Remi Kendaru - 2006760 - Essay 3
Remi Kendaru - 2006760 - Essay 3
Remi Kendaru - 2006760 - Essay 3
Class: 4B1
Outline Essay
Tourism is one of the fastest-growing industries in the world. The
tourism industry is an important part of the Indonesian economy. Indonesia
must keep tourist places stable and sustainable, especially for the economy.
Despite the fact that tourism plays an important role for Indonesia,
there are negative impacts on tourism itself. However, there are still
alternatives to preserve this beautiful nature in order to keep it.
Class: 4B1
Labuan Bajo is the capital city of West Manggarai Regency which has a
very strategic geographical location, where the position of Labuan Bajo is in the
western part of the island of Flores. Labuan Bajo, also known as the tourism city,
is the western gateway to enter the tourist charm of Flores Island. One of the
things that become the strength of the city of Labuan Bajo is the existence of the
Komodo National Park area which has been used as a world-class tourist
attraction, where Labuan Bajo is the entry point to get to the tourist area. In
addition to having marine tourism potential, there is also quite a lot of land
tourism, including natural caves with their own peculiarities, springs and
waterfalls which are located not far from the Labuan Bajo area. However, the
beauty of it all will be disturbed if there are irresponsible parties. The existence of
Waste Management on Tourism Sustainability in Labuan Bajo has a negative
impact. As a growing new leading destination, the city of Labuan Bajo is also
inseparable from the same problems as other tourism cities, such as social,
economic, and environmental problems, which are the impact of tourism
development. The preliminary survey carried out in Labuan Bajo City in April
2019 suggests that there is nevertheless much stuff that wants to be addressed,
especially the ones associated with sustainability in lots of aspects, and waste is
certainly considered one among them. Garbage continues to be disposed of
carelessly with the aid of using citizens and enterprise actors domiciled in
vacationer sites` vicinity. Still, the fast improvement of tourism infrastructure has
additionally created a brand-new extent of waste, consisting of in markets and
buying centres. For the status of tourism sustainability to be improved, the
Regional Government and stakeholders need to intervene in the dominant
variables affecting sustainability based on the several aspects, ecological Aspects:
(1) carrying capacity of tourist areas, (2) Amount of waste piles and (3) Pollution
index (water, air, and soil), in this context water pollution, although it cannot be
ascertained that it is due to tourism activities. Economic Aspects: (1)
Competitiveness against other regions (2) Number of tourist visits (3) Increasing
employment opportunities, (4) Contribution of tourism to per capita income, (5)
price stability and (6) contribution of revenue from the tourism sector against
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