Industrial Development in India During The British Rule
Industrial Development in India During The British Rule
Industrial Development in India During The British Rule
Finance is the prime maker of growth. Anyway, capital for industry and
entrepreneurial zeal were severely and conspicuously scarce in India
when the East India Company (1600-1874) stepped into this country.
It was very difficult to raise capital on private initiative in the days of the
Company rule and, thereafter, because of damped forces of demand and
supply capital remained shy.
Naturally, under the circumstance, the state is supposed to act as a
godfather for promoting and financing industries. Since India was under
the British rule for almost 200 years (1757-1947), the British
Government, found it unprofitable and unnecessary to go for
industrialization in India. However, imperialist capital came in this
country as a matter of colonial policythe policy of subordination of
Indian to British capital. It was only after the First World War (19141918), that state patronage for industrial development was visible as
Britains supremacy all over the globe came under serious threat.
Against this backdrop, a new pattern was evolved to overcome the
obstacles of (i) shortage of entrepreneurship; (ii) non-availability of,
mainly, venture capital; and (iii) dearth of managerial skill and
This new pattern of industrial organisation that evolved came to be
known as the Managing Agency System (MAS)a peculiar business
entity in the early years of the nineteenth century. Before we embark
upon this form of industrial organisation, we will make a brief review of
the industrial development during the British rule.
Early Efforts of Industrialisation:
Modern industry or the large-scale industry is a mid-19th century phenomenon. Before the British conquest, Indias supremacy in the industrial
field reached its high watermarkIndia was called the industrial
workshop of the world during the 17th and 18th centuries. Demand for
Indian cotton goods in England during this time was unprecedented.
But her industrial supremacy started crumbling when the English cotton
industry raised its head rapidly by the mid-18th century.
Two important developments of this were:
(i) The beginning of the era of industrial revolution in England around
1750 and
(ii) The battle of Plassey in 1757 that established the Company (foreign)
As soon as the battle was won, the foreign ruler started abusing both
economic and political power in an un-sympathetic and hostile way.
Under pressure from the powerful rising English manufacturing
interests, EIC dealt a severe blow to Indian industries that led to final
extinctionthe phase of Indias deindustrialization. Now the cycle
turned inside out. It employed the arm of political injustice on Indian
products (one-way free trade) to strangulate a competitor with whom she
could not contend on equal terms.
The last nail in the coffin was hammered in 1813 when the trading
monopoly of the EIC was withdrawn. It was the political domination and
the commercial policy of Britain that threw open India to all. India now
suddenly was reduced to an importing country from an exporting nation.
Indian market now became flooded with machine-produced goods at a
lower price and also witnessed the loss of export markets. Further
tragedy was in store.
Being a colonial country, she had to pay a large sum for Englands
industrialization scheme. India was forced to supply raw materials for
triggering industrial revolution with greater rapidity in England. India
was then forcibly transformed from being a country of combined
Even then, one can safely conclude that during 1850-1914, the
foundations of modern industries were laid in India.
Meanwhile, the outbreak of the First World War exposed the weakness
of Britains strategic position in the East as India had been deprived to
develop the most elementary basis of modern industry. In order to
impress upon the Indian people and the (industrial) bourgeoisie, Britain
granted some political and economic concessions, particularly future
industrialisation during the War and immediately after the War.
As the issue of tariff protection crept into the heads of Indians, the
British Government appointed the Industrial Commission in 1916 and
assured that industrialisation efforts would henceforth continue with
utmost sincerity. Unfortunately, industrialisation scheme as prepared by
the Industrial Commission ultimately came to nothing.
However, during the war-period, industries like cotton and jute made
much headway. Steel industry also experienced substantial growth.
Consumer goods industries like chemicals, cement, fertilisers, mineral
acids, etc., for which India depended on foreign countries, also
progressed during the War.
However, such prosperity of Indian industries was not a long-lasting
one. Above all, promises made by the foreign ruler remained, however,
unaddressedas usual. On the contrary, faced by the intense foreign
competition, Indian industries in the mid- 19205 demanded protection in
an unwavering manner. To this end, the Fiscal Commission was
appointed in 1921 that ushered in a policy of discriminating protection.
This was indeed a belated response to repeated demand made by the
Indians from at least since the 1880s. The policy definitely helped some
industries to develop. But the end result was rather a haphazard
development of certain industries and not general economic
development as such. In 1936, The Economist observed Indias
industrialisation effort: Although India has begun to modernise her
industries, it can hardly be said that she is as yet being industrialised.
On the whole, during the inter-war period, output of cotton piece goods,
steel ingots, paper, etc., increased substantially. Many other industries
also progressed even in terms of employment and the number of
factories. But as far as diversification was concerned, it was indeed slow
and the state of transformation of the economy was only marginal.
Industries during 1939-47:
The Second World War, however, opened a new phase in Indias
industrial history. As the character of the World War II was different
from that of the First, the latter created a far more urgent and intense
demand for the rapid growth of Indias basic and key industries. Against
the backdrop of this favoured ambience of industrial development and
the near-cessation of imports due to war operations, Indian industries
somehow came to take pleasure in having a quasi- monopoly situation in
the home market.
As a result, not only industrial output of large scale industries expanded
significantly, but also a more widening of the industrial diversification
became possible during the war-time years. During 1938-39 and 194546, the general index of output of all large scale manufacturing activity
(at 1938-39 prices) rose from 100 to 161.6 and that of factory
employment increased from 100 to 159.
Despite this headway, Indias manufacturing before independence
displayed many frailties. Firstly, India did not possess capital goods
industries worth the name. This, therefore, hampered her potentiality to
reproduce its existing productive capacity. Secondly, import dependence
of the Indian manufacturing sector was enormous.
Thirdly, possession of technical skill and institutes offering technical
education were virtually negligible. Industrial development is largely
conditioned by the stock of human capitalthe stock of scientific and
technical cadre. India was still a country denied to grow by the apathetic
foreign government.
However, the prospect for industrial development in India after independence must not be undermined as she had already constructed enough
possibilities for industrial development.
Reasons for Low Industrial Development in India:
In this connection, it is better to point out some reasons behind the low
level of industrial development in India.
It was the result of:
(i) Inadequate capital accumulation;
(ii) Mobilisation of unproductive investment; (Keynes castigated
inordinate love for liquidity of Indians. Male people were desirous of
seeing jewellery in the neck of their female counterparts);
(iii) Undue preference for quick-return yielding commerce and trading
activities of the Indian capitalist classes; and
(iv) Concentration of entrepreneurship in the hands of a few small
sections of Indians.
In addition, shortage of capital goods and absence of skilled personnel
also acted as drag on Indias industrial development.
Though these acted as strong depressants, colonial status
seemed to be the most strong stumbling block for Indias
drive for industrialisation. Above all, the contribution of
the British Government towards Indias industrialisation
was minimal before 1916, that is, before the
establishment of the Industrial Commission. The
industrial policy of the imperial power could be described
as a case of too little and too late. Industrial Policy of
British in India
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Read this article to learn about the industrial policy of British in India !
To understand the British Industrial policy, pre-independence industrial
development of India can be divided in three periods.
We are describing the accounts of these periods as follows:
Period I (1850-1914):
Industrial development was to a great extent a by-product of certain
interrelated developments like improved transport and communications,
growth of foreign trade and consequent accumulation of commercial
Railway building and maintenance had effects more far reaching than
the opening up of the interior and exposing agriculture to the market
economy. It released some of the latent potentialities for industrial
The major features of industrial development in India during this period
were as follows:
(i) The decline traditional handicrafts paved the way for the
transformation of the Indian economy. Despite many difficulties, a better
state of affairs was discernible so far as industrial activities were
concerned. Educated Indian was becoming more and more eager to take
to technical education. Capital was overcoming its proverbial shyness.
Steam was fast replacing manual power and serious attempts were made
to start new industries.
(ii) The beginning of joint-stock enterprise was made but the progress
was slow.
(iii) The development of towns contributed immensely to the growth of
the leading industries of India. Railway construction was a powerful
factor determining the growth of towns in India.
(iv) The progress of industrial enterprises in India was linked up with the
political movements at home and abroad. The American Civil War, the
Crimean War, the Swadeshi Movement, etc., all facilitated the industrial
development of the country. Not only was there no planned effort at
industrialisation, but the British Government also adopted, by and large,
a hostile attitude to industrial growth.
(v) The industrial development of the country was greatly stimulated by
the opening up of the Suez Canal in 1869 and by the network of railways
which opened up the interior to trade. The improvement of an oceanic
industrial expansion after the war. The partition left India with nearly the
entire industry of undivided India.
Major Modern Industries:
The industrial revolution brought forth the need for developing
industries on modern lines. In order to develop British industries it was
essential to transform Indian infrastructure too. As part of it changes
were introduced in agriculture and railways were developed.
Railways were developed with the initiative of Lord Dalhousie in 1853.
The Company laid the railway lines in the country to export from the
interiors to ports and vice versa to reach out the imports to the markets
in the remote regions of India. Railways helped in making possible
production for a market and opening up the interior to large-scale operations.
The encouragement to cash crops led to the growth of plantation
economy wherein profitable crops were especially cultivated for
marketing purposes. Among the industries that were made possible by
the railways was the cotton mill industry.
The first successful Indian cotton mill started in 1853 in Bombay. Later
cotton mills were established at Sholapur. Ahmedabad and Madras.
Likewise jute was cultivated was a cash crop and the first jute mill was
set up in 1855 in Rishra in Bengal followed by many such mills.
The British also encouraged the infrastructure industries. They were
aware that cheap labour was easily available in India and this was a
potential they could exploit. Also the procurement of raw materials and
mineral resources from India made it necessary to develop these
industries in India too. The first iron and mill was set up in the Jharia
coal mines area in 1873. Similarly other industries such as glass, paper,
leather industry were set up by the British Government in India for
serving their own purposes.
5. The Madras Labour Union founded in 1918 by B.P Wadia was the
first modern-trade union organisation in India.
6. The All-India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) was founded by
nationalist leaders on 31 October 1920. The first session of the Congress
organised at Bombay was presided over by Lala Lajpat Rai and Dewan
Chaman Lal was its general secretary. The Gaya session of the Congress
(1922) adopted a resolution enabling party workers to participate in
trade union activities. In 1926, the Trade Union Act was enacted which
gave legal status to the trade union and laid down conditions for
registration and regulation of trade union activities.
7. With the growing communist influence in AITUC from 1925
onwards, the moderate groups under N.M. Joshi withdrew from the
AITUC and formed the All India Trade Union Federation (AITUF) in
8. The Whitley Commission on Labour or the Royal Commission on
labour under the chairmanship of Whitley, was set up in 1929 to inquire
into the existing conditions of labour in industrial undertakings and
plantations in India. The commission submitted its report in 1931.
9. M.N. Roy, the communist-turned-Radical Democratic leader seceded
from the AITUC and formed a pro-Government union called the Indian
Federation of Labour. In 1944, national leaders led by Sardar Vallabhai
Patel organised the Indian National Trade Union Congress.