Apologia Physical Science Module 7 & 8
Apologia Physical Science Module 7 & 8
Apologia Physical Science Module 7 & 8
A. Module #7
1. Aphelion: The point at which the earth is farthest from the sun.
2. Perihelion: The point at which the earth is closest of the sun.
3. Lines of Longitude: Imaginary lines that run north and south across the
4. Lines of Latitude: Imaginary lines that run east and west across the
5. Coriolis Effect: The way in which the rotation of the earth bends the path
of winds, sea currents, and objects that fly through different latitudes.
B. Module #8
1. Updraft: A current of rising air.
2. Insulator: A substance that does not conduct electricity very well.
On Your Own Questions:
A. Module #7
1. Cirrus clouds are clouds at the highest altitude, alto means higher than
usual, so altocirrus clouds are impossible.
2. Altocumulonimbus clouds.
3. Summer in the Northing Hemisphere would occur at perihelion.
4. March 20/21 to June 20/21.
5. Yes, there would still be seasons.
6. The wind is blowing from the ocean to the shore.
7. Aim the missile northwest.
8. No.
9. Warmer temperature.
10. This shouldnt happen as warm air travels slower than cold air, so a
warm front wont catch up to a cold one.
B. Module #8
1. Without strong, upward gusts of wind, there would be no hail.
2. If the rain is frozen when it touches your hand it is sleet, if it is liquid it is
freezing rain.
3. It would be in its mature stage.
4. The thunderstorm was composed of many cells.
5. The positive charges on the ground while traveling into the air passed
through people, causing their hair to stand up.
6. The tornado is most likely in its whirl stage.
7. The hurricane is probably not over.
8. The temperature on the ground is higher than the readings of a satellite,
and as cities get larger the margarine of error increases as well.
9. This means your atmospheric pressure will decrease as you travel east.
10. Mexico will get an occluded front.
Study Guide:
A. Module #7
1. (Definitions previously mentioned)
2. The weather changes from day to day, while the climate does not.
3. The three main factors are: Thermal energy, Uneven distribution of
thermal energy, and water vapor in the atmosphere.
4. [Skip]
5. Nimbostratus.
6. Altolenticular cloud.
7. Incoming solar radiation.
8. Days are longer than 12 hours, but are decreasing in length.
9. June 21 to September 22.
Temperature difference causes winds.
The temperature of the air changes its latitude.
The Coriolis effect bends the wind patterns.
You will need to travel southeast.
Wind will blow from the mountain into the valley.
Humidity is low, air mass is cold.
Humidity is high, air mass is warm.
A warm front.
An occluded front.
You should expect cooler temperatures.
B. Module #8
1. (Definitions previously mentioned)
2. The Bergeron prosses begins with cold clouds, while the collisioncoalescence theory begins with warm clouds.
3. The Bergeron process describes precipitation from the top of
cumulonimbus clouds, while the collision-coalescence theory describes
precipitation from nimbostratus.
4. Only the size of the raindrop.
5. Sleet is much smaller than hail, but both are frozen before they hit the
ground. Freezing rain, is liquid until it hits a cold surface.
6. The dew point is coldest on the second morning.
7. The first stage is the cumulus stage, where there is only an updraft and no
precipitation. In the second stage, the mature stage, there are no
updrafts, downdrafts, and precipitation. The last stage, the dissipation
stage, has only downdrafts and precipitation.
8. The thunderstorm is probably made up of several cells.
9. The charge imbalance first forms in the cumulonimbus cloud, and its due
to water droplets or ice crystals rubbing against each other in glancing
The return stroke is responsible for most light and sounds in a lightning
Thunder is the result of superheated air traveling out from the lightning
bolt in waves.
Lightning strikes tall things because the positive charges in the ground
tend to pile up in a tall object.
Sheet lightning is cloud-to-cloud lightning while lightning bolts are
cloud-to-ground lightning.
A cumulonimbus cloud must be present to form a tornado.
The stages of a tornado are: the whirl stage, the organizing stage, the
mature stage, the shrinking stage, and the decaying stage. The tornado is
most destructive in the mature stage.
A hurricane starts out as a tropical disturbance, then becomes a
tropical depression, then a tropical storm, and finally a tropical cyclone,
the wind speeds in the storm determine in which classification a storm
Within the eye of a hurricane it is calm.
The Coriolis effect.
The atmospheric pressures are nearly equivalent.
The atmospheric pressure in Houston is lower.
San Francisco.
Indianapolis will get warmer weather soon.
Houston, TX.
San Francisco, CA.