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SA13 - Install Fest - BizBikes

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SA13 Restoring the BizBikes Project

Presenters: Rick Vogel Commercial Engineering

and Dave Outterson Software Sales Manager

The BizBikes sample project illustrates a completely integrated data collection and reporting
environment using RSBizWare. The BizBikes database contains sample data so that you can
view reports in a learning mode without connecting to a data source. The BizBikes RSSql
configuration is setup to read data from an RSView32 project, which contains simulation logic to
process the components of bicycles through various workcells. This RSView project also contains
numerous controls to allow you to initiate events (e.g., breakdowns).
The instructions contained in this document walk you through the steps required to restore
BizBikes onto your computer. Note that the BizBikes project, unlike most production
implementations, is configured to run on a single computer for ease of installation.
The process to set up BizBikes is similar to the process required to move an RSBizWare
application from a development to a production environment.
The BizBikes application consists of the following components:

RSBizWare SQL Server database called BizBikes

RSSql configuration (BizBikes.rsq)

RSView project file (BizBikes.rsv)

RSBizWare reports and custom web pages (HTML).

You will be following these steps to restore the BizBikes application. The main section of this
document provides detailed step-by-step instructions; if you are familiar with RSBizWare, refer to
Appendix B for a condensed list of the required steps and settings.
1. Install the BizBikes application files.
2. Restore the SQL Server database.
3. Restore the data collection configuration (RSSql).
4. Create an ODBC Data Source for the SQL Server database.
5. Set up the licenses and user account privileges.
6. Start the BizBikes application (simulation/data collection) and view reports.
7. Stop the BizBikes application.

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Tools & Prerequisites

To run the BizBikes demonstration project, the following components are required:

Windows NT SP6 or Windows 2000 SP3.

RSBizWare 6.0 Complete Install

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2

RSBizWare Licenses: Historian Server (e.g., 1500 Tag), PlantMetrics Server (e.g., 100
Workcell), Historian Author, PlantMetrics Author, RSBizWare Runtime User

Scheduler Full Client License (if you will be using Scheduler)

RSView32 Complete Install

RSView32 License

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Steps to Upgrade from Previous BizBikes

Follow these steps to remove existing versions of BizBikes and replace them with the new
version of BizBikes.
1. Stop all RSBizWare services and the RSSql Compression Server.
2. From RSSql, delete the BizBikes RSSql configuration.
3. From SQL Server Enterprise Manager, DELETE the BizBikes database.
4. From Explorer, delete the entire BizBikes subdirectory (e.g., C:\BizBikes).
5. Run the BizBikesSetup.exe.
6. Follow the rest of this document, skipping Part 4 Create an ODBC Data Source and
Part 5 - Configuring the RSBizWare Servers.
7. Restart your RSBizWare services or re-boot your PC and you should be ready to use

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Part 1 Install the BizBikes Application files

The BizBikes application consists of a SQL Server database, backed-up RSSql configuration,
RSView32 project, and a suite of RSBizWare reports. These files are distributed on the
RSBizWare software CD in the \BizBikes folder as a WinZip executable, BizBikesSetup.exe.
1. From Explorer, double-click on the BizBikesSetup.exe file on the RSBizWare CD.
NOTE: The BizBikes application and the associated instructions expect that you will accept
all defaults unless noted otherwise, including the default installation location of
C:\BizBikes when running the BizBikesSetup.exe. If you intend to set up BizBikes on
any drive other than C:, you must change the drive letter in the directory shown in the
self-extracting prompt before unzipping. Further, please read the notes in Appendix A
before continuing, recognizing that anywhere in the document you see references to
drive C:, substitute the drive letter you plan to use.
2. If you are installing BizBikes on the C: drive of your computer (highly recommended), retain
the default settings. If you are installing BizBikes on another drive, change the path in the
Unzip to folder text box to the proper drive. Click Unzip to extract the BizBikes application

3. Click OK in the message box, and click Close to close the WinZip window. The BizBikes
application files have been installed onto your computer.

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Part 2 Restore the SQL Server database

In this step, you will restore the database that contains all the necessary configuration and report
data for the BizBikes Application.
1. Run SQL Server Query Analyzer (Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Query
2. Connect using the sa account on the local database server.
3. From the menu, choose File > Open.
4. Open the file C:\BizBikes\SQLServer\Scripts\BizBikesDBSetup.sql.
5. From the menu, choose Query > Execute (or press F5).
This script prepares a SQL Server BizBikes database. A number of informational messages will
be displayed in the results pane of SQL Query Analyzer.
NOTE: If you receive any errors, indicated by red text in the results pane, you must resolve them
before continuing. The only exception is the TempUser already exists error, which may
be displayed if you had a previous installation of BizBikes. Any other errors must be
resolved. If the database does not attach correctly or the BizBikesUser is not created
properly, the application will not function.

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Part 3 - Restore the RSSql configuration

In this step, you will import the RSSql configuration that contains all of the transactions necessary
to collect data for the BizBikes application. You will then change all of the RSSql services so they
will run on your local computer.
1. Run the RSSql program (Start > Programs > Rockwell Software > RSSql > RSSql).
2. From the RSSql main menu, choose Configuration > Restore. Open the RSSql
configuration backup file C:\BizBikes\RSSql\Config\BizBikes.rsq. Keep the default
configuration name of BizBikes and save the new configuration files to the default path:
C:\BizBikes\RSSql\Config. Click OK on the verification dialog.
3. The BizBikes entry should appear in the RSSql tree menu in the left window. Right-click on
BizBikes, and select Define Connector.
4. The Connector Definition dialog will appear as shown below.

Change the Host Name to the name of your computer (in this example, rsi-saratoga).

Change the User Name and Password to a user name and password with administrative
privileges on your computer.

Click the Host / User button to copy the host name, user name, and password to all
connectors used in the configuration.

Click Apply and Close, and answer Yes to all confirmation screens.

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Part 4 Create an ODBC Data Source

In this step, you will create a System DSN for the BizBikes database.
1. To add a DSN, click Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data
Sources (ODBC) on Windows 2000. On Window NT, click Start > Settings > Control Panel
> Data Sources (ODBC). When the following screen should appears, select the System
DSN tab, and click the Add button.

2. Scroll through the list of drivers, select SQL Server, and then click Finish.

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3. Name the DSN BizBikesDSN and enter a Description as shown. For the Server, you can
simply enter a period ( . ), which will point to the local machine by default, or enter your
computer name. Click Next >.

4. Select the With SQL Server authentication radio button, enter the Login ID as
BizBikesUser and the Password as bizbikesuser. Click Next >.

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5. Check the option to Change the default database to, and select BizBikes for the default
database. Click Next >.

6. Leave the defaults on this page, and click Finish.

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7. Test your DSN by clicking on the Test Data Source button. You should see a Tests
Completed Successfully message. You can click OK several times to close these screens
and close the Administrative Tools window.

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Part 5 - Configuring the RSBizWare Servers

Now that you have successfully installed both SQL Server and RSBizWare, there are a few
configuration steps that must be completed.
During the RSBizWare install, you should have been prompted to install your activations onto
your computer. If you have not done this, locate your master disk(s), and move the necessary
activations onto your computers. You will be assigning the licenses to the appropriate servers and
users at the end of this section.
Starting the RSBizWare Enterprise Manager and Registering a Server Manager
The RSBizWare Server Manager is responsible for controlling access to all RSBizWare modules
based on account privileges. Each module (e.g., the Production Server) looks to a Server
Manager for user validation when a user attempts to perform an operation. Before the Enterprise
Manager can be used to configure a Production Server, the Server Manager must first be
registered. This tells the Enterprise Manager where the Server Manager is located on the
network. In this sample configuration, everything will be located on a single computer.
1. Launch RSBizWare Enterprise Manager by selecting Start > Programs > Rockwell
Software > RSBizWare > RSBizWare Enterprise Manager from the Start Programs menu.
2. The first time you run the Enterprise Manager, you will be prompted to register a Server
Manager. Click Yes. (If you have run RSBizWare Enterprise Manager before on this
computer, skip this section and continue with Step 1 of the next section and verify all
configurations are updated.)

3. Enter the hostname (not IP address) of your computer, and click OK.

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4. The Enterprise Manager will start.

Registering the Production Server

The Production Server manages the interaction of users with the RSBizWare Production
1. Click on the tree item for the Server Manager you just registered. Youll be prompted to login
into the Server Manager. Use the default system administrator account (User: admin,
Password: admin).

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2. Expand the Server Manager tree to, right click on the Servers icon, and select Register

3. Be sure the Server Type: is set to Production Server, and the Hostname: is set to the
name of your local machine. Click OK.

4. Expand the Servers tree to show your Production Server. The icon will have a question
mark on it since it has not been configured. Click on the icon to open the configuration
5. The page below will appear at the right of your screen. Enter BizBikesDSN, which is the
DSN we just created as the Data Source, and enter the User ID (BizBikesUser) and
Password (bizbikesuser) you used to create the DSN.

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6. Click on the Advanced >> button to expand the page. Enter C:\BizBikes\HTML as the
HTML Root folder. This is where the Production Server will store the HTML files that are used
for RSBizWare reports. (These files were previously restored from the BizBikesSetup step.)
Click the Apply button.

7. When prompted to restart the Production Server, click Yes. After the server has restarted,
your database will be initialized, and the FactoryTalk data model will be automatically
created. After a few moments, the Production Server stoplight should be green.

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Registering a Scheduler Server

If you will also be using RSBizWare Scheduler, you will need to register a Scheduler Server
with your Server Manager. If you will not be using Scheduler, you can skip this section.
1. Right click on the Servers icon in the Server Manager tree, and select Register Server.

2. Be sure the Server Type is set to Scheduler, and the Hostname is set to the name of your
local machine. Click OK.

8. Expand the Servers tree to show your Scheduler server. The icon will have a question mark
on it since it has not been configured. Click on the icon to open the configuration screen.
9. In the Database Connection Properties frame, select the BizBikesDSN ODBC Data Source
Name (DSN) that we configured earlier, enter bizbikesuser for both the User ID and
Password, and then click Apply.

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10. You will be prompted to restart the Scheduler Server. Click Yes. After a few moments, the
Scheduler stoplight should be green.

Associating a PlantMetrics Server

Next you will need to associate a PlantMetrics Server with the Production Server you have
already configured.
1. Right click on the Production Server, and select Associate PlantMetrics Server.

2. Be sure the Hostname is set to the name of your local machine, and click OK.

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3. As before, select the BizBikesDSN ODBC Data Source Name (DSN) that we configured
earlier, enter BizBikesUser for both the User ID and Password, and then click Apply.

4. You will be prompted to restart the PlantMetrics Server. Click Yes. After a few moments, the
PlantMetrics Server stoplight should be green.

Registering a RSSql Server

1. Now right-click on the RSSql Configurations entry in the tree. Select Register Server.

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2. This dialog will appear, with the hostname of your computer already filled in. Click OK.

3. The system will detect RSSql configurations already on your computer. You can now expand
the RSSql Configurations tree and see the connectors associated with the BizBikes

Associating the RSSql Configurations with the Production Server

RSSql configurations are associated with the Production Server; they appear in the Enterprise
Manager tree for organizational purposes.
Note: If you are using Windows XP, you will not be able to get a right-click menu option on
the Data Collection folder. This will not affect the BizBikes project, as the RSSql configuration
has already been associated with the application in the database

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1. Under the Production Server, right click on Data Collection. Select Register RSSql
Configuration from the popup menu.

2. In the RSSql Registration Wizard, press Next > to get to the next step, which allows you to
select where the wizard will retrieve the RSSql configuration. Since RSSql is running on your
local computer, press Next >.

3. Select the BizBikes RSSql configuration and press Next >.

NOTE: If the check boxes next to Historian and PlantMetrics are not disabled as shown
below, the database was not restored properly or the RSSql configuration was not
restored to the location identified in the RSSqlConfig table. Please correct it before

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4. Press Yes on the notice that is shown indicating that the RSSql configuration has already
been registered in the database. Press Finish to complete the RSSql registration.

Assigning Licenses to Servers

In order to use the Production, PlantMetrics and Scheduler Servers, server licenses must be
1. Assign Licenses to the registered Servers

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In the Enterprise Manager, under Administration, click on Activations. You should see the
following information displayed. Select the appropriate licenses for the Production Server and
click the Assign a License button. To use BizBikes, you must assign (at a minimum) a
PlantMetrics 10 Workcell License, and an RSBizWare Runtime User License.

2. If you have registered a Scheduler Server, select the Scheduler Server from the drop down
menu at the top of the form. You must assign one of the Client runtime licenses to be able to
use the Scheduler client.

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Assigning Licenses to Users

Each user administered by the RSBizWare Enterprise must be assigned licenses in order to
author reports and/or create and modify RSBizWare objects.
1. Under Administration, select Users and Groups. There is only one user and one group
installed with the software. For BizBikes, we will use the default administrative user (admin).
Select the System Administrator user, and click Edit User.

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2. Select the License & Activation tab, select the Production Server from the combo box, and
check the Authoring licenses you wish to assign (both Historian Author and PlantMetrics
Author in this case).

3. If you also wish to assign this user activation for Scheduler, select Scheduler from the Server
Type list. Check the Scheduler Full Client License. Click OK to close the dialog.

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Part 6 Running BizBikes Application

1. Start RSView.
2. Open the BizBikes RSView project, c:\BizBikes\RSView32\BizBikes.rsv.
3. To run the RSView project, select the Run Mode tab and click on the Run Project button.

The RSView project simulates the BizBikes enterprise by running work orders for bicycles
through a series of operations in the BizBikes factory. The BizBikes RSSql configuration reads
from data points in the RSView project.

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4. To start the data collection from the RSView simulated BizBikes enterprise, open the
RSBizWare Enterprise Manager. Expand the tree to open the RSSql Configurations, rightclick on the BizBikes RSSql configuration, and select Start Configuration. Data collection
can also be started from the Production Client (under Configuration/Manage RSSql) and
from the RSSql user interface.


The RSView32 BizBikes project must be started BEFORE starting data collection. If
you started data collection before starting RSView32, you must stop and re-start data
collection after starting RSView32.

5. Now we are going to start production in the BizBikes factory. From the RSView32 project
main screen, click the Overview button.
6. On the Overview graphic, click the green Start Area Production button to start the
simulation. Click Yes when prompted to confirm your action. Note the other icons to Stop
Area Production and Reset Part Counts.

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7. To view reports configured in the BizBikes application, open an instance of Internet Explorer,
and type in the following URL: http://<YourHostName>:8080. Notice that by simply entering
your computers hostname, you are taken the Quick Web home page distributed with
RSBizWare, where you can navigate to all the BizBikes RSBizWare reports using a simple
tree interface.

All reports in the BizBikes application have been configured to use the RSBizWare
server name of localhost. Because localhost is resolved to the name of the machine
executing the report, the BizBikes application will only work on the machine running
the Production Server. If you attempt to view reports from a machine other than the
one running the Production server, they will not function properly. If you want to view
reports from a remote client, you can edit the report objects and assign your host
name rather than localhost. (A utility program, RSBizWareHTMLUpdate.exe, is
included in the C:\BizBikes\Utilities\RSBizWare folder. This program allows you to
update report object properties for objects on multiple RSBizWare reports. To use
this with BizBikes, update the settings for all of the .htm files in the
C:\BizBikes\html\Reports folder.) This note applies to both the Quick Web and
BizBikes.htm pages highlighted in the next section.

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8. A home page also is installed with the BizBikes project. Open Internet Explorer, and type in
the following URL: http://<YourHostName>:8080/bizbikes.htm. This Front Page-generated
home page simulates a corporate intranet site, with links to production data and a suite of
informational web pages. This is an advanced interface to RSBizWare reports for those
users who are comfortable authoring web pages.

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Part 7 Stopping the BizBikes Project

1. To stop the BizBikes project, first stop the RSSql data collection. Open the RSBizWare
Enterprise Manager, right-click on the BizBikes RSSql Configuration, and select the Stop
Configuration menu item.

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2. Activate RSView32 and click the Stop Area Production button on the Overview display.
Click Yes when prompted to confirm stopping all area production. This will stop data
simulation for the workcells.

3. At the bottom, right of the Overview display, click on Stop to stop the BizBikes project, and
click Yes to confirm stopping BizBikes.

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Appendix A Installing to Drive D

The BizBikes project was configured to be installed on the C: drive by default. To install BizBikes
on the D: drive (or other drive letter) you must following the additional steps below. Note - These
steps are not required if you are installing to the default C: drive. You may substitute a drive letter
other than D: if desired.
1. Run BizBikesSetup.exe and change the default directory to D:\BizBikes
2. Before restoring the BizBikes database, in SQL Query Analyzer, after opening the
BizBikesDBsetup SQL script, change
exec sp_attach_db 'BizBikes', 'c:\bizbikes\sqlserver\database\bizbikes_data.mdf',

exec sp_attach_db 'BizBikes', 'd:\bizbikes\sqlserver\database\bizbikes_data.mdf'

You should now be able to run the SQL Script and restore the database.

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3. After the BizBikes database and the RSSql configuration are restored, open the Microsoft
SQL Server Enterprise Manager, select the BizBikes database and open the RSSqlConfig
table as shown below.

Change the sConfigPath and sConfigLocalPath to the appropriate directory. The example
below shows the D: drive.

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If you forget to do this, then in the step where you associate the RSSql configuration
with the Production Server, the wizard will think you have are registering a new
RSSql configuration rather than re-associating an existing configuration.

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Appendix B Summary of BizBikes Installation

To run the BizBikes demonstration project, the following components are required:

Windows NT SP6 or Windows 2000 SP3.

RSBizWare 6.0 Complete Install
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP2
Licenses for Historian Server, PlantMetrics Server, Authoring Client, and Runtime Client

1. Run BizBikesSetup.exe from the RSBizWare CD to unzip the BizBikes files to the default
C:\BizBikes folder.
2. Run SQL Query Analyzer, connecting as sa. Open and run
C:\BizBikes\SQLServer\Scripts\BizBikesDBSetup.sql. Close SQL Query Analyzer.
3. Run RSSql.
a. Restore the C:\BizBikes\RSSql\Config\BizBikes.rsq configuration.
b. Select Define Connector and change the Host Name, User Name, and Password.
Click the Host/User button.
4. Create a System DSN.
a. Set the name to BizBikesDSN, connecting to your computer, or enter a period ( . ) to
point to the local machine.
b. Use SQL Server authentication, login ID BizBikesUser and password bizbikesuser.
c. Change the default database to BizBikes.
5. Open RSBizWare Enterprise Manager, and login as admin/admin.
a. Set the Server Manager to your computers name.
b. Register a Production Server pointing to BizBikesDSN with user/password
BizBikesUser / bizbikesuser. Open the Advanced section and set the HTML Root
to point to C:\BizBikes\html.
c. If you will be using Scheduler, register a Scheduler server (BizBikesDSN,
d. Associate PlantMetrics Server with the Production Server (BizBikesDSN,
e. Register the RSSql Server (BizBikes).
f. Register the RSSql Configuration with the Production Server.
6. Assign activations and licenses in the RSBizWare Enterprise Manager.
a. Open Administration > Activations. Select the appropriate activations (Historian
<n> Tag, PlantMetrics Server <n> Workcells, RSBizware Unlimited User Runtime
License) and click Assign a License. If you will be using Scheduler, assign a
Scheduler User Runtime license.
b. Open Administration > Users and Groups. Edit the admin user. Check Historian
Author and PlantMetrics Author licenses. If you will be using Scheduler, check the
Scheduler Full Client License.

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Appendix C Removing a BizBikes Installation

The steps below describe the procedure to remove a BizBikes demonstration project from your
1. Open the Windows Services dialog.

2. Stop all RSBizWare services and the RSSql Compression Server by right-clicking on each of
the services and selecting Stop.

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3. From RSSql, delete the BizBikes RSSql configuration.

4. Choose the Delete the configuration and the configuration files option. Click OK.

5. Run Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise Manager and delete the BizBikes database.

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6. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog.

7. From Windows Explorer delete the entire BizBikes folder.

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