Sakralna Topografija Negotinske Krajine PDF
Sakralna Topografija Negotinske Krajine PDF
Sakralna Topografija Negotinske Krajine PDF
Nenad Makuljevi
Nenad Makuljevi
of Zajear were published, which also included the churches from Negotin Krajina.5
As its works were very important, the eccle-
the northern wall on the left, then in the concave middle field three exquisitely individuali-
by the traces of colour in the mortar and the Vodica and Tismana. His relics are situated in
outer wall.10 Kanitzs description shows that the Tismana Monastery, which is how saint
the order of frescoes followed the medieval Nikodim got his name Tismanski (of Tismaprogram in the decoration of the church. This na). He played a particularly important role in
finds particular confirmation in the note on the history of Serbia, when he effected a truce
the western wall, where the composition of between the Serbian Church and the Patriarthe Ascension of the Mother of God is ren- chy of Constantinople at the time of Prince
A large cemetery surrounding the church in
During his stay on the territory of todays
Korogla has been preserved to present day. Krajina, Saint Nikodim founded two monasThe position of this church was very impor- teries. These are the Manastirica Monastery15
tant in local folk tradition. According to one of and, most probably, Vratna.16 Saint Nikodim
the stories, this is where Marko Kraljevic died kovic, who believed the church had dated from the 15th
after the Battle of Rovine. Another legend said
that the church had flown over from the sinful country of Wallachia, whereas according
to yet another one the church in Korogla was
erected by Emperor Duan in memory of one
of his dukes who died fighting the Bulgarians.11 The Korogla Monastery was in ruins,12
10 . , , , .
II, 1987, 471.
11 . . , ,
104, 107; . , , ,
. II, 469.
12 The Korogla Monastery was visited by D. Bos-
century: . ,
, .. I ( 1950),
13 . , , ,
: :
, .
, 1998, 218.
14 On Saint Nikodim Tismanski: . ,
XIV XV , in:
, ,
1971, 308309.
15 On Manastirica see: . ,
1445. 1586. ,
( 1993-1994), 206207.
On the Vratna Monastery see: . ,
1586. , 206.
Nenad Makuljevi
practiced his anchoretic life in the immediate belonged to the county of Vidin19 and Vidin
vicinity of the Vratna Monastery, on a highly Metropolitanate, which also influenced speinaccessible place, near the natural stone arch cific characteristics of ecclesiastic life.20
known as the gate. This is where we can find
Numerous sources testify of the ecclesiasthe remains of the original hermitage church, tic culture and sacral topography of Negotin
the cell of Saint Nikodim.17 The location of the Krajina at the time of the Ottoman rule. Apart
hermitage shows that a monk hesychast prac- from very few preserved churches, there are
ticed his anchoretic life there, showing the
strength of his faith and devotion through the
choice of this dangerous place out of reach.
The Vratna Monastery was founded at the foot
of the gate. The church of the Vratna Monastery was refurbished several times. In the 19th
century there was an inscription on it about
the construction of the church and about its
founder Duke erban: erban Voda Desturca
Krajina gained a special position and autonomy. Local Christian administrators, called
kneevi princes, in Krajina were hereditary
rulers, and there was only a minimal number
of present Ottomans. Since the second half
of the 15th century the territory of Krajina
17 . ,
, 29
( 2005), 7174.
18 ,
198199; . , , ,
. II, 461.
20 On Vidin Metropolitanate see: . ,
. XLIX (2002), ( 2003), 163181.
21 The remains of this church were visited by ure
Bokovi: . ,
, .. I ( 1950),
22 The Monastery of The Holy Trinity was mentioned
in the year 1560: . ,
1445. 1586. , 208209.
23 . ,
1445. 1586., 208.
24 . Bokovi saw two layers of frescoes in Bukovo.
In his opinion, the younger layer belonged to the restoration from the end of the 17th century: . ,
vious confirmation in the presence of hegu- important spiritual center, where priests were
menos Mihail Deanac. The patron of the educated.
painting was Simon Prince (knez) of Trnjane,
The construction and decoration of
who was a member of the highest social class Orthodox churches followed the developin the Ottoman Empire.
A partial description of the old church in
Bukovo can be discerned from the notes of
hegumenos Prokopije Bujii, a sometime
hegumenos of the Banja Monastery and one
of the leaders of the uprising against the Ottomans in Polimlje and Stari Vlah.27 He noted
25 ,
1895, 198.
26 . . , ,
1876, 957.
27 The description of Prokopije Bujiis personality can be found: . , ,
Nenad Makuljevi
there was a common church shared by the
villages of Bukove and Kobinica, devoted
to St Gregory the Theologian Sveti Grigorije
Bogoslov. In mid 18th century, both of these
places moved to other locations, when a
church was built in the new village of Bukove.
This church was used until around 1817-1820.
Nicholas Sveti Nikola in Kobinica. According ied near the church in the year 1813.
to the annals, the church in Bukove was built
In the first decades of the 19th century,
from wooden blocks, covered with bulrush. between the period of the Serbian uprisings
There was also a cemetery in this old church and Krajinas mergence with Serbia, a number
place.30 The church in Kobinica was also of churches were built and painted. During
built from the same material. These churches
were used until the year 1850.
What also testifies of the more favourable
position of the Christians on the territory of
30 Ibid. 212.
31 Some of the monumental crosses were placed in
the port of the Old Church in Negotin, where during
the eighties of the 20th century the Museum of Krajina
formed a lapidarium.
32 . , , , .
II, 469.
. ,
, in this book.
41 . , , in
this book.
42 . , , in this
43 . ,
, in this book.
44 . , 1798-1848, 92.
45 . , 1830-1839,
2004, 3335.
46 On the Eparchy of Timok see: . ,
, . LII ( 2005), 257272; .
, 1836,
, Miscellanea XXVIII ( 2007),
Nenad Makuljevi
the fourth decade of the 19th century, eccle- became one of the numerous sacral construcsiastic practice in Negotin Krajina was gradu- tions serving Knez Milos ruling propaganda
ally coordinated with the practices in other and commemorating his political successes.49
parts of the Serbian state, and bishops of the
Due to the privileges it had in the 18th cenEparchy of Timok had a prominent role in this tury, Negotin Krajina was one of the territoprocess.
ries with a greater number of churches in the
The annexation of Krajina to the Principa- Principality of Serbia. This was also recognized
lity of Serbia was also marked by Prince
Milos involvement in patronage and propaganda. This was particularly emphasized in
Mihajlovac. Namely, Prince Milo managed
there were churches in Brza Palanka, Mihajlovac, Mala Kamenica, Prahovo, Danjevo,
Slatina, Urovica, Jabukovac, Plavna, Malajnica,
tubik, Popovica, Trnjane, Radujevac, Srbovlah
annexation of Krajina and other areas torn off 49 On Prince Milos propaganda and his patronage
Serbia.48 In this way the church in Mihajlovac of Orthodox churches, see: . ,
47 . . , ,
1924, 98100.
. . ,
, . 22, - 1926, 147.
- ,
: ,
2000, 283293.
M.. ,
, 1868, 162.
. . , i i ,
V (
1853), 237239, 243245, 248, 251.
that it was already in the middle of the century of Timok, was buried next to this church
that the sacral visual culture of Krajina started in 1854, and on that occasion, the body of
to accept the current norms of church archi- Hajduk Veljko was also found there.56
The ecclesiastic life in the Principality of
tecture of the Principality of Serbia.
During the 19 century, some powerful Serbia implied acceptance and implementalocal customs still modeled the religious life
in Krajina. Thus, in this area, as well as in the
neighbouring county of Vidin,54 sacred stone
landmarks with visual decoration and inscrip-
tion zapisi were put up to surround the territory of a particular village. These landmarks
had different dimensions, and they could be
very monumental. They contained a dedica-
. , - , 213.
53 . . , i i , 244.
54 Compare with: . ,
, :
1956 , 1958, 192, 198, 202, 245.
55 M. . ,
, 174175.
56 Ibid. 175.
57 . ,
1882-1914, 2834.
58 See:
XV, 1863, 112114;
: . ,
Nenad Makuljevi
Apart from the state and law regulations,
churches was controlled by representatives
of the state and the church alike. Abidance what also influenced ecclesiastical art in
by the legal norms and understanding of Negotin Krajina was its geographical position.
the Byzantine style influenced both the form Throughout history geography has always
and the decoration of Orthodox churches. affected the possibilities of cultural connecDuring the seventh decade, the acceptance tions, artists mobility or distribution of cultural
of the Byzantine style meant usage of Byzan- goods.64 The ecclesiastical art in Negotin Kratine decorative elements, and not necessarily
acceptance of medieval architectural forms.59
As a result, all over Serbia and even on the
territory of Negotin Krajina churches were
Neo-Byzantine decorative plastics were built Nestor Trajkovi-Trajkov, i.e. Trajanov son of
in tubik 1868-1872,60 Jabukovac 1868-1876,61 the woodcarver Trajan Negriev from Galicnik.
Prahovo,62 Mokranj, Kobinica63 and Rogljevo. In the second half of the 19th century he had a
1882-1914, considerable painterly opus on the territory of
See: . ,
1882-1914, 220-221.
60 The first project of the church in tubik was made
by D. Milutinovic. See: . -,
, 1978, 94;
. , , in this
61 . , , in this book.
62 . ,
, in this book.
63 The plan of the church in Kobinica was made in
the Ministry of Constructions: . ,
2000, 14.
69 See:
, .
70 . , 17911848, 262.
71 See: . ,
, 225231, 239240.
72 On the Jakic family of painters: . , ,
1 (
1965), 267286.
73 On the icons by Simeon and Arsenije Jakic in
the Old Church in Negotin and Popovica see: , 272; . ,
1791-1848, 244; . , , in this book;
Nenad Makuljevi
most probably brought to Krajina later. At the so the Jerusalem icons can now be found in
time when they were made, zographs domi- the churches in Vidrovac, Tamni,76 Popovica,77
nated the art of icon-painting in Krajina. In the as well as in the Old Church in Negotin.78 An
offertory inscriptions on the icons from Popo- icon showing oblation and patronal practice,
vica it is stated that they were originally done which was connected to the political state
of affairs of the mid 19th century, is the one
for the church in Veliko Gradite.74
Since its annexation to Serbia, there were with The Last Supper from Radujevac (image
many Serbian icon painters in Krajina, and
the painted programs of altar partitions and
offertory strategies were in accordance with
the general trends of sacral visual culture of
the Principality of Serbia. One of the earliest that Prince Milo put his foot on the Serbian
zographs paintings from the Principality is ground, this icon testifies of the embracement
the iconostasis of the Bukovo Monastery from of the new government, and of a personal
the year 1837. The icons on this altar partition
were, according to the note on the back of
the altar icon of the Mother of God, painted
by Milija Markovi, ivko Pavlovi and Ivan
Markovi .
act of the director of Bihela came from a wide
In Krajina oblation was practiced both as a range of political usages of sacral visual culshow of private piety and as part of the public ture in the Principality of Serbia.
promotion of ones own political stances. An
During the second half of the 19th cenimportant form of private piety was a pilgri- tury, renowned Serbian painters also worked
mage to the Holy Land, and memorabilia like in Krajina. Steva Todorovic, together with his
the Jerusalem icon.75 The Jerusalem icon is a
complex composition showing the most important events from ecclesiastical history and
places of pilgrimage. It seems that during the
second half of the 19th century there was an
increase in the number of pilgrims from Krajina,
, in this book.
74 . ,
, 272.
75 See: . ,
, in:
, . . , 2006, 807837.
2930 ( 1993-1994), 129142.
82 1839-1989, .
, 1989, 127.
83 . -, : , 2003.;
1839-1924. , . , 2003, 153235.
84 . -, : , 414.
. -, : ,414; . ,
, in
this book.
86 . , , in
this book.
87 . , , in this book.
Church in Negotin.92
One of the most important feats in the organization of sacred topography of Negotin
Krajina, together with the act of total compliance with the current trends in ecclesiastical
. ,
, in this book.
89 , x y, !Wli
90 . , 17911848, 370, 418419.
91 Ibid., 371.
On Jovan Nikoli and his opus: . ,
, in print.
Nenad Makuljevi
art of the Principality of Serbia, was the erec- Grocka and Loznica. This was supposed to
tion of the new Cathedral Church in Negotin. indicate that the plan of the church was made
The construction of the new church was ini- in the Principality, and that it came from the
tialized with the abandonment of the idea Ministry of Constructions. The new church
that Negotin should move to another, better in Negotin was different from other similar
and healthier location, on Danube. In the churches in the consistent neo-classicistic
preparation of the building of a new Nego- work on the faades.97 The architects choice
tin, Dragutin Milutinovic made a developed
urban plan and projects for a number of public constructions, including the monument to
Hajduk Veljko Petrovic and the new church.93
The Cathedral Church in Negotin was built
owing to bishop Evgenije, who initialized its
construction around 1868, but the supervisor
cal location, next to Hajduk Veljkos powder fore, in the immediate vicinity of the church,
magazine. The process of construction lasted there stood the monument to Prince Milo,
until 1874, and the church was consecrated in made by the sculptor ordje Jovanovi.100
the year 1876.96
Special attention will be devoted to the
The new Cathedral Church in Negotin was
of monumental dimensions, according to
the project of the author which has not been
ascertained. The concept of the new church
of Negotin was similar to the bases of the
churches in Azanja, Smederevska Palanka,
93 . , 1859.
1940, . 2, 1980, 126128.
94 Ibid., 131132.
95 . , XIX ,
2006, 400.
96 , 9 (
decoration of the Cathedral Church in Negotin. The painting of the iconostasis was originally entrusted to Pavle ortanovi, a local
97 See: . , XIX
, 402.
98 On usage of neo-classicistic architecture and its
symbolic meaning in Serbian ecclesiastical architecture: . ,
, 2006, 4546.
99 See: . ,
, 2006, 375385.
100 On the monument to Prince Milo: . ,
: , 117415.
kovo Monastery. In the middle of the century writing ecclesiastical, i.e. spiritual literature,
the location and the property of the Bukovo also thinking through the problems of eccleMonastery were quite distinguished: it is siastical icon-painting. A part of his polemics
well positioned, among beautiful springs, with
an old church, large property; when it is quiet
the bells can be heard even in Negotin, and
so can the bells from Negotin be heard here,
At the time of Episcopal service of bishop
Melentije, laws and regulations on construction of Orthodox churches were fully
followed.105 At the end of the 19th century,
construction of Orthodox churches in Negotin
Melentije, the bishop of Timok, played an made in the Ministry of Constructions, and
important role in the organization of the ecclesiastic life of Negotin Krajina at the end of 103 . , -
. . , i i ,
Ibid., 239.
(1882-1914), 6264.
104 . , (1882-1914), 6263.
105 On legal regulations of ecclesiastical art in the
Kingdom of Serbia: . ,
1882-1914, 28-34.
Nenad Makuljevi
standard solutions were dominant. They ceptions was the church in Jasenica in 1895.113
In bishop Melentijes report for the
were performed by Svetozar Ivakovi, in
compliance with architectural poetics of Episcopal council from 1901, he spoke about
Theophil Hansen. Following Ivakovis plan as the influence exerted by the Ministry of Conwell as the standard ones, they made the plan struction and his dissatisfaction with the sent
of the church in Tamni,106 and most probably plans: the plans for all consecrated churches
plans of the churches in Urovica, ubra,107 were drafted in the Ministry of Constructions.
Sala, Reka,108 Duanovac109 and Vidrovac.110
The basic model for these buildings was close
to the draft of the church in lna. The proposal of the solution for these churches was
given by Svetozar Ivakovi, and the plan was that the suggestion could not be taken since
made by Jovan Ilki and Aleksandar Bugarski. in that case churches would be much more
Ivakovi gave an explanation for his form of expensive. And even though I acknowledged
an ordinary prayer house, like a simple long
house, without a dome.111 From the Ministry,
they also sent the plan for the church in Radujevac, according to the project of the architect Duan ivanovi.112 This plan, identical to
the plan of the church in Trstenik, was one of
the reason behind their decision, I still maintained that the closed wooden domes should
be built and that the plans should follow the
sketch of the Church of St Sava in Vraar. The
122 . ,
, in this book.
123 . ,
, in this book.
124 . ,
, in this book.
125 . , (1882-1914), 6264.
126 . ,
, in this book.
Nenad Makuljevi
and a great number of churches from the 19th shaped throughout the past centuries, todays
century, only few churches were built and structure of sacral topography has been ordecorated at this time.
ganized into the Episcopal Deanery of NegoBetween the two world wars, Orthodox
churches continued to be built in Negotin
Krajina. At this time churches were built in
Samarinovac and arkamen.127 The church in
arkamen was designed in 1927 in Serbian-Byzantine style, which was dominant in the
Serbian architecture of that time. The iconostasis of the church was painted in 1933 by the
Russian emigrant Stefan Ljisuk.128 Since at that