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UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated, Newsletters (2008)

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The Facts Not Truth Is Out There

2007 has come and gone. It has been a very busy and interesting year indeed.
2008 is looking very promising to be just as busy and interesting.

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting for UFO Research (NSW) Incorporated will be held on
Saturday 09 February at the first floor conference room of the Masonic Club at 169
Castlereagh Street, Sydney.
All members are encouraged to attend.
Please note that the 2008 Annual General Meeting and the February public meeting were
previously advertised to take place on Saturday 02 February. This has now been rescheduled for Saturday 09 February at 1pm.
The guest speaker will be Mr Robb Tilley of the Australian Institute of Para Psychology,
and his subject is the parapsychology of UFO encounters.
Meeting fee for members is $10.00
Meeting fee for non-members is $15.00

Membership Renewal for 2008

This is a reminder to all members that membership renewal is now due. A membership
renewal form is attached to this newsletter. Please ensure the completed renewal form
and payment be forwarded as soon as possible.

Brief summary on what had happened during 2007

In April, UFO Research (NSW) has been incorporated to become UFO
RESEARCH (NSW) INCORPORATED. A constitution for this organisation has been
implemented to ensure integrity and professionalism in the ways we function as an
In June the 2nd International Scientific & Metaphysical Symposium were held at
Lidcombe, NSW with Australian and overseas speakers.
In September, the Future Perspectives conference were held at Rotorua, New
In December, the Australian Cosmic Connection UFO Metaphysical Conference
was held at Adelaide, South Australia.
All of these conferences were well attended by our members, and all agreed it was well
worth attending.
In 07 July (07/07/07), Ms Sonia Kruger of the Channel Seven (7) Television
Network together with a camera crew met with our members at the Masonic Club in
Castlereagh Street, Sydney filming a segment for the TODAY TONIGHT program with
The segment was aired some weeks later. Although the end product may not matched
some of our expectations; many do agreed that the segment was quite good as we have
experienced worse treatment in the past by the media; nevertheless we all had fun during
the filming. As for yours truly, the experience was certainly an eye opener as this was my
first exposure with the media.
In November, Ms Dolores Cannon of the USA came to Australia (Perth and Sydney)
for a series of lectures and work shops. Yours truly attended the lecture held at the YWCA
in Wentworth Street, Sydney on 07 November and it was most illuminating. The lecture
spans 2 hours but it could have gone on forever. Despite the lecture lasting 2 hours, much
of the matters she had covered were extremely brief as she had a lot to say, and therefore
she was not able to explain everything. I have included a brief summary of some of the
issues she had covered on the evening, please read on in the upcoming pages of this
In December, the Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest at Rivers Rd,
Emu Plains has opened an exhibition titled The Visitors. Again, several of our members
including yours truly attended the opening. The exhibition opens until mid February.
The exhibition includes a variety of paintings by artists on their impressions / interpretation
on the UFO phenomenon, a Roswell time-line, sculptures of an alien and an alien head, a
map of Australia with flags marking the locations where UFOs have been sighted. The
Penrith Choir made an appearance and sung several UFO themed songs, and to cap off
the opening there was an appearance of several characters in costumes from the STAR
WARS movies where guests were able to take photos standing alongside them.

For the public meetings held throughout 2007, we have had a number of guest
speakers making presentation covering a range of topics.
Members of the UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia presented a
video of their latest research into the paranormal.
Mr Barry Taylor talked about his recent discoveries and the DVDs which he had
made. He also showed us a particularly very interesting photo of a creature like object
perched on top of a road bridge. Barry named this creature the MOTHMAN.
Mr Bill Chalker showing a video of his trip to Thailand where mysterious balls of
light can be seen flying out of the depths of a river and rocketed into the sky, and how
thousands of locals including Bill have witnessed the phenomenon that occurred once a
year. He also talked about a village where they are experiencing an unusual amount of
UFO activities.
Mr Dudley Robb made a presentation on his trips to Roswell, New Mexico and of
his discoveries, marking the 60th anniversary of the Roswell crash.
Yours truly made a presentation describing my trip to Roswell, New Mexico in 2002;
visiting the site where one of the alleged space craft have crashed landed, and the
testimony of Mr James Ragsdale on his claims he saw the alleged crashed space craft.
Mr Jason Cowland provided a slide show and speaks of his trip to Roswell, New
Mexico in July 2007 where he attended the 4 day convention marking the 60th anniversary
of the Roswell crash.

Ms Graciella Flain presented a talk about recent UFO activities in South America.

At our last meeting of the year in October, due to the unavailability of our guest
speaker, a DVD titled FASTWALKERS was shown. This DVD chronicles the viewpoints
in the UFO subject of a number of experienced investigators, researchers, ex-military
Honorary member and founder of the Blue Mountains UFO Research, Mr Rex
Gilroy, provided regular reports and updates on the UFO activities in the Blue Mountains
UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INCORPORATED wishes to thank everyone who participated
in our public meetings for their valuable contribution. A word of thanks shall also goes to
Ms Pamela Boyne for her contributions at the public meetings
throughout 2007.

The bi-monthly social meetings held at the Catholic Club continued to be well
attended by members throughout 2007. 2008 should not be any different, and as usual all
is welcome.

Call for participants - Meditation Group

Cant wait for the day when the ETs finally show themselves to the world?
From 2008 and beyond, UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INCORPORATED will initiate attempts
to make contact with the ETs. As a first step to achieve this, we are to form a meditation
Date/s and place are yet to be determined; nevertheless, anyone interested in joining,
please contact me (William Johnson) on 0412183046 or email me to


Public Meetings Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 1pm to 5pm
09 February

05 April

07 June

02 August

04 October

Social Meetings Catholic Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 5pm onwards
01 March

03 May

05 July

06 September

01 November

These dates are correct to this moment but may be subjected to change. It is
recommended that you check our website prior to these dates to confirm at


NEXT DIMENSION 2008 15 March 2008, Blackheath, NSW
Paranormal, Ufology, Mediumship & Alternative Healing Conference
Organised by the UFO & Paranormal Research Society of Australia
For more information regarding this conference, please visit their website at

Summary of lecture presented by Ms Dolores Cannon

- 07 November
November 2007
The Earth we currently lived in is just one dimension of many thousands of dimensions /
alternate universe.
This dimension is measured by the frequency which this Earth emits. Other dimensions
have different sets of frequency.
It is by tuning in this frequency where Extraterrestrials are able to travel to Earth without
travelling millions of light years, nor require a source of power unknown to Earth.
What humans on Earth called GOD, ETs calls it The Source. A Light
Yes, even the ETs do not have all the answers.
The classic grey ETs are not made of flesh and bone but robotic. It is the smaller replica
of the real ETs.
The real ETs despised this Earths frequency. They cannot bear to be here, but because
of their duties, they are here despite their dislike for this Earth. This is the reason for the
smaller replicas, so the replicas can do their job for them without them being so close to
this Earth.
ETs are here to observe us and see what we do and how we do things.
Doloress experience in hypnotherapy showed people who had near death experience
claiming this life on Earth is just a game.
ETs are peaceful. Dolores has yet to come upon information to suggest otherwise.
Reincarnation - Every soul must experience life differently each time. You are a man, you
are a woman, you are white, you are coloured, you are rich and you are poor. You will
also have experienced different beliefs, religion & custom.
Previous life does not exclude other things found on Earth. You are animal, vegetable and
mineral. Dolores came upon one man who claimed he was a rock when Earth was just
volcanoes and poison gas. Another said he was simply a light.
Even inanimate objects have their individual life force. As it is set at different frequencies,
humans therefore cannot detect it.
Dolores suggests homosexuality is the result of a human soul previous lives have been
continuously either a male or a female. Thus the soul is confused when in this life the soul
is the opposite sex.
What is happening to the humans on Earth is unprecedented throughout the universe.
Never before has any life forms in the universe had experienced what we are going
through right now.

Nevertheless, what we do, here and now, will reverberate throughout the universe. If we
destroy ourselves with war and hatred, not only it affects this Earth but the whole universe
will feel the repercussion. ETs have tolerated what humans done on and to the Earth
before, but no longer.
There is a universal law. ETs cannot directly interfere with humans. This is why they have
never revealed themselves openly to the people on Earth.
Another applied law is when you reincarnate you will forget your previous life. If you can
remember them, then there is a risk that you would not want to reincarnate. There is a
chance you may not want to live this life simply because you remembered how much you
dislike your previous life. Yet, this law do not apply to ETs.
ETs do not want to see humans destroying each together. ETs wanted to help, but they
cannot help us directly.
As they cannot interfere from without, they therefore interfere from within. Thus, we have
the three waves.
ETs throughout the universe were called to volunteer to come to Earth and take on the
form of a human. These ETs/Humans will be called upon to save this Earth.
These ETs/Humans do not have a past life on Earth.
Wave 1 Age in the 50s and 60s (After WWII - Atomic Bomb)
These are the people who will pave the way for waves 2 & 3, to set the scene. These
people will have the hardest time living on Earth. Most do not like it here. Some would
even consider suicide.
Wave 2 Age in the 30s, early 40s
These are the people who continue the work of people from wave 1. These people finds
life a little easier but still do not like to be here. Most would always want to be somewhere
else, and that they do not belong to wherever they are.
Wave 3 Star Child / Indigo Child (Year 1990 onwards)
These are the people eventually will save this world.
Not everyone will be saved.
The world as we know it today cannot be saved. It is too late. People cannot change.
There is no need to try to change them.
The ascension will take place in the year 2012, as according to the Mayans.
We need to get rid of our fears.
We need to get rid of our Karma. People reincarnate life after life because they could not
let go of their previous life.
Many who claimed to have seen the light, or the Source; all agreed it is the most beautiful


Here are some of the sightings reports sent to our website. (Name/s of person/s are
deleted for privacy reasons)
Received 10/01/2008
It was 1974 at Lovely Banks a NW suburb of Geelong Vic, was with a friend at the time in
a car parked over looking the North of Geelong. Time was just after the Sun had set, the
sky still had a reddish glow as it was summer. We saw in the sky looking west an orange
object moving from north to south about a km away at a moderate speed its shape was
like looking at a disc from the side that had a curved top and bottom. My female friend
became uneasy and wanted to leave, I had a pair of binoculars in the car 10X50 when I
focused in on the object I could distantly make out that there was also a dome on top,
making it look like a classic flying saucer. Three seconds latter it did a sharp right hand
turn and flew off in a steep climb at very high speed and vanished. At this point I to was
unsettled and we quickly drove home.
Received 14/12/2007
Finally I have found a site that deals with others who have seen UFOs. The one that I want
to report happened about January 2001. I was at Greens Beach, Tasmania with myself,
my partner and 2 other friends. As we were leaving the beach to go home I noticed a big
ball of blue light travelling across from east to west of the sky at a low altitude. The
strangest thing was that my partner and 2 friends did not see this sighting that did happen.
The thing that still gets me the most is that I never heard anything in the media to what I
saw. How can you miss a big ball of blue light that looked like a ball of fire kinda like the
pictures you see of a comet? I was even waiting for a big boom, expecting it to collide to
Earth. But of course there wasn't, but still no one to my knowledge seen it.
Received 04/12/2007
Hi people, I am not a nutter, just someone who has seen, numerous times, and I have a
need to share. I never could understand all the various discussions as to whether aliens
existed or not. One chap on the radio not too long ago said it was his opinion that "they"
would find us before we found them. Well I am here to tell you that they have found us
already. For years I have watched them in the sky. The one sure way to tell a space craft
from anything else is to see the way it changes direction. They do not curve, they simply
change direction. They also seem to work on some form of grid, as in a sky map. Sorry not
too good at explaining, but I watched two ships once both going in the same direction, but
not in line, not one behind the other. But when they both reached the same point in the
sky, one behind the other, they both changed direction at the same point, so placing the
rear craft now directly behind, and in line with the other. There is a place in the Territory
where every night I would watch one of these craft doing a square in the sky. He arrives at
the top right hand corner of the square, and leaves from the same position, at an incredible
speed I might add. For all I know it is still doing it. Now how come no one else sees it? It is
plain enough to see, and nothing we have is capable of that sort of manoeuvring. I know
that does not prove that they know we are here, but I have seen on within about 200
yards. My young son, over 20 years ago now, spotted its reflection in the dam. Don't know
how long it had been hovering above us and don't know how come I didn't see it before.

It was not directly over us, but a little way the other side of the dam. The late afternoon sun
reflected off it, and it was quite large. Even after we saw it, it remained motionless for a
little while, then slowly went around us, quite close, but above tree hight. It never did
speed up, as though it just didn't care. It went over a neighbouring property toward where
there is another big dam, out of sight over the ridge. I have thought about that over the
years, wondering why it was there, to watch us? To view my house? Or was it there
because of the dam? I guess I shall never know. And before you ask, no it was not a
balloon or a helicopter! It made no sound at all that I could detect, and I have good
hearing. Anyway I just had to share that with someone. Actually in a way I found it, or find
it now, a little scary. At the time I believe my chin was on my chest for quite some time! But
it is later when you get to think about it. My wife is an avid science fiction reader, or at least
she used to be. I make a point of not mentioning these craft when she is around. It actually
does scare her to think that they are in fact real, and yet there is no way we can tell if they
are friendly, or even begin to imagine what they may look like. I hope I see one that close
again, I am not sure what I will do, but I feel a need to make contact with them somehow.
Well I had better close. My regards to you all

EXTRA(terrestrial ) THINGS
Yours truly spotted a vehicle with the registration beginning with UFO ---, and it
came with a tyre cover with this symbol . Unfortunately I could not signal the driver to
stop, and therefore I could not find out what his/her interest is in UFOs.

Here is a website you may like to check it out.

This site contains articles covering a wide range of issues and is updated regularly.
Mr Barry Taylor has published a new book titled UFO DOWN UNDER. We are in
the process of obtaining copies of this book which will then be made available for purchase
for interested members. Cost to be advised.

If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you
like to recommend, a website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article.
Please contact me (William Johnson) on 0412183046 or email me to
JEDIWSJ@HOTMAIL.COM and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

Compiled by William Johnson (Committee member) 20 January 2008

And May The Force Be With You Always

UFO Research (NSW) INC

NEWSLETTER - Vol 2 2008
... The Facts ... And Not Just The Truth ... Is Out There ...
Our website address is www.ufor.asn.au

2008 Annual General Meeting

The 2008 Annual General Meeting for UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INCORPORATED
was held on Saturday 09 February 2008 at 1pm at the Masonic Club, Castlereagh Street,
The first item was the presentation of the Presidents Report by the president Ms
Wendy BURNHAM. The Presidents Report is included in this newsletter so please read
on for details. At the conclusion of the Presidents Report, Wendy once more emphasised
the importance of this group becoming Incorporated, and the commitment of the
committee to the group.
Next item was the voting of the committee members, and the results are as follow.
All current committee members have been re-instated with one change in the position
Mr Anthony CLARKE
Ms Joann KANDA
Mr Michael HANDLEY
Ms Claudea DONLAN
Mr William JOHNSON

Treasurer/Membership Secretary/Web Site
Secretarial Assistant
Ordinary Committee Member
Public Relations
Technical Advisor/Web Site
Public Officer/Newsletter Editor

The treasurer Mr Anthony CLARKE followed by presenting the financial report for
2007. Copy of the financial report can be obtained either by attending the next public
meeting or contact me and I can forward a copy onto you.
A very special thankyou and appreciation was directed to committee member Mr
Michael HANDLEY for his contributions during 2007. Although Michael has decided not to
continue as the Secretary for the time being due to personal and work commitments, he
will still have a role within the committee which everyone is most grateful for his continual

A word of appreciation was also given to Honorary Member Mr Bryan DICKESON

for his generous assistance in 2007 during those moments of difficulty we were facing.
Committee Member Mr Peter OBRIEN then informed everyone that he had met up with
Bryan recently, and Bryan would like to wish everyone at UFO RESEARCH (NSW)
INCORPORATED all the best for 2008.
With this, the Annual General Meeting for 2008 closes. Other items were then
discussed and the February Public Meeting commences, so please read on.

Presidents Report February 2007 January 2008

2007 started out as a very challenging time for the Association because of the
misappropriation of our funds by our former treasurer Ms Elizabeth BUDEK.
Fortunately our funds were returned to us by the WESTPAC Bank and are now in a
fixed deposit account with the ST. GEORGE Bank.
We were very lucky to receive good legal and account management advice having
had to take a very serious look at ourselves and our account management and operation
After much deliberation we have decided to become an Incorporated Association
for the benefit and safeguard of our committee and members. This was put into action in
April 2007. I would like to thank Mr Michael HANDLEY and Mr Anthony CLARKE for all
their hard work and support during this very difficult time. Also a special thanks to Mr
William JOHNSON for his help and for becoming the public officer for the incorporation.
With this behind us we can now concentrate on new projects in the promotion of the
We are particularly interested in promoting a more serious media and public image
for this subject in all its convoluted aspects.
I am particularly interested in promoting a forum for UFO researchers from Australia
and New Zealand to formulate protocols in how we promote the understanding and further
investigation of the subject.
Mr Doug MOFFETT, our media representative is still being kept very busy with
radio and other media interviews.
Our group was also interviewed by Ms Sonia KRUGER and her team from Channel
7, and if they had presented half of our interviews the public would have been more
informed than what was presented. But we all had fun and Sonia and her team enjoyed
themselves as well.
During the year we had some of our favourites giving talks to our group, including
Mr Bill CHALKER, Mr Barry TAYLOR, Mr Rex GILROY and Ms Graciella FLAIN. Our new
presenters Mr Jason COWLAND and Mr William JOHNSON gave good insights on their
individual trips to Roswell, New Mexico. Mr Dudley ROBB (a long term member) also
gave a talk on Roswell marking the 60th anniversary of the event.

A number of our members travelled to New Zealand in September 2007 for the
UFOCUS NZ Conference. This was a well attended and successful conference and has
brought forward a number of very good unreported cases.
Another highlight of the year was the very well presented The Visitors art show at
the Penrith Regional Gallery. This show finishes on 17 February 2008, so if you have a
chance, dont miss out on seeing it.
During 2008 our Association will continue to provide our members and the general
public with updated information on the UFO subject, and give you well informed speakers
as well.
Thank you all for all your support and for standing by us during the difficulties with
our former treasurer.
Once again a special thanks for all our committee members,

Upcoming April Public Meeting

Masonic Club 1st Floor Conference Room - Saturday 05 April 2008 - 1pm
Our guest speakers will be Ms Mary RODWELL of the Australian Close Encounter
Resource Network (ACERN), Perth, W.A. and Ms Suzanne HANSEN of UFOCUS New
Zealand. Mary & Suzanne will be presenting a talk on their recent works.
We are also hoping for Ms Larraine CILIA of the UFO & Paranormal Research
Society of Australia to speak to us in relation to recent UFO flaps in the Central Coast /
Newcastle area.

February Public Meeting

Firstly, other matters ...
Thanks to our member Mr Errol NEWLYN, who has donated a DVD on the NEXUS
Conference held last year. This DVD will be shown over the coming public meetings.
Member Mr Steven WALTERS related some of the UFO sightings at the Central
Coast / Newcastle area.
Member Mr John SMYTH related several sightings that occurred whilst he was in
Darwin, NT last year.
Guest Speaker ...
The guest speaker for our first public meeting in 2008 is Mr Robb TILLEY of the
Australian Institute of Para Psychology and here is brief summary of his presentation.
The Australian Institute of Para Psychology was established in 1977 by academics
throughout Australia. They publish scientific journals which is available for subscription
(details to follow).
The study involved are based on 4 main elements,
- Psychic Phenomenon
- Clairvoyance / Remote Viewing
- Pre-cognition
- Psycho-Kinesis
However, they do get involved in anything that has to do with psychic phenomenon.
Robb has made it very clear that the acceptance of Ufology from Universities will
NOT happen. To confirm this, 1) he also informed us that the Para-psychology
department of the University in Adelaide has been cancelled, 2) he had a meeting with
Macquarie University with Mr Bill CHALKER also met without success.
Robb was never a firm believer in UFO and Extraterrestrials; that is until 1992 when
he went on a field investigation with Mr Bill CHALKER near Agnes Bank, NSW where they
were investigating a possible crop circle. Robb said he found it to be very real and he also
got scared by the experience.
Around 1993 1994, he was working on explaining the Alien Abduction / Contact
phenomenon, psychologically. This involves psychological tests. The subjects for the
investigation must shown evidence of abduction by force. He had interviewed 8 - 9 such
people and discovered that they are normal ordinary people, but with very high fantasy
count, which he finds most extraordinary.
When these people met up with each other, they have found comfort simply by talking
about their experiences with one another. They even discussed whether this abduction
can be stopped.

Of all these people only one of them did not have any caused for concerns over the
experience, because this person claimed to have agreed to be taken. This person also
claimed the aliens she met during the experience eventually became her Earth children.
Robb then spoke about his first out of body experience. He was a child in 1964
living in the UK. One day he was sick at home, in bed, when he saw 2 girls standing in the
hallway of his home. He got up and out of his bed, went to the hallway and found 2 girls
standing there.
He also mentioned the best out of body experience he ever had lasted some 23 minutes.
Later when he went to the Parapsychology Unit of the University of Sydney, his
purpose is to find out what is happening to him, and why it is happening to him.
The last 15 or so years, he has been involved in the clearing of haunted houses &
poltergeist. He was able to speak to good spirits, which he was able to work with them in
helping him in dealing with the bad spirits.
When asked how did he dealt with the ability to see bad spirits and had to deal with them in
clearing haunted houses, Robb answered by saying he invited the good, wise, intelligent
spirits to come and help him.
He further claims that this connection with good spirits in dealing with bad spirits shares
the same principle as if you are dealing with good aliens with bad aliens.
I am sure we all have heard this phrase before, Be careful what you ask for,
because you might just get it.
Robb relates how a person once asked for The Lord to reveal himself to her. Then, on the
same night she had an abduction experience and there she met up with aliens with red
Therefore, is this alien, GOD?
The more faith she has of the Christian religion, the more she wants to know about GOD?
But after the abduction experience, this person is no longer a Christian because the
Christian faith cannot fully answer the questions shes got in relation to her experience.
Robb said up until 3 years ago he had not seen an UFO but did come to the
conclusion that they must exist. Then, 3 years ago he had seen his very first UFO; where
he saw 2 strange clouds in the sky, then an enormous orange UFO comes out of one of
the clouds, then the clouds disappeared.
Where will this lead? Robb asked.
Centuries from now, aliens may be living with us, then it will be just a state of mind,
everything is just normal to us. However, the spiritual benefits to Earth will be enormous.
The state of mind will alter to a point where the person will be a different person because
they had the experience.
Robb concludes his presentation by talking about the Cosmic Microwave
Background Radiation from the Big Bang origin of the universe. This is claimed to cause
a psychic phenomenon, since it emits in a frequency.that may cause neurological

Refer to a paper in the Australasian Journal of Para Psychology for details on this report.
Photographs taken during psychic healings showed evidence of this same frequency.
After his presentation, Robb continues to talk of his experiences and answering
questions from the audience.
One particular experience he spoke about was the use of remote viewing. Experiments
were conducted using remote viewing to predict the rise or fall of the prices of a certain
commodity in the stock market. The first testing resulted in the predictions being 100%
correct. However, a second test was conducted but this time the results were total failure.
They reached the conclusion in that the second testing was for purely financially gains,
therefore it failed.
The lesson here is to use the power for good, and not for greed.
Another interesting thing that had occurred to Robb was when a particularly pestering spirit
that simply will not let Robb alone. So Robb sends the spirit a message by thoughts
where Robb grabs the spirit by the you know where, and that was enough for the spirit to
leave him in peace.
Yet another occurrence was when Robb had met with a nasty spirit. Robb asked the good
spirits to send this mean spirit all the way to Pluto and keep him there. It appears Pluto is
not a very pleasant place, because not long after Robb asked the good spirits to return him
to Earth, this nasty spirit is no longer nasty to Robb.
Here are the details if anyone wishes to subscribe to the journal,
Australian Journal of Para-Psychology
PO Box 295, Gladesville NSW 2111
02 9816 4279
Subscription $50.00 per year

In Memoriam
Condolences and heart felt sympathy goes to committee member Mr Peter OBRIEN and
his family on the recent passing of their mother.
Everyone at UFO Research (NSW) Inc wish Peter and his family all the best during this
difficult time.

Membership Renewal for 2008 - Reminder

This is a reminder that membership renewal for 2008 is now due. If you have not
done so already, please ensure the completed membership renewal form and the payment
fee be forwarded as soon as possible. Details are on our web site.

Call for participants - Meditation Group

Cant wait for the day when the ETs finally show themselves to the world?
From 2008 and beyond, UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INCORPORATED will initiate
attempts to make contact with the ETs. As a first step to achieve this, we are to form a
meditation group.
Date/s and place are yet to be determined; nevertheless, anyone interested in
joining, please contact me (William Johnson) on 0412183046 or email me to
To date, we have received interest from several members, and preliminary
discussion on the methodology of this group has also taken place. But it is not too late for
anyone wishing to join.
We anticipate the first meeting will take place mid to late April.

Television Project
To continue fulfilling one of the objective of this organisation for 2008, i.e., to further
educate, promote and expend the field of Ufology to the general public; a letter of invitation
has been sent to Mr Andrew DENTON (as seen on the ABC network), inviting him as a
guest to attend our upcoming public meetings, and the possibility of a collaboration with
our organisation of a television project.
We have received a written response from Andrew recently. Unfortunately due to
other commitments Andrew and his production company are unable to collaborate with us
at this moment.
We will be contacting Andrew again at a later date.

Dates Of 2008 Public & Social Meetings

Public Meetings Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 1pm to 5pm
5 A p ril 7 Ju n e 2 Au gu s t 4 O ct o be r
Social Meetings Catholic Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 5pm onwards
3 May 5 July 6 Sep tember 1 November
2008 Christmas Party Saturday 29 November 2008 - Venue to be advised

These dates are correct to this moment but may be subjected to change. It is
recommended that you check our website prior to these dates to confirm at

Upcoming Events In 2008

Referring to the last newsletter, I have given a summary of a lecture presented by Ms
Dolores CANNON that was held in Sydney in November 2007.
Dolores is schedule to return to Australia later this year where she will present her
Advanced Training Course in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy in Perth and New
Zealand in November / December.
It appears she will not be visiting Sydney this time, and has no plans for Sydney at this
Are there any members interested in seeing Dolores? If so, maybe we can convince her
to come to Sydney. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
Now available on CD: Dolores CANNON's Between Death and Life and The Convoluted
Please email Ms Patricia HAMILTON at Patricia@consciousliving.net.au for more details
or to order the CDs.

Recent UFO / Sightings Reports

Here are the sightings reports sent to our website. (Name/s of person/s are deleted
for privacy reasons)
Received 25/01/2008

I'd like to report an UFO sighting, my first UFO sighting :-) The details are as follows.
Wednesday 23rd January 2008 between 20:00pm & 20:30pm UFO Spotted from the
position 50 feet past McDonalds at Asquith heading towards Hornsby along the pacific
highway on the right hand side of the highway that connects with Rupert St.
UFO was sighted to the top left far, far away just below a series of clouds. It was a black,
flat object that moved down vertically from cloud then proceeded to travel to the left viewed
for approximately 12 seconds. Estimate it's altitude at 5000 feet, I know that because I
recently travelled on a plane & the distance seemed around that. No colour, no lights, no
sound, moved silently & not like any conventional aircraft
I'm a TAFE student, & was out for exercise that evening. Hope this can be of value
to you,
I know it left me dumbfounded & dazed after seeing it. Thanks

Received 28/01/2008
Just wanted to know if anyone else saw strange lights in the sky this
morning Monday 28th Jan? I was travelling north on the Cobb Highway from
Moama to Deniliquin about 6.15 am, off to my right, due east I first saw a
streak of light travelling just above the tree line in the distance, faster
than I was travelling (I was doing 100-105k), then about 15 minutes later a
further 3 streaks of light followed at a distance at the same level and
seemed to be travelling faster than the first one.
This continued for approx 40k, I lost sight of them through the town of Mathoura,
the tree line was in the way and resumed sight about 5k out of the town for a further 10k.
The speed of travel did change, which made me think they could be jet
fighters? But there is not air force area near here and they were travelling
much faster than any plane I have seen.
I travel this road at this time approx 3 times a week and have never seen
anything like this...do you have any explanation? I was a little rattled
by this and would like to understand what they were, any thoughts would be

Extra (- terrestrial


Mr Barry TAYLOR has published a new book titled UFO DOWN UNDER. We are
in the process of obtaining copies of this book which will then be made available for
purchase for interested members. Cost to be advised.
Recommended by member Mr Frank SINCLAIR - Stephen Greer Hidden Truth /
Forbidden Knowledge regarding the hidden US black Government's suppression
attempts on UFO's and the knowledge that Stephen's research has uncovered from
Joshua Books.
We have received a newsletter from the Tasmanian UFO Investigation Centre.
Anyone wish to obtain a copy, please contact me.
Member Mike FARRELL has donated two DVDs titled The Experiencers and
UFOs & Crop Circles Paranormal Activity in France to our collection. Anyone wish
to borrow these DVDs, please contact me. We wish to thank Mike for his generosity.
If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you
like to recommend, a website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article.
Please contact me (William JOHNSON) on 0412 183046 or email me to
JEDIWSJ@HOTMAIL.COM and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

Compiled by William Johnson 09 March 2008

And May The Force Be With You ... Always


The Facts And Not Just The Truth Is Out There

Our website address is www.ufor.asn.au

Upcoming June Public Meeting

Masonic Club 1st Floor Conference Room - Saturday 07June 2008 - 1pm
Our speaker will be our member Ms Flor AMANOWICZ. The topic will be Flors
presentation during last years NEXUS Conference.

April Public Meeting

Firstly, other matters
We had a great turnout in attendance for the second meeting of the year. We have
a total of 39 attendees, 16 of which are members of the public.
The meeting commenced with the showing of a recent television interview of our
media liaison officer Mr Doug MOFFETT with Mr Larry EMDUR & Ms Kylie GILLIES of
THE MORNING SHOW of the Seven 7 Network that took place on Tuesday 11 March
Well done Doug, you have done a fantastic job.
(Doug has been invited for an interview with Ms Sonia KRUGER on her radio show on MIX
FM schedule to take place sometime in July. Hopefully by the next newsletter I will be
able to provide you with more details so we may all tune in.)

Guest Speakers
Our first guest speakers are Ms Larraine CILIA and Mr Dominic McNAMARA of
The subject of the presentation is the groups field trips into the Blue Mountains over the
past several years.
One particular sighting caught on film showed a white pulsating object hovering over the
regions of the Blue Mountains. The incredible thing is that the camera picked up the
object, yet it was not seen by the naked eye at first. The object was also moving about at
various speeds and just suddenly stopped and hovers. Slow motion of the footage clearly
indicates the object is not any type of the conventional aircraft.
They were also able to film on a number of occasions, small planes and helicopters flying
low over the Blue Mountains National Park.
The presentation concluded by Q&A from the audience.
Our next guest speaker is Mr Bill CHALKER
Bill relates his investigation into a possible landing of an Extraterrestrial Craft.
He is responding to a request from member Mr John SMYTH in relation to a sighting /
landing at Coogee, suburb of Sydneys east.
The event took place on 29 February 2008 at approx 4am. The friend of John witnessed
the landing of a craft at a T-intersection in a suburban street in Coogee.
It was a spherical shaped craft with pedestal-like landing gear. The witness also claims to
have seen a small man-like creature inside the craft looking out through the crafts view
port situated at the top of the globe.
The contact experience lasted approx 5 minutes.
When the object began to rise, the witness claimed a truck was heading towards his
direction, but the truck did not slow down at any time. It appeared the driver of truck may
not have seen the craft.
After the event, John visited the location with the witness and John collected samples of
scorched tree branch of a tree situated quite near where the craft had landed. Also, there
was a burnt mark left on the road exactly where the craft had landed.
Bill interviewed the witness on 19 March and he too visited the location of the landing. He
then showed some of the photos of the street, the burned bitumen, the burned tree branch.
An interesting side note regarding the burned bitumen is that the council had repaired the
damage within days.

Editors note - The council actually had an interest in repairing the damaged road? Why?
The photo showed the section of the road with the burned marking, however, the marking
did not seem to be in need of URGENT repair. Considering the number of damaged roads
throughout many of the Sydney streets and many of them are not fixed nor were there any
urgency to fix them. Did an element of our government knew about this landing and are
covering up the evidence?
Finally, we have Ms Suzanne HANSEN of UFOCUS NZ from New Zealand and
Ms Mary RODWELL of ACERN Australian Close Encounter Resource Network from
Perth W.A. in a joint presentation.
The presentation relates to Suzannes experiences with the Extraterrestrials throughout
her life, from a young age to the present and of the not-too-distant future; while Mary
relates her work through ACERN and her involvement in an upcoming Queensland based
television show chronicling stories of experiencers, to be titled Hot Zone.
As a majority of the contents of the presentation by Suzanne and Mary are due to appear
in an upcoming book and the television show. Therefore with respect to Suzanne and
Mary the contents of their presentation will not appear in this newsletter.
For his efforts in setting up the equipments in order for our guest speakers to make
their presentation during this meeting, a word of gratitude goes to our member Mr Hugh

A Reminder to Everyone at the Public Meeting

This is a reminder to everyone members and visitors - present at our public meeting/s
that there shall be no photography or recording of any kind without first obtain permission
from our president Ms Wendy BURNHAM or from the guest speaker/s.

Triangle Formation over Western Australia

The following was sent to our website back in August 2007.

I found something funny at Google earth, and because the military is not
willing to tell me, what kind of plane they are testing, they gave me your
web link.
I hope that the US and your nation still not removed it. You sure all have
Google Earth, if not download it and go to the coordinates

3030'26.16 S 11522'40.14 East about 200 Miles north of Perth.

I made a screenshot yesterday. But when Google Earth didnt change the
maps, you can see it still on your own pc.
Maybe Google and NASA made a hoax, I do not know, but when I look at this,
it seems like a triangle aircraft and a quite big one.
Well NASA made the picture, I guess they are serious. So which nation built
this? Looks like a military craft.
Due to the photo in question is copyrighted, it cannot be reproduced here.
You may like to check this out by going into GOOGLE EARTH with the co-ordinates

Singer Robbie Williams on UFO

UK singer Robbie WILLIAMS recently made public of his interest in UFOs, aliens, and all
things to do with the paranormal.
He claimed he had seen UFOs on three occasions, and he has been quoted in saying he
wants to quit singing to become a full time UFOLOGIST.
These claims were made to the UKs SUN Newspaper.
Williams says he spends most his time conducting his own research into ghosts and aliens
and attends UFO conferences when he is not playing his music.

Dates Of 2008 Public

Public & Social
Social Meetings
Public Meetings Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 1pm to 5pm
09 February

05 April

07 June

02 August

04 October

Social Meetings Catholic Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 5pm onwards
01 March

03 May

05 July

06 September

01 November

2008 Christmas Party Saturday 29 November 2008 - Venue to be advised

These dates are correct to this moment but may be subjected to change. It is
recommended that you check our website at www.ufor.asn.au prior to these dates to

Upcoming Events In 2008

Dolores is schedule to return to Australia later this year where she will present her
Advanced Training Course in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy in Perth and New
Zealand in November / December 2008.
Now available on CD: Dolores CANNON's Between Death and Life and The Convoluted
Please email Ms Patricia HAMILTON at Patricia@consciousliving.net.au for more details
or to order the CDs.

* NEXUS CONFERENCE 04 / 05 / 06 OCTOBER 2008

Novotel Twin Waters Resort, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Special display and presentation of the MITCHELL-HEDGES CRYSTAL SKULL
To book, please call (07) 5442 9280 or visit www.nexusmagazine.com
Cost: 04 October 2008 only - $135.00
05 October 2008 only - $135.00
06 October 2008 only - $110.00
04 & 05 October 2008 - $250.00
04, 05 & 06 October 2008 - $330.00
Cost includes GST, morning & afternoon tea each day, but do not include accommodation


In addition to being displayed at the NEXUS Conference in October 2008, there will be a
tour around Australias east coast between October and November.
For Sydney, this will take place between 04 November and 11 November. Details and
venue to be announced
Private Sessions (max. 2 people) - $45.00pp for 30 mins / $80.00pp for 60 mins
Group Sessions (max. 9 people) - $35pp for 30 mins / $60pp for 60 mins
The Skull will also be displayed during the MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL in Sydney
between 06 & 09 November at the NEXUS booth, plus talks, workshops, etc.


Our good friend Ms Mary RODWELL has been invited as a guest speaker in an UFO
Conference due to be held in November 2009 in Hong Kong. Details of the conference
are to be confirmed.

Presentation from Members

Do any of our members have a story to tell? Do you have an experience you want to
share with everyone? Do you have a discovery that will expand our knowledge?
Would you like to share your story / experience / discovery in an upcoming public
If yes, please let me know and you can take center stage in one of the upcoming public

Recent UFO / Sightings

Sightings Reports
Here are the recent sightings reports sent to our website. (Name/s of person/s are
deleted for privacy reasons)
Received 05/05/2008

Saturday 3rd may 2008, witness a large bright orange ball of light travel from the south for
bout 30seconds, then headed west sharply, gaining altitude and disappearing out of sight.
Full duration of event, 90seconds thought it was a large star or plane at first, but was
clearly neither. It was easily at least 3 or 4 times bigger than the brightest star in the sky,
and equally brighter and there was an absence of flashing lights as with most aircraft and
as the light changed direction, the intensity of the light didnt diminish as you expect
headlights to. Witnessed this from my balcony 100mtr from Cardiff Train Station, NSW
Received 14/04/2008
My husband and I have just witnessed something we have never seen before. About
7.45pm my husband was walking our baby to sleep in our backyard when he called out to
come outside. I looked up to the sky and saw 2 bright orange objects travelling across the
sky, in unison it seemed. Then to the left, we saw another one - however this one seemed
at lot lower and closer, with a huge fireball burning. It seemed like it was going down in
the sky not far from us. There was no noise with any of them...was very quiet. We
couldn't work out what they were. The other 2 travelled across the sky and seemed to
stop in the distance and hover around the same spot for about 2 minutes. We lost sight of
one of them, but we witnessed the bright orange glow from the other one extinguished and
then we lost sight of it. We have never seen anything like it before and really have no idea
what was going on. We are interested to find out if anyone else saw what we did or
anything similar. We live in East Maitland NSW. Please let us know if anyone else has
reported seeing something strange tonight, Friday 11th April 2008.
The following is the response from our member Joann Kanda in regards to this sighting,
I spoke with the witness. The lighted floated garbage bags explained this one. Witness agreed that
this was the likely cause. School holidays!! She was a little disappointed but pleased to solve the
puzzle. No previous sightings by either witness. I think we can cross this one off unless something
else proves otherwise?

Received 12/04/2008
At about 18:45 11/04/2008 I was standing on my front veranda at East Maitland NSW and
saw 2 bright orange lights which appeared to be about 30-40 degrees from my horizontal,
travelling in a north-westerly direction and about the size of a thumbnail on an outstretched
arm. At first I thought they were F-18's from Williamtown RAAF, as they often conduct
exercises in the Hunter Valley. I was waiting for the sound of the jets and called my two
sons aged 8 and 10 to come and have a look as we like jets. The lights behaved
erratically, slowing down, speeding up and they did not stay the same distance away from
each other, the distance varied but not by a great deal. At one point the light which was
trailing "caught up" to the front one and then appeared to slow down again. The three of us
watched the lights until the roof of the veranda blocked our view. We then went through
the house and watched from the back yard. The lights continued along the roughly same
trajectory and became smaller, went further away. They did not however "disappear over
the horizon" as we have seen planes do. The lights got to a point where the perception of
them moving ceased and they just kept getting smaller and smaller as if the were getting
further and further away in a straight line away from us. They eventually became too small
to see. At one point I said, "They're not planes. I don't know what they are." The children
and I discussed what we had seen and all agreed on what we had seen as per the above.
At about 19:15 I called the Police and asked if they had received any reports of strange
lights. They replied in the negative. When my wife got home at about 20:30 the children

said "We saw UFO's". My wife was shocked, as other people to whom she had spoken
earlier that evening also reported seeing the same thing and also stating that what they
saw was not explainable in terms of aeroplanes or any other known phenomenon.
My wife called the police and again asked if there had been any similar reports. The
Sargent mentioned RAAF exercises. Later the police called back and said that they had
contacted the RAAF who confirmed that they had NOT been conducting any exercises at
that time. I know what I saw and I know that they were not planes or helicopters.
Received 12/04/2008
Friday night 11/04/08 at about 6:30 in East Maitland I saw 2 orange lights coming out of
the east and flew directly over the village of east Maitland. Another guy across the street
saw them as well. There was no noise. They were not flashing, and they were flying side
by side. However you could notice they were independent. I was not like to care
headlights, but rather like to motorcycles side by side. I watched them as the headed west.
I drove home. My wife and I stepped out onto our back deck which faces north-west and
you could still see them. They were smaller and now further apart. They were still orange.
Then one left the other one and started to head down while the other one headed up, then
we could not see them any more. The whole sighting lasted about 12 minutes. They did
not look like airplane or chopper lights. I am excited about this as it has never happened to
me before and I am 62 years old. A reply would be appreciated.
Received 11/04/2008
I wondered if you might have had any reports from Wednesday 09 April 08
at around 2115. Im a GA Licensed Pilot and was sitting on my back veranda in Tomakin
(nr Batemans Bay) Wednesday evening when I noticed one very bright strobe
like flash NNE of Tomakin quite low in the sky, just above the tree line. I thought it might
have been the Regional Express SAAB coming in to Moruya from Sydney (late). I
continued watching for about another 90 seconds, and saw another single flash, but this
time at probably 55 60 degrees above the Horizon on pretty much the same track. I
pinched myself. It definitely wasn't an aircraft. There were no (red or green) Nav lights and
no continuously rotating beacon flashing at regular intervals, just one single flash. Given
the distance it had travelled in under 90 seconds (from low in the horizon to 55-60 degrees
above) it must have been moving very fast indeed. It wasn't a satellite. I've seen them
before. And it wasn't an aircraft, certainly not a commercial or private aircraft anyway.
To my absolute amazement, some 60 -90 seconds later it flashed again, but this time on a
different track. It had moved some 15-20 degrees to the West, just one single very bright
strobe like flash, and then nothing more. If you've heard anything similar, I'd like to hear
back from you if possible.
Received 01/04/2008
I saw something very strange over The Entrance last night 31st. Watching from the other
side of Tuggerah Lake I could see clearly what was happening. There was a stationary
aircraft emitting multicoloured lights appeared to be red, green, white and perhaps blue
occasionally. The thing that was even stranger was the occasional blinking of what
appeared to be other stationary aircraft. If you imagine a clock face, this multicoloured
aircraft being in the middle, the other aircraft seemed to be in a circle around it almost at
each number around the clock, i.e. there were approximately 12 other aircrafts. The one at
approximately 10 o'clock was visible all the time, the others would blink every now and

then with no real pattern. This was at approximately 9:30pm - 10:30pm on March 31st
2008. I fell asleep watching them and when I awoke at approximately 2:30am I couldn't
see them in the sky anymore. If they were stars they would have moved across the sky to
the west however, they were simply not there any more. I'm no stranger to UFO sightings,
back in 1990 I saw a UFO over Berkeley Vale which was very low to the ground, it was
emitting a red and green light and looked as though it had a football shape. It hovered
without a sound, I passed directly below it, it was almost like an air balloon but being
8:30pm in winter I could only see the outline. It moved between Berkeley Vale and Wyong
in a westerly direction anyway and back again for hours before disappearing. I had the
same tense feeling last night as I did back then. Something tells me that what I saw last
night was similar to what I saw many years ago.
Received 31/03/2008
Last Night, 30 March 2008 my husband and I were walking at San Remo, NSW on the
lake about 6.30pm when we noticed what looked like a comet in the western sky travelling north. It was moving slow and had a tail, another fisherman said he thought it
was a plane letting out fuel to start with but we watched it for half hour and it was a long
way away and was to slow for a plane. It eventually disappeared over the horizon. Did
anybody else see this?
Received 17/03/2008
I used to live on a farm way out in the bush in the Mid-North Coast area of NSW, and my
husband and I have both seen a few unusual lights exhibiting strange behaviour from time
to time. I'm prepared to accept that these may have been weather balloons as I have had
one of those crashed into our dam. But about ten years ago I was driving home, travelling
NW along a quiet, open, straight stretch of road with no street lights or other vehicles, at
about 11pm having just finished work. I was concentrating on the road ahead as there
were often wallabies and kangaroos on the side of the road) when in my peripheral vision I
saw something in my rear view mirror. When I looked, I saw 7 orange triangles in the sky,
in a neat formation of 3 above 4. They were very bright but with clearly defined edges - the
light did not seem to 'bleed' into the surrounding darkness, making me think that these
were 7 individual objects as opposed to lights or windows on a single object. This stayed
behind me for about a minute until I reached the end of the straight where the road curved
to the right, and entered a heavily forested area with trees hanging so far over the road
that they blocked the sky almost completely from view. I was quite afraid, and glad to lose
sight of the object/s. I never saw it again. I'm not sure if the orange colour was from the
object/s or because there was a lot of smoke and dust in the sky from recent bush fires;
they could have in fact been any shade from white to yellow or possibly pale grey, as I
recall the moon being quite orange at the time. Other than my husband I have told very
few people about this as I didn't want to be ridiculed. It's a shame there are freaks and
fakers out there whose lies and fantasies make people believe there have been no
genuine sightings. I don't know what I saw but I know it wasn't a plane or helicopter.

Here is one sighting report sent to us last year

Received 03 August 2007
I live in southeast Denver by Cherry Creek Reservoir and have seen UFOs many times
since about 1984. The first one I saw was different than the rest. I was about 14
or 15 and I was walking to the store with a girl (I won't use her last name because she
really freaked out about this). It was early afternoon and we both looked up and saw like 3
Bright lights just sitting there, they were huge, they looked like little Suns but you could
look at them. Then there would be 5 or 7, back to 3 and sometimes just 1 for like a
second (always odd), and then they just disappeared. It lasted a good minute or longer.
There were cars stopping on Yosemite and everything. I remember I saw the same exact
thing on that show Sightings years later. I tried to get in touch with the girl to see if she
remembered it. She would not talk to me about it!! The best I got was through her sister
who said she DID remember it but did NOT want to talk about it.
The second time, I was about 23 and it was definitely the strangest thing that has ever
happened to me In My Entire Life!! I rode my mountain bike down to the soccer fields
close to my house to fly my kite. As soon as my kite was in the air, the goal post started
MOVING!! The top part was bending back and forth and making a Loud Humming sound,
like a Wah Wah from the metal Bending. It went for at least 2 minutes, then stopped (it
took almost a minute to slow to a stop). Then it DID IT AGAIN!! The second time seemed
like the (square) rail bent even farther like it was about to break but it didn't last as long. I
remember I tied my kite to my bike and I grabbed on to it to see if I could slow it, No Way! I
went to the other goal post to see if like the wind could be doing it and it was doing
nothing. It freaked me out! I thought I was going Crazy!! I could hear the golfers on
Kennedy golf course yelling "fore" and I wanted to yell at them, but I was sure they'd think I
was crazy. A couple of minutes later, I looked up at my kite and saw a little green ball
flying through the air!!! It was kind of a dull green but if you looked hard at it, it was kind of
detailed, hard to explain. I yelled at the golfers anyway, no response of course. It would
move in a straight line, at like super speeds (like nothing I've ever seen) both directions,
and then real slow, (that's when I actually felt scared). I must have looked at it for at least
two minutes. The more I stared at it, the more I Felt that I was being watched. It is very
hard to explain that feeling. Then it started flying in 1 direction (S.) and went fast into the
tiniest cloud (the only cloud that day) and never came out the other side. I reeled my kite in
(fast) and left. This is weird also. You could see the soccer fields from my townhouse but
you have to ride 5 blocks North, 3 blocks East and then about 5 blocks South again to get
to them because of a big field. I could do it in a matter of minutes. But when I got 2 blocks
from home, there were a bunch of fire trucks and the field in front of my house was on fire.
The weird thing was it looked like it had been on fire for a while, and I had Not Seen It from
the soccer fields!!! This freaks me out to this day! I got home and told everyone I knew.
That story takes a while to tell to people, but I told a lot of people, and I told them " I don't
Care if you believe it or not". I don't know how many did, but I swear on my life It
Happened!! I almost want to get hypnotized or something.
Then, once in the mid to late 90's and once in the early 2000's I saw something similar,in a
way, (it was night). The first time I was with my friend. We were driving south on Boston
St., (which is between the soccer fields and my house), and we saw a bright green light
just shoot toward the ground, slow down for a split second , then disappear in the
neighbourhood across the freeway, (W. of C.C Reservoir). We both freaked out and totally
agreed it was a UFO. Then, believe it or not, my friend and I were driving down the same
street, about the same time of night, the same time of year, (late summer), and we saw the

Same Exact Thing. This time I think it moved around more than the first time I saw it. This
is all in the Same Area.
I've never written to any authorities, or called Sightings or anything like that in the past.
This is why I am now. You can tell by now that I'm not good with dates so I'm gonna say
this happened about 2 to 3 weeks ago. I was sitting in my room, it was about 2 or 3 am, I
had insomnia and had had a few beers, (just being honest). I heard this real deep hum
like a helicopter time a thousand. It got real loud and actually vibrated me and like
everything, then stopped. It only lasted a few seconds but I remember saying out loud,
"What the Hell was that!!" I went to see if anyone else had heard it, (or felt it), but everyone
was asleep. I looked outside and saw nothing. I admit I remember being freaked out about
it. I'm not even sure if I told anyone about it. Then like a week later (about a week ago
today) I was painting the dining room and I went between the townhouses to clean my
brushes, (right by my room), and I saw this big circle of dead grass!!! I've shown my
neighbours, my mom, my friends, my kids and I took pictures of it, It's Still There Right
Now.!!! This is all the absolute truth and has happened to me. I will attest to this in court
or wherever the hell anybody wants me too. This recent thing with the circle has made me
curious to see if anybody else has seen similar things. I am gonna send this to any U.F.O
web sites I can find, or anybody that wants to hear it. You are the first. I would like any
professional opinions, any feedback, ANYTHING about this.

Extra (- terrestrial ) Things

The UFO Experience Reconsidered: Science & Speculation written by Mr Rob
MASON & published by SCHOONER MOON BOOKS in December 2007, 168 pages.
This book attempts to reduce UFOs to science, speculations with scientific basis, and with
multiple perspectives. Link http://stores.lulu.com/smbs
We have received an email letter of introduction from The Upper Murray Caravan
& Tourist Park located at Tintaldra, North East of Victoria offering an ideal location for
camping, and most important of all, night sky watching. For more details you may contact
Ms Ailsa GATT at ailsagatt@hotmail.com
If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you
like to recommend, a website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article.
Please contact me (William JOHNSON) on 0412183046 or email me to
JEDIWSJ@HOTMAIL.COM and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

Compiled by William Johnson 10 May 2008

And May The Force Be With You Always


The Facts And Not Just The Truth Is Out There

Our website address is www.ufor.asn.au

Upcoming October Public Meeting

Masonic Club 1st Floor Conference Room - Saturday 04 October 2008 - 1pm
For our final meeting for 2008, we will be showing the following DVDs. These
DVDs were donated to UFO Research (NSW) Inc. by our member Mr Mick FARRELL.

Capturing the Light The Dorothy IZATT Phenomenon

2008 17th International UFO Congress at Nevada, USA

with Jaime Maussan & Santiago Yturria
I can assure you that you do not want to miss out on seeing these DVDs.

August Public Meeting

A video was shown of an interview by David LETTERMAN of THE LATE SHOW
WITH DAVID LETTERMAN on 11 June 2008 regarding a photo of an alleged
Extraterrestrial. The photo shows what appeared to be an Extraterrestrial standing outside
the house looking into the persons bedroom.
We then followed by the showing of a segment of the TEN Network Sydney
program 9AM WITH DAVID & KIM on 30 July 2008 of an interview with George
SIMPSON of AUFORN Victoria regarding recent comments made by Apollo 14 Astronaut
Edgar MITCHELL and the NASA cover-up of the existence of Extraterrestrials.
You can also check the following web site address for more details,

Amongst the audience for this meeting, we have the presence of Mr Jamie
LEONARDER, an independent film maker, and former co-host of The Movie Show
previously seen on the SBS network. Jamie and his friend Darren attended our meeting to
film the guest speakers presentation as part of a documentary they are current in the
process of making. Jamie hopes this documentary will actually becoming a full length
feature film.

Guest Speakers
Our first speaker for this meeting is our member John SMYTH.
John presented a comprehensive history of Extraterrestrial sightings and contact
experiences from Australia and from around the world.
President Wendy BURNHAM presented an UFO sighting experienced by her
brother that took place in a wheat station in the NSW country township of Moree in the late
Our second speaker is Judy, a friend of our president Wendy. Judy presented to us
her history and experiences of UFO sightings in the Northern Territories and the Moree
area during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
The sightings experiences presented here clearly indicate the NSW countryside is
indeed a hot spot for UFO sightings.

June Public Meeting

Once again we have an excellent turnout for this meeting despite the meeting was
held over the holiday long weekend.
A video was shown of a news bulletin on the TENS Morning News Sydney of
Thursday 15 May 2008 regarding the release of classified UFO documents of the 1970s
and the 1980s by the UK government. For more details regarding this item please read

Guest Speaker
Our speaker for this meeting is our member Ms Flor AMANOWICZ.
The topic of the presentation is her appearance as a guest speaker at the NEXUS
Conference last year. A DVD of her presentation at the conference was shown, followed
by questions from the audience.
The presentation details Flors experiences and discoveries from her recent trips to
Peru. She also described the circumstances that led to her travels to Peru.

A Reminder to Everyone at the Public Meeting

This is a reminder to everyone members and visitors - present at our public
meeting/s that there shall be no photography or recording of any kind without first obtain
permission from our president Ms Wendy BURNHAM or from the guest speaker/s.

John Lear Project Camelot

The following web link is the transcript of a 4 hour interview by Project Camelot with John
Lear that took place at Nevada, USA in April 2008.
The interview covers a wide range of issues and it is highly recommended for everyone to
check this out.

Doug Moffett and interviews with MIX FM

On Monday 23 June 2008, Doug Moffett, our media liaison has been invited by MIX FM for
pre-recorded interviews to be broadcast by 97.3FM in Brisbane and Mix 101.1 in
The interviews were broadcasted on Tuesday 24 June 2008

ZONE - TV Series
During the presentation by Ms Mary RODWELL at the April public meeting, Mary
informed the audience that she is in the process of preparing a television program titled
This is to be a 26 one-hour program chronicling evidence of UFO / Alien craft, witness
testimonies, experiences, re-enactments.
This program is being realised by a company based in Queensland and Mary is the
content co-ordinator.

If anyone has recent evidence of UFO footage, photos, etc and wish to participate, please
discuss with our president Ms Wendy BURNHAM.

UK Government releasing classified UFO documents

The following is an extract of a bulletin on the Sydney TEN television network
morning news of Thursday 15 May 2008.
The UK government via the National Archive has released hundreds of pages of classified
documents regarding UFO sightings in the 1970s and the 1980s in the UK.
The released documents include sightings, apparent sightings and claimed sightings.
One such document claimed a fisherman in Aldershot was shown around an alien ship but
were told to leave because he was too old.
Another claimed 3 experienced police officers witnessed a bright white light descending
into a forest in Surrey after midnight on Christmas in 1985.
The reporter then interviewed Ruth, who in 1984 witnessed a bright flashing light over
Stanmore, Looked like a bright star, changing colours, red, yellow, green, blue, balls of
light shooting off the side of it and moving around in the sky.
Nick POPE then appeared being interviewed regarding the release of the documents, and
he said, Makes people think not all these things can be explained maybe there is
something more to this.
The reporter then provided a closing statement,
The truth is out there, then again, the truth just isnt as exciting as a flying saucer.

From Sceptic to Believer?

The following is an article from the Northern Territory News dated 18th July.
A TERRITORY politician has added weight to growing claims there are UFOs flying
around in Darwin's rural area.
Independent MLA Gerry Wood said he saw a strange object fly across the sky above
Howard Springs early Wednesday morning.

"It was a dark grey object and it was flying parallel to the ground - it lit up white at the front
for a short period, maybe one or two seconds, and then the light disappeared and the
object melted with the sky," he said.
Mr Wood, a self-confessed sceptic, said the object moved across the sky at a tremendous
rate, but he didn't believe it was a plane.
"There wasn't a sound, not even a whisper," he said.
"There was no trail of sparks like you see with a shooting star. It was just a white glow at
the front and underneath. I know that people won't believe this because, for starters, I'm a
politician ... that puts me in the category of 'what a load of crap'.
"I'm also a sceptic, but I saw this thing, clear as day."
Mr Wood's report is the second sighting of an unknown object in the skies above Darwin's
rural area.
More of article at

Sightings over Tenterfield

The following article comes from Tenterfield Star 15 July 2008 edition.
There was something unusual in the air last month that has people struggling to explain.
Two separate sightings by Tenterfield residents, one in Tenterfield and the other travelling
through St George, Queensland, both described something white and silver floating in the
sky on Friday, June 13.
The first sighting was in the Queensland town at 4:30 pm. The Tenterfield local, who did
not wish to be named, saw the object heading in a north-west direction whilst taking
pictures of the moon.
It made me think it was a plane at first, or a weather balloon, he said.
But the wind was blowing south west which would cause a balloon to be blowing away.
Showed my wife the photos. Other people may have seen it if they were looking in that
general direction.
The man was staying at the Pelican Rest Tourist Park with his wife in St George. He said
that the object left no vapour trail like a plane and did not make a sound. He then began to
take pictures of the object in the sky that hovered for around five minutes then
Depending on size of it, it looked to be close to about 20,000 feet in the sky, he said.

I turned my camera around and started taking pictures of it.

The Bureau of Meteorology observed the pictures that were taken of the object and came
to the conclusion that it was not a weather balloon, according to the bureaus Queensland
Regional Observations Manager Garry Sugrue.
It is difficult to tell from the photo what it is but it wouldnt be a weather balloon released
by us, Mr Sugrue said.
The timing and the location are not consistent.
Defence Force spokesman Paul Lineham was unable to confirm if the object in the picture
was a military craft.
An F1-11 aircraft from RAAF base Amberley was undertaking routine training in the St
George area at the time, Mr Lineham said.
The UFO Research Group of NSW Executive Committee member Doug Moffett inspected
the images and concluded that if the Bureau of Meteorology and the Australian Defence
Force could not explain it, it would be best described as a mystery. He also said that the
image showed an object with a peculiar shape that did not look like a plane.
Another resident saw a similar object south of Tenterfield on the same day at 5:30 pm. The
female resident, who also wished not to be named, saw something floating in the sky and
was moving south towards Glen Innes.
It was a round white thing moving in a straight line, she said.
It then disappeared into the sky.
The female resident said that the object, like the sighting in St George, did not make a
Link: http://tenterfield.yourguide.com.au/news/local/news/General/something-in-theair/811198.aspx
The following is the email response from the journalist sent to Doug MOFFETT on 11 July
Hi Doug,
Here is the picture. I just talked with a bloke from the BOM in Qld and he said the closest
site they release the balloons from is Chaterville, but only at 9.15 am then 12 hours later.
So he said it was not likely there was something in the air from the BOM at 4:30 pm.
Samuel Groves
Journalist - Tenterfield Star

Close Encounters in the Capital

Doug MOFFETT also alerted me of the following web link of an article that appeared in
The Canberra Times Thursday 31 July 2008 edition.

Upcoming Events In 2008

Dolores is schedule to return to Australia later this year where she will present her
Advanced Training Course in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy in Perth, Sydney
and New Zealand in November / December 2008.
For Sydney, the dates are schedule for 21-23 November.
Now available on CD: Dolores CANNON's Between Death and Life and The Convoluted
Please email Ms Patricia HAMILTON at Patricia@consciousliving.net.au for more details
or to order the CDs.

* NEXUS CONFERENCE 04 / 05 / 06 OCTOBER 2008

Novotel Twin Waters Resort, Sunshine Coast, Queensland
Special display and presentation of the MITCHELL-HEDGES CRYSTAL SKULL
To book, please call (07) 5442 9280 or visit www.nexusmagazine.com
Cost: 04 October 2008 only - $135.00
05 October 2008 only - $135.00
06 October 2008 only - $110.00
04 & 05 October 2008 - $250.00
04, 05 & 06 October 2008 - $330.00
Cost includes GST, morning & afternoon tea each day, but do not include accommodation


In addition to being displayed at the NEXUS Conference in October 2008, there will
be a tour around Australias east coast between October and November.
For Sydney, this will take place between 04 November and 11 November. Details and
venue to be announced
Private Sessions (max. 2 people) - $45.00pp for 30 mins / $80.00pp for 60 mins
Group Sessions (max. 9 people) - $35pp for 30 mins / $60pp for 60 mins
The Skull will also be displayed during the MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL in Sydney
between 06 & 09 November at the NEXUS booth, plus talks, workshops, etc.


This updated version of the Jules Verne classic starring Brendan Fraser schedule
premiere in Australia on 25 September 2008. A geologist and his son discover a
message in an ancient artefact leading them into a previous unseen world.


Remake of the 1951 classic starring Keanu Reeves schedule premiere in Australia
on 26 December 2008.


Movie schedule premiere in Australia on 26 March 2009 a Las Vegas cab driver
helps 2 intergalactic alien children find their missing space ship so they can return to their
home planet and convince their alien society not to invade Earth.


Movie schedule premiere in Australia on 09 July 2009 Story follows an academic
researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with his double
in order to stop an apocalypse foreseen by the ancient Mayans.


Our good friend Ms Mary RODWELL has been invited as a guest speaker in an
UFO Conference due to be held in November 2009 in Hong Kong. Details of the
conference are to be confirmed.

Presentation from Members

Do any of our members have a story to tell? Do you have an experience you want
to share with everyone? Do you have a discovery that will expand our knowledge?
Would you like to share your story / experience / discovery in an upcoming public
meeting? If yes, please let me know and you can take center stage in one of the
upcoming public meetings.

Recent UFO / Sightings

Sightings Reports
Here are the recent sightings reports sent to our website. (Name/s of person/s are
deleted for privacy reasons)
Received 08/08/2008
In late October 1976 I was aboard HMAS Melbourne heading down the NSW coast for
Sydney. I was on duty in the Operations room about 3.00 AM when we picked up a UFO
contact on radar. It approached very quickly from the east until about 10 miles distant on
our port side, where it remained stationary for about 40 seconds. It then left, back in the
same direction it came at tremendous speed. Four of us observed it and agreed it was a
true contact. We had just completed an exercise with the RAAF and USN, and no F-111 or
F-14 Tomcat could approach anywhere near the speed of this object.
Received 26/07/2008
1994 approx. last sat June or first sat July. We were going to my sisters place at
Campbelltown NSW, travelling from Fairfield Heights. My brother in law was turning 30 yrs
old. BBQ was to start around 7.30-8pm. We got in car to leave Fairfield around 6pm,
drove down Sackville St, towards Canley Vale. Sitting at red traffic lights, I say to my
husband, 'are the street lights moving ahead'. Thinking that the amber coloured street
lights for fog; are moving up and down approx 12 amber lights. My husband had blinker on
to turn into Hamilton Rd to go to Cumberland highway, turns blinker off, we decide to go
straight ahead to Canley Vale ,as we realise these lights are something unusual. We stop
near creek and park and watch these lights, they go from 12 to 4, then there are 12 again,
they disappear. We head back to Cumberland highway, talking as we travel, about these
strange lights. They looked about soccer ball size, oval shape. As we get to red traffic
lights at Cabramatta rd & Cumberland highway, again we see these lights, 12 again. This
intersection is very busy and we notice other people looking up at them in cars around us.
Amber lights moving, there are 12 ,then there are 4.There are 12 again ,then there are 3,
they are moving sideways ,up and down ,we watch them as we travel towards Liverpool,
going past Cabramatta golf club ,they are in a line of 12 again, then there is 1,it seems
slightly larger, they disappear again. Heading towards Campbelltown from Liverpool now,

we are silent, thinking about these lights. We are now near Glenfield, we see this bright
amber ball in sky in front of us, we see cars near us pull over, we done the same. I say to
my husband whats wrong with the radio, as it goes to static...say to my husband to drive
car again as we feel scared, as the amber light is on our left, over bush, it is closer...my
husband starts car after several goes. We see light go from a big ball, very close to
moving away at a fast speed then it is gone. We are shaking as we travel to my sisters
house. We arrive at my sisters house, everyone has eaten, my sister says we are late, it
is around 9.30pm, we left at around 6pm, even stopping twice, we should have been there
by 7.30pm, it normally takes around 50minutes, to get to my sisters house. We tell my
sister and our friends about the strange lights, they say, have you been drinking, we say
no, we have not even been to get any drink for BBQ yet, they look at us, as though we
have lost the plot. We are shaking as we tell them these lights scared us. My cousin then
arrives, she had not been there when we arrived, she had been sent to bottle shop, to buy
some cartons of beer, as she had only had 1 glass of wine...they ask her, what took her so
long? She should have been back ages ago, she also is shaking, says she was at bottle
shop, when people there said look at those lights in the sky, she describes them as we
already have. My cousin has been gone over an hour, the trip to pick up beer at bottle
shop, should have been around 15mins. Our family & friends at BBQ still give us strange
looks, at least we know that someone else seen them, and we are not going mad. We
drove home that night arriving back around 12.30am, getting out of our car I say to my
husband, look there is a shooting star in the sky, he turns around, but it has already gone,
then I see another and another, 3 in total, my husband misses them all. He thinks I am
mucking around, because of the events earlier in the night. I tell my mum about it the next
day...She says she read the Sunday paper ...and that it has been reported by lots of
people. Other people had seen it also ... but paper reports that it was Ingleburn Army
Base; they had several weather balloons up the previous night. We don't believe they
were balloons...several years later...living at Merrylands, watching TV local vision channel
43 at the time, Mum, husband and myself are watching a programme on UFO sightings in
Australia, they discuss sighting around Berowra Waters & on the coast, then they speak to
people who had sightings, the same night as us, they seen the lights over Woodville rd,
Yennora...we are shocked as we hadn't thought about this in some time...We often tell our
friends about our experience, but we always get odd looks. Did anyone else see this?
Received 13/05/2008
Driving home I saw a white streak thinking it was sun reflection as the sun was
setting. I pulled over to watch as I began to see it move slowly across the sky, it looked like
a white tube with a long tail. As it moved it went behind cloud and as it came out the other
side it was black but still with its tail. It was travelling too slowly to be a plane. It was NOT
a plane or anything I had seen before. Sighting Western Victoria
Received 28/05/2008
I am asking anyone to come forward if they have seen a UFO over the
Canterbury Race Course NSW in early 1968. My family witnessed a large
cigar shaped object descend through clouds over Ashfield move over the
water tank at Auburn, then hover of Canterbury Race track. It stayed over it
some time before making a 45 degree tilt, sliding back up through the
clouds. I remember few days later some locals at Campsie were startled one
morning to see a large UFO in the middle of the race track. The story did

run in the local paper. This happened in about January 1968. Are there any
takers? I'd be interested to know?

Past UFO / Sightings Reports

Received 17/05/2006
Hi, my partner and I witnessed five-star like objects moving around the sky tonight while
watering the garden. These appeared separately and moved in different directions at very
high speed. We are in Harrington Park NSW, just wondered if anyone else has witnessed
this as well?
Received 20/08/2006
Friday 18th August around 10:45pm Sydney over the Rozelle area, from my well elevated
balcony in glebe I saw a UFO that was stationary for 5 or so minutes, moved horizontally
slowly to one side (estimated about 1 kilometre) then back to where I first saw it. It flashed
big bright colours (red, green, blue and white) in no discernable pattern. It was reminiscent
of the lights for the UFO in the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Could
someone tell me whether this was an advertising blimp or something? I watched it for
about 10 minutes trying to identify what it could be.
Received 07/09/2006
Last Wednesday at approx 8:30pm in Green Valley which is near Cowpasture Rd,
Liverpool my wife and I heard an incredibly loud sound like a jet engine starting on our
roof. Unbelievably loud, it lasted approx 5-10 seconds. We have shutters so didn't look
outside. My mother-in laws friends live about 1 km from us and say that as they drove
home they clearly saw a UFO like object hovering around the area of our house. They had
stopped the car to look at it and said that at the time the roads were very quiet. The
electrics in their car turned off and so did their mobile phone. Did anyone else see or hear
anything last week?
Received 02/10/2006
I live in Western Sydney. At about 7.00pm an object matching this description was seen by
my partner, her cousin & a neighbour also saw a small sun like object move across the sky
& hover above a nearby house before disappearing. Keen to know a possible explanation
for this

Received 03/10/2006
On Saturday night 1st Oct 06, at about 11pm, my sister heard a jet engine sound for over
half an hour. She went outside to observe and saw a large oval shaped object with bright
red and yellow lights hover in the distance facing west then it just hovered out of sight. The
very next night, my sister and mother both saw the same thing at 7pm, 2nd of October 06.
They saw it hovering and moving slowly from west to south. Now this was in the
Canterbury area. They were both very scared at the time, and were convinced it was a
UFO, as they had never seen anything like it ever before.

Extra (- terrestrial ) Things

I have obtained a copy of an article by Ms Mary RODWELL published in the
January February edition of the UFO Magazine. The article is titled Alien Portraits
The Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact through Creative Expression. Anyone wish to
obtain a copy of this article please contact me.

The following two web addresses concerning underground bases,


For the latest news in Crop Circles, please check out the following web link,

The following web link is an article about a professor designing a Plasma-Propelled
Flying Saucer
If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you
like to recommend, a website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article.
Please contact me (William JOHNSON) on 0412183046 or email me to
JEDIWSJ@HOTMAIL.COM and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

Compiled by William Johnson 13 August 2008

And May The Force Be With You Always


The Facts And Not Just The Truth Is Out There

Our website address is www.ufor.asn.au

As 2008 now drawing to a close, the committee of UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INC.
wish to thank all our members for your continuing support and participation throughout the
We would also like to thank all our speakers / presenters at our public meetings for
their invaluable contribution.
We now look forward to seeing you all again for another exciting year in 2009.

In memory of Pamela Anne BOYNE

Our long time member and friend Pam Boyne sadly passed away on Thursday 21
August 2008. She is now with the LIGHT.
The news of her passing was a great shock to everyone.
Her funeral were held the following Friday 29 August at the Woronora Cemetery at
Sutherland and it was well attended by many of her friends.
Whilst Pam will always be with us in spirit and in our hearts, her presence will be
missed greatly.
Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is
only by this meeting that a new world is born. ANAIS NIN

Tribute to Pam
The following is a tribute to Pam by our president Ms Wendy Burnham during Pams
memorial service.



I have found my OBI WAN KENOBI - William Johnson

If you are familiar with the STAR WARS movies, you will know the characters
For those who are not familiar, in brief, by fate, Luke Skywalker befriended Obi Wan
Kenobi and Luke was led into a journey that changed his life forever. Obi Wan became
Lukes friend and mentor, a father figure in many ways. Unfortunately their time together
was short. Even after the death of Obi Wan, Obi Wan remained by Lukes side through
the netherworld of the FORCE (LIGHT) and continues assisting Luke on his journey.
For many years, I have been pondering on when I am going to meet my Obi Wan
Kenobi. When will I actually get to meet this person that will assist me through my life that
leads to a journey that will change my life forever? I knew there is such a person in
existence, and I must meet this person if I were to carry on my journey through this life.
Then, in November 2006 I became a member of UFO (RESEARCH) NSW. I
attended the social meeting at the Catholic Club and met up with some of the members of
this group who were there that day.

Although I did not know it at the time but at long last I have found my Obi Wan
Kenobi. It was during this social gathering that I met Pam for the first time.
Unfortunately for me, from a certain point of view, I did not realised I have found
what I have been looking for until the passing of Pam. I have much regret that I did not get
the chance to tell her that she is my Obi Wan Kenobi which I have been searching for, for
many years.
Prior to her passing, Pam came to me in my dreams on 3 occasions. The message
from these dreams was very clear to me,
I need Pam I need Pam to help me
While the other characters of STAR WARS such as Princess Leia, Han Solo,
Chewbacca, Yoda, R2D2 and C3PO are just as important to Luke as Obi Wan. From my
point of view, Obi Wan played the most important role in Lukes life over all the others.
Likewise, all the members of UFO RESEARCH (NSW) INC. is family to me, and each of
you are all important to me. However, Pams influence to me over the past 2 years simply
cannot be measured. Again, I regret I did not fully comprehend what she really meant to
me until she is gone.
I will miss the times when Pam gave me one of her many, many, many books to
read, which always ended up by enlightening me on some of the dreams I have had.
I will miss the times when Pam gave me her insights on what some of my dreams
meant to her.
I will miss the times being with her during sky watches at the Blue Mountains.
I simply missed her presence.
Yes, Pam will always be with me, and with all of us. She may have gone from this
dimension, but she will always be with us by our sides in spirit. I know that. I live by it, as
this is what I tell people. Somehow for me in this instance this is not enough.
Since Pams passing, she has again visited me when I was in a dream state.
Seeing her with her always smiling face was a great comfort to me, and again she came to
help me. I know having Pam visiting me in my dreams is just the beginning. I know I shall
be seeing her in my dreams with many more times to come.
Pams passing is not just a random act of nature. It is not simply just a fact of life.
So when Pam comes to you in your dreams,


October Public Meeting
For our final meeting for 2008, we present the following DVDs,

UFO Files from the UK

2008 17th International UFO Congress at Nevada, USA

with Jaime Maussan & Santiago Yturria

Mr Jason Cowland will present a review of the latest publication by well known UFO
researcher Stanton Friedman.

Dates Of 2009
2009 Public & Social
Social Meetings
Public Meetings Masonic Club, 169 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 1pm to 5pm
07 February (AGM)

04 April

06 June

01 August

03 October

Social Meetings Catholic Club, 199 Castlereagh Street, Sydney - 5pm onwards
07 March

02 May

04 July

05 September

07 November

These dates may be subjected to change. Please visit our website close to these dates
for confirmation.

Membership Renewal for 2009

Enclosed is the membership renewal form for 2009.
To renew your membership, please complete and send the attached form along
with the payment to our PO Box address, or hand in your completed form and payment to
the membership secretary Anthony Clarke.

A reminder to this years Christmas Party

Please confirm your attendance by no later than Friday 14 November.
Your confirmation is essential as we cannot accommodate anyone without it.
As you are aware, this year we have a set menu (as included for your information
from the previously newsletter). Please let me know if you have any dietary requirements
so we will arrange an alternative menu for you.
The restaurant Manly Phoenix is located right at Manly Wharf. If you arrive by
taking a ferry from Circular Quay, it is next to the wharf.

A Reminder to Everyone at the Public Meeting

This is a reminder to everyone members and visitors - present at our public
meeting/s that there shall be no photography or recording of any kind without first obtain
permission from our president Ms Wendy BURNHAM or from the guest speaker/s.

Upcoming Events In 2008

Dolores is schedule to return to Australia later this year where she will present her
Advanced Training Course in Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy in Perth, Sydney
and New Zealand in November / December 2008.
For Sydney, the dates are schedule for 21-23 November.
Now available on CD: Dolores CANNON's Between Death and Life and The Convoluted
Please email Ms Patricia HAMILTON at Patricia@consciousliving.net.au for more details
or to order the CDs.


In addition to being displayed at the NEXUS Conference in October 2008, there will
be a tour around Australias east coast between October and November.

For Sydney, this will take place between 04 November and 11 November. Details and
venue to be announced
Private Sessions (max. 2 people) - $45.00pp for 30 mins / $80.00pp for 60 mins
Group Sessions (max. 9 people) - $35pp for 30 mins / $60pp for 60 mins
The Skull will also be displayed during the MIND BODY SPIRIT FESTIVAL in Sydney
between 06 & 09 November at the NEXUS booth, plus talks, workshops, etc.


Remake of the 1951 classic starring Keanu Reeves schedule premiere in Australia
on 26 December 2008.


Movie schedule premiere in Australia on 26 March 2009 a Las Vegas cab driver
helps 2 intergalactic alien children find their missing space ship so they can return to their
home planet and convince their alien society not to invade Earth.


Movie schedule premiere in Australia on 09 July 2009 Story follows an academic
researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe and makes contact with his double
in order to stop an apocalypse foreseen by the ancient Mayans.


Our good friend Ms Mary RODWELL has been invited as a guest speaker in an
UFO Conference due to be held in November 2009 in Hong Kong. Details of the
conference are to be confirmed.

Presentation from Members

Do any of our members have a story to tell? Do you have an experience you want
to share with everyone? Do you have a discovery that will expand our knowledge?
Would you like to share your story / experience / discovery in an upcoming public
meeting? If yes, please let me know and you can take center stage in one of the
upcoming public meetings.

Recent UFO / Sightings

Sightings Reports
Here are the recent sightings reports sent to our website. (Name/s of person/s are
deleted for privacy reasons)
Received 07/09/2008
Early this morning, around 3am, I was in a taxi travelling home from Terrigal. We were
passing through Ettalong when I looked out the left window when I spotted an orange ball
of light high in the sky. It appeared to be moving horizontally across the sky before it
began to descend. It didn't seem to be travelling at a very high speed. As it descended it
seemed to burst into a fireball and descend more rapidly until it broke into about 3 different
visible pieces. My friend was sitting in the back seat with me and she asked me if it was a
shooting star. I have seen many shooting stars and this wasn't one. Unfortunately as I was
in the car, I wasn't able to tell if there was any noise coming from this object. I assumed
that it was a meteor of some kind but after having carried out some minor investigation and
having read these stories I realised that there have been many sightings of orange "orbs"
around the central coast area and along the east coast of NSW ... Strange.

Extra (- terrestrial ) Things


Check out some of the latest sightings in and around Australia, go to


If you have something to share with our members, such as a book or a DVD you
like to recommend, a website to visit, or if you see/ hear an interesting story / article.
Please contact me (William JOHNSON) on 0412183046 or email me to
JEDIWSJ@HOTMAIL.COM and it will be placed in the next issue of the newsletter.

Compiled by William Johnson 29 September 2008

And May The Force Be With You Always

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