Shear Wall
Shear Wall
Shear Wall
Chapter 1
Shear walls are vertical elements of the horizontal force resisting system. Shear walls
are constructed to counter the effects of lateral load acting on a structure. These walls
generally start at the foundation level and are continuous throughout the building
height. In residential construction, shear walls are straight external walls that typically
form a box which provides all of the lateral support for the building. Due to the
increase in construction of tall and slender structures, the effects of lateral loads like
wind loads, earthquake loads have attained considerable importance.
Under the earthquake resistant building design, the orientation of these walls in
building plans is done such that lateral displacements under earthquake loads are
reduced. Structures made of shear walls have high lateral strength, and also have the
capability to resist the seismic force, wind forces and through adoption of various
ground improvement techniques they even can be build on soils of weak bases. The
strength parameters and effectiveness to bare horizontal loads is very high and also
when the economical aspect is considered the quickness in construction process is
higher. Though these types of constructions have their origin in western nations in
early 90s, this ideology has changed rapidly and spread all over the world with in no
time. The form work used in this type of construction is of a new kind in Indian
construction scenario.
In building construction, a rigid vertical diaphragm capable of transferring lateral
forces from exterior walls, floors, and roofs to the ground foundation in a direction
parallel to their planes. Lateral forces caused by wind, earthquake, and uneven
settlement loads, in addition to the weight of structure and occupants; create powerful
twisting (torsion) forces. These forces can literally tear (shear) a building apart.
Reinforcing a frame by attaching or placing a rigid wall inside it maintains the shape
of the frame and prevents rotation at the joints
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Chapter 2
Anshul Sud Raghav Singh et al. (2014) [1]: Effect of Different Shear Wall
Configurations on Seismic Response of A Moment-Resisting Frame
Under this study, a five-storey RC building located in seismic zone-V is considered
with four shear walls. Five various configurations of shear walls: bare frame, shear
wall symmetrically placed at exterior bays, at core and adjacently placed in exterior
of the building, is considered. These frames are analyzed for seismic forces to assess
performance in terms of base shear, storey drift, member forces and joint
displacements. Based on such results, the best placement of shear walls in building
plan is suggested.
P. P. Chandurkar et al (2010) [2]: Seismic Analysis of RCC Building with and
Without Shear Wall
Objective of the study is to determine the solution for shear wall location in multistorey building. Effectiveness of shear wall has been studied with the help of four
different models. Model one is bare frame structural system and other three models
are dual type structural system. An earthquake load is applied to a building of ten
stories located in zone II, zone III, zone IV and zone V. Parameters like Lateral
displacement, story drift and total cost required for ground floor are calculated in both
the cases replacing column with shear wall. It was observed that the shear wall is
economical and effective in high rise building. Also observed that
1. Changing the position of shear wall will affect the attraction of forces, so that wall
must be in proper position.
2. If the dimensions of shear wall are large then major amount of horizontal forces are
taken by shear wall.
Wakchaure M.R et al. (2012) [3]: Earthquake Analysis of High Rise Building
with and without in filled Walls
The effect of masonry walls on the response of RC frames subjected to seismic action
is analyzed. Linear dynamic analysis on high rise building with different arrangement
is carried out. For the analysis G+9 R.C.C. framed building is modeled. Earthquake
time history is applied to the models. The width of strut is calculated by using
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Chapter 3
Shear walls are not only designed to resist gravity / vertical loads (due to its selfweight and other living / moving loads), but they are also designed for lateral loads of
earthquakes/wind. The walls are structurally integrated with roofs / floors
(diaphragms) and other lateral walls running across at right angles, thereby giving the
three dimensional stability for the building structures. Shear wall structural systems
are more stable. Because, their supporting area (total cross- sectional area of all shear
walls) with reference to total plans area of building, is comparatively more, unlike in
the case of RCC framed structures. Walls have to resist the uplift forces caused by the
pull of the wind. Walls have to resist the shear forces that try to push the walls over.
Walls have to resist the lateral force of the wind that tries to push the walls in and pull
them away from the building.
Shear walls are quick in construction, as the method adopted to construct is
concreting the members using formwork.
Shear walls doesnt need any extra plastering or finishing as the wall itself gives such
a high level of precision, that it doesnt require plastering.
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Chapter 4
Generally, shear walls are subdivided based on the material of construction selected
in due consideration for the design requirements as follows
RC Shear Wall
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Chapter 5
Shear walls resist two types of forces: shear forces and uplift forces. Shear forces are
generated in stationary buildings by accelerations resulting from ground movement
and by external forces like wind and waves. This action creates shear forces
throughout the height of the wall between the top and bottom shear wall connections.
Uplift forces exist on shear walls because the horizontal forces are applied to the top
of the wall. These uplift forces try to lift up one end of the wall and push the other
end down. In some cases, the uplift force is large enough to tip the wall over. Uplift
forces are greater on tall short walls and less on low long walls. Bearing walls have
less uplift than non-bearing walls because gravity loads on shear walls help them
resist uplift. Shear walls need hold down devices at each end when the gravity loads
cannot resist all of the uplift. The hold down device then provides the necessary uplift
Shear walls should be located on each level of the structure including the crawl space.
To form an effective box structure, equal length shear walls should be placed
symmetrically on all four exterior walls of the building. Shear walls should be added
to the building interior when the exterior walls cannot provide sufficient strength and
stiffness. Shear walls are most efficient when they are aligned vertically and are
supported on foundation walls or footings. When exterior shear walls do not provide
sufficient strength, other parts of the building will need additional strengthening.
Consider the common case of an interior wall supported by a sub floor over a crawl
space and there is no continuous footing beneath the wall. For this wall to be used as
shear wall, the sub floor and its connections will have to be strengthened near the
wall. For Retrofit work, existing floor construction is not easily changed. Thats the
reason why most retrofit work uses walls with continuous footings underneath them
as shear walls.
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Chapter 6
Most RC buildings with shear walls also have columns, these columns primarily carry
gravity loads (i.e., those due to self-weight and contents of building). Shear walls
provide large strength and stiffness to buildings in the direction of their orientation,
which significantly reduces lateral sway of the building and thereby reduces damage
to structure and its contents.
Since shear walls carry large horizontal earthquake forces, the overturning effects on
them are large. Thus, design of their foundations requires special attention. Shear
walls should be provided along preferably both length and width. However, if they
are provided along only one direction, a proper grid of beams and columns in the
vertical plane (called a moment-resistant frame) must be provided along the other
direction to resist strong earthquake effects.
Door or window openings can be provided in shear walls, but their size must be small
to ensure least interruption to force flow through walls. Moreover, openings should be
symmetrically located. Special design checks are required to ensure that the net crosssectional area of a wall at an opening is sufficient to carry the horizontal earthquake
Shear walls in buildings must be symmetrically located in plan to reduce ill effects of
twist in buildings. They could be placed symmetrically along one or both directions in
plan. Shear walls are more effective when located along exterior perimeter of the
building such a layout increases resistance of the building to twisting
Chapter 7
Shear walls usually have a rectangular cross section, Figure-4. .When a wall is
provided monolithically between two columns, a barbell shape results. The columns
that are present at either ends of the wall are termed as "boundary elements'. They
increase the strength of the wall in flexure and shear significantly. Flanged wall
sections result due to intersecting walls.
Depending on the height-to-width ratio, a shear wall may behave as a slender wall, a
squat wall, or a combination of the two. Slender shear walls usually have a height-towidth ratio greater than 2. They behave like a vertical slender cantilever beam. The
primary mode of deformation is bending; shear formations are small and can be
neglected. Flexural strength usually governs the design of such walls. Squat shear
walls usually have a height-to-width ratio less than half. They show significant
amount of shear deformation as compared to bending deformation. Shear strength
usually governs the design of such walls.
During a severe earthquake, a shear wall that has very high strength may respond in a
fully elastic manner. However, it is uneconomical to construct such walls. Ideally,
Dept. of Civil Engineering, SCEM
Fracture of the main flexural reinforcement takes place due to low cycle fatigue
caused by alternate tensile yielding and inelastic compressive buckling of the bars.
The Bauschinger effect refers to a property of materials where the material's
stress/strain characteristics change as a result of the microscopic stress distribution of
the material. For example, an increase in tensile yield strength occurs at the expense
of compressive yield strength. Bauschinger effect also makes the compression steel
buckle earlier than in comparable monotonically loaded specimens. The provisions of
adequate transverse confining reinforcement to the main flexural reinforcement near
the outer edges of the wall and in boundary elements can delay the onset of buckling.
It will also contain the cracked concrete and prevent it from falling away, thereby
preventing loss of lateral support to the main flexural reinforcement. Failure due to
concrete crushing occurs when the crushing strain of concrete is exceeded in the
compression zone of the wall. This is usually accompanied by buckling of the main
flexural reinforcement. Wall sections are usually under- reinforced and so concrete
crushing is not expected. However, such a failure can occur in slender rectangular
walls that have a large percentage of vertical reinforcement and carry a large axial
load. Unsymmetrical wall sections, such as T, L, etc., are heavily stressed in the
compression zone and may also fail by this mode.
Dept. of Civil Engineering, SCEM
Failure due to sliding shear occurs when cracks that develop under reversed cyclic
loading intersect to form predominantly horizontal planes along which shear transfer
is lost after several cycles of inelastic loading. The tendency to fail in sliding shear
increases with an increase in nominal shear stress and with a reduction in axial
compression and height-to-width ratio of the wall. Provision of well confined vertical
boundary elements along the wall edges and the use of diagonal reinforcement in the
web will prevent this type of failure*.