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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2015 (ICMSE 2015)

Hybrid Power House( Hyporho)

: Design Tools Based DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) Using
Nanoparticles (Titanium Dioxide) As Drinking Water Supply Solution for People in coastal regions and
small islands in Indonesia
Emas Agus Prastyo Wibowo 1

Department of Chemistry, Semarang State University Indonesia


Water is a very important factor in human life. Every day people are expected to require minimal bersh water as much as
100 liters per-person, such as for drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, and others. The coastal water is needed by people
who live in the area. But the scarcity of fuel subsidies to support the operation of water treatment technology is also a
problem for people, especially coastal fishing communities. On the other han d, by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, 2007, a potential 9,290 MW of wind power and solar power potential of 8.8 kWh /
per day. Both of these
renewable energy sources can be used as an energy supply clean water treatment technolog ies. The purpose of this paper
is to design the design and determine the relevance of the use of the Hybrid Power House (HYPORHO): Design -Based
Tools DSSC (Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell) Using
nanoparticles (titanium dioxide) as a Solution for Community
Water Supply in the Coastal Regions Small -miami in Indonesia. Results of this writing them, HYPORHO design
consisting of a water distillation system with thermal solar collectors, wind turbines, solar cells, and the water distribution
system to the public. In addition the use HYPORHO very appropriate for coastal communities because it is affordable,
inexpensive, environmentally friendly, long-term investment and the technology is easy to operate.
Keywords : DSSC, Hybrid Power House, Coastal
as wind, biomass and hydro power, energy use through
solar cell / solar cell is the most potent alternative. This is
because the amount of solar energy that reaches the earth
is huge, about 700 megawatts per minute. When
calculated, the number is 10,000 times greater than the
total world energy consumption (Septina, Wilman 2007).
With Indonesia's natural potential such as wind and
sunlight can be used as an energy sourcealternatives to
fossil fuels. Based on the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources, 2007, 9,290 MW of potential wind power and
solar power potential of 8.8 kWh / m2 per day. Both of
these renewable energy sources can be used as an energy
supply technology processing clean water (Nugroho,

Water is a very important factor in human life.
Every day people are expected to require minimal clean
water as much as 100 liters per person, such as for
drinking, cooking, bathing, washing, and others. The
higher the growth rate of the population of a country, the
more the water consumption needed. The Indonesian
archipelago and tropical climate, has many sources of
water such as oceans, lakes, and rivers (Taty
Hermaningsih, 2007).
Energy is one of the challenges we face in the 21st
century. According to a survey conducted by Professor
Ricards Smalley of Rice University regarding the
greatest problems facing mankind for the next 50 years, it
was ranked first energy. Reserves of fossil energy
sources around the world starting from 2002, ie 40 years
for oil, 60 years for natural gas, and 200 years for coal.
With the state of the depletion of the fossil energy
sources, in today's world there is a shift from the use of
energy sources not renewable toward energy sources that
terbahurui. Of the many renewable energy sources such

Literature and data sources
The author in this paper uses library research (literature).
Research library is a writing method using an object of
research studies that focus on literature - literature.
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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2015 (ICMSE 2015)

In the design stage of the design analysis process design

that can be used optimally. The design of this design is
an improvement and delivery of innovation to the
existing design. Basically hybrid power house (hyporho)
utilizing renewable energy sources, namely wind energy
and solar energy that is converted into electrical energy
for the needs of home distilled. At the stage of designing
the tools of course refers to three things: functionality,
aesthetics and cost. These three things really become a
major consideration in designing a technology.

Data processing
Data processing is done by combining some of the
information to be used as an argument and perspective
problems. So it can be said of data and information
processing techniques performed by the argumentative
descriptive, with writing that is descriptive, describing
Hybrid Power House (HYPORHO). Overall this has a
scientific paper processing pattern as follows,
1. Assessment of the state of drinking water in
coastal areas.
2. Identify permsalahan related to drinking water
on the coast.
3. Formulate the problem so that the problem can
be more focused on examined later in further
4. Collect theories and related materials with a
focus issue was appointed as reference material
to support the precision and sharpness of the
analysis of the issue.
5. Develop a method of writing that paper
systematically arranged.
6. Analyze and discuss and provide solutions
related issues that have been raised.
7. Drawing conclusions based on formulation of
the problem and the results of analysis done.
8. Providing advice.

1. Function
HYPORHO is home to desalination systems (distillation)
using thermal solar collectors to produce potable water.
These systems utilize renewable energy as a power
processing by distillation.
2. Aesthetics
HYPORHO designed so that the use of highly easy, in
the application (the application) on the coast can be
3. Cost
HYPORHO early development is quite costly. But when
the long-term use HYPORHO is the right solution
because it is cheap and sustainable environmentally
friendly technologies.
HYPORHO a water supply system that utilizes the
coastal area of wind energy and solar energy as a
processor and distributor of water to the community. The
constituent components of this system are as follows ,

Substrat preparation
Making Titanium Dioxide Pate

are already
integrated with a generator is a
tool that can change the movement
of the wind into motion triggered
by a turbine blade.

Printing Pasta Titanium Dioxide

Burning an electroda
Dye Process
Deposition agains ativity process

Schemes of Two General Structure

DSSC cells (top) and the module
(bottom). Solar cell is an electronic
component that will convert light
energy into electrical energy for.

Assembly Electroda process

Charging of electrolyte solution process
Figure 1. Process scheme DSSC( Sukowati, 2014)
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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2015 (ICMSE 2015)

Solar water distillation that

will turn sea water into fresh
water good to drink.

Solar Cell

Turbin angin

Konektor surya


Regulator as a regulator and a

voltage stabilizer of wind
turbines and solar cells

Aki/ Baterai

Batteries or battery / batteries

are electronic devices as
electrical energy storage

Air bersih

Fig 3. Description hybrid energy system applied to the


Fig 2. HYPORHO ( Hybrid Power House )

HYPORHO is a house that became the center lau
pengelohan and management of water into fresh water
potable and become a distributor of water to coastal
communities. The components of the above will work
interconnected in one system. Will then form a better
workflow for each energy supply backup. Overview of
hybrid energy system applied to HYPORHO.


Solar collector
Wind turbines
Water reservoirs
Clean water reservoir
Water reservoir that is ready to be distributed
Solar cell

Fig 4. Desain HYPORHO ( Hybrid Power House )

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International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education 2015 (ICMSE 2015)

Sukowati, Irawan D .2014. Proses Pembuatan DSSC

(Dye Sensitized Solar Cell) Menggunakan TiO2
(Titanium Dioksida) Partikel Nano. Semarang:
Jurusan Teknik Elektro Universitas Diponegoro.

Fig 5. Schematic HYPORHO ( Hybrid Power House )

The sea water is sucked up from the sea using a pump
(11) and supplied to the solar collector (2). Solar
radiation heats the solar collector which contains sea
water, after a 70-90 C water piped to the water tank (6).
Along with the process, the solar heat also penetrates the
glass cover (1) and on the surface of the absorber plate in
the tank, the absorber plate will be hot, and the heat
energy from the absorber plate will keep the water hot.
The water will evaporate and collecting under the surface
of the cover glass. Because the air temperature in the tank
is higher than the ambient temperature, the condensation
is vapor turns into liquid and attached to the inside of the
cover glass. Liquid (water) will flow to follow the slope
of the glass cover and into the pipeline, continues to flow
into clean water reservoirs (3) for further processing by
filtering (distillation) (7) so that the water that produced
really clean and not acidic. Clean water that has to be
accommodated in a high place (8). From the shelter of
water ready to be distributed through a pipeline (10) is
provided. In the process there is the concept of this
HYPORHO use energy derived from solar cells (9) and
wind turbines (5) by combining them so that mutual
back-up uses a hybrid system.
Nugroho, D,B.2014. RINNGID (Rumah Suling Tenaga
Hibrid) : Konsep Penyediaan Air Minum
Berbasis Hybrid
Energi System Bagi
Masyarakat di Pesisir Pantai. Yogyakarta :
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Wilman. 2007. Laporan akhir penelitian:

Pembuatan Prototipe Solar Cell Murah dengan
Bahan Organik-Inorganik (Dye-sensitized Solar
Cell). Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung
BC - 30

Hermaningsih dan Satmoko Yudo. (2007).

Alternatif Teknologi Pengolahaan Air untuk
Memenuhi Kebutuhan Air Bersih Di Daerah
Pemukiman Nelayan. Jurnal JAI Vol 3 No 1.
Diunduh dari http://ejurnal.bppt.go.id pada
tanggal 22 April 2015.

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