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Nervous System

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more channels for K then the membrane

becomes more permeable to it.


The Resting Potential: Balance between two

An animal must be able to respond to

environmental stimuli. To accomplish these actions,
animals must have sensory receptors that can
detect the stimulus and motor effectors that can
respond to it.
The central nervous system is the command center

Parts of the nerve cell

Most neurons have the same functional architecture.

The Cell Body is an enlarged region containing the
nucleus. Extending from the cell body are one or more
cytoplasmic extensions called dendrites.
Motor and association neurons possess a profusion of
highly branched dendrites, enabling those cells to
receive information from many different sources
simultaneously. Some neurons have extensions called
dendritic spines that increase the surface area available
to receive stimuli.
The surface of the cell body integrates the information
arriving at its dendrites. If the resulting membrane
excitation is sufficient, it triggers the conduction of
impulses away from the cell body along an axon.

Three main types of neurons: Sensory Neurons, Interneurons, and

Motor Neurons

In vertebrates, sensory neurons (or afferent neurons)

carry impulses from sensory receptors to the Central
Nervous System (CNS) which is composed of the brain
and spinal cord.
Motor Neurons (or efferent neurons) carry impulses
from CNS to effectors muscles and glands.
Interneurons (or association neurons) are located in
the brain and spinal cord of vertebrates, where they help
provide more complex reflexes and higher
associative functions, including learning and memory.

The Peripheral Nervous System Collects

Information and Carries Responses
Sensory and Motor neurons constitute the Peripheral
Nervous System (PNS) in vertebrates.

Somatic Nervous System: composed of motor

neurons that stimulate skeletal muscles to
Autonomic Nervous System: composed of
motor neurons that regulate the activity of the
smooth muscles, cardiac muscles, and glands.
- Sympathetic autonomic: fight or flight
- Parasympathetic autonomic: rest and

Each neuron has a single axon leaving its cell body,

although an axon may also branch to stimulate a number
of cells.

Supporting Cells include Schwann Cells and

Neurons are supported both structurally and functionally
by support cells, collectively known as neuroglia. These
cells are one-tenth as big and 10x more numerous than
neurons and serve a variety of functions:

Supplying the neurons with nutrients

Removing wastes from neurons
Guiding axon migration
Providing Immune Functions

Two of the most important kinds of Neuroglia in

vertebrates are Schwann Cells and Oligodendrocytes.
These two cells produce myelin sheaths that surround
the axons of many neurons.

Schwann Cells: produces myelin sheaths in the

Oligodendrocytes: produces myelin sheaths in
the CNS

During development, these cells wrap themselves

around each axon several times until they form the
myelin sheath ! an insulating covering consisting of
multiple layers of compacted membrane.



Neuronal Function depends on the ability to create

an electric potential across the plasma membrane
and then alter this potential to propagate signals.
Since cells are aqueous solutions, electric charge is
carried by ions, and cells manipulate the
concentrations of a number of important ions
across the plasma membrane.
First, we must examine some of the basic electrical
properties common to the membrane of most
animal cells that produce a membrane potential,
then we see how neurons send signals (action
potentials) through changes in this potential along
an axon.
An electrical difference exists across the plasma
You know that ions can cross the cell membrane through
specialized membrane proteins called ion channels.
These ion channels are specific for different ions, such
as K or Na . And they can either be leakage channels
(open at all times) or gated channels (open in
response to stimulus)
Any separation of electric charges of opposite sign
represents an electric potential that is capable of doing
Cells maintain an electric potential across the plasma
membrane, in this case the interior of the membrane is
the negative pole, and the exterior is the positive pole.
The resting membrane potential of many vertebrate
neurons ranges from -40 to -90 millivolts.

The pump moves three Na outside for every two K

inside, which creates a small imbalance in cations
outside the cell.

The concentration gradients created by the pump are

significant in that the concentration of K is much higher
inside the cell than outside, leading to diffusion of K
through the K leakage channels.
Positive charge builds up outside the membrane and
negative charge inside the membrane. This electrical
potential is an attractive force pulling K ions back into
the cell. The balance between the diffusional force and
the electrical force produces an equilibrium potential.
Neurons are unique not because of the production and
maintenance of the resting membrane potential, but
rather the sudden temporary disruptions to the
resting membrane potential that occur in response
to stimuli. Two types of changes can be observed:

Graded Potentials: small continuous changes to

membrane potentials
Action Potentials: transient disruptions of the
potential triggered by a threshold change in
potential. These are actual signals that
propagate along an axon.

Changes in membrane potential are due to

changes in membrane permeability
Changing in potentials due to the action of a different
class of channels called gated channels. There are two
types of gated channels:

Contributors to membrane potential

Ligand- gated channels: responds to chemical

Voltage gated channels: respond to changes
in membrane potential.

The inside of the cell is more negatively charged in

relation to the outside of the cell due to two factors:

Small gaps, known as nodes of Ranvier interrupt the

myelin sheath at intervals of 1-2 micrometer.

The Structure of Neurons supports their function

The resting potential arises due to the action of the

Sodium-Potassium Pump and the greater permeability of
the membrane to K . The pump

The sodium-potassium pump, brings two K

into the cell for every three Na it pumps out.
This helps establish and maintain concentration
difference that result in high K and low Na
concentration inside the cell, and high Na and
low K concentrations outside the cell.
Ion channels in the cell membrane are more
numerous for K than for Na , making the
membrane more permeable for K . These
channels are membrane proteins that form
pores through the membrane, allowing diffusion
of specific ions across the cell. Since there are

Resting membrane potential

Ligand-gated channels lead to graded potentials that

determine whether an axon will fire, and voltage-gated
channels produce action potentials.

Graded potentials: Depolarizing or


In most neurons, gated ion channels in dendrites

respond to the binding of signaling molecules.
Hormones and neurotransmitters act as ligands,
inducing opening of ligand-gated channels, and causing
changes in plasma membrane permeability that lead to
changes in membrane voltage.

Permeability changes are measurable as depolarization

or hyperpolarization of the membrane potential.

Depolarization: makes the membrane potential

less negative (more positive) [-70 ! -65]
Hyperpolarization: makes the membrane more
negative [-70 ! -75]

These small changes in membrane potential result in

graded potentials because their size depends n either
the strength of the stimulus or the amount of ligand
available to bind with their receptors.

These potentials diminish in amplitude as they spread

from their point of origin. The ability of graded potentials
to combine is called summation.

Action potentials result when depolarization

reaches a threshold

Sodium and Potassium Voltage-Gated Channels


The behavior of the voltage-gated Na channel is more

complex than that of the K channel, so we will consider
it first. The channel has two gates: an activation gate
and an inactivation gate.
In its resting state, the activation gate is closed and the
inactivation gate is open. When the threshold voltage s
reached, the activation gate opens rapidly, leading to an
influx of Na ions due to both concentration and
voltage gradients. After a short period, the inactivation
gate closes, stopping the influx of Na ions and
leaving the channel in a temporarily inactivated state.
The channel is returned to its resting state by the
activation gate closing and the inactivation gate opening.
The result of this is a transient influx of Na depolarizes
the membrane in response to a threshold voltage.

The K channel has a single activation gate that is

closed in its resting state. In response to a threshold
voltage, it opens slowly.

With the High concentration of K inside the cell,

and the membrane now far from the equilibrium
potential, an efflux of K begins.

The positive charge now leaving the cell counteracts the

effect of the Na channel and repolarizes the membrane.

Tracing an action potentials changes [directly

left of this text is the action potential stages]
The action potential has three phases:
Rising Phase
Falling Phase
Undershoot Phase

When a threshold potential is reached, the rapid

opening of the Na channel causes an influx of Na
that shifts the membrane potential toward the
equilibrium potential for Na (+60 mV). This appears as
the rising phase on an oscilloscope.
Action Potential

When a particular level of depolarization is reached (-55

mV in some mammalian axons), a nerve impulse, or
action potential, is produced in the region where the
axon arises from the body.
The level of depolarization needed to produce an
action potential is the threshold potential.
Depolarization brings a neuron closer to the threshold,
and hyperpolarization move the neuron farther from the
The action potential is caused by another class of ion
channels: voltage-gated ion channels. These channels
open and close in response to changes in
membrane potential; the flow of ions controlled by
these channels creates the action potential.
Two different channels are used to create action
potentials: voltage-gated Na channels and voltage+
gated K channels.

The membrane potential never quite reaches +60 mV

because the inactivation gate of the Na channel
closes, terminating the rising phase.

At the same time, the opening of the K channel leads

to K diffusing out of the cell, repolarizing the
membrane in the falling phase.

The K channels remain open longer than necessary to

restore the resting potential, resulting in a slight

The Nature of Action Potentials

Action potentials are separate; all-or-none events. An
action potential occurs if the threshold voltage is reached,
but not while the membrane remains below the threshold.
Action potentials do not add together or interfere with
one another, as graded potentials can.

After the Na channels fire, they remain in an

inactivated state until the inactivation gate reopens,
preventing any summing of effects. This is called
refractory period, when the membrane cannot be
The production of an action potential results entirely
from the passive diffusion of ions. However, at the end
of each action potential, the cytoplasm contains a little
more Na and a little less K than it did at rest.
Although the number f ions moved by a single action
potential is tiny relative to the concentration gradients of
Na and K , eventually this would have an effect.
The constant activity of the sodium-potassium pump
compensates for these changes. Thus, although active
transport is not required to produce action potentials,
it is needed to maintain the ion gradients.

Action Potentials are propagated along axons

An action potential originates at the base of the axon,
and is then recreated in adjacent stretches of
membrane along the axon.
Each action potential, during its rising phase, reflects a
reversal in membrane polarity. The positive charges
due to the influx of Na can depolarize the adjacent
region of membrane to threshold, so that the next
region produces its own action potential.
The previous region of membrane repolarizes back to
their resting membrane potential. The signal does not
back up because the Na channels that have just
fired are still in an inactivated state and are
refractory (resistant) to stimulation.
The propagation of an action potential is similar to a
people in a stadium performing the wave. Individuals
stay in place as they stand up (depolarize), raise their
hands (peak of action potential), and sit down again
(repolarize). The wave travels around the stadium, but
the people stay in place.

Propagation of an Action Potential

There are two ways to increase the velocity of

nerve impulses
Action potentials are conducted without decreasing in
amplitude, so the last action potential at the end an axon
is just as large as the first action potential. Animals have
evolved two ways to increase the velocity of nerve

Diameter of axon is large

Axon is myelinated

Increasing the Diameter increases the velocity of nerve

impulses due to the electric property of resistance.
Electrical resistance is inversely proportional to the
cross-sectional area, which is a function of diameter.

Larger Diameter axons have less resistance to

current flow
The positive charges carried by Na flow farther
in a larger diameter axon, leading to a higher
than threshold voltage farther from the origin of
Na influx

Large diameter axons are found primarily in

Myelinated axons conduct impulses more rapidly than
unmyelinated axons because the action potentials in
myelinated axons are only produced at the nodes of
Ranvier. One action potential still serves as the
depolarization stimulus for the next, but the
depolarization at one node spreads quickly beneath

the insulating myelin to trigger opening of voltagegated channels at the next node.
The impulses therefore seem to jump from node to node
in a process called saltatory conduction.
Stadium Wave Analogy:

The wave moves across the seats of a crowded

The wave skips sections of empty bleachers so
it actually progresses around the stadium even
faster with more empty sections
The wave doesnt wait for the missing people
to stand so it moves to the next populated
Just as the action potential jumps the nonconducting regions of myelin between exposed

At the end of the presynaptic axon is swollen and

contains numerous synaptic vesicles are packed with
chemicals called neurotransmitters.
When action potentials arrive at the end of the axon,
they stimulate the opening of voltage-gated calcium
(Ca ) channels, causing a rapid inward diffusion of Ca .
This influx of Ca triggers a complex series of events
that leads to the fusion of synaptic vesicles with the
plasma membrane and the release of neurotransmitter
by exocytosis.
The neurotransmitters diffuse to the other side of the
cleft and bind to chemical- or ligand-gated receptor
proteins in the membrane of the postsynaptic cell.

Many different chemical compounds serve as



An action potential passing down an axon
eventually reaches the end of the axon and all of its
branches. Neurons communicate with other
neurons, with muscle cells or gland cells, through
specialized intercellular junctions called
synapses (found at the end of axons).
The neuron whose axon transmits action potential
to the synapse is termed the presynaptic cell, and
the cell receiving the signal on the other side of the
synapse is the postsynaptic cell.
The two types of synapses are electrical and
The nervous system of animals have two basic types of

Electrical synapses: involve direct cytoplasmic

connections formed by gap junctions between
the pre- and postsynaptic neurons. Membrane
potential changes, including action potentials,
pass directly and rapidly from one cell to the
other through gap junctions. Common to
invertebrates and rare to vertebrates.
Chemical synapses: vast majority of vertebrate
synapses. Pre- and postsynaptic cells have a
narrow space that separates them called the
synaptic cleft.

The drug diazepam (Valium) causes its sedative and

other effects by enhancing the binding of GABA to its

Biogenic amines
The biogenic amines include the hormone epinephrine
(adrenaline), together with neurotransmitters dopamine,
norepinephrine, and serotonin.

Neurotransmitters are chemical signals in an otherwise

electrical system, requiring tight control over the duration
of their action. They must be rapidly removed from the
synaptic cleft to allow new signals to be transmitted.
Several different types of neurotransmitters have been
identified and they act in different ways.

Saltatory Conduction

potential (IPSP) and it is very important for neural

control of body movements and other brain function.

Acetylcholine (Ach) is the neurotransmitter that crosses

the synapse between a motor neuron and a muscle
fiber. This synapse is called the neuromuscular
Acetylcholine binds to its receptor proteins in the post
synaptic membrane and causes ligand-gated ion
channels within these proteins to open.
As a result, that site on the post synaptic membrane
produces a depolarization called an excitatory
postsynaptic potential (EPSP).
The ESPSP, if large enough, can open the voltage gated
channels for Na and K that are responsible for action
For the muscle to relax, Ach must be eliminated from the
synaptic cleft. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE), is an
enzyme that eliminates ACh, This enzyme (fast known)
cleaves Ach into inactive fragments. Nerve gas and
agricultural insecticide parathion are potent
inhibitors of AChE; this produces severe spastic
paralysis and even death if paralysis affects the
respiratory muscles.

Amino Acids
Glutamate is the major excitatory neurotransmitter in the
vertebrate CNS. Excitatory neurotransmitters act to
stimulate action potentials by producing EPSPs.
Glycine and aminobutyric acid (GABA), are inhibitory
neurotransmitters. These neurotransmitters cause the
opening of ligand-gated channels for the chloride ion
(Cl ). Which has a concentration gradient favoring its
diffusion into the neuron.

In the PNS, nitric oxide is released by some neurons that

innervate the gastrointestinal tract, penis, respiratory
passages, and cerebral blood vessels. The brain
releases nitric oxide as a neurotransmitter, where it
appears to participate in the processes of learning and

A postsynaptic neuron must integrate input from

many synapses

Epinephrine is released into the blood as a hormonal

secretion, while norepinephrine is released at synapses
of neurons in the sympathetic nervous system. The
effects of these neurotransmitters on target receptors
are responsible for the fight or flight response faster
and stronger heartbeat, increased blood glucose
concentration, and diversion of blood flow into the
muscles and heart.

Each postsynaptic neuron may receive both excitatory

and inhibitory synapses. The EPSPs (depolarization)
and IPSPs (hyperpolarization) from these synapses
interact with each other when they reach the cell body of
the neuron. Small EPSPs add together to bring the
membrane potential closer to the threshold, and IPSPs
subtract from the depolarizing effect of the EPSPs,
deterring the membrane potential from reaching the
threshold. This process is called synaptic integration.

Dopamine is a very important neurotransmitter used in

some areas of the brain controlling body movements
and other functions. Degeneration of particular
dopamine-releasing neurons produces the resting
muscle tremors of Parkinson disease.

Because of the all-or-none characteristic of an action

potential, a postsynaptic neuron is like a switch that is
either turned on or remains off. Information may be
encoded in the pattern of firing over time, but each
neuron can only fire or not fire when it receives a signal.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in the

regulation of sleep and it is also implicated in various
emotional states. Insufficient activity of neurons that
release serotonin may be one cause of clinical
depression. Antidepressant drugs, such as fluoxetine
(Prozac block the elimination of serotonin from the
synaptic cleft; these drugs are termed as selective
serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

There are two ways the membrane can reach the

threshold voltage:

Other Neurotransmitters
Axons can release a variety of polypeptides called
neuropeptides at synapses. These neuropeptides may
have typical neurotransmitter function, or they may have
more subtle, long-term action on the postsynaptic
neurons. In the latter case, they are often called
neuromodulators. A given axon generally releases only
one kind of neurotransmitter, but many can release both
a neurotransmitter and a neuromodulator.
Substance P is an important neuropeptide released at
synapses in the CNS by sensory neurons activated by
painful stimuli.
The intensity with which pain is perceived partly depends
on the effects of neuropeptides called Enkephalins and

Because Cl is negatively charged, it makes the inside of

the membrane even more negative. This
hyperpolarization is called an inhibitory postsynaptic

Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and dopamine are

included in the subcategory of catecholamines.
Serotonin is a biogenic amine derived from

Nitric Oxide (NO) is the first gas known to act as a

regulatory molecule in the body. Since it is a gas, it
diffuses through membranes, so it cannot be stored in
vesicles. It is produced as needed from the amino acid

Enkephalins: released by axons descending

from the brain into the spinal cord, inhibit the
passage of pain formation back up to the brain.
Endorphins: released by neurons in the brain
stem, also block the perception of pain.

Spatial Summation
Temporal Summation

Spatial Summation: graded potentials arise due to

dendrites from different presynaptic neurons that occur
at the same time add together to produce an aboveaverage threshold voltage. All this input need not be in
the form of EPSPs, just so that the potential produced by
summing all of the EPSPs and IPSPs are greater than
the threshold voltage.
Temporal Summation: a single dendrite can produce
sufficient depolarization to produce an action potential if
it produces EPSPs that are close enough in time to sum
up to a depolarization that is greater than the threshold.

Spatial: many shovels that add soil to a hole

Temporal: a single shovel that adds soil at a
faster rate

Neurotransmitters play a role in drug addiction

When certain cells of the nervous system are exposed to
a constant stimulus that produces a chemically mediated
signal for a prolonged period, the cells may lose their
ability to respond to that stimulation, a process called
habituation. You are familiar with this loss of sensitivity

! when you sit in a chair, your awareness of the chair

diminishes after a certain length of time.

Although small, these brains already had the three

divisions that characterize the brains of all contemporary

Some nerve cells are particularly prone to this loss

of sensitivity. If receptor proteins within synapses are
exposed to high levels of neurotransmitter molecules for
prolonged periods, the postsynaptic cell often responds
by decreasing the number of receptor proteins in its

Hindbrain (Rhombencephalon)
Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
Forebrain (Prosencephalon)

The dominant forebrain in more recent

Processing of sensory information is increasingly
centered on the forebrain. This pattern was the dominant
evolutionary trend in the further development of the
vertebrate brain.

The hindbrain in fishes

This feedback is a normal function in all neurons, one of

several mechanisms that have evolved to make the cell
more efficient. In this case, the cell adjusts the number
of receptors downward because plenty of stimulating
neurotransmitter is available.
In the case of artificial neurotransmitter effects produced
by drugs, long-term drug use means that more of the
drug is needed to obtain the same effect.


Diversity of Nervous Systems

Evolution of the vertebrate brain

The drug causes abnormally large amounts of

neurotransmitter to remain in the synapses for long
periods. Cocaine affects neurons in the brains pleasure
pathways. These cells use the neurotransmitter
dopamine. Cocaine binds tightly to the transporter
proteins on presynaptic membranes that normally
remove dopamine from the synaptic cleft.

The brain of a fish

The hindbrain was the major component of these early

brains, as it still is in fishes today. Composed of the
cerebellum, pons, and medulla oblongata. The
hindbrain may be considered an extension of the spinal
cord devoted primarily to coordinating motor

Nicotine has been found to have no affinity for proteins
on presynaptic membrane; instead, it binds directly to
a specific receptor on postsynaptic neurons of the
The CNS of a human

Among the noncoelomate invertebrates, sponges are

the only major phylum that lacks nerves.


The complex nervous system of vertebrate animals
have a long evolutionary history.
As animals became more complex, so did their
nervous systems

The simplest nervous system occurs among cnidarians

in which all neurons are similar and linked to one
another in a nerve net. There is no associative activity,
no control of complex action and little coordination.
The simplest animals with associative activity in the
nervous system are the free-living flatworms (Phylum
Platyhelimthes). Running down the body of these
flatworms are two nerve cords, from which peripheral
nerves extend outward to the muscles of the body. The
two nerve cords converge at the front end of the body,
forming an enlarged mass of nervous tissue that also
contains interneurons with synapses connecting neurons
to one another.
This primitive brain is a rudimentary central nervous
system and permits a far more examples control of
muscular responses than is possible in cnidarians.
Earthworms exhibit a central nervous system that is
connected to all other parts of the body by peripheral
nerves. And in arthropods, the central coordination of
complex responses is increasingly localized in the front
end of the nerve cord.

Tracts containing large number of axons run like cables

up and down the spinal cord to the hindbrain. The
hindbrain, in turn, integrates the many sensory signals
coming from the muscles and coordinates the pattern of
motor responses.
Much of this coordination is carried on within a small
extension of the hindbrain called the cerebellum (little
cerebrum). In more advanced vertebrates, the
cerebellum plays an increasingly important role as
coordinating center for movement and it is
correspondingly larger.
In all vertebrates, the cerebellum processes data on
the current position and movement of each limb, the
state of relaxation or contraction of the muscles involved,
and the general position of the body in relation to the
outside world.

The midbrain and forebrain of fishes

In fishes, the remainder of the brain is devoted to the
reception and processing of sensory information.
The midbrain is composed primarily of the optic tectum,
which receives and processes visual information.
The forebrain is devoted to the process of olfactory
(smell) information.

Vertebrate brains have three basic divisions

The forebrain in reptiles, amphibians, birds, and

mammals is composed of two elements that have
distinct functions.
The diencephalon consists of the thalamus and

Thalamus: integration and relay center

between incoming sensory information and the
Hypothalamus: basic drives and emotions and
controls the secretions of the pituitary gland

The telencephalon (end brain) is located at the front

of the forebrain and is devoted largely to associative
activity. In mammals, the telencephalon is called the

The Expansion of the Cerebrum

In examining the relationship between brain mass and
body mass among the vertebrates, a remarkable
difference is observed between fishes and reptiles on
the one hand, and birds and mammals on the other.
This increase in brain size in mammals reflects the
great enlargement of the cerebrum, the dominant part
of the mammalian brain. The cerebrum is the center for
correlation, association, and learning in the
mammalian brain. It receives sensory data from the
thalamus and issues motor commands to the spinal
cord via descending tracts of axons.
In vertebrates, the CNS is composed of the brain and
the spinal cord. These two structures are responsible for
most of the information processing within the nervous
system and they consist primarily of interneurons and

Ascending Tract: carry sensory information to

the brain
Descending Tract: carry impulses form the brain
to the motor neurons and interneurons in the
spinal cord that controls the muscles of the body

The human forebrain exhibits exceptional

information-processing ability
The human cerebrum is so large that it appears to
envelop the rest of the brain. It is split into the right and
left cerebral hemispheres, which is connected by a
tract called the corpus callosum.
The hemispheres are further divided into the:

Frontal lobes
Parietal lobes
Temporal lobes
Occipital lobes

cortex. Each point in this area receives input from

sensory neurons serving skin and muscle senses in a
particular part of the body. Large areas of the primary
motor cortex and primary somatosensory cortex are
devoted to the fingers, lips, and tongue because of
the need for manual dexterity and speech.
The auditory cortex lies within the temporal lobe and
different regions of this cortex deal with different
The visual cortex lies on the occipital lobe with
different sites processing information from different
positions on the retina, equivalent to particular points in
the visual field of the eyes.
The portion of the cerebral cortex that is not occupied
by these motor and sensory cortices is referred to as the
association cortex. The site of higher mental activities,
where it makes up 95% of the surface of the cerebral

Sleep and Arousal

The brain contains a diffuse collection of neurons
referred to as the reticular formation. One part of this
formation, the reticular-activating system, controls
consciousness and alertness. All of the sensory
pathways feed into this system, which monitors the
information coming into the brain and identifies important
When the reticular-activating system has been
stimulated to arousal, it increases the level of activity in
many parts of the brain. It also controls both sleep and
the waking state.

Basal ganglia

Parts of the brain

Each hemisphere primarily receives sensory input from

the opposite (contralateral) side of the body and exerts
motor control primarily over that side.
Therefore, a touch on the right hand is relayed primarily
to the left hemisphere, which may then initiate
movement on the right hand in response to the touch.

Damage to one hemisphere due to a stroke

often results in a loss of sensation and paralysis
on the contralateral side of the body

The Cerebral Cortex

Much of the neural activity of the cerebrum occurs within
a layer of gray matter only a few millimeters thick on its
outer surface. This layer is called the cerebral cortex
and is densely packed with nerve cells.
In humans, it contains over 10B nerve cells, amounting
to roughly 10% of all the neurons in the brain. The
surface of the cerebral cortex is highly convoluted; this
is particularly true in the human brain, where the
convolutions increase the surface area of the cortex
three fold.
The activities of the cerebral cortex fall into one of three
general categories: motor, sensory, and associative.
Each of its regions correlates with a specific function.
The Primary Motor Cortex lies along the gyrus
(convolution) on the posterior border of the frontal
lobe, just in front of the central sulcus. Each point on
the surface of the motor cortex is associated with the
movement of a different part of the body.
Just behind the central sulcus, on the anterior edge of
the parietal lobe, lies the primary somatosensory

Buried deep within the white mater of the cerebrum are

several collections of cell bodies and dendrites that
produce islands of gray matter. These aggregates of
neuronal cell bodies, which are collectively termed the
basal ganglia, receive sensory information from
ascending nerve tracts and motor commands from the
cerebral cortex and cerebellum. Outputs from the basal
ganglia are sent down the spinal cord, where they
participate in the control of body movements.

Brain state can be monitored by means of an

electroencephalogram (EEG), a recording of electrical

Thalamus and Hypothalamus

The thalamus is a primary site of sensory integration in
the brain. Visual, auditory and somatosensory
information are sent to the thalamus, where the sensory
tracts synapse with association neurons.
The sensory information is then relayed via the thalamus
to the occipital, temporal, and parietal lobes of the
cerebral cortex, respectively.
The hypothalamus integrates the visceral activities. It
helps regulate body temperature, hunger and satiety,
thirst, and along with the limbic system (emotional
states). It also controls the pituitary gland, which in turn
regulates any of the other endocrine glands of the body.
By means of interconnections with the cerebral cortex
and with control centers n the brainstem (term for the
midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata, collectively).
The hypothalamus helps coordinate the neural and
hormonal responses to many internal stimuli and
The hippocampus and amygdala, along with the
hypothalamus are major components of the limbic
system: an evolutionary ancient group of linked
structures deep within the cerebrum responsible for
emotional responses.

Complex Functions of the Human Brain may be

controlled in specific areas

It is easier to sleep in a dark room than in a

lighted one because there are fewer visual
stimuli to stimulate the reticular-activating
Activity in this system is reduced by serotonin,
which causes the level of brain activity to fall,
bringing on sleep

Alpha waves: awake but relaxed individuals with

eyes closed exhibit a brain pattern of large, slow
Beta waves: alert individual with eyes open,
waves are rapid
Theta and Delta waves: very slow waves during

Memory and learning

Many memories persist in spite of the damage to
portions of the brain, and the ability to access them is
gradually recovered with time.
Fundamental differences appear to exist between shortterm and long-term memory.

Short-term memory: transient, lasting only a

few moments; can easily be erased with an
electrical shock
Long-term memory: involve structural changes
in certain neural connections within the brain

Two parts of the temporal lobes, the hippocampus and

amygdala, are involved in both short-term memory and
its consolidation into long-term memory.

Synaptic Plasticity
Part of the cellular basis of learning and memory seems
to be long-term changes in the strength of synaptic
connections. Two examples of this synaptic plasticity
are long-term potentiation LTP), and long-term
depression (LTD).
The mechanism of LTP is complex and not completely
understood. One well-studied form involves synapses
that release the neurotransmitter glutamate, and have Nmethyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) type of receptors.
When either the same synapse is stimulated repeatedly,
or neighboring synapses are stimulated, the
postsynaptic membrane becomes significantly

The left hemisphere is the dominant hemisphere for
language in 90% of right-handed people and nearly twothirds of left-handed people. Different brain regions
control language in the dominant hemisphere.
Wernicke s area, located in the parietal lobe between
the primary auditory and visual areas, is important for
language comprehension and for the formulation of
thoughts into speech.
Brocas area, is responsible for the generation of motor
output needed for language communication. Damage to
these brain areas cause language disorders known as

Spatial recognition
The non-dominant hemisphere is adept at spatial
reasoning, the type of reasoning needed to assemble a
puzzle or draw a picture. It is also the hemisphere
primarily involved in musical ability.
Damage to the non-dominant hemisphere may lead to
inability to appreciate spatial relationships and may
impair musical activities such as singing. Even more
specifically, damage to the inferior temporal cortex in
that hemisphere eliminates the capacity to recall faces, a
condition known as prosopagnosia.

This releases a block of NMDA receptor by Mg such

that glutamate binding causes an influx of Ca that
stimulates a signal transduction pathway involving
calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II.
If the stimulation of an NMDA receptor is less, and the
postsynaptic membrane is less depolarized, LTD can
Taken together, these two mechanisms can make a
synapse more or less sensitive to future stimulation.

Alzheimer disease: Degeneration of brain

In the past, little was known about Alzheimer disease, a
condition in which the memory and thought processes
of the brain become dysfunctional. Scientists
disagree about the biological nature of the disease and
its cause.
Two hypotheses have bene proposed:
In the first hypothesis, external proteins called Betaamyloid exist in an abnormal form, which then forms
aggregates, or plaques. The plaques begin to fill in the
brain and them damage and kill nerve cells. However,
these amyloid plaques have been found in autopsies of
people who did not have Alzheimer disease.

The second hypothesis maintains that the nerve cells

are killed by an abnormal form of an internal protein
called tau, which normally functions to maintain protein
transport microtubules. Abnormal forms of tau-protein
assemble into helical segments that form tangles, which
interfere with the normal functioning of the nerve

The spinal cord conveys messages and controls

some responses directly
The spinal cord is a cable of neurons extending from the
brain down through the backbone. It is enclosed and
protected by the vertebral column and layers of
membranes called meninges, which also covers the
brain. There are two zones in the spinal cord:

Inner zone: gray matter and primarily consists of

the cell bodies of interneurons, motor neurons,
and neuroglia
Outer zone: white matter and contains cables of
sensory axons in the dorsal columns and motor
axons in the ventral columns.
These nerve tracts may also contain dendrites of
other nerve cells

In addition to relaying messages, the spinal cord also

functions in reflexes, the sudden, involuntary movement
of muscles. A reflex produces a rapid motor response
to a stimulus because the sensory neuron passes its
information to a motor neuron in the spinal cord, without
higher level processing.

Spinal Cord Regeneration

In the past, scientists tried to repair severed spinal cords
by installing nerves from another part of the body to
bridge the gap and act as guides for the spinal cord to
regenerate. But, most of these experiments failed.
Although axons may regenerate through the implanted
nerves, they cannot penetrate the spinal cord tissue
once they leave the implant. Also, a factor that inhibits
nerve growth is present in the spinal cord.
After discovering that fibroblast growth factor stimulates
nerve growth, neurobiologists working with rats tried
gluing the nerves on, from the implant to the spinal
cord, with fibrin that had been mixed with fibroblast
growth factor. Three months later, rats with the nerve
bridges began to show movements in their lower bodies.
Dry tests indicated that the spinal cord nerves had
regrown from both sides of the gap.


The PNS consists of nerves, the cable-like
collections of axons and ganglia, aggregation of
neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS.
The PNS has somatic and autonomic systems
At the spinal cord, a spinal nerve separates into
sensory and motor components. The axons of sensory
neurons enter the dorsal surface of the spinal cord and
form the dorsal root of the spinal nerve, whereas motor
axons leave from the ventral surface and form the
ventral root of the spinal nerve.
The cell bodies of sensory neurons are grouped together
outside each level of the spinal cord in the dorsal root
ganglia. The cell bodies of somatic motor neurons, on
the other hand, are located within the spinal cord and so
are not located in ganglia.

Knee-jerk reflex

A reflex produces a rapid motor response to a stimulus

because the sensory neuron passes its information to
a motor neuron in the spinal cord, without higher level
A few reflexes, such as the knee-jerk reflex are
monosynaptic reflex arcs. In these, the sensory nerve
cell makes synaptic contact directly with a motor neuron
in the spinal cord whose axon travels directly back to the
Most reflex in vertebrates, however, involve a single
connecting interneuron between the sensory neuron and
the motor neuron. The withdrawal of a hand from a hot
stove or the blinking of an eye in response to a puff of air
involves a relay of information from a sensor neuron
through one or more interneurons to a motor neurons.
The motor neuron them stimulates the appropriate
muscle to contract.

Somatic motor neurons stimulate skeletal muscles to

contract, and autonomic motor neurons innervate
involuntary effectors ! smooth muscles, cardiac
glands, and glands.

The somatic nervous system controls movements

Somatic motor neurons stimulate the skeletal muscles of
the body to contract in response to conscious
commands and as part of reflexes that do not require
conscious control.

Voluntary actions is achieved by activation of

tracts of axons that descend from the cerebrum
to the appropriate level of the spinal cord.

When a particular muscle is stimulated to contract,

however, its antagonist must be inhibited. In order to flex
the arm, the flexor muscles must be stimulated while the
antagonistic extensor muscle is inhibited.
Descending motor neurons produce this necessary
inhibition by causing IPSPs of the spinal motor neurons
that innervate the antagonist muscles.

The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary

functions through two divisions
The autonomic nervous system is composed of the
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, plus the
medulla oblongata which coordinates this system.
Although they differ, the sympathetic and
parasympathetic divisions share several features:

The efferent motor pathway involves two

neurons: the first has its cell body in the CNS
and sends an axon to an autonomic ganglion, it
is called preanglionic neuron. These neurons
release acetylcholine at their synapses.
The second neuron has its cell body in the
autonomic ganglion and sends its axon to
synapse with a smooth muscle, cardiac muscle,
or gland cell. This second neuron is termed the
postanglionic neuron. Those in the
parasympathetic division release Ach, and
those in the sympathetic division release

The sympathetic division

In the sympathetic division, the preganglionic neurons
originate in the thoracic and lumbar regions of the
spinal cord. Most of the axons from these neurons
synapse in two parallel chains of ganglia immediately
outside the spinal cord.
These structures are usually called the sympathetic
chain of ganglia. The sympathetic chain contains the
cell bodies of postganglionic neurons, and it is the axons
from these neurons that innervate the different visceral
There are some exceptions to this general pattern,
however. The axons of some preanglionic sympathetic
neurons pass through the sympathetic chain without
synapsing and, instead, terminate within the medulla of
the adrenal gland.
In response to action potentials, the adrenal medulla
cells secrete the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). At
the same time, norepinephrine is released at the
synapses of the postganglionic neurons. Both of these
neurotransmitters prepare the body for action by
heightening metabolism and blood flow.

The parasympathetic division

The actions of the sympathetic division are antagonized
by the parasympathetic division. Preanglionic
parasympathetic neurons originate in the brain and
sacral regions of the spinal cord. Because of this origin,
there cannot be a chain of parasympathetic ganglia
analogous to the sympathetic chain.
Instead, the preanglionic axons, many of which travel in
the vagus (tenth cranial) nerve, terminate in ganglia
located near or even within the internal organs. The
postanglionic neurons then regulate the internal organs
by releasing ACh at their synapses. Parasympathetic
nerve effects include a slowing of the heart, increased
secretions and activities of digestive organs

Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Functions

G proteins mediate cell responses to autonomic

Usually, ACh is involved in excitatory effects however
the cells involved in the sympathetic/parasympathetic
divisions have different receptors for ACh that produce
different effects. In the neuromuscular junction, the
receptor for ACh is a ligand-gated Na channel that
when open, allows an influx of Na that depolarizes the
In the case of the heart, the inhibitory effect on the
pacemaker cells is produced because binding of ACh to
a different receptor leads to K channels opening,
resulting in the outward diffusion of K , and
hyperpolarizing the membrane. The ACh receptor in
the heart is a member of the class of receptors called Gprotein coupled receptors.
This kind of system can lead to excitation in other organs
if the G protein acts on different effector proteins. For
example, the parasympathetic nerves that innervate the
stomach can cause increased gastric secretions and
The sympathetic nerve effects also are mediated by
action of G protein-coupled receptors. Stimulation by
norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings and
epinephrine from the adrenal medulla requires G
proteins to activate target cells.

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