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Corrosion Management Issue140 LowRes

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The document discusses topics related to corrosion protection and management, including thermal spraying coatings, material analysis techniques, and news from the Institute of Corrosion.

The document discusses topics related to corrosion protection through coating application and material analysis techniques.

The FISCHERSCOPE HM2000S instrument is described for determining the microhardness and thickness of thin coatings through instrumented indentation tests.


A journal of the Institute of Corrosion

Issue 140 November/December 2017 Management

Thermal Spraying for

Corrosion Protection


Catch up with all Find out about all the

the latest events in latest developments in
Institute News Innovative Products
Page 4 Page 26
Corrosion Management


New wall ThickNess

Microhardness® determination of Series
measures wall
in the thickness of
micrometer pressure vessels, boiler
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Determination of plastic
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• Compact Size
• Thin coatings measurable

•• Highly Repeatable
Easy to use

Fischer iNsTrumeNTaTioN (GB) lTd

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Tel.: (+00) 00 000 00 00, Fax: (+00) 00 000 00 00
Tel: +44 (0)1590 684100, Fax +44 (0)1590 684110

Coating Thickness Material Analysis Microhardness Material Testing

2 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Issue 140 November/December 2017

4 20 27
The President Writes Technical Article Sustaining Members
An Introduction to Thermal Spraying
4 32
Institute News 24 Diary Dates
Technical Article
11 Specifying Coatings
Industry News
16 Innovative Products
Technical Article
Development of Glassflake Coatings for
In-Service Protection of Hot Substrates

Published on behalf of the Institute of Corrosion Email: Hon. Secretary

Square One Advertising and Design Limited jonathan@squareone.co.uk Dr. Jane Lomas
84 Queen Street, Sheffield Editorial copy date for January/February 2018 Barratt House, Suite S3, Kingsthorpe Road,
S1 2DW, United Kingdom. issue is: Northampton, NN2 6EZ
Publisher and Managing Editor 12th January 2018
Tel: 01604 438222
Debbie Hardwick Subscriptions
Email: admin@icorr.org
Tel: 0114 273 0132 UK £70.00
Website: www.icorr.org
Fax: 0114 270 0422 Europe £80.00
All rights reserved Reproduction without written
Email: Outside Europe £90.00 airmail permission from the Institute of Corrosion is
debbie@squareone.co.uk £80.00 surface mail prohibited. Views expressed in editorial text
Consulting Editor Enquiries and subscriptions to the Institute of or advertising copy are the opinions of the
Corrosion at the address below: contributors/advertisers and are not those of the
Brian Goldie
The Institute of Corrosion Institute or the Publisher.
Email: brianpce@aol.com
President ISSN: 13 55 52 43
Sarah Vasey
Square One Advertising & Design
Former President
John Fletcher
Advertising Manager
Vice President
Jonathan Phillips
Gareth Hinds
Tel: 0114 273 0132
Fax: 0114 272 1713
Institute News

The President Writes

We have made great strides in continuing Good news is that ICorr have now been
the work started by the previous Presidents approved by the Engineering Council’s Quality
in focusing on delivering value for our Assurance Committee as a Professional
members. The committee who worked on Affiliate for a further five years.
the support we are giving in the ‘Route to I have also represented the Institute at the
Chartership’ have delivered an excellent Elcometer world conference, celebrating 70
package, drawing on personal and wider years’ service to the corrosion industry
industry knowledge. The Young ICORR
group goes from strength to strength The AGM was held at the end of November
with Chris Bridge at the helm, and I see and this also marked the half way point in my
the network that exists within our current Presidency, and on reflection a lot has been
membership being extended through this achieved, but there is certainly more still to be
group. done!

As ever, I am thankful to our volunteers I would finally like to wish all members A
ICorr President, who give so much of their time to keep us Merry Christmas.
Sarah Vasey. functioning and relevant to our members. Sarah Vasey, ICorr President

From the Editor

you will find interesting. There are two covering high
performance corrosion protection coatings. Experts from
Sherwin Williams highlight advances in glass flake epoxies
for the protection of hot substrates, and an overview of thermal
Another year is nearly over, spraying from Stuart Milton of Metallisation. The third article
and one in which we have seen is a guide to the different ways coating specifications can be
challenges for some sectors, written, a timely reminder now that we are in the planning
some areas where the industry stages for next year’s projects.
is improving, and further
consolidation in the market. The ICorr website has been re-launched and in addition to
I have tried to cover these the current copy of the magazine being available under the
development in the magazine, ‘membership services’ tab, more detailed versions of technical
and will continue to bring you articles published can be found there, including this months’
topical news in future issues. glass flake epoxy article.

This issue features three Finally I would like to wish all readers the compliments of
technical articles which I hope the season.
Brian Goldie, Consulting Editor

Young Icorr
Baker’s enthusiasm for the UK space industry was palpable
as he explained why rockets are needed, the different
propulsion technologies and the materials and corrosion
engineering challenges associated with the extreme
environments they experience.

On November 8th, Young ICorr hosted a joint young Sponsorship was kindly provided by the Institute of
engineering networking event in collaboration with The Corrosion and The Welding Institute. To stay informed
Welding Institute and the London Materials Society, at about future Young ICorr events please join the LinkedIn
the TimberYard in Soho, London. The evening brought group by searching for ‘Young ICorr’ or alternatively
together fifty young engineers, professionals and students email chris.bridge@uk.bp.com
who are interested in corrosion, materials, metallurgy and
welding, and it was a great opportunity to meet like-minded
peers from other industries and to allow an opportunity
to network.
The evening’s guest
speaker, Dr. Adam Baker,
gave a thrilling talk about
the materials challenges
of rocket engineering
and spaceflight. Since
studying Materials Science
and Metallurgy at The
University of Oxford, Dr.
Baker has spent his career
working in the space
industry and currently both teaches part-time at Kingston
University and consults widely on space technology. Dr.

Visit the ICATS website www.icats-training.org

4 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org
Institute News

Growing our
Following on from the successes of the previous YEPs,
the next Young Engineer Programme will start in
January 2018.
(Gareth Hinds)
Lectures will cover, basic corrosion, welding, materials,
coatings, painting, fire protection and linings, cathodic Like all professional societies, ICorr needs to take
protection, chemical treatments, and will include regular stock of how well it is serving the needs of its
presentation skills. We are currently carrying out members. At the same time, the Institute has ambitious
pre-enrolment for this programme, and are seeking plans for future growth, with a target of achieving 2000
engineers in the early stages of their career in the members by 2020. With this in mind, earlier this year the
corrosion industry, and who are looking for extra President Sarah Vasey asked me to chair a Membership
experience to set them up for their future. Development committee, on which I have been joined by
If you are interested in this event please fill in the Young ICorr Chair Chris Bridge and ICorr Past Presidents
application form which can be obtained from Institute John Fletcher and Bill Cox. Our remit was to review the
of Corrosion, Barratt House, Kingsthorpe Road, perceived benefits of ICorr membership and to propose
Northampton, NN2 6EZ, or email, admin@icorr.org. ways of enhancing what we can offer our members in
Deadline for receipt of applications is mid December 2017. order to sustain this growth.
Following much consultation and lively debate, we have
put together a summary of the main benefits of ICorr

Route to
membership, which will appear shortly on the website. We
will be using this as the basis for a sustained marketing
drive, both within the UK and overseas, with a particular
focus on students and early career professionals. This

demographic is clearly key to the future of the Institute
but has suffered a slight decline in numbers in recent
years, which needs to be addressed as an urgent priority.
One important initiative will be to strengthen our links
with materials science and engineering students in
(David Mobbs) UK universities by arranging automatic ICorr student
membership registration for selected undergraduate
The Institute of Corrosion has developed a programme to assist courses. We will also be putting in place measures to retain
Engineers and Technicians obtain their Chartered Status. these members once they have joined the workforce, for
example by connecting them with successful initiatives
The Society of Environmental Engineers (SEE) in an agreement such as the Young Engineer programme.
with the Institute of Corrosion, has been licensed by the
Engineering Council to confer registration as a Chartered The central theme that has emerged quite strongly from
Engineer(CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng) or Engineering our discussions is that you get out what you put in. The
Technician (TechEng). The Engineering Council sets standards benefits of being an ICorr member increase dramatically
for competence and commitment to become registered as set out the more you get involved, whether it be attending
in the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence local Branch or Division meetings, joining a committee,
(UK-SPEC). The Institute of Corrosion has interpreted these attending a training course, carrying out professional
standards and developed the professional competences required assessment reviews or organising a conference. So I
for registration. Chartered Engineer status demonstrates the would encourage all members to consider how you could
achievement of a high-level education, the ability to practise get more involved in the various activities of the Institute.
the profession at a recognised level, and the maintenance and Together we are greater than the sum of our parts!
continued progression of engineering competencies.
The objectives of this programme are to support ICorr
members to reach the required competency levels in the
field of corrosion engineering to obtain Chartered Engineer
status via a “Mentoring” approach to assess competency Continuing Professional
and advise development programmes to reach CEng. The
benefits to Engineers and Technicians are, mentor guidance
from an industry professional, competency assessment from
a Chartered Engineer, a development programme via the (David Harvey)
competency matrix. Once a suitable mentor is appointed and
the competency matrix completed a program is developed Professional Development is a fundamental part of any career
to assist the candidate towards the Chartered status goal. in engineering, either Initial Professional Development
This could include suggested training, site visits, conference (IPD) for graduate engineers, or Continuing Professional
involvement or assistance in completion of the application and Development (CPD) for established engineers, ensuring
guidance for the PRI. that you keep up to date by constantly learning, improving
knowledge and developing skills to stay at the forefront of
Who Should Apply? Engineers who have graduated and have your industry. Not only will this aid your contribution to
completed 2 years in Industry, any member of ICorr who believes corrosion engineering, but it will also help you get the most
they are ready to progress to CEng, and mature engineers who out of your career. The Institute is committed to provide
have the experience but lower academic qualifications. assistance and guidance in IPD and CPD by, the exchange
More information can be found on the Institute of Corrosion of information and ideas at branch meetings, seminars
Website, or you can contact ICorr HQ, or the Chartered and conferences, the provision of training courses in
Status Team. corrosion control activities to members and non-members,
and as the Institute is a Learned Professional Body it has a
Continuing Professional Development Record Scheme and
the provisions to become Chartered Engineers or Scientists.
Continues on page 6

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 5

Institute News
Continued from page 5

What is Professional Development?

Professional development is the acquisition of knowledge and As professional members of the Institute, which is registered
skills and the development of personal qualities. It plays a with the Engineering Council/Science Council, it is our
crucial part in achieving and maintaining your engineering responsibility – and your obligation – to carry out CPD and
competence. It generally takes place in a working environment keep a record of your progress. CPD is personal – it’s about
and draws on knowledge and understanding, training and your development and will be unique to you, depending on
experience. However, it is not necessarily separate from your role, your career stage and your developmental goals. It
education and the two processes may be integrated, for is therefore important that you keep a record of your CPD as
example in work-based training and external courses. these are required to be reported to the Engineering Council
and Science Council for those of you that are chartered, or
ICorr provides a series of training courses, usually presented
considering becoming chartered. To facilitate this ICorr have
by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ETS in Sheffield.
licenced the “mycareerpath®” database from the Engineering
These courses provide theoretical and practical training and
Council. This is an online professional development system,
certification at various levels in Fundamentals of Corrosion,
designed by the Engineering Council and adopted by many
Protective Coatings Inspection and Cathodic Protection
professional engineering institutions for use by their members.
Certification in various application sectors in accordance with
The system is mobile and tablet compatible, so records can be
BS EN 15257. Further details can be found on our website,
accessed or added to on-the-go.
https://www.icorr.org/training-qualifications-2 and at http://

What counts as CPD?

It takes effort to carry all this out, so, when planning and For graduate engineers or experienced engineers wishing
recording your CPD, remember the acronym SWEAT! (Self- to obtain CEng., ICorr has developed a mentoring scheme
study, Work experience, Events and seminar, Academic study, to help you ensure that you have the necessary education
Training courses). Information on any of these activities can and experience to meet the competences required for this,
be recorded in mycareerpath® including subject, type of work, and provide guidance with competency assessment in the
duration and learning outcomes. Using mycareerpath® puts field of corrosion engineering, completion of the application
your complete records in one place so that they can be simply forms, and professional review interview. This scheme is
and easily sent to your institution as part of your professional being launched in 1Q 2018 (see previous page). The Institute
review, or to update them on your CPD record if you’re already needs Mentors and Professional Review Interviewers to help
registered. You could even send your complete records to candidates, so if any of our chartered members would like to
your employer as part of your appraisal. This database is become one or both, please let the ICorr office know and we
available to all ICorr members to use via the Members Area of will contact you.
the website.

Corrosion Engineering Division

(Nick Smart)

2018 Paul McIntyre Award 2018 Working day X

We look forward to receiving nominations for the 2018 Paul Following on from the successful Division working day
McIntyre award, which is presented to a senior corrosion on the topic of ‘Corrosion Engineering and Concrete’,
engineer, who, as well as being a leading practitioner the 2018 meeting will be held at the Birchwood Park
in his field, has advanced European collaboration and Conference Centre, Warrington, on Tuesday 24 April
international standards development. Please send any 2018 on the subject of ‘Atmospheric Corrosion in
nominations for the Paul McIntyre award to the chair of Industrial Applications’. Most of the presentations from
the Corrosion Engineering Division, Nick Smart (nick. the previous CED meetings, and documents produced
smart@woodplc.com), by 31 January 2018. The criteria for by the working groups, are available to members
the recipient of this award are that, they have established through the members’ area of the Institute’s website.
an international reputation in the field of corrosion
engineering, they have demonstrably advanced European
collaboration and international standards development
in the field of corrosion engineering, they must be living
Coatings guidance documents
and working in the European corrosion community, and The Coatings Working group, under David Horrocks’
a member of a corrosion-related body in the European chairmanship, has prepared a series of guidance
area (e.g. NACE UK, the Institute of Materials, the Institute documents on the following topics:
of Corrosion, or another European corrosion society).
• Inspection and testing of coatings
They must not be a current member of the Council of the
Institute of Corrosion, and be aged over 30. • Organic coating application methods
The award consists of an engraved trophy, which will be • Surface Preparation methods for coating application
presented at the annual CED working day meeting. The • Paint: a definition and generic organic coating types
recipient will be requested to present a brief overview of • Thermal metal spray coatings
their activities and encouraged to prepare an article for
• Corrosion protection coatings for steel structures
publication in Corrosion Management.
These documents are nearing completion and will be
made available free of charge through the members area
of the Institute’s website over the next few months.

6 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Institute News

(Steve Barke)
2017 has been another eventful year for ICATS with
the launch of the new Supervisor Course, the update
of the Req Doc and the introduction of the CSCS
Partner Scheme Card. 2018 promises to be another
busy year with several new innovations planned. Aquatec Group offer a full range of cathodic protection
and monitoring services, including consultancy, cathodic
Company Trainer Course
protection systems and insight into system performance.
The next Company Trainer Course will be held on They have developed and supplied instrumentation systems
16th and 17th January 2018 in Northampton. Please for cathodic protection and monitoring for installation on oil
call the Correx office on 01604 438222 to book platforms, pipelines, jetties, and FPSOs, from the UK North
places. Sea to locations throughout the world, since 1993. Their
portfolio ranges from the provision of cathodic protection
Supervisor Course design services, predictive modelling and inspection; the
We have held four Supervisor Courses during 2017 supply of ICCP and sacrificial systems and monitoring,
and the date for the first in 2018 will be announced with commissioning and support, to data gathering,
soon. The application form can be downloaded interpretation and analysis services. The personnel have
from our website, www.icats-training.org under the extensive experience protecting offshore assets.
Supervisors Module tab, or places can be booked
by calling the Correx office. The eligibility for the
course is as follows:
1. Any applicator who has two years’ experience
following successfully completing the mandatory
Industrial Coating Applicator (ICA) ICATS module. NEW SUSTAINING MEMBER
2. Supervisors and Technical Managers who have
more than two years’ experience in the industrial
coating field with supporting evidence from their
employer, even if they have not completed the ICA
3. Other candidates (from non ICATS registered The company was founded in January 2007 as specialist
companies) with at least five years’ verifiable hydraulic commissioning and water treatment advisors
experience in the coating industry will also be to the building services sector. With many years’ service
eligible. in both hydraulic commissioning and closed systems pre-
Eligibility for Applicator Training commission cleaning, their role naturally evolved into
assisting construction teams to evaluate technical and
Except at approved ICATS Registered Training scientific information issued through commissioning and
Providers, all Applicators being registered for water treatment specialists and laboratories, to determine
ICATS training must be a genuine employee of the the most pragmatic course of action to ensure the handover
company that registers them. We will be auditing all of projects on time and in line with industry guidelines,
companies certifying Applicators and if this process not only to prevent corrosion in closed heating and cooling
reveals personnel have been certified and are not systems but also prove the hydraulic integrity of the systems
employed by the company that provided the ICATS in operation.
training, the registration will be cancelled.
Over the years the company has been directly involved
Approved ICATS Registered Training Providers are through the offices of the Water Management Society
listed on our website. and the Institute of Corrosion in assisting BSRIA produce
the current industry guidelines for closed systems pre-
Trainee Cards/Mentoring
commission cleaning (BG29-2012) and Water Treatment
In the latest version of the Req Doc (the Institute of for Closed Heating and Cooling systems (BG50-2013).
Corrosion document which defines the requirements They will also advise on any requirements for corrosion
for the operation of the ICATS scheme) there monitoring and investigations to assess the risk and or
were various changes of which a major one was damage associated with poorly maintained or at risk closed
clarification on Trainee cards and mentoring. heating and cooling systems and to maintain the efficacy of
Candidates undergoing training for certification as any water treatment programmes.
Industrial Coating Applicator are not required to
have any previous experience of industrial coatings
application but if they have less three years’

For all the latest

experience , they will be required to be mentored by
a qualified ICATS operative in the workplace for a
period of one year after successful completion ICATS
ICA training. During the year of mentoring they
will carry a Coating Applicator Trainee wallet card
which is valid for one year to signify their status
news, events and
as under mentoring. A log of weekly activity must
be kept and signed by the applicator and mentor
during this period. A qualified ICATS operative may
debates join us on
mentor a maximum of five Trainees at one time. On
successful completion of the year as a Trainee, the
candidate will be issued with an ICATS applicator
card valid for a further two years at no cost.
Keep up to date with ICATS via the website

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 7

Institute News

Commission 2: markus.buechler@sgk.ch
Secretariat: ceocor@synergrid.be
Any questions should be addressed to the Presidents of
Commissions or to the Secretariat.
Authors will receive notification of abstract acceptance before
January 22, 2018, and full texts of the presentations must
The CEOCOR 2018 CONGRESS is being organised by the
be sent to the Presidents of Commission 1 and Commission
Institute of Corrosion, which is the British representative to
2, again copied to the Secretariat of CEOCOR before April
CEOCOR, from May 15th until May 18th 2018, at Stratford
1, 2018 at the latest. Author guidelines can be found on the
on Avon.
CEOCOR 2018 website, www.ceocor2018.com
This is a great opportunity to present your most recent research
It should be noted that CEOCOR, and not the Institute of
and experiences on corrosion and protection of pipes and
Corrosion, has control of the Technical Programme. The
pipeline systems in the field of drinking water, waste water,
Institute of Corrosion is responsible for all other activities at
gas and oil. Titles and abstracts (approx. 10 lines in WORD
the Congress at the Crowne Plaza, Stratford on Avon.
format) should be submitted to the Presidents of Commission 1
and Commission 2, with a copy to the Secretariat of CEOCOR, Registrations are now being taken by ICorr for attendance
before January 15, 2018 at the latest. at CEOCOR 2018 and discounted rooms are available for
booking at the Crowne Plaza. Details can be found on the
Commission 1: tom.levy@syneauxsud.lu
CEOCOR website.

this liner, and whether there is a likelihood of ongoing
corrosion in the CRA/carrier annulus in cases where
CRA disbondment has occurred.

Aberdeen Branch
The October special event focussed on offshore external
corrosion and repair solutions, which most importantly
brought together specialists from two (normally
competing) companies. Consultants, Ian Taylor and
The opening events of the 2017-2018 session kicked things off Nabeel Khan of IMG Composites Ltd., and Gareth
to a very good start with an average attendance of 50. Urukalo, Senior Technical Engineer of ICR Integrity
Ltd, worked together to provide an objective insight into
Firstly, September was a joint event with TWI, and there
the development and application of two key standards,
was a very interesting presentation by Susan Jacob of CAN
ISO24817: 2015, and the increasingly used ASME PCC-2
(Offshore) Ltd, entitled “An Investigation into the Wrinkling
Code. The two presentations were entitled “Established
Phenomenon on Corrosion Resistant Alloy (CRA) Pipelines
Composite Engineering in 2017” and “Composite Repairs
and Its Impact on Pipeline Integrity”. This focussed on issues
– A long Life-time Repair Solution”.
arising with both the laying and subsequent inspection of thin
CRA internally clad pipelines. CRA’s have been increasingly Composite repair has been extensively used in the
deployed for new and replacement Pipe Lay Projects however last 10 years to extend the operating lives of process
they can be problematic and great care must be taken at the systems, particularly but not exclusively, for piping
installation stage to prevent wrinkling, as Susan highlighted. systems, which would otherwise have required costly
This topic will be subject of a more detailed technical paper interventions and loss of production and outages that
in Corrosion Management in January/February 2018. This may ultimately have caused the facilities to cease
upcoming paper will aim to respond in more detail to the production altogether!
many questions raised by attendees, who clearly enjoyed The talks considered some key questions that once
the evening, including, the definitive evidence as to whether again generated much interest from the gathered
pipe lay procedures adequately did, in this instance, address audience. What came across was the increasing
the potential risk of wrinkling and whether (10 years on) industry confidence that these composite repairs can
more modern methods of fitting CRA Liners are any more provide fully engineered long-term repair solutions,
resistant to this CRA wrinkling phenomenon; the evidence providing additional structural strength (subject to
as to whether applying internal pressure can eliminate the necessary quality controls, such as a high standard of
wrinkling risk and as to whether cleaning tools irreparably surface preparation), to provide to Energy operators a
damage the CRA Liner, or whether perhaps increased guaranteed service life.
Anti-Scale CI and Reduced Cleaning Frequency is a safer
approach? The article will also consider the ability of the The ‘new world’ of composites was wonderfully
Intelligent Pigging (IP) Tool to detect thinning changes in a illustrated with many practical day-to-day examples
3mm thick CRA Liner and / or small perforations or tears of such as the new A380 Airliner and the “New Bus
for London”, that contain a very high percentage
ICorr Aberdeen Chair presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Speaker Susan of composites. For example, the four key structural
Jacob of CAN (Offshore) Ltd. composite parts which make up the rear end of the new
bus support the weight of the engine, the passengers on
the platform, the staircase and the upper deck. Using
these composite materials has resulted in the saving of
several hundred kilograms from the structural weight
of the bus compared to traditional materials, and of
course very significant fuel savings.
Information about all forthcoming Aberdeen branch
activities can be found on the diary page of the magazine
and on the Institute website, alternatively a calendar of
local events of interest to corrosion professionals in the
Aberdeen area, and the opportunity to sign up to the
Branch mailing list is available at https://sites.google.
com/site/icorrabz/home. Aberdeen Branch have also
established their new Media Centre on LinkedIn, which
can be found at https://www.linkedin.com/in/aberdeen-

8 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Institute News

London Branch
The Branch had a good start to the 2017-18 season, and whilst In 1751, he published his book ‘Experiments and Observations
there were only had 40 people at the October meeting, the on Electricity”. The famous ‘Kite Experiment’ where Franklin
guests were from the major offshore operators, and about 30% showed that lightning did produce electricity, followed in 1752.
were below the age of 40, which was the audience targeted. In 1756 he was nominated for Fellow of The Royal Society
of London, being described as ‘a gentleman, who has very
Simon Bowcock of BP discussed the corrosion challenges and
eminently distinguished himself in various discoveries in
the considerations to be taken into account in the design and
natural philosophy and who first suggested the experiments
installation of 316 stainless steel clad subsea flowlines.
to prove the analogy between lightening and electricity’.
Material selection decisions are typically based on a Following this award, Franklin moved to London as a diplomat
compromise between cost, schedule, and meeting the specified and politician for Pennsylvania and became involved with the
engineering requirements. However, these decisions can often move to make America independent, predicting this would
have wider, yet significant, impact on different stages of a happen long before the war began. Eventually, around 1772
project. Simon’s presentation looked to identify and explore he returned to the colonies to help draft the Declaration of
some of these wider considerations in more detail, specifically Independence and become one of the Founding Fathers of the
with respect to the use of 316 stainless steel clad subsea United States.
flowlines in the oil and gas industry. He also did a fantastic
The second presentation was by Dr David Eyre, an independent
job with a very interesting topic and went to the bother of
consultant, specialising in corrosion management and the
explaining in detail the complexity of the installation of a clad
integrity of buried pipelines, with over 35 years’ experience
subsea pipeline
on UK and overseas projects.
Simon was presented with his ICorr pen and a vote of thanks
David continued the theme of electricity but moved away from
from Ben Moorhouse.
DC and introduced the problems created by modern high
voltage AC transmission systems on oil and gas pipelines.
David described the policy of routing AC transmission systems
in the same corridor as pipelines. The magnetic field created
around each AC phase wire running from tower to tower can
induce AC voltages and currents in the wall of the buried steel
pipelines, under both normal load and fault conditions on
the transmission system. These effects can, on the one hand,
create unsafe conditions for personnel working on the pipeline
and secondly can induce significant AC currents which can
cause corrosion on the external surface of the pipeline leading
to full wall penetration in extreme conditions.
David indicated that the magnitude of the induced effects
depended on many factors, including the transmission system
voltage and current loading, the length of parallelism and
separation distance of the pipeline from the transmission
Simon Bowcock. system, the pipeline characteristics and resistivity of the soil
in which the pipeline is buried.
The Branch also held a joint meeting with SCI (Society of
Chemical Industry) at their premises on Belgrave Square, David Eyre.
on 19th October. The evening was chaired by Dr Nicholas
Bourne of SCI who introduced the two evening presentations.
Coincidentally, the SCI was the home for the Institute of
Corrosion from 1965 to 1980, when it moved to the IMF in
The first presentation was by Dr Fred Parrett, who has over
50 years’ experience in business, industry and academia.
Fred’s presentation was a comprehensive look at the life
and works of businessman, scientist, inventor and politician,
Benjamin Franklin. Fred developed a timeline to show the
developments in the study of electricity that were sweeping
through Europe in 1740’s. Franklin wanted to find answers to
a number of fundamental questions, what is electricity, how is
It is now generally recognised that pipelines can suffer
it distributed in nature, are there two kinds of electricity, and
AC corrosion despite satisfying the conventional cathodic
why are materials conductors or non-conductors?
protection (CP) criteria based on pipe to soil potentials. New
Fred Parrett.
CP criteria have been developed based on measured AC
current density values, which can be used to minimise the
risk, and these details are contained in the latest standard, BS
ISO 18086 (see standards section below). It was emphasised
that monitoring and data logging was essential to assess
the ‘persistency’ of the problem and that the longer this
monitoring is conducted the better the assessment of risk.
Mitigation methods were described and David admitted that
the mechanisms of AC corrosion on pipelines are still to be
fully understood.
The Vote of Thanks was given by John O’Shea, a past
President of ICorr. He started by thanking Dr Parrett,
Chairman of the SCI London Group for initially floating the
idea of the Joint Meeting and for all his support in organising
this successful event. John also gave a brief eulogy for the
late David Deacon, who had done so much for the Institute,
worked at this Belgravia address and whose birthday was on
the following Tuesday.

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 9

Institute News

North East Branch The November meeting EN 12068 (1999) - developed under CEN leadership for tapes
was held at the Rosen and shrinkable materials, with cathodic protection, material
Facility in Gosforth, defined maximum temperature, and offshore and “special
and Barry Turner gave situations” are excluded.
a presentation entitled,
NF A49-716 (1998) - replaced by EN 10329 in 2006. Covers 8
“A review of ISO 21809-
different coating types, as very diverse materials unable to
3 standard for field
standardise requirements. End user to chose coating type.
joint coating”. Barry
(EN 10329 based on similar philosophy to 49-716).
has over 30 years’
experience in industrial The presentation then moved on to the dominant standard in
coatings and plastics North America, CSA Z245.30 (2014) developed by Canadian
for the oil and gas Standards, and which is a mandatory requirement in Canada
and water industry. He for FJC, but also for field applied coatings in general, covers
has a strong technical 7 material classes. It also defines responsibilities of each party
background with experience in sales, marketing, development involved in a coating job and the qualification of materials,
and technical service positions, and is an active participant in application procedures and individuals as applicators. ISO
ISO standardisation development for pipeline coatings as UK 21809-11 is new and currently being drafted and will similarly
nominated expert. be for field applied coatings but looking more toward external
coating’s rehabilitation in the field. The bulk of the discussion
ISO 21809-3 is becoming the recognised standard for the
held was on the ISO 21809 standard and especially the different
qualification and testing of field joint coatings on steel pipelines
coatings classes, ie., Part 1, Polyolefin coatings (3-layer PE and
in the Oil and Gas sector. Barry presented his personal review
3-layer PP) and currently under revision; Part 2, Single layer
of the 2016 revision of the standard and tried to put some light
fusion bonded epoxy coatings; Part 3, Field joint coatings;
on the standard development process and explain the different
Part 4, Polyethylene coatings (2 layer PE) ; Part 5, External
material classes and associated issues and concerns. The
concrete coatings ; Part 6, Dual layer and Multi layer fusion
presentation started with a historical look at the qualification
bonded epoxy coatings (NEW, currrently in development);
of field joint coatings (FJC), viz:
and Part 11, Coatings for in-field application, coating repairs
DIN 30672-1 (2000) - Joint DIN/DVGW developed standard for and rehabilitation.
tapes and shrinkable materials, with no cathodic protection,
Everyone that attended found the talk very informative and
and max. temperature 50ºC.
resulting in a lot of discussion.

on 24 January 2018, at Aston University, Birmingham. It
will consist of a series of seminars given by experts in the
field on the individual techniques (including case studies),
The Branch in association with Loughborough Surface together with an optional practical demonstrations on
Analysis Ltd (LSA) and Midlands Surface Analysis Ltd some of the techniques in the laboratories of MSA Ltd.
(MSA), is holding a one-day workshop on surface analysis Opportunities will also be provided to discuss participants’
and depth profiling techniques, and how they can be used specific cases either in an open forum or in private with
to help with a variety of challenges relating to corrosion. the analysts present.
The workshop will draw upon a wealth of real-world The agenda for the day and further details can be found on
experience in using these techniques, and will be held the Institute website.

Obituary: Mike Pursell, FICorr

Mike Pursell, who was prominent their technical manager, where he stayed until 2005, after
in the Aberdeen offshore which he continued to work as an independent consultant.
industry, died in September this
Throughout Mike’s career his focus on quality and training
year. He had been a Fellow of
of less experienced engineers was exemplary. Mike
the Institute since 1993.
accepted the role of mentor very seriously and showed a
Mike graduated in Chemical high level of enthusiasm for developing young engineers.
Engineering from Manchester It is safe to say that Mike helped to mould many of the
University in 1966. He then competent engineers that work in the industry today and
continued to study and completed was actively involved in the work of ICorr, MCF and EI,
his MSc in Corrosion Science in contributing to their many events and publications. Mike
1967. He started his career at was a highly respected and valued contributor to Energy
BP the same year as a trainee Institute activities in the area of corrosion management. In
engineer, and within one year particular, he was the consulting author for the influential
was promoted to a corrosion “Guidance for Corrosion Management in Oil and Gas
engineer at the Grangemouth Refinery. Mike continued Production and Processing” document, published May
to build his experience in corrosion, working at various 2008 and used worldwide.
BP locations including London and overseas in Abu Dhabi.
He was well respected as a professional engineer, and will
He was promoted to management in 1982 and at that time
be missed by many.
changed his career focus to quality management.
Outside of work Mike was a very keen golfer and was a
However, by 1990 Mike had returned to his corrosion career
founder member of his local golf club. Mike is survived
and left BP to join Quest Consultancy based in Aberdeen.
by his wife Stella, children, Andrew and Mark and
He stayed with this company as the principal corrosion
grandchildren, Anna, Rachel and Fergus.
engineer until 1999, when he joined MB Inspection as

10 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org


Corrosion Control for Safer Living
(Reported by Douglas Mills)
This major conference, which this year was combined with
the 20th International Corrosion Congress and the Process
Safety Congress, was held from 3rd – 7th September 2017
in Prague, Czech Republic. It attracted 1200 participants
from 62 countries, with the largest number coming from
France, second was China, third was Germany, fourth
United Kingdom and fifth the Czech Republic. There was
a large exhibition, featuring a total of 49 exhibitors and
this was opened on the Monday evening with a reception.
In accordance with the traditional format, the conference
was divided into parallel sessions, 43 in total, running
concurrently. These included sessions organised by the
various EFC working parties (details of these are available at
http://efcweb.org/wp.html), various Joint Sessions, Technical
Forums and Workshops, and six Process Safety sessions. The
conference was opened by Tomáš Prošek (Czech Association
of Corrosion Engineers and chief organiser) and Damien
Féron (President of the European Federation of Corrosion).
The European Corrosion Medal was then awarded to Mário
G. S. Ferreira (University of Aveiro, Portugal) who gave a
talk on ‘Immobilisation of active molecules in nano-structured
materials for multifunctional coatings’ in which he argued
that although additives can confer important functionalities
(corrosion inhibition, anti-fouling, sensing, adhesion), the
direct mixing of additives into coating formulations can Beatriz Mingo
(The University of Manchester).
have serious drawbacks.
The Marcel Pourbaix Award was presented to Christofer
Prizes for the best posters were also presented, with first
Leygraf (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), who
prize going to Alexander Lutz (Vrije Universiteit Brussel,
delivered a plenary talk on ‘Atmospheric corrosion: current
Belgium) for ‘Local electrochemical study of ternary Zn–Fe–
challenges in an evolving research field’. The development
Mo alloy coatings on carbon steel’. The second prize going to
of simplified but practically relevant model systems, along
Beatriz Mingo (The University of Manchester, U.K.) for ‘Active
with international exposure tests and laboratory experiments
Functionalisation of ceramic coatings: incorporation of loaded
aided by analytical and technical advancements has greatly
nanotubes’, The plenary lecture on the Wednesday was
increased our understanding of atmospheric corrosion. The
‘Continuum and atomic scale simulation of stress corrosion
speaker sought to highlight present and future challenges.
cracking and causality’ by Tetsuo Shoji (Tohoku University,
On the Wednesday morning the EUROCORR Young Scientist Japan). The speaker described the application of stress and
Grant award, which provides financial support to young strain analysis by theoretical elastic-plastic stress field analysis
corrosion practitioners to visit and interact with groups and FEM, quasi-continuum (FEM and molecular dynamics) and
working in other countries, was presented to Hongchang Quantum Chemical Molecular Dynamics to examine the role of
Qian, who will work with Dr Yaiza Gonzalez-Garcia (Delft stress and strain in SCC in relation to the chemical and physical
University of Technology, Netherlands); Anissa Célina properties of materials.
Bouali, who will work with Dr Alexander Lutz (Vrije
The conference Gala Dinner took place on the Wednesday
Universiteit Brussel, Belgium); and Berk Ozdirik, who
evening at the riverside Zofin Palace, with an extensive buffet
will work with Dr Patrik Schmutz (EMPA, Swizerland).
of Czech specialities and drinks, presented in the numerous
Details of this award can be found at http://efcweb.org/
rooms of this impressive building including an upstairs and
gallery. The multiple levels made it possible for a choice of two
parallel entertainments, the spacious upstairs ballroom being
Tetsuo Shoji (Tohoku University, Japan).
entertained by the Havelka Sisters and their Orchestra with
traditional light jazz and swing music, while the downstairs
dance room was rocked by the Beatles Revival (Brouci Band)
with their repertoire of Beatles hits.
On Thursday, the plenary lecture was given by John R. Scully
(University of Virginia, USA) on ‘Needs, gaps and opportunities
for better design of corrosion resistant materials’. The speaker
cited a recent National Academy study suggesting that an ideal
corrosion-resistant alloy might well be formulated in the future
using integrated computational materials design. This presents
the challenge of connecting the attribute-defined features of
an alloy, with the subsequent properties, by applying relevant
scientific principles. Significant scientific needs, gaps and
opportunities must be met in order to improve this theory-based
design approach
Next year the EUROCORR congress will be held from 9th to 13th
September at the ICE Kraków congress centre, Poland.
The above is an edited version of a longer report that will
appear in the first issue of 2018 of the journal Corrosion
Engineering Science and Technology. Thanks are due to Ruth
Bingham for supplying the two photographs.

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 11

Industry News

New Book on Coating Failure Analysis

A new book by Jon Cavallo, “CorrCompilations, Coating Failure Analysis” discusses a
wide array of coatings failures — from abrasion and adhesion failure to peeling. This is
the latest book in a compendium of technical information to be used as a guidance for
coatings inspectors in a number of industries. With clear language and timely guidance,
the book offers a comprehensive approach to failure analysis that can be applied in many
technical categories.
The book covers the causes of coating failures and how to properly analyse them by
learning, how not to perform a failure analysis, how to determine the root cause of
a coating failure, and whether it’s a mechanical flaw or human fault. The book looks
in depth at common pipeline coating challenges that range from handling external
polymeric coatings to dealing with trenchless pipeline coatings, analyses the failures of
prior tank lining coating systems in order to avoid the loss of product, process downtime
and repair costs, reviews case studies of coating failures within offshore and marine
environments, and gives an understanding of laboratory analysis tools for coating
evaluations and failure prediction.
Jon Cavallo has worked in the military and private sectors and has made his mark as a
writer, speaker and authority in the field of protective coatings, with particular expertise
in nuclear coatings, for more than 40 years. He is an ASTM fellow and a NACE CIP
instructor. “CorrCompilations, Coating Failure Analysis” is available in paperback or as
an e-book in the NACE Store.

Inspection Instruments for the Pipeline

Coating Industry, Volume 2: Verifying
the Quality of Coating Application
The second of three volumes in the Inspection Instruments for the Pipeline Coatings Industry
E-Book Series, “Verifying the Quality of Coating Application” is written by KTA COO, William D.
Corbett. It provides information on the proper use of test instruments for verifying the quality of
the application of protective coatings. It is applicable to new pipe in the shop, field splices (girth
weld areas), existing pipe in the field, and painted steel in general.
Some topics include, use of digital psychrometers and calibration, measuring coating temperature,
measuring and calculating wet film thickness, frequency of measurement according to SSPC
PA-2, and Type 1 & 2 Gauges. You can download “Verifying the Quality of Coating Application”
from https:ktauniversity.com.
Verifying the quality of coating application post-application is the subject of Volume 3.


Poland, 9-13 September 2018
The Polish Corrosion Society, together with the European Federation of Corrosion and
DECHEMA, will be organising the 2018 Eurocorr congress. This year the theme is
“Applied Science with Constant Awareness”. The scientific programme of EUROCORR
gives delegates an opportunity to catch up with the most recent and reliable scientific
results and the latest industrial achievements, and to take part in the development of
The annual NACE conference
will be held on 15 – 19 April next
new standards and regulations in the subject of corrosion control. As always during year in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
EUROCORR, each day 10 to 12 parallel sessions will run, some dealing with the most Advance registration is open -
important general corrosion problems and some focusing on those specific to each register before 8 February 2018
branch of industry. For further information concerning EUROCORR 2018, see the and save $165. The technical
congress website at: http://www.eurocorr.org program can also be viewed
A call for papers has also been issued, and the deadline for abstract submission is 16 on the conference homepage,
January 2018. Instructions for abstract submission and the online submission form are www.nacecorrosion.org
available on the congress website.


please contact Jonathan Phillips or Debbie Hardwick at:
Square One +44 (0)114 273 0132 enquiries@squareone.co.uk

12 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Industry News
2018 Oil and Gas
Industry Conference New global paint and
coatings study launched
Nace Milano Italia Section in collaboration with NACE
Europe, is organizing an international conference in
Genoa in 2018 focussed on the Oil and Gas Industry.
This will be the 2nd European event, the first in Kusumgar, Nerlfi & Growney has published its third global
Genova in 2016 attracted 320 attendees (30% foreign, paint & coatings study. According to the firm, global
70% Italian), and had 3 parallel sessions with a total of consumption of coatings was 90.4 billion pounds valued at
100 technical papers, together with 42 exhibitors and EUR103 billion in 2016, and an annual rate of growth of 4%
20 sponsors. is forecast through 2021.

A call for papers has been made, and abstracts should The Asia-Pacific region was the leading coating consumer
be submitted by middle December. Full information with 47% of the volume and 45% of the value in 2016 and
is given at http://www.naceitalia.it/genoa2018/html/ overall growth there is 6% per year, due to the emerging
ShortAbstract.html economies of the region. China accounts for 59% of the
volume, and India is now among the leaders in growth in
The technical sessions at the conference will include, the region at just over 10% per year.
coating technology, oil & gas pipelines, oil & gas
upstream, failure case studies, corrosion inhibitors, The global coating industry continues towards water-based
microbiological corrosion, and cathodic protection. and other more environmentally friendly technologies,
particularly in emerging economies. Many developed
Full details about the conference and associated economies now employ a significant percentage of these
exhibition, including opportunities for sponsoring , technologies. Further information about the study “Global
can be found at http://www.naceitalia.it/genoa2018/ Paint & Coatings, 2016-2021” can be obtained at www.
html/main.html kusumgar-nerlfi-growney.com.

Axalta buys
Plascoat Systems WorleyParsons enters
Axalta Coating Systems has acquired Plascoat Systems Ltd.,
a supplier of thermoplastic powder coatings, from its parent
UK North Sea Market
company, International Process Technologies (IPT) Ltd. WorleyParsons has announced the completion of its
Established in 1952, Plascoat pioneered some of the science acquisition of Amec Foster Wheeler (AFW ) Oil and Gas
behind the formulation, manufacturing, and application UK Limited, a leader in the Engineering & Construction,
of thermoplastic polyolefin coatings. Plascoat’s product Operations and Maintenance and Hook-up services
portfolio of highly durable powder coatings used for a markets in the UK oil and gas market. AFW UK has 45+
variety of oudoor applications includes a product specifically years’ experience operating in the North Sea providing
developed for coating potable pipes, fittings and tanks. As services across the full asset lifecycle, and has over 3,000
part of the transaction, Axalta will acquire both Plascoat employees in seven offices in the UK and the Middle East.
manufacturing facilities in Farnham, England and Zuidland,

• These documents are currently under consideration in the conditions (Revision of ISO 16151:2005)
technical committees.
• These final draft International Standards have been
ISO/DTR 11303 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Guidelines for submitted to the ISO member bodies for formal approval
selection of protection methods against atmospheric corrosion
ISO/FDIS 6270-1 Paints and varnishes — Determination of
ISO/DTR 19735 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosivity resistance to humidity — Part 1: Condensation (single-sided
of atmospheres — Guidelines for mapping areas of increased exposure) (Revision of ISO 6270-1:1998)
risk of corrosion
ISO/FDIS 6270-3 Paints and varnishes — Determination of
• These documents have obtained substantial support within resistance to humidity — Part 3: Condensation (in-cabinet
the appropriate ISO technical committee. They have been exposure with heated, bubbling water reservoir)
submitted to the ISO member bodies for voting.
• Standards issued during September include,
ISO/DIS 2812-5 Paints and varnishes — Determination of
ISO 9717:2017 Metallic and other inorganic coatings —
resistance to liquids — Part 5: Temperature-gradient oven
Phosphate conversion coating of metals
method (Revision of ISO 2812-5:2007)
The standard specifies a process for the confirmation of
ISO/DIS 4623-1 Paints and varnishes — Determination of
requirements for phosphate coatings which are usually
resistance to filiform corrosion — Part 1: Steel substrates
destined for application on ferrous materials, zinc, cadmium
(Revision of ISO 4623-1:2000)
and their alloys. This third edition cancels and replaces the
ISO/DIS 14993 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Accelerated second edition which has been technically revised, including
testing involving cyclic exposure to salt mist, dry and wet the requirements for the phosphate layer, shifting the
conditions (Revision of ISO 14993:2001) statements on corrosion resistance to a new Annex A, Annex
B on salt spray testing, and the properties of the phosphate
ISO/DIS 16151 Corrosion of metals and alloys — Accelerated
layers in Annex C.
cyclic test with exposure to acidified salt spray, dry and wet
Continues on page 14

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 13

Industry News

STANDARDS UPDATE immersed sections of on-land pipelines such as river or lake

crossings. The standard specifies requirements for pipelines
of carbon steel, stainless steel, cast iron, galvanized steel, or
Continued from page 13 copper.

EN ISO 18086:2017 Corrosion of metals and alloys -
Determination of AC corrosion - Protection criteria
This is applicable to buried cathodically-protected pipeline that
Following is a list of standards relative to our industry is influenced by AC traction systems and/or AC power lines. In
published by CEN (including joint ISO standards), in the last the presence of AC interference, the protection criteria given
two months. in ISO 15589- 1 are not sufficient to demonstrate that the steel
is being protected against corrosion. This standard provides
EN 12438:2017 Magnesium and magnesium alloys - limits, measurement procedures, mitigation measures,
Magnesium alloys for cast anodes. and information to deal with long term AC interference
This standard specifies the grades and the corresponding for AC voltages at frequencies between 16.7 and 60 Hz and
requirements for magnesium alloys for cast anodes. It the evaluation of AC corrosion likelihood. It deals with the
specifies 2 groups of cast magnesium alloy grades by a possibility of AC corrosion of metallic pipelines due to AC
classification based on chemical composition. The first interferences caused by inductive, conductive or capacitive
group deals with magnesium alloy ingots for anodes and the coupling with AC power systems and the maximum tolerable
second group deals with magnesium alloy anode castings. limits of these interference effects. It takes into account the
The standard specifies chemical composition, designation, fact that this is a long-term effect, which occurs during normal
testing, and inspection documentation. operating conditions of the AC power system.
EN 1504-10:2017 Products and systems for the protection and EN ISO 18797-1:2017 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural
repair of concrete structures - Definitions, requirements, gas industries - External corrosion protection of risers by
quality control and evaluation of conformity - Part 10: Site coatings and linings - Part 1: Elastomeric coating systems-
application of products and systems and quality control of the polychloroprene or EPDM
works The standard specifies the minimum requirements for materials
This part of EN 1504 gives requirements for, substrate selection, surface preparation, application, inspection, testing,
condition before and during application of systems and qualification and acceptance criteria of external coating for
products, storage of systems and products, structural steel risers pipes used in the splash zone, their field joints and
stability during preparation, protection and repair, methods clamps/guides, using an elastomeric protective coating based
of protection and repair, quality control for execution of work on polychloroprene, EPDM or equivalent. This is applicable for
and maintenance of the structure. new construction and repair of applied pipes before installation.
It also specifies the requirements for transportation, handling
EN ISO 11997-1:2017 Paints and varnishes - Determination of and storage of riser pipes before and after surface preparation
resistance to cyclic corrosion conditions - Part 1: Wet (salt and coating application. Maintenance requirements and field
fog)/dry/humid repairs are covered in ISO 18797-2.
The standard specifies a method for the determination of the EN ISO 2063-1:2017 Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium
resistance of coatings to one of four defined cycles of wet and their alloys - Part 1: Design considerations and quality
(salt fog)/dry/humid conditions using specified solutions. requirements for corrosion protection systems
EN ISO 15110:2017 Paints and varnishes - Artificial weathering The standard specifies requirements for the protection
including acidic deposition of iron and steel surfaces against corrosion by applying
This specifies a so-called acid dew and fog test (ADF test) thermal-sprayed metallic coatings of zinc, aluminium or their
as an accelerated laboratory test method for simulating, by alloys. It covers the requirements for the planning of the
the use of artificial acidic precipitation, the damaging effects corrosion protection system and for the constructive design
of acidic atmospheric precipitation in association with UV of the component to be protected are specified, where thermal
radiation, neutral condensed precipitation, and changing spraying is intended to be the process for the deposition of the
temperature and humidity. This test method is intended to metallic corrosion protection. Some field-related basic terms
be used in evaluating, on the basis of relative performance are defined and instructions for corrosion behaviour of the
rankings, the suitability of painted materials for use in zinc and aluminium materials under different environment
outdoor environments with acidic precipitation. It is not conditions are provided. Characteristic properties of the
intended to generate the same extent of damage or the same coating, e.g. coating thickness, minimum adhesive strength
damage pattern as in outdoor weathering, but rather to give and surface appearance, are specified and test procedures
a ranking which is similar to that which would be obtained for thermal-sprayed corrosion protection coatings of zinc,
in outdoor weathering. The method produces damage which aluminium or their alloys are determined. The standard
is more homogeneous, allows fewer specimens to be exposed is valid for applying thermal-sprayed zinc and aluminium
(and hence more rapid testing) and enables evaluation of the protection coatings against corrosion in the temperature
exposed specimens to be carried out using methods which range up to +200 C, taking into consideration the service
are more objective than visual assessment. conditions of any sealants used.
EN ISO 15589-1:2017 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural EN ISO 2063-2:2017 Thermal spraying - Zinc, aluminium and
gas industries - Cathodic protection of pipeline systems - Part their alloys - Part 2: Execution of corrosion protection systems
1: On-land pipelines This part specifies requirements for corrosion protection
This part specifies requirements and gives recommendations of steel structures, components or parts, which are coated
for the pre-installation surveys, design, materials, equipment, by thermal spraying of zinc, aluminium or their alloys. It
installation, commissioning, operation, inspection, and specifies requirements for coating manufacturers of surface
maintenance of cathodic protection systems for on-land preparation, thermal spraying, testing and post treatments,
pipelines, as defined in ISO 13623 or EN 14161 for the e.g. sealing of the coating. The standard applies to metallic
petroleum, petrochemical, and natural gas industries, and in corrosion protection coatings in the case of new fabrication
EN 1594 or EN 12007‑1 and EN 12007‑3 used by gas supply in the workshop, as well as on-site and for repair on-site after
industries in Europe. All contents of this part of ISO 15589 assembly. Requirements for coating thickness, minimum
are applicable to on-land pipelines and piping systems used adhesive strength and surface conditions, specified in a
in other industries and transporting other media such as coating specification, are given. Recommendations are given
industrial gases, waters, or slurries. It applies to buried for suitable process steps and quality assurance measures
pipelines, landfalls of offshore pipeline sections protected for new production and maintenance and for supervising of
by on-shore based cathodic protection installations, and to corrosion protection works. It covers the application of thermal-

14 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Industry News

sprayed zinc, aluminium and their alloys for protection against on non-magnetic electrically conductive base metals, using
corrosion , and specifies requirements for the equipment, the amplitude-sensitive eddy-current instruments. In the standard,
working place and the qualification of the spray and testing the term “coating” is used for materials such as, for example,
personnel. The standard is addressed to the designer and to paints and varnishes, electroplated coatings, enamel coatings,
the planning engineer of corrosion protection system. plastic coatings, claddings and powder coatings. This method
is particularly applicable to measurements of the thickness
EN ISO 2360:2017 Non-conductive coatings on non-magnetic
of most oxide coatings produced by anodizing, but is not
electrically conductive base metals - Measurement of coating
applicable to all conversion coatings, some of which are too
thickness - Amplitude-sensitive eddy-current.
thin to be measured by this method. This method can also
The standard specifies a method for non-destructive be used to measure non-magnetic metallic coatings on non-
measurements of the thickness of non-conductive coatings conductive base materials.


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www.icorr.org November/December 2017 15
Technical Article

Development of Glassflake Coatings for

In-Service Protection of Hot Substrates
Rob Allan, Emre Karapinar, Malcolm Morris,
Neil Wilds and Sarah Vasey, Sherwin-Williams
Protective & Marine Coatings.

Glass Flake Epoxy (GFE) technology has been a

main stay of the Oil &Gas (O&G) offshore market
for many years, particularly for highly aggressive
splash zone areas, despite other technologies
for similar end uses having been investigated.
This, consequently, resulted in the opportunity of
assessing the performance of these materials in
real life conditions and enabled coating suppliers
to optimize their GFE formulations for wider end
uses and longer service life times.
The versatility of glass flake epoxy technology
allows it to be used not only for O&G offshore
applications but for buried steel in O&G
downstream applications, subsea pipelines and
equipment, and even for bridges & highways
where local authorities – such as Network Rail and
Highways Agency in the UK - dictate the use of
such a technology due to its superior anti-corrosion
properties and longer service life times.
Use of glass flakes in combination with other
functional pigments (for example, aluminium) or
more advanced epoxy polymers (such as surface
tolerant epoxies, epoxy novolacs, amine cured
epoxy linings…etc) delivers effective long term
protection of water, fuel, and chemical tanks,
vessels and pipelines, as well as maintenance and
repair of such steelwork whether it’s immersed or
Traditionally, glassflake coatings were based on
relatively large particle size glass flake pigments
(nominal width 0.4mm). These coatings typically
required approx. 500µm to achieve a full film and
an overall specification could be in excess of 1mm
dry film thickness. However extensive research
and development using significantly smaller glass
flakes has enabled the production of formulations
which could deliver equivalent performance at
much lower film thickness, and with a vastly
superior aesthetic appearance.

Forth Bridge, Scotland.

16 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Technical Article
In this respect various tests have been conducted to understand Vinyl Esters
the effect of glass flake pigmentation on the overall performance
of epoxy coating systems. It is commonly accepted in the These have the ultimate performance in terms of chemical and
coatings industry that glass flake pigmentation increases temperature resistance, with maximum immersion resistance
barrier properties of the dry film and enhances mechanical typically 120C and maximum dry heat resistance typically
properties, making it an ideal choice for immersed and buried 220C. (in sea water immersed structures, the cooling effect
steel. Table 1 clearly displays the benefit of using glass flake of the water allows application onto substrates operating
in a 500 microns thick dry epoxy film, which was loaded with at much higher temperature, e.g. pipelines with an internal
20% w/w glass flake at an average particle size of 0.4mm. temperature of 180C).

Benefits of incorporating glass flake in Specification philosophy - film thickness

Traditionally glass flake coatings have needed to be specified
modern coating specifications at dry film thicknesses in the order of 500 - 1000 microns,
The current criteria for selection of coating specifications due to constraints caused by their application characteristics.
includes, reduced VOC and elimination of toxic components These thicknesses are required for performance under some,
to comply with ever more stringent environmental legislation; but not all, environments. For atmospheric anticorrosive
fewer coats to reduce application costs; improved performance protection of structural steel, for example, such thicknesses can
to give longer life to first maintenance compared to traditional be over-engineered, and uneconomical. A range of glass flake
multi-coat systems; and proven performance with external coatings which can be applied at different film thickness, ie to
independent test evidence - NORSOK, Oil Company, Highway, give the required protection without the need to apply more
Network Rail, specifications and ISO 12944. paint than is necessary is now available. Extensive laboratory
Glass flake pigmentation is a primary weapon in the testing, and track record in the field, have proved the validity
formulator’s armoury, which can be incorporated in a range of such specifications which can be devised in conjunction
of high performance binder systems to produce coatings with with the ISO 12944 standard, plus testing to NORSOK or oil
the following benefits; company performance testing.

• Very low VOC content. Formulation Aspects

• User friendly - easily applied over a wide range of specified Given the available raw materials, how can they be combined
film thickness. to achieve the required performance?
• Superior resistance to water ingress. The theory of glass flake pigment particles aligning within
• Good mechanical properties - adhesion, abrasion resistance, an applied paint film to give an extended diffusion pathway
flexibility. through the film is well documented, as is the reinforcing
• Compatible with cathodically protected steel on immersed nature of the lamellar pigment. There are, however possibilities
structures. where particles of glass can end up misaligned in the film and
if these particles have a length greater than the film thickness,
• Capable of withstanding a wide range of chemical resistance
they can create a potential fault within the coating leading
and high temperature conditions, depending on the binder
to accelerated permeation through the film. This effect can
system used.
lead to the necessity of applying very thick films or multi coat
application to compensate for these defects, and pass high
Glass flake voltage pinhole detection testing.
Borosilicate glass (c - glass), with a thickness of 1 - 7 microns,
and various nominal particle width grades, viz, Micronised glass “Controversy”
3.2mm - used for trowelling compounds The incorporation of micronised glass flake into high build
0.4mm - used in high build spray applied coating epoxy coatings has been a cause for debate. It is accepted that
micronised - used in spray applied coatings - low and high the lower aspect ratio of the micronised flake does not give
(typical 45 micron) build. the same potential diffusion pathway as the larger flake sizes,
and indeed a straight A versus B comparison of 0.4 mm flake
Binder types against micronised flake at constant loading in the same resin
system will show that the micronised flake pigmented system
The main properties of a coating are dependent upon the resin has higher rates of water absorption and vapour permeability
system employed. These may be enhanced, or even detracted compared with the larger flake (tables 1 and 2).
from, by the pigments and other ingredients included.
Research has shown however that in epoxy systems,
Epoxy combination of the micronised flake with other lamellar
The properties of epoxy resins enable them to be formulated into fillers and zinc phosphate, gives a synergistic effect which
coatings to provide protection over a wide range of specification offers similar permeability characteristics to large flake
requirements, including, excellent corrosion protection for systems (tables 1 and 2), coupled with a closed, defect free
subsea, splash zone and atmospheric environments, excellent film which offers, ease of application using smaller spray tips
resistance to cathodic disbondment, toughness and abrasion than standard glass flakes allow, film thickness variable from
resistant. They have a long track record, and there are no 200 microns to 1000 microns depending on end requirements,
catalyst storage problems. The disadvantages however are, retention of mechanical properties, abrasion resistance,
maximum immersion temperature typically 60C, maximum cathodic disbondment, coupled with outstanding corrosion
dry heat resistance typically 120C, chalking/colour retention resistance (tables 3 - 5).
problems on atmospheric exposure, and generally poor acid
resistance. Glass flake levels
There are no official standards governing glass flake levels
Polyester compared with the criteria laid down for zinc phosphate for
These consist of isophthalic or bisphenyl polyester resins, cured example in BS 5493. The factors to be considered include:
with organic peroxide catalysts. They offer improvement in
1. Steric effects of glass flake - overloading will cause physical
performance over epoxy in terms of mechanical properties
interference between flakes which may in turn give rise to
and temperature resistance, with maximum immersion
film defects.
temperaturetypically 80C and maximum dry heat resistance
typically 140C. The isophthalic polyesters are more resistant 2. Viscosity increase - Higher levels of glass flake cause
to chalking and offer superior colour retention on atmospheric increased viscosity which will eventually affect application
exposure compared against epoxy. Polyesters can also characteristics,
offer faster curing rates than high solids epoxies, although and that actual test data shows that more is not necessarily
applicators need to be sufficiently aware of the relatively short better. In short, there is no such thing as a universal optimum
pot life, and safety aspects of the catalyst. In order to minimise for glass flake loading. This is a case of “horses for courses”
potential problems with the relatively short pot life of these with the type of glass flake and its level of incorporation having
products, twin component application equipment is used. to be thoroughly researched with the particular end use in

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 17

Technical Article
mind. An epoxy based formulation intended for anticorrosive Table 3 - Abrasion Resistance Comparison - Taber Abrador
protection of structural or immersed steelwork will be quite Weight Loss Per 1000 Revolutions, 1000 gm Load H22 Wheel
different in terms of glass type and content to a vinyl ester for
chemical resistant vessel linings.
Resin Glass Glass
Wt Loss
Primer requirements Type Type Loading
In the case of glassflake epoxy materials formulated on a blend
of glassflake and zinc phosphate, a separate primer coat is not Epoxy at 500
0% 0.703g
necessary from the viewpoint of anticorrosive performance, microns dft
although in practice they are often used in conjunction with
a proprietary epoxy blast primer or epoxy zinc phosphate 0.4 mm 5% 0.692g
In the case of polyester or vinyl ester specifications, a vinyl 10% 0.499g
ester based holding primer is available to maintain the integrity
of grit blasted substrates prior to application of the glassflake 15% 0.463g
coating. For non-immersed systems it is permissible to apply
specially formulated glassflake polyester over epoxy primer. 20% 0.120g
Work is ongoing to confirm whether epoxy primers may be
used under immersed polyester/vinyl ester systems. However 25% 0.806g
until results are confirmed, the vinyl ester primer should be
used under any immersion system. Epoxy at 500
0% 0.612 g
microns dft
There is a synergistic effect of incorporation of zinc phosphate
with micronised glass flake with gives similar results to larger
Micronised &
flakes. 10% 0.403g
Zn Phos
Increasing glass flake size reduces permeability of vinyl ester
systems. In this case, zinc phosphate cannot be incorporated
due to its effects on the curing mechanism of the resin system. 25% 0.392g
Abrasion resistance is improved with increasing 0.4 mm glass
content up to 20%, however further increases actually cause an
increase in loss of coating.
Vinyl Ester at
0% 0.725 g
500 microns dft
Table 1 - Water Absorption/Permeability Glass Flake Epoxy.
0.4 mm 5% 0.621g
Water Vapour Water 10% 0.306 g
Permeability Absorption %
Applied at 20% 0.300g
g/m²/day to Equilibrium
500 microns dft
ASTM E96 ASTM 570-81
25% 0.378g
No Glassflake or 5.9 6.54 Increasing glass flake levels improve cathodic disabondment
Zinc Phosphate performance (CD). However zinc phosphate content would
appear to be a major contributory factor in CD of epoxy glass
Epoxy, 0.4 m flakes.
1.05 1.18 Micronised glass flake does not perform well in polyester
(or vinyl ester) resin systems on CD testing, and a glass
flake loading of approx 20% of 0.4 mm flake is necessary for
Epoxy, acceptable performance. Dft is also a crucial factor in the
Micronised performance of these systems.
3.5 2.8
Glassflake. No
Accelerated laboratory tests further confirm the superior
Zinc Phosphate performance of micronized glass flake epoxies (MGFE) over
non-glass flake or ceramic filled epoxies. Figure 1 highlights
Epoxy Micronised
this superior performance by carrying out salt spray (ISO
Glassflake & Zinc 1.26 1.21 9227) tests for up to 6,000 hours, which is well over typical
Phosphate test durations in O&G, Power, Mining and Minerals and other
industrial end uses.
Table 2 - Water Absorption/Permeability Vinyl Ester.
Figure 1 Micronised glass flake epoxy versus ceramic filled epoxy.
Water Vapour Water
Permeability Absorption %
Applied at
g/m²/day to Equilibrium
500 microns dft
ASTM E96 ASTM 570-81
Unpigmented 8.24 7.3
Vinyl Ester

Vinyl Ester
2.24 3.56
Micronised Glass

Vinyl Ester
1.04 0.25
0.4 mm Glass

Vinyl Ester
0.59 0.15
3.2 mm Glass Micronised Glassflake Epoxy Ceramic filled epoxy
@ 200µm
18 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org
Technical Article
Table 4 - Cathodic Disbondment Testing - Epoxy Formulations Table 6 - Hot CD Testing - 28 Days at -1.50 Volts wrt
28 Days at -1.50 Volts wrt Silver/Silver Chloride Electrode Silver/Silver Chloride Electrode

Glass Internal Wall

Resin Glass Loading mm 1mm dft 2mm dft 3mm dft
Temp Temp
Type Type % Wt on Disbondment
Pigments 100°C 4mm 9mm

500 µm 120°C 5mm 5mm

0.4 mm 0 23°C 28mm
140°C 5mm 4mm
5 25mm
160°C 5mm
10 16mm
The micronized glass flake epoxy technology has delivered
15 17mm excellent performance over a 25 year track record. Relying
on experiences gained from this success, the technology has
20 13mm been extended for end uses where properties such as surface
tolerance, high film build in one layer by brush application,
25 7mm ability to go over damp surfaces, suitability to be applied over
hot substrates are amongst the key requirements sought by
1000 µm asset owners, engineering contractors and paint applicators.
0 14mm This makes the micronized GFE technology, which is capable
of building up to 400µm in a single brush coat and able to
5 10mm go over hot substrates up to 120C, ideal for challenging
maintenance and repair scenarios typically observed in O&G
15 5mm offshore and other similar heavy industries. It allows for
maintenance painting on hot process steel (up to 120C) without
20 4mm the need to take the asset or process unit out of service, saving
time and cost for the asset operator.
25 5mm A proprietary product, which was formulated on the basis of
micronised glass flake epoxy technology, has been evaluated
400 µm Micronised to determine the effect of prolonged high temperatures on
0 10mm it after being applied to Sa2.5 blasted, and St2 and St3 hand
Epoxy & Zn Phos
prepared steel, at high temperatures (110C and 120C) and then
10 7mm stored at 150C, in comparison to when applied and kept at
ambient temperature. In summary, the testing on heat aged
25 6mm samples showed that there was very little change on cross
cut adhesion (ASTM D3359) over 1 - 6 months; no cracking or
800 µm other deterioration of the film was observed after 6 months
0 4mm
Epoxy heat ageing, and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) showed
no weight loss in the samples test up to 6 months in test area
10 1-2mm i.e. 150C.
These results show that the formula is thermally stable at
25 1mm 150C and has good adhesion to a range of substrates with good
film integrity. Detailed results can be found on the extended
Table 5 - Cathodic Disbondment Testing - Vinyl Ester/Polyester version of this article on the Institute website, www.icorr.org/
28 Days at -1.50 Volts wrt Silver/Silver Chloride Electrode publications.

Resin Type/ Glass mm Coatings specifications based on micronised glass flake
Glass Type Loading Disbondment epoxy technology have been developed which will allow paint
application onto hand prepared steel at elevated substrate
Film temperatures up to 120C, and with a maximum operating
500 µm temperature of 150 C, without the necessity of shutting down
Micronised 25% 23°C high temperature industrial processes. Such coatings will allow
at holiday
Polyester straightforward maintenance solutions under challenging
Polyester conditions, typically found in O&G offshore and other Energy
20 mm operations, where extensive surface preparation is not possible.
500 µm 0.4 m Other differentiated value propositions of the technology
10% 23°C Some
Polyester deliver time and cost savings through up to 400µm dry film
degredation thickness build in a single brush coat, suitability for application
with airless spray as well as brush and roller and aesthetically
500 µm 0.4 m pleasing appearance in comparison to conventional epoxy
20% 23°C 4-5 mm
Polyester glass flake epoxies. All of these operational and application
benefits are complemented with an outstanding long term
1000 µm 0.4 mm anti-corrosion performance through micronised glass flake
20% 23°C 0 mm
Polyester epoxy technology.

500 µm 0.4 mm
20% 23°C 2 mm
Vinyl Ester

1000 µm 0.4 mm
Visit the ICorr website
20% 23°C 0 mm
Vinyl Ester for all the latest news
1000 µm 0.4 mm
Vinyl Ester
20% 60°C 0.5 - 1.0 mm www.icorr.org
www.icorr.org November/December 2017 19
Technical Article

An Introduction to
Thermal Spraying

20 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Technical Article
Thermal spraying, also commonly known as metal spraying, is
a surface engineering/coating process whereby a wide variety
of metals, ceramics and polymers can be sprayed onto the
surface of another material. The range of materials that can
be sprayed is almost limitless - if the material can be heated to
its melting point without boiling away, then it can be thermally
Thermal spraying is widely used to provide corrosion
protection to ferrous metals or to change the surface properties
of items, such as improving the wear resistance or thermal
conductivity. The range of thermal spray applications is
vast. All methods of thermal spraying involve the projection
of small molten or softened particles onto a prepared surface
where they adhere and form a continuous coating. As the heat
energy in the molten particles is small relative to the mass
of the workpiece, the process imparts very little heat to the
substrate. As the temperature increase of the coated part is
minimal, heat distortion is not normally experienced, which
is a major advantage over hot-dipped galvanising or welding.
To create the molten particles, a heat source, a spray material
and an atomisation/projection method are required. Upon
contact with the target surface, the particles flatten, freeze
and mechanically bond, firstly onto the roughened substrate,
and then to each other, as the coating thickness is increased.
Thermal spraying is a technology which protects and greatly
extends the life of a wide variety of structures, equipment,
and vessels, in the most hostile environments and in situations
where protective surface coatings are vital for longevity.
The variety of metallised coatings is vast but can be broken
down into two main categories, anti-corrosion coatings and
engineering coatings. The largest volume business for metal
spraying is for anti-corrosion purposes, but the range of
engineering coating uses is also large where they are used
to provide wear resistance, as thermal barriers, for electrical
and thermal conductivity, chrome replacement, and insulation,
across many industries.
The type of industries using the metal spraying process is
endless and includes offshore, oil and gas, marine, tube and
pipe and general fabrication, petrochemical, construction,
water supply, sewerage, ship building, aerospace and airside
support. These industries use metal spraying for the protection
of structures, vessels, pipelines, water / fuel / storage tanks,
bridges and gantries, to name just a few. Both corrosion and
wear are major problems for these industries.
This article will concentrate on the use of thermal spraying for
corrosion control, and brief descriptions of the various systems
will be given together with a case study of a typical use.

Thermal spraying
Thermal spraying can be carried out by four processes,
Flame spray, Arc spray, Plasma, and High Velocity Oxy-Fuel
(HVOF), and by manual or automated spraying systems,
although normally only Flame spray and Arc spray are used
for corrosion protection coatings. The exception to this can be
the application of corrosion resistant alloys by HVOF in very
harsh environments.

Flame Spray process

In this process, the heat source is commonly propane or
acetylene fuel and oxygen gas. The material to be sprayed
can be in the form of metallic wire or powder or ceramic rods,
and the transfer medium is compressed air. In the process,
the gas fuel and oxygen are mixed and ignited to produce a
flame. The material, either a wire, powder or rod, is fed into
the flame. For wire flame spray, the material is melted and the
compressed air, passing through a spray nozzle atomises the
molten metal and propels it onto the work piece. The larger
the wire diameter, the higher the spray rate. For powder flame
spray, the powder particles (metal or ceramic) are softened in
the flame and the speed of the flame gases through the nozzle
sprays the softened powder onto the work piece.

Arc Spray process

The heat source is electric and the material to be sprayed is
in the form of wire and transfer is by compressed air. In the
process two wires (hence a common term for the process is
Twin Wire Arc Spray), are fed into the pistol and electrically

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Technical Article

Flame Spray process

Arc Spray process

charged, one positive and one negative. The wires are As noted above, flame spray or arc spray are the processes
forced together and form an electric arc, melting the wire. commonly used to apply corrosion protection coatings, but
Compressed air, passing through a nozzle, atomises the what are the differences between the two? As with many
molten metal and sprays it onto the work piece. There are engineering situations, a clear and precise answer to this is not
three methods of wire feeding, push, pull and push/pull. The easy. In some cases, the coating properties achieved by one or
higher the current rating of the system, e.g. 350A, 700A etc., the other process does provide a simple answer, for example,
the higher the spray rate. arc sprayed aluminium has a bond strength approximately 2.5
times higher than flame sprayed aluminium. Other factors
Plasma Spray process include deposit efficiency, ease of operation, environment,
The heat source is a plasma arc and material to be sprayed is set-up time, maintenance time and costs, coating cost, safety.
a powder (ceramic, metal or plastic) and transfer is via plasma Plasma and HVOF coatings are more commonly used to apply
jet. Plasma is the term used to describe gas which has been engineering coatings. In simple terms, the coatings produced
raised to such a high temperature that it ionises and becomes by plasma and HVOF are of a higher quality, bond strength
electrically conductive. In the case of Plasma spraying, the and density than flame or arc coatings but are costlier and
plasma is created by an electric arc burning within the nozzle slower to apply. Hence, the reason flame and arc spray
of a plasma gun and the arc gas is formed into a plasma jet as coatings are more widely used for corrosion protection of
it emerges from the nozzle. Powder particles are injected into larger structures. There are a number of applications, for
this jet where they soften and then strike the surface at high example high temperature combined with high abrasion in
velocity to produce a strongly adherent coating. The work boilers, where HVOF coatings are suitable and used.
piece remains cool because the plasma is localised at the gun.
Corrosion protection
HVOF Spray process As a protective system for structural steelwork, coatings
In this process, the heat source is liquid or gas fuel and oxygen of thermal sprayed zinc, aluminium and their alloys are
flame, and the material to be sprayed is a metal powder which unsurpassed. After accelerated testing but more importantly,
is transferred to the workpiece by the flame The process long term real life tests and examples, several independent
fuel, commonly liquid kerosene, is mixed with oxygen and standards cite greater than 20 years’ service of the coating
ignited. The combustion gases pass through a converging/ before first maintenance. This is in the harshest environments
diverging nozzle and accelerate to around 1,500m/sec. The including coastal, industrial and seawater splash-zone for
powder is injected into the accelerated flame where it softens example.
and gathers speed. The high impact speed of the particles Zinc, aluminium and zinc/aluminium alloys are commonly
produces a highly adherent, dense coating structure. used for corrosion protection. The choice of material to be

22 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Technical Article
Plasma Spray process

HVOF Spray process

used for a specific project depends on many factors such as (APS), based in Dubai, have been using thermal spraying for
environment (corrosive atmosphere, high temperature etc), over twenty years across a variety of projects. This latest
local specifications, life expectancy, adhesion requirements, project is significant in that APS has successfully used the
availability of material, and access. In general terms, zinc is Arcbeam spray concentrator where High Velocity Arc Spray
used in relatively low corrosion applications, such as water (HVAS) has been previously specified. The Arcbeam produces
tanks, some bridges and general steelwork. Aluminium is very dense coatings with low levels of porosity, and was an
used in harsher corrosion applications, such as immersion, ideal solution for the oil refinery project. Typical porosity
salt water contact, splash zones. In addition, aluminium is levels lower than 2% are achievable with the unit, which is key
used in high temperature applications such as flare stacks. to enhancing the performance of the applied coating in these
Zinc/aluminium alloy tends to be used in environments where harsh refinery applications.
corrosion resistance of zinc is border line. The internal shells of two absorber columns, which were 5.2
The most common system used in the petrochemical industry, metres in diameter, and two cooling columns, 5.4 metres in
is Thermal Sprayed Aluminium (TSA). In this industry, diameter, were treated on the inner shell and at the bubble
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) in pipeline and storage cap and support ring areas. The surfaces were prepared
systems is an on-going problem and consumes a significant by grinding to remove sharp edges and smooth out any
percentage of the maintenance budget. A large portion of this heavily pitted areas. The coating areas were blasted to SA 3
money is spent on expensive items such as external piping cleanliness, with a minimum of 90µm profile, with garnet then
inspection, insulation removal and re-installation, painting and followed by a final sweep blast with aluminium oxide.
pipe replacements. The application of TSA has been shown to The internal shells of the absorber and cooling columns were
be a successful CUI prevention strategy allowing the industry coated with two layers of Hastelloy® 73E at 225-250µm per coat
to move towards inspection-free and maintenance-free piping using the ARC140 system. The surface coating was finished
systems and significant maintenance cost reductions with one coat of a single component, air curing, polymeric
sealer (Sprayseal F), which applied by brush until full
Case study penetration was achieved. The area coated was approximately
A recent project saw the Metallisation Arcbeam spray 80m2 per column.
concentrator used successfully at a Middle Eastern oil refinery Editor’s note: This article is based on information supplied
by one of its customers. Anti Corrosion Protective Systems by Stuart Milton, Metallisation Ltd, Dudley, UK

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 23

Technical Article

Specifying Coatings
Bill Corbett, KTA-Tator Inc, Pittsburgh, USA
Independent of the type of coating project, a properly prepared manager, foreman and workers can perform the work without
specification is a key component to its success. A coating confusion. The best written specifications are well-organized
specification describes the project and the objective of the and use simple language that is easy to understand.
coating system. It also describes the surface preparation A coating specification should be practical, so that the owner
requirements, materials required to complete the work, the can effectively communicate the desired outcome. The
intended appearance of the completed work, and lists the specification should not be unreasonably restrictive, but should
inspection check points to help assure that the work is done anticipate problem areas that the contractor may encounter
according to the specification. The coating specification for a and must overcome to successfully complete the contract. A
project should be read and understood by all parties involved well-prepared coating specification benefits both the facility
in the project (before the project begins), including the facility owner and the contractor’s crew, and should be written in a
owner’s representatives, the coating manufacturer, the non-adversarial tone to foster teamwork between the owner,
inspector and the contractor personnel assigned to the project. contractor and material supplier to achieve the end goal: long
Some contracts may simply require that the work be performed term corrosion protection.
in accordance with the coating manufacturer’s instructions.
However, for most projects, the facility owner prepares Prescriptive verses performance-based
a detailed project specification, or contracts an outside
engineering firm to prepare one. The manufacturer(s) of the specifications
coatings that will be used on the project should be involved Many coating specifications are prescriptive in that they provide
in the specification development process to ensure that the the contractor with the means and methods to accomplish the
correct coatings are being specified and that the cleaning and work, rather than simply indicating the desired end-result.
painting requirements are suitable for their products. This can be a mistake, in that the contractor’s hands are tied
A coating specification is a legally binding document. It is a regarding the use of innovative methods in which to accomplish
contract between the owner and the contractor. When the the work. In a performance-based specification, while some
project goes well, the detailed requirements of a coatings directions are required (e.g., the contractor shall dry abrasive
specification rarely come into play. However, in the event blast clean the steel using a recyclable abrasive to achieve Sa2
the project does not go well and legal actions are pursued, ½ and a 50 - 75 micron angular surface profile), the means
the specification becomes a critical document in the suit. It is and methods of achieving this level of surface preparation
important that the specification be written so that the project (abrasive size, nozzle size, air pressure, distance from nozzle

24 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Technical Article
to surface, blast nozzle angle, etc.) are left to the contractor. attain QPL status may be passed on to facility owner by the
Another risk in developing a prescriptive specification is coating manufacturer via higher material costs, and random
that if the prescribed means and methods do not achieve the tests of supplied batches may be required to confirm that the
end-result, claims against the owner and project cost overruns material being supplied is the same as the material that was
can occur. originally qualified.
It should be evident that the preparation of a well-written,
thorough coating specification is not a simple task, and Specifying coatings by “Performance”
should be done with great care to avoid contract disputes and With this method, any coating that meets/exceeds performance
coating failure. requirements can be selected for use which avails the facility
owner to potentially more options for corrosion prevention
Specifying coating systems than the other methods. The specified performance standards
There are several ways that coating systems can be specified are typically prepared by industry trade organizations as
for use on a project. Some specifications are written around consensus standards (e.g., Norsok), indicating that they have
specific product trade names, and some are written as been developed by a mix of owners, vendors, engineers, and
“trade name or equal.” Others are based on a pre-established contractors across many industries. The limitations however
“Qualified Products Lists” (QPL), or are based on a set of are that testing prescribed by the performance standard
performance standards. While infrequent, a coating system may be short term laboratory testing and may not mimic the
can also be specified based on a coating formulation or a set of prevailing service environment, and field exposure testing of
formulations. The principle advantages and limitations of each candidate coating systems to assess performance can be costly
are listed below. and time consuming. Unless carefully written, the specification
may open the project up to many different generic coating
Specifying coatings by “Trade Name” types, which may not be in the best long term interest of
the owner.
The advantages of this method are that there is a high rate
of success if use is based on past performance, and that the
facility owner has full knowledge of the material based on
Specifying coatings by “Formulation”
past use. Also the manufacturer stands behind the product and (e.g., Network Rail)
provides advice/guidance to help ensure proper installation.
Advantages include the fact that various coating manufacturers
The limitations include, potentially high material costs (no can supply formula-based products, since the formula is
competition), products can be changed even though the brand published, and many formulas have a history of successful
names remain the same, and the method can be problematic use in various service environments. The limitations are that
on projects involving public funding (government agencies), the coating manufacturer follows a formula and does not
since sole sourcing is difficult. conduct performance evaluations to verify performance. Once
the product passes to the facility owner, the manufacturer
Specifying coatings by “Trade Name has no responsibility for performance provided it was
formulated according to specification. The formulation may
or Equal” have been developed based on laboratory testing verses field
The advantages are, if “or equal” product is truly equal in performance. Formulations are antiquated and cannot keep
performance, competitive pricing can be established, however up with new technology or improved formulations – they do
the limitations are that “or equal” needs to be defined. not take advantage of the R&D money being spent by coating
Determining “or equal” should be based on performance manufacturers to improve products, and raw materials used
testing or historical use of the product/system in the same/ to formulate coatings may be inferior, but still conform to the
similar service environment, and acquiring this data can minimum requirements of the specification.
be time consuming and evaluating “or equal” status can
be subjective. Conclusions
No matter if it’s a new building project or planned (or un-
Specifying coatings by “Qualified Products planned) maintenance painting, a specification of the work to
Lists” be carried out needs to be prepared in advance. The coating
specification should not be ambiguous, and should clearly state
Here the advantages include, establishes “equivalent” the owner’s requirements so that they can be easily understood,
performance based on successful field use and/or laboratory and carried out by the contractor. There are several ways in
testing, competitive pricing established with little risk of which coatings can be specified, and to help engineers draw
acquiring sub-standard product, but the limitations are the up these specifications a knowledge of the advantages and
time period required to establish a QPL, the cost of testing to limitations of the different methods is necessary.

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the latest company news

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 25

Innovative Products

New Anticorrosive New HT/HP subsea

Coating from Hempel valve coating developed
An international collaboration
between Hardide Coatings and
Master Flo Valve Inc (MFV) has
resulted in the development of a new
solution to protect high temperature,
high pressure (HT/HP) subsea choke
valves. According to company, the
Hardide-T coating can be applied
to choke valve stems so they can
withstand temperatures up to 205C
and pressures of 20,000 psi, and it
has already been applied to MFV’s
P4-15K choke valve, which is rated
from -29C to 205C and 15,000psi,
and the P4-20K choke valve, which
is rated to the same temperatures
but a greater pressure of 20,000psi.
The coating also has the potential
to expand into other subsea choke
valve sizes and models with HT/HP
requirements, stated the company.
Hempel has launched a new versatile activated zinc primer,
Hempadur Avantguard 860, which according to the company,
combines best in class corrosion protection at the level of an
inorganic zinc silicate, with the application benefits of an

Axalta Introduces Latest

epoxy. The product is specifically designed to protect steel
structures in moderate to severe corrosive environments, and
is the first of its class specifically developed to overcome the
problems experienced with zinc silicate primer application,
without compromising corrosion protection, and increasing Addition to Internal Pipe
Coatings Portfolio
The SSPC Level 1 compliant two-component activated zinc rich
primer can provide improved barrier, inhibitor and galvanic Axalta Coating Systems has introduced the latest
protection in a single coating for all-round performance. It is addition to the corrosion resistant internal pipe coatings
certified to NORSOK M-501 Ed.6 System 1, ISO 12944-6 Part 5, line from the Nap-Gard® Functional Coatings collection.
and Level 1 type II in SSPC Paint 20 standards, and is based Nap-Gard 7-0015 Tan Internal FBE, is a thermosetting
on Hempel’s advanced and proven Avantguard technology. epoxy powder designed to pass the Saudi Aramco
The properties stated include; fast drying, at least 4 times 09-SAMSS-091 (2011) specification. According to the
faster than zinc silicates, a three coat system can be applied company, the product is a flexible coating that provides
in a single shift; high mud cracking resistance, two times corrosion protection in severe downhole environments
better than coatings with inorganic zinc silicates; and flexible up to 105 C, and which offers high adhesion properties to
application. It has a wide application temperature range, can pipelines subject to H2S, CO2 and CH4 exposure.
be applied in temperatures down to -10 C with no need for a
mist coat as required for inorganic zinc silicates.

please contact
Jonathan Phillips or Debbie Hardwick at:
Square One
+44 (0)114 273 0132

26 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Sustaining Members
CATHODIC PROTECTION The Kiosk, Overley, Telford, TF6 5HD
Tel: 01952 740234
494 Fairplay Street, Rutledge, Georgia 30663, USA
BEASY Tel: +706 557 9624 Email: engineering@corrosioncontrolinc.com
Ashurst Lodge, Ashurst, Southampton, Hants, SO40 7AA
Tel: 02380 293223 Fax: 02380 292853 Email: t.froome@beasy.com
CORROSION CONTROL Innovation House, Euston Way,
3 Ivy Court, Acton Trussell, Staffordshire, ST17 0SN
Town Centre, Telford TF3 4LT
01785 711560 Fax: 01785 711561
Email: brianwyatt@controlcorrosion.co.uk www.controlcorrosion. Tel: 01952 230900 Fax: 01952 230906
co.uk www.corrosioncontrolservices.co.uk
Unit YF19 Akeman Business Park, 81-82 Akeman Street, Tring, INTERPROVINCIAL CORROSION CONTROL CO. LTD.
Herts, HP23 6AF Leaders in the Cathodic Protection Industry…Since 1957
Tel: 01442 767 899 Email: info@corrosionengineering.co.uk
CUMBERLAND CATHODIC PROTECTION LTD Mitigation Of AC Induced Voltages • Lightning • AC Fault Current
GO2 & GO3 The Bridgewater Complex, Canal Street,
Bootle, L20 8AH Tel: 0151 5500015 Fax: 0151 5500016

Chase End, The Oxhey, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire GL20 6HR
Tel: 01684 298679 Mobile: 07717 487632
Email: pmsmith@protechcp.com www.protechcp.com

Technoparkstr 1, Zurich 8005, Switzerland TEL: 905-634-7751 FAX: 905-333-4313
Tel: +41 44 2131590 Email: sgk@sgk.ch


Box 324, 261 23 Landskrona,
Aquatec House, Stroudley Road, Basingstoke, RG24 8FW
Tel: 01256 416010 Email: inquiry@aquatecgroup.com Your specialist when it comes to Cathodic Protection
Systems for Power Plants, Tank Farms, Pipelines,
Concrete Structures, Harbours, Jetties and Refineries.
 INTERNAL CORROSION MONITORING Tel: +46 418 411 900 Fax: +46 418 411 935
 PIN BRAZING Email: info@3ccc.se Website: www.3ccc.se

E: sales@bacgroup.com 11 & 12 Merlin Park, Mildenhall, Suffolk IP28 7RD
W: www.bacgroup.com Tel: 01638 711955 Fax: 01638 711953
W: www.rcslgroup.com Email: enquirieseu@ctsonline.com www.ctsonline.com

Venture Way, Grantham, Lincolnshire, NG31 7XS
Tel: +44 (0)1476 590666
Email: cpc@cathodic.co.uk
Web: www.cathodic.co.uk
Clearly the best protection…
Designers and developers of Cathodic Protection Systems since 1950
TRUst® Transformer Rectifiers Refine™ Reference Electrodes
Cuprion® Marine Anti Fouling ELGARD™ MMO Mesh Anodes
Remote Monitoring & Control Systems Thyristor/Switch Mode Power Supplies
…for your investment

Marine House, Dunston Road, Chesterfield S41 8NY
Tel: +44 (0) 1246 457900 Fax: +44 (0) 1246 457901
Email: sales@cathelco.com www.cathelco.com OFFSHORE CORROSION CONTROL
Chapel Green Farm, Chapel Lane, Wythall, Birmingham B47 6JX 4.8 Frimley Business Park | Frimley
Tel: 07399607344 Email: awhittaker@cathodicengineering.co.uk Camberley | Surrey | GU16 7SG
Tel: +44 (0) 1483 600482
17 South Meade, Maghull, Liverpool, L31 8EG stoprust.com
Tel: 0151 249 8461 Fax: 087087 92585 Email: dp@corrocell.co.uk

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 27

Sustaining Members
Adam Street, Bowesfield Lane, Stockton On Tees, Cleveland Ryandra House, Ryandra Business Park, Brookhouse Way,
Tel: 44(0) 1642 614 106 Fax: +44(0) 1642 614 100 Cheadle, Stoke on Trent ST10 1SR
Email: ccel@corrpro.co.uk www.corrpro.co.uk Tel: 01538 755377 Fax: 01538 755010


Sturmer Road, Haverhill, Suffolk, UK, CB9 7UU Unit 4A Eagle Park Drive, Warrington, Cheshire WA2 8JA
Tel: X +44 (0)1440 706777 Fax: +44 (0)1440 762810 Tel: 01925 241250 Email: info@big-internationalgroup.com
Email: sales@duvine.co.uk www.duvine.co.uk
HCL FASTENERS LTD 3 Shawcross Industrial Estate, Ackworth Road, Hilsea,
Clamping House, 1st Avenue, Westfield Ind. Est., Portsmouth, PO3 5JP
Radstock, Bath BA3 4BS Tel: 02392 666161 Email: info@bridgecoat.co.uk
Tel: 01761 417714 Email: sales@hcl-clamping.co.uk

Bloxwich, Walsall, West Midlands, WS3 2XN
Tel: 01922 714400 Fax: 01922 714411 Email: sales@impalloy.com


Visage House, 2 Shaftesbury Avenue, South Shields NE34 9PH
Tel: 0191 7316010 714411 Email: Robert.forsyth@metecgroup.com


1 Timberline Estate, Gravel Lane, Quarry Lane, Chichester,
West Sussex, PO19 2FJ
Tel: +44 (0) 1243 533336 Fax: +44 (0) 1234 533422
Email: sales@mgduff.co.uk www.mgduff.co.uk

Materiaal Metingen Europe B.V, Rietdekkerstraat 16,
PO Box 4222, 2980 GE Ridderkerk, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0) 180 482 828 Fax: +31 (0) 180 462 240
Email: info@mme-group.com www.mme-group.com


200 Carmichael Street, Glasgow, G51 2QU
CORROSION ENGINEERING AND Tel: +44 (0)141 445 3939
CATHODIC PROTECTION FIELD SERVICES Email: Damian.O’Brien@denholm-industrial.com
Contact: Brendan Kelly D.F. COATINGS LTD
01912606224 b.kelly@penspen.com Unit 17 Willments Industrial Estate, Hazel Road, Woolston,
or Lee Jones email l.jones@penspen.com Southampton, SO19 7HS
Tel. 0800 0328210 and 0191 2606200 Tel: 02380 445634 Email: info@dfcoatings.co.uk


Mead House, Station Road, Nursling, Southampton,
Hampshire, SO16 0AH
Tel: 02380 742222 Fax: 02380 742200
Email: enquiries@dyerandbutler.co.uk www.dyerandbutler.co.uk
R & R Corrosion Ltd.
5 Broomiesburn Road, F A CLOVER & SON LTD
Broomiesburn Industrial Estate, Ellon, Aberdeenshire AB41 9RD Bardolph Road, Richmond, TW9 2LH
Tel: 020 89486321 Fax: 020 89487307 Email: ian@cloverpainting.com
Tel: 01358 729644 Fax: 01358 729655
Email: info@rrcorrosion.com FIRESAFE SERVICES (NE) LIMITED
www.rrcorrosion.com Unit 28A Spencer Road, Blyth Riverside Business Park, Blyth,
Northumberland, NE24 5TG
Tel: 01670 351666 Fax: 01670 352666
NORTH EAST CORROSION ENGINEERS LTD Email: info@firesafelimited.com
West Pitmillan Business Centre Foveran, Ellon, Aberdeenshire
Tel: +44 (0) 1358 788116 Fax: +44 (0) 1358 789828 FOUNTAINS (PART OF THE OCS GROUP)
Email: sales@neceltd.com www.neceltd.com Blenheim Court, George Street, Banbury, OX16 5BH
Tel: 07876556197 Email: Donovan.gosher@fountainsgroup.co.uk
The Brambles, Grantham Road, Old Somerby, Grantham, Lincs, GABRE (UK) LTD
NG33 4AB, UK 12 Church Street, Omagh, Co Tyrone, BT78 3BX
Tel: 01476 590932 Fax: 07872 857310 Email: sales@silvion.co.uk Tel: 028 82240391 Email: info@gabrielhughes.com
rbritton@silvion.co.uk www.silvion.co.uk
27a Upper High Street, Cradley Heath, Birmingham, B64 5HX Tel: 0161 745 7888 Email: ben.dobson@gplgroup.co.uk
Tel: 01384 671400 Email: davids@vector-corrosion.com
VOLKERLASER Zone-1, Dahat, Lagonoy, Camarines Sur, 4425, Philippines
The Lodge, Blackpole Road, Worcester, WR4 9FH Tel: +63 (0) 917 5425631 Email: gcps2016@yahoo.com
Tel: 0800 022 3292 Email: enquiries@volkerlaser.co.uk
www.volkerlaser.co.uk HANKINSON GROUP
Cotton Place, 2 Ivy Street, Birkenhead, Wirral CH41 5EF
Tel: 0870 7892020 Email: Stephen.hankinson@hankinson.co.uk


Crown Works, Crown Road, Low Southwick, Sunderland,
Tyne & Wear, SR5 2BS
ALFRED BAGNALL & SONS LTD Tel: 0191 516 0634 Fax: 0191 548 1553
6 Manor Lane, Shipley, W.Yorks BD18 3RD Email: herringtonltd@gmail.com www.herringtonltd.co.uk
Tel: 01274 714800 Fax: 01274 530171 Email: info@bagnalls.co.uk
www.bagnalls.co.uk JACK TIGHE LTD
Redbourne Mere, Kirton Lindsey, Gainsborough,
First Floor Offices, Grange Business Centre, River Works, Tel: 01652 640003 Email: sales@jacktighe.com
Grange Lane, Sheffield, S5 0DP
Tel: 01709 541000 Fax: 01709 541411
Email: gary.bentham@apbcon.co.uk

28 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Sustaining Members
31-35 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8TE
Tel: 07789 507094 Email: Kevin.bauld@foamglass.com


Unit 3 Prosper House, Astore Park, Padholme Road East, Fengate,
Peterborough, PE1 5XL
Tel: 01733 309500 Email: info@spg.uk.net
Industrial Coating Services are a midlands
based company, operating throughout the UK,
specialising in Abrasive blasting cleaning and Tel: 01634 256969 Fax: 01634 256616 Email: smsltd@btconnect.com
application of protective coatings. works also including; www.shutdownmaintenanceservices.co.uk
Intumescent coatings, decorative painting, ultra high
water jetting, stone & brick cleaning, graffiti
removal and graffiti coatings
Smith Quay, Hazel Road, Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 7GB
Training Accreditations Tel: 023 8044 4455
Confined space UVDB
ICORR Paint Inspector OHSAS 18001 Potter Place, West Pimbo, Skelmersdale, Lancs, WN8 9PW
SMSTS Constructionline Tel: 01695 455977 Fax: 01695 728835
SSSTS First Aid - 4 day
Email: stuart.croft@standishmetal.co.uk
Surface preparation
3 ICATS Trainers
Protective Coating Application Sovereign Works, Deepdale Lane, Lower Gornal, Dudley, DY3 2AF
Scaffold and Encapsulation Tel: 1384 457610 Fax: 01384 238563
Graffiti removal Email: peter.morris@surfacetechnik.co.uk www.surfacetechnik.co.uk
Anti graffiti coating

T: 01543 450167
E: enquiries@industrialcoatingservices.co.uk
W: www.industrialcoatingservices.co.uk


Unit 8, Prospect Way, Hutton Industrial Estate, Brentwood,
Essex, CM13 1XA
Tel:01277 201515 Fax: 01277 201616
Email: enquiries @jpvpainters.co.uk

Ethan House, Royce Avenue, Cowpen Lane Industrial Estate,
Billingham, TS23 4BX
Tel: 01642 371850 Fax: 01642 562971 www.opus-services.com


Birksland Street, Bradford, BD3 9SU
Tel: +44 (0)1274 721188 Fax: +44 (0)1274 720088 www.kuegroup.com


Pickerings Road, Halebank Industrial Estate, Widnes,
Tel: 0151 423 6166 Fax: 0151 495 1437 Email: info@mcl.eu.com Unit 26, Dawson Wharf, Riverside Park Road,
www.mcl.eu.com Middlesbrough, TS2 1UT
Tel: 01642 228141 Email: sales@teesvalleycoatings.com
MCL SITE PROJECTS LTD www.teesvalleycoatings.com
Pickerings Road, Halebank Industrial Estate, Widnes,
Tel: 0151 4951437 Email: info@mclcoatings.com Park Farm Road, Folkstone, Kent CT19 5DY
Tel: 01303 851111 Email: admin@walker-construction.co.uk
Marine Road, Maryport, Cumbria, CA15 8AY WEDGE GROUP GALVANIZING LTD
Email: mikej@mpmnw.co.uk www.mpmarine.co.uk Stafford Street, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 1RZ
Tel: 0845 271 6082 Email: info@wedge-galv.co.uk
16 High Reach, Fairfield Industrial Estate, Bill Quay, Gateshead,
Tel: 0191 438 5555 Fax: 0191 438 3082 Westcott House, Unit 9 B/C &10 Tyne Point Industrial Estate, Jarrow,
Email: jack.welsh@npcoatings.co.uk Tyne & Wear, NE32 3UP
Tel: 0191 497 5550 www.wescottcoatings.com
Lymane, Hythe, Kent CT21 4LR W G BEAUMONT & SON LTD
Email: simon.slinn@nusteelstructures.com Beaumont House, 8 Bernard Road, Romford, RM7 0HX
www.nusteelstructures.com Tel: 01708 749202 Fax: 020 85909885
ORRMAC COATINGS LTD Email: tom.costello@wgbeaumont.co.uk
Newton Chambers Road, Thorncliffe Park Estate, Chapeltown, WILLIAM HARE LTD
Sheffield S35 2PH Brandlesholme House, Brandlesholme Road, Bury BL8 1JJ
Tel: 0114 2461237 Fax: 0114 2570151 Email: sales@orrmac.co.uk Tel: 0161 609 0000 Fax: 0161 609 0468
www.orrmac.co.uk Email: jeff.grundy@hare.co.uk www.williamhare.co.uk
Unit 2 Netherland Way, Kiln Lane Industrial Estate, Stallingborough,
Grimsby, Lincolnshire, DN41 8DF
Tel: 01469 575603 Email: info@pattersoncoatings.com CONSULTING TESTING
Deveronside Works, Steven Road, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4PS
Tel: 01466 795888 Email: coatingsenquiries@pipeline-technique.com
PIPERCREST LTD T/A HALLS SPECIALISED SERVICES 5 Brookfield, Four Elms, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6NJ
Brooklyn Farm, North Hill, Norden on the Hill, Essex SS17 8QA Tel: 01732 700924 Email: info@awcorrosionsolutions.co.uk
Tel: 01375 361408 Fax: 01375 361448

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 29

Sustaining Members
Hareness Road, Altens, Aberdeen, AB12 3LE
Tel: 01224 870100 Fax: 01224 870101 Email: info@cangroup.net
CORROSION MANAGEMENT LTD Grampian House, 200 Dunkeld Road, Perth, PH1 3GH
Engineering Consultants, Rugby, CV22 6HL, United Kingdom Tel: 01738 456000 Fax: 01738 456647
Email: cox@corr-man.demon.co.uk

Rosewell house, 2A(1F) Harvest Drive, Newbridge, SUPPLIERS COATINGS
Midlothian EH28 8QJ
Tel: 03302220321 Email: europe@exova.com www.exova.com
HYDROCOMM LTD UK Office & Warehouse: Unit 26, Craftsmans Way, East Goscote
1 Kent Place, Oughtonhead Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 2LE Industrial Estate, East Goscote, Leicestershire LE7 3XJ
Tel: 07779333781 Email: hydrocomm@btinternet.com Tel: +44 (0) 116 269 7777 www.carboline.com
Aberdeen Office: 23 Rubislaw Den North, Aberdeen AB15 4AL
HYDROSAVE UK LTD Tel: +44 (0) 1224 329 098 www.carboline.com
Swallow Court, Kettering Pkwy, Kettering,
Tel: +44 (0) 1536 515110 Fax: + 44 (0) 1536 515119 Innovative rust & wet-tolerant, Solvent-free Coatings East Shawhead
www.hydrosave.co.uk Industrial Estate, Coatbridge, Scotland, UK
Tel: 01236 606060 Fax: 01236 606070 Email: sales@chemcoint.com
Unit 14, Hedgend Industrial Estate, Shuart Lane, St Nicholas-At-Wade,
Kent, CT7 0NB
Tel: 01843 845472 Fax: 01843 847722

Lansbury Estate, 102 Lower Guildford Road, Knaphill
Woking, GU21 2EP
Tel: 01483 795300 Email: Tasos.kostrivas@intecsea.com


Unit 5.3 Heriot Watt Research Park, Research Park South,
Edinburgh EH14 4AP
Tel: 0131 5167290 Email: contact@luxassure.com


Norman Way Industrial Estate, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5QE
Tel: 01954 231612 www.mistragroup.co.uk


Materials & Corrosion Engineering, Spring Bank House, 33 Stamford
Street, Altrincham, Cheshire WA14 1ES
Tel: 0161 926 4000 Fax: 0161 926 4103
Email: paul.lambert@mottmac.com www.mottmac.com


Oceaneering House,Pitmedden Road, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0DP
Tel: 01224 758500


61 High Street, Fareham, PO16 7BG
Tel: 0845 4638680 Email: ian@paint-inspection.co.uk SEALING TECHNOLOGY


Deveronside Works, Steven Road, Huntly, Aberdeenshire, AB54 4PS
Tel: 01466 795888 Email: coatingsenquiries@pipeline-technique.com


1st Floor Office, Woodburn House, Woodburn Road,
Blackburn AB21 0RX
Tel: 01224 798870 Email: info@pim-ltd.com www.pim-ltd.com

5 Keel Row, The Watermark, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE11 9SZ
Tel: 01670 519900 Email: enquiries@safinah.co.uk


6 Nettlehill Road, Houston Industrial Estate, Livingston, EH54 5DL Winn & Coales (Denso) Ltd
Email: enquiries@scaledsolutions.co.uk www.scaledsolutions.co.uk Denso House, Chapel Road, London SE27 OTR Tel: 0208 670 7511
Fax: 0208 761 2456 Email: mail@denso.net Web: www.denso.net
Technoparkstr 1, Zurich 8005, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 2131590 Email: sgk@sgk.ch LONG-TERM SOLUTIONS FOR
Dornoch House, The Links, Kelvin Close, Birchwood,
Warrington WA3 7PB
Tel: 01925 414000 Email: info@vsonomatic.com HEMPEL UK LTD (GOLD MEMBER)
Web: www.sonomatic.com Berwyn House, The Pavillions, Cwmbran, Torfaen, South Wales,
NP44 3FD, United Kingdom
STEEL PROTECTION CONSULTANCY LTD Tel: 01633 874024 Fax: 01633 489012 Email: sales@hempel.co.uk
PO Box 6386, Leighton Buzzard, Beds. LU7 6BX www.hempel.com
Tel: 01525 852500 Fax: 01525 852502
Email: Wil.deacon@steel-protection.co.uk INDEPENDENT PROTECTIVE COATINGS SERVICES LTD
www.steel-protection.co.uk Unit 14, Hedgend Industrial Estate, Shuart Lane, St Nicholas-At-Wade,
Kent CT7 0NB
TOPLINE LIMITED Tel: 01843 845472 Fax: 01843 847722
40 Birabi Street, GRA Phase 1, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria
Tel: 084 46238 Email: info@toplinelimited.net

30 November/December 2017 www.icorr.org

Sustaining Members
25 Pentos Drive, Sparkhill, Birmingham, B11 3TA Eastfield Road, South Killingholme, Immingholme, Immingham,
Tel: 0121 7022485 Email: sales@indestructible.co.uk North Lincs, DN40 3NF
www.indestructible.co.uk Tel: 01469 574715 Fax: 01469 571644 Email: sales@scangrit.co.uk
Stoneygate Lane, Felling, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear, NE10 0JY
Tel: 0191 469 6111 Fax: 0191 496 0676
Email: pc.communication@akzonobel.com RECIPROCAL ORGANISATIONS


Stather Road, Flixborough, Scunthorpe, The Boulevard, Langford Lane, Kidlington, Oxford, OX5 1GD
North Lincolnshire DN15 8RR Tel: 01865 843000 Fax: 01865 843010
Tel: 01724 400 125 Fax: 01724 400 100
Email: enquiries@jotun.co.uk Web: www.jotun.co.uk INSTITUTE OF METAL FINISHING
Exeter House, 48 Holloway Head, Birmingham, B1 1NQ
Tower Works, Kestor Street, Bolton, BL2 2AL, UK Email: exeterhouse@instituteofmetalfinishing.org
Tel: +44 (0)1204 521771 Email: enquiries.pm.emea@sherwin.com www.uk-finishing.org.uk
PITTSBURGH CORNING EUROPE NV (GOLD MEMBER) Peel House, Upper South View, Farnham, Surrey, GU9 7JN
31-35 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8TE Tel: 01252 732220 Fax: 01252 732221
Tel: 07789 507094 Email: Kevin.bauld@foamglass.com www.protectivecoatingseurope.com


Unit 3 Maises Way, The Village, Carter Lane, South Normanton,
Derbyshire, DE55 2DS
Tel: +44 (0) 1773 814520 Fax: +44 (0) 1773 814521 www.ppgpmc.com
SPENCER COATINGS LTD Zone-1, Dahat, Lagonoy, Camarines Sur, 4425, Philippines
6 York Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5DD Tel: +63 (0) 917 5425631 Email: gcps2016@yahoo.com
Tel: 01224 288780 Fax: 01224 211070 www.spencercoatings.co.uk


Contact our UK based stockist & certified distribution centre
Tel: +44 (0) 7748 993326 Email: jglynn@beanny.co.uk

from start...
FERNOX - Surface Profile - Surface Cleanliness
2 Genesis Business Park, Albert Drive, Sheerwater, - Climatic Testing - Dry Film Thickness
Woking, GU21 5RW - Material Thickness - Adhesion
Tel: 01483 793200 Fax: 01483 793201 Web: ww.fernox.com - Appearance - Pinhole & Porosity
- Concrete Inspection - Data Management
Gordleton Industrial Park, Pennington, Lymington,
Hampshire, SO41 8JD
...to finish
Tel: 01590 684100 Email: mail@fischergb.co.uk +44 (0)161 371 6000
GMA GARNET (EUROPE) GMBH www.elcometer.com
PO Box 9, Middlewich, Cheshire, CW10 9FD
Tel: 01606 836233 Email: sales@gmagarnet.co.uk


Corrosion Management Jan 2016 65x75mm.indd 1 1/21/2016 2:11:54 PM
3 Paper Mill Drive, Redditch, Worcestershire, B98 8QL
Tel: 01527 594630 Email: David.kitchin@lakecm.co.uk COATING INSPECTORS
Tel: 0121 4402284 Email: research@llewellyn-ryland.co.uk 4 Europa View, Sheffield Business Park, Sheffield, S9 1XH
Tel: +44 (0)114 3995720 Fax: +44 (0)114 2430035
NEONICKEL (BLACKBURN) LTD Email: arl@imeche.org www.imeche.org/arl
Walker Industrial Park, Blackburn BB1 2QE
Tel: 01254 503505

PMAC House, Greenhole Place, Bridge of Don, Aberdeen AB23 8EU
Tel: 01224 703032 Email: sales@pmacsystems.com

Visit the
31-35 Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8TE
Tel: 07789 507094 Email: Kevin.bauld@foamglass.com


ICATS website
Unit 7 Ocean Trade Centre, Altens, Aberdeen, AB21 0GU
Tel: 01224 772694 Email: Rennie@presserv.com


Paultons Park, Ower, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6AL

Tel: 02380 817160, Fax 02380 814016
Email: sales@rglservices.co.uk

www.icorr.org November/December 2017 31

Institute Events
DIARY DATES 2017 www.icorr.org
BRANCH DATES 8th March 2018

BRANCH CONTACT 11th January 2018

London Branch
Venue : Imperial College, Skempton
Building, London SW7 2BB
London Branch
Venue: Imperial College, Skempton Skempton Building
Building, London SW7 2BB Presentation to start 6.30pm
ABERDEEN: Topic: Developments in Remote For further details, see website or email
Yunnan Gao (Chairman) Magnetic Monitoring of Stress in icorrlondon@gmail.com
01224 264315 Ferromagnetic Pipelines
27th March 2018
Email: icorrabz@gmail.com Speaker: Hamed Habibi -
Aberdeen Branch Industrial Visit
Speir Hunter Limited
Element Materials Technology
Presentation to start 6.30pm
LONDON: For further details, see website or
Industrial Visit to Element’s New H2S/
David Mobbs (Chairman) Sour Service Lab in Aberdeen Visit to
email icorrlondon@gmail.com
Email: David.Mobbs@akzonobel.com start from 6.30pm
Paul Brooks (Secretary) 24th January 2018 Venue: Hareness Circle, Hareness
Tel: 01638 711955 Midland Branch Circle, Altens Industrial Estate,
Mobile: 07880 791087 Aston University, Birmingham Aberdeen, AB12 3LY United Kingdom
Email: pbrooks@ctscp.com Topic: One-day workshop on surface
29th May 2018
George Winning (Speaker Secretary) analysis and depth profiling techniques,
Aberdeen Branch – Joint meeting with NACE;
Tel: 07495 671806 involving a series of seminars given by
Industrial Visit
experts in the field on the individual
Email: George.winning@element.com Industrial Visit to Sonomatic.
techniques (including case studies),
Presentations and Showcasing Kit
together with an optional practical
MIDLANDS BRANCH: and Facilities on Overcoming and
demonstrations on some of the
Trevor Box (Chairman) Identifying Corrosion/Integrity
techniques in the laboratories of MSA
Tel: 0121 3039300 Challenges. Visit to start from 6.30pm
Ltd. The agenda and further details
Further details can be obtained from
Email: trevor.box@acivico.co.uk can be found on the Institute website.
Aberdeen Branch.
30th January 2018
Neil Wilds (Chair)
Marie Halliday (Vice Chair)
Aberdeen Branch – Special Event
(Cathodic Protection) ADDITIONAL
Alex Sandilands (Secretary)
Email: icorrne@outlook.com
Speakers: Andy Smerdon of Aquatec
Group - Retrofit CP Monitoring to DIARY DATES
Reduce Inspection Frequency and
Edgar Rodrigues of TAQA - Impressed 5th/9th February 2018
NORTH WEST: Current Cathodic Protection Retrofit The Fudamentals Corrosion Course for
Brenda Peters, Analysis Scientific Strategy in the North Sea Presentation Engineers 2018
Tel: 01706 871700 to start at 6.30pm. A new Fundamentals of Corrosion
Email: Further details can be obtained from course is presented by the Institute
brenda.peters@analysis-scientific.co.uk Aberdeen Branch of Corrosion. The course will be
based on practical information and
8th February 2018 hands-on examples as well as relevant
YORKSHIRE: London Branch background theory. Attendees on the
Nigel Peterson-White Venue: Imperial College, Skempton course will be given a wide ranging
Tel: 07793 710559 Building, London SW7 2BB introduction to all the major aspects of
Email: n_peterson-white@imeche.org Skempton Building corrosion engineering.
Presentation to start 6.30pm February 5, 2018 at 9:00 am
CSD DIVISION: For further details, see website or email February 9, 2018 at 5:00 pm
icorrlondon@gmail.com Further information on the course, local
Julian Wharton
julianawharton@gmail.com hotels, ect., can be obtained from the
27th February 2018
Institute of Corrosion: admin@icorr.org
Aberdeen Branch
Venue: Palm Court Hotel, 81 Seaford 15th May 2018
CED DIVISION: Road, Aberdeen, AB15 7YX CEOCOR 2018 International Congress and
Nick Smart Speaker: Emma Perfect of LUX Assure Technical Exhibition
Tel: 01635 280385 Topic: Function-related Dosage of ICorr will host the 2018 CEOCOR
Corrosion Inhibitors; The Development Congress in Stratford-upon-Avon.
of An on-site, Operator Deployable For further details see
Technology www.ceocor2018.com
Presentation to start at 6.30pm

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