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The document discusses corrosion under insulation (CUI) including critical factors, appearance of damage, inspection extent and methods. CUI can occur on carbon steel, 300 series stainless steel, duplex stainless steel and low alloy steel when insulation becomes wet.

Critical factors that influence CUI include equipment operating below the water dew point which can lead to condensation, contaminants in the insulation like chlorides, high annual rainfall or proximity to marine environments which provide airborne contaminants, and metal temperatures between boiling and 350°F where water is less likely to evaporate.

300 series stainless steel and duplex stainless steel are susceptible to pitting and localized corrosion. 300 series stainless steel can experience localized pitting and chloride stress corrosion cracking in older calcium silicate insulation containing chlorides.


External corrosion of (carbon steel , 300 Series SS, and duplex stainless steels and low alloy
steel) piping, pressure vessels and structural components resulting from water trapped under

Sources of moisture can include rain, water leaks, condensation, deluge systems, and
cooling towers, deluge system, spillage from process operations, leaking steam tracing, or
condensation on the metal surface in humid environments.

Effect on Surface Metal

Carbon & Alloy Steel

Austenitic & Duplex St. Steel

CUI damage form

localized external corrosion

general metal wastage or pitting due to the localized breakdown of passivity

combined action of a corrosive
environment (chlorides
concentrate under the insulation
at the surface of the austenitic
stainless or duplex steel when
the insulation becomes wet) and
an applied/residual tensile
stress (Residual cold work from
fabrication or residual welding


(C : 175C12-)

(C : 205 C60)

Severe CUI found to be at metal

temperatures between (77C and
110C) where corrosion reaction
kinetics are the highest.

It should be noted that even

austenitic stainless steel piping
that normally operates above
(260C) can suffer severe
ECSCC during start-up after
insulation gets soaked from
deluge system testing,
from fire water, or from rain
during downtime

in many areas has been found to be at metal temperatures between 170F and 230F (77C
.and 110C) where corrosion reaction kinetics are the highest
Damaged insulation at higher elevations may result in CUI in lower areas remote from the
Deposits in a dead-leg reduce the surface metal temperature sufficiently to allow CUI to take
Corrosion rates increase with increasing metal temperature up to the point where the water
evaporates quickly. For insulated components, corrosion becomes more severe at metal
temperatures between the boiling point 212F (100C) and 350F (121C), where water is
less likely to vaporize and insulation stays wet longer.

Critical Factors
g) Equipment that operates below the water dewpoint tends to condense water on the metal
thus providing a wet environment and increasing the risk of corrosion.
Appearance or Morphology of Damage
c) 300 Series SS and duplex SS are subject to pitting and localized corrosion. For 300 Series
SS, specifically in older calcium silicate insulation (known to contain chlorides), localized
pitting and chloride stress corrosion cracking can occur.
d) After insulation is removed from carbon and low alloy steels, CUI damage often appears as
loose, flaky scale covering the corroded component. Damage may be highly localized
(Figure 4-73 to 479).
e) In some localized cases, the corrosion can appear to be carbuncle type pitting (usually
found under a failed paint/coating system).

Extent of Visual External and CUI Inspections
- Table (2)
If the inspection of the damaged or suspect areas has located significant CUI, additional
areas should be inspected and, where warranted, up to 100 % of the circuit should be
Facilities with CUI inspection experience may increase or reduce the CUI inspection targets of
Table 2.
Piping systems that are known to have a remaining life of over 10 years or that are
adequately protected against external corrosion need not be included for the NDE inspection
recommended in Table 2. However, the condition of the insulating system or the outer
jacketing, such as a cold-box shell, should be observed periodically by operating or other
personnel. If deterioration is noted, it should be reported to the inspector. The following are
examples of these systems:
a) piping systems insulated effectively to preclude the entrance of moisture,
b) jacketed cryogenic piping systems,
c) piping systems installed in a cold box in which the atmosphere is purged with an inert gas,
d) piping systems in which the temperature being maintained is sufficiently low or sufficiently
high to preclude the presence of water. The external visual inspection on bare piping is to
assess the condition of paint and coating systems, to check for external corrosion, and to
check for other forms of deterioration

Uniform or Localized Loss of Thickness
carbon and low alloy piping operating between 10 F (12 C) and 350 F (175 C)
140 F (60C) and 400 F (205C) for austenitic stainless steels and duplex stainless steels
Corrosion rates increase with increasing metal temperature up to the point where the water
evaporates quickly. For insulated components, corrosion becomes more severe at metal
temperatures between the boiling point 212F (100C) and 350F (121C), where water is
less likely and insulation stays wet longer.
Equipment that operates below the water dew-point tends to condense water on the metal
surface thus providing a wet environment and increasing the risk of corrosion.
Damage is aggravated by contaminants that may be leached out of the insulation, such as
i) Plants located in areas with high annual rainfall or warmer, marine locations are more prone
to CUI than plants located in cooler, drier, mid-continent locations.
j) Environments that provide airborne contaminants such as chlorides (marine environments,
cooling tower drift) or SO (stack emissions) can accelerate corrosion.


Non-intrusive techniques such as real time radiography can help to determine if any scale is
present behind the insulation without removal. Other techniques such as profile radiography,
Pulsed Eddy Current and Guided Wave Examination can help to locate damage

Natural gas piping
Material. Carbon steel.
Wall thickness. 4.0 mm nominal.
Loss of wall thickness. 2.53.0 mm.
Period of metal loss. Localised.
.Metal loss identication method. Non-intrusive inspection

Duty. 30 in methane piping.

Material. Carbon steel.
Wall thickness. 37.5 mm.
Loss of wall thickness. 45 mm.
Date of commissioning. Unknown.
Period of metal loss. Localised.
.Metal loss identication method. Insulation strip

Duty. Hydrocarbon tank.

Material. Carbon steel.
Wall thickness. 6.0 mm nominal.
Loss of wall thickness. 45 mm.
Period of metal loss. Localised.
.Metal loss identi cation method. Insulation strip
Duty. Amine knock-out drum.
Material. Carbon steel.
Shirt thickness. 10 mm.
Loss of wall thickness. 10 mm.
Date of commissioning. 1978.
Period of metal loss. 28 years.
.Metal loss identication method. Inspection

Duty. Sour water stripper tower.

Material. Carbon steel with stainless steel cladding.
Wall thickness. 12.7 mm.
Loss of wall thickness. Unknown.
Date of commissioning. 1985.
Period of metal loss. 21 years.

.Metal loss identication method. Inspection

Duty. Fluid catalytic cracking unit feed drum.

Material. Carbon steel.
Wall thickness. 12.7 mm.
Loss of wall thickness. This occurred as a result of a through-wall
Date of commissioning. 1985.
Period of metal loss. 21 years.
.Metal loss identication method. Inspection

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