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Understanding Groundwater


The Water Cycle

Water in the Ground
Aquifers and Aquitards
How Groundwater Flows
Recharge Areas
Rate of Groundwater Recharge (Age of Water)
Other Sources of Information

All Ontarians can play a role in protecting groundwater quality and quantity. This Factsheet is the
first of four in a series that will help Ontario's farmers and rural residents learn more about
groundwater - what conditions affect its presence, movement and quality, how to protect this largely
invisible resource subsurface, and why some subsurface materials are a better source of water than
Other Factsheets in this series include:

Managing the Quantity of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-113)

Protecting the Quality of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115)
Private Rural Water Supplies (Order No. 06-117)

A reliable supply of clean water is essential to the health of Ontarians and to the health of rural
businesses - especially farming businesses. In Ontario, most rural homes and businesses, and 23%
of the broader population, depend on groundwater for their water supply. In some areas,
groundwater may be the only source of water.
Water is always on the move. This Factsheet explains where groundwater comes from, how it is
replenished, how it moves in the subsurface and why some subsurface materials are a better source
of water than others. Groundwater terms and concepts such as "aquifer," "aquitard," "porosity,"
"formations," and "permeability" are explained. Subsequent Factsheets explore how each of these
can affect the integrity of well water and provide tips to minimize the risk of contamination.

The Water Cycle

Water is continually moving from one location to another and even changes from one form to
another - from vapour to liquid, from liquid to solid and then back to liquid or vapour. Water's
endless journey takes a series of pathways called the hydrologic cycle, also called the water cycle
(see Figure 1). Rain (or melting snow) at the surface can take several paths. It can run off over
land into surface water bodies such as streams or lakes. It can seep (infiltrate) into the ground to
be used directly by plants or to recharge groundwater. It can evaporate from the ground or surface
water bodies, or be released by plants (transpiration) to return to the atmosphere in a process
called evapotranspiration. The cycle is complete when water in the atmosphere returns to the land
as rain or snow.
Groundwater is water that seeps into the ground and passes through subsurface materials such as
bedrock and sediments. Eventually it reaches a spring, stream, lake or wetland, where it discharges
to the surface, becoming surface water.

Water in the Ground

Groundwater is found in and moves through subsurface materials. Near the surface, there are
different types of bedrock, such as granite, shale, sandstone and limestone. In many areas, the
bedrock is covered with deposits of sediments, including clay, silt, sand or gravel. A layer of bedrock
or sediment that consists primarily of a certain type (or combination of types) of geological material
is called a "formation."
Formations contain pores or small openings. The percentage of the total volume of pore space in
rock or sediment is called its "porosity." The greater the porosity, the greater the amount of water
that can be held by a formation. For example, sand and gravel formations can have a porosity
percentage as high as 25%-50%, while some dense, solid bedrock may be less than 0.1%.
Different formations have different degrees of porosity. The greater the porosity, the greater the
amount of water the formation can contain.

Figure 1.

The water cycle.

The rate that water can move through a formation (slow to rapid) depends on its porosity and,
more importantly, on how well the pores are connected. For instance, water moves quickly through
formations with many large connected pores, such as gravel or highly fractured bedrock. Water
moves slowly through formations with small, poorly connected pores such as clay. Formations that
allow water to flow easily and quickly, such as sand and gravel deposits or sandstone, are called
highly permeable. By contrast, clay, silt and solid granite formations are much less permeable
(see Figure 2).
Near the ground surface, pores usually contain a mixture of air and water - in water terms, they
are considered unsaturated. At greater depths, the pores will become full of water or continuously

saturated. The water table is defined as the level in the ground above which pores are unsaturated,
and below which pores are saturated.
Over time, the water table moves up and down with seasonal changes in rainfall, evapotranspiration
and pumping of wells. All wells draw their water from below the water table.

Figure 2. Water moves and is contained at different rates through various geological materials.

Pumping a well changes the amount and direction of movement of groundwater within the
subsurface. This concept is explored in more detail in the OMAFRA Factsheet Managing the
Quantity of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-113).

Aquifers and Aquitards

An aquifer is a permeable, saturated formation that will yield useful amounts of water when
pumped. The most productive aquifers, such as sands and gravels, are typically thick and large in
area and are replenished or recharged by infiltrating rainwater. Other formations, called aquitards
(or confining layers), are made up of materials with low permeability, such as layers of clay and
shale, which prevent any significant movement of water.
Contrary to popular belief, groundwater does not flow in underground rivers.
There are three main types of aquifers:

Unconfined aquifers (or water table aquifers) are ones where the top of the aquifer is also

the water table.

Confined aquifers occur where the permeable formation is located below an aquitard or

confined between two aquitards.

A semi-confined aquifer or "leaky" aquifer is similar to a confined aquifer, except that the

aquitards next to it are more permeable and let significant amounts of water move through
to the aquifer.
Unconfined aquifers are often the shallowest and most easily accessed, whereas confined and semiconfined aquifers are often found at greater depths. The greater the depth and amount of material
overlying a semi-confined or confined aquifer, the less prone it, and the groundwater it contains, is
to contamination. The importance of this is discussed in the OMAFRA Factsheet Protecting the
Quality of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115).
Figure 3 illustrates examples of different aquifers. For unconfined aquifers, the water table is also
the top of the aquifer. A confined aquifer occurs where the permeable formation is located below
an aquitard or confined between two aquitards as shown. A semi-confined or leaky aquifer (not
shown) is the same as a confined aquifer, except that one of the aquitards is more permeable and
lets significant amounts of water move through it into the aquifer.

How Groundwater Flows

Water infiltrates below ground and recharges groundwater most readily in areas where permeable
deposits are found at the ground surface. Once in the aquifer, the permeability, porosity and other
factors will determine how fast the groundwater moves.

Figure 3. Subsurface view of various aquifers.

Groundwater can flow a few centimetres to a few metres a day in sand or gravel aquifers, and even
tens of metres a day (fast) or more in some highly fractured bedrock aquifers. In some aquitards,
the water may move less than a few millimetres in a day (slow).
In general, groundwater moves from areas of recharge toward areas of discharge such as springs,
streams, lakes or wetlands, etc. Water infiltrating or recharging in the hills or uplands of a river
valley travels down to the water table aquifer, then moves horizontally through the various
formations until it reaches the river, where it will discharge up through the riverbed (see Figure
The exact path that the water flows along can be complex, but most of the water will take the path
of least resistance, flowing through the most permeable formations. Some recharged water can also
flow downward through unconfined aquifers to recharge deeper confined aquifers. Eventually it
flows to discharge locations as far as several kilometres away.

Recharge Areas

Recharge areas infiltrate a significant amount of water into the subsurface. Sometimes these areas
are concentrated, covering a small part of the total land area. For instance, where there are large
sand and gravel deposits, 20% of the land area infiltrates 80% of groundwater. In other places with
flat landscape or low-permeability soils, a small amount of infiltration may take place over a large

Figure 4. Groundwater flows downwards and away from recharge areas to deeper aquifers and to surface water
discharge areas.

Rate of Groundwater Recharge (Age of Water)

The age of water refers to how long it takes for water to move from the ground surface to a particular
point below the ground. Scientists use several methods to find out which way groundwater is
moving, how fast it is moving and its age.
With shallower wells in permeable unconfined aquifers, the age of water may be measured in only
weeks or months. By comparison, the age of water in water wells constructed in confined aquifers
is measured in years - sometimes hundreds of years.
The importance of water's age in protecting individual water wells is explained in more detail in the
OMAFRA Factsheet, Private Rural Water Supplies (Order No. 06-117).

Other Sources of Information

OMAFRA. Best Management Practices: Water Wells, Order No. BMP 12.
Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Well Aware - A Well Owner's Guide (videotape).
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink:
An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well, BMP 12K.

Private Rural Water Supplies


Types of Wells
Small-Diameter Wells
Large-Diameter Wells
Highly Vulnerable Water Supplies
Unused Wells
Other Sources of Information

This is the fourth of four Factsheets in a series that will assist Ontario's farmers and other rural
residents to learn about groundwater; this one focuses on the different types of private rural water
wells that may be found on a rural property or farm.
Other Factsheets in this series include:

Understanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111)

Managing the Quantity of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-113)
Protecting the Quality of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115)

Groundwater is a precious resource for rural families and businesses. In some situations, it may be
the only water source. Understanding the type of well water supply and the factors and conditions
that affect it can help well owners protect and conserve groundwater.
Besides drawing water, one of the key functions of a well is to keep contaminants and surface water
out. Proper well construction ensures that surface water cannot directly enter your well and will
instead infiltrate and pass downward through the soil before it can enter your well (see Figure 1).
A secure lid prevents direct entry of surface water, dust, debris and vermin. Mounded-up soil around
the wellhead directs water away from the well casing, and the watertight grout in the space around
the well casing prevents surface water from easily moving down along the side of the well casing
and into the groundwater.
Surface water can sometimes be contaminated, and the soil will help to filter and clean infiltrating
water. This is explained in more detail in an information kit from the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care, Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink: An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your
Well (Order No. BMP 12K).

Types of Wells
It is important for well owners to know or find out what kind of well they have, including how it was
built and its basic operation. This information is summarized in a water well record that was created
when the well was built. Contact the Ministry of the Environment at 1-888-396-9355 to obtain a
copy of the water well record that was filed when the well was constructed. If the water well record
is not available, there are other ways to determine the type of well. Important information for
identifying well type is summarized in Table 1.
Note: Sometimes wells exist, but no casing is visible. In the past, drilled and sand-point wells were
sometimes buried or constructed in pits. Also, drilled wells were sometimes constructed in the
bottom of large-diameter wells acting as pits.

Table 1. Visual characteristics of different well types

Small-diameter: 10
Well type: Drilled well (most locations)
small-diameter: 2.5
Well type: Sand-point well (if located in a shallow, sandy area). Note: Natural gas wells use similartype casing.
Large-diameter: 60
Well type: Indicates a large-diameter well, often called a bored or dug well.

Figure 1. A properly constructed dug or bored well keeps surface water and contaminants from directly accessing the

Small-Diameter Wells
Drilled Wells
A drilled well consists of a small-diameter casing ranging in size from 10-20 cm (4-8 in.). Drilled
wells can obtain water from both overburden and bedrock aquifers. Overburden wells include those
constructed into overburden aquifers (the geological materials above bedrock), composed typically
of sands and gravels, but may also be constructed in silts and clays.
Most water wells are constructed with a well screen that allows groundwater to enter a well while
keeping sand and materials out. A properly constructed, screened overburden well is shown
in Figure 2, next page. Well screen openings are sized carefully to allow sediment-free water to
flow efficiently into the well and improve the connection between the well and aquifer. Wells are
"developed" during construction by the contractor to ensure that water is sediment-free. The
contractor will pump the well for an extended period and agitate water (also called surging) in the
well, to remove fine-grained sediments from the area of the aquifer close to the screen.
An unscreened, poorly screened or poorly developed well is usually less efficient to operate and
more difficult to maintain than a screened well, because sediment can enter the well. Sediment can

plug the well, increase the frequency of well maintenance or replacement, reduce pump life because
of greater use and abrasion, damage the pump and generally increase pumping costs.
Aquifers are permeable formations, composed of geological materials that will yield useful amounts
of water when pumped for water supplies. Aquitards (or confining layers) are made up of materials
with low permeability, such as layers of clay and shale, that prevent any significant movement of
water. The significance of aquifers and aquitards is explained further in the first Factsheet of this
series,Understanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111).
Bedrock wells are drilled down through the overburden and into the bedrock. The portion of the
casing that extends from the ground surface to the top of the bedrock is often cemented at the
bottom to ensure a good seal and avoid leakage of water from the overburden into the well. A well
screen is usually not used where bedrock is sound but may be installed to stabilize the drill hole if
the rock is highly fractured or unstable and likely to cave in. Drilled bedrock wells, like drilled
overburden wells, are developed during construction to ensure sediment-free water.

Figure 2. A properly constructed, drilled overburden well.

A properly constructed and maintained drilled well should prevent the entry of any foreign substance
into the well casing that might impair water quality. When a well is drilled, an annular space is
created into which the well casing will be placed. The annular space should be sealed with a suitable
grout, bentonite or equivalent commercial or clay slurry. The casing should be watertight and made

from approved materials, and the joints should be welded or properly sealed. This watertight
method of construction, along with the best management practices shown in Figure 2, make drilled
wells the least vulnerable to contamination.


3. Construction




Existing drilled wells that do not meet the specifications in Figure 2 can be upgraded in many ways.
Here are some examples.
Extend the well casing above finished ground surface by at least 40 cm (16 in.). Where a
drilled well is located in a well pit, the well pit casing (e.g., concrete tile) should be
removed, the casing extended above the ground surface and the excavation properly

backfilled and sealed.

Using soil, mound the surface of the ground around the well casing to direct surface water

away from the well.

Cover the top of the casing with a commercially manufactured, vermin-proof well cap.

A checklist including these and other best management practices is provided in a kit along with the
Water Wells Best Management Practices book, Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink: An
Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well (BMP 12K).
Sand-Point Wells
Sand-point or driven-point wells consist of a small-diameter casing ranging in size from 2.5-5 cm
(1-2 in.). Sand-point wells are constructed in sand and gravel aquifers and are either driven or
jetted (inserted using high-pressure water) into the ground. Sand-point wells are usually only
installed where the aquifer has a shallow water table and contains few or no stones.


Figure 3 shows the construction of a typical sand-point well. Because of the type of construction
(driven or jetted into place) and the type of aquifer (unconfined, shallow, sand or gravel), sandpoint wells are considered highly vulnerable to contamination. Contaminants on the ground surface
have only a short distance to travel before reaching the water table and the well inlet.

Large-Diameter Wells
Large-diameter wells are typically constructed with prefabricated concrete tile or corrugated
galvanized steel pipe ranging in diameter from 60-120 cm (24-48 in.). Older wells may be
constructed of brick, stone or even wood cribbing and are very susceptible to undesirable surfacewater seepage through the portion of the casing located above the water table.
Dug wells, which were often hand-dug in the past, are now constructed primarily with excavation
equipment. They are usually no more than 9 m (30 ft) deep. Bored wells are constructed with the
use of a boring machine. The average depth of bored wells is 15 m (50 ft), but some are 30 m (100
ft) deep. An example of a properly constructed large-diameter well is shown in cross-section
in Figure 4.
Existing large-diameter wells can now be made of metal or approved plastic casing, where the joints
are made watertight by welding or sealing with a waterproof material. Large-diameter wells in
general are more vulnerable to contamination than drilled wells. This is because of potential leaks
in the casing joints and the difficulty of grouting the well's annular space properly. All large-diameter
wells should be capped with a safe cover to prevent unwanted access by water, vermin or other
contaminants to the well's interior.
Shallow large-diameter wells - extremely shallow wells (less than 3 m or 10 ft deep) in particular may also experience the added problem of low water levels during extended periods of low
precipitation. The result may be a reduction in the amount of water that a well can provide, or the
well may go dry. More information about managing private wells during times of low precipitation
is presented in the OMAFRA Factsheets Managing the Quantity of Groundwater
Supplies (Order No. 06-113) and Private Water Well Owners - Dealing with Water
Shortages (Order No. 99-025).


Figure 4. A properly constructed large-diameter well.

Highly Vulnerable Water Supplies

The risk of water quality problems with groundwater supplies is directly related to the type of well,
its state of repair, its depth and how close it is to potential sources of contamination. This is the
general rule: the deeper the well, the longer it will take for surface water to enter the well, which
lessens the risk of contamination. The risk of contamination also decreases as the distance between
the well and potential contamination sources increases.
Water supplies can be highly vulnerable to contamination due to a number of factors, including:

inadequate depth of soil protecting the aquifer

direct and rapid movement of surface water into the well casing and aquifer
a shallow groundwater source easily influenced by surface activities or water

a well that is located in a low area subject to ponding and/or flooding, or near or downslope
of a potential contaminant source(s)
More information about groundwater vulnerability is presented in the
Factsheet Protecting the Quality of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115) and Keeping
Your Well Water Safe to Drink: An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well (BMP 12K).
Highly vulnerable water supplies include:

extremely shallow- or large-diameter wells, i.e., less than 3 m (10 ft) below ground

below-grade wells, including well pits, that are constructed where the top of the well
casing is below ground level, such as:

buried wells (including those constructed beneath a structure)

well pits (drilled wells constructed in excavations below the frost line),

drilled wells in well pits that are below grade and subject to flooding
drilled wells constructed in old large-diameter wells

cisterns (reservoirs used to collect and store water)

springs and spring boxes constructed around a spring to collect water for more efficient
pumping - spring water is highly vulnerable to contamination from natural and human
sources where it flows close to the ground surface

surface-water trench systems, also known as "shore wells"

Highly vulnerable water supplies should be used only where attempts to develop an alternative
water supply have not been successful. They should be located as far as possible from any potential
source of contamination. If the water supply is highly vulnerable, do not use it before having it
tested and treated. Testing and treatment options are discussed in Keeping Your Well Water Safe
to Drink: An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well (Order No. BMP 12K).

Unused Wells
Unused or improperly abandoned wells are a significant potential source of contamination.
Abandoned wells should be properly decommissioned (plugged and sealed) to protect the aquifer
from the direct entry of surface water and contaminants. Decommissioning also prevents the
movement of water and contaminants between aquifers, or between an aquifer and the ground
surface, and eliminates a safety hazard to humans and animals.


In Ontario, unused or improperly abandoned wells must either be upgraded to meet regulatory
requirements or be properly decommissioned.

Other Sources of Information

OMAFRA Factsheet. Private Well Owners - Dealing with Water Shortage, Order No.

OMAFRA. Best Management Practices: Water Wells, BMP 12.

Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Well Aware - A Well Owner's Guide (videotape).
Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink:
An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well, BMP 12K

Managing the Quantity of Groundwater Supplies


Groundwater Supplies
Effect of Pumping a Supply Well
Managing Your Groundwater Resource and Well
Other Sources of Information

This is the second of four Factsheets that will help Ontario's farmers and rural residents learn more
about groundwater - the availability of groundwater for rural use, the effect of pumping on aquifers
and how to manage the use of, and impact on, groundwater.
Other Factsheets in this series include:

Understanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111)

Protecting the Quality of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115)
Private Rural Water Supplies (Order No. 06-117)

Groundwater is a valuable resource for rural families and businesses - in some situations it may be
the only water source. When living in a rural area, it is important to understand what can be done
to conserve water usage and ensure its future abundance.

Groundwater Supplies
A water supply well is a hole that is drilled, dug or bored into the ground or underlying bedrock
from which groundwater can be drawn. Groundwater can also be tapped where it naturally flows to
the surface in the form of springs. Both springs and wells have been known to dry up on occasion.
A lack of groundwater affects not only well supplies, but also the lakes, rivers and wetlands that
depend on the groundwater.
Aquifers are permeable formations that will yield useful amounts of water when pumped for water
supplies. The amount of groundwater that can be pumped from an aquifer over time depends on
an aquifer's size (storage capacity) and geological composition (ability to transmit water), as well
as its water balance.


A water balance accounts for the water entering an aquifer through recharge and underground flow,
the amount that leaves the aquifer through pumping or underground flow, and the amount that
remains in the aquifer. For most untapped aquifers, the amount of water entering the aquifer
(recharge) during an average year nearly balances or equals the amount leaving (discharge). As a
result, the amount of water stored in the aquifer does not change much - it will increase slightly in
rainy years and decrease slightly in drier years.
Aquifers are permeable formations that will yield useful amounts of water when pumped for water
supplies. Aquitards are materials that prevent the significant flow of water. Water can move
extremely slowly through aquitards. Aquifers and aquitards are discussed in more detail in OMAFRA
FactsheetUnderstanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111)
Groundwater is just one part of the global water cycle. Precipitation that seeps into the ground
becomes groundwater that will then move underground toward a lake, stream or ocean where it
discharges to become part of the surface water. The water then completes the cycle by evaporating
into the atmosphere to become precipitation again.
Although many aspects of the water balance and water cycle, such as rainfall, are beyond human
control, well owners can affect the water balance in an aquifer by the way in which the well is
pumped. In some cases, an aquifer can be over-pumped to the point that it can no longer produce
water. This is a particular problem where aquifers are small or are pumped excessively or too

Figure 1. An unconfined aquifer before pumping.

Effect of Pumping a Supply Well

In an unpumped aquifer, water infiltrating the subsurface seeps down to the water table and then
flows horizontally towards a discharge area (see Figure 1). An unconfined aquifer is one where the
top of the aquifer is also the water table. When a well is pumped in an unconfined aquifer, water is
removed from the aquifer, and the water table in the aquifer is lowered. This lowering or drawdown
of the water table is greatest close to the well and gets smaller in all directions as the distance from


the well increases (see Figure 2). This pattern of drawdown in the aquifer is referred to as the cone
of depression. The size and shape of the cone of depression will grow and shrink as the rate and
duration of well pumping change.
Pumping, and the cone of depression (drawdown cone) it creates, causes water that would normally
flow past a well on its trip through the aquifer to the stream (as part of the water cycle) to be
captured by the pumping well and brought aboveground for use. Water recharged to the left of the
"divide" will flow towards the well, and water recharged to the right of the "divide" will flow towards
the stream. The groundwater removed from the aquifer may eventually be replaced by rain and
snowmelt that seep into the ground and aquifer. However, the amounts may not exactly balance or
recharge at the same time as our withdrawals, and the amount of water stored in the aquifer will
The pumping well does not capture water from the stream (Figure 2), but if the well is pumped at
a high enough rate or pumped long enough, the flow divide will move towards the stream, and
some water from the stream will be drawn into the aquifer and eventually pumped out of the well.
Some wells near streams or rivers may get the majority of their water from surface water in this
way and may potentially reduce the amount of water flowing in the stream.

Figure 2. An unconfined aquifer showing the water table during pumping.

Managing Your Groundwater Resource and Well

There are three main causes of running low on water.
1. There is not enough volume of water (or a sufficiently high water table) in the aquifer
to supply the needs of rural homes, businesses or farms.
2. The water is pumped at a rate faster than the water can move through the aquifer to
get to the well.
3. The well is not constructed to pump as much water as is needed.


When considering a significant increase in water use, it is important to know in advance if the well
and the aquifer it taps, can supply the amount of water needed. The first step is to measure (if you
have a water meter) or estimate the current and projected water usage. Next, contact a licensed
well professional or professional geoscientist (hydrogeologist) to determine if the well and aquifer
can meet the increased demand, and if the well has the proper pump size. Professionals can also
help determine the well yield, which is the maximum rate that you can pump a well and still have
the water level in the well remain above the pump intake.
If a well pumps more than 50,000 L of water per day, a Permit to Take Water is required. More
information on the Permit to Take Water program is available on the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment website.
To ensure an ongoing supply of groundwater, consider the following actions:

Reduce water use by using water efficiently.

Reduce the size of the pump to reduce the drawdown during pumping.
Modify the system by installing a larger pressure tank; this may be especially important

if the well has a limited depth of water inside the casing during pumping (limited available
drawdown), or if the aquifer is shallow or not very productive.
Water levels in the aquifer can drop to the point that water can no longer be pumped. This drop can
occur when the demand (pumping) is greater than the supply, or when extended dry periods
happen.Figure 2, above, illustrates a deep well that has been pumped to the point of lowering the
water level in a shallow well.
In some cases, it may be necessary to try to find a larger and more productive supply (such as a
deeper aquifer) that can be tapped for personal water supply needs. If this is the case, consider
tapping into an aquifer that has a lower vulnerability to contamination. The importance of aquifer
vulnerability is discussed in more detail in OMAFRA Factsheet, Protecting the Quality of
Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-115).

Other Sources of Information

OMAFRA. Best Management Practices: Water Wells, Order No. BMP 12

Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Well Aware - A Well Owner's Guide (videotape)

Protecting the Quality of Groundwater Supplies


Well Capture Zones

Threats to Groundwater Quality
Protecting the Rural Groundwater Resource
Taking Action Now
Other Sources of Information

This is the third of four Factsheets for Ontario's farmers and other rural residents to learn more
about groundwater - natural groundwater quality, common threats to rural groundwater quality and
ways to protect groundwater quality.
Other Factsheets in this series include:

Understanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111)

Managing the Quantity of Groundwater Supplies (Order No. 06-113)
Private Rural Water Supplies (Order No. 06-117)


Groundwater is a precious resource for rural families and businesses. In some situations, it may be
the only water source. When living in a rural area, it is important to understand what steps can be
taken to help protect the integrity of groundwater supplies.
All natural waters such as rain, surface water and groundwater contain some small amount of
dissolved materials. As groundwater seeps into the soil and travels through a geological formation,
it may dissolve minerals. The amount and type of dissolved materials contained in groundwater will
depend on the type of minerals present in the formation, how long the water is in contact with those
minerals and what other materials were already dissolved in the water before it came in contact
with those minerals.
A formation is a layer of underground bedrock or sediment that consists of one or a combination of
types of geological materials (e.g., sand, gravel, etc.). An aquifer is a saturated formation that can
yield useful amounts of water if pumped. Aquitards are low-permeability materials that hinder the
movement of water. Key groundwater terminology is discussed further in the OMAFRA
FactsheetUnderstanding Groundwater (Order No. 06-111).
Ontario's groundwater quality is generally good and suitable for use with little or no treatment.
Naturally occurring minerals may occasionally adversely affect the water's aesthetics - its
appearance, smell or taste - resulting in hardness, a rotten-egg smell or staining. In a small number
of locations, however, dissolved minerals or natural substances (e.g., arsenic, salt or oil deposits)
may make the water unsafe to drink. One of the main benefits of drinking groundwater is that it is
much less vulnerable to microbiological contamination or pathogens than surface water supplies.

Well Capture Zones

The area of the aquifer from which a well draws water is called the well's capture zone. In other
words, groundwater found in the capture zone will eventually be "captured" and pumped out of the
ground at the well. Small domestic wells may have very small capture zones. Large municipal wells
usually have large capture zones - greater than one square kilometre in size; this, however, may
only affect a small part of the entire aquifer.
A capture zone is an area of land that provides water for a well. Groundwater found in the capture
zone will eventually be captured and pumped out of the ground at the well.
Capture zones can change in size and shape in response to changes in pumping rate or recharge to
the aquifer. Scientists can use information about a well's construction, well pumping rate, water
table elevations, drawdown cones and formations at the well owner's site to determine specific

Threats to Groundwater Quality

In a rural setting, there are potential contaminant sources associated with human activity that may
affect groundwater quality. These can be point sources where potential contaminants are
concentrated or stored in one spot, such as a fuel storage tank. There are also non-point sources
where potential contaminants are spread over a wider area, such as applied nutrients or pesticides
on agricultural fields. Types and potential sources of contaminants commonly found in rural areas
are presented in Table 1, below.


To help assure a clean source of groundwater, it is important to know where aquifers are located
so that steps can be taken to protect them - especially those areas that are within the capture zones
of drinking water wells.

Table 1. Potential pathways and sources for materials found commonly in rural areas that can
contaminate groundwater.

Material: Pathogens
Potential Sources/Pathways:

Septic systems
Surface application of manure and municipal biosolids
Municipal sewers
Storage of manure and human wastes
Poor well seals or construction

Material: Nitrate
Potential Sources/Pathways:

Lawn fertilizers
Septic systems
Surface application of fertilizers, manure and municipal biosolids
Plowdown legume crops

Material: Pesticides
Potential Sources/Pathways:
Application to fields

Leakage from bulk storage

Material: Solvents
Potential Sources/Pathways:

Leakage from workshops and bulk storage

Discharge of hazardous household or farm wastes to septic systems or onto the ground
Some septic system cleaners
Discharge from dumps and landfills

Material: Fuels
Potential Sources/Pathways:
Leakage from vehicles, workshops and bulk storage

Leaks from underground storage tanks (USTs) and piping

Accidental discharge to septic systems

Material: Salt
Potential Sources/Pathways:
Surface application of winter de-icing and dust suppression chemicals

Naturally occurring formations


The vulnerability of groundwater is generally related to how rapidly water

infiltrates to an aquifer.
Figure 1.

Protecting the Rural Groundwater Resource

The vulnerability of groundwater to contamination varies across the landscape. The vulnerability of
each aquifer is unique, and determining factors include the type of formation, its depth and whether
or not it is protected by a low-permeability aquitard (made of dense materials such as clay).
The effect of different types of formations on groundwater vulnerability is shown in Figure 1. As
the depth of a protective aquitard increases, the time it takes for water and any contaminants to
move underground increases too. The longer it takes for water to infiltrate, the greater the degree
of purification through prolonged contact with soils. For instance, a shallow, unconfined aquifer is
usually more vulnerable to potential contamination sources than a deep, confined aquifer. Water
may have to pass through an aquitard to reach a deep, confined aquifer.
Best management practices on farm and rural properties can minimize the impact of potential point
and non-point contaminant sources. Proper construction and maintenance of a well will help to
prevent it from becoming a pathway for surface water and contaminants to reach the groundwater.
Similarly, if you decide to no longer use a well, it must be properly plugged and sealed. Landowners
have a legal responsibility for the condition of all wells on their property, under the authority of
Ontario Water Well Regulation. This regulation is available on the Ontario Ministry of the
Environment website.

Taking Action Now

There are many sources of information for private water well owners in Ontario.


The information kit entitled Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink: An Information Kit to Help You
Care for Your Well (Order No. BMP 12K), published by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care,
provides in-depth guidance on how to maintain private water supplies. It also shows how and when
to have water tested, and the acceptable levels of dissolved materials and indicator bacteria counts
in drinking water.
Information on different types of wells and the management of highly vulnerable water supplies is
provided in the OMAFRA Factsheet Private Rural Water Supplies (Order No. 06-117).

Figure 2. Fuel tanks can be placed in a dike to provide secondary containment in case of a spill.

Improperly stored or applied pesticides and other chemicals pose risks to water quality. The
OMAFRA Factsheet Pesticide Contamination of Farm Water Supplies: Recommendations on
Avoidance, Cleanup and Responsibilities (Order No. 00-099) is a useful guide to help avoid or deal
with spills of pesticides or other chemicals, on the farm or other rural properties.

Other Sources of Information

OMAFRA. Best Management Practices: Water Wells, Order No. BMP 12

OMAFRA Factsheet. Pesticide Contamination of Farm Water Supplies: Recommendations
on Avoidance, Cleanup and Responsibilities, Order No. 00-099
Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Well Aware - A Well Owner's Guide (videotape)
Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Ontario Water Well Regulation


Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Keeping Your Well Water Safe to Drink:
An Information Kit to Help You Care for Your Well, BMP 12K

Assessing the Potential for

Contamination on Your Farm



Ground Water Contamination
Factors Affecting the Movement of Contaminants to the Ground Water
Assessing the Potential for Ground Water Contamination
Nutrient Management Act (NMA), 2002
Measures to Counteract a High Potential for Ground Water Contamination

Good water quality is a high priority for all rural residents. Since drinking water is usually obtained
from ground water sources, every effort should be made to protect these ground water sources
from contamination. Potential contaminants from agriculture such as pesticides, milking centre
washwater, manure and silage leachate can pose a threat to ground water quality if not properly

Figure 1. All rural residents want a safe drinking water supply.

Reducing the risk of contamination from your property takes careful planning. A first step in planning
is knowing what you've got and what risk it poses. The potential for ground water contamination
once a contaminant enters the soil varies from farm to farm and depends on many factors.
This Factsheet discusses the key factors affecting contaminant movement towards the ground water
as well as provides a simple risk assessment procedure so that you can more effectively plan
corrective actions and management practices.

Ground Water Contamination


The quality of ground water is degraded when water carries contaminants downward infiltrating
through the soil to the ground water without being adequately filtered or naturally treated. Once a
ground water aquifer is contaminated, all water wells drawing water from that aquifer are at risk of
being polluted. A contaminated water well can result in health problems and a costly cleanup

Factors Affecting the Movement of Contaminants to the Ground Water

The potential for ground water contamination and subsequent water well pollution depends on many
factors. The following three key factors are the focus of this Factsheet:
1. Soil texture
2. Depth to bedrock
3. Depth to ground water
1. Soil Texture
The texture of the soil is the most important determining factor in measuring the ease and speed
with which water and contaminants can move through the soil to ground water. Coarse textured
soils such as sands have large pore spaces between the soil particles, allowing water to quickly
percolate downward to the ground water. There is minimal time in which filtration and/or natural
treatment of the water can take place. Conversely, in fine textured soils such as clays, the
movement of water and contaminants through the soil is very slow. These fine textured soils act as
a natural filter, allowing bacteria and other soil organisms to break down contaminants before they
reach the ground water. Fine textured soils provide much better natural protection for ground water
than coarse grained soils.

Figure 2. Soil texture and associated permeability.

2. Depth to Bedrock
Open fractures in the bedrock allow a rapid movement of water and contaminants to the ground
water. If the depth of soil over the bedrock is shallow, there is little opportunity for the soil or soil
organisms to treat the water as it moves through this shallow layer of soil to the bedrock. Once the
water and contaminants reach the bedrock, movement to the ground water is often very swift.


3. Depth to Ground Water

The treatment of contaminated water primarily takes place in soil above the water table (the
unsaturated zone of soil). A high water table results in a short travel time for water and
contaminants to move through this unsaturated soil before reaching the ground water, therefore,
there is little opportunity for the treatment of water to occur. Water table depths can fluctuate
dramatically depending on the season of the year. The water table is usually the highest in the
spring or fall.

Assessing the Potential for Ground Water Contamination

On the farm, there are many potential sources of contaminants. They are usually classified as point
sources where potential contaminants are concentrated or stored in one spot (e.g., manure piles,
fuel storages, etc.) or non-point sources where the potential contaminants are spread out over a
greater area (e.g., pesticide or fertilizer applied to fields). Regardless of the source, some farms or
areas of farms may be much more susceptible to ground water contamination if contaminants enter
the ground. Table 1 is a simple approach to estimate the potential for ground water contamination.
Please note that this assessment method is only intended to be a guide to what might happen taking
into account the three factors previously discussed - soil texture, bedrock, and depth to ground
water. The primary consideration is the relative speed with which contaminants might move through
the soil. It is assumed that the soil profile is uniform and not layered.
Depth to Ground Water

4.6 -13.5 m
(16-45 ft)

Hydrologic Soil Group

(Soil Texture)

Less than 0.9 m

(3 ft)

0.9-4.5 m
(3-15 ft)

(within 0.9 m) (3 ft)


Rapid (Sand)

Moderate (Loam)

Slow (Clay Loam)

Very Slow (Clay)


Greater than 13.5 m

(45 ft)

Very Low are ratings of the potential for ground water to become contaminated if there
is a spill or leak of a contaminant.


To determine a site's potential for ground water contamination, find the texture of your soil in the
first column and move horizontally to the appropriate "Depth to Ground Water" column.
The following guidelines may be helpful in using Table 1:
1. If bedrock or ground water is within 0.9 m (3 ft) of the soil surface or the soil type is
muck/organic, the potential for ground water contamination will always be "high".
2. To determine the "hydrologic soil group" (soil texture) for the soil at the site either:

obtain the soil texture from soil maps, conduct a field evaluation, etc. and
select one of the four soil types listed (i.e., sand, loam, clay loam, clay)
that most closely matches the soil on your farm.

consult OMAFRA Publication 29, Drainage Guide for Ontario or the Ontario
Environmental Farm Plan "County Soil Summary Sheet" available through
the OMAFRA office or the Environmental Farm Plan program
representative (Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association) assigned
to your area.

3. The following methods may be used to determine ground water depth (water table):

digging a post hole in early spring often reveals the depth to the water
table where a high water table exists. The depth to the water level in a
dug well is a good indicator but do not use the static water levels in drilled
wells. Static water levels in drilled wells usually do not reflect the water
table location

if the water table cannot be found, use the 0.9 - 4.5 m (3-15 ft) "depth
to ground water".

To obtain a more accurate assessment of the potential for ground water contamination on your
farm, you should look for varying hydrogeological conditions such as changes in soil texture,
bedrock types and depth to ground water and carry out enough site inspections to account for these
variances. Further, always assess the farmstead area around the farm buildings separately from
the field areas.
The potential for contamination of a specific water well on your farm can be further assessed by
considering the separation distance from the potential contaminant source to the water well. The
greater the separation distance, the less chance that the contaminant will affect the well, either
through ground water flow or by surface flow. By locating in Table 2 your site's potential for ground
water contamination (from Table 1), the minimum recommended separation distances between
potential contaminant sources and water wells can be obtained.
In Table 2, potential contaminant sources may include point sources around the farmstead such as
manure storages, fuel storages, septic systems, pesticides storages, etc. or non-point sources like
manure or pesticide application on fields.

Nutrient Management Act (NMA), 2002


New and expanding facilities on farms in Ontario that are phased-in under the NMA, 2002, must
meet the minimum setback distance requirements of Regulation 267/03, as amended.
and Water Wells



Potential for Ground Water Contamination

(from Table 1)

Drilled Wells

Dug or Bored Wells

1 High

Greater than 90 m (300 ft)

Greater than 90 m (300 ft)

(76-300 ft)

(151-300 ft)

2 Moderate

(50-75 ft)

(100-150 ft)

3 Low

(50 ft)*

4 Very Low

(100 ft)*



1. Reproduced from the Ontario Environmental Farm Plan

*Indicates the minimum separation distance required between the type of water well and a potential
source of contamination to be consistent with water well construction regulations under the Ontario
Water Resources Act (Reg. 903).

Measures to Counteract a High Potential for Ground Water Contamination

A high or moderate ground water contamination potential is an indication of the speed that
contaminants could move downward to the water table if a spill or leak occurred. The result could
be a rapidly contaminated aquifer and a potentially polluted water well on your property and your
neighbours'. If this high risk exists on your property, special care should be taken not to have leaks
or spills of contaminants. Regular inspection, maintenance, and water testing of the water well
should be done. Containment of manure, livestock yard runoff, milking centre washwater, etc. is
necessary to reduce leaching down to ground water. As for field areas, manure and fertilizer must
be applied at the proper rate to meet the crop's requirements and at the proper time of year to
maximize the use of the nutrients, otherwise, valuable nutrients could infiltrate down to ground


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