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Eco-Tourism Industry in Malang and Its Impact For The Local Revenue

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Eco-tourism Industry in Malang and Its

Impact for the Local Revenue

Dimas Farayndra

Ma Chung University

Chapter 1
1.1 Background of the Study
Tourism is an industry that has a big potential to significantly increase revenue of a
country. It also has an important role for the countrys development. It is because the
country earned much money from this sector only. Thus, the money can be used to
enhanced the infrastructures and the facilities of a particular country.
According to Mathieson and Wall (1986), tourism is parts of one cycle of activities
where people move from their usual destination to another place for certain period of
time. And in that destination there are facilities to make things easier either during trip or
in the destination itself. In the other words, tourism is an activity that involved human
that moved from their usual surrounding to another place and the purpose is usually to
amuse themselves.
In Indonesia, Malang Raya is one of the favorite destination for domestic tourist and
international tourist. 2The indicator is the amount of visitors in Malang Raya that always
surpassed five million per year. In Malang city for example, 20% of the region revenue
are from the tourism industry sector alone. Until 2015, the amount of Malangs revenue
is 272 Billion Rupiahs. In the same year the number of visitors in Malang are consists of
5952 international tourists and 2.49 Billion domestic tourists.
In Malang Raya, especially in Kabupaten Malang and Batu, eco-tourism destination
become one of the favorite destination that attract people outside to go to Malang. There
are many kinds of eco-tourism destination such as beaches, waterfall, spring, mountain,
etc. Each of them have their unique features that can attract tourists or visitors to come.
In the last four years, the local people of Malang discovered many potential places to
become tourist destination. However, those locations are still not well-known and people
rarely go there for certain reason.

1 http://www.seputarpengetahuan.com/2015/12/20-pengertian-pariwisatamenurut-para-ahli-terlengkap.html

1.2 Problem Statements

1. What is the impact of eco-tourism industry for Malang citizen?
2. What should the government do for the improvement of eco-tourism industry sector in
3. Why does eco-tourism industry in Malang is important especially for the local
4. Does the local revenue have impact for the industrys improvement?

1.3 Objectives of the Study

1. Tell the reader about the impact of eco-tourism industry in Malang, particularly for
Malang citizen themselves.
2. Explain to the reader the important role of the local government in order to improve
that eco-tourism industry.
3. Explain to the reader the importance of eco-tourism industry, especially for Malang
4. Make the reader pay attention of the importance of local revenue for the improvement
of tourism industry, especially eco-tourism industry.

Chapter 2
2.1 The Impacts of Eco-Tourism Industry for Malang Citizen

According to Agung (2015), the potential implementation of good eco-tourism brings

positive impact for the environment as this can be source to finance resource

3 Agung,Putu .2015. The Influence of Tourism Attributes and Promotion on the

Consumer Image and Decision to Revisit Kintamani Eco-tourism, Bali Regency,
Universitas Maraswati, Denpasar,Bali

conservation, increase the economic value of resources and socio-cultural as well as

empowering local communities.
The local people are also one of the most important things to develop the tourist
destination. However, not all of the local people are aware of it. Some of them are choose
to not get involved in developing the tourist destination near them. They do not realize
that the development of eco-tourism destination near them can contribute a lot for the
development of the region and themselves as well.

2.2 The Important Role of the Government for the Development of EcoTourism Industry in Malang
According to Kencanasakti.or.id4, the local governments role in the development of
tourism industry. It is because they should provide some regulations that regulate the
local tourism industries in their region or area. The rules itself for example The
regulation of tourist protection, especially for the tourist agencies that ask their customers
to pay the down payment for the customers need such as accommodation, transportation,
etc. Beside that the regulation of the maintenance of natural places such as forest,
conservation places, etc. The purpose is to prevent the damaged of the ecosystem there,
especially the damaged caused by humans.
Local government has very important role in the development of eco-tourism industry.
The availability of sufficient facilities is also important. From the revenue the local
government got from tourism sector can be allocated to provide those facilities. This is
not just for the tourists sake but also for the local people. It is because from the
improvement of the facilities make the local people have a role to maintain the facilities.
That is some of the role of the local government for the development of local tourism
industry especially eco-tourism industry.

2.3 The Importance of Eco-Tourism Industry for Malang People

The importance of eco-tourism industry in Malang are vary. 5According to Sulaksmi
(2007), one of the importance of the existence of tourism industry is to improve the local
citizens welfare. The welfare itself is determined by the number of visitors come to that

4 http://kencanasakti.or.id/artikel-5-apa-peran-pemerintah-dalam-industripariwisata-indonesia.html
5 Sulaksmi, Rita.2007. Analisis Dampak Pariwisata Terhadap Pendapatan dan
Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Wisata Alam Pulau Weh Kota Sabang
Institut Pertanian Bogor

particular tourism place. The fluctuation of the number of the visitors also determined by
many factors. One of the factor is the safety of the place.
The safety of an eco-tourism place is also important for Malang people. It is because
Malang people also need to build and improve their local infrastructure. If the tourism
place was not safe for example if there were riot there it will significantly influence the
revenue of Malang and drop the welfare of citizen there also.

2.4 The Impact of the Revenue for the Improvement of Eco-Tourism

Industry in Malang
Malang is one of area in Indonesia that has many eco-tourism place such as Coban
Rondho, Songgoriti Spring, Panderman Mountain, and many more. Each of them has
their attractive features to attract the visitors to come. The number of the visitors of
course determined the revenue that the region will get.
The amount of the revenue also determined whether or not the eco-tourism industry
will develop. It is because the government as well as the local people use that revenue in
order to develop the facilities there. Therefore, it is a must to attract as many people as
possible to the tourism place.

Chapter 3
There are many impacts of the existence of eco-tourism industry particularly for
Malang people themselves. Firstly. The existence of the industry will significantly
increase the local revenue of Malang which is also influence the infrastructure
enhancement. According to Sulaksmi (2007), one of the importance of the existence of
tourism industry is to improve the local citizens welfare. The welfare itself is determined
by the number of visitors come to that particular tourism place. The fluctuation of the
number of the visitors also determined by many factors. One of the factor is the safety of
the place.

The amount of the revenue also determined whether or not the eco-tourism industry will
develop. It is because the government as well as the local people use that revenue in
order to develop the facilities there. Therefore, it is a must to attract as many people as
possible to the tourism place.


Agung,Putu .2015. The Influence of Tourism Attributes and Promotion on

the Consumer Image and Decision to Revisit Kintamani Eco-tourism, Bali
Regency, Universitas Maraswati, Denpasar,Bali
Sulaksmi, Rita.2007. Analisis Dampak Pariwisata Terhadap Pendapatan
dan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Wisata Alam Pulau Weh Kota
Sabang Institut Pertanian Bogor

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