UFO Reporter - Volume 1, Number 4 (December 1992)
UFO Reporter - Volume 1, Number 4 (December 1992)
UFO Reporter - Volume 1, Number 4 (December 1992)
December 1992
l' \
UFO Reporter
Volume 1 Number 4
ISSN 1038-1015
December 1992
This publication is available free to members of
UFO Research (NSV\1) and
for $20 per year (4 issues)
by subscription - make
cheques payable io UFO
Research (NSW).
Editorial -
Editorial Committee:
Bryan Dickeson, Evelayn
Hoctor, and Coralee Vickery.
Enquire about our advertising rates. All advertising
copy must be cameraready.
It is the policy of the Editors
not to disclose the names
of witnesses.
December 1992
dle the mix, and avoid the subject outright, as dangerous and
possibly tainted. Yet, if UFO abductees cannot get support from
UFO investigators, where can
they go?
Unfortunately, there have
been a number of overseas exampleswhereconfidentialityrequirements have been ignored,
and where abductees have been
viciously ostracised.
Here in Sydney there are disturbing signs that there may be
'other' sorts of unhealthy interest in the subject. At a general
meeting of UFOR(NSW) in
SuiTy Hills on Sunday 6 December 1992, the subject of an abduction support group was again
high on the evenings agenda.
There had been the usual number of small technical problems,
and it was decided at the last
minute to transfer the main discussion on abductees to the second half of the evening's
program. Because of the sensitivity of the topic, all videoing
was expressly forbidden at the
request of abductees and members present.
In the last issue of UFO Reporter, there were slight errors in two addresses provided for UFO
INUFOR (Independent Network of UFO Researchers
PO Box783
KOGARAH NSW 2217, Australia
Vehicle interference
by us from December 1988March 1989. A report was first published in the UFO Research Australia Newsletter,
May 1989 (Vol 7, No. 1). Our thanks to Lad Godic and Keith Basterfield ofUFORA for their suggestions and for
conecting some of the original astronomical data.
A much shorter version of this report has also recently been reproduced in Keith Smith's book Supernatural No. 2.
After completing work on Thursday 22
September 1988, Mr F drove from Port
Macquarie to Armidale via Walcha to
bring his son and a friend from The
University of New England back home
to Port Macquarie.
At about 1930 hrs, Mr F was travelling at around 100-105 krn per hour in a
west-northwest direction along a
straight section of the Oxley Highway
some 8-10 km before Walcha, when his
car suddenly lost power.
Within a few seconds his speed
dropped to about 60 krn per hour (down
to second gear), and Mr F thought the
car would start misfiring and stop altogether (position: 30 590.5' south, 151o
392' east).
The power loss persisted for about
ten minutes, until the lights of Walcha
township came clearly into view some
. 1-2 km away. Full engine power then
returned just as quickly as it had faded,
and he continued through Wa!cha,
turned North onto the Uralla Road and
carried on to Armidale without further
The Oxley Highway and Uralla
Road are little used during weekday
evenings and Mr F says he saw only one
or two other vehicles on the road during
his entire journey. He saw no other traffic in the area at the time.
This occurred early evening and Mr
Fwas concerned because at around 1930
hrs, it would have been difficult for him
to get mechanical help locally.
L etter
December 1992
It is my theory that the controllers of the abduction phenomenon are doing a survey of
genetic damage in the infants
who live near these grids, and
may even be correcting the harm
We are collecting cases from
UFO researchers from all parts
of the world which may shed
light on this connection. Anyone
with similar correlative information may forward it to:
Abduction investigations in
Australia are still not very well developed, and this sort ofpawer grid
data may not be readily available yet
-perhaps some of our readers can
help Mr Goldfader (Eds)
0 If you have only recently become a
have still not received
your issues of UFO
Reporter, please contact us for a copy we may have unintentionally overlooked
0 If your name or address has changed,
please let us know so
we can update our
mailing fist.
Vehicle interference
Mr F continued to Armidale, collected his son and the friend and made
the return journey. After passing
through Walcha, on the slight upward
slope heading east-southeast away
from the town, and at exactly the same
position on the Oxley Highway as his
car had 'come right' on the way up, the
car experienced exactly the same power
loss as before. The time was a little after
2200 hrs, and his car speedometer
showed the same loss of velocity (from
100-105 to 60 krnper hour).
While this deceleration was taking
place, the air temperature inside the car
rapidly dropped from 'normal' to chilly
December 1992
Weather conditions
The local weather conditions for two
days either side of 22 September were
stable and rain-free (caused by a slowmoving anticyclone situated to the
northwest of NSW). This anticyclone
produced a slight westerly airflow over
the area around W alcha during the time
ofMr F's trip.
Vehicle interference
The following astronomical data show the conditions for 22 September 1988
Sunset at 1751 hrs (dark by about 1810 hrs)
Southern vernal equinox
23 September 1988
Next full moon
26 September at 0507 hrs
(East Coast Daylight Saving began Sunday 30 October 1988)
Planetary positions
Prominent stars
Vega (a-Lyrae)
Vehicle interference
but the mines are now closed. The surrounding land still includes a number of
mining leases and concession areas.
Generally, the area is sparsely populated, with scattered farming properties.
December 1992
Vehicle interference
Interference zone
)(-Morgan's Gully
Bonnie Down
)(. Brenkley
)( Cherry Bank
Farm names: ( Ashfield)
Object's loCation?
TV tower
Bush (below nearest bluff)
, ,
Apsley River
1 eastern margin
western marg\n L.
!; .
Vehicle interference
December 1992
Vehicle interference
Observation zone
Mr F informed us that other people had
mentioned unusual phenomena from
the same area around the same time someone out hunting observed a red
light and had trouble starting their car.
We have included an observation zone
diagram indicating those dwellings
around the epicentre for the red object
Sigma GE Series (1978-80) Service and
Repair Manual (2nd Edition Dec.1980)
Gregory's Scientific Publication No
December 1992
pulling bread dough out of the refrigerator. (The dough has to prove, to
warm up to room temperature and
swell slightly.) The very next instantthey had not left the room - it was
about 4.15 am and 150 loaves of bread
had swollen too much and spoiled.
They looked at each
Just because you may have a other in amazement
symptom of an abduction, this - what had hapdoes not automatically mean pened? In this case,
you have been abducted. the spoilt bread and
a nearby clock told
them some time was
Many people
can have this kind of experience without actually noticing lost time. It can
happen in the bedroom. You getup you
go to the bathroom, come back to bed
and feel a strange' something'. The next
instant you are sitting on the edge of the
bed, or sitting up in the bed itself, and
you may notice from a nearby clock that
some time is missing. In many cases,
such experiences are clear indicators of
an abduction experience. Sometimes
missing time incidents appear to be benign when they happen in the middle of
the night, and you may not have any
conscious recollection of them.
Some years ago I received a phone
call from a doctor in Cambridge England who was doing research on UFOs.
He had a theory that missing time was
a psychological phenomenon that went
on in people's heads and not in the real
Recently he called me to report a
dramatic incident which disproved his
theory and confirmed mine:
He had placed a newspaper advertisement to get people to come forward
with lost time experiences he could look
into. A retired English ex-police officer
had contacted him and told that something very upsetting had happened to
him ten years before. He had been driving his police car and was very careful
about time because he had to keep a log.
It was around 3 am. and he knew exactly where he was - travelling along
a small two-way country road with big
December 1992
Now a major, but hard to explain symptom is an emotional over reaction to
something. For example, somebody
will write to me and say they read my
book IntrUders and found it interesting,
fascinating, and so on. Then I'll get a
letter from somebody who says that it
took them six months to read it; they
threw the book across the room at least
four times, or. they had to go to the
bathroom and cry so their wife would
not see them crying, and so on - you
may get this kind of reaction. Or somebody will see a strange light in the sky.
For example, a woman and her two
daughters had a missing time experience in their car where they did not
know what had happened. About a
week or two after that experience there
was a party for the two teenage daughters, and their friends came. It was night
time, and somebody looked out the
window and said, "look at that, what is h.
it? Is it a UFO? Look
at those funny
lights." (It turned
People can do venJ irrational
out to be an aerothings sometimes because their
plane at low altibehaviour is actually being
tude, seen behind a
bank of clouds so
that the flashing
strobe lights and the
plane were very diffused.) The reaction was that everyone
at the party ran towards the window,
except for the two teenage daughters .
.They started screaming and hiding under furniture in the house, climbing under the tables in panic, and shaking.
They had no idea why they were reacting that way. This kind of inappropriate
reaction can often show there is some
kind of recollection, or partial recollection of a previous experience.
Other symptoms
An unusual and a powerful dread of
certain places. People will say they
could not go into a particular room, or
as a child they could not look out a
window because they knew there was
going to be face looking back at them
even though it was on the second floor.
Or someone cannot drive along a certain stretch of highway - they don't
know why, they just feel that something
happened to them there, and so on. A
very powerful sense of dread where
someone does not know the causes is a
very common symptom.
Now I often ask people who I'm
working with to tell me whether they
have any kind of an unusual fear or
phobia -just a general example. We all
have unusual phobias and fears somewhere, and these may have absolutely
nothing to do with UFOs. Any phobia
may have a very logical explanationits the accumulative effect of lots of
them that could indicate you have had
these experiences.
You have to ask precise questions
about a phobia, and it very often makes,
a direct line straight to what the experience might be. For example, a woman
who believed she'd had an abduction
experience told me she had a terrible
fear of rats. Now rats are certai,nly unpleasant, so I asked her how she pic-
tured her rat in her fear. Was it
skittering around down ne~r her feet, or
did it have big teeth that could bite her.
She said. "No I don't see it that way". I
asked her where was the rat she was so
afraid of? She said that it was sitting on
her shoulder. I thought that was very
unusual- I could not think of anyone
who had a rat phobia that manifested
itself that way, so I said that it must be
very bad thing to imagine. (I was trying
to lead her away from any UFO phe-
December 1992
People also have wonderful systems of denial to pretend this did not
happen. The abduction experience is extremely upsetting- it shreds the very
fabric of belief that we have lived with
all our lives. How can someone go right
through a wall? And incidentally, one
woman's phobia which occurs when
she is in the upper floor of a building, is
that she could fall right furough fue
She said she knew this phobia
started when she was a little girl- she
remembers thinking, when she was in
an upper floor, that if she could go
through a wall, then she could fall
through a floor. Now only somebody
who has literally gone through a wall
would ever have a fear like that
The systems of denial that we have
are incredible. Anofuer wonderful example came from a woman who was
telling me about her six-year old boy, an
abductee. She told me how her little boy
described people in fue room with big
black eyes, and being taken away, and
he had physical marks on him and so
forfu (all very upsetting for a parent,
and one of the most difficult fuings for
an investigator to handle).
I then asked her whefuer she had
ever had anything happen yourself. She
could not think of anyfuing, but fuere
was an odd incident a couple of summers before, which had happened in a
split second. She had gone to bed and
woke up about five feet off fue floor,
horizontal and falling. She was over in
the comer of the room and crashed
down on a chair, hurting herself.
Therewereno bones broken and she
had dragged herself back to bed. I asked
her what she had fuought happened.
She said that although she.had
never been a sleepwalker, she had decided that this is what must have happened. "I must have been walking in my
sleep. I must have gotten up on the bed
and made a tremendous jump. I must
have somehow caught my feet in the
blankets which fuen made my feet go
up. I flew across fue room and fell, 5-6
feet away from fue bed."
Medical problems
Oilier symptoms fuat occur, include a
whole range of medical problems connected with UFO abductions, particularly gynaecological and obstetrical
problems or anomalies in women (similar l<inds of problems in this area can
also occur with men).
For example, virgin pregnancies.
I'm now working wifu a woman who
had left her husband and had lived a
totally chaste and lonely existence for
six months. She found herself pregnant
and could not believe it. She went to the
doctor for a blood-urine analysis testshe was definitely two months pregnant. She arranged an appointment for
a dilation and curettage to incense an
Two nights before the appointment
she woke up but could not move. There
were little figures standing aromd the
bed, and she said she remembered the
way fueir hands felt on her forehead
and body. Something was inserted into
her vagina, she was frightened, fuere
was pain and all the things associated
with such an experience. Then she went
to sleep, which is typical- they just put
you asleep.In the morning she woke up
wifu some cramps, and went to the doctor. There was no sign of a miscarriage
or any bleeding or anything. They performed the dilation and curettage and
found half a placenta and nofuing else.
These sorts of experience are very,
very conunon and in conjunction with
other symptoms are a very good indication someone has had an abduction.
There are some very subtle variations,
like hearing your name called. A
woman was washing the dishes at home
and somebody called her name as clear
as a bell. She turned around but there
December 1992
found a couple on people's faces. Interestingly, very often there is a psychological weight connected with the scars.
A woman psychologist told Budd she'd
had a scoop mark on her leg since a little
girl. She felt so uncomfortable if anyone
looked atit, or if she even thought someone was looking at it, that she would
start to feel nauseous. She had no idea
how she got it, but it was unusual to
elicit that kind of emotion.
The other kind of very common
wound is the straight line cut. This appears like a very sharp-cut line, is
straight and often looks quite thin and
small, like a kind of surgical cut.
A bad one on a 40 year-old man's
back had appeared when he was 10. He
had gone out on his bicycle and remembered being in some kind of white
space, but was uncertain. He remembered getting back very late and his
grandmother scolded him. She then noticed a couple of drops of blood on his
teeshirt, and immediately pulled it up
to see this ghastly wound. She asked
what happened, and he said to Budd,
"As I was telling her
that I remembered
off my bike, I
The other kind of very common
wound is the straight line cut.
T11is appears like a very
sharp-cut line, is straight and my bike"' - as if
often looks quite thin and that was what he
small, like a kind of surgical had been told to say.
cut. The interesting
thing about the bicycle explanation is
that there was no
tear in the teeshirt,
and there was no
dirt or blood or
marks on the rest of his body. Oose up,
the scar shows much cheloid scar tissue.
Another bad one was taken a day
after the incident. The man had experienced a lot of abductions and had been
found unconscious on the floor in the
bathroom with the wound and with his
right toe almost severed by a very neat
He had conscious recollections of
aliens before the incident.
December 1992
December 1992
Question: Why do children mnember ex-
"Interestingly, parents will often
say that a child was just sleepwalking
and there are real sleepwalking cases
that have nothing to do with UFOs.
However, there are many cases where
sleepwalking is impossible, because the
doors and locks are too high, the child
is too small, and the child is found outside. I have one case where a woman
(part of this was used in the film Intruders) went to sleep and then found herself
about a mile away in the woods in her
nightgown in 8 Celsius weather. She
had bare feet, was absolutely terrified
and did not know where she was for a
while. When she got back to the house
she could not get in -all the doors were
locked from the inside. Finally she had
to find a key, because her sleeping son
inside the house was 'switched off'.
Someone would say she had walked in
her sleep, but there was no way she
could have gone outside, and walked a
mile in very cold weather in bare feet
without waking up."
Question: Do you think there is any
relationship between abduction reports involving virgin births and the Virgin Mary?
"A lot of people want to connect the
abduction phenomenon with other
kinds of religious phenomena, paranoid fears, and so on. I leave that alone
myself. I have no idea- right now I'm
dealing with so many on-going cases I
don't have time to deal with possible
religious interpretations. Many people
would not believe there was a virgin
Motunau UFO
(This material is taken from an article in Xenolog
No.122, March 1980, by F & P Dickeson.)
An unusual 'brilliant sparkling diamond
UFO' was photographed out to sea from the
mouth of the Motunau River by chance, on 27
October 1979.
This event occurred only ten and a half
months after television news footage of UFOs
around the Kaikoura peninsula was broadcast
world-wide. The area of eastern coastline
.around Motunau is some 85 km south-west of
Kaikoura, exactly where David Crockett's film
crew first saw unusual lights from their Argosy
aircraft around new year 1978-79.
The Motunau UFO picture only came to
light in late January 1980, when the amateur
photographers finally got around to checking
tl1eir slides.
Mr and Mrs N of Motunau had recently
purchased a crayfishing boat for their business
and were anxious to get a good photograph of
their new acquisition. Two poor colour films
had already been taken (one underexposed, the
other badly torn in the camera). They had
bought more colour slide film, and borrowed a
35rnrn Olympus f40rnrn camera from a friend.
Another friend had agreed to take photos of the
boat traversing the river mouth at sunrise.
(Fishing boats can navigate the r!ver entrance
three hours either side of full tide.)
Unfortunately, the 'photographer' could
only use the camera as it had been set up- to
aim and fire in full sunlight.
At 6.15 am, the Sun had just risen above the
eastern sea, but the river mouth was still in
deep shadow from nearby hills to the north and
When the new boat carne past the jetty on
its way downstream on the incoming"tide, three
photographs were taken in quick succession.
Later fuat day the photographer took more pictures in full sunlight as the boat returned from
the open sea.
All of the slides were processed in December 1979 and only checked briefly at that time.
Holding each up to the light, the first shot had
not come out, the second was too dark and the
boat could not be seen, the third was taken
directly into the rising sun. The shots taken later
December 1992
Help wanted!
Do you have access to a
computer, and some
spare time? We need
help preparing material
for publication in the
UFO Repone~ and for
the UFOR(NSW) database.
If you cari type and have
access to an IBM-compatible or Macintosh
computer, please telephone Bryan on (02)
"Dang! Get my shotgun, Mama! The aliens are after
the chickens again."
UFO Reporter (NSVV)
palden has accumulated much information on extraterrestrials (ETs) and terrestrials (Ts) each has own
characteristics. There are at least as
many different kinds of ETs as there are
species in our own terrestrial ecosystem. And while it is difficult to generalise, different ET groupings appear to
have arisen in the universe.
Palden has been collecting information over a twenty-year period from the
'Council of Nine' -an alien organisation which first announced its existence
during the 1950s, and which is mentioned in Shuttlewood's book, The
Warminster Mystery. For these aliens,
Earth is 'the only planet of Choice' in
this vicinity in space - it is also the
densest part of the universe.
UFO investigators are aware of
those ETs who make themselves most
visible, but these are not the only aliens
around. Most of the visible aliens such
as the 'greys' (or 'Reticulans'), are local
to the Galaxy - their interests may be
dubious or harmful to terrestrials and they are here for different reasons
to the non-visible Council of Nine.
The Council of Nine is interested in
topics like nuclear radiation, radio radiation and human thinking patterns - .
they find planet Earth 'interesting', and
are more cosmic in nature.
Twenty-four ET planets and civilisations who have no wish to harm Humankind, are now involved in a
dialogue with terrestrials. Sessions with
the Council of Nine are provided
through a human spokesperson, 'Tom',
and the Warminster group is part of a
collective consciousness, a world telepathic link The central channel is used
to provide information about philosophical, cosmological and scientific
topics, such as the Big Bang, superconductivity, and metaphysics. The Council of Nine spans several dimensions
(where each dimension is an envelope
of space travelling at the speed of light).
For example, the planets Hoover and
Altair are both physical civilisations.
Altair is travelling at 56 times the speed
of light relative to the Earth, and is 50
million lightyears distant, but invisible.
Many of the more metaphysical civilisations have 'worker' civilisations as
intermediaries, and do not interfere
with Earth directly. Others produce
physical vehicles in a wide range of
sizes and shapes, which can pass
through the various dimensions.
Their concern for terrestrials is
linked to the fact that the Earth's destruction (for example, by nuclear war)
would affect the rest of the Universe.
However, humankind is ultimately responsible for fixing its own patch of the
cosmos. D
December 1992
phenomenon unfolded.
The amount of psychological damage this does to people who have had
these experiences can be easily demonstrated by an analogy. Because the government says it is not real, the mental
health community can go right along
with it and say, "See the Government
has looked into it they say its not real, so
it isn't. So these people must be crazy, or
deluded, or whatever". People have undoubtedly ended up in mental hospitals
as a result of honestly and truthfully
telling the stories of what happened to
them. Certainly there have been suicides, lets put it that way.
Vehicle interference
December 1992
Budd's background
I am a painter and a sculptor, and initially I had no interest in the subject of
UFOs and no involvement in it in any
In 1964, I and two other people were
driving in a car in the daytime to a party
in Provincetown, Cape Cod. We were
on high ground and ahead of us in the
sky we saw an object that was lensshaped at a shallow angle. It looked
dark, made of a non-reflective metal
and a pewter colour. We started speculating as to whether it was a baJloon, but
it did not seem to be moving. Nearby
clouds were moving very quickly, and
at one point a cloud went in front of it
Vehicle interference
December 1992
There was a seven year period before
the second abduction case came to light.
In 1973, two fishermen at Pascagoula
were abducted - Hickson and Parker.
Parker was so terrified by the encounter
he remembered it consciously, went
into town and called the police. One of
the most interesting things about the
incident is that Parker has never been
mentally right since. He has had a succession of nervous breakdowns. There
have been all kinds of problems; his life
has really been wrecked. Hickson's life
has been altered and changed in some
ways for the better, in some ways
Theirs was the first case where
not- its a mixed hypnotic regression was used and
bag. The Pas- its venJ interesting. The man who
cagoula case was
did the hypnosis was a total
the second case.
sceptic, but he was completely
US investigabefUddled blj the fact that their
tors then thought two accounts, separately recalled,
that they now
were virtually identicaf.
had two cases in
seven years, and
still did not really
believe it was very common.
Travis Walton case
In 1975 there was the Travis Walton
case, and a couple of other cases; the
Moody case and so on, which got public
attention. Investigators became aware
that there were a few more of these
cases. That is when I came into the picture, assuming there were only a few of
Its very interesting the way our
minds work. We saw the UFOs flying
around originally, and agreed there was
some kind of alien craft, but we could
not accept the idea that there were occupants. David Jacobs said it very wittily:
"it took us 20 years before we accepted
the idea that the UFO had an inside".
We did not like to accept the idea of
occupants because that is so weird, as if
Multiple adbductions
Then I discovered that people could be
abducted more than once. Previously,
we would automatically scrap any UFO
report from a person who had reported
one at another time. We believed they
were so rare that if anybody said they
had two experiences, they were making
it up.
Now we know that if anyone has
had only one experience, that's probably not true. If a person has had one
experience they've had more than one.
I put all that material together in my
book Missing Time and began getting all
kinds of letters. We became aware,
through duplicated incidents from
other investigators, that there were all
kinds of hidden abductions. However,
it was not until I got into my situation
with Kathie Davis that the full repro-
Vehicle interference
Disappearing pregnancies
Suddenly I found over and over again
disappearing pregnancies, pregnancies
that should not have occurred and all
kind of anomalies. It seemed that the
aliens were basically involved in thereproductive process, attempting to create what seems to be "-hybrid mix of us
and them.
They seem to be magically interested in the way we treat children and
the simple instinctive things for humans, that seem to be absent from their
psychological makeup. Things such as
Jove of one's children. They seem to be
children. When women have been artificially inseminated, they are re-abducted and the developing foetus
removed. Later, they are abducted
again -we have case after case of this
- and they are handed a small oddlooking baby, a small child, and asked
to hold that child, to hug it. The aliens
avidly watch this -asiftheybelievewe
have magic properties in our very
hands- maybe we do.
If you imagine an alien culture, and
1 am using alien in the non-pejorative
sense, without saying anything about
December 1992
their nature. There have been many arguments on this point. People will stand
here and say they're interdimensionals;
some will say they're meta-terrestrials,
others will say they're time travellers,
and so on. I stay away from that. I think
this is a futile exercise which can be
pointed out by a comment I read in an
"I do not believe that UFO occupants are extraterrestrials. They're not
extraterrestrials because they're not doing what extraterrestrials would do".
I think that shows something of the
difficulty of trying to be clear about this.
Whatever they are, they're not from
Sydney or whatever, so its an alien
Let's speculate and assume that
their evolution has taken them to a point
where reproduction is accomplished by
in-vitro fertilisation. Let's say an ovum
and a sperm cell are united in controlled
circumstances, and foetuses are developed in tanks or
something of
some sort, and
They seem to be magically
they've lost any interested in the way we treat
kind of maternal children and the simple
connection. The instinctive things for humans,
mother is not carthat seem to be absen,t from their
rying the infant psychological makeup. Things
within her own such as love of one's children.
body and there's
no father present
- this is a mechanical procedure.
I suppose that there might be some
point they reach where there's a law of
diminishing returns, or some kind of
weakness sets in. Its almost as if (and
this is speculation) they're here largely
because they need some kind of more
primitive form of life or energy, or
something they've evolved past, but
wh_ich they need desperately from us.
We have cases now where the evidence
would suggest an attempt even to live
in our environment.
Alien uniformity
I think we always have to remember
they've come here. I think they are daz-
Vehicle interference
December 1992
A full year afterwards, the shape
was still visible. The soil was as hard as
rock - it was like walking on cement.
However, the grass was beginning to
grow back in towards the centre of the
circular area, slowly breaking down the
affected area. Two years later and remarkabledifferenceswerestill visible in
the soil close-up. A control soil sample
taken from outside the circle was heated
in ovens and examined to try to find out
what made it different from the affected
soil. Investigators were not able to duplicate the hardening effect.
The straight line swab was growing
in more quickly, although no-one knew
what this meant -perhaps this was the
area where the object took off (this
makes sense because of overhanging
wires and so on).
Three years later, and it was really
growing back The straight line swab
was now filled with a different kind of
grass, and had a different texture and
colour. There were a lot of soil changes
and weird stunting of plants and so on.
for example, there would be dandelions
with longer flowers than nearby dandelions, and so on.
UFO drawings
Kathie's drawing of the craft that rested
on the spot had four jointed legs. It was
about 12 feet high, vertical, egg-shaped
and it had big balls of light which were
attached to it and moved out from it. A
similar, unpublicised case from South
Africa (the Linda Lares case) showed a
craft with very much the same shape,
with four jointed legs and small lights
attached to it. Both drawings had a
doorway down low.
In another abduction case from
Kathie's area, a woman described the
same craft. When she was finally shown
Kathie Davis' drawing she was totally
devastated - she di9n't like to think
that her experience had been real. One
day while at a beach, she took a walk
away from her friends and remembered
sitting down to enjoy the sunshine.
When she started back to join her
friends she waded out into the water
and felt this terrible pain. She thought
she had been shL.'lg by a jellyfish or
something. but looked down to see a
four-inch straight-line cut down the
back of her calf, which the saltwater had
got to. The cut was not bleeding. but it
was very painfuL When she got back to
the beach her friends were irate because
she had been missing for an hour and a
half and they were getting ready to
The craft she drew under hypnosis
seems to be a basic type, which is
thought may be used to take individual
abductees up to a larger object- a kind
of shuttle craft
Kathie Davis' first drawing of a figure was of something she saw at the foot
of her bed in one of her encounters. Her
more finished drawing is now commorily copied on tee-shirts and so on.
Another drawing from a case similar to Kathie's came to light in 1983-84,
well before the alien image became fa-
Vehicle interference
December 1992
Vehicle interference
Similary, in the early 1970s similar phenomena were reported near a tomb in a
suburb of Cairo in Egypt. These nighttime apparitions were photographed.
They lasted 15-20 minutes at a time and
were viewed by thousands of people
over a number of days. The figures were
self-luminous; occasionally there
seemed to be faint light beams coming
down to the images from a clear night
The images did not photograph
well, and were usually blurred with little detail. Occasionally white 'doves'
seemed to appear with them and there
was some slight movement of the overall apparition. Doves were seen to fly
amongst nearby trees.
At one time a woman approached
the apparition of a robed woman,
bowed down and tried to touch its feet
-she could not feel anything there.
In one, a figure about 10 feet tall
seemed to walk slowly, and tip over
slightly before straightening up.
The occurrences became a source of
religious attention.
Most of these phenomena show
characteristics similar to those of holographic projections.
Biblical holograms?
Possibly one of the earliest reported
'hologram' phenomena was recorded
around 2500 BC in The Bible. This is the
account of a strange hand that wrote on
the wall at the Feast of Balthazar (the
message was subsequently translated
December 1992
Fyffe, Alabama
In more recent times, we have the Fyffe
Alabama UFO case. Fyffe has a population of around 3000 and is located at the
southern end of the Appalachian mountains -an area of very conscientious
bible-belt people. Local residents reported seeing a range of aerial craft repeated! y over
several days.
A large proportion of holographic
These were small
phenomena seem to occur in
and large, and mountainous terrain.
various forms of
people-object interactions including some CESs, were reported.
A Nashville television team experienced a holograhic-type event at that
time. They reported seeing a large truck
coming slowly down from the sky into
some woods nearby. The same evening
a woman was passed by the same truck
which then rose up into t.J,.e sky. Local
people reported mind-boggling experi- "
ences - most went unreported in the
local papers.
Shatner's hologram
Another account from the 1960s comes
from the actor William Shatner. He told
a friend in 1980 that he had been one of
several motorcyclists travelling overland across the American desert. Shatner had been thrown off his bike, which
became bogged down and he seemed to
be utterly lost.
A wave of' emotion' suddenly came
over him. There was a sudden release of
tension and the bike became very easy
to push. He saw a little service station
appear in the desert and then disappear
shortly afterwards. He also saw a
strange craft nearby, and eventually got
back to the road. It was 'as if someone
had put a hand out for him'.
The remaining talks from the second day of the UFO Expo will appear in your
next issue of UFO Reporler.
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