Project Srs
Project Srs
Project Srs
Project Members
TE CSE 1 (Batch B1)
Akhilesh Akolkar (36001)
Bhakti Bajaj (36002)
Amogh Chivate (36009)
Table of Contents
Page No
1.1 Purpose
1.2 Scope
1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations
1.4 Overview
2.1 Product Perspective
2.2 Product Functions
2.3 User Characteristics
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.3.1 Availability
3.3.2 Reliability
3.3.3 Security
4.1 Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
4.3Usecase Diagram
1. Introduction:
The project is about the management of petrol pump system which is implemented in The management of the petrol pump is done by the manager manually which is a difficult
process. The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining the
regular records. The Project consists of various forms and developed with the help of the Visual
Basic Language Programming and is a standalone application.
The system has a module called Operation, which consists of the details of all
employee that is needed to be filled in the form. The other module called the Product Cost, which
has information about the product price. The module called Staff Management, which possess all
information about the staff like address, phone number, joining date, permanent address. The
other module called the Report, for maintaining the data in a database. The Report Form module
has several sub reports of details like Regular details, Shift delivery report, pumps record,
cumulative daily report, and salary report. The described record forms are maintained in a
database file. The system password for each module has been included to make it secure.
The Petrol pump management System is use to maintain their sales
detail, employee detail in files and folders. They use to keep the record of petrol and diesel sold,
inventory, Customers, etc. in a register. A daily register is maintained to keep track of sales.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this SRS is to provide the overview of andeveloping system that is petrol
pump management system. The software requirement specification assures the project
management stakeholders and client that the development team has really understood the
business requirements documentation properly. This will also provide confidence to the user that
the software is developed properly. The SRS forms the basis for a load of other important
documents such as the Software Design Specification. It establishes the basis for agreement
between the customer and the suppliers on what the software--- is.
The software requirement specification is documented in such a way that it breaks the
deliverables into smaller components. The information is organized in such a way that the
developers will not only understand the boundaries within which they need to work, but also
what functionality needs to be developed and in what order. Understanding what order the
Software Requirement Specification
functionality will be developed in means that the developers have the big picture view of the
development. This gives them an opportunity to plan ahead which will save the time and cost of
the project. A complete and correct SRS reduces the effort wasted on the redesign, recoding,
retesting. The description of the product to be developed as given in SRS is a realistic basis for
estimating project costs.
The purpose of petrol pump management system is developing the systems to reduce
manual work of the existing system. This will reduce the human interface in the existing system.
This software is designed to decrease the manual work. The present system is a manual system or
a semi-automated system which is somewhat complicated. The Project deals with the
development of the computerized system for maintaining the regular records and make it easy to
1.2 Scope
The existing Petrol pump management system is not that advanced and user friendly. The
management of the petrol pump is done by the manager manually which is a difficult process.
The system does not calculate stocks and does not display employee information i.e. there in and
out time.
The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining
the regular records and make it easy to handle. It will reduce manual work of existing system.
The Petrol pump management System is use to maintain their sales detail, employee detail in
files and folders. They use to keep the record of petrol and diesel sold, inventory, Customers, etc.
in a register. A daily register is maintained to keep track of sales.
1.3 Definitions and Abbreviations:
Employee details-All the details of employee will be available to users. Details such as
name, address, contact number, joining dataset will be made available.
Manage and tracks all the information of inventory, fuels, and tankers-The system will
manage and track all the information of the fuels and inventory to the users. Item wise
stock can be viewed by the users.
Shows the information and description of sales, stocks-The system will display and
describe the information of sales and stock to the users.
Pump machine readings (week wise)-Weekly the pump machine readings will be
calculated and displayed to the user. The details of tank stock will also be made available
to the uses.
1.4 Overview
The Project deals with the development of the computerized system for maintaining
the regular records. The Project consists of various forms and developed with the help of the
Visual Basic Language Programming and is a standalone application. The system has a module
called Operation, which consists of the details of all employee that is needed to be filled in the
form. The other module called the Product Cost, which has information about the product price.
The module called Staff Management, which posses all information about the staff like address,
phone number, joining date, permanent address. The other module called the Report, for
maintaining the data in a database. The Report Form module has several sub reports of details
like Regular details, Shift delivery report, pumps record, cumulative daily report, salary report.
The described record forms are maintained in a database file. The system password for each
module has been included to make it secure.
The Petrol pump management System is use to maintain their sales detail, employee detail in
files and folders. They use to keep the record of petrol and diesel sold, inventry, Customers, etc
in a register. A daily register is maintained to keep track of sales.
2. General Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Existing System:
The present system is a manual system or a semi-automated system.
The manual system gives us very less security for saving data; some data may be lost due to
Its a limited system and fewer users friendly.
In the existing system there is too much of human interface.
In the manual system management need bare the lot of time and cost.
3. Specific Requirements
3.1 External Interface Requirements
3.1.1 User Interface
Administrator is treated as a super user in this system. He can have all the privileges to
do anything in this system i.e. principal. Admin can appoint a new employee.
At the user interface every user has given a choice to login with their login id and
employee enters his login id and password from that time his attendance will be
code for
by Microsoft
Windows, Windows
Mobile, Windows CE, .NET Framework, .NET Compact Framework and Microsoft Silver light.
Visual Studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The
integrated debugger works both as a source-level debugger and a machine-level debugger. Other
built-in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, designer, class designer,
and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhance the functionality at almost every
level including adding support for source-control systems and adding new toolsets like editors
Software Requirement Specification
and visual designers for domain or toolsets for other aspects of the software development
lifecycle .
This software is basic software which is required to create ABC_Petrocare project for
petrol pump management system. As a front end C# is used and for back end SQL is used.
The user must know the basic knowledge about software. As per the hardware
separated like the administrator have his own login section and employee has his own.
Each section having different security level. As the administrator is having all
As the employee login the attendance time will be considered automatically until he
If a situation occur that employee is not able to login then administrator can set his
The application should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using
whenever he wants to. In case of a hardware failure or database corruption, a replacement page
will be shown. Also in case of a hardware failure or database corruption, backups of the database
should be retrieved which is saved by the administrator.
3.3.2 Reliability
The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the separate
components. The main pillar of reliability of the application is the backup of the database which
is continuously maintained and updated to reflect the most recent changes. Also the application
will be functioning inside a container (since the implementation is .net oriented). Thus the
overall stability of the application depends on the stability of container and its underlying
operating application.
3.3.3 Security
Passwords will be saved encrypted in the database in order to ensure the user's privacy.
In case the user forgot his password at that time he can have option to retrieve it with
permission of administrator.
access to it. Response time for loading the product should take no longer than five minutes. A
general knowledge of basic computer skills is required to use the product.
characteristics of people, things and events. SQL Server stores each data item in its own fields.
In SQL Server, the fields relating to a particular person, thing or event are bundled together to
form a single complete unit of data, called a record (it can also be referred to as raw or an
occurrence). Each record is made up of a number of fields. No two fields in a record can have
the same field name.
During an SQL Server Database design project, the analysis of your
business needs identifies all the fields or attributes of interest. If your business needs change
over time, you define any additional fields or change the definition of existing fields.
Other Requirements:
Performance Requirements:
Need Of Computerization:
We all know the importance of computerization. The world is moving ahead at lightning
speed and everyone is running short of time. One always wants to get the information and
perform a task he/she/they desire(s) within a short period of time and too with amount of
efficiency and accuracy. The application areas for the computerization have been selected on the
basis of following factors:
1. Minimizing the manual records kept at different locations.
2. There will be more data integrity.
3. Facilitating desired information display, very quickly, by retrieving information from users.
4. Facilitating various statistical information which helps in decision-making?
5. To reduce manual efforts in activities that involved repetitive work.
Updating and deletion of such a huge amount of data will become easier.