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Yumesdk Log

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09:38:03:3 PM: (I): ********** YUME BSP PARAMS - BEGIN **********

09:38:03:3 PM: (I): adTimeout: 5

09:38:03:3 PM: (I): storageSize: 5.0
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): bEnableFileLogging: true
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): bEnableConsoleLogging: true
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): tempAssetStoragePath: /data/data/com.zeptolab.timetravel.fre
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): persistentAssetStoragePath: /data/data/com.zeptolab.timetrav
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): eStorageMode: INTERNAL_STORAGE
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): ********** YUME BSP PARAMS - END **********
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Current Display Orientation: portrait
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Device Resolution: Width: 720, Height: 1280
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Device is identified as an Android PHONE.
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Available RAM: 230.0
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Available RAM: 230.0
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Permission GRANTED for reading Phone State.
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): WiFi Connectivity not available.
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Cellular Connectivity available.
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Permission GRANTED for accessing Location Info.
09:38:03:3 PM: (I): Location Providers Enabled: Network:GPS:Passive => false:fal
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): WiFi Network Available.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Cellular Network Available.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): MOBILE_MMS Network Available.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): No Cookies loaded from Persistent Storage.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): setYuMeUserAgent: PHONE/LENOVO/Lenovo A6000;PHONE;Android/5.
0.2;NA;NA;;Cut the Rope Time Travel/1.5.2
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): HTTPModule: Device User Agent (BSP): Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; And
roid 5.0.2; Lenovo A6000 Build/LRX22G; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko
) Version/4.0 Chrome/54.0.2840.85 Mobile Safari/537.36 Cut the Rope Time Travel
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Google Play Services Lib required for getting 'Advertising I
d' is found.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Getting Device Params from BSP...
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Connection Types supported by Device: WIFI, CELLULAR
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): YuMeBSP_Init(): Successful.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Available RAM: 230.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Available RAM: 230.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Available RAM: 230.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): WiFi Connectivity not available.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Cellular Connectivity available.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): SDK Modules Created.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Temp Asset Storage Path: /data/data/com.zeptolab.timetravel.
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): YuMeBSP_UpdateAdvertisingIdInfo Invoked Request to update Ad
vertising Id Info 0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Persistent Asset Storage Path: /data/data/com.zeptolab.timet
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Ad Connection Timeout(seconds): 5
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): thread run for update advertising id info
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Total Storage Size for Asset Caching (MB): 5.0
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): Storage Mode: INTERNAL_STORAGE
09:38:03:4 PM: (I): getAdIdInfo appContext com.zeptolab.zframework.ZApplication@

09:38:03:4 PM: (I): No JS SDK Files to be cleared.

09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:4 PM: (D): JS SDK Resource URL: https://yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/e1/sdcf/79
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: index.html, txnHandle: 1
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: mraidview-bridge.js, txnHandle: 2
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: mraid-main.js, txnHandle: 3
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: vpaid-main.js, txnHandle: 4
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: vpaidview-bridge.js, txnHandle: 5
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: close_button.png, txnHandle: 6
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: jquery-1.10.2.min.js, txnHandle: 7
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: jquery.mobile-1.4.5.js, txnHandle: 8
09:38:03:5 PM: (I): Getting JS SDK Asset: yume_html5_sdk-min.js, txnHandle: 9
09:38:03:5 PM: (D): Starting JS SDK Resources Fetching Timeout Timer (Seconds):
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Google Id Advertising Id : be508677-c1ef-4333-9d96-ad0d2a6ce
429 : bIsLimitAdTrackingEnabled : false : advertisingIdType : googleid
09:38:03:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:03:9 PM: (I): Callback module is INIT_SDK
09:38:04:0 PM: (I): Available RAM: 216.0
09:38:04:0 PM: (I): totalMemory899.0
09:38:04:0 PM: (I): YuMeBSP_GetYuMeUserAgent(): Invoked.
09:38:04:1 PM: (I): Current Content View Size: Width: 720, Height: 1280
09:38:05:2 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The response is: 200
09:38:05:2 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The Content Length is: 2453
09:38:05:3 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The response is: 200
09:38:05:4 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The Content Length is: 4654
09:38:05:8 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The response is: 200
09:38:05:8 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The Content Length is: 93107
09:38:07:0 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The response is: 200
09:38:07:0 PM: (D): downloadAsset - The Content Length is: 465716
09:38:10:8 PM: (E): Asset Exception: java.net.ConnectException: failed to connec
t to yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/ (port 443) after 5000ms: connect failed:
ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable), yume_html5_sdk-min.js
09:38:10:8 PM: (E): Asset Exception: java.net.ConnectException: failed to connec
t to yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/ (port 443) after 5000ms: connect failed:
ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable), mraidview-bridge.js

9:38:10:8 PM: (E): Exception: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Read error: ssl=0xb7a2

0e20: I/O error during system call, Connection timed out
09:38:10:8 PM: (E): Asset Exception: java.net.ConnectException: failed to connec
t to yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/ (port 443) after 5000ms: connect failed:
ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable), vpaidview-bridge.js
09:38:10:8 PM: (E): Asset Exception: java.net.ConnectException: failed to connec
t to yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/ (port 443) after 5000ms: connect failed:
ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable), vpaid-main.js
09:38:10:8 PM: (E): Asset Exception: java.net.ConnectException: failed to connec
t to yumenet.hs.llnwd.net/ (port 443) after 5000ms: connect failed:
ENETUNREACH (Network is unreachable), mraid-main.js
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnAssetComplete(): Invoked.
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): JS SDK Resource Fetched: index.html
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnJSSdkAssetComplete(): Successful.
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnAssetComplete(): Invoked.
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): JS SDK Resource Fetched: close_button.png
09:38:13:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnJSSdkAssetComplete(): Successful.
09:38:19:8 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:19:8 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnAssetComplete(): Invoked.
09:38:19:9 PM: (I): JS SDK Resource Fetched: jquery-1.10.2.min.js
09:38:19:9 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnJSSdkAssetComplete(): Successful.
09:38:20:1 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:20:1 PM: (I): YuMeSDKBSP_OnAssetComplete(): Invoked.
09:38:20:1 PM: (E): Getting JS SDK Asset Failed: yume_html5_sdk-min.js, Response
Code: 0, txnHandle: 9
09:38:20:1 PM: (D): Stopping JS SDK Resources Fetching Timeout Timer.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): Asset Downloads Aborted.
09:38:20:2 PM: (E): JS SDK Resources Fetching Failed, Abort Downloads...
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDK_Init(): Failed.
09:38:20:2 PM: (D): resetOrientation(): Invoked
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMeBSP_DeInit(): Invoked.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMeSDK_DeInit(): Successful.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMeBSP_DeInit(): Successful.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMe SDK seems to be DeInitialized - Ignoring Get JS SDK Ass
et Response.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMe SDK seems to be DeInitialized - Ignoring Get JS SDK Ass
et Response.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMe SDK seems to be DeInitialized - Ignoring Get JS SDK Ass
et Response.
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): Get JS SDK Asset Response Handler
09:38:20:2 PM: (I): YuMe SDK seems to be DeInitialized - Ignoring Get JS SDK Ass
et Response.

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