some
general elements, such as the logo, banner, and application name in the
Appearance tab of the desktop configuration. See Chapter 2,
Customizing desktop appearance on page 61.
You can change the skins of almost anything by adapting the appropriate
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) or provide your own CSS, which override
some of the default settings. However, be aware that the Content
Navigator rules are not exposed as API, and might change in future
If the external application and the IBM Content Navigator run on different
servers you will face the challenge of the same-origin policy. There are
several strategies to cope with this issue, as in the following examples:
Configuring a reverse proxy on your HTTP server allows you to access the
externalized widgets and the IBM Content Navigator though the same
domain (IP) to avoid cross-site scripting issues. This technique is
described in 9.8.3, Defining a reverse proxy in an HTTP Server on
page 347.
Set the document.domain property to the same value in two windows, so
they can interact with each other. This works if the two different servers
run on the same subdomain, because then you can set the
document.domain property to the same base domain, which both servers
The window.postMessage method provides a mechanism to safely enable
cross-origin communication. See the following web page:
If the domains of both servers are in highly trusted zone, for example, both
are corporate domains, then Internet Explorer bypasses the same-origin

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


9.8.1 Deploying the externalized widget (unbound integration)

Figure 9-20 shows the scenario for an unbound integration. Whatever the
external application might be (such as another web application, a fat client, or a
container like Microsoft SharePoint), the unbound integration will be a URL
invocation of the prepared web page (here it is External_ICN.html), which
externalizes the IBM Content Navigator widgets.

Figure 9-20 Unbound integration of External_ICN.html

Our sample page loads JavaScript classes from the deployed and configured
IBM Content Navigator instance. To be able to run in the browser without
violating the same-origin policy, most modern browsers have the sample that
must be deployed on the same application server or HTTP server. Therefore, you
may place it in the war/WebContent directory of IBM Content Navigator to make it
work. Alternatively, you can use another web project to generate your own WAR
file and deploy it to the same application server on which your navigator is
Exemplary implementations for this type of integration are shown in the following
9.9, Integrating stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft SharePoint page on
page 356
9.10, Integrating stand-alone widgets as a portlet in WebSphere Portal on
page 359


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

9.8.2 Setting up external widgets in the container (bound integration)

Figure 9-21 illustrates the common scenario of a bound integration. The code of
the IBM Content Navigator widgets runs directly inside the external application.

Figure 9-21 Bound integration of IBM Content Navigator widgets

The <<Integration>> box represents the artifact that must be implemented to

run in the target container. In this context, we must set up the IBM Content
Navigator widgets in a similar way as we showed in the External_ICN.html web
As the IBM Content Navigator code runs in the external applications, which is
likely to be remote to the web server of IBM Content Navigator, you must cope
with security issues such as the same-origin policy. One common solution is
described and implemented in the next section.

9.8.3 Defining a reverse proxy in an HTTP Server

A new custom web application should run on the same application server as IBM
Content Navigator to avoid browser issues with cross-site scripting. But, this is
not feasible for a bound integration when the external application runs on a
different server than the web server of IBM Content Navigator.
One powerful technique is to treat the externalized Content Navigator widgets as
a local deployment by reversing proxy definitions, as illustrated in Figure 9-22 on
page 348.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Figure 9-22 Bound Integration with reverse proxy definition

On the server of the externalized application, you must install and configure an
additional web server, such as the Apache HTTP Server. To let a remote
installation of IBM Content Navigator appear as a local one, you must define a
reverse proxy in the additional HTTP server.
A reverse proxy is defined in the web server configuration and contains a context
and a target URL. If a request reaches the HTTP server with the specified
context, the reverse proxy checks to see to which target URL the request should
be routed and sends the response to the client. For the client, the response
shows up in the same namespace (context) as the request, which is independent
from the original location of the called website or application.
In a production environment, the external application usually runs on a dedicated
server. A reverse proxy defined in the additional HTTP server configuration
routes the requests from the integrated IBM Content Navigator widgets to the
remote IBM Content Navigator deployment and simulates that the IBM Content
Navigator application and the externalized widgets are running on the same
server environment.
The externalized IBM Content Navigator widgets load all resources from the
same context as in the following example:
<script src="/navigator/dojo/dojo.js.jgz" ....>
So the reverse proxy must map the /navigator context to the target URL of the
deployed IBM Content Navigator application.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To define a reverse proxy, the HTTP server configuration must be changed as

1. Open the httpd.conf file in the HTTP server directory under the
<HTTP_Server_InstallPath>/conf/httpd.conf location.
2. Uncomment the following lines, if they are commented, so they are active:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/mod_proxy_http.so
3. Add the following lines to the httpd.conf file and replace <server_name> with
the host name of your IBM Content Navigator Server (for example,
contentnavigator.com) and include the port number in the URL if necessary:
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /navigator http://<server_name>/navigator
ProxyPassReverse /navigator http://<server_name>/navigator
4. Restart your HTTP server and try to access the IBM Content Navigator
start-page through the following address. Replace <port> with the port
number of your server (usually 80) and replace <server_name> with the host
name of the HTTP server.
If you can successfully reach IBM Content Navigator then the reverse proxy of
the HTTP server has successfully bypassed the local URL (local to the
external application) to the remote IBM Content Navigator.
The strict same-origin policy defines the same origin to have the same scheme,
host name, and port number. To be compliant with this, the external application
should run on the same HTTP server. This is possible if it contains only
JavaScript and HTML components, which is unlikely. Otherwise, you must
configure the application server of your external application to use this additional
HTTP server or define the reverse proxy on the application server itself.

9.8.4 Outline of a bound integration

The concrete sample integrations that we show in the next sections are unbound
integrations because the bound integrations were not feasible. In this section,
however, we provide a bound integration sample so that you have an idea of what
the integration looks like. In addition, this sample demonstrates the use of a
reverse proxy.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


One large disadvantage of unbound integration in previous approaches was that

each time you invoked the URL of the externalized IBM Content Navigator
widgets, the desktop model was reloaded, which includes a heavy-weight
initialization phase.
In this sample, we demonstrate how to initialize the desktop model only once,
and after that the user can control the ContentList widget inside the external
application: An input field exists where the user can provide a folder path and
trigger the retrieval with a button. The folders content is then displayed in the
externalized ContentList widget.
As a starting point, we take the welcome page of the container simulation
application in Example 9-2 on page 305. This web page was simulating an
unbound integration and will now be adapted to show how a bound integration of
an externalized ContentList widget might look.
Example 9-24 shows the code of a web page that emulates an artifact of the
external application and has a bound integration of the ContentList widget.
Example 9-24 Bound integration of ContentList widget in boundIntegration.html
<!DOCTYPE html >
<title>Container for IBM Content Navigator Integration</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="ContainerSimulation.css" media="screen">
<link rel="stylesheet"href="/navigator/ecm/widget/resources/dojo.css.jgz"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/navigator/ecm/widget/resources/ecm.css.jgz"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/navigator/ecm/themes/oneui/dojo.css.jgz"
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/navigator/ecm/themes/oneui/oneui.css.jgz"
dojoConfig = {
{name: "dojo",location: "/navigator/dojo"},
{name: "ecm",location: "/navigator/ecm"}
isDebug: true,
<script src="/navigator/dojo/dojo.js.jgz"></script>
<script src="/navigator/ecm/ecm.js.jgz"></script>
<body class="ecm oneui">
<div class="externalAppContent">


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

<input id="folderToShow" type="text" value="/">

<input id="showFolderButton" type="button" disabled="disabled" value="show
<div id="icnIntegration">
<div id="contentList" data-dojo-type="ecm.widget.listView.ContentList"
,copyOnly:'true'" role="contentinfo" aria-label="Content List" style="width: 100%;
height: 100%;">
<div class="externalAppContent">
Here is some information from the Container
require([ "dojo/parser", "ecm/widget/listView/ContentList",
"dojo/dom","dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/domReady!"],
function(parser, ContentList,ViewDetail,ViewMagazine,
FilenetViewer,BrowserViewer,ContentViewerWindow, ErrorDialog, on,dom,domAttr) {
var errorDialog = new ErrorDialog();
dojo.connect(ecm.model.desktop, "onMessageAdded", errorDialog,
function getContentListModules() {
var viewModules = [];
if (ecm.model.desktop.showViewFilmstrip) {
var array = [];

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
{ moduleClass: Toolbar},
moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
moduleClass: Breadcrumb
return array;
function getContentListGridModules() {
var array = [];
return array;
var contentList = registry.byId("contentList");
ecm.model.desktop.loadDesktop(null, function(desktop) {
var repository = desktop.getDefaultRepository();
var retrieveFolder = function (path) {
if (!path) {
repository.retrieveItem(path, function(rootFolder) {
console.log("folder retrieved: " + rootFolder);
rootFolder.retrieveFolderContents(false, function(resultSet){
var initialLoginDialog = LoginDialog.getLoginDialog();


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

var doConnections = function() {

myButton = dom.byId("showFolderButton");
on(myButton, "click", function(evt){
textInput = dom.byId("folderToShow");
if (textInput.value) {
retrieveFolder(textInput.value );
domAttr.remove(myButton, "disabled");
dojo.connect(ecm.model.desktop, "onSessionExpired",initialLoginDialog,
if (!repository.connected) {
dojo.connect(initialLoginDialog,"onConnected", function() {
} else {
alert("Desktop reloaded!");
}, false);

Major changes to index.html are as follows:

Define a text input field and a button in first DIV.
Define the ContentList widget in the second DIV.
Insert all the JavaScript code to set up the ContentList widget. This is mainly
the code we develop in 9.7, Integrating specific widgets of Content
Navigator on page 324. Modifications to the code of External_ICN.html are
as follows:
Adapt the retrieveFolder function to accept a path argument.
Add the doConnections function, which does the wiring of events. To set
up the wiring of events, use the following steps:
i. Click showFolderButton, which triggers the retrieveFolder method
and passes the user input as folder path. The button is enabled after
the user is connected to the repository.
ii. Add a handler for expired sessions.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Add an alert to see if the page is reloaded. When the page is reloaded, we
are already connected to the repository and the else branch is executed.
This should not happen because we want to control the ContentList widget
with a wired button and not by URL invocation and reloading of the whole
Adapt the ContainerSimulation.css file as shown in Example 9-25.
Example 9-25 Adapted ContainerSimulation.css for bound integration

height: 50px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 24px;
width: 800px;
height: 600px;
margin: 0 auto;
text-align: center;
To verify that no errors exist, deploy the Container Simulation application with the
new boundIntegration.html and the modified CSS file in the application server
of IBM Content Navigator. (You can also copy the two files directly into the IBM
Content Navigator deployment.) Invoking boundIntegration.html in your
browser should look like Figure 9-23.

Figure 9-23 Bound integration of ContentList widget into an external web page


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

This was straightforward for several reasons:

The external application in this case is the Simulation Container application,
which is a simple web application: It is not a container with a different runtime
environment and different lifecycle of its applications. Both Microsoft
SharePoint and IBM WebSphere Portal Server implicate their own runtime
environment, in which you must set up the Dojo framework and get the
ContentList widget initialized.
We had total control over the whole web page of integration. In some external
containers, you get only a specific place inside a complex web page where
you can integrate your code, then it is much more difficult to set up Dojo and
your externalized widgets. This is, for example, the case when integrating into
Microsoft SharePoint web parts.
No other Dojo versions are present in the external application so there is no
Dojo version conflict. This is the challenge for a bound integration with IBM
WebSphere Portal server.
To have a more realistic scenario, we run the code on a remote server and
demonstrate how to avoid cross-scripting issues with a reverse proxy.
Follow the instructions (in 9.8.3, Defining a reverse proxy in an HTTP Server on
page 347) for installing and configuring the additional HTTP server.
Then copy the boundIntegration.html file and the adapted version of the
ContainerSimulation.css file to the htdocs directory of the HTTP server;
see Figure 9-24.

Figure 9-24 Resulting htdocs directory

If you start your browser with the following URL, you can see, again, a sample
page of the bound integration as shown in Figure 9-23 on page 354:

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


This sample integration will give you a good understanding to realize a bound
integration with a concrete external application.

9.9 Integrating stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft

SharePoint page
The stand-alone widgets can be integrated with software of several third-parties.
In this section, we show how to integrate the stand-alone widgets in a Microsoft
SharePoint page as an example.

9.9.1 Example overview

A fictitious company B uses multiple ECM repositories. The company installed,
customized, and extended IBM Content Navigator for direct access and
management of their documents. In the previous chapters, we showed you how
to customize and extend IBM Content Navigator. Now, the company also wants
to enable its Microsoft SharePoint users to access the documents that are
currently stored in one of the companys ECM repositories.
So that the Microsoft SharePoint users can access the ECM documents, the
company wants to leverage the capabilities of IBM Content Navigator to integrate
parts of the IBM Content Navigator user interface into an external system. The
approach that is shown in this example is to bring IBM Content Navigator visual
widgets, which are provided for browsing the repositories, into a Microsoft
SharePoint page.

9.9.2 Implementing the Microsoft SharePoint integration

In the previous sections, we describe how IBM Content Navigator can be
prepared to show exactly that part that you want to integrate into a container like
Microsoft SharePoint:
Show IBM Content Navigator as-is. Invoke the URL of the IBM Content
Navigator start page.
Invoke a special part of IBM Content Navigator. The API URL provides deep
linking capability to show up specific parts of IBM Content Navigator like
specific desktop, specific feature, the content of a folder or the content of a
Invoke IBM Content Navigator with a specific feature and with sideChrome
URL parameter to show exactly one feature without any bars or banners at
the top.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Invoke IBM Content Navigator with a custom layout that can be used to render
exactly the widgets you want to integrate.
Invoke a web page that initializes the IBM Content Navigator widget you want
to integrate.
One main consideration for each IBM Content Navigator integration is whether it
can be done as a bound or unbound integration. Bound integration in this
scenario means to initialize the externalized IBM Content Navigator widgets
directly in a web part web page and run the Dojo code inside the web part.
Unbound integration uses an iFrame in a web part in which the external
application runs.
This section describes the latter option and invokes the externalized ContentList
widget that is created in 9.7, Integrating specific widgets of Content Navigator
on page 324.
If you have not completed that section and want to immediately start
implementing the Microsoft SharePoint integration, download the web page that
is associated with this book. For download instructions, see Appendix D,
Additional material on page 535. However, before using it, you must deploy it.
See 9.8.1, Deploying the externalized widget (unbound integration) on
page 346 for instructions.
We now assume that you have an HTML page (External_ICN.html) that is
deployed inside the IBM Content Navigator deployment and that externalizes the
ContentList widget of IBM Content Navigator. You can verify this assumption by
directly invoking your page in a browser with the following URL:
You can integrate the IBM Content Navigator widgets into a Microsoft SharePoint
page without writing much, if any, source code that is specific to Microsoft
SharePoint. To do the integration, you use an existing web part, which is referred
to as Page Viewer, to display the sample web page that contains the Content List
widget on a Microsoft SharePoint page. Internally Microsoft SharePoint will
embed an iFrame into the web part where the IBM Content Navigator widget will
be displayed.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


The configuration is simple because you need to edit only the page to which you
want to add the IBM Content Navigator browsing function, or create a page with
the browsing function:
1. Select the Page tab and click Edit.
The window display is converted to the editing mode and new tabs are
displayed at the top of the ribbon bar.
2. Select Insert Web Part from the Editing Tools section. The new ribbon
menu that opens, provides a list of SharePoint web parts that are available to
be added to your page.
The web part can display data from other sources, such as search results or
another web page.
3. Select the Page Viewer web part from the list of available web parts and click
Add from the lower right part of the window.
4. It is added to your page. The top right corner of the added web part contains a
small arrow, which slides down a menu. Select Edit Web Part.
5. From the Page Viewer, select the Web Page radio button and click on the
three dots. A window opens where you provide the URL. You can also test the
URL that you provide. For our example, we enter the following URL:
6. Expand the Appearance section and enter a title such as Browse repository.
Set the height to a fixed value of 500 pixels.
7. Click Apply to see the result of your configuration. If everything is okay the
ContentList widget should be displayed, click OK.
8. Click Save. See Figure 9-25.

Figure 9-25 Save the web part


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

After the change is made, the page is loaded immediately; it displays the login
dialog to the default repository (configured in the accessed default desktop). Log
in and the IBM Content Navigator widget is displayed inside the SharePoint page
you edited. Figure 9-26 shows the window.

Figure 9-26 Content List widget on a Microsoft SharePoint page

The left navigation bar and the top bar belong to Microsoft SharePoint; the main
pane displays the integrated IBM Content Navigator widget. This figure shows
the integrated widget as a single web part on a page. You may add this web part
to an existing page, for example, that shows a document library in a list view, and
combine this document library list view with a list view on the repository through
the integrated IBM Content Navigator widget.

9.10 Integrating stand-alone widgets as a portlet in

WebSphere Portal
Integrating IBM Content Navigator into WebSphere Portal requires that you use
iFrame. The JavaScript libraries (widgets and models) used by IBM Content
Navigator depends on Dojo version 1.8.4, which is not compatible with the Dojo
version used by WebSphere portal. Although JavaScript model libraries are
using basic Dojo functions and can run also with older portal version of Dojo, it is
not supported to use different version of Dojo than the one shipped with IBM
Content Navigator. Using iFrame avoid this Dojo compatibility issue and allows
you use different versions of Dojo on one page. WebSphere portal is bundled
with a Website Displayer portlet that uses iFrame to render specific URL and
allows you to seamlessly integrate IBM Content Navigator into WebSphere portal
without any coding.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


You can use IBM Content Navigator URL API to render desktop, feature, content
of the folder, document, or search template in the Website Displayer portlet. In
this section, we show how to integrate the HTML page containing the Content
List widget created in 9.7, Integrating specific widgets of Content Navigator on
page 324.
1. Open the page where you want to add the Content List widget and click Edit
Mode, as shown in Figure 9-27.

Figure 9-27 Portal page edit mode

A new section is rendered on the page showing the tabs with various editing
2. Click the Content tab and enter website into the search field to find the
Website Displayer portlet, as shown in Figure 9-28.

Figure 9-28 Filtered portlet list


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

3. Click the plus sign next to Website Displayer portlet to add the portlet to your
page. Then click Save to save the page and allow configuration of the portlet.
See Figure 9-29.

Figure 9-29 Website Displayer portlet added to page

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


4. When the page is saved, you can configure the portlet. Click the small arrow
at the top right corner of the portlet and select Edit Shared Settings, as
shown on Figure 9-30.

Figure 9-30 Portlet configuration menu


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

5. In the portlet (Figure 9-31), specify the URL to your content list HTML page,
and the height of the iFrame where the content renders.
For example, we use this URL:

Figure 9-31 Portlet configuration

6. Save your settings and return to View Mode.

If you configured single sign-on (SSO) between application servers for IBM
Content Navigator and for Web sphere Portal, then you see the Content List
widget without logging in. Figure 9-32 on page 364 shows the content list widget
integrated into portal, where you can use all the functionality of the modules you
configured for the ContentList widget, such as breadcrumb navigation, view
modules, and context menu.

Chapter 9. Using Content Navigator widgets in other applications


Figure 9-32 Content list widget integrated into WebSphere Portal

The default Website Displayer portlet allows you to wire with other widgets on the
page. It can receive a whole URL or only a parameter from the URL query string.
In this way, you can create a custom portlet that displays a list of documents
connected with Website Displayer using the IBM Content Navigator URL API.

9.11 Conclusion
This chapter describes how to use IBM Content Navigator widgets externally in
other applications. It also shows approaches for externalizing IBM Content
Navigator or certain parts of it. This includes developing a custom layout through
the layout extension point of IBM Content Navigator and setting up IBM Content
Navigator widgets from scratch. The difference of bound and unbound integration
is explained and a sample implementation is provided. The integration of IBM
Content Navigator widgets into containers is exemplified with Microsoft
SharePoint and IBM WebSphere Portal Server.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


Chapter 10.

Customizing built-in
viewers and integrating
third-party viewers
IBM Content Navigator includes multiple, powerful, and configurable document
viewers. The variety of built-in viewers are available to provide seamless viewing
support for an expanding list of document types and format that might be stored
in your organizations content stores. Integration of commercially available
viewers is also possible through the plug-in architecture within IBM Content
Navigator. Organizations might want to do this to view specialized file formats,
provide additional viewing functions, or use their own preferred viewer.
This chapter provides an overview of the document viewers that are built into IBM
Content Navigator. We explore advanced configuration options available in one
of the built-in viewers and we review the approach to integrate third-party viewers
to IBM Content Navigator.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Built-in viewers overview

Example overview
Customizing the FileNet Viewer
Exploring viewer extensibility
Integrating third-party viewers into IBM Content Navigator

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


10.1 Built-in viewers overview

Within IBM Content Navigator, the ability to view a document without launching
that document through its native application is supported by embedding several
different viewers into the environment. These viewers provide the ability for users
of IBM Content Navigator with the ability to access documents for the sole
purpose of reading the content and adding annotations without compromising
the source file.
Supporting a variety of content types, specific document viewers are launched
when the user has executed the open command from the IBM Content Navigator
desktop in association with a document. The IBM Content Navigator desktop will
launch the appropriate viewing application associated with the documents
registered MIME type either because that MIME type has been configured to
launch a specific viewer or because the MIME type has not been identified in the
configuration, in which case the system will default to a generic, catch-all web
browser viewer.
A variety of viewers are available to the IBM Content Navigator desktop. These
viewers include the AFP to PDF Viewer, AFP Viewer Plugin-Plus Viewer, Applet
Viewer, FileNet Viewer, Browser Viewer, and ICC Viewer.

AFP to PDF Viewer

The AFP to PDF Viewer provides viewer support for the AFP files that may be
accessed from an IBM Content Manager OnDemand repository that has been
configured for access from the IBM Content Navigator Desktop.

AFP Viewer Plugin-Plus Viewer

The AFP Viewer Plugin-Plus is a viewer that launches the AFP Viewer plug-in
from Content Manager OnDemand Web Enablement Kit. The plug-in must be
installed on the client workstation so that this viewer can be available. The
AFPViewerPlugin.jar file is used to register the plug-in. If the plug-in is not
installed on the client workstation, Content Navigator uses the AFP to PDF
Viewer instead.

Applet Viewer
The Applet Viewer provides overlay support for IBM ImagePlus documents in
MODCA format and stored in IBM Content Management libraries.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

FileNet Viewer
The FileNet Viewer is the Daeja ViewONE Pro 4.0.42 as of the release of this
publication. With the Daeja Viewer, you can view a vast variety of document
formats. It also provides other viewing features such as annotations, redaction,
and marking up documents.

Browser Viewer
The Browser Viewer mapping provides support for many file types and formats
and can be used for read-only access to content; other viewer features such as
markups or annotations are not required.

ICC Viewer
The ICC Viewer is intended for items archived through IBM Content Collector
such as mail messages, and varying document types that might come through
environments like Microsoft SharePoint.

Overview summary
These viewers are all delivered within IBM Content Navigator through default
repository and MIME type mappings and are configured within the Content
Navigator desktop through the default viewer map. The system-configured
default viewer map is set up to support the most common uses and mappings
between viewers and content types. The IBM Content Navigator default viewer
map can be accessed through the Administration Desktop. Because it is
preconfigured with repository and MIME type mappings, it cannot be edited.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Figure 10-1 shows Default viewer map selected in the Viewer Maps section of
the Content Navigator configuration.

Figure 10-1 Default viewer map

Because the default viewer map is a non-editable portion of the Content

Navigator configuration, you must copy it if you want to change the default MIME
type mappings to reference-specific viewers.
Table 10-1 on page 369 lists the default viewer mappings that are set within the
IBM Content Navigator environment.
By changing these mappings, you can override the default viewer mappings
within the system if, for example, your organization has an enterprise license to a
specific viewer package or platform and you want to use it as the universal viewer
for your content management environments.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To determine which mappings you might want to alter, see Table 10-1.
Table 10-1 Default repository viewer MIME type mappings
Repository type


MIME types covered

Content Manager

AFP2PDF Conversion
Line Data Applet
Adobe Reader
Applet Viewer

bmp, gif, jpeg, png, pcx, tif, x-dcx,
xpng, vnd.ibm.modcap

Web Browser

All MIME types

Adobe Reader
Applet Viewer

bmp, gif, jpeg, png, pcx, tif, x-dcx,
xpng, vnd.ibm.modcap

Web Browser

All MIME types

FileNet Viewer

pjpeg, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, tiff, pdf,

png, x-cold, vnd.filenet.image,

Web Browser

All MIME types

Applet Viewer

bmp, gif, jpeg, png, pcx, tif, x-dcx,

xpng, vnd.ibm.modcap

Web Browser

All MIME types

Content Manager

FileNet Content

Content Management
Services (CMIS)

For example, you might want to map a common document type (such as a
document-formatted (.doc) document) to a viewer that allows markups and
annotations to be created during viewing. You might want those annotations to be
saved with the document into the content management library.
As specified in the MIME type mappings, the web browser viewer is launched as
a viewer for document-formatted (.doc) documents stored in an IBM FileNet
Content Manager system. Because the web browser does not allow for
annotations, you might want to map the .doc MIME type to a viewer that supports
and saves annotations: a viewer such as the FileNet Viewer.
Figure 10-2 on page 370 lists the MIME types (.doc, .xls, and .ppt) added to the
MIME type mappings associated with the FileNet Viewer in the custom viewer

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Figure 10-2 Custom MIME type mapping for FileNet Viewer

Modification of the default MIME type viewer associations requires making a

copy of the default viewer map and using the newly created viewer map in your
IBM Content Navigator desktop. In cases where a specific MIME type is mapped
to more than one viewer in a desktop, the order of the viewers listed in Viewer
Maps makes a difference in determining which viewer will be launched. Content
Navigator launches the first viewer listed for that particular MIME type.

10.2 Example overview

Examples included in this chapter are divided into two categories:
Those that are done through customizing the FileNet Viewer
Those that deal with integration of third-party viewers
By customizing the FileNet Viewer, we show these examples:
Adding headers and footers to documents for branding and confidentiality
Making annotations anonymous
Disabling document streaming
In the integration of third-party viewers to IBM Content Navigator, we show the
following third-party viewers:
Snowbound VirtualViewer
Informative Graphics Brava! Enterprise Viewer

10.3 Customizing the FileNet Viewer

In this section, we explore options available in the built-in FileNet Viewer, the
Daeja ViewONE Pro Viewer, to enhance the functionality that is available to
users of IBM Content Navigator.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

10.3.1 Adding headers and footers to documents for branding and

confidentiality requirements
The Daeja Viewer contains a helpful but overlooked feature that allows you to
add a header and a footer to documents rendered by it. Technically, those
additions are annotations at the top and bottom of the document pages. The
content of the header and footer are customizable and you can set them
programmatically. The headers and footers can be placed on documents by
using coordinates so that users cannot move or delete them.
One use for adding this header and footer might be to provide disclaimers, from
your company, on the documents (viewed through IBM Content Navigator
desktop) as part of a legal warning against printing and distribution. To do that in
IBM Content Navigator, edit the filenetViewer_properties.jsp file, which is
located in the applets sub-folder directly under the root of the deployed WAR file.
This file bootstraps the Daeja Viewer so you can add the extra configuration
To enable headers and footers, use the annotationTemplate directive from the
viewer API and also disable FileNet P8 ACL permission support for annotations.
Although we can still view and edit annotations on FileNet P8 documents, we
cannot change permissions on those annotations. This way applies only for this
particular desktop and not for all of IBM Content Navigator.
To add header and footer, complete the following steps:
1. Under the root folder of the WAR file, Create a new file to contain your header
and footer content. Name it headerfooter.txt file. The text in Example 9-1 on
page 293 can be used within your configuration .txt file. A sample is also
downloadable (see Appendix D, Additional material on page 535).
Example 10-1 Header and footer definition example

FONTTYPE = arial
X = 0
Y = 0
PAGE = -1
LABEL = Text1
EDIT = 0

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


FONTTYPE = arial
TEXT = This is copyrighted material owned by Company X.
do not distribute.
X = 0
Y = 10.5
PAGE = -1
LABEL = Text1
EDIT = 0


2. Add the text shown in Figure 10-2 on page 370 to the

filenetViewer_properties.jsp file, directly under the check that ensures that
the filenetViewerParameters are initialized. An edited sample of the
filenetViewer_properties.jsp file is available (see Appendix D, Additional
material on page 535).
Example 10-2 Enabling headers and footers for documents

annotationTemplate: "/navigator/headerfooter.txt?noCache=" +
annotationSubstitution1: "1: <DOCNAME>=" + new Date(),
annotationSubstitution2: "-1: <DOCNAME>=<EMPTY>",
customAnnotationToolTip: "Created On: <createdate>",
alwaysShowCustomAnnotationTooltip: "true",
filenet: "false",

Note: We use a random number assigned to the noCache variable. The

reason is because the headerfooter.txt file is a static file and the
application server caches it, so, seeing our changes reflected quickly when
the file is fetched is difficult. This use of random number is optional. In our
content file, we use some variables, such as <DOCNAME>. We substitute
those with values from the current document being viewed. In this case, we
use the annotationSubstitution directive to replace the tag with the name
of the actual document. We do this for the first page. For the rest, we use
the special <EMPTY> tag and we keep the field blank. Although that is
basically the process, there are many more details available to further
customize this feature. For example, instead of using a static file, with the
viewer, you can specify a servlet that returns the header and footer,
rendering this feature much more powerful.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 10-3 and Figure 10-4 show the results of our example.

Figure 10-3 The displayed header

Figure 10-4 The displayed footer

10.3.2 Making annotations anonymous

The filenetViewer_properties.jsp configuration file also defines the hover tips
that are displayed for annotations. By default, a user can hover over annotations
to see the name of the user who created them. This behavior is expected but not
always desirable. Sometimes, a requirement might be for users not to know who
created the annotation. For example, suppose a loan applicant sees a note on a
loan application that clarification is needed for a particular entry. If the applicant
also sees, on that note, the name and email address of the user who created the
note annotation, the applicant might send email to that person directly rather than
to customer service email address. This bypassing of the appropriate
communication channels causes a degradation of the process. For security
reasons, we do not want that to happen. Therefore, we want every user to log in
with a proxy account so that all annotations are displayed as created by that
anonymous proxy user.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Figure 10-5 shows a tooltip with the name of the annotator (P8Admin), and the
annotation creation date and time, when you hover over an annotation.

Figure 10-5 Document showing the name of the annotator

To make the annotator name anonymous, the built-in Daeja Viewer provides a
way to change the format of the tooltip programmatically. This means we can
narrow the scope of this function to a particular desktop or maybe a specific
object store, or even only a specific document class.
To make the name of annotator be anonymous, complete the following steps:
1. Locate the filenetViewer_Properties.jsp file, which is in the applets
directory of the WAR path for the deployed IBM Content Navigator.
2. To the structure, add the tags you want, without the name of the annotator.
The Daeja Viewer documentation has information about special tags to use to
inject context-aware information to the tooltip.
For our example, we used only the creation date as the annotation tooltip.
Example 10-3 shows the changes for the filenetViewerParameters structure.
Example 10-3 Changing annotations tooltip

filenetViewerParameters.customAnnotationToolTip = 'Created on:

filenetViewerParameters.alwaysShowCustomAnnotationToolTip = 'true';


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Now, when a user hovers the mouse over the annotation, the name of the
annotator is not displayed in the tooltip. See Figure 10-6.

Figure 10-6 Annotation without annotators name

10.3.3 Disabling document streaming

Document streaming is enabled in the system for TIF and PDF files, by default.
The ability to stream documents can be a valuable feature that allows the user to
access content from large files as quickly as possible and to begin viewing or
reading the information before the entire document is downloaded.
In some cases, where a proxy server and a load balancer are deployed within the
IBM Content Navigator environment, organizations might want to disable
document streaming to alleviate issues that might occur within the proxy and load
balancer architecture and that can interfere with the downloading of a document.
In IBM Content Navigator, you can disable document streaming if required:
1. Find the filenetViewer.js file in the js directory of the WAR path for the
deployed IBM Content Navigator.
2. Edit the navigator/js/filenetViewer.js file.
3. Find the following text in the filenetViewer.js file near line 50 in the file:
this.useStreamer = (contentType.indexOf("tiff") != -1 ||
contentType.indexOf("pdf") != -1);
4. Modify the line with this.useStreamer = false as follows:
this.useStreamer = false; // (contentType.indexOf("tiff") != -1 ||
contentType.indexOf("pdf") != -1);

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


After saving the file, document streaming will be disabled for TIF and PDF files in
the IBM Content Navigator environment.

10.4 Exploring viewer extensibility

This section explores what IBM Content Navigator exposes to developers to
integrate viewing solutions.

10.4.1 Viewer architecture

Viewing solutions are being built in many ways, but two models are prevalent:
viewers that talk to repositories directly from the client-side, and others that rely
on a server-side component. Figure 10-7 reflects both architectural styles.
Viewer1 exhibits only client-side architecture; Viewer2 relies on a server-side

JEE Application Server



Content Navigator







Figure 10-7 Client-side viewer (Viewer1) and server-side viewer (Viewer2) architecture

IBM Content Navigator supports both models. If your viewer relies on a

server-side component, you can pass information to a servlet and then use
repository APIs (for IBM FileNet Content Manager or IBM Content Manager
OnDemand, for example) to fetch content and pass it back to your client.
Similarly, if your viewer operates completely on the client-side, you can use the


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

IBM Content Navigator JavaScript modeling layer to fetch content from

repositories through the navigator and back down to your client.
With both models, the effort to integrate the viewer into IBM Content Navigator is
similar. For client-side viewers, developers must consult the API documentation
that is provided by IBM to understand how to use the JavaScript modeling layer
to fetch content. This section focuses on how to develop the plug-in for any
viewer, independent of its architecture.

10.4.2 Extension points

Three classes must be extended to register a new viewer in IBM Content
In those classes, you communicate to the IBM Content Navigator, the behavioral
characteristics, and capabilities of your viewer, and also specify how to launch it.
Note: to Set up your development environment and project to allow for plug-in
development, see Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on
page 73.
Other files you need or might want to add to the system to make it work are as

Required components
The classes in this section must be extended to register a new viewer.

The com.ibm.ecm.extension.Plugin class

By extending this class, you can specify the name of the plug-in (and therefore
the name of the viewer), its version, and the Dojo class that corresponds to its
configuration user interface. This is explained in 10.5, Integrating third-party
viewers into IBM Content Navigator on page 387.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Example 10-4 shows the class signature that extends the plug-in.
Example 10-4 Class signature that extends Plugin

public class MyViewerPlugin extends com.ibm.ecm.extension.Plugin

To declare that the plug-in contains viewer functionality, and that there is also a
server-side component to the plug-in, add the code shown in Example 10-5.
Example 10-5 Declare viewer capabilities in plug-in

public PluginViewerDef[] getViewers() {

return new PluginViewerDef[] { new MyViewerPluginViewerDef() };
public PluginService[] getServices() {
return new PluginService[] { new MyViewerPluginService() };
To specify the name of the widget that is paired with this plug-in, you must specify
the methods shown in Example 10-6.
Example 10-6 Bind the plug-in to a widget UI configuration component

public String getDojoModule() {

return "myViewerPluginDojo";
public String getConfigurationDijitClass() {
return "myViewerPluginDojo.ConfigurationPane";

The com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginService class

This class must be extended to bootstrap and eventually execute the viewer.
This class also handles saving the configuration. Example 10-7 shows the
class signature that extends the PluginService class.
Example 10-7 Class signature that extends PluginService

public class MyViewerPluginService extends

The main method, execute, must be implemented. In this method, you can divide
the responsibilities of the classes into retrieving and saving the configuration, and
opening the viewer, as Example 10-8 on page 379 demonstrates.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 10-8 Extending the execute() method for basic usage

public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,

HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
String api = request.getParameter("api");
if (api.equals("getConfiguration"))
executeGetConfiguration(callbacks, request, response);
else if (api.equals("setConfiguration"))
executeSetConfiguration(callbacks, request, response);
else if (api.equals("openViewer"))
executeOpenViewer(callbacks, request, response);
In Developing the IBM Content Navigator Plug-in for this viewer on page 390,
we demonstrate a fully functioning example of this class. In that section, we
describe what type of information is made available in the execute() method to
help you bootstrap your viewer.
First, you see from the formal parameters of the method that the entire
HttpServletRequest class is available. This means that you can get information,
such as session ID and server name. Specific to your viewer is information in the
request parameters, which you can get through the request.getParameterMap()
method. In that map, you find information such as the document ID that is to be
opened and also the name of the repository in which the document resides. The
following information is available in the map:
docId: The unique identifier of the document.
docName: The name of the document.
repositoryId: The name of the repository in which this document resides. This
name is the name as it is configured in the IBM Content Navigator, not the
name of the repository in the underlying archive.
mimeType: The MIME type of the document.
serverType: The type of the underlying archive (p8, cm, od).
vsId: The ID of the version series of the document.
replicationGroup: The name of the replicationGroup setup through IBM
Content Federation Services (CFS), for bidirectional support between IBM
FileNet Content Manager and IBM FileNet Image Services.
objectStoreName: The name of the underlying archive in which the document
is located.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


docUrl: A string that contains the exact parameters that are needed to get the
document that uses IBM Content Navigators getDocument functionality. It
contains some of the same information (such as vsId, for example) plus new
information. See Example 10-9.
Example 10-9 Information contained in docUrl

privs: The privileges that the viewer must honor. The following privileges are
passed down to the viewer, based on the disposition of the document:
printDoc: Ability to print the document. Invoking print from the browser
might not be preventable but it also does not result in a fully printed
exportDoc: Ability to save the document to local disk storage.
editDoc: Ability to edit the document, for example rearrange the pages of a
viewAnnotations: Ability to view the annotations on the document.
editAnnotations: Ability to add, edit, or remove annotations on the
Example 10-10 lists all of these parameters from an actual document.
Example 10-10 A full example of the parameters passed into the viewer plug-in
key: editDoc value: false
key: objectStoreName value: MyObjectStore
key: replicationGroup value: undefined
key: plugin value: MyViewerPlugin
key: mimeType value: application/pdf
key: editAnnotations value: false
key: serverType value: p8
key: api value: openViewer
key: viewAnnotations value: false
key: action value: MyViewerService
key: docId value:
key: security_token value: -5225665686370023147
key: repositoryId value: MyCompanyRepository
key: exportDoc value: true
key: contentType value: application/pdf
key: printDoc value: true


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

key: vsId value: {08F39ADF-7637-4F07-93D3-8AE0C908FC86}

key: docUrl value:
key: docName value: Agreement.pdf

As you can see, docUrl is mostly a composition of pieces that are already offered
in other parameters. The docId parameter consists of a 3-tuple: the symbolic
name of the document class of the document, the identifier of the object store,
and the identifier of the document itself.
Tip: You can use the following method to help you debug code in your plug-in:
The debug statements are in the system.out log file of the application server.

The com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginViewerDef class

This class provides two functions:
Specifies which repository types the viewer supports (IBM Content Navigator
enforces it) and for which document MIME types it is optimized.
Defines how to launch the viewer by specifying the launch URL pattern.
Example 10-11 shows the class signature that extends the PluginViewerDef
Example 10-11 Class signature that extends PluginViewerDef
public class MyViewerPluginViewerDef extends com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginViewerDef

To specify the repository and MIME types that are supported by your viewer, you
can use getSupportedContentTypes() and getSupportedServerTypes() methods,
as shown in Example 10-12.
Example 10-12 Code snippet that specify repository and MIME type support by viewer
public String[] getSupportedContentTypes() {
return new String[] { image/tiff, image/png };
public String[] getSupportedServerTypes() {
return new String[] { p8, cm };

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Optional components
Optionally, you can also specify a widget that renders the user interface and that
collects all configuration information for the viewer. For example, if you want to
specify whether the viewer should render annotations on a system-wide scope,
you create two files:
We also create a manifest file.

The ConfigurationPane.html file

In this HTML file, you specify the presentation layer components of your
configuration user interface. See Example 10-13.
Example 10-13 Configuration user interface specified in HTML

<table class="propertyTable" role="presentation">
<td class="propertyRowLabel"><span class="required">*</span>
<td class="propertyRowValue">
<div id="annotationsEnabled"
dojoAttachEvent="onKeyUp: _onParamChange" maxLength="5"
dojoType="ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox" required="true"

The ConfigurationPane.js file

In this JavaScript file, you specify the validation logic for your configuration
parameters. See Example 10-14.
Example 10-14 Validation logic defined in JavaScript


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

* @name myViewerPluginDojo.ConfigurationPane
* @class
* @augments ecm.widget.admin.PluginConfigurationPane
[ ecm.widget.admin.PluginConfigurationPane, dijit._Templated,
ecm.LoggerMixin ],
templateString : dojo.cache("myViewerPluginDojo",
widgetsInTemplate : true,
configuration : null,
constructor : function() {
postCreate : function() {
this._annotationsEnabled.invalidMesssage = "Please set the
value to true or false";
this._annotationsEnabled.isValid = dojo
function(isFocused) {
return this
loadConfigurationString : function(configurationString) {
this.configuration = eval("(" + configurationString
+ ")");
if (!this.configuration.annotationsEnabled) {
this.configuration.annotationsEnabled = "";
load : function(callback) {
var methodName = "load";

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


if (this.configurationString) {
} else {
// defaults
this._annotationsEnabled.set('value', 'false');
_onParamChange : function() {
var methodName = "_onParamChange";
if (this.configuration == null)
this.configuration = new Object();
this.configuration.annotationsEnabled =
this.configurationString =
_validateAnnotationsEnabled : function(isFocused) {
var methodName = "_validateAnnotationsEnabled";
var valid = true;
var annotationsEnabled = this._annotationsEnabled
if (annotationsEnabled.length <= 0) {
valid = false;
} else {
if (annotationsEnabled == 'true'
|| annotationsEnabled == 'false') {
valid = true;
} else {
valid = false;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

return (valid);
validate : function() {
var methodName = "validate";
var valid = this._annotationsEnabled.isValid();
return valid;

Figure 10-8 shows the rendered configuration, based on our example.

Figure 10-8 The configuration UI rendered

It is important to reflect on the concepts here. Other products simply allow you to
specify a property name/value pair for configuration, and keep you hoping the
user will not enter something that is not allowed. With IBM Content Navigator,
however, you can both specify exactly how you want the configuration user
interface to look and program the logic that governs that user interface. This
feature is powerful.
IBM Content Navigator provides a validation widget for a simple text box, named
ecm.widget.ValidaionTextBox (as used in Example 9-16 on page 306). To
compose a more complex user interface, such as a combo box or a slider, you
must extend the form widget that is available in the Dojo framework. For example,
we outline an example for a combo box. We create a new widget that has the
name mycompany.widget.ValidationComboBox. We present the outline and use
the existing ecm.widget.ValidationTextBox as reference.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Example 10-15 shows the code snippet for the JavaScript.

Example 10-15 ValidationComboBox.js

dojo.declare("mycompany.widget.ValidationComboBox", [
dijit.form.ComboBox, ecm.widget._HoverHelpMixin ], {
/* fill in implentation details here */
You do not have to specify an accompanying HTML file. Your widget
uses the HTML file of the original widget to render itself. After you complete
the implementation, you can use the newly created widget in your
ConfigurationPane.html file as shown in Example 10-16.
Example 10-16 Snippet for ConfigurationPane.html that includes a combo box

<div id="annotationsEnabled" dojoAttachPoint="_annotationsEnabled"

dojoAttachEvent="onChange: _onParamChange"
Make sure to examine the events that are available by the widget you are
extending so that you can wire the control correctly to your validation layer. For
instance, in Example 10-16, we use the onChange event to be notified when the
user selects a value from the combo box.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


We create a manifest file to use when we create our JAR file. The minimum
configuration tags are shown in Example 10-17.
Example 10-17 MANIFEST.MF

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.7.0
Created-By: 2.4 (MyCompany)
Plugin-Class: com.mycompany.viewerplugin.MyViewerPlugin
Name: build
Built-By: developer
Build: ${TODAY}
Tip: Although not shown in this example, we suggest that for production
environment plug-ins, you prepend all ID attributes of HTML tags with a
unique identifier. This way, you ensure that the plug-ins do not contain tags
with the same ID as other plug-ins, which can cause many issues.

10.5 Integrating third-party viewers into IBM Content

In this section, we explore integrating two separate third-party viewers with IBM
Content Navigator. Both viewers provide enhanced capabilities to the list of
built-in viewers and can enrich the tools available to users of IBM Content
Typically, when implementing a third-party viewer that is not built in to IBM
Content Navigator, you are required to install or deploy the third-party viewer
based on the manufacturers instructions. The approach to integrating a
third-party viewer into the Navigator environment requires a plug-in that can be
used within the IBM Content Navigator architecture to call the third-party viewer.
The viewer plug-in, or connector, is responsible for calling the external viewer.

10.5.1 Snowbound VirtualViewer

The first viewer we review is the Snowbound VirtualViewer, which is based on
Ajax. The viewer does not require client-side installation or assumptions about
what software (for example JRE version) is running on the user machine, other
than a web browser. The viewer is built to rely on a server-side servlet, which

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


delivers document content to optimize viewing on the client-side. This viewer

includes features such as page-reordering, annotations-manipulation, and
This section has an overview of the prerequisites required to set up the
Snowbound VirtualViewer environment and the details required to set up the
VirtualViewer Content Navigator Connector. The Content Navigator Connector
provided by Snowbound is a commercially available plug-in, developed by
Snowbound, the manufacturer of the virtual viewer. This section also describes
the details behind developing a connector using Snowbound as an example.

Before we start, certain preparation work must be completed. The Snowbound
VirtualViewer contains instructions for how to install the product. We have the
following assumptions:
The Snowbound VirtualViewer is installed in a subdirectory directly under the
navigator WAR folder. In our setup, this folder is as follows:
Under this folder, we add the folder that contains the Snowbound
VirtualViewer files. We named this folder VirtualViewer.
Based on the Snowbound installation instructions, the necessary entries are
added to the web.xml file. In our setup, it is in the following location:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Pay close attention to the parameters shown in Example 10-18. Be sure that
you replace the bold text with the host name or IP of your server.
Example 10-18 Snowbounds servlet configuration

The VirtualViewer/config.js file is modified to reflect the correct servlet
path. Example 10-19 shows our setup.
Example 10-19 config.js file modifications

var servletPath =


Tip: If you have problems with the installation, a beneficial step might be to try
to install the viewer for WorkplaceXT by following the exact instructions that
are provided. This step can help you become accustomed to the installation

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Developing the IBM Content Navigator Plug-in for this viewer

Developing the plug-in for this viewer is not much different from previous
examples. In this section, we use the same JavaScript files because not much
plug-in-level configuration must be done.
We create a Java project in Eclipse (or Rational Application Developer) and add
the following JAR files to the build path:
Next, we add the following source code files:


The MyViewerPlugin class

For our example, the MyViewerPlugin class extends the Plugin class, as shown
in Example 10-20.
Example 10-20 MyViewerPlugin.java
package com.mycompany.viewerplugin;
import java.util.Locale;


public class MyViewerPlugin extends Plugin {

public String getId() {
return "MyViewerPlugin";
public String getName() {
return getName(Locale.getDefault());
public String getName(Locale locale) {
String name = MessageUtil.getMessage(locale,


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

if ((name == null) || (name.equals("plugins.myViewerPlugin.name"))) {

name = "MyViewer";
return name;
public String getVersion() {
return "1.3";
public String getDojoModule() {
return "myViewerPluginDojo";
public PluginViewerDef[] getViewers() {
return new PluginViewerDef[] { new MyViewerPluginViewerDef() };
public PluginService[] getServices() {
return new PluginService[] { new MyViewerPluginService() };
public String getConfigurationDijitClass() {
return "myViewerPluginDojo.ConfigurationPane";

Replace the package: The com.mycompany.* package is used here to show

that the packages that are used in the SamplePlugin, which are provided with
the product, do not have to be followed to successfully develop a plug-in. Most
organizations already have a standardized package they use. Replace
com.mycompany with the package from your organization.

The MyViewerPluginService class

For our example, the MyViewerPluginService class extends the PluginService
class, as shown in Example 10-21.
Example 10-21 MyViewerPluginService.java
package com.mycompany.viewerplugin;


Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;


public class MyViewerPluginService extends PluginService {

public static final String GET_CONFIGURATION = "getConfiguration";
public static final String SET_CONFIGURATION = "setConfiguration";
public static final String OPEN_VIEWER = "openViewer";
private static Set<String> serverTypes = new HashSet();
public String getId() {
return "MyViewerService";
public void execute(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
String api = request.getParameter("api");
if (api.equals("getConfiguration"))
executeGetConfiguration(callbacks, request, response);
else if (api.equals("setConfiguration"))
executeSetConfiguration(callbacks, request, response);
else if (api.equals("openViewer"))
executeOpenViewer(callbacks, request, response);
private void executeGetConfiguration(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
String configuration = callbacks.loadConfiguration();
Writer w = response.getWriter();
private void executeSetConfiguration(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

throws Exception {
String configuration = request.getParameter("configuration");
if (configuration == null) {
configuration = "";
.println("MyViewerPluginService.executeGetConfiguration configuration: "
+ configuration);
private void executeOpenViewer(PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws Exception {
String serverType = request.getParameter("serverType");
if (serverTypes.contains(serverType.toLowerCase())) {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(
if (configuration.configured) {
StringBuffer urlBuf = new StringBuffer(
String docUrl = request.getParameter("docUrl");
Map docUrlMap = Util.getParameterMap(docUrl);
String objectStoreName = (String) docUrlMap
String docId = (String) docUrlMap.get("docid");
docId = (docId != null) ? URLDecoder.decode(docId, "UTF-8")
: null;
String vsId = (String) docUrlMap.get("vsId");
vsId = (vsId != null) ? URLDecoder.decode(vsId, "UTF-8") : null;
P8DocID p8DocID = new P8DocID(docId);
String p8ObjectStore = objectStoreName;
String reposID = p8DocID.getObjectID();
String repositoryId = (String) docUrlMap

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


URLEncoder.encode(p8ObjectStore, "UTF-8"));
URLEncoder.encode(reposID, "UTF-8"));
.append(URLEncoder.encode(vsId, "UTF-8"));
URLEncoder.encode(repositoryId, "UTF-8"));
URLEncoder.encode(docId, "UTF-8"));
"executeOpenViewer", request.getSession(),
} else {
throw new Exception("MyViewer has not been configured.");
} else {
throw new Exception("Unsupported server type: " + serverType);
static {
private class Configuration {
boolean configured = false;
boolean annotationsEnabled;
public Configuration(String configuration) throws IOException {
JSONObject jsonConfig;
System.out.println("Configuration.ctor - configuration: "
+ configuration);
if (configuration != null) {
jsonConfig = JSONObject.parse(configuration);
String annotationsEnabled = ((String) jsonConfig
this.configured = (annotationsEnabled != null);
this.annotationsEnabled = Boolean


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

public String serialize() throws IOException {
JSONObject jsonConfig = new JSONObject();
System.out.println("Configuration.serialize this.annotationsEnabled: "
+ this.annotationsEnabled);
jsonConfig.put("annotationsEnabled", this.annotationsEnabled);
return jsonConfig.serialize();

The MyViewerPluginViewerDef class

For our example, the MyViewerPluginViewerDef class extends the
PluginviewerDef class, as shown in Example 10-22.
Example 10-22 MyViewerPluginViewerDef.java
package com.mycompany.viewerplugin;
import com.ibm.ecm.extension.PluginViewerDef;
import java.util.Locale;
public class MyViewerPluginViewerDef extends PluginViewerDef {
private static final String[] SUPPORTED_SERVER_TYPES = { "p8" };
private static final String[] SUPPORTED_MIME_TYPES = { "application/pdf" };
public String getId() {
return "myViewer";
public String getName(Locale locale) {
return "MyViewer";
public String getLaunchUrlPattern() {

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


public String[] getSupportedContentTypes() {

public String[] getSupportedServerTypes() {

The launchViewer.jsp file

For our example, we also need a JSP file to load and redirect to our viewer. We
can add it anywhere in the project and name it launchViewer.jsp file. For this
example, we place it under the VirtualViewer directory. Example 10-23 shows
the JSP file.
Example 10-23 JSP file which redirects to the viewer (launchViewer.jsp)
<%@ page import="java.net.URLDecoder,java.net.URLEncoder"%>
String clientInstanceId = request.getSession().getId();
String objectStoreName = request.getParameter("p8ObjectStore");
objectStoreName = (objectStoreName != null ?
URLDecoder.decode(objectStoreName, "UTF-8") : null);
String vsId = request.getParameter("vsId");
vsId = (vsId != null ? URLDecoder.decode(vsId, "UTF-8") : null);
String repositoryId = request.getParameter("repositoryId");
repositoryId = (repositoryId != null ? URLDecoder.decode(repositoryId,
"UTF-8") : null);
String docId = request.getParameter("docid");
docId = (docId != null ? URLDecoder.decode(docId, "UTF-8") : null);
String documentId = "objectStoreName=" + objectStoreName
+ "&folderId=" + "null" + "&objectType=" + "document"
+ "&vsId=" + vsId + "&id=" + docId + "&repositoryId="
+ repositoryId;
String encodedDocumentId = URLEncoder.encode(documentId);


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

<title>Redirecting to Viewer</title>
<meta http-equiv="REFRESH"

The Configuration.html file

We use the Configuration.html file, from The ConfigurationPane.html file on
page 382, and add it in the following package:

The Configuration.js file

We use the Configuration.js file, from The ConfigurationPane.js file on
page 382, and add it in the following package:


We use the MANIFEST.MF file, from The MANIFEST.MF file on page 387, and
add it to the root of the project. We make sure this manifest file is used during the
creation of the JAR file (the build.xml file takes care of that for you; the
build.xml is shown in Deploying and setting up the plug-in on page 397).

Deploying and setting up the plug-in

Important deployment strategy: This tutorial places many files in the IBM
Content Navigator deployed path. Redeploying the product might result in
these files being deleted. Be sure you have a proper deployment strategy for
your plug-in.
To deploy the plug-in, complete the following steps:
1. Build a simple ANT file to produce a JAR file. Our build file is shown in
Example 10-24. This build file compiles the code and builds the JAR file
in a folder named build. This file can be run directly in Eclipse or from a
command line.
Example 10-24 Build file to deploy our plug-in (build.xml)
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


default="all" >
depends="clean,compile,jar" />
<path id="classpath" >
dir="lib" >
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="clean" >
<delete dir="build/temp" />
<target name="compile" >
<mkdir dir="build/temp" />
target="1.5" >
<classpath refid="classpath" />
<include name="**/*.java" />
<target name="jar" >
<copy todir="build/temp" >
<fileset dir="src" >
<include name="**/WebContent/**" />


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

<jar jarfile="build/MyCompanyViewer.jar" >

includes="**/*" />
value="com.mycompany.viewerplugin.MyViewerPlugin" />
<section name="build" >
value="${user.name}" />
value="${TODAY}" />
<delete dir="./build/temp" />

2. After the project is built, deploy your solution. For our example, we use the
following steps:
Place the JAR file in the plug-ins directory. In our setup, we use the
following path:
Place launchViewer.jsp file in the VirtualViewer subdirectory. In our
setup, we use the following path:

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


3. After deployment is complete, register the new plug-in. We use the following
steps, in the IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop:
a. Open the Plugins tab.
b. Specify the file by using a URL that points to the deployed JAR file. We
use the following URL:
The plug-in registration page is shown in Figure 10-9.

Figure 10-9 Plug-in registration page

You can use a more descriptive name for the JAR file. For our example, we
use SnowboundViewerPlugin.jar file. However, we have a distinction
between what is made available by Snowbound and what must be built by
us to complete the example. We do not need to specify any configuration;
the annotationsEnabled configuration setting is an example of how to build
the configuration details.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

c. Click Save and Close. The plug-in is now registered and is listed with the
others, as Figure 10-10 shows.

Figure 10-10 List of registered plug-ins

4. Associate one or more MIME types with the new viewer so IBM Content
Navigator can invoke it when a user clicks to open a document. Do that in one
of two ways:
Create a viewer map and set up the MIME types there.
Modify the map that is already associated with the desktop you use and
add the new MIME type mapping there.
For our example, we use the second way. The map that is defined for the
desktop we use is named My Viewer Map. We then use the following steps to
associate the new MIME types with the new viewer:
a. Go to Viewer Maps in the Administration Desktop.
b. Click New Mapping to this viewer map.
c. Set up the supported configurations. The IBM Content Navigator user
interface already knows what MIME types and repository types the new
viewer supports, so it guides you with setting up only the supported

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Our specific setup is shown in Figure 10-11.

Figure 10-11 The viewer mapping configuration page

d. Be sure that the precedence rules in the viewer map do not override your
configuration. For example, if another viewer is defined with support for
PDFs and it is listed before your configured viewer, IBM Content Navigator
uses the first viewer that is listed.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

For our example, we click Move up (Figure 10-12) to be sure that our
viewer takes precedence over all others. That means our viewer is first in
the list of mappings.

Figure 10-12 Observing viewer map precedence rules

e. Before testing the viewer, refresh the browser to make sure that the
changes are in effect.
5. To test your viewer, go to your repository, locate and open the document. For
our example, we go to a IBM FileNet P8 repository, find a PDF document, and
click to open it.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


The Snowbound VirtualViewer is invoked and renders the document, as

shown in Figure 10-13.

Figure 10-13 The viewer has been launched

Using the Snowbound VirtualViewer ICN Connector

To bypass the need to develop your own plug-in to call the VirtualViewer, you can
use the available plug-in package provided by Snowbound. The plug-in we use
here is the VirtualViewer ICN Connector. We downloaded the evaluation version
of this plug-in, which is available from the Snowbound Software website or
though the following location:

Registering the plug-In

The Snowbound VirtualViewer plug-in must be registered as a plug-in within
the Content Navigator environment. The VirtualViewer plug-in is named
SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar and you must make this file available to
the Content Navigator environment.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

To register the plug-in, open the Content Navigator Administration Desktop:

1. Select Plug-ins from the configuration options and select New plug-in.
2. Select the JAR file option and enter the location for the
SnowboundVirtualViewerPlugin.jar file.
3. Click Load. If all is correct, the window auto-completes with configuration
options that are specific to the VirtualViewer plug-in. See Figure 10-16 on
page 409.
4. Enter the location of the VirtualViewerURL that you configured as part of the
5. Enter the location of the VirtualViewer servlet path:
6. Save and close the plug-in configuration.

Figure 10-14 Registering the Snowbound VirtualViewer Plug-in

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


Configure virtual viewer in the IBM Content Navigator desktop

After the plug-in is registered, you can use the plug-in as part of a Content
Navigator desktop configuration. Several steps are required to enable the plug-in
with a desktop configuration:
1. Configure a viewer map.
The viewer map configuration determines the association between a specific
MIME type or types and an identified viewer. With this features, you can
determine which viewer the system will launch based on the associated file
type. In this way, you can predetermine which file types should be launched
with the VirtualViewer.
Viewer maps are configured within the Administrator Desktop as follows:
a. Select Viewer Maps from the configuration options and select New
viewer map.
b. Name the viewer map configuration.
c. Click Repository Type and select FileNet Content Manager.
d. From the drop-down menu next to Viewer, select VirtualViewer.
e. Select the MIME types you want to associate with this viewer map
Figure 10-15 on page 407 shows our set up for the Snowbound VirtualViewer
MIME type mapping.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 10-15 Viewer MIME type mapping

2. Configure a desktop to use the viewer map:

a. In the Desktops settings, select a desktop where you will use your newly
created viewer map.
b. Set Viewer Map to the newly created VirtualViewer HTML5 Map.
3. Restart the server running your web server to assure that VirtualViewer is
functioning correctly with the IBM Content Navigator environment.

10.5.2 Informative Graphics Brava! Enterprise Viewer

The Brava! Plug-in for IBM Content Navigator leverages the plug-in architecture
of the Navigator environment. Brava provides complimentary viewing,
annotation, redaction, and publishing features from within the IBM Content
Navigator experience.
Supplementing your IBM Content Navigator with Brava! allows you to extend the
capabilities of the navigator environment to include support for additional file
formats, document merging capabilities, supplemental search support, and many
other operations.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


The Brava! Viewer plug-in delivers the option to use an HTML-based or an

Active-X based viewer, depending upon your organizations requirements and
support environment.
In this example, we configure IBM Content Navigator to use the Brava! Viewer
to provide document-compare and document-merge capabilities. The
document-merge operation allows Content Navigator users to select one
or more documents or document versions within the navigator desktop and
rearrange the pages within the Brava! Viewer or create a new document.
The document-compare command will allow users to compare either two
versions of the same document, or two different documents at the same time.

Before we start, certain preparation work must be completed. The Brava
Enterprise Administrators Guide has instructions for installing and configuring
the software. Before you begin configuring the IBM Content Navigator client to
use the Brava! Viewer, the entire installation and deployment process must be
The brava.properties file must be located on the Content Navigator Server and
it must be updated to include your local Brava! properties:
server.brava: Should include the URL to the location of the Brava Server
application.url: Should refer to the URL that clients use to access the
Content Navigator Application
server.viewer.files: Should include an accurate path to the client
installation files
compare.client: Should indicate which viewer to launch for the document
compare operation (HTML or activeX)

Registering the Plug-In

The Brava! Viewer plug-in must be registered as a plug-in within the Content
Navigator environment. The Brava! Viewer includes a Content Navigator plug-in
named IGCPlugin. You must deploy this plug-in either through a web server or
drive that is accessible to the Content Navigator environment. To register the
plug-in, open the Content Navigator Administration Desktop and complete the
following steps:
1. Select Plug-ins from the configuration options and select New plug-in.
2. Select the JAR file option and enter the location for the IGCPlugin.jar file.
3. Click Load. If this is done correctly, the window auto-completes with the
configuration options that are specific to the Brava! plug-in. See Figure 10-16
on page 409.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4. Enter the location of the brava.properties file that you configured as part of
the prerequisites. Remember, this file must be local to the Content Navigator
5. Save the plug-in configuration.

Figure 10-16 Configuring the IGC Viewer Plug-in

Configuring the IBM Content Navigator Desktop

After the plug-in is registered, you may now use it as part of a Content Navigator
desktop configuration. Several steps are required to enable the plug-in with a
desktop configuration:
1. Configure a viewer map.
The viewer map configuration determines the association between a specific
MIME type or types and an identified viewer. With this feature, you can
determine which viewer the system will launch based on the associated file

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


In this way, you can pre-determine which file types should be launched with
the Brava! Viewer.
Configure viewer maps within the Administrator Desktop as follows:
a. Select Viewer Maps from the configuration options and select New
viewer map.
b. Name the viewer map configuration.
c. Click New mapping and select your repository type (IBM Content
Manager or FileNet Content Manager).
d. Select either HTML or ActiveX. At the time of writing this book, the HTML
viewer is certified on Internet Explorer 9 (Windows), Firefox (Mac and
Windows), and Safari (Mac and Windows). The ActiveX Viewer is certified
on Internet Explorer 8 and 9 (Windows).
e. Select the MIME types you want to associate with this viewer map
Figure 10-17 shows our set up for the IGC ActiveX Viewer.

Figure 10-17 Viewer Mapping

2. Configure a context menu.

By configuring the content menu, you can add specific Brava! Viewer
functions to the default application menu. In this case, we add the Compare
and DocMerge functions to the menu.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Configure context menus in the Administrator Desktop as follows:

a. Select Menus from the configuration options.
b. Make a copy of the Default Document Context menu and rename it.
c. Select the Compare and DocMerge actions from the list of available
actions and place them in the location you want within the menu list by
using the up and down arrows.
3. Configure a Navigator Desktop to use the viewer map and menu.
Adding the viewer map and the menu to a desktop causes those items to be
visible within a specified Content Navigator Desktop.
Configure Navigator Desktop in the Administrator Desktop as follows:
a. Select Desktops from the configuration options.
b. Select the desktop configuration with which you want to use the Brava!
c. Click Edit.
d. In the General tab, select the viewer map you have just configured in the
Desktop Configuration section.
e. In the Menus tab, select the menu you just configured in the Document
content menu field in the Context Menus section.
4. Install the IGC Extensions AddOn in IBM FileNet Content Manager.
Within the FileNet Enterprise Manager administration application, install the
IGC Extension to the environment:
a. Within FileNet Enterprise Manager, right-click AddOns and select New
b. Select the IGC_CoreExtensions.xml file from the Brava! Enterprise
installation archive.
c. Click OK and then add the AddOn to the object stores you want.
d. Select the object store you want, and then right-click and select All
Tasks Install AddOn.
e. Select the AddOn you imported to the environment.

Chapter 10. Customizing built-in viewers and integrating third-party viewers


10.6 Conclusion
This chapter has an overview of the built-in viewers within IBM Content
Navigator. If your customization needs are not met by the built-in viewer
functions, you can extend viewing capabilities through client-side or server-side
extension development through the Navigator API.
In addition, various third-party viewers provide enhanced viewing capabilities
such as merging and comparing documents and extended format viewing. This
chapter shows how two of the third-party viewers can be easily configured for
use through Content Navigator plug-in architecture.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


Chapter 11.

Extending solutions to
mobile platform
This chapter describes scenarios that can be used for extending a solution based
on IBM Content Navigator to a mobile platform. It provides an introduction to an
IBM Worklight sample that is included with the product and demonstrates
customization of this sample. In addition, this chapter describes deployment
scenarios that can be used for this sample.
This chapter covers the following topics:
IBM Content Navigator mobile solutions
Example overview
Customizing IBM Worklight sample

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


11.1 IBM Content Navigator mobile solutions

Mobile access to corporate content is becoming a real need. This need is no
longer limited to knowledge workers such as claim adjusters who are familiar with
mobile applications and are on constant move. Companies are under pressure to
use a mobile platform for their employees and clients to increase work efficiency,
accelerate information distribution and gain. Today, ECM systems are being
exposed to the public Internet, to have content directly accessed and used by
external customers, and accessed at any time and from any place. This new
approach helps to avoid replication or printing of the documents and ensures
users always have necessary documents of their latest versions. Furthermore,
they can leverage more ECM features like metadata or content-based searches.
There is no need to confine this only to content-based features; mobile
applications can open up process capabilities, allowing users to participate in
workflow and work with data integrated from ECM and external systems.
In a scenario where a solution is built as an extension to IBM Content Navigator,
advantages can be gained from modularity that its architecture provides. It is
common that a mobile client provides a subset of functionalities that are normally
offered by a standard web client. Developing mobile applications using the IBM
Content Navigator JavaScript model simplifies reuse of existing components. All
extensions of server-side components such as EDS, request/response filters,
and service plug-ins, can be also used directly from the mobile client.

11.1.1 Mobile development options

Mobile devices are specific in the way that users interact with a web page.
Control through touch screens requires larger areas where the user can touch to
better address differences between accuracy of a computer mouse pointer and a
human finger. Instead of a left and right mouse click, the distinguishing features
are swipe, tap, pinch, or device rotation. Devices also differ in resolution and
provide easier access to functions like zoom, camera, gyroscope, or detection of
a users position using GPS. Speed of Internet access is often limited by
available type of network or WiFi. While developing mobile applications, it is
important to decide what level of mobile specifics you want to adopt in your
Note: This section does not include all possible options and focuses only on
those that are most frequently used.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Mobile web application

To create a web application similar to the native apps, you can use one of the
web frameworks that have support for a mobile platform and imitate its look and
feel. One such frameworks is Dojo Mobile:
This framework is an extension of Dojo framework and thus simplifies integration
with IBM Content Navigator that uses the same base. This framework provides a
large suite of widgets offering a good user experience and supporting easy
control using finger movements such as touch, scroll, or tap. You can also mix
Dojo mobile widgets with standard dijits provided by IBM Content Navigator. This
approach allows you to reuse developed UI elements you might already have for
your standard web application or only those that are included with the product.
By using the IBM Content Navigator JavaScript you can also call your custom
service plug-ins. This combination brings you a high level of component reuse.
It is important to note that Dojo Mobile still produces HTML5 and Java Script web
application that has limited access to local devices. With HTML5, development of
new specifications is underway. An example includes getUserMedia/Stream API
allowing you to work with external device data such as a camera. They might not,
however, be fully supported by all mobile browsers. See Hybrid mobile
application on page 416 if you want to access local devices.

Mobile optimized layout of IBM Content Navigator

Another important note is that IBM Content Navigator is written using HTML5
and can be directly displayed in modern browsers on mobile devices. Comfort of
the user experience grows with the width of the device screen. You can further
improve this by creating multi-channel layout or dijits. Dojo also provides dojo/has
and dojo/sniff modules that you can use for user agent tests. In your layout or
custom features, you can change the organization of dijits based on the target
platform. You can also use conditional module loading based on the client
environment. Dojo loader supports ternary expression, which you can use for
conditional module loading, enabling you to reduce network traffic from the
mobile device.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


Extension of native iOS client

IBM Content Navigator is included with the native iOS client that can be
downloaded from the Apple AppStore. The user interface of the native client fully
exploits the potential of the native application and provides a strong user
experience. This client is suitable in a scenario when you need to provide a
standard set of functions to mobile users. This client communicates with midtier
services, which makes it partially possible to customize the behavior of the
standard features by using response/request filters. In addition, this client also
has low demand on network bandwidth because it transfers only data, without UI
elements. This is not true for another customization option that the iOS client
provides where you can add custom features that open a specified URL directly
within the native client. This way you can easily integrate the native client with
other web applications. It is also possible to open your IBM Content Navigator
based applications using this second option. You can benefit from sharing
session cookies with the native client in case your application resides on the
same server as the desktop you opened from the native client and the user will
not be required to log in again.

Hybrid mobile application

Native application provides high performance and access to device APIs, and
reduces network demand but requires specific knowledge of the development
platform. However, web applications provide a certain level of portability and
simplification of development but with limited access to device APIs. Combining
the benefits of both approaches is called a hybrid application and consists of
these parts:
Native part: This is a native application deployed directly on the device. It
provides an extended web browser and container where you can store any of
your content. You can store your web content as HTML, JavaScript, and
images directly on the device without the need for repetitive downloading or
reliance on cache. This accelerates speed of the web application. Apache
Cordova is one of such frameworks that provides native shell-wrapping web
content. It also provides a unified cross-platform Java Script API that can be
used to access a physical device API without needing to write any native code
and understanding platform specifics.
Web part: This is the web content displayed by the native part. There is no
limit in what the web application can use because it runs within web browser.
You can use Dojo Mobile or any other framework you need. Additionally, you
can use a JavaScript API described in the previous bullet.
We mentioned several frameworks you can use for your development. For
enterprise-level development, you can use IBM Worklight that provides strong
tooling for hybrid, web, and native mobile development. It uses the frameworks
we mentioned and brings additional features combined into a single environment.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

You can use the IDE for development and testing, which provides features for
debugging, integration with device SDK, single build for multiple target platforms,
JavaScript API for native access, and a browser-based simulator. With this
approach, you can generate a web or hybrid application than does not need any
IBM Worklight runtime infrastructure for production use. However it can still
benefit from use of IBM Worklight APIs.
You can also extend your application to comprise enterprise-level features such
as managed deployment to target devices, version management, intelligent
analytics tracking of user and application behavior, custom event and audit
logging, push notifications, or a wide range of adapters. For such scenarios, you
will also need additional infrastructure such as the Worklight Server. See the
product documentation for more details:

11.2 Example overview

Next, we introduce a mobile sample provided with IBM Content Navigator and
demonstrate customization with IBM Worklight and Dojo mobile.
IBM Content Navigator provides a mobile sample project written in IBM Worklight
Studio. This sample demonstrates the use of standard content management
capabilities like favorites, search, Datacap, or a repository browser that is
optimized for an iPhone client. The project contains source code that you can
import to your environment and use as a base for your own mobile solution.
Before customization, be sure you understand at least the high-level architecture
of the sample and deployment scenarios. We focus on deployment of a hybrid
application as shown in Figure 11-1 on page 418.
Later, in our customization example, we show another way of packaging the
sample: it will be packaged and deployed as an IBM Content Navigator plug-in
directly on a server. See 11.3.7, Packaging and deployment on page 432 for
further details.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform



Application Server


IBM Content Navigator Mid-Tier Services


Mobile Device
Hybrid Application
Web content HTML/JS/CSS/..




Dojo Mobile ICN Model API

Worklight APIs


JS / Native Bridge
Native code / Device APIs

Figure 11-1 Architecture of mobile sample

When packaging as a hybrid application, the web content on the device will be
displayed within its native shell. Although most of the web content is loaded from
the local device, the hybrid application still relies on the server-side for
model-related operations. It uses IBM Content Navigator Model API that
communicates with midtier services. The sample uses a model-view-controller
pattern. The model API is not accessed directly from the application but uses a
singleton facade layer referred to as MILayer.
The whole user interface, including presentation data model, is realized using
Dojo Mobile widgets. To work with views, it is possible to use support APIs.
These include for example a transition API that performs a segue between views
or a progress indicator that informs the user about active operations that might
require some time to process.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The controller prepares a view based on model data. In most cases, it also
handles user events based on which it updates. It also interacts with Worklight
JavaScript APIs (for example to access camera or photo albums using Cordova
API). To use advanced features like document preview or interaction with other
applications, the controller can invoke parts of the native code.
If the sample detects that it is being run as a hybrid application it will use an IBM
Worklight API (JSONStore) to store the application password. This store can be
AES-256 encrypted.
With sufficient understanding of the architecture, we focus on customization.

11.3 Customizing IBM Worklight sample

This section describes the process for adding a new Work feature to the IBM
Worklight sample.
Shorthand notation: We refer to the following path as the <common folder>:

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


11.3.1 Example overview

To illustrate customizability, we extend this sample to provide a new Work feature
as shown on Figure 11-2 on page 420. IBM Content Navigator allows you to
configure mobile features used within your desktop. We follow this option and
allow the desktop administrators to decide if they want to display this feature for a
particular desktop. Despite the differences between IBM FileNet P8 and IBM
Content Manager workflow capabilities in our use case, IBM Content Navigator
provides a level of abstraction that allows us to support both of them with minimal
changes. One of the differences is another hierarchy of work item containers.

Figure 11-2 Custom work feature


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

In our sample, we find the first suitable work items container and display these
work items in the form of a UI, optimized for iPhone resolution as shown on
Figure 11-3 on page 421.

Figure 11-3 Work item list

Work items can be locked by the user, indicating that the user is working on
them. In this case, we display a lock icon to the right of the work item. Because
our new feature is read-only and does not allow users to modify work items, our
example does not lock any work items. However, we will not limit the display of
the locked items.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


You can select any work item and get a list of all defined attributes, as shown on
Figure 11-4 on page 422.

Figure 11-4 Work item properties

In a standard scenario, you see that a step processor is assigned to the step.
This requires much additional customization that is beyond scope of this book.
Remember the purpose of this example is to demonstrate how you can
customize the sample and not how to add full workflow support.

11.3.2 Environment preparation

The following steps are necessary to prepare the environment for customization:
1. Configuring IBM Content Navigator on page 423
2. Preparing the development environment on page 424
3. Packaging and deployment on page 432


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Configuring IBM Content Navigator

Because we are adding a workflow-related feature, we must prepare the
repository with workflow support and at least one workbasket.
For this sample, we prepare a new desktop named SampleMobileDesktop with the
following configuration:
General tab:
Name and ID: SampleMobileDesktop
Authentication: Select prepared repository
Mobile tab:
Mobile application access: Enabled
In the Features section, select New Feature and enter this information:

Name: Work

Icon File: Provide any address to the icon you want to display in case
the desktop will be accessed from a native iOS client.

URL: Provide any address you want to display in case the desktop will
be accessed from native iOS client. URL address used here does not
have any impact on our sample.

Confirm by clicking OK and then be sure to select the Display check box
for the new feature, as shown on Figure 11-5. Otherwise the sample
ignores this feature.

Figure 11-5 Mobile features configuration

Repositories tab:
Select the repository with workflow support, as described previously.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


Appearance tab:
Default repository: Select the repository you have just assigned to the
Workflows tab (IBM FileNet P8 systems only):
Repository: Select the repository you have just assigned to the desktop.
Application space: Select at least one application space.
Click Save and Close to save your new desktop configuration.

Preparing the development environment

Now, prepare the development environment that is used later in this chapter. You
need sampleMobileApp.zip and SampleMobilePlugin.jar files, which are in your
ECMClient_installdir\samples IBM Content Navigator directory.
Note: Be sure to use at least IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2 fix pack 1.
Follow the instructions in the product documentation, which describes how to set
up the development environment. Download the instructions from this web page:
While configuring the daddress property, also include the identifier of the new
desktop created previously, as shown in Example 11-1.
Example 11-1 Desktop configuration

daddress: "http://<ip>:<port>/navigator/?desktop=SampleMobileDesktop",
After following the steps in the documentation, you can build the sample and run
it within the simulator. The development environment is now set up and ready for
Note: When connecting from your development environment to IBM Content
Navigator server you might violate the same-origin-policy. The JavaScript is
loaded from a separate location where it is making network calls. The browser
can be configured to disable these security checks to allow development and
testing, otherwise the sample will not work in web simulator. See the browser
documentation for further details. In a production environment, you have two
options: Deploy as a hybrid application to the device or deploy on the server
that is running IBM Content Navigator and run the sample from there.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

11.3.3 Updating model layer

In this section, we update the facade layer of the sample using the IBM Content
Navigator Model API. We add the retrieveWorkItems method that retrieves the
first available workbasket containing work items. The hierarchy of work items
containers differs in FileNet P8 and IBM Content Manager thus we use the
_retrieveWorkItems recursive function to find the first available.
We use these steps:
1. Open the Eclipse project, prepared in Preparing the development
environment on page 424
2. Open the <common folder>/mila/MILayer.js file and add new methods as
listed in Example 11-2.
Example 11-2 Retrieving work items
_retrieveWorkItems:function(item,finalCallback) {
if(item.isInstanceOf && (item.isInstanceOf(ecm.model.WorklistFolder)
/* Is container?*/
|| item.isInstanceOf(ecm.model.ProcessRole) ||
item.isInstanceOf(ecm.model.ProcessApplicationSpace))) {
item = wBasketList[0];
} else {
item.retrieveWorkItems(dojo.hitch(this, function(wItems) {
if(finalCallback) {
}}),null, null, true,null);
return true;
retrieveWorkItems:function(callback) {
var repository = this.getCurrentRepository();
if (repository == null) {
return false;
function(wlContainers) {
item = wlContainers[0];
return true;

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


11.3.4 Developing views

In Dojo Mobile, views are containers for other user interface controls. You can
find a sample template for a new view in the following location:
<common folder>/view/TEMPLATE_NAME.html
Views in the sample typically consist of a Heading, with Back and Action buttons,
followed by the content that is usually a vertically scrollable list:
In our sample, we customize or add the following views:
WorkView: Used to display a list of work items.
propertiesView: Used to display properties of the selected work item.
Dojo Mobile widgets do not inherit from dijit/_TemplateMixin, by default, as
standard dijits; we will reference them using dijit/registry module. For this
reason, we are not referencing them using the standard Dojo attach point

Adding WorkView
This view will contain a Back button that will navigate to MainMenu view; a list
identified as workItems is used to display a list of work items. Add this view by
following these steps:
1. Right-click the <common folder>/view folder, select New File, and name it
2. Paste the content of Example 11-3 to the newly created HTML file and save it.
Example 11-3 WorkView HTML code

<div id="WorkView" data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.ScrollableView"

<div data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Heading"
data-dojo-props="fixed: 'top', back:'Back', moveTo:'MainMenu'">
<div id="WorkView_PIID" data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Pane">
<ul id="workItems" data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.EdgeToEdgeList"
data-dojo-props='stateful:true' class="unselectable"></ul>


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Customizing propertiesView
We will reuse propertiesView to display attributes of the selected work item.
However, it contains Edit button for which we do not have use and will hide it in
our case.
1. Open <common folder>/view/mainMenu.html and find the div element with
the id=propertiesView attribute.
2. Find the nested div element of the Edit button and add the following
information to simplify hiding the button:
In Example 11-4 on page 427, the changed code is highlighted in bold.
Example 11-4 Add reference to Edit button
<div data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.ScrollableView" id="propertiesView" >
<div data-dojo-type="dojox.mobile.Heading" id="propertiesHeading"
style="margin-right: 0px; margin-left: 0px; top: 0px;"
data-dojo-props="back:'Back', moveTo:'BrowseListView'">
<div id="editPropertiesButton"
onClick="getBrowse().editProperties();" style="float:right;">

3. Save file.

11.3.5 Adding controller for WorkView

In this section, we add a controller for the WorkView created in Adding
WorkView on page 426. It will be responsible for retrieving model objects from
MILayer and modifying the view in order to display work items. We also reuse
existing propertiesView to display the work item properties.
1. Right-click the <common folder>/js/controller folder and select New
Folder and name it workview.
2. Right-click the workview folder and select New File and name it
3. Paste skeleton of our controller, as shown in Example 11-5. We add
implementation in the following steps.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


Example 11-5 Skeleton of controller

"dojo/aspect","dijit/registry", "controller/BaseController"],
function(declare, lang, domStyle, aspect, registry) {
return declare("WorkView", [
/* Place methods here */
4. Add the loadWorkitems method, shown in Example 11-6 on page 428, that is
responsible for performing a segue when our feature is selected in the feature
list of the desktop.
Example 11-6 Performing segue

// /* Place methods here */
getTransitionManager().performSegue(listItem, "WorkView",
5. Now, when the segue is performed, the framework will call the
onAfterTransition method that is responsible for displaying the content of the
view (in our case, retrieving work items and adding them to our view using the
addItem method). It will also display a lock icon in case the work item is
locked. Add the methods listed in Example 11-7 after the previously inserted
Example 11-7 Initiation of view

addItem: function(item,view) {
var listItem = new dojox.mobile.ListItem({
label: item.name,
clickable: 'true',
rightIcon: (item.locked) ? 'images/CheckedOut.png' : null
aspect.after(listItem,"onClick", lang.hitch(this,
"showProperties", item, listItem));


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

onAfterTransition:function(view, moveTo, direction, transition,

context, method){
var destinationView = registry.byId('workItems');
commonMIlayer = getMILA();
if (commonMIlayer.currentRepository.repositoryId !=
startProgressIndicator(null, false);
commonMIlayer.retrieveWorkItems(lang.hitch(this,function(wItems) {
for (var i in wItems.items) {
6. Previously, we used the aspect-oriented approach and connected a click
event from a work item with the showProperties method that will use
propertiesView to display attributes of the work item. Because this view is
reused from other views, we programmatically change that behavior of the
Back button to return to our view, hide system properties section, and the Edit
button. For this purpose we add code listed in Example 11-8.
Example 11-8 Displaying properties

showProperties: function(wItem, listItem) {
var sysProps = registry.byId("SystemPropertiesList");
var propHeading = registry.byId('propertiesHeading');
var propsView = registry.byId("propertiesView");
var labelString = wItem.name;
if (labelString != null && labelString.length > 13){
labelString = labelString.substr(0,13) + "...";
propHeading.set('label', labelString);
propHeading.backButton.set("moveTo", "WorkView");
propHeading.backButton.onClick = function() {

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


'visibility', 'visible');
ty', 'hidden');
domStyle.set(sysProps.domNode, 'visibility','hidden');
for(var key in wItem.attributes) {
if(wItem.attributes[key]) {
/*scroll to top*/
dojo.setStyle(propsView.containerNode, {
webkitTransform: '',
top: 0,
left: 0
Note: If you are not appending methods in the order they are listed, be sure
the JSON syntax is not broken. Unlike other methods, the last one must not be
terminated by a comma.

11.3.6 Integrating to sample

After developing our feature, we integrate it to the rest of the application. This
integration consists of the following tasks:
Registering the WorkView Controller
Registering the handler for the new mobile feature
Adding the Work feature icon


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Complete the following steps:

1. Open the <common folder>/js/controller/menu/MenuController.js file.
2. Locate the constructor of MenuController. Paste the content of Example 11-9
at the end of the method referenced in the previous section.
Example 11-9 Registration of WorkView controller

getControllersManager().register('browse', browse);
/*loading controllers*/
3. Locate the onAfterTransition method, find the following row, and place the
registration of the Work feature before it, as shown in Example 11-10:
if (labelText == 'Browse'){
Example 11-10 Register Work feature to the desktop list

if (labelText == 'Work') {
knownMenu = true;
onClickFunction = function() {
if (labelText == 'Browse'){
4. Create an icon (32x32 pixels) for the Work feature, such as in Figure 11-6;
give the name Work.png to the icon.

Figure 11-6 Work feature

5. Place this file in the following folder:


Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


Now the customization is complete and you can test and deploy it. See 11.3.7,
Packaging and deployment on page 432

11.3.7 Packaging and deployment

To test your application with the simulator, see the documentation referenced in
Preparing the development environment on page 424.
When your application works as you expect in the simulator you can build the
sample as a hybrid iPhone application. We demonstrate the other option, how to
build the sample as an IBM Content Navigator plug-in that is not deployed into a
mobile device.
Figure 11-7 on page 433 illustrates the deployment architecture of a sample build
as an IBM Content Navigator plug-in. As you can see, all of the sample code is
stored in SampleMobilePlugin deployed to IBM Content Navigator. The plug-in
contains sample MobileLayout that must be assigned to the desktop. When the
client opens the desktop from a device browser, IBM Content Navigator starts
loading the layout and checking the user-agent header sent by the browser. In
the case of an iPhone device, the layout will redirect the browser to the initial web
page of the sample. This page is accessed by a plug-in resources action. As you
can see, this type of deployment still allows you to work with midtier services. You
still have full potential of the web application, however, your code cannot use
Worklight APIs to, for example, access a native device. Also, you must prevent
same-origin-policy violations. However, you do not need to handle this when
accessing midtier services because the sample detects that it runs as a plug-in
and will automatically use the desktop you are accessing and prompt for login.
Make sure your <common>/js/controller/desktop/common.js file has the
enablePluginMode property set to true.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Application Server
HTML, JS, CSS Content

Dojo Mobile


Mid-Tier Services

Plugin Resources


Web Browser


Figure 11-7 Mobile client packaged as a plug-in

To build sample as a plug-in, complete the following steps:

1. Open the Eclipse project that is prepared in Preparing the development
environment on page 424.
2. Right-click the bin folder located directly under the mobileHybrid folder and
select Properties. Open this folder from your file browser outside of Eclipse.
You can find the path in Resource Location.
3. In the bin folder, create folder named plugin.
4. Locate your SampleMobilePlugin.jar file and rename it to
5. Extract the com folder from the ZIP file to the plugin folder. The final path is as
6. Return to Eclipse and right-click the mobileHybrid\bin folder again. Select
New File and name it build.xml. Place the Ant build file as listed in
Example 11-11 into this file and then save it.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform


Example 11-11 Plugin Ant build

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>

<project name="samplePlugin" default="plugin" basedir=".">
<target name="plugin" depends=""
description="generate plugin">
<delete file="../apps/SampleMobilePlugin.jar"/>
<fileset dir="../apps/mobileHybridApp/common"/>
><fileset dir="../dojo/dojo"/></copy>
<jar destfile="../build/SampleMobilePlugin.jar"
<attribute name="Plugin-Class"
<copyfile src="../build/SampleMobilePlugin.jar"
dest="../apps/SampleMobilePlugin.jar" forceoverwrite="true"/>
7. Right-click build.xml and select Run as Ant Build.
8. You can find your new plug-in JAR file in the following location:
9. Follow the steps from the product documentation (in the Installing and
deploying the sample layout plug-in topic) referenced in Preparing the
development environment on page 424.
Note: With this type of deployment scenario, users might access the
common.js file that can contain passwords you have used for testing in aa
simulator. For security reasons, change the password to something else, the
sample will not use this password when deployed as a plug-in.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

11.4 Conclusion
This chapter describes options for mobile development and presents architecture
of IBM Worklight sample project that is included with the IBM Content Navigator
product. It also illustrates customization of this sample and describes deployment
scenarios. This chapter provides information that is useful for further extension of
the sample.

Chapter 11. Extending solutions to mobile platform



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


Chapter 12.

Extending Profile Plug-in for

Microsoft Lync Server
This chapter describes how to extend the IBM Connections Profile Plug-in to
work with Microsoft Lync Server. IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2 provides an IBM
Connections and Profile plug-in. The plug-in works with IBM Connections
Service and IBM Sametime server. It provides a business card and Sametime
awareness for users in IBM Content Navigator (ICN) UI. If you use IBM Content
Navigator and Microsoft Lync Server, you might want to be able to see the status
of other users online from within IBM Content Navigator. To do so, you can
develop an IBM Content Navigator plug-in to extend IBM Content Navigator to
show the online information of users.
This chapter covers the following topics:

What is available in IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2

Microsoft Lync Server and UCWA
Example overview
High-level design
Implementing the Lync Plug-in
Object-oriented design for Java and JavaScript
Setup, installation, and enhancements

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


For ease of reference and distinction in this chapter, we use the following
We refer to the existing IBM Connections and Profile Plug-in as the
Profile Plug-in.
We refer to the new plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server as the Lync Plug-in.

12.1 What is available in IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2

IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2 provides a sample plug-in for IBM Connections
server and for IBM Sametime awareness. Typically, it has the following
installation path:
The Profile plug-in works with a sample IBM Connections service and provides a
business card feature, so that when you use a mouse to hoover over a user
name in the Browse view, that users business card displays the users
information from the IBM Connections service. An example of this feature is in
Figure 12-1.

Figure 12-1 Existing business card functionality in IBM Content Navigator 2.0.2

The IBM Connections Profile plug-in also works with IBM Sametime server, so
that a users online status can be displayed along with the user name, and that it
allows you to initiate a Sametime conversation with that user.
The Sametime functionality has been extended and supported in IBM Case
Manager, a product that leverages IBM Content Navigator as the user interface


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 12-2 and Figure 12-3 show the Document and History tabs for a sample
Case Manager user interface.

Figure 12-2 Sample IBM Case Manager user interface: Document tab

Figure 12-3 Sample IBM Case Manager user interface: History tab

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.2 Microsoft Lync Server and UCWA

Similar to the IBM Sametime server, Microsoft also provides an online
communications platform named Microsoft Lync.
Microsoft Lync Server is enterprise real-time communications server software,
providing the infrastructure for enterprise instant messaging, presence, voice
over IP, audio, video, web conferencing, and PSTN connectivity through a
third-party gateway or SIP trunk. These features are available within an
organization, between organizations, and with external users on the public
Internet, or smartphones.

Microsoft Lync is the instant messaging client used with Microsoft Lync Server.
It is enterprise software that is targeted to corporate environments.
Microsoft Lync Server is equivalent to IBM Connections server with IBM
Sametime server. Microsoft Lync Server provides the following API:
Unified Communications Managed API (UCMA)
Unified Communications Web API (UCWA)

12.2.1 UCMA
Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0 enables developers to build
applications that leverage the full power of the Microsoft Lync Server 2013
platform. Applications built on UCMA 4.0 incorporate unified communications
concepts such as presence, call, conversation, and conference.
UCMA is a C# API that includes development and runtime components. UCMA is
used by developers to develop communication solutions for the enterprise.
UCMA contains a managed code endpoint API that is based on Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP). Its current version is UCMA 4.0.

12.2.2 UCWA
Unified Communications Web API is a Microsoft web API to communicate with
Microsoft Lync Server. UCWA 1.0 is a REST API that exposes Microsoft Lync
Server 2013 instant messaging (IM) and presence capabilities. UCWA 1.0
enables developers to make their enterprise applications and intranets more
lively and connected to business contacts.
UCWA 1.0 is language-independent. Developers can use any programming
language, for example C/C++ and Java.The API is fine-tuned for web developers


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

who are familiar with ordinary web technologies such as HTTP, OAuth, JSON,
and JavaScript.
UCWA 1.0 is available only to customers who have Microsoft Lync Server
Note: If you are interested in developing UCWA web applications, a good
reference is to search for UCWA at the following location:

12.3 Example overview

We build a new IBM Content Navigator plug-in with the following functions:
Display a users contact card and online status.
Reflect a users online status after it changes.
To keep things simple and easy to understand, we do not develop a
production-ready, full-fledged plug-in. Rather, the new plug-in is developed
with the following assumptions and limitations:
Plug-in works with Microsoft Lync sandbox.
Installation of Microsoft Lync Server is not required.
Initiating chat conversation is not supported in the plug-in.
Updating of user online status is out of the scope of the plug-in.
Conference, phone call, video chat capabilities are not supported in the

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.4 High-level design

For integration with Microsoft Lync, we use an IBM Content Navigator plug-in, In
the plug-in, we build a Microsoft Lync Contact Card and Status Service.

12.4.1 Goals of the new plug-in

When designing and building the new plug-in, consider these design goals:

Construct a plug-in that works with Microsoft Lync Server.

Build the plug-in based on current profile plug-in.
Reuse logic as much as possible.
Avoid duplicating existing logic.
Make the code easy to maintain.
Avoid having to merge two profile plug-ins later.
Make the plug-in easy to debug.

The two plug-ins, Profile Plug-in and Lync Plug-in, have similar purposes,
structure and code. One plug-in deals with IBM Connections and Sametime
servers. The other plug-in works with Microsoft Lync Server. They both display a
business card. They both need to add decorators to fields in content list grids.
A quick approach is to make a copy of the existing Profile Plug-in and then
overwrite it to suit the needs of the new plug-in. Although that might be a good
starting point, the problem with this approach is when more features and
functions are added to each plug-in, one must remember to apply the same bug
fixes to the other plug-in. If we go with this approach, the code might be difficult
to maintain in the future.
A good approach is to start with the quick approach to get the new plug-in to
work. Then, try to merge the two plug-ins together, so we eliminate duplicate
A better approach is to start by designing with reuse in mind. We accommodate
two plug-ins in the same project. We will reuse the existing code, and then extend
it to work for Microsoft Lync Server.
Explaining all the details of the implementation in the chapter is not possible. So
only the major concepts and areas are highlighted in this chapter.
The exact interrelationships of the two plug-ins can be better understood from
the included compressed project source files. See Appendix D, Additional
material on page 535 to learn about downloading the additional materials that
are associated with this book.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

The Lync Plug-in uses the response filter (introduced in Chapter 1, Extension
points and customization options on page 3), to filter the service request to
repository source. It then introduces custom formatters for particular fields in the
response. IBM Content Navigator will call this response filter for service requests
to repository.
The Lync Plug-in service is used to add a new server-side action to IBM Content

12.4.2 Contact card or business card function

A contact card contains the following information:
UCWA 1.0 enables a user to both publish and view information on presence,
location, and note. In the current release, the API supports the standard set of
presence states, such as Online, Busy, and Away. Custom presence can be
viewed only through this API. Locations are user-provided strings that can be set
or displayed for sharing with other contacts. For note, the API supports publishing
the personal note and viewing either the personal or out-of-office note. The note
information is driven by the server-side logic and the users calendar.
These three pieces of information are viewable for all contacts in the API.

12.4.3 Microsoft Lync Contact Card and Status Service

The Microsoft Lync Contact Card and Status Service will be built inside the Lync
Plug-in. The service will be composed of a plug-in service, which will
communicate with the Microsoft Lync Server through UCWA.
Figure 12-4 on page 444 illustrates the relationship of IBM Content Navigator,
the plug-in, and the Microsoft Lync Server.

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


Figure 12-4 High-level components

12.5 Implementing the Lync Plug-in

In this section, we discuss the details in the implementation of the Lync Plug-in.
We will look at the configuration of the plug-in, the user interface, error handling,
the login process, getting the contact information, and adding the response filter.

12.5.1 Configuring the Lync Plug-in

The plug-in has a configuration page that accepts the following parameters:
Microsoft Lync Service URL
This is the URL to Microsoft Lync Service, such as the following example:
OAuth Token from Microsoft Lync Service
This is the token from the Microsoft Lync service. One can obtain the OAuth
token from a Microsoft Lync sandbox, after logging in to the sandbox.
Check box for whether to show the display name (optional).
This optional parameter is reused from the Profile Plug-in. When selected, it
shows the display name instead of the short name, in places where user
names are shown.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 12-5 shows the configuration of the Lync Plug-in.

Figure 12-5 Configuration for the IBM Content Navigator Lync Plug-in

12.5.2 Microsoft Lync Service user interface

When the mouse is hovered over a field in the ListView, a business card will be
displayed next to the name showing the users contact and online information.
The field is a data field in a grid in the ListView. It can be either the detail view or
the magazine view.
An IBM Content Navigator decorator is added to user name fields. The decorator
is JavaScript code that displays the business card when during hover. The
following fields have been added to a decorator to have extra JavaScript
Created by
Last Modifier

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


Figure 12-6 shows the user interface when the mouse is over a users name.

Figure 12-6 Business Card feature with Microsoft Lync

12.5.3 Error handling

The OAuth token obtained is usually valid only for a certain period of time, such
as 8 hours. It expired afterward. The plug-in is designed to show a message
when an error situation occurs. The contact card continues to be displayed, but
an error message is also displayed, with an error code if available, and advice to
the user, for example to check OAuth token or the Microsoft Lync Service URL.
Figure 12-7 shows a sample error message when an OAuth token is expired.

Figure 12-7 Error handling when token expires


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

12.5.4 Log in to Microsoft Lync Service

The Lync Plug-in takes a users email address as input, contacts the Microsoft
Lync Server, and returns the users contact and online information as output. The
first step it does is to log in to the Microsoft Lync Server.
The plug-in service maintains a LyncSession object. With every email lookup
request, the plug-in service first determines if the internal Microsoft Lync session
exists. If it does not exist, the plug-in attempts to log in to Microsoft Lync Server.
Login requires submission of the following information:
Culture: This is typically the browser locale.
Endpoint: This is a GUID that identifies the user.
If the OAuth token is missing or invalid, the Microsoft Lync Server responds with
an HTTP 401 response. When the OAuth token is valid, the server responds with
the basic information of the user. Example 12-1 shows the server response when
the OAuth token is valid and login is successful.
Example 12-1 Microsoft Lync Server response after a successful login
"userAgent":"UCWA Samples",
"name":"Lene Aaling",

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server



12.5.5 Getting contact information from Microsoft Lync Server

There are two ways to get a users information from Microsoft Lync Server:
Use the search API.
Use the contact API.
The search API returns user information pertinent to the query string. It may
return multiple results. For example, if the query is for amya1, several contacts
might be returned, including amya1@gotuc.net, or amya100@gotus.net.
The contact API requires a user email and returns only one result for a users
contact information. The contact mechanism requires a complete email address
and is the preferred way of looking up user information to reduce ambiguity.
Example 12-2 shows a response from the Microsoft Lync Server when user
information is requested using the search API from the Microsoft Lync Server.
Example 12-2 Retrieving user information based on email address
"moreResultsAvailable": false,
"_links": {
"self": {
"_embedded": {
"contact": [{
"uri": "sip:amya1@gotuc.net",
"department": "Engineering",
"title": "Software Development Engineer",


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

"emailAddresses": ["amya1@gotuc.net"],
"workPhoneNumber": "tel:+1001",
"type": "User",
"name": "Amy E Alberts",
"_links": {
"self": {
"contactPhoto": {
"contactPresence": {
"contactLocation": {
"contactNote": {
"contactSupportedModalities": {
"contactPrivacyRelationship": {
"rel": "contact",
"etag": "78185271"
"rel": "search"

Tip: Currently, you might not see many of the attributes, such as phone
number and department. This is not a programming error on your part. This is
because the Microsoft Lync sandbox is not being properly set up for all
accounts. As an example, for Amy, only amya1@gotuc.net has all the
information. Other Amys do not have this information populated.
The information about a user must be setup on the Microsoft Lync Server so that
it can be displayed. When using Microsoft sandbox server, it might not return all
the information. When using your own Microsoft Lync Server, be sure to populate
the fields such as workPhoneNumber.

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.5.6 Adding a response filter to user name fields

To display a business card over a user name, first add a response filter to certain
fields in a server response. The response filter adds a decorator to certain
columns in a service response. The decorators are specified in a Java class and
then defined in a JavaScript class.
We set up the response filter in ProfilePluginResponseFilters.java. See
Example 12-3. Also see Chapter 1, Extension points and customization options
on page 3 and Chapter 7, Implementing request and response filters and
external data services on page 233 about response filters and the best
circumstances of using response filters instead of EDS service.
The business card feature is a good example of using the response filter. It adds
a special JavaScript mechanism to decorate the fields returned from FileNet P8
service calls.
Example 12-3 Specifying response filter in ProfilePluginResponseFilter.java
public String[] getFilteredServices() {
return new String[] {"/p8/search", "/cm/search", "/cmis/search",
"/p8/openFolder", "/cm/openFolder", "/cmis/openFolder"};
public void filter(String serverType, PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks,
HttpServletRequest request, JSONObject jsonResponse) throws Exception {
JSONObject structure = (JSONObject) jsonResponse.get("columns");
JSONArray cells = (JSONArray) structure.get("cells");
if (cells.get(0) instanceof JSONArray) {
cells = (JSONArray) cells.get(0);
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < cells.size(); i++) {
JSONObject column = (JSONObject) cells.get(i);
String columnName = (String) column.get("field");
if (columnName != null &&
ProfilePlugin.profileSupportedFieldList.contains(columnName)) { // to match a P8,
CM and CMIS properties
column.put("decorator", "businessHoverCardDecorator");
column.put("widgetsInCell", true);
column.put("setCellValue", "businessHoverCardCellValue");
column.put("width", "8.0em");


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

In Example 12-3 on page 450, we add a businessHoverCardDecorator to

columns in profileSupportedFieldList. The decorator will be handled by the
businessHoverCardCellValue function.
In the JavaScript module, we define the decorators for the fields. See
Example 12-4. Proper garbage collection must be done when the cells are
replaced on the page. This ensures that our application does not cause a
memory leak for the browser.
Example 12-4 Field decorator defined in PersonCardDecorator.js

lang.setObject("businessHoverCardDecorator", function() {
var entry = '<span data-dojo-attach-point="entry"></span>';
return entry;
lang.setObject("businessHoverCardCellValue", function(gridData,
storeData, cellWidget) {
// memory cleanup and decorator value reset when column is sorted
cellWidget.entry.innerHTML = "";
var rowId = cellWidget.cell.row.id;
var item = this.grid.row(rowId).item();
var valueNode = profilePlugin._getValueNode(gridData, cellWidget,
null, item);
domConstruct.place(valueNode, cellWidget.entry);
// Make sure we destroy hover cards when the cellWidget is destroyed
or we will leak DOM nodes
cellWidget.uninitialize = function() {
var objsToDestroy = cellWidget.objectsToDestroy;
if (objsToDestroy) {
for ( var i in objsToDestroy) {
cellWidget.objsToDestroy = null;

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.6 Object-oriented design for Java and JavaScript

For a project to succeed and for it to be easy to maintain, design it using an
object-oriented principle. The design of the new plug-in involves both the middle
tier in Java, and the front end in JavaScript.

12.6.1 Java objects of the Lync Plug-in

The Java objects of the plug-in represent the server-side extension to IBM
Content Navigator. The Microsoft Lync Status Lookup Service is implemented on
the Content Navigator plug-in in Java. It is designed as several Java packages to
make it object-oriented. The packages are as follows:
com.ibm.ecm.extension.lync.service package
LyncService: Base class that provides the service to Microsoft Lync to
retrieve information
UserEmail: Class for email address processing
UserMedia: Class for fetching users Media setting
UserName: Class for user name processing
UserNote: Class for fetching users note information
UserPresence: Class for fetching users presence information
com.ibm.ecm.extension.lync package:
Constants: Defines the global constants of the system
LyncSession: Establishes a session to Microsoft Lync Server and
creates/maintains session info
UserInfo: Classes for assembling users contact and online card based on
email address
Util: Utility class for SSL handling
com.ibm.ecm.extension.lync.exception package
LyncException: Extends the Exception class and provides response code
from server and an error in JSON format

12.6.2 Extending the existing Java classes

For object-oriented programming, we introduce a separate package
com.ibm.ecm.extension.lync to group Microsoft Lync related Java classes.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 12-8 shows the Java and JavaScript class structure of the project.

Figure 12-8 Java and JavaScript class structure of the project

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


Two Java classes are worth noting in the Lync Plug-in:

LyncStatusService: This is the plug-in service that provides user contact card
information and online information.

OAuth token
Application URL
Email address


User contact information when available and when it is set up in

Microsoft Lync Server

Online information for note, presence, and location when it is set and
provided by the user

LyncPlugin: The plug-in definition class that defines the following items:

Plug-in name
Plug-in script: ProfilePlugin.js
Configuration class: profilePlugin.configurationPane
DojoModule: profilePlugin
Services and response filters

The plug-in Java class is LyncPlugin.java. It extends the existing

ProfilePlugin.java. For compatibility, we use the same plug-in ID, so the code
can be reused without breaking existing logic.
The Lync Plug-in defines one major service, LyncStatusService, which is being
used to communicate with the Microsoft Lync Server. See Example 12-5.
Example 12-5 LyncPlugin Java class extending existing Profile Plug-in

public class LyncPlugin extends ProfilePlugin {

public String getName(Locale locale) {
return "ICN for Microsoft Lync Server Plug-in";
public String getConfigurationDijitClass() {
return "profilePlugin.LyncConfigurationPane";
public PluginService[] getServices() {
return new PluginService[] {
new ProfilePluginService(),
new LyncStatusService(),


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

new ProfilePluginLookupService()
public String getScript() {
return "LyncPlugin.js";
public String getVersion() {
return "";

12.6.3 Extending JavaScript classes

Although LyncStatusService adds a server-side extension, we must also add an
extension to the client side. There are established ways of doing object-oriented
programming in Java, such as inheritance, polymorphism, and object
encapsulation. In JavaScript, object-oriented programming has been difficult,
because JavaScript is not strict in type. However object-oriented programming
can also be designed into JavaScript. The principle of inheritance and object
encapsulation can and should be applied to JavaScript also.
JavaScript classes provide the configuration and presentation of the Lync
ConfigurationPane.js: Provides the configuration options for the plug-in.
HoverCard.js: Provides pop-up information that displays when users hover
the mouse pointer over an help indicator. It implements TooltipDialog class.
Messages.js: Represents the localizable messages of the plug-in application.
PersonCard.js: Provides the popup card when users hover the mouse pointer
over a user name. This class invokes the plug-ins lyncStatusService to
retrieve and render contact card information. It implements IDX PersonCard
PersonCardDecorator.js: Defines the decorator classes for the detail view and
magazine view in ListView. It creates the business card for IBM Connections
or Microsoft Lync, or Sametime awareness based on configuration settings.
SametimeAwareness.js: This is the JavaScript class for establishing and
interacting of IBM Sametime features. It does not apply to the Lync Plug-in.

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.6.4 Extending the configuration pane

The new Lync Plug-in has a different set of parameters from the Profile Plug-in.
For configuration, Lync Plug-in will use its own configuration pane and template,
which are LyncConfiguration.js and LyncConfigurationPane.html.
In Lync Plug-in definition, we define the Dojo module class as
One early design was to have the LyncConfigurationPane extend the Profile
Plug-ins ConfigurationPane. Then, a radio button was used to switch the mode
between IBM Connections settings and Microsoft Lync settings. However, this
introduces dependency of each plug-in.
For a clean separation of user interface and module independence, we choose to
use Microsoft Lyncs own template and configuration pane for Microsoft Lync.

12.6.5 Notes for programming with Microsoft Lync UCWA Service

Several challenges exist when programming with Microsoft Lync UCWA Service:
Invalid security certificate in Web Service when using sandbox
The sandbox uses an SSL certificate that is signed by an unauthorized
authority. When using a real Microsoft Lync Server, this should not happen.
Thus no workaround is needed.
Tip: This exception might still occur if the SSL certificate in your
development, test, or production environment is self-signed.
Changing application endpoint
For example, in the following URL, 123456 always changes after the OAuth
token expires in eight hours:
Changing user endpoint
In the following example, 2345 changes after a certain amount of time:
Authorization required even for getting users photo


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

12.6.6 Displaying business card

The Profile Plug-in uses JSONP to retrieve user profile information. The Lync
Plug-in uses a different approach. One possibility is to do it in a similar way and
have the Lync Plug-in call a JSP service or external service to do email lookup.
A better way is to construct a service on the server side and make the service a
plug-in service.
To not disrupt existing logic in the Profile Plug-in, we extend the Profile Plug-in,
but overwrite the _setQueryString method in PersonCard so that instead of using
a JSONP service, we use the plug-in service in the Lync Plug-in. See
Example 12-6.
Example 12-6 Overwriting _setQueryString method in Lync Plug-in in LyncPluginInit.js

profilePlugin.PersonCard.prototype._setQueryAttr = function(query) {
console.log("LyncPlugin PersonCard _setQueryAttr");
this.containerNode.innerHTML = ""; // clear content
this._load = (this._load || dojo_lang.hitch(this,
"lyncStatusService", {
backgroundRequest: true,
requestParams: {
appUrl: profilePlugin.configuration.lync_server,
oAuth: profilePlugin.configuration.oAuth,
email: query.email
requestCompleteCallback: dojo_lang.hitch(this,
function(response) { // success
console.log("request success:");
requestFailedCallback: dojo_lang.hitch(this, function(response)
{ // failed
console.log("lync request failed: " + response);

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


To reuse logic, we load profilePlugin.js from LyncPlugin.js, and overwrite

methods of the Profile Plug-in with methods of Lync Plug-in. See Example 12-7.
Example 12-7 Loading ProfilePlugin.js from LyncPlugin.js

function(xhr) {
var response = {id: "ProfilePlugin", script: "profilePlugin.js"};
var scriptUrl = ecm.model.Request.getPluginResourceUrl(response.id,
try {
var scriptText;
url: scriptUrl,
sync: true,
load: function(text) {
scriptText = text;
} catch (e) {
console.log("_desktopLoaded", "Error evaluating JavaScript for
plugin " + response.id, e.message);
in_error", [
Note: An alternate approach might be to relocate profilePlugin.js to under
the JavaScript module directory so that it can be shared by both plug-ins. The
advantage is that profilePlugin.js in the JavaScript module can be listed in
the Scripts tab of Firebug, and still be possible to set breakpoints.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

12.7 Setup, installation, and enhancements

In this section, we will focus on the setup and installation of the Lync Plug-in, and
discuss future enhancements.

12.7.1 Considerations for development environment

Setting up a development environment can be a challenge if you are new to
Microsoft Lync Server and UCWA. Some of the documentation might not be
current. For Microsoft UCWA documentation, see the following web pages:
Sandbox might not be fully configured with the necessary attributes. Your test
account in the sandbox most likely might not contain information about these:


12.7.2 Performance
UCWA normally requires separate calls to the Microsoft Lync Server to get
individual information. Individual attributes require separate calls:

/location (Usually returns empty in the sandbox.)
Note: UCWA does offer a batch command, which combines several requests
together in one batch. It requires parsing of boundaries, but can improve
performance significantly.

12.7.3 Debugging the plug-in application

To debug, several techniques can be used during plug-in development:
Set a break point in Firebug for corresponding JavaScript class.
Check the Net tab of Firebug to examine the JSON response from the plug-in

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


Use a Firebug plug-in such as Poster to experiment and observe the

information response from the Microsoft Lync Server.
Use Logger.logDebug (this, methodName, request, message) statements in
Java class to record debug information in web server log.

12.7.4 Installing and setting up the Lync Plug-in

To install and set up the Lync Plug-in, complete the following steps:
1. Extract the plug-in to C:\IBM\ECMClient\plugins and create the following
accounts on your Microsoft LDAP directory:
2. Log in to IBM Content Navigator as each individual user in step 1, and create
a folder with each account.
3. Be sure your IBM Content Navigator server can access the Microsoft Lync
sandbox. Otherwise, a ConnectionTimeout exception might be issued.
4. Log in to Microsoft Lync sandbox using your Microsoft Live account:
5. Proceed with the Interactive demo; be sure to click Start Subscription, enter
a message, and change the online status of Amy and Fernando.
6. Click My OAuth Tokens and copy the first token value.
7. From the IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop, remove the Profile
Plug-in if it already exists. Create a new plug-in. Enter the following
Class file path: C:\IBM\ECMClient\plugins\ProfilePlugin
Class name: com.ibm.ecm.extension.profile.ProfilePlugin
8. Select the Class file path radio button next. Click Load. Enter the following
two configuration parameters:
Microsoft Lync Service URL:
OAuth token: Value from Microsoft Lync sandbox
9. Click Save and Close.
10.Refresh the IBM Content Navigator page. Go to the Browse feature. Hover
the mouse over the user names next to the folder names that you created


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

When you log in to Microsoft Live website, you might see the following message:
Sorry! We are having issues logging in right now. Please try again
This means the sandbox website is not functioning, probably because of too
many users or sessions. Try again later to obtain the OAuth token.
If you encounter the SSL certificate exception, run the logic in the
com.ibm.ecm.extension.lync.util.trustAllSSL method.
Note: The Microsoft Lync sandbox at the following location might occasionally
have sign-in problems. If you cannot log in to the website, return to it for testing
at a later time:

12.7.5 Future enhancements

The plug-in is intended to be a starting point for you to provide user contact and
online information from Microsoft Lync Server. Future enhancements can be
made to the plug-in, as in these examples:
Improve the response time of proxy service.
Update the users online status and messages without refreshing the Browse
Add a user status icon next to the user photo.

Chapter 12. Extending Profile Plug-in for Microsoft Lync Server


12.8 Conclusion
In this chapter, we discuss how to extend the existing Profile Plug-in in ICN 2.0.2
and adapt it to be used with Microsoft Lync Server. We examine the REST API
calls to Microsoft Lync Server to obtain contact information. We review the
Microsoft Lync Server sandbox that provides a test platform to the Microsoft Lync
service. We extend the Profile Plug-in to work with the Microsoft Lync Server
sandbox, and can display a users online information and status in ICN grids in
the Browse view when the mouse is over a user name field.
We designed the code using an object-oriented approach. We designed the
project so that the same plug-in can be used for both IBM Sametime and
Connections service, and also for Microsoft Lync Server. This design reduces
maintenance costs and avoids the challenge of having to support both services.
The object-oriented design is applied to both Java in the midtier, and also the
front-end JavaScript. The plug-in can be served as the base for integrating user
online awareness in ICN for the Microsoft Lync Server.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Part 3


debugging, and
This part has deployment considerations for systematically deploying and
updating a solution to the production environment. The part also covers
debugging and troubleshooting topics. This part contains the following chapters:
Chapter 13, Component deployment on page 465
Chapter 14, Debugging and troubleshooting on page 495

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


Chapter 13.

Component deployment
A critical piece of managing your Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
environment is the ability to successfully deploy and update a solution from your
development environment to a production environment. The complexities and
multiple components of your IBM Content Navigator environment, such as
document classes, custom menus, and desktop configuration, require specific
considerations for managing your application through all levels of system
deployment. In this chapter, we explore the deployment considerations of rolling
out such a solution.
This chapter covers the following topics:

Strategies for managing a production environment

Identifying the components of your application
Manual deployment of an IBM Content Navigator solution
Injecting a level of predictability in your environment
Using export and import to deploy a Content Navigator solution

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


13.1 Strategies for managing a production environment

An IBM Enterprise Content Management (ECM) environment, and any portion of
your IT application infrastructure, are likely to have multiple environments that are
used to support your applications and engaged for different purposes. Your ECM
environment might contain several types of repositories, mirrored images for
backup and disaster recovery, and clone environments used for development,
quality assurance, and testing.
For an IBM Content Navigator deployment, any application configuration or
development must be properly tested and verified before it is used in a product
environment. Many approaches are available to manage the development and
testing process for applications before deploying to a production environment.
Often, components exist that an application might depend on for normal
Review the following areas for dependant components within you application
before deploying or migrating your application to and from various environments.
Database entries, tables and connections
Application server environments
Infrastructure or hardware dependencies
Directory services and user/group identification
Backup and recovery strategies
When managing your production environment, be sure to include all of your
applications, your development and testing environments, and all dependent
environments in your support plan. When managing your production IBM
Content Navigator deployment, have a clear understanding of each of the
components of the application and how the application might interact with other
areas of your IT environment.
Understanding these dependencies and interactions can help support the variety
of activities occurring in your IBM Content Navigator environment including
development, testing, backup and recovery, and production use. It can also help
to support seamless promotion of your application between the various
environments within your IT infrastructure.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

13.2 Identifying the components of your application

Promoting a solution from one environment to another should be a well
orchestrated and thoroughly tested procedure. It might contain many automated
steps, bundled in a script for example. It might also contain several manual steps.
Regardless of these steps, understanding the applications distinct components
is important. Also important is to identify how these components are represented
from a persistence aspect, and also the hierarchy and dependencies of each

13.2.1 Component hierarchy

Using IBM Content Navigator components, you can create custom and targeted
applications to satisfy focused requirements. Those components interact with
each other so they depend on the existence of each other. Furthermore, clear
dependencies must be adhered to so that the application can be managed,
deployed, and function correctly.
Figure 13-1 on page 468 shows several component dependencies in the
composition of an IBM Content Navigator desktop. The figure implies that
configuration details, for example desktop name and description or application
name, do not require additional component configuration. Deploying the desktop
to an environment is simply populating these values as part of the deployment.
Nevertheless, there are other components, which are referenced by this desktop,
that are listed in the diagram, for example a viewer map. VIewer maps can be
shared among many desktops, and changing the map changes the configuration
of all desktops that reference it. Because of this dependency, be sure you
understand that to deploy a desktop, you must deploy the view map that it
references before you actually deploy the desktop. This way, when the desktop is
deployed, it already finds that the viewer map is available and it uses the existing

Chapter 13. Component deployment



Viewer map

Toolbars &







File System






Figure 13-1 IBM Content Navigator component dependency graph

Tip: Figure 13-1 does not try to convey that to deploy a desktop, you must
deploy a viewer map for example. What it does show is that, if the desktop you
want to deploy has a dependency on a custom viewer map (not available by
default), you must deploy the custom viewer map first, if it does not already
exist, before deploying the desktop.
By using the same deduction mechanism, you might realize that, to formulate a
deployment policy, you need to use a bottom-up approach. We start with
deploying components that have zero dependencies (in Figure 13-1) these
components can be JAR files, for example) and then proceed with components
that have a single dependency. Using a metaphorical loop invariant, we can say
that we can deploy only an n-th level component when all n-1 level components,
which it directly depends on, have been successfully deployed.
Keep in mind that deploying a viewer plug-in, for example, can contain many
steps. For example, we need to deploy the plug-in JARs and place the necessary
JARs in the WEB-INF/lib folder. What should hold true is that, when we divide the
deployment of the component into multiple steps, none of these steps should rely
on deployment of another component that is not yet deployed.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

13.2.2 Persistence characteristics

Another aspect of the deployment is the persistence layer. This mean identify
where the component is stored. In IBM Content Navigator based applications,
this location where the component is stored can be a custom object in an IBM
FileNet Content Manager repository, a row in an IBM DB2 table, or maybe even
a file on the servers file system. In summary, to develop a deployment
procedure, you must know what is necessary to lift a components footprint from
one environment and lay it on another. Sometimes, automating the steps might
not be possible. Therefore, an important task is to identify them and provide the
necessary manual steps in your deployment procedure.

13.2.3 Database layer

Because of its inherent openness, IBM Content Navigator lays out a rather
simplistic database schema. Therefore, administrators can more easily
understand how components are stored and represented in the database. As a
result, database scripts can be written to deploy any component you want, in a
programmatic way. Part of the simplicity is because IBM Content Navigator has a
user-friendly identifier-based model.
IBM Content Navigator uses one database table to store state information. In our
case, this database is called ICN_DB and our schema is named navigator. The
table contains two columns named ID (String) and ATTRIBUTES (CLOB). The ID
row has the following format:
For example, if we want to define a repository, we can use the following ID:
The first part defines this ID as a repository. The second part applies to the
navigator user interface. The third part is the ID of the repository, MyCompanyP8.
IDs cannot contain spaces and other characters, although exceptions to this rule
do exist.
Certain IDs in the table define the default behavior of the product. For example,
the following ID defines the default values when the user configures a new
FileNet P8 repository.
Examining the rows of the table helps you become acquainted with the
persistence layer of IBM Content Navigator.

Chapter 13. Component deployment


The second column of the table is named ATTRIBUTES. This column holds the
definition of the object that is defined in the corresponding ID column. The format
is as follows:
It consists of a collection of key-value pair assignments and is delimited by
semi-colons. Look more closely at the attributes for the repository that we started
defining previously:
As you see, the values you enter in the user interface get flattened in this manner
and saved in the database. This enables for a precise application deployment
Important: IBM Content Navigator depends on the integrity of the information
that is stored in the database tables. Use caution when you deploy your
components through a database. A mistake might break the production user
interface. Always stage your deployments, and always take a backup of your
database before you make any changes.

13.3 Manual deployment of an IBM Content Navigator

Completing your dependency graph can provide you with a good picture of the
steps that must be orchestrated so that your deployment can be successful. We
explore the deployment details from the bottom up.
The goal of this section is not to list every single component and file, row or
object in the various persistence models used by IBM Content Navigator. The
goal is to give you the tools to identify where your component is stored, and how
to identify the necessary tasks to deploy it to a separate environment, without
having to manually define it in the target environment.

13.3.1 Repository dependencies

We do not spend a lot of time describing repository dependencies, because they
are not directly related to IBM Content Navigator. The assumption here is that
whatever repository-level assets your application depends on, they were
deployed before you start deploying your IBM Content Navigator components.
The assets include document classes in IBM FileNet Content Manager, item


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

types in IBM Content Manager, folders, search and entry templates, and others.
Follow the deployment guidelines of the respective repositories to ensure the
success of this step.

13.3.2 IBM Content Navigator desktop

We devote this section on the desktop because it is the top-most component in
the product hierarchy. We first cover the deployment details of a component on
which desktops depend, and then we demonstrate how to deploy a desktop.

Deploying a plug-in consists of two steps:
1. Deploy the built JAR file to the correct folder in the target environment.
This step is described in multiple places in this book.
2. Insert the appropriate row in the database to register the plug-in
programmatically, without having to use the user interface.
A plug-in is registered once and is made available to all of IBM Content
Navigator. To define it, we add one row to the database table.
The following information must be present:
version: The version of the plug-in from the MANIFEST.MF file of the JAR.
filename: A URI that IBM Content Navigator uses to find the JAR file. For
example, it can be file:/// or http://.
name: Descriptive name of the plug-in.
configClass: The class from the JAR that contains the configuration user
interface for the plug-in.
configuration: The configuration state of the plug-in. This information can
be a scalar (just a single string value), or it can be a complex data
structure represented in JSON.
We examine an EDS plug-in, for instance. The following example shows its
corresponding row in the database:
emo/navigator/plugins/edsPlugin.jar;name=External Data Services

Chapter 13. Component deployment


Tip: Configuration parameters for a plug-in usually contain

environment-specific values (for example a web service endpoint that
is different for each environment). So, when we dump the row from the
originating environment, we might need to replace the text values with
information that is valid in the target environment before we insert and
update the row.
After defining the plug-in in the target environment, we must notify the navigator
application that the new plug-in exists. To do this step, we insert the ID of the
plug-in (in this case EDSSupportPlugin), to the application.navigator row.
This row is used by many components in the application, so we update it in the
target environment.

IBM Content Navigator includes sample code that demonstrates how to develop
a custom layout. A layout must be registered as a plug-in and then referenced in
the desktop where it is used.
The first step is to deploy the plug-in. This is described in Plug-in on page 471.
Follow the instructions of how to deploy the plug-in and then return here for the
remaining steps.
Assuming that the plug-in JARs have been deployed and the plug-in has been
registered in the database (plugin.navigator.SampleLayoutPlugin), we now need
to make a reference to the layout in the desktop where we want it to appear.
The layout gets its name from the package of the class that extends
PluginAction. We assume here that our class has the following name according
to the sample that is provided:
We locate the row in the database that defines the desktop that we want to
deploy this layout to; if this is a new desktop, we basically pull it from the
originating environment. Perhaps our desktop is defined as follows:
We get its ATTRIBUTES value and look for the key-value pair with the key equal
to layout. We set that to the following line:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

We update the row in the table or insert the row if this desktop is new. We recycle
the navigator application in WebSphere.

Viewer map
Deploying a viewer map is a little more complex. A viewer map consists of a
collection of items, each mapping a document MIME type to a viewer that is
available in IBM Content Navigator. Each desktop can have only one viewer map
assigned to it at any given time.
We establish a four-step process to deploy a viewer map programmatically:
1. Deploy the mappings.
Deploying the mappings requires one row INSERT statement for each
mapping. If, for example, the ID of our viewer map is MyViewerMap, and we
want to map AFP IBM Content Manager OnDemand documents to the
afp2pdf viewer, we insert the following information to the database:
The same is true for line data and the line data Applet Viewer:
Notice the number scheme. The ID column must adhere to this naming
Therefore, we concatenate the name we want to give to our viewer map with a
digit, which increments each time we add a new mapping. Although the
ordering of the mappings in the viewer map do matter (for precedence rules),
this numbering scheme does not determine this ordering. This task is done in
step 2.
2. Deploy the viewer map definition.
After our viewer mappings are deployed, we define our viewer map by adding
the following row to the database.
Viewer Map;mappings=MyViewerMap1,MyViewerMap0"
Notice how we used MyViewerMap to associate this viewer map with all the
mappings that we deployed in the previous step (MyViewerMap0,
MyViewerMap1). Also notice how the mappings attribute lists MyViewerMap1
before MyViewerMap0. This way is how precedence is established.

Chapter 13. Component deployment


3. Reference the newly deployed viewer map from the desktop that will use it.
In this step, we assign the viewer map to a desktop. To do this step, we either
update the row of the existing desktop or we insert a new row if the desktop is
being deployed for the first time. The following example assumes our desktop
is named MyDesktop:
4. Declare the viewer map in IBM Content Navigator so it is available to be
referenced by desktops.
As with other components, for the viewer map to be listed in the
Administration Desktop when you click Viewer Maps, declare it as a global
navigator component. We do that by updating the application.navigator row by
adding to the viewer attribute:
Tip: The viewer attribute is comma-separated in case multiple viewer maps
You can still be successful if you deploy the steps out of order. However, if you do
them out of order, be sure that you stop the IBM Content Navigator application in
WebSphere, and do your deployments (in whatever order you want); when you
complete the four steps, start the application again.

Reserved viewer and repository type IDs

Previously in the example, we used certain IDs; but, how they are declared
might not be immediately clear. For example, we used serverType=od and
viewerName=lineDataApplet. IBM Content Navigator makes some server
types and viewer IDs available by default:
Server types:


Viewer IDs:


iccViewer (available only if the ICCViewer plug-in is installed)

Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Consult the official documentation for more information about the functionality
that is provided by each viewer and repository type.

As stated in 13.2.3, Database layer on page 469, each repository occupies
one row in the database, and we must use the "application.navigator" row
to make the repository available for referencing. As an example, we focus on
a fictitious P8 repository named MyRepository. We define it by using the
information in Example 13-1.
Example 13-1 Information for definition

=P8ConnPt1:1;checkinAsMajorVersion=true;name=My Repository"
Many configuration attributes are required for correctly defining a repository.
You can configure all attributes with the IBM Content Navigator user interface
in the originating environment, and then export the row and import it to the target
Finally we must declare the repository so that IBM Content Navigator can make it
available for other components, such as desktops and so on, to be able to
reference it (which means allow it to be listed in drop-down menus for selection).
We update the following row by adding the attribute (or appending to it because it
will most likely exist):
We must recycle the navigator application in WebSphere after all our database
changes are complete.

Chapter 13. Component deployment


Toolbar and menu

Toolbars and menus are similar in function and deployment also. Optionally,
toolbars and menus can contain menu items stemming from plug-ins. In this
case, we deploy the plug-in as described in previous chapters. After that step is
complete, we follow a similar procedure as with the other components. First, we
define our menu and then we declare it so that it is available to be referenced
from a desktop for example. To define it, we look for a row in the database table
of our originating environment that starts with menu.navigator and ends in the
name that we assigned to it when we first set it up. In this case, we work with a
menu named MyMenu. The row is similar to the following example:
"menu.navigator.MyMenu","items=RefreshGrid;typeLabel=Content list
toolbar;name=My Menu;type=ContentListToolbar;description=described the
The only piece that might be ambiguous is how to decide on the values to
populate the items attribute (assuming you are not taking what is there in one
environment and adding it to another). This attribute is a collection of menu items
and actions. To see what value you can use for an item that you can see in the
user interface, hover on it and use the value that is shown as its ID. Figure 13-2
shows the corresponding menu item from the previous example.

Figure 13-2 The Refresh menu item corresponds to the ID RefreshGrid

Often, after we define our component, in this case the menu, we need to declare
it with the application to become available for referencing. We do this step in the
application.navigator row:
A final step is optional, depending on whether we need to use the deployed menu
immediately or not. A menu is a component that can be assigned to a desktop to


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

further customize its user interface. So far, we defined and declared the menu but
did not assign it to a desktop. We do that by assigning it to one of the menus that
is available in the desktop (for example ContentListToolbar). See Desktop on
page 477 for more details.

Finally, after all the dependencies are resolved, you can deploy the desktop. To
deploy, one row must be updated and another must be inserted. As usual, first
we insert the row which contains the definition of the desktop. Our SQL
statement is shown in Example 13-2.
Example 13-2 SQL statement



Chapter 13. Component deployment


Attention: This example stems from a complex desktop configuration that has
many custom components. Do not insert it into your database without
replacing many of the components with the components that you have already
We must also be sure to do the next step of this process, which is to declare the
new desktop so that navigator makes it available to users in the user interface.
We modify the application.navigator ID in the table by adding the ID of our
new desktop (in this case MyCompanyDesktop) to the following key-value pair:
We restart the navigator application in WebSphere and look for the new desktop.
Tip: The ATTRIBUTES column can be overwhelming to read because it
becomes verbose. To fully understand it, you can export the whole table to a
delimited file and open it with an appropriate viewer. If you instruct the viewer
to delimit on commas and semicolons, the viewer shows you each of the
key-value pairs that make up each component in IBM Content Navigator.

13.4 Injecting a level of predictability in your

As shown in the previous sections, developing a deployment strategy to promote
an application that is designed on IBM Content Navigator can be complex. The
complexity arises from having many components, which have been designed to
address a wide variety of requirements and use cases. Nevertheless, creating
such a deployment strategy and procedure is always rewarding, because


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

between major and minor releases, the application needs to be redeployed many
times. The procedure can save your company many hours of work.
Be aware that we are working with many pieces of software. Many pitfalls exist
that we must describe here; not all of them are related to IBM Content Navigator
specifically. As much as possible, we need to bring a level of uniformity to our
environments to be able to troubleshoot and fix issues quickly. Several layers that
you can begin standardizing are as follows:

File system
Application server
Content repository

File system
Although much planning is required, arranging key folder paths to match one
environment to another environment can provide a big advantage in the future.
You might want to standardize on the following directories:
WebSphere Application Server installation directory
JRE directory
JDK directory
Library directories that are operating-system-specific (such as /usr/lib and
Custom application directory (for example /opt/MyApp)
With this approach, you can set certain global variables in your deployment
scripts that apply to all your environments. This step might be more difficult if
your development environment is based on Windows and your production
environment is based on a version of UNIX. If you do not have a standardized
location for installed applications, the second best approach might be to
standardize on the default installation directory of each application simply to ease

Application server
The application server is probably the most crucial. The application server plays
a major role in IBM Content Navigator and the majority of the enterprise
applications offered today. Consider standardizing the following names:

Server names (server1)

Profile names (AppSvr01)
Node names (Node01) and cell names (Node01)
Deployed application names (navigator1)

Chapter 13. Component deployment


The reason for the suggestions is because implementing your environment by

using the standardized names establishes predictability. For example, if you need
a script to start and stop your server (recycle), you can write a script to loop a
predefined number of servers (based on how many you have in a farmed or
clustered environment).
And, predictably you can use the following example to invoke a start operation on
each of the servers in the farm:
startServer.bat AppSvr$num
The point is that, even if you do not have a multiple-server development
environment, you should resist the urge to use the name server to name the
server; but instead name it server1 to ensure that your scripts will work in
multiple environments.
The same concepts apply to deployed application names. If you have multiple
IBM Content Navigator instances installed in one application server, you can use
a numbering scheme on which to base your scripts, so you can do quick
application recycling. In addition, if you need a plug-in deployed in the plug-ins
directory, then you might also need that plug-in for all instances, and you can use
a similar script to cycle-copy the correct JAR files to the correct folders.

Maintaining a clean database is important. Many companies have stored
procedures that help them accomplish administration and maintenance tasks.
We advise creating a new tablespace and storing those and also helper and
temporary tables there. This way, you do not have to give access to the IBM
Content Navigator database to people who are promoting applications from
environment to environment. Give them execute permissions to the stored
procedures, which are in a separate tablespace, and make it so that their only
entry point into persisting changes to the IBM Content Navigator database is
those stored procedures. Standardizing on naming conventions from previous
sections apply here also.

Content repository
We focus on IBM FileNet Content Manager (P8). FileNet P8 is installed with
numerous available classes that are ready to use. To preserve the integrity of the
object store, we create all document classes from customers under a common
super class. For example we create an abstract document class directly under
Document (we are calling MyCompanyDocument), and create every customer
document class as a subclass of MyCompanyDocument. We use this approach
so that we can guarantee that the system-defined classes remain intact and that
promoting classes always happens at the MyCompanyDocument level.
Furthermore, if we have many object stores, we would make sure that wherever


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

documents are stored, we replicate the full document class hierarchy just so that
we can manage changes easier in the future. For example, this technique not
only makes multi-object-store searching easier in the future, but also allows us to
migrate content from one object store to the other with minimal effort.
Again, remember to test and stage your deployments.

13.5 Using export and import to deploy a Content

Navigator solution
Another approach for managing your deployment of an IBM Content Navigator
deployment is to use the built-in export and import features to manage your
application deployment from one environment to another. This approach is more
seamless than a manual migration and eliminates most of the manual steps
required in other approaches.
The export and import tools feature allows you to control the specific desktops
definitions that you want to migrate and it supports the process through a
configuration wizard where you can identify which components and
subcomponents you want to migrate.
The export and import feature includes the identification of the desktop definition,
repositories, plug-ins and other configured items associated with a particular
desktop configuration. It does not include the export of user-associated items
such as favorites and recent searches. And, it does not include the export or
import of elements of your configuration that might be located outside the control
of a particular IBM Content Navigator deployment, such as a plug-in JAR file.
Although the ability to cleanly import and export desktop definitions is provided
as part of the IBM Content Navigator environment, understanding all the
elements within your organizations application is important for your application
management processes.
As mentioned previously in this chapter, extensive interdependencies might exist
within different components of your system. Be sure to understand these
elements and plan for their management during any migration or upgrade

Chapter 13. Component deployment


To begin planning for moving or migrating your application, consider the following
items to identify the interdependent elements within your source system and then
plan for their creation or migration in your target system.
Target Repository System: This target ECM repository is set up to match or
mirror the configuration elements from your source system. Repository
taxonomy such as Document Classes (FileNet Content Manager), Item Types
(Content Manager 8), and Properties will not be migrated using the IBM
Content Navigator Import or Export utility. Either manually create these
elements or use repository tools to deploy or copy the source configuration.
Plug-ins or support code: Any plug-in files that are referenced as part of the
IBM Content Navigator Desktop Import or Export process must be copied
from the source servers to the target servers before the configuration is
imported to the target system.
Image files or special graphics: Any image files that are used within the IBM
Content Navigator Desktop must also be manually copied from the source
server to the target server.
Understanding the elements that might not be collected as part of your Import
and Export process will make migrating or moving your IBM Content Navigator
environment more consistent and predictable.

13.5.1 Using the Export function within the Administration Desktop

The purpose of the desktop Export function with the IBM Content Navigator
application is to allow you to move, migrate, or update one or more IBM Content
Navigator applications. Figure 13-3 on page 483 shows the Export button that
you click to start the export in the Content Navigator Desktops.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 13-3 The Export action button in the desktop

Desktops definition
To export a desktop definition, you must use the Administration view in the IBM
Content Navigator Administration Desktop session. The Administration Desktop
is the only desktop that allows you to export or import an IBM Content Navigator
In the settings mode with Desktops selected, you see a list of all configured
desktops in you IBM Content Navigator system.
The desktop definition is the first element that you select when exporting. You
may select a single desktop definition in the list or select multiple definitions.
After you select the desktop definitions that you want to export, select the Export
function and the system opens the Export Desktop wizard. Figure 13-4 on
page 484 shows the wizard with available options.

Chapter 13. Component deployment


Figure 13-4 Export Desktop tabs: Desktops

The Export Desktop wizard has three tabs available:


Desktops tab
The Desktops tab (Figure 13-4) is displayed by default when you open the Export
Desktop wizard. You may again select the desktop definition you want to export.
There is also a field for the file name of your export. It defaults to the
ExportedConfiguration.properties file.
The Export Desktop wizard also provides a field where you can name your
export file. The default file name is ICNExportedConfiguration.properties. You
might want to name the export file by using a naming convention or in such a way
that you can distinguish different export files from one another in the future.
If you select the Include users and groups who are authorized to use this
desktop check box for the export, user or group definitions will not transfer
between different LDAP environments. It identifies only the named user or group
that is authorized for any desktop exports. Your organization is responsible for
ensuring that the same user and group definitions are contained in separate


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

LDAP environments if they differ between your source and target IBM Content
Navigator environments.

Repositories tab
The Repositories tab in the wizard lists all available repositories that are
connected to the desktop definitions that you selected on the Desktops tab page.
Figure 13-5 shows the options in the Repositories tab.
Information about those repositories is available within this tab to help you
identify the difference between the repositories selected. Display Name, Internal
ID, Server Type, Server Name and Port Number are visible. These columns are
not configurable (changeable) but can be sorted if you click a header column.

Figure 13-5 Export Desktop tabs: Repositories

Plug-ins tab
The Plug-ins tab in the wizard shows all plug-ins that have been configured for
the Desktop definitions that you selected in the Desktops tab. Figure 13-6 on
page 486 shows the options available from the Plug-ins tab.
An important point to understand is that support for the export and import of
plug-ins within a Desktop definition extends only to the configuration settings of
that plug-in. The associated plug-in JAR files that might be deployed on your
application server are not exported or imported as part of this process.
If you have plug-ins that you are using as part of your IBM Content Navigator
application, you must manually copy and deploy the plug-in JAR file from your

Chapter 13. Component deployment


source server to your target server so that the exported or imported plug-in
configuration can work properly.

Figure 13-6 Export Desktop tab: Plug-ins

Exporting the .properties file

After you complete the selections for desktops, repositories, and plug-ins, you
can complete the export by clicking Export in the Export wizard. You are
prompted to open or to save the file with the name you specified at the start of
this operation. If you chose to save the file, it will be saved to the default
downloads location on your local system. Figure 13-7 shows an example of a
saved .properties file:

Figure 13-7 Export file

Example 13-3 shows a truncated portion of the contents of that file.

Example 13-3 Export configuration properties file contents

menu.navigator.DefaultICAPluginItemContextMenu =
pluginId=ICAPlugin;typeLabel=ICA Plugin Item Context Menu
Type;name=ICAPlugin Item Context
Menu;type=ICAPluginItemContextMenu;description=ICA Plugin context menu
for search results menu.navigator.DefaultICAPluginECMItemContextMenu =
pluginId=ICAPlugin;typeLabel=ICA Plugin ECM Item Context Menu


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Type;name=ICAPlugin ECM Item Context

Menu;type=ICAPluginECMItemContextMenu;description=ICA Plugin context
menu for Enterprise Content Management results
interfaceText.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.favorites =
interfaceText.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.browse =
interfaceText.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.search =
interfaceText.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.casesearch =
labelKey=Case Search;displayedIn=desktop;type=desktop;desktopId=RB
interfaceText.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.datacap =
mobilefeature.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.favorites =
mobilefeature.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.browse =
mobilefeature.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.search =
mobilefeature.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.casesearch =
e=Case Search;desktopId=RB;display=false
mobilefeature.navigator.RB.GTreeEX.GTree.CopyReview.datacap =
name=Datacap;desktopId=RB;display=false desktop.navigator.RB =

Chapter 13. Component deployment


13.5.2 Using the Import function within the Administration Desktop

The Import Desktop wizard has five tabs:

Desktops tab
Repositories tab
Plug-ins tab
Menus tab
Labels tab
Mobile Features tab

The Desktops tab opens in the wizard by default (Figure 13-8); you may begin by
selecting the desktop definitions you want to export.

Figure 13-8 Desktop Actions Menu: Import

Desktops tab
To import a desktop definition, you must open the Administration view within the
IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop session. The Administration
Desktop is the only desktop that will allow you to export or import an IBM Content
Navigator Definition.
In the Administration view, the Import option is available from the function menu.
Click Import. You are prompted to supply or select the location of the desktop
definition file you want to import. This file is the .properties file that you created,
named, and saved when you exported it (see Exporting the .properties file on
page 486).
If, during the import, an element that is in the import file already exists in the
system, a warning message is displayed at the top of the Import Desktop
window. The default behavior for any items in conflict is to not update the item. As


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

a result, the conflict item check boxes are not selected in the list of items to
import, as shown in Figure 13-9. If you want to import or overwrite, select the
conflict items.

Figure 13-9 Import Desktop tabs: Desktops, showing conflicting items for import

Repositories tab
The Repositories tab (Figure 13-10) in the wizard lists all available repositories
that are defined within the export or import file.

Figure 13-10 Import Desktop tabs: Repositories

Chapter 13. Component deployment


Plug-ins tab
The Plug-ins tab (Figure 13-11) in the wizard shows all plug-in configurations that
have been exported for the Desktop definitions that you selected previously.
Support for exporting and importing of plug-ins within a Desktop definition
extends only to the configuration settings of that plug-in. The associated plug-in
JAR files that might be specified within the configuration of your import file must
be deployed on your application server so that the imported configuration can
work properly.

Figure 13-11 Import Desktop tabs: Plug-ins


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Menus tab
The Menus tab (Figure 13-12) in the wizard shows all menus available for import.

Figure 13-12 Import Desktop tabs: Menus

Labels tab
The Labels tab (Figure 13-13) in the wizard lists the labels configurations that are
available to import to your system.

Figure 13-13 Import Desktop tabs: Labels

Chapter 13. Component deployment


Mobile Features tab

The Mobile Features tab (Figure 13-14) in the wizard shows the mobile features
that are available to import to your system.

Figure 13-14 Import Desktop tabs: Mobile Features

13.5.3 Import summary and reports

The import action includes a summary report after the import is complete. This
summary includes a list of each element type (desktops, repositories, plug-ins,
labels, and mobile features) and provides information of how many of each of
those elements were imported and how many were skipped during the operation.
The bottom of the summary report shows an action available to download the full
import report. That report will contain import status information for each
individual element that was available in the export or import file used.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 13-15 shows an example.

Figure 13-15 Desktop Import Summary and Download Report

13.6 Conclusion
This chapter explores strategies for managing your production environment as it
applies to IBM Content Navigator solutions. The chapter offers an approach to
managing the components of your application. It also provides an overview to
establishing a level of predictability when managing your environments and
moving or promoting your solutions between various environments.
Although traditional approaches to migrating your solutions, such as manual
solution deployment, provide a valid process to managing your enterprise
environments, the IBM Content Navigator Administration Desktop provides tools
and support to simplify solution deployment and migration.
With any production solution, a preferable approach is to automate deployment
as much as possible to provide consistency and predictability in your enterprise
environment. IBM Content Navigator includes a simplified approach to moving,
migrating, or promoting your desktop solutions.

Chapter 13. Component deployment



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator


Chapter 14.

Debugging and
A well-planned troubleshooting strategy in an application can reduce the time to
identify and fix errors, and can ease the learning curve in extending software
packages. This chapter describes troubleshooting techniques that can be used
when you customize and extend IBM Content Navigator. We present various log
files and offer tips for troubleshooting.
Troubleshooting is a process of gathering information, analyzing, identifying
actions based on analysis, and implementing remedial actions. The main focus
of this chapter is to identify the information that is important and how to gather it
for troubleshooting purpose. Use the information presented in this chapter in
conjunction with IBM Content Navigator online documentation for support and
This chapter covers the following topics:

Client debugging
Client logging
Server-side logging
Log and trace files

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


14.1 Client debugging

When you develop an extension for IBM Content Navigator, the choice of
integrated development environment (IDE) and the choice of runtime execution
can help the development and test process.
Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73 describes how
to set up a development environment by using either IBM Rational Application
Developer or the Eclipse IDE with web tools plug-in.
To test the individual plug-in component, the plug-in must be registered and
enabled by selecting it for use in a desktop profile.
When you test a client module, use the developer tools option of your browser to
log in to the console. See 14.2, Client logging on page 498 for details of
browser console logging. To test the server-side or business logic of your
component, see 14.3, Server-side logging on page 500.
There are many tools can be used for web application client debugging. We
introduce several in the following sections.

14.1.1 Firefox
Firebug is a powerful client debugging tool for Firefox. After you install this
add-on, press F12 to launch it in the browser. The Firebug option can be set to
any location of the browser or separately in an individual window.
Firebug has several panels that are used for various purposes:
Console: Show logs and all requests and response content.
HTML: Shows page HTML source.
CSS: Shows CSS of current page.
Script: Shows scripts. You can debug JavaScript code here. You can set
breakpoints, watch variable values, and view the whole stack.
DOM: Shows DOM information.
Net: Shows network transmission information, such as URL, status, size, and
Cookie: Shows all cookie information.
For more information about Firebug, see the following web page:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

14.1.2 Chrome
Chrome has various integrated developer tools. Press F12 to see them. Clicking
the Unlock into separate window button can separate it as an individual
In the Chrome tool, several panels offer various functions and information:
Elements: Shows the whole structure of a web page. All DOM nodes can be
viewed here.
Network: Shows network transmission information.
Sources: Shows scripts. You can debug JavaScript code here. You can also
modify the JavaScript in this panel; Chrome will then run the modified version.
This is convenient for your development.
Timeline: Shows a performance timeline.
Profiles: Shows profiles.
Resources: Shows all resources used in the current page.
Audits: Runs audits of the code that you select. It provides advice regarding
potential issues.
Console: Shows logs. No request and response content is shown in the
For more information about Chrome, see the following website:

14.1.3 Fiddler
The full name is Fiddler Web Debugger. It can monitor all requests and
responses of browsers. You can set Fiddler to monitor only one browser
process. A function panel provides details of request, response, and network
There is a JSON viewer plug-in for Fiddler. It can view JSON data in a structured
tree. For IBM Content Navigator, all JSON responses have the following header:
To view JSON in a JSON viewer, this heading must be removed. Fiddler can be
run in a stand-alone mode to view only the JSON string.
For more information about fiddler, see the following website:

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


14.2 Client logging

All browsers display logged messages to the browser console. By default, all
JavaScript and system errors are logged. All browsers support the opening of
JavaScript files to find the source of an error. However, sometimes this type of
logging is not sufficient to help resolve errors that are related to data or logic.

14.2.1 Logging levels and browser types

IBM Content Navigator provides the ecm.logger logging class for use in
developing plug-ins. The logging class is used to selectively log messages
by five levels:

Level 0: None (This level indicates no logging.)

Level 1: Error
Level 2: Warning (This level is the default logging level.)
Level 3: Information
Level 4: Debug

To invoke the desktop with the debug parameter, use the following line:
It has the following meanings:
<server_name> is the DNS resolvable name of the web application server that
hosts the navigation web client application.
<port> is the port number for the application server. The default for
WebSphere Application server is 9080.
Performance: Logging debug messages affects performance. However, later
versions of browsers are generally more efficient so this option has less effect
on load times when used with newer versions of browsers.
To view the console in your web browser, press the F12 function key. In the Safari
browser, however, the F12 key is the shortcut to invoke the JavaScript console. If
you use Safari, press Ctrl+Alt+C.
If you use Firefox and do not have a debug tool, such as Firebug, installed, the
log messages can be redirected to a pop-up window by using the following


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Using the debug=true parameter is the equivalent of setting the logging level
to 4. If you want to reduce the logging level, use the logLevel parameter. For
example, to log errors use the following URL:
Errors can now be logged to a pop-up window.

14.2.2 Enabling logging in JavaScript files

To enable the ECM logger in your JavaScript, include the following statement:
If you use AMD loading, include the following statement:
ready(["ecm/LoggingMixin","your required widgets",
function yourFunction(){
// enter your code here
The ecm.LoggerMixin class provides an ECM logger class and provides
functions for logging the various message levels. To log a message using one of
the functions provided by LoggerMixin class, use the following format:
this.logInfo(yourfunctionname, message, extra);
LoggerMixin provides the following functions:

logInfo: Logs an information message.

logWarning: Logs a warning message.
logError: Logs an error message.
logDebug: Logs a debug message.

Two additional message types can be used:

logEntry (Function Name, Message): Logs the entry point to your function.
logExit (Function Name, Message): Logs the exit point from your function.
The entry and exit logging functions use only two parameters.
Tips: All supported browsers include debugging tools. If you are new to
debugging JavaScript code, each browser offers online help regarding the use
of the developer tools. See the appropriate browser help pages for information
about use of developer tools for debugging client code.

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


14.3 Server-side logging

Chapter 3, Setting up the development environment on page 73 describes how
to enable server-side debugging techniques for both Rational Application
Developer for WebSphere and for the Eclipse development environment.
One aspect of debugging is to use logging to record and trace the execution path
of your code. For a description of how to start client logging, see 14.2, Client
logging on page 498. If you want to log server execution, it must be enabled by
using the administration feature of the desktop or by using the Administration
The effect of client-level logging and the suggested logging at the appropriate
level is described in 14.2, Client logging on page 498. The effect of client-level
logging is specific to the individual desktop that is being logged. The server-side
logging, however, might affect all users and so the best approach is to minimize
the effect when possible.
This section describes how to enable logging for a plug-in example, showing
techniques to minimize the effect on the server.
Note: The focus in this chapter is on the use of IBM software. If you use
WebLogic as the application server, the system log file has a slightly different
format and path. For a description of the WebLogic server log file, go to the
following address:
Although the WebLogic log format differs slightly, the log message from
IBM Content Navigator contains the same information as described in
14.3, Server-side logging on page 500.
We use server logging to trace the execution of the main Java class,
CustomSearchPlugin, of an example plug-in.
To enable server-side logging in IBM Content Navigator, use the following steps:
1. Connect to IBM Content Navigator as an administrator, or use the
Administration Desktop.
1. Select Settings from the Feature panel.
2. Select the Logging tab.
3. Enter Debug for the Application-level logging.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

4. Select Class-level Logging Specific Classes.

5. Enter the following information:
Logging can be enabled for specific users or specific client devices. Use this
option if you need to use debug on a production instance of IBM Content
Navigator. Logging can also be enabled for specific classes. Use this option to
debug your classes during development. You can specify your classes and
optionally exclude specific classes.
Restricting the scope of logging reduces the effect on performance and aids
troubleshooting and debugging.
Tips: To minimize the server-side load of logging, enable logging for specific
classes. If you enable logging for all classes, you can reduce the effect in the
following ways:
Exclude classes; enter a comma-delimited list of classes to exclude from
the logging list.
Log only for specific user workstations by entering the IP address of the
client workstation that will be logged.
Enable logging for specific users.
Figure 14-1 on page 502 shows the server logging setup for a plug-in class. The
example shows the restricting of logging to one class and for one specific IP

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


Figure 14-1 Enable server logging to a specific class and a specific client machine

Server logging is written to the web application server log file. For example the
WebSphere Application Server, Version 7 log file, SystemOut.log, is in the
following location:
Information is logged as a series of requests that are delimited by these lines,
where nnn is a numeric value, logged in ascending order:
Begin Request nnn
End Request nnn


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Example 14-1 is an extract of the SystemOut.log file from an IBM Content

Navigator system, hosted in WebSphere Application Server Version 7. It shows
the execution path of the com.ibm.ecm.extension.customsearch.* Java classes.
Example 14-1 Extract of SystemOut.log with logging enabled for example plug-in

[10/30/13 16:46:44:194 CST] 00000012 SystemOut O

CIWEB.CustomSearchPlugin Entry: [Administrator @]
[10/30/13 16:46:44:195 CST] 00000012 SystemOut O CIWEB Entry:
[Administrator @]
8Search() Query String: Select * from DOCUMENT where this INFOLDER
{B3BB3B22-EB21-4997-ACF8-87DAE91966AA} OPTIONS (COUNT_LIMIT 2147483647)
[10/30/13 16:46:44:256 CST] 00000012 SystemOut O
CIWEB.CustomSearchPlugin Exit : [Administrator @]
The first entry logs the details of the search service launched by clicking folder
node of the custom tree. The log entry is formatted in the following way, as shown
in Example 14-2:
[date time tz] thread stream CIWEB loggingLevel: [userId @
hostNameOrIP] package.class.method() message
Example 14-2 Log entry message

[10/30/13 16:46:44:195 CST] 00000012 SystemOut O CIWEB Entry:

[Administrator @]
8Search() Query String: Select * from DOCUMENT where this INFOLDER
{B3BB3B22-EB21-4997-ACF8-87DAE91966AA} OPTIONS (COUNT_LIMIT 2147483647)
The logged message shows that at 16:46 on 30 October 2013, thread 00000012
used the following line:

It used that line to do the custom search against IBM FileNet Content Manager
with the following query string:
Select * from DOCUMENT where this INFOLDER
{B3BB3B22-EB21-4997-ACF8-87DAE91966AA} OPTIONS (COUNT_LIMIT 2147483647)
Reading the log entries shows the IBM Content Navigator functions that are
executed, the parameters used, and any messages that are returned. With this
information, identifying a failing component and the primary symptom are

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


The log file will contain many entries that are tracing the execution of the logged
classes. Use a text editor to browse and search for information. Make a copy of
the log file so that you can compare results after taking the necessary actions.

14.4 Log and trace files

In addition to the console log, described in 14.2, Client logging on page 498,
and the system log, described in 14.3, Server-side logging on page 500,
several other log files are important sources of information.

14.4.1 IBM Content Navigator log files

Review the following files when you troubleshoot. Also, provide them to the IBM
Support group if you log a problem (PMR). The IBM Support Assistance Data
Collector, described in 14.5, Troubleshooting on page 505, automatically
collects the IBM Content Navigator log files.

Installation log file

Version file
Deployment profile
Temporary files
Configuration files

See the IBM Content Navigator at the IBM Knowledge Center by using one of the
following addresses.
For use with IBM Content Manager:
For IBM Content Manager OnDemand:
For IBM FileNet Content Manager:
The IBM Content Navigator client logs to the Java console of the browser. By
default, this information is not written to disk. Therefore, copying the contents of
the log file to a text file for analysis and review is important.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

IBM Content Navigator provides viewing capability for a variety of file types. To
debug viewer-specific issues, review the log file. FileNet Viewer includes a log file
in either of the following locations:
C:\Program Files(x86)IBM\ECMClient\config\streamer.log
This file contains information about any errors that stream data from an IBM
FileNet Content Manager repository.

14.4.2 Application server log files

IBM Content Navigator logs to the following file for WebSphere Application
c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\Appserver\profiles\Appsrvr01\logs\System.out

For WebLogic, IBM Content Navigator logs to the following file:


WebLogic transfers log entries to a domain log file for all instances of WebLogic
servers. By default, the debug messages are not transferred.

14.5 Troubleshooting
The IBM Knowledge Center for IBM Content Navigator contains a structured
approach to troubleshooting errors that can occur when installing, configuring,
deploying, and running IBM Content Navigator. See 14.4.1, IBM Content
Navigator log files on page 504 for links to the information center.
The IBM Knowledge Center is located within the information center for each
content repository. Each information center has troubleshooting information that
is specific to the repository. The information addresses actions for a known set of
issues at the time it is published. IBM Support also maintains a knowledge base
of reported current problems and resolutions. Use both the information center
and the knowledge base when you troubleshoot issues.
To search the knowledge base, use the following steps:
1. Go to the IBM Support Portal:
2. Search with Content Navigator in the Product lookup field.
3. Select the Troubleshooting documentation link.

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


Figure 14-2 shows the IBM Support troubleshooting window for IBM Content

Figure 14-2 IBM Support Portal

14.5.1 IBM Content Navigator troubleshooting tools

IBM Content Navigator contains three tools that can help you troubleshoot or
report a problem to IBM:
IBM Content Navigator ping page
Viewer configuration verify
Configuration export

IBM Content Navigator Ping Page

IBM Content Navigator contains a ping page that displays information about the
installed software and the current status. To display the ping page, enter the
following URL in your web browser:


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 14-3 shows the result of the ping page.

Figure 14-3 IBM Content Navigator Ping Page

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


Viewer Configuration Verify

IBM Content Navigator provides a rich set of viewing capability. To check the
configuration of the various viewing options. use the following web page:
Example 14-3 shows the content of verify.jsp page.
Example 14-3 The /navigator/viewers/verify.jsp page

<%@page import="java.io.File, java.util.Properties,

java.io.FileInputStream, java.io.PrintWriter,
java.util.*" %>
boolean ENABLE_VERIFY = false;
// To enable this page, uncomment the line below:
The verify.jsp page checks the presence and validity of the IBM Content
Navigator views that are installed on the system. Make sure to remove the
comment from the following line before you run it.
A viewer verification page opens, similar to Figure 14-4 on page 509.
After verifying, be sure to disable the page by reapplying the comment for


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Figure 14-4 Viewer verification

Chapter 14. Debugging and troubleshooting


14.6 Conclusion
This chapter describes debugging and logging. We focus on how to identify
important information and how to gather it for troubleshooting.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Part 4


This part lists the privileges that are necessary when you create an action. It
describes the class and properties of the example document class that the
example plug-ins in this book use. It also describes how locate and use the
additional materials that are provided with this book. This part contains the
following appendix sections:
Appendix A, Action privileges on page 513
Appendix B, Document class definition on page 515
Appendix C, Core code for the custom search plug-in project on page 519
Appendix D, Additional material on page 535

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Appendix A.

Action privileges
When you create an action, you can specify the necessary privileges to execute
the action. This task is done by returning one of the privileges from Table A-1.
The action is enabled only if the user has all the specified privileges for all of the
currently selected objects. If no special privileges are required to execute the
action, then the getPrivileges() method returns an empty string.
The privileges in Table A-1 are repository-neutral and are mapped to the
appropriate underlying permissions from the current repository. For example, if
you are working on a FileNet P8 repository, and the action is associated with the
privEditProperties privilege, then the action is enabled only if the current user
has the appropriate FileNet P8 privileges to edit the properties for all of the
currently selected objects.

Table A-1 Acton privileges




The user must have privileges to modify properties on the selected



The user must have privileges to edit the selected document.


The user must have privileges to view notes attached to the object.


The user must have privileges to add a document.


The user must have privileges to add an item.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.





The user must have privileges to email a document.


The user must have privileges to export the object.


The user must have privileges to add a document to the folder.


The user must have privileges to removed a document from the folder.


The user must have privileges to add a link.


The user must have privileges to remove a link.


The user must have privileges to add a note.


The user must have privileges to print a note.


The user must have privileges to print a document.


The user must have privileges to check in and check out a document.


The user must have privileges to check in a document


The user must have privileges to check out the selected documents.


The user must have privileges to cancel check-out of the selected



The user must have privileges to view annotations on the selected



The user must have privileges to edit annotations on the selected



The user must have privileges to delete the selected objects.


The user must have privileges to start a workflows.


The user must have privileges to place a hold.


The user must have privileges to move the selected folders.


The user must have privileges to change the class of the selected


The user must have privileges to create a major version of the selected


The user must have privileges to create a minor version of the selected


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Appendix B.

Document class definition

The example plug-ins in this book use an example document class. This
appendix describes the class and properties. See Appendix D, Additional
material on page 535 for details of how to copy a definition that can be used with
either a FileNet Content Manager or IBM Content Manager system.
The purpose of the class is to enable the example plug-ins to function correctly; it
is not intended to be used as a sample in a production system.
You may, however, alter the examples to work with your own document classes or
item types.
For the downloadable files that are described here, see Appendix D, Additional
material on page 535.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


Adding example class to IBM FileNet Content Manager

You can either create your own document class by using IBM FileNet Enterprise
Manager or use the export manifest that is provided in the downloadable files.
To import the document classes, complete the following steps:
1. Download the example IBM FileNet P8 document class export and extract it
to the C: drive.
2. Launch FileNet Enterprise Manager.
3. Select the target object store where you want to create the document class.
4. Right-click and select All Tasks Import All.
5. Enter the following text:
nifest.xml as the Import Manifest File
6. Select the import standard options, as shown in Figure B-1.
7. Click Import.

Figure B-1 Import P8 document class


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Adding example class to IBM Content Manager

You can either create your own document class by using the IBM Content
Manager System Administration Client or use the XSD file provided in the
downloadable files.
To add the example item type, complete the following steps:
1. Download the example IBM Content Manager item type XSD file to the C:
2. Launch the IBM Content Manager System Administration Client.
3. Select Tools Import XML.
4. Enter C:\InsuranceDocuments.XSD as the Data Model File, as shown in
Figure B-2.
5. Select Process interactively.
6. Click Import.

Figure B-2 Import example Content Manager Item type

Appendix B. Document class definition



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Appendix C.

Core code for the custom

search plug-in project
You can get all the code from the custom search plug-in project with this book as
the additional material to be downloaded from the website.
For your convenience, here are code for two core files:
Enhanced SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


The complete code for VirtualFolderBrowserPane.js is shown in Example C-1.
Example C-1 VirtualFolderBrowsePane.js


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

template) {
* @name customSearchPluginDojo.VirtualFolderBrowsePane
* @class
* @augments ecm.widget.layout._LaunchBarPane
return declare("customSearchPluginDojo.VirtualFolderBrowsePane", [
], {
/** @lends customSearchPluginDojo.VirtualFolderBrowsePane.prototype */
templateString: template,
widgetsInTemplate: true,
postCreate: function() {
this.defaultLayoutRepositoryComponent = "others";
// If there is more than one repository in the list, show the selector to
the user.
if (this.repositorySelector.getNumRepositories() > 1) {
this.repositorySelectorArea, "only");

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


* Returns the content list grid modules used by this view.

* @return Array of grid modules.
getContentListGridModules: function() {
var array = [];
return array;
* Returns the content list modules used by this view.
* @return Array of content list modules.
getContentListModules: function() {
var viewModules = [];
if (ecm.model.desktop.showViewFilmstrip) {
var array = [];
moduleClass: Bar,
top: [
moduleClass: Toolbar
moduleClass: FilterData
moduleClasses: viewModules,
"className": "BarViewModules"
moduleClass: Breadcrumb,
rootPrefix: "Virtual folder"


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

moduleClass: InlineMessage,
"className": "inlineMessage"
bottom: [
moduleClass: TotalCount
return array;
* Loads the content of the pane. This is a required method to insert a pane
into the LaunchBarContainer.
loadContent: function() {
if (!this.repository) {
var data ="{\"name\": \"Multiple Demension Tree\",\"id\":
\"root\",\"children\": [{\"name\": \"My Navigator\",\"id\": \"my_navigator\",
this.TreeStore = new Memory({
data: [ json.parse(data) ],
getChildren: lang.hitch(this,function(object){
return object.children;
var callbackGetFolders = lang.hitch(this, function(resultset)
for(row in resultset.items)
var element= {

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


name:"Folder: "+resultset.items[row].name,
var callbackGetClasses = lang.hitch(this, function(contentClasses)
for(docclass in contentClasses)
var element= {
name:"Class: "+contentClasses[docclass].name,
if (this.repository && this.repository.canListFolders()) {
var rootItemId = this.repository.rootFolderId || "/";
var _this = this;
this.repository.retrieveItem(rootItemId, lang.hitch(this,
function(rootFolder) {
rootFolder.retrieveFolderContents(true, callbackGetFolders);
}), null, null, null, this._objectStore ? this._objectStore.id : "");
this.isLoaded = true;
this.needReset = false;
TreeModel = new ObjectStoreModel({
store: this.TreeStore,
query: {id: 'root'},
mayHaveChildren: function(item){
return "children" in item;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

this.navTree = new Tree({

model: TreeModel,
onOpenClick: true,
persist: false,
getIconClass: lang.hitch(this, function(item,opened)
if(item.id != "root" && item.id !="my_navigator")
return (opened ? "searchFolderOpenIcon" :
return (opened ? "dijitFolderOpened" :
}, "divTree");
this.connect(this.navTree, "onClick", lang.hitch(this, function(item) {
if(item.id != "root" && item.id !="my_navigator")
var firstLayer=this.mainfolders;
var secondlayer=this.classnames;
for(j in firstLayer)
this.TreeStore.data[0].children[0].children=firstLayer;//it's the path
of "my navigator";
var node = this.navTree.getNodesByItem(item);
var path = node[0].tree.path;
var docClassName="";
var mainFolderID="";

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


}else if(path[i].criterionType == "Folder")
* Sets the repository being used for search.
* @param repository
An instance of {@link ecm.model.Repository}
setRepository: function(repository) {
this.repository = repository;
if (this.repositorySelector && this.repository) {
var requestParams = {};
requestParams.repositoryId = this.repository.id;
requestParams.repositoryType = this.repository.type;
if( this.repository.type == "cm" ){
var scoperule="/* ";
var baserulestart='[(@SEMANTICTYPE IN (1))';
var ruleEnd="]"
var attributerule="";
scoperule='/'+docClassName+" ";
var query = scoperule+baserulestart;
if(attributeName!="" && attributeName!=undefined)
attributerule='((@' +attributeName+" = "+attributeValue +'))'
query = query +" AND "+attributerule;
itemid =mainFolderID.split(" ")[6];
mainFolderID =itemid.substr(0, itemid.length-2);
folderrule = folderrule+'"'+mainFolderID+'"';
query = query +" AND "+folderrule;
query +=ruleEnd;
requestParams.query = query;


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

}else if(this.repository.type=="p8"){
var query = "Select * from ";
if ( docClassName && docClassName.length > 0 ){
query += docClassName;
query += "DOCUMENT ";
if( mainFolderID || ( attributeName && attributeValue) ){
query += " where "
if( mainFolderID && mainFolderID.length >0 ){
var folderID = mainFolderID.substr( mainFolderID.length-38,
mainFolderID.length );
query += " this INFOLDER " + folderID ;

Request.invokePluginService("CustomSearchPlugin", "SearchService",
requestParams: requestParams,
requestCompleteCallback: lang.hitch(this, function(response) {//
response.repository = this.repository;
var resultSet = new ResultSet(response);
var inlineMessageModule = this.navResult.getContentListModule(
"inlineMessage" );
if (inlineMessageModule){
inlineMessageModule.setMessage("Result set items length is:
" +resultSet.items.length, "info");

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


Enhanced SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java code

The complete code for the enhanced SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java is
shown in Example C-2.
Example C-2 SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.java
package com.ibm.ecm.extension.customsearch;


import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.apache.struts.util.MessageResources;




* This class contains P8 specific logic for the sample plugin search service. It
demonstrates running a search using
* the P8 APIs and populating a JSONResultSetResponse object, which is used to
populate the ecm.model.ResultSet
* JavaScript model class. This class provides the structure and rows for the
ecm.widget.listView.ContentList DOJO
* widget.
public class SamplePluginSearchServiceP8 {
public static final int pageSize = 50;
public static int totalCount = 0;
* Runs the P8 search SQL


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

* @param objectStore
Handle to the ObjectStore
* @param query
The query to run
* @param callbacks
The PluginServiceCallbacks object
* @param jsonResultSet
JSONResultSetResponse to build up the grid structure and rows.
* @param clientLocale
The locale of the client
public static void executeP8Search(HttpServletRequest request, String
repositoryId, String query, PluginServiceCallbacks callbacks, JSONResultSetResponse
jsonResultSet, Locale clientLocale) throws Exception {
ObjectStore objectStore = callbacks.getP8ObjectStore(repositoryId);
buildP8ResultStructure(request, jsonResultSet, callbacks.getResources(),
//assume the query string has no OPTIONS.
if( ifCE52OrAbove(objectStore) ){
query += " OPTIONS (COUNT_LIMIT " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ") ";
Logger.logEntry(SamplePluginSearchServiceP8.class, "executeP8Search",
request, "Query String: " + query);
SearchSQL searchSQL = new SearchSQL(query);
SearchScope searchScope = new SearchScope(objectStore);
// Use callbacks.getP8FolderResultsPropertyFilter() for folder results.
PropertyFilter filter = callbacks.getP8DocumentResultsPropertyFilter();
// Retrieve the first pageSize results.
List<Object> searchResults = new ArrayList<Object>(pageSize);
IndependentObjectSet resultsObjectSet = searchScope.fetchObjects(searchSQL,
pageSize, filter, true);
PageIterator pageIterator = resultsObjectSet.pageIterator();
int itemCount = 0;
if (pageIterator.nextPage()) {
for (Object obj : pageIterator.getCurrentPage()) {
if (itemCount < pageSize){
totalCount = itemCount;

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


//this just works for CE 5.2 or above

if (pageIterator != null && ifCE52OrAbove( objectStore )) {
Integer totalCountInteger = pageIterator.getTotalCount();
System.out.println( totalCountInteger );
if( totalCountInteger!=null ){
totalCount = totalCountInteger.intValue();
if( totalCount < 0 ) totalCount = -totalCount;//means reach CE
// Retrieve the privilege masks for the search results.
HashMap<Object, Long> privMasks =
callbacks.getP8PrivilegeMasks(repositoryId, searchResults);
for (Object searchResult : searchResults) {
Document doc = (Document) searchResult;
* IDs use the form:
* <object class name>,<object store ID>,<object ID>
StringBuffer sbId = new StringBuffer();
long privileges = (privMasks != null) ? privMasks.get(doc) : 0L;
JSONResultSetRow row = new JSONResultSetRow(sbId.toString(),
doc.get_Name(), doc.get_MimeType(), privileges);
// Add locked user information (if any)
row.addAttribute("locked", doc.isLocked(), JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_BOOLEAN,
null, (new Boolean(doc.isLocked())).toString());
row.addAttribute("lockedUser", doc.get_LockOwner(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_LockOwner());
row.addAttribute("currentVersion", doc.get_IsCurrentVersion(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_BOOLEAN, null, (new
// Add the attributes
row.addAttribute("ID", doc.get_Id().toString(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_Id().toString());
row.addAttribute("className", doc.getClassName(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.getClassName());
row.addAttribute("ModifiedBy", doc.get_LastModifier(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null, doc.get_LastModifier());
row.addAttribute("LastModified", doc.get_DateLastModified().toString(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_TIMESTAMP, null, doc.get_DateLastModified().toString());


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

row.addAttribute("Version", doc.get_MajorVersionNumber() + "." +

doc.get_MinorVersionNumber(), JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING, null,
doc.get_MajorVersionNumber() + "." + doc.get_MinorVersionNumber());
row.addAttribute("{NAME}", doc.get_Name(), JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_STRING,
null, doc.get_Name());
row.addAttribute("ContentSize", doc.get_ContentSize(),
JSONResultSetRow.TYPE_INTEGER, null, null);
String sessionKey = "pagerIterator";
if (itemCount == pageSize) {
jsonResultSet.put("continuationData", sessionKey);
//this require CE version >=5.0
request.getSession().setAttribute(sessionKey, pageIterator);
if( totalCount > 0 ){
jsonResultSet.put("totalCount", totalCount);
jsonResultSet.put("totalCountType", "total");
* Builds the details and magazine structure for P8. This method will use a set
of predefined columns and fields
* that always exist on every P8 object.
* @param jsonResultSet
The JSONResultSetResponse object to populate with the structure
* @param messageResources
The resource bundle to retrieve default column names
* @param clientLocale
The locale of the client
private static void buildP8ResultStructure(HttpServletRequest request,
JSONResultSetResponse jsonResultSet, MessageResources resources, Locale
clientLocale) {
RepositoryConfig repoConf = Config.getRepositoryConfig(request);
String[] folderColumns = repoConf.getSearchDefaultColumns();
String[] states = new String[1];
states[0] = JSONResultSetColumn.STATE_LOCKED;
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("&nbsp;", "multiStateIcon",
false, states));
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("&nbsp;", "17px",
"mimeTypeIcon", null, false));

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project


JSONResultSetColumn(resources.getMessage(clientLocale, "search.results.header.id"),
"200px", "ID", null, false));
//jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("Class Name", "125px",
"className", null, false));
for (String columnString : folderColumns) {
if (columnString.equals("LastModifier"))
"search.results.header.lastModifiedByUser"), "125px", "ModifiedBy", null, false));
else if (columnString.equals("DateLastModified"))
"search.results.header.lastModifiedTimestamp"), "175px", "LastModified", null,
else if (columnString.equals("MajorVersionNumber"))
"search.results.header.version"), "50px", "Version", null, false));
else if (columnString.equals("{NAME}"))
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("Name", "200px",
columnString, null, false));
else {
jsonResultSet.addColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn(columnString, "80px",
columnString, null, true));
// Magazine view
jsonResultSet.addMagazineColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("thumbnail", "60px",
"thumbnail", null, null));
JSONArray fieldsToDisplay = new JSONArray();
JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("field", "className");
jsonObj.put("displayName", "Class");
jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("field", "ModifiedBy");
jsonObj.put("displayName", resources.getMessage(clientLocale,
jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("field", "LastModified");
jsonObj.put("displayName", resources.getMessage(clientLocale,
jsonObj = new JSONObject();
jsonObj.put("field", "Version");


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

jsonObj.put("displayName", resources.getMessage(clientLocale,
jsonResultSet.addMagazineColumn(new JSONResultSetColumn("content", "100%",
"content", fieldsToDisplay, null));

public static boolean ifCE52OrAbove(ObjectStore os) {

boolean result = false;
if (os != null) {
String schema = os.getProperties().getStringValue("SchemaVersion");
int index = schema.indexOf(".");
if (index < 0) {
index = schema.length();
String mainNumber = schema.substring(0, index);
if (Integer.parseInt(mainNumber) >= 18) {
result = true;
return result;

Appendix C. Core code for the custom search plug-in project



Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Appendix D.

Additional material
This book refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the Internet
as described in the following sections.

Locating the web material

The web material associated with this book is available in softcopy on the
Internet from the IBM Redbooks web server. Point your web browser at:
Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks website at:
Select the Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with
the IBM Redbooks form number, SG24-8055.

Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


Using the web material

The additional web material that accompanies this book includes the following
File name

Compressed code samples
Previous version of this IBM Redbooks publication

System requirements for downloading the web material

The web material requires the following system configuration:
Hard disk space:

20 MB minimum

Downloading and extracting the web material

Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and extract the contents of the
web material from the .zip file into this folder.


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Related publications
The publications listed in this section are considered particularly suitable for a
more detailed discussion of the topics covered in this book.

IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide additional information about
the topic in this document. Note that some publications referenced in this list
might be available in softcopy only.
Advanced Case Management with IBM Case Manager, SG24-7929
IBM Content Analytics Version 2.2: Discovering Actionable Insight from Your
Content, SG24-7877
IBM FileNet Content Manager Implementation Best Practices and
Recommendations, SG24-7547
IBM FileNet P8 Platform and Architecture, SG24-7667
Understanding IBM FileNet Records Manager, SG24-7623 (IBM FileNet
Records Manager is currently known as IBM Enterprise Records)
You can search for, view, download or order these documents and other
Redbooks, Redpapers, Web Docs, draft and additional materials, at the following

Online resources
These websites are also relevant as further information sources:
IBM Content Manager with IBM Content Navigator:

IBM Content Manager OnDemand with IBM Content Navigator:


IBM FileNet Content Manager with IBM Content Navigator:


Copyright IBM Corp. 2012, 2014. All rights reserved.


Hardware and software requirements for IBM Content Navigator:


IBM Content Navigator public forum:


IBM Content Navigator publication library:


A complete Java API reference:

A complete JavaScript API reference:
Rational Application Developer Version 9:
WebSphere Application Server Version 8:
WebSphere Application Server Version 8.5:
IBM Worklight Version 6.0.0:

Help from IBM

IBM Support and downloads
IBM Global Services


Customizing and Extending IBM Content Navigator

Customizing and Extending

IBM Content Navigator

(1.0 spine)
460 <-> 788 pages

Back cover

Customizing and Extending

IBM Content Navigator

extension points and

IBM Content Navigator provides a unified user interface for your

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solutions. It also
provides a robust development platform so you can build
customized user interface and applications to deliver value and
an intelligent, business-centric experience.

Create an action,
service, feature, and
custom step

This IBM Redbooks publication guides you through the Content

Navigator platform, its architecture, and the available
programming interfaces. It describes how you can configure and
customize the user interface with the administration tools
provided, and how you can customize and extend Content
Navigator using available development options with sample
code. Specifically, the book shows how to set up a development
environment, and develop plug-ins that add an action, service,
and feature to the user interface. Customization topics include
implementing request and response filters, external data
services (EDS), creating custom step processors, and using
Content Navigator widgets in other applications. This book also
covers mobile development, viewer customization, component
deployment, and debugging and troubleshooting.

Use widgets in apps,

mobile development,
and more

This book is intended for IT architects, application designers and

developers working with IBM Content Navigator and IBM ECM
products. It offers a high-level description of how to extend and
customize IBM Content Navigator and also more technical
details of how to do implementations with sample code.


IBM Redbooks are developed by
the IBM International Technical
Support Organization. Experts
from IBM, Customers and
Partners from around the world
create timely technical
information based on realistic
scenarios. Specific
recommendations are provided
to help you implement IT
solutions more effectively in
your environment.

For more information:


ISBN 0738439215

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