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Micro Controllers Basics

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MicroControllers Basics

Vivek Kumar
Abhishek Sharma

3 major fields of robotics


o Making the Skeleton of your bot.


o Implanting Nerves & Muscles into that skeleton.


o Giving Brain to your bot.

Topics for Today

Introduction to Microcontrollers
Inside a Microcontroller
Working of Microcontrollers
Applications of Microcontrollers
Writing a program in CV avr
Compiling the program into .HEX file
Upload the program into Microcontroller

So... Lets Start

Introduction to Microcontrollers

Inside a Microcontroller
Working of Microcontrollers
Applications of Microcontrollers
Writing a program in CV avr
Compiling the program into .HEX file
Upload the program into Microcontroller

So... what a Microcontroller ( C) is?

The brain of your Robot?
A black chip or IC (Integrated circuit)?

Like this
But it is much more than that
o Its a mini-computer inside a single IC.
o It has processing power.
o It executes a program just like a computer.
o It has pins, memory, registers, clocks, timers,
interrupts and much more

Features of a Microcontroller ( C)...

o They are Programmable
o Thats what makes them different from a normal IC.
o Programs can be written in C lanuage.

o Various microcontrollers available in the market

o PAVR, PIC, Intel 8051, Rabbit, Zilog and Many, Many more

o Well be using Atmel ATmega microcontrollers

o ATmega8, ATmega16
o Because they are cheap, easy to use and powerful.

Features of ATmega 8

Has 28 pins
23 pins for I/O
5 pins reserved
Clock Frequency: 8Mhz
I/O pins divided into 3 groups
Named as Ports.
Three ports B,C and D.
8Kb Flash memory
512Bytes EEPROM
1Kb Internal SRAM
Three inbuilt timers
Two 8-bit
One 16-bit
Operating Voltages
2.7V - 5.5V (ATmega8L)
4.5V - 5.5V (ATmega8)
Maximum programmable Cycles:
10,000 for Flash memory
100,000 for EEPROM

ATmega 8 & Its Pin Configuration

Features of ATmega 16

Has 40 pins
32 pins for I/O
8 pins reserved
Clock Frequency: 16Mhz
I/O pins divided into 4 groups
Named as Ports.
Four ports A,B,C and D.
16Kb Flash memory
512Bytes EEPROM
1Kb Internal SRAM
Three inbuilt timers
Two 8-bit
One 16-bit
Operating Voltages
2.7V - 5.5V (ATmega16L)
4.5V - 5.5V (ATmega16)
Maximum programmable Cycles:
10,000 for Flash memory
100,000 for EEPROM

ATmega 16 & Its Pin Configuration

Introduction to Microcontrollers

Inside a Microcontroller

Working of Microcontrollers
Applications of Microcontrollers
Writing a program in CV avr
Compiling the program into .HEX file
Upload the program into Microcontroller

Memory Structure
Several type of memories in the C.
o Flash Memory

o A non-volatile Read Only Memory (ROM)

o Our program is stored here.

o Random Access Memory (RAM)

o A volatile memory used during runtime of the code.

o It is quite fast. Reading and writing takes much less time.

o Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

o A non-volatile memory used to store important data.
o It is quite slow. Reading and writing takes much much time.

Volatile memory : loses memory when power removed

Non-Volatile memory : Retains memory when power removed

Memory Structure



Volatile memory



Non-Volatile memory

Till now... Any Questions?

Then, heres a question for u...

Q. What is the full form of EEPROM?

A. Electronically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory

Q. What is the full form of EEPROM?

A. Electronically Erasable Programmable
Read Only Memory

Introduction to Microcontrollers
Inside a Microcontroller

Working of Microcontrollers

Applications of Microcontrollers
Writing a program in CV avr
Compiling the program into .HEX file
Upload the program into Microcontroller

I/O Pins of a Microcontroller are divided generally into
groups of 8 pins called PORT.
Each PORT contains some registers associated with it.
Registers are the links between our code and the
hardware (pins).
They actually are the memory locations inside the C
whose names and sizes are predefined.
Well talk about the 3 registers that control the I/O pins:
DDR, PORT and PIN registers.
Thus, each port (port A,B,C,D) contains these 3 registers.
e.g. port A has registers DDRA, PORTA, PINA;
port B has registers DDRB, PORTB, PINB;

DDR ( Data Direction Register )

It is 8-bit register which sets the pins either input or
output. Each bit of the register corresponds to a pin.

0 - Sets the corresponding pin INPUT

1 - Sets the corresponding pin OUTPUT
To access a specific bit of DDR register we write:
DDRX.0 = 0;

where, X is the port name.

To set values of all bits simultaneously , we write

DDRA = 0b11001010
Remember setting a pin OUTPUT does put +5 v on
the pin and vice versa.
Hence, if u wrote DDRA.1=0, you cant write +5V on
that pin, you can only read voltage from that pin.

PIN Register
It is also 8-bit register which reads the incoming
voltage on the pins.

If the incoming voltage is 0V, it reads 0

If the incoming voltage is +5V, it reads 1
Similarly, To read a specific pin we write:
int value = PINX.1;

reads the voltage at pin X.1

If the pin is input, then the voltage at that pin is

floating until an external voltage is applied.
If the pin is output, then the voltage at that pin is
fixed either 0V or +5V.

PORT Register

It is also 8-bit register which sets the voltage on the


If bit set to 0 , Output on the pin is 0V.

If bit set to 1 , Output on the pin is +5V.
To write a specific pin we write:
PORTX.1 = 1;

Sets the +5V on the pin X.1

To set values of all bits simultaneously , we write

PORTA = 0b11001010

It only works when DDR value of that bit is set to 1

Lets Summarize



How do I program my C?
I write my program
on an IDE
I compile my
I upload it to my C

Where do I write my program?

An IDE [Integrated
Development Environment]
capable of entering, editing
and compiling my source
A variety of them are
available according to your
needs. You are familiar with
many of them- Turbo C3,
GCC, Eclipse, Dev C++ and

For our purpose of

programming an
Atmega, we will be
using CV AVR

The code is written in C language and Atmega
doesnt understand C, so it needs to be converted
to a language that Atmega understands.



Basic digital arithmetic tools

OR ||
AND &&
Bitwise OR |
Bitwise AND &
Bitwise NOT ~
Left Shift <<
Right Shift >>

Eg. 0||0 = 0, 0||1 = 1, 1||0 = 1, 1||1 = 1

Eg. 0&&0 =0, 0&&1 =0, 1&&0 =0, 1&&1= 1
Eg. 10100111 | 11000101 = 11100111
Eg. 10100111 & 11000101 = 10000101
Eg. ~10100110 = 01011001
Eg. <<11011011 = 10110110
Eg. >>11011011 = 01101101

Basics of C language
if-else block


If condition is found to be true, this part will be


If condition is found to be false, this part will be


Basics of C language

Unless the condition is false, this part will be executed

for(initialisation; condition; increment)
Unless the condition is false, this part will be executed

and a variable incremented



Click on File and then select New

Select Project and Click OK

Do you want to use Code Wizard

AVR? Hell Yes!

Select Chip Type

A new window will be opened, select


Set clock frequency

Setting I/O pins

Generating program from your


Select a location to save your program

Save your file thrice with the same


After saving, all pop-up windows will

close and this is what youll see -

Where to write your code?

Writing and building your code

This is what youll see after building

your project files

Inside story of the code

Inside story of the code

Scary Syntax?
This is used to give an output
voltage to B.1 pin

PORTB.1 = 0 for 0 Volts

PORTB.1 = 1 for 5 Volts

This is used to take input
from C.3 pin
int a = PINC.3;

This is used to pause code
execution for 2000

will put a=0 if we give 0 volts

on pin C.3 and will put a=1 if
we give 5 volts on pin C.3

Open AVR Studio-4

Click Cancel as indicated

Now select your C and click on Read


Now browse your .hex file and click


Thats it!

Youve now successfully

uploaded the program
to your Atmega-8

Man! We dont know anything about a

Ok! Here it is,
this is how it
looks like:

And heres how we

connect our
Atmega to the

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