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Circle Diagrams: Learning Objectives

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Learning Objectives
Circle Diagram of a Series
Rigorous Mathematical
Constant Resistance but
Variable Reactance
Properties of Constant
Reactance But Variable
Resistance Circuit
Simple Transmission Line



Combinations of R and C circuits


Electrical Technology

18.1. Circle Diagram of a Series Circuit

Circle diagrams are helpful in analysing the operating characteristics of circuits, which, under
some conditions, are used in representing transmission lines and a.c. machinery (like induction
motor etc.)
Consider a circuit having a constant reactance but variable resistance varying from zero to
infinity and supplied with a voltage of constant magnitude and frequency (Fig. 18.1).

Fig. 18.1

Fig. 18.2

If R = 0, then I = V/XL or V/XC and has maximum value . It will lag or lead the voltage by
90 depending on whether the reactance is inductive or capacitive. In Fig. 18.2, angle represents
the phase angle. If R is now increased from its zero value, then I and will both decrease. In the
limiting case, when R = , then I = 0 and = 0. It is found that the locus of end point of current
vector OA or OB represents a semi-circuit with diameter equal to V/X as shown in Fig. 18.2. It can
be proved thus :
I = V/Z and sin = X/Z or Z = X/sin I = V sin / X
For constant value of V and X, the above is the polar equation of a circle of diameter V/X.
This equation is plotted in Fig. 18.2. Here, OV is taken as reference vector. It is also seen that for
inductive circuit, the current semi-circle is on the right-hand side of reference vector OV so that
current vector OA lags by . The current semi-circle for R-C circuit is drawn on the left hand side
of OV so that current vector OB lends OV by . It is obvious that AM = I cos , hence AM
represents, on a suitable scale, the power consumed by the R-L circuit, Similarly, BN represents the
power consumed by the R-C circuit.

18.2. Rigorous Mathematical Treatment

We will again consider both R-L and RC circuits. The voltage drops across R and XL (or XC)
will be 90 out of phase with each other. Hence, for any given value of resistance, the vector
diagram for the two voltage drops (i.e. IR and IX) is a rightangled triangle having applied voltage
as the hypotenuse.

R.C. Circuits

Circle Diagrams

For a constant applied voltage and

reactance, the vector diagrams for different
values of R are represented by a series of rightangled triangles having common hypotenuse as
shown in Fig. 18.3. The locus of the apex of the
right-angled voltage triangles is a semicircle
described on the hypotenuse. The voltage semi
circle for R-L circuit (OAV) is on the right and
for R-C circuit (OBV) on the left of the reference
vector OV as shown in Fig. 18.3.
The foci of end points of current vectors are
also semi-circles as shown but their centres lie on
the opposite sides of and in an axis perpendicular
to the reference vector OV.
(ii) R-L Circuit [Fig. 18.1 (a)]
The co-ordinates of point A with respect to
the origin O are

Fig. 18.3

=V 2 =V 2
; x = I sin = L = V L2 = V 2 L 2
R + XL
R + XL
Squaring and adding, we get
y = I cos =




R2 X2L

From (i) above,



V2 (R2 X2L )


(R2 X2L )2

R2 X2L

R2 X2L



X L2


2X L



4X 2L

VX L / x

... (i)


This is the equation of a circle, the co-ordinates

of the centre of which are y = 0, x = V/2 XL and whose
radius is V/2XL.
(ii) R-C Circuit. In this case it can be similarly
proved that the locus of the end point of current
vector is a semi-circle. The equation of this circle is



30,000 ohm 5% resistor


The centre has co-ordinates of y = 0, x = V/2XC.

18.3. Constant Resistance But Variable Reactance

Fig. 18.4 shows two circuits having constant resistance but variable reactance XL or XC which
vary from zero to infinity. When XL = 0, current is maximum and equals V/R. For other values,
I = V / R 2 + X L2 . Current becomes zero when X L = . As seen from Fig. 18.5, the end point of
the current vector describes a semi-circle with radius OC = V/2/R and centre lying in the reference
sector i.e. voltage vector OV. For R-C circuit, the semi-circle lies to the left of OV.
As before, it may be proved that the equation of the circle shown in Fig. 18.5 is


Electrical Technology


4 R2

Fig. 18.4

Fig. 18.5

The co-ordinates of the centre are x = 0, y = V/2R and radius = V/2R.

As before, power developed would be maximum when current vector makes an angle of 45
with the voltage vector OV. In that case, current is I m / 2 and Pm = VI m / 2.

18.4. Properties of Constant Reactance But Variable Resistance Circuit

From the circle diagram of Fig. 18.3, it is seen
that circuits having a constant reactance but variable
resistance or vice-versa have the following
properties :
(i) the current has limiting value
(ii) the power supplied to the circuit has a
36000 ohm 1% resistor
limiting value also
(iii) the power factor corresponding to maximum power supply is 0.707 (= cos 45)
Obviously, the maximum current in the circuit is obtained when R = 0.

I m = V / X L = V / L

= V / XC = VC
Now, power P taken by the circuit is VI cos and if
V is constant, then P I cos . Hence, the ordinates of
current semi-circles are proportional to I cos . The
maximum ordinate possible in the semi-circle represents
the maximum power taken by the circuit. The maximum
ordinate passes through the centre of semi-circle so that
current vector makes an angle of 45 with both the
diameter and the voltage vector OV. Obviously, power
factor corresponding to maximum power intake is cos 45
= 0.707.
Maximum power,
Im 1
= VI m
Now, for R-L circuit, Im = V/XL

... for R-L circuit

... for R-C circuit

Pm = V AB = V

Fig. 18.6

Circle Diagrams



For R-C circuit Pm =


2 L
V 2 C
2 XC

As said above, at maximum power, = 45 , hence vector triangle for voltages is an isosceles
triangle which means that voltage drops across resistance and reactance are each equal to 0.707 of
supply voltage i.e. V / 2 . As current is the same, for maximum power, resistance equals reactance
i.e. R = XL (or XC).
Hence, the expression representing maximum power may be written as Pm = V2/2R.

18.5. Simple Transmission Line Circuit

In Fig. 18.7 (a) is shown a simple transmission circuit having negligible capacitance and
reactance. R and XL represent respectively the resistance and reactance of the line and RL represents
load resistance.
If R and XL are constant, then as RL is varied, the current AM follows the equation I = (V/X)
sin (Art. 18.1). The height AM in Fig. 18.7 (b) represents the power consumed by the circuit but,
in the present case, this power is consumed both in R and RL. The power absorbed by each
resistance can be represented on the circle diagram.
In Fig. 18.7 (b), OB represents the line current when RL = 0. The current OB =
V / ( R 2 X L ) and power factor is cos 1 . The ordinate BN then represents on a different scale
the power dissipated in R only. OA represents current when RL has some finite value i.e. OA =

V / (R + RL ) 2 + X L2 . The ordinate AM represents total power dissipated, out of which ME is

consumed in R and AE in RL.

Fig. 18.7

In fact, if OA2 RL (= AE) is considered to be the output of the circuit (the power transmitted
by the line), then
With R and XL constant, the maximum power that can be transmitted by such a circuit occurs
when the extremity of current vector OA coincides with the point of tangency to the circle of a
straight line drawn parallel to OB. Obviously, V times AE under these conditions represents the
maximum power and the power factor at that time is cos 2 .
Example 18.1. A circuit consists of a reactance of 5 in series with a variable resistance.
A constant voltage of 100 V is applied to the circuit. Show that the current locus is circular.
Determine (a) the maximum power input to the circuit (b) the corresponding current, p.f. and
value of the resistance.
(Electrical Science II, Allahabad Univ. 1992)


Electrical Technology
Solution. For the first part, please refer to Art. 18.1
(a) Im = V/X = 100/5 = 20 A ; Pm =


VIm =


100 20 = 1000 W

(b) At maximum power input, current is = OA (Fig. 18.6)

OA = I m / 2 = 20 / 2 = 14.14 A ; p.f. = cos 45 = 0.707 ; R = X = 5
Example 18.2. If a coil of unknown resistance and reactance is connected in series with a
100-V, 50-Hz supply, the current locus diagram is found to have a diameter of 5 A and when the
value of series resistor is 15 , the power dissipated is maximum. Calculate the reactance and
resistance of the coil and the value of the maximum power in the circuit and the maximum current.
Solution. Let the unknown resistance and reactance of the coil be R and X respectively
Diameter = V/X 5 = 100/X or X = 20
Power is maximum when total resistance = reactance
or 15 + R = 20

Maximum power Pm = V2/2X = 1002/2 20 = 250 W

Maximum current I m = 100 / (20 + 5 ) = 4.85 A
Example 18.3. A constant alternating sinusoidal voltage at constant frequency is applied across
a circuit consisting of an inductance and a variable resistance in series. Show that the locus diagram
of the current vector is a semi-circle when the resistance is varied between zero and infinity.
If the inductance has a value of 0.6 henry and the applied voltage is 100 V at 25 Hz, calculate
(a) the radius of the arc (in amperes) and (b) the value of variable resistance for which the power
taken from the mains is maximum and the power factor of the circuit at the value of this resistance.

Solution. X L = L = 0.6 2 25 = 94.26

(a) Radius = V/2 XL = 100/2 4.26 = 0.531 A
Example 18.4. A resistor of 10 is connected in series with an inductive reactor which is
variable between 2 and 20 . Obtain the locus of the current vector when the circuit is
connected to a 250-V supply. Determine the value of the current and the power factor when the
reactance is (i) 5 (ii) 10 (iii) 15 .
(Basic Electricity, Bombay Univ.)
Solution. As discussed in Art. 18.3, the end point of current vector describes a semi-circle
whose diameter (Fig. 18.8) equals V/R = 250/10 = 25 A and whose centre lies to right side of the
vertical voltage vector OV.

I max = 250 / 10 2 + 22 = 24 A; = tan 1 (2 / 10) = 113

. ;

I min = 250 / 102 + 202 = 11.2A; = tan 1 (20 /10) = 63.5

(i) 1 = tan1 (5/10) = 26.7, p.f. = cos 26.7 = 0.89
I = OA = 22.4 A
(ii) 2 = tan1 (10/10) = 45, p.f. = cos 45 = 1;
I = OB = 17.7 A
(iii) 3 = tan1 (15/10) = 56.3; p.f. = cos 56.3 = 0.55;
Fig. 18.8
I = OC = 13.9 A.
Example 18.5. A voltage of 100 sin 10,000 t is applied to a circuit consisting of a 1 F
capacitor in series with a resistance R. Determine the locus of the tip of the current phasor when
R is varied from 0 to . Take the applied voltage as the reference phasor.
(Network Theory and Design, AMIETE 1990)

Circle Diagrams


Solution. As seen from Art. 18.2 the locus of the tip of the current phasor is a circle whose
equation is

2X C

4X C2

We are given that V = Vm / 2 = 100 / 2 = 77.7 V

= 10,000 rad / s; XC = 1 / C = 1 / 10,000 1 10 6 = 100 C,

(V/2 XC)2 = (77.7/2 100)2 = 0.151, y2 + (x + 0.389)2 = 0.151
Example 18.6. Prove that polar locus of current drawn by a circuit of constant resistance and
variable capacitive reactance is circular when the supply voltage and frequency are constant.
If the constant resistance is 10 and the voltage is 100 V, draw the current locus and find the
values of the current and p.f. when the reactance is (i) 5.77 (ii) 10 and (iii) 17.32 . Explain
when the power will be maximum and find its value.
(Electromechanics, Allahabad Univ. 1992)
Solution. For the first part, please refer to Art. 18.3. The current semicircle will be drawn on
the vertical axis with a radius OM = V/2 R = 100/2 10 = 5 A as shown in Fig. 18.9 (b)
(i) 1 = tan1 (5.77/10) = 30 ; cos 1 = 0.866
(lead) ; current = OA = 8.66 A
(ii) 2 = tan1 (10/10) = 45 ; cos 2 = 0.707
(lead) current = OB = 7.07 A
(iii) 3 = tan1 (17.32/10) = 60 ; cos 3 = 0.5
(lead) current = OC = 5 A
Power would be maximum for point B when
= 45; Im = V/R = 100/10 = 10 A
Pm = V OB cos 45 = V Im cos 45 cos
45 =


VIm =


Fig. 18.9

100 10 = 500 W

Example 18.7. Prove that the polar locus of the current drawn by a circuit of constant
reactance and variable resistance is circular when the supply voltage and frequency are
If the reactance of such a circuit is 25 and the voltage 250, draw the said locus and
locate there on the point of maximum power and for this condition, find the power, current, power
factor and resistance.
Locate also the point at which the power factor is 0.225 and for this condition, find the
current, power and resistance.
(Basic Electricity, Bombay Univ.)
Solution. For the first part, please refer to Art. 18.3.
Radius of the current semi-circle is = V/2X = 250/2 25 = 5 A. As discussed in Art. 18.3,
point A [Fig. 18.10 (a)] corresponds to maximum power.

Now, I m = V / X = 250 / 25 = 10 A; Pm = 2 VI m = 2 250 10 = 1250 W

Current OA = Im/ 2 = 10/ 2 = 7.07 A ; p.f. = cos 45 = 0.707.
Under condition of maximum power, R = X = 25 .
Now, cos = 0.225 ;
= cos1 (0.225) = 77


Electrical Technology

In Fig. 18.10 (b), current vector

OA has been drawn at an angle of 77
with the vertical voltage vector OV.
By measurement, current
OA = 9.74 A
By calculate, OA, = Im cos
13 = 10 0.974 = 9.74 A
Power = VI cos = 250 9.74
0.225 = 548 W
Fig. 18.10
P = I2 R; R = P/I2 = 548/9.742 = 5.775 .
Example 18.8. A non-inductive resistance R, variable between 0 and 10 . , is connected in
series with a coil of resistance 3 . and reactance 4 . and the circuit supplied from a 240-V
a.c. supply. By means of a locus diagram, determine the current supplied to the circuit when R is
(a) zero (b) 5 . and (c) 10 . . By means of the symbolic method, calculate the value of the
current when R = 5 . .
Solution. The locus of the current vector is a semi-circle whose centre is (0, V/2X) and whose
radius is obviously equal to V/2X. Now, V/2 X = 240/2 4 = 30 A.
Hence, the semi-circle is drawn as shown in Fig. 18.11 (b).
(a) Total resistance = 3 . and X = 4 . tan 1 = 4/2 1 = 53 8
Hence, current vector OA is drawn making an angle of 538 with vector OV. Vector OA
measures 49 A.
(b) Total resistance = 3 + 5 = 8 .
Reactance = 4 . ; tan 2 = 4/8 = 0.5 2 = 2634
Current vector OB is drawn at an angle of 2634 with OV. It measure 27 A (approx.)

Fig. 18.11

(c) Total resistance = 3 + 10 = 13 .

Reactance = 4 . ; tan 3 = 4/13

3 = 176

Current vector OC is drawn at an angle of 176 with vector OA. It measures 17 A.

Symbolic Method
240 j 0
26.7 26.5
(5 3) j 4 8 j 4 8.96 26.5
Note. There is difference in the magnitudes of the currents and the angles as found by the two
different methods. It is so because one has been found exactly by mathematical calculations,
whereas the other has been measured from the graph.
Example 18.9. A circuit consisting of a 50- resistor in series with a variable reactor is
shouted by a 100- resistor. Draw the locus of the extremitty of the total current vector to scale
and determine the reactance and current corresponding to the minimum overall power factor, the
supply voltage being 100 V.
Solution. The parallel circuit is shown in Fig. 18.12 (a).

Circle Diagrams
The resistive branch draws a fixed
current I2 =100/100 = 1 A. The current I1
drawn by the reactive branch is maximum
when XL = 0 and its maximum value is =
100/50 = 2 A and is in phase with voltage.
In the locus diagram of Fig. 18.12 (b),
the diameter OA of the reactive current semicircle is = 2 A. OB is the value of I1 for some
finite value of XL. O O represents I2. Being
in phase with voltage, it is drawn in phase
with voltage vector OV. Obviously, O B
represents total circuit current, being the
vector sum of I1 and I2.


Fig. 18.12

The minimum power factor which corresponds to maximum phase difference between O B
and O V occurs when O B is tangential to the semi-circle. In that case, O B is perpendicular to
BC. It means that O BC is a right-angled triangle.

sin = BC / O C = 1 / (1 + 1) = 0.5; = 30
Minimum p.f. = cos 30 = 0.866 (lag)

Current corresponding to minimum p.f. is O B = O C cos = 2 0.866 = 1.732 A.

Now, OBC is an equilateral triangle, hence I1 = OB = 1 A. Considering reactive branch, Z
= 100/1 = 100 , X L = 100 2 50 2 = 88.6
Example 18.10. A coil of resistance 60 and inductance 0.4 H is connected in series with
a capacitor of 17.6 F across a variable frequency source which is maintained at a fixed potential
of 120 V. If the frequency is varied through a range of 40Hz to 80Hz, draw the complete current
locus and calculate the following :
(i) the resonance frequency, (ii) the current and power factor at 40 Hz and
(iii) the current and power factor at 80 Hz.
(Elect. Circuits, South Gujarat Univ.)
Solution. (i) f0 = 10 3 / 2 0.4 17.6 = 60 Hz.

Fig. 18.13

(ii) f = 40 Hz

X L = 2 40 0.4 = 100 ; XC = 10 6 / 2 40 17.6 = 226

X = 100 226 = 126 (capacitive);

I = 120 / 60 2 + (126) 2 = 0.86 A

p.f. = cos = R/Z = 60/139.5 = 0.43 (lead)


Electrical Technology
(iii) f = 80 Hz
XL = 100 2 = 200 ; XC = 226/2 = 113 ; X = 200 113 = 87 (inductive)

Z = R 2 + X 2 = 60 2 + 872 = 105.3
I = 120/105.3 = 1.14 A ; p.f. cos = 60/105.3 = 0.57 (lag)

Tutorial Problems No. 18.1

1. A circuit having a constant resistance of 60 and a variable inductance of 0 to 0.4 H is
connected across a 100-V, 50-Hz supply. Derive from first principles the locus of the extremity of the
current vector. Find (a) the power and (b) the inductance of the circuit when the power factor is 0.8.
[(a) 107 W (v) 0.143 H] (App. Elect. London Univ.)
2. A constant reactance of 10 is connected in series with a variable resistor and the applied
voltage is 100 V. What is (i) the maximum power dissipated and (ii) at what value of resistance does it
occur ?
[(a) 500 W (ii) 10 ] (City & Guilds London)
3. A variable capacitance and a resistance of 300 are connected in series across a 240-V; 50-Hz
supply. Draw the complex or locus of impedance and current as the capacitance changes from 5F to 30
F. From the diagram, find (a) the capacitance to give a current of 0.7 A and (b) the current when the
capacitance is 10 F.
[19.2 F, 0.55A] (London Univ.)
4. An a.c. circuit consists of a variable resistor in series with a coil, for which R = 20 and L = 0.1
H. Show that when this circuit is supplied at constant voltage and frequency and the resistance is varied
between zero and infinity, t he locus diagram of the current vector is a circular arc. Calculate when the
supply voltage is 100 V and the frequency 50 Hz (i) the radius (in amperes) of the arc (ii) the value of the
variable resistor in order that the power taken from the mains may be a maximum.
[(i) 1.592 A (ii) 11.4 ] (London Univ.)
5. A circuit consists of an inductive coil (L = 0.2 H, R = 20 ) in series with a variable resistor
(0 200 ). Draw to scale the locus of the current vector when the circuit is connected to 230-V, 50-Hz
supply mains and the resistor is varied between 0 and 200 . Determine (i) the value of the resistor which
will give maximum power in the circuit, (ii) the power when the resistor is 150 .
[(i) 42.8 (ii) 275 W] (London Univ.)
6. A 15 F capacitor, an inductive coil (L = 0.135 H, R = 50 ) and a variable resistor are in series
and connected to a 230-V, 50-Hz supply.
Draw to scale the vector locus of the current when the variable resistor is varied between 0 and
500 .
Calculate (i) the value of the variable resistor when the power is a maximum (ii) the power under
these conditions.
[(i) 120 (ii) 155.5 W] (London Univ.)
7. As a.c. circuit supplied at 100 V, 50-Hz consists of a variable resistor in series with a fixed 100 F
Show that the extremity of the current vector moves on a circle. Determine the maximum power
dissipated in the circuit the corresponding power factor and the value of the resistor.
[157 W ; 0.707 : 131.8 ]
8. A variable non-inductive resistor R of maximum value 10 is placed in series with a coil which
has a resistance of 3 and reactance of 4 . The arrangement is supplied from a 240-V a.c. supply.
Show that the locus of the extremity of the current vector is a semi-circle. From the locus diagram,
[26.7 A]
calculate the current supplied when R = 5 .
9. A 20- reactor is connected in parallel with a series circuit consisting of a reactor of reactance
10 and a variable resistance R. Prove that the extremity of the total current vector moves on a circle. If
the supply voltage is constant at 100 V (r.m.s.), what is the maximum power factor ? Determine also the
value of R when the p.f. has its maximum value.
[0.5 : 17.3 ]

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