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Mid-Atlantic Region Association for Asian Studies Board

Meeting Room 302A
New York Conference on Asian Studies, NYCAS

Executive Committee Room 301A
South Asia Summer Language Institute Review Session

Room 322B
Education About Asia Advisory Board Room 326B

SESSION 206. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 325B

Emotion, Nation, and the Formation of

Gendered Subjectivity: Studies from
Indonesia, Japan, China, and South Korea

From Iron Girls to Sentimental Mothers: Divorced Women

in Post-Socialist Chinese Womens Literature

Hui Faye Xiao, University of Kansas
Affective Selves: Romance, Gender, and Neoliberal Japan
Akiko Takeyama, University of Kansas

SESSION 204. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 305B

How is the DPJ Changing Japan? Women,

Denizens, and the Poor
Children First! (Women Second?): Gender Equality
and Child Care Policy under the DPJ Government
Old Debates in a New Political Climate: Gender and
Family Law in Japan
Ki-young Shin, Ochanomizu University
Citizenship Interrupted: The Debate on Foreigners
Suffrage in Japan
Naoto Higuchi, University of Tokushima
The Framing Process of the Anti-poverty Movement
in Japan
Nanako Inaba, Ibaraki University
Advocates without Members: A Transdisciplinary
Approach to the Dispatched Worker Law Reform,
from Social Movement to Political Party
David-Antoine Malinas, Tohoku University

Alisa Gaunder, Southwestern University

Maria Rosario Piquero-Ballescas, Toyo University

Emotional Discipline and the Reconstitution of the

Feminine Self in the Korean Evangelical Church

Friday 8:00 A.M.

Formal Sessions

Towards a Multicultural Society: Emerging Citizenship

among Filipinos in Japan

Benjamin San Jose, University of Tsukuba


Transformation of the Labor Market and Labor Export

Policies in China
Lixing Chen, Kwansei Gakuin University

Friday Morning
Special Events

Emotionscape: Space, Race, and the Face of Beauty in


Ayu Saraswati, University of Kansas

Jingyuan Zhang, Georgetown University

SESSION 207. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 302B

Material Culture, Performance, and National

Belonging in Japan and Japanese America
The Harvest Festival Parade at theTule Lake Relocation Center

Carol Lynne Horiuchi, University of California, Berkeley
Festival Art and Nationalism in Modern Japan
Sean H. McPherson, Wheaton College
Constructing Multiple Identities: A Cultural Typology of
Japanese Buddhist Architecture in Hawaii

Willa J. Tanabe, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Local and National Identity in Japanese City Festivals:
Tradition and Tourism in Asahikawas Natsu Matsuri
Geroge J. Tanabe, University of Hawaii, Manoa

SESSION 205. 8:00AM-10:00AM

SESSION 208. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 303A

Room 325A

Transnational Labor Migration and Regional

Governance in East Asia
Development of the Emigration Policy in India
Ayako Kondo, Consulate-General of Japan
Cross-Bordering Employment System in Asia: Focused on
the Employment Permit System (EPS) in Korea

Wonsuk Sun, Chuo University
Japans Immigration Control Policy: Foundation and Transition
Junichi Akashi, University of Tsukuba
Cross-Border Migration to Thailand: Issues, Responses,
and Challenges

Reiko Harima, Asian Migrant Centre

Resistant Imagination and Transgressive

Acts: Performance of the Asian Cultural
Nationalisms in a Transnational Experience
and Representation
Asian Lust and Pan-American Gaze: Sexual Economies
and Neocolonization in Asian/Interracial Pornography
(Mis)Placing Asia in Asia: Performing Transnational Asian
Localities in Philippine Cinematic and Televisual Experience
Pinoy Pop (P-Pop) Music: Transgressions and
Shared Vanities: Fantasy Production in Dubbed Southeast
Asian Television Advertisements




SESSION 209. 8:00AM-10:00AM

State Formation and Evolving Naval Strategies in the

Melaka Straits Region in the Mid-First to Mid-Second
Millennia CE

Derek Heng, Ohio State University

Room 303B

East Asias Capitalist Peace

Economic Growth - Regional Organisation - Political
Stability? The ASEAN Experience
Kevin Clements, University of Otago
Economic or Political Peace in East Asia? Testing
Capitalist and Democratic Peace Explanations
Benjamin E. Goldsmith, University of Sydney
Developmentalism Not Development: Why
Developmentalist Priorities Explain East Asian Peace
Better Than Development Itself

Timo Kivimaki, University of Copenhagen
Economic Growth and Integration in East Asia as PeaceBuilding Factors
Borje Ljunggren, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies

Gunsmoke: The Ming Invasion of Vietnam and the Dissemination of Firearms Technology in Fifteenth-Century Asia
Kenneth M. Swope, Ball State University
Architecture and Settlement Pattern Changes as a
Response to New Military Technology in the Deccan
Borderlands, ca. 1400-1600
Pushkar Sohoni, University of British Columbia
John E. Wills, University of Southern California

SESSION 210. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 304A

Indigenous Citizenship in Asia

SESSION 213. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 305A

Chaired by Kun-hui Ku, National Tsing Hua University

Indigenous People and the State: The Political and Cultural
Marginalization of the Local-Natives in Indonesia
Ju-Lan Thung, Research Center for Study
Indigenous Peoples in Malaysian Court: Between the
Letter of the Law, Courts Judgement, and Politics
The Politics of (Non)Recognition in Taiwan: Why Certain
Claims to Indigeneity Succeed While Others Fail?
Kun-hui Ku, National Tsing Hua University
Stiletto Heels and Chinggis Khans Boots: Paradoxes of
Indigenous Citizenship in Post-Soviet Siberia
Kathryn Graber, University of Michigan
Born Criminals to Born Actors: Indigenous Citizenship
and Political Society in Chharangar

P. Kerim Friedman, National Dong Hwa University
Rex Golub, University of Hawaii

Javas Evolving Military History in the Tenth to the

Early Sixteenth Centuries: Evidence of Contemporary
Iron Imports and Their Consequence as Documented in
Shipwrecks, Epigraphy, and Indigenous Literary Records

Kenneth R. Hall, Ball State University

SESSION 211. 8:00AM-10:00AM

State and Spectacle in Neoliberal Asia

Chaired by Tong Lam, University of Toronto

Spectacle and Suffering: The Holocaust Museum Paradigm

in Punjab

Kavita Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru University
Spectacles of Reconciliation: Reciprocity, Representation,
and Radical Equivalence in Postwar Ambon
Patricia Spyer, New York University
Cute Propaganda, Spectacular Hoardings in Neoliberal
Elizabeth Parke, University of Toronto
Chennai Beautiful: Shifting Urban Landscapes and the
Politics of Neoliberal Spectacle
Roos Gerritsen, Leiden University
Tong Lam, University of Toronto

Kajri Jain, University of Toronto

SESSION 214. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 313A

Room 301A

Roundtable: Transforming East Asia during

the Pivotal 1910s

Interactions between World War Two and

East Asian Cultures

Chaired by Evan Dawley, Reed College


Akira Iriye, Harvard University

Guoqi Xu, University of Hong Kong

Douglas Howland, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Young-ran Hur, University of Ulsan

SESSION 212. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 304B

New Military Technologies and Their Impact

in the Indian Ocean Realm, ca. 1000-1600

Chaired by John E. Wills, University of Southern


The Spirit of Imperial Empire and Militarism in Wartime

Primary Education: Content Analysis of National (Japanese)
Language Textbooks in Colonial Taiwan (1937-1942)
The Emergence of New Buddhism during the AntiJapanese War (1937-1945): The Practice of Humanistic
Buddhism in Modern China

Yu Xue, Chinese University of Hong Kong
The Loyal 47 Ronin Never Die: The Influence of
Chushingura on Japanese War Films

Shuk-ting Kinnia Yau, Chinese University of Hong Kong
A Song Grown out of War: The PRC National Anthem and

Siu-wah Yu, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wai-luk Lo, Hong Kong Baptist University


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 215. 8:00AM-10:00AM

SESSION 218. 8:00AM-10:00AM


Room 313B

Roundtable: Demystifying Journal

Publishing: Challenges of Editing,
Publishing, and Becoming Published
Chaired by Hyung-Gu Lynn, University of British

Trans Asia Cinema I


Jeffrey Wasserstrom, University of California, Irvine

Kevin John Hewison, University of North Carolina,

Chapel Hill

Joya Chatterji, University of Cambridge

Tani E. Barlow, Rice University

Jerry H. Bentley, University of Hawaii

Thomas P. Fenton, Critical Asian Studies

Wenyi in Early Chinese Cinema: 1900-1930

Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh, Hong Kong Baptist University


SESSION 216. 8:00AM-10:00AM


Asian Perceptions of Democracy and Human

Rights I
What Does the Demos in Asia Mean by Democracy?
Democracy Is a Gift from the Dalai Lama: An Inquiry
into the Role of the Fourteenth Dalai Lama, His Gift of
Democracy and Its Tibetan Recipients
Trine Brox, University of Copenhagen

Chaired by Emilie Yueh-yu Yeh, Hong Kong Baptist


Film in Manchoukuo (1932-1945)

Hanae K. Kramer, Independent Scholar

Religion, Nationalism, and Film in India

The Landscape of Chinas Me Generation: A Study of the
Films Directed by Chinas Post-1980s Directors
Peng Kan, Hong Kong Baptist University
Translating Theresa Hak-Kyung Chas Film White Dust
From Mongolia
Affect and Desire: Representing Saigon in Southern
Vietnamese Cinema
Lan P. Duong, University of California, Riverside

SESSION 219. 8:00AM-10:00AM


Travelogues I

Chaired by Hal W. French, University of South


A Reassessment of Human Rights Practices in Southeast

Asia: The ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on
Human Rights

A Year with Edward Lear in India: Landscape Drawings,

Nonsense Verse, and Colorfil Journals
Hal W. French, University of South Carolina

The Chinese Understanding of Democracy and the

Chinese-Style Democracy

Jung Nam Lee, Asiatic Research Institute

Tangible and Intangible Tourism Objects in the Colonial

Crossing the Himalayas, Bridging Life and Death: A
Typology of Buddhist Revenants

Alyson Prude, University of California, Santa Barbara

SESSION 217. 8:00AM-10:00AM


SESSION 220. 8:00AM-10:00AM


Port Cities I


Chaired by Sheldon Hsiao-peng Lu, University of

California, Davis

Sacred Spaces I

Human Rights as Legal-Cultural Struggles: The Case of


John Nguyet Erni, Lingnan University

Cultural China at the Margin of the Nation-State: A Hong

Kong Poetry Society in the 1950s

Sheldon Hsiao-peng Lu, University of California, Davis

Sacred Landscapes and Monumentality: Architectural

Rhetoric of Rock-Cut Monasteries in Ancient India under
the Buddhist Aegis

Cibele E. V. Aldrovandi, University of Sao Paulo

The Periphery of Empire: Japanese Culture in Shantou

From the Jianghu to the Noodle Factory, or Hope Is Where
the Fun Is: Gender, Music, and Socializing Spaces in the
Films of Tsui Hark
Tim S. Lee, University of California, Los Angeles
Behind the Boom: Hong Kong in the Rise of the Chinese
Film Industry
Katherine Kit Ling Chu, University of Southern


Chaired by Les Sponsel, University of Hawaii

Storming the Local Gods: Contestations of Religious

Landscape in Central Vietnams Littoral Society

Under the Shadow of Gods House: The Vietnamese

Caodai Temple in Cambodia and Its Transnational
Thien-Huong T. Ninh, University of Southern California
Sacred Sites and Landscapes of Thailand: Their Ecological
Poranee Natadecha-Sponsel, Chaminade University
Sacred Caves, Buddhist Monks, Bats, and Forests in
Thailand: Their Possible Ecological Significance for the
Conservation of Biological Diversity
Les Sponsel, University of Hawaii




SESSION 221. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 308B

Imagining Modern Korea through History:

Korean Historiographies of Science,
Technology, and Medicine Reexamined

Chaired by Gregory Clancey, National University of


Inventing Scientific Tradition in Korean History: The

Historiography of Early Choson from Hong Yi-sup to the

Daham Chong, Hanyang University
Lessons from the Constructed Past: Jeon Sang-woons
Nationalist Historiography of Science in 1960s South
Jongtae Lim, Seoul National University
Co-producing Science and Nationhood: Popular Historical
Representations of Science and Technology in Korea,
Sang-Hyun Kim, Hanyang University
Contagious Disease, Colonial Medicine, and Contested
Boundaries: The Korean Nation and Its Social Body in the
Historiography of Epidemic Control

Gregory Clancey, National University of Singapore

SESSION 224. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 312

The Challenges of Peace and Development

in the Southern Philippines
Collating Consultations: Democratizing the Mindanao
Peace Process

Albert E. Alejo S.J., Ateneo de Zamboanga University
Move beyond Keeping the Peace! Peace and
Development Communities (PDCs) and the Philippine
Government-Moro National Liberation Front Peace Process
Starjoan Villanueva, Alternate Forum for Research in

Mindanao, Inc.
The Peace and Ancestral Domain Struggle of Mindanao
Lumads 101: Past, Present, and Future
Jason R. Sibug, Tuklas Katutubo
Healing Communities, Reclaiming Traditions: Legal
Pluralism, Islamic Revivalism, and Ethno-Based Peace and
Development in Muslim Mindanao

Alber Husin, Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Susan D. Russell, Northern Illinois University

SESSION 222. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 309

The Subject and the City: Tokyo through the

Eyes of Three Colonial Korean Writers
Tokyo as an Imperfect Muse: The Desire for the Modern
and Nostalgia in Chong Chiyongs Early Works
Mickey Hong, Los Angeles City College
The Sociology of Honbura
Kyoung-Hoon Lee, Yonsei University
Leveling the Metropole: Awakening and Disillusionment in
Yi Sangs Tokyo

John Frankl, Yonsei University
Leighanne Yuh, Korea University

Takeshi Ito, Colorado College

Cari A. Coe, Lewis and Clark College

SESSION 223. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 311

Natural Resource Management and State

Territorialization in Southeast Asia
New Rules, Same Results: The Impact of Decentralization
on Local Communities in North Maluku, Eastern Indonesia
Christopher R. Duncan, Arizona State University
Property Rights or Responsibilities? A Study of the Value
of Property Rights to Farming Households in Northern

Cari A. Coe, Lewis and Clark College

SESSION 225. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 314

Newly Changing Landscapes of the Thai

Past: Impossible Histories and Possible
Futures in Thailand since May 2010

Chaired by Tyrell C. Haberkorn, Australian National


Engendering Sedition: Darunee Charnchoengsilpakul, Ethel

Rosenberg, and the Violence of Intention
Tyrell C. Haberkorn, Australian National University
Bangkok in March-May 2010 and the Poverty of
Historographic Exceptionalism: Post-1945 Thailand in
Gerschenkronian and Myintian Perspective

Michael J. Montesano, Institute of Southeast Asian

Murder and (Un)Progress in Modern Siam, Episode II: An
Omen for Thailands Future

Prajak Kongkirati, Australia National University
An Ethnic Reading of Thai History in the Twilight of
the Century-Old Thai National Model

David E. Streckfuss, Council on International

Educational Exchange
Niti Pawakapan, Chulalongkorn University

Making Knowledge and Territory: Ecological Knowledge

Productions on the Nu-Salween River
Vanessa Lamb, York University
Between Bureaucratization and Territorialization: The Role
of Peasants in State Formation in Java

Takeshi Ito, Colorado College


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 226. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 313C

Roundtable: Law, Politics, and Culture in

Contemporary Aceh
Chaired by Michael Feener, National University of



Leena Avonius, ICAIOS

Michelle A. Miller, National University of Singapore
Gunnar Stange, University of Frankfurt am Main
Antje Missbach, Berlin Graduate School Muslim

Cultures and Sciences

Roman Patock, University of Frankfurt am Main

David Kloos, VU University Amsterdam

SESSION 227. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Chaired by John A. Marston, El Colegio de Mxico

Grassroots Participation in Agricultural Water Governance

in Cambodia

Vathana Thun, Royal University of Phnom Penh
A Peoples Irrigation Reservoir on the Tonle Sap

John A. Marston, El Colegio de Mxico
Community and Religious Ceremony in Cambodia: Pchum
Ben and Social Change
Judy Ledgerwood, Northern Illinois University
Lindsay French, Rhode Island School of Design

SESSION 228. 8:00AM-10:00AM

SESSION 230. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Modernitys Infrastructure and Municipal Governance in

Michael S. Dodson, Indiana University-Bloomington
Acting Locally: Rethinking Voluntary Associations in Early
Colonial Bengal

Brian A. Hatcher, Illinois Wesleyan University
Radical Cinema and the Film Society Movement
Rochona Majumdar, University of Chicago
Morality as Modernity: Icai Velalar Caste Associations in
Twentieth-Century Madras

Davesh Soneji, McGill University

SESSION 231. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 317A

Africanization and the Making of Twice Migrants

Sana Aiyar, University of Wisconsin, Madison

The Analysis of a Rising Power: The Case of

India: Economic Projection and Military Power
Indias External Policy: The Possible Analysis
The Indian Press: An Indicator of Indias Growth?
How the Institutional Decision-Process Influences the
Definition of External Policies
Indian Identity and Identities: The Importance of Indian

Despite the Odds: Uganda Indians Remaking Home and

Savita Nair, Furman University
Religion and the South Asian Diaspora in Tanzania:
Socialism, Exodus, and the Re-making of Islamic
Communities, 1950-2010

James R. Brennan, SOAS, University of London

Pedro A. Machado, New York University

SESSION 232. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 318B

SESSION 229. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 316B

Gendering Circles of Power: Womens

Performances of Authority in South Asia

Chaired by Antoinette E. DeNapoli, Grinnell College

Lineage and Legitimacy: Queen Ahilyabai Holkars

Memorial Commissions
Melia Belli, University of Texas

Anne Hardgrove, University of Texas, San Antonio

Negotiating Nationhood: The South Asian

Diaspora in Post-Colonial East Africa

Room 316A

The Broken Pot and the Beheaded Body: Chastity as

Heteronormative Power
Perundevi Srinivasan, Claremont McKenna College

Local Modernities in South Asia

Farmers Associations in Cambodia: Internal Functions and

External Relations
Chanrith Ngin, Royal University of Phnom Penh

Informal Networks and Political Patronage: Shiv Sena

Women and the Gendered Politics of Urban Power
Tarini Bedi, University of Chicago

Room 316C

New Forms of Social Organization in


Performing Religious Authority and Agency among Upper

Middle-Class Hindu Women in Delhi and Beyond
Jennifer B. Saunders, Independent Scholar

Room 315

My Bhakti Is My Power: The Gendering of Power and

Devotion in a Rajasthani Expression of Female Asceticism
Antoinette E. DeNapoli, Grinnell College


Workshop: Beyond Words: Dramatic/

Theatrical Approaches to Japanese
Language Education
Yoshiko Fukushima, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Masako Beecken, Colorado State University




SESSION 233. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 319A

Innovative and Unorthodox Strategies in

Japanese Business: Examining Shifting
Values, Risk-Taking, and Survival Tactics

Chaired by Ulrike Schaede, University of California,

San Diego

Ending the Beer Sales War: Price Fixing and Collusion in

Japans Prewar Brewing Industry

Jeffrey W. Alexander, University of Wisconsin,

Better to Be Drinking Alone? Collaboration vs Competition
in Industry Creation: The Case of Japans Microbrewery

Jesper Edman, Hitotsubashi University
Show Me the Money: An Analysis of Japans Most
Profitable Companies

Ulrike Schaede, University of California, San Diego

Patricia L. Maclachlan, University of Texas, Austin

SESSION 236. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 321B

SESSION 234. 8:00AM-10:00AM

The Noh Prints of Tsukioka Kogyo:

Noh Revival, Printmaking, and the
Representation of Performance
Tsukioka Kogyos Noh Prints: The Legacy of Shibai-e and
the Depiction of Performance
Katherine Saltzman-Li, University of California, Santa

Tsukioka Kogyo and the Popularization of Noh
Mae J. Smethurst, University of Pittsburgh
Imaging Noh New: Noh Theater Prints in the Twentieth
Bruce A. Coats, Scripps College
Susan Matisoff, University of California, Berkeley

SESSION 237. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 322A

Rethinking the 1911 Revolution in Global


Room 319B

Chaired by Viren V. Murthy, University of Ottawa

Repatriation and Decolonization in U.S.Occupied Japan and South Korea

The 1911 Revolution and the Politics of Failure: The

Legacy of Takeuchi Yoshimi in Postwar Japan
Viren V. Murthy, University of Ottawa

Japans Contracted Empire in Postwar East Asia:

Repatriation and Re-emigration of Japanese and Koreans
Toyomi Asano, Chukyo University

The Chinese Revolution and Romantic Dreams of a Better

Tomorrow in Early 20th Century Japan: Miyazaki Toten
and Kita Ikki
Christian Uhl, Ghent University

Chaired by Mark E. Caprio, Rikkyo University

Repatriation and Restitution: Koreans in the Allied

Occupation of Japan
Matthew R. Augustine, Kyushu University
Decolonization and Legal Status: Koreans in the Postwar
Occupation of Japan
Taeki Kim, Honam University
Repatriation and Decolonization: the Role of Minority
Organizations in Japan and Korea
Youngho Choi, Youngsan University
Mark E. Caprio, Rikkyo University

The 1911 Revolution and the Overseas Chinese at Large

The World in Liang Qichaos Story of the Future of New

Ban Wang, Stanford University

Takahiro Nakajima, University of Tokyo

SESSION 238. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 318A

Roundtable: Intellectual Politics and Media

Politics in Contemporary China

SESSION 235. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 321A

U.S.-Japanese Relations and Post-war

Security in North East Asia
Britain and Japans Exclusion from SEATO
Kuniyoshi Tomoki, Waseda University

Chaired by Xueping Zhong, Tufts University


Yuezhi Zhao, Simon Fraser University

Kaibin Xu, Temple University

Xinyu Lu, Fudan University

Xueping Zhong, Tufts University

Successful Crisis Management? U.S.-Japanese Alliance

Diplomacy and U.S. Nuclear Submarines, 1964-65

Fintan Hoey, University College Dublin
Strategy and Emotion: The Two Faces of the Yoshida
School, 1952-1976
Taka Daitoku, Northwestern University
Beyond Bilateralism and Multilateralism toward Regional
Governance: Japans Foreign Policy and Post-Cold War
Regional Security Institutions in Northeast Asia

Takeshi Sato, University of Shimane


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 239. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 323A

Film Culture in Communist China during the

Seventeen Years (1949-1966)

Chaired by Robert Chi, University of California, Los


Moving Pictures and Border Politics: Chinese Animation

Film and Its Japanese Connection in Early New China
Daisy Yan Du, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Creating the Positive Hero and Heroine on Screen:
Discourses on Screen Acting, Stanislavskis System, and
Revolutionary Realism in China (1949-1966)
Ka Yee (Jessica) Chan, University of Minnesota

Fast Followers Innovation: The Pattern of Taiwanese

Firms Technological Upgrading
Jenn Hwan Wang, National Chengchi University
The Restructuring of the Production Network of Small
and Medium-Sized Firms: A Case Study of the Taiwanese
Bicycle Industry

Michelle F. Hsieh, Academia Sinica
Curse in Disguise: The Locked-in Effects of Taiwans
Success in Original Equipment Manufacturing Production
Toiling for the World: Labor Processes in Taiwanese
Export Manufacturing Firms in Coastal China
Gary G. Hamilton, University of Washington

From Satire to Eulogy: Reinventing Film Comedy during

the Seventeen Years

Ying Bao, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Intellectual Figures in Shen Fus Films (1956-1959)

Yali Pei, Shaanxi Normal University

Traditional Chinese Theater on the Modern

Stage - Sponsored by CHINOPERL

A Forgotten History: The Private-Owned Movie Industry of

China (1949-1952)
Yuan Zhao, Chinese National Academy of Arts
Robert Chi, University of California, Los Angeles

SESSION 240. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 323B

The Cultural Politics of Producing Urban

Spaces in Contemporary China
Non-commercial Nightlife of the Elderly in Beijing
Narrating the Rising Female Middle Class in Urban Space:
The Du Lala Phenomenon and Material Culture

Tsung-yi Michelle Huang, National Taiwan University
Kitchen Politics: Producing Global Cuisine in a Chinese City

James Farrer, Sophia University
Artistic Urbanization in Beijing: Cultural Production and
State Control at the Urban Periphery
Xuefei Ren, Michigan State University

Workshop: Current Trends in Chinese

Science, Technology, and Medicine (STM):
Treasures from the Past and a Burst of New
Chinese Research in STM

Liping Bu, Alma College

Laura L. Wong, National Library of Medicine

Ming Sun Poon, Library of Congress

SESSION 242. 8:00AM-10:00AM

In Search of Shidai Gan: Three Decades of Experiments

in Making Jingju Relevant for the Times

Elizabeth Wichmann-Walczak, University of Hawaii,

Mega versus Mini: Two Recent Trends in Chinese
Opera Stage Productions

Judith T. Zeitlin, University of Chicago
Curiously Relevant: Same-Sex Love on the Kunqu Stage in
Women in Love (Lianxiangban)
Sarah Kile, Columbia University
Staging Cinematic Moments: A Case Study of the
Longing Scene in the Kunqu Production Women in Love
(Lianxiangban, 2010)
Peng Xu, University of Chicago

Catherine Swatek, University of British Columbia

Joseph S. C. Lam, University of Michigan

SESSION 244. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Studying Pingan Village: Multi-disciplinary

Methods, Concepts, and Approaches to
Ethnicity and Tourism in Rural China

Chaired by Jessica Anderson Turner, Indiana University

The People in the Picture: Video as Analysis in

Ethnographic Fieldwork
Jenny T. Chio, University of Technology, Sydney

Impacts of Tourism on Folk Traditions in Pingan Village

Gan Li Xu, Guangxi Normal University

Chaired by Gary G. Hamilton, University of Washington

Taiwanese Enterprises as Global Firms

Jonathan Brookfield, Tufts University

Chaired by Andrea S. Goldman, University of

California, Los Angeles

Ethnographer as Distributor: Using Performance (and

Ethnography) for Political and Economic Agency at a
Chinese Tourist Site

Jessica Anderson Turner, Indiana University

Room 324

Taiwanese Firms in the World

Room 302A

Room 323C

SESSION 243. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 301B

SESSION 241. 8:00AM-10:00AM


An Anthropological Study on the Relationship among the

Hosts in Ethnic Tourism Development
Katherine Kaup, Furman University




SESSION 245. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 317B


Roundtable: New Themes and Directions in

Chinese Art History

Chaired by Katherine R. Tsiang, University of Chicago

Katherine R. Tsiang, University of Chicago

Jerome Silbergeld, Princeton University

SESSION 246. 8:00AM-10:00AM

Room 327

The Reincarnation of Lu Xun in East Asia

Chaired by Gang Yue, University of North Carolina,

Chapel Hill

The Appropriations of Lu Xun in Taiwan in the Colonial

and Early Post-war Periods

Pei-Yin Lin, University of Cambridge
Tuberculosis and East Asian Modernism: Blood Drinking
and Inter-subjectivity in Lu Xuns Medicine, Yokomitsu
Riichis Climax, and Yi Taejuns Crows
Jeesoon Hong, New School University
Representing Contemporary China as a Cannibalistic
Society: Interpreting Li Yangs Blind Mountain and Blind
Shaft in the Light of Cannibalism Portrayed in Lu Xuns A
Madmans Diary
Wei-hsin Lin, University of Manchester

SESSION 248. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 318A

Roundtable: The Current Situation and

Agendas of Japanese Studies in Global
Perspective: Japan in the Age of Asia Supported by the Japan Foundation

Democracy and Development in East Asia

The Nature of Asian Politics

Bruce Gilley, Portland State University
Electoral Governance in East Asia

Benjamin Reilly, Australian National University
East Asias Democratic Developmental States and
Economic Growth

Michael T. Rock, Bryn Mawr College
Democracy, Regime Stability, and Welfare Regimes in
Southeast and Northeast Asia

Aurel Croissant, University of Heidelberg

Andrew MacIntyre, Australian National University

SESSION 250. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 308B

Coordinating Trade and Human Rights:

Examples from Asia
The Effects of Globalization on Food Security for the Poor
in India

Ashok Y. Kotwal, University of British Columbia
Impact of Chinese Economic Partnership and Investment
Treaties on Mainstreaming Human Rights in International
Trade Law in Asia

Ljiljana Biukovic, University of British Columbia

Friday 10:15 A.M.

Formal Sessions

SESSION 249. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 316C

Chaired by Dr. Takashi Tereda, Waseda University


Takashi Terada, Waseda University

Kitti Prasirtsuk, Thammasat University

Phan Hai Linh, Vietnam National University

Karl Ian Uy Cheng Chua, Ateneo de Manila University

Ranjana Mukhopadhyaya, University of Delhi

Coordinated Compliance: Aspects of Trade and Labour in


Sarah Biddulph, University of Melbourne
Democratization and Housing in Indonesia

Joseph Caron, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada

Bharat Ramaswami, Indian Statistical Institute

Pengfei Yang, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences


SESSION 251. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 321A

Understanding Asian Societies

through AsiaBarometer: Challenges of
Comparative Quantitative Analyses
Understanding the Concept of Middle Class in East

Qian Zhou, University of Tokyo
Subjective Dimensions of Social Welfare System in
East Asia

Akiko Ishioka, Waseda University
Is There a Relation between Religion and Corruption?

Fabian Jintae Froese, Korea University
Examining Familism and Political Efficacy in Asia

Zong-Rong Lee, Academia Sinica


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 252. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 313B


Roundtable: Globalization, Transnationalism,

and Migration in Asia: Roundtable in Honor
of James L. Watson - Sponsored by the
China and Inner Asia Council

Rethinking Citizenship in Asia:

Comparative Perspectives on Recent
Trends: Boundaries and Belonging
(Part 1 of 2, see Session 518)

Chaired by Vanessa Fong, Harvard University


Eriberto P. Lozada, Davidson College

Nicole Constable, University of Pittsburgh

Jaesok Kim, University of Pennsylvania

Jeanne L. Shea, University of Vermont

Li Zhang, University of California, Davis

SESSION 255. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 319A

Chaired by Elena Barabantseva, University of


The Ambiguity and Rigidity of Chinese Citizenship

Elena Barabantseva, University of Manchester
The Making of Ethical Citizenship: Migrant Centers,
Volunteers, and Foreign Workers in South Korea
EuyRyung Jun, University of North Carolina,

Chapel Hill

SESSION 253. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 302B

The Continuation of War by Other Means:

Escaping and Embracing War in East Asia

Transcending Citizenship: Nation-Making through the

Experience of Vietnamese Cambodians and Cambodian
Vietnamese in the 1970s
Dany Long, Independent Scholar

Escaping the Stress of Combat: Sake, Beer, and Whisky in

the Pacific War
Katarzyna Cwiertka, Leiden University

Rethinking Citizenship in Asia: Comparative

Perspectives on Recent TrendsBoundaries and

Ayse Zarakol, Washington and Lee University

Simanti Lahiri, University of Alabama

On Playing War
Sabine Fruhstuck, University of California, Santa Barbara
The Return of the Little Red Soldier: Childhood, War, and
the Military in Chinas Contemporary Popular Culture

Orna Naftali, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

SESSION 256. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Posthuman Warfare in Japan: Weaponizing Robots

Jennifer Robertson, University of Michigan

Sheldon M. Garon, Princeton University

New Voices in Asian Studies: Selected

Graduate Student Papers from AAS Regional
Conferences - Sponsored by the Council of


Room 303B

SESSION 254. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 322B

Reassessment of Territorial Disputes over

Islets in East Asia: The Case of China,
Korea, and Japan

Learning to Stand Tall: Rural Japanese Women and

Agricultural Extension Services during the Occupation of

Emily Price, University of Maryland, College Park

Solving the Dokdo/Takeshima, Diaoyutai/Senkaku Island,

and Similar Disputes by the New Asian Approach

Manjiao Chi, Xiamen Academy of International Law

Maternal Face and Voice in Public Prosecutor and

Teacher: Its Symbolism upon Korean Modern History
Kyoung-Lae Kang, University of Rochester

The Territorial Questions in the East Asia and San

Francisco Peace Treaty: Historical Perspective
Minoru Yanagihashi, University of Arizona

Abject Identities and Mutual Relations: Interrogating

Community in Hoshino Tomoyukis Naburiai

Michael T. Chan, Yale University

The Relevance of the San Francisco Peace Treaty to the

Sovereignty of Dokdo/Takeshima in International Law
Pilkyu Kim, University of Maryland

Strong State, Smothered Society: Explaining Terrorist

Violence in Thailands Deep South
Shane J. Barter, University of British Columbia

What Role for International Law in Discussing East Asias

Island Disputes?
Michael Davis, Chinese University of Hong Kong

SESSION 257. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 304A

Burmas Borders: Organizing Lives and

Claiming Spaces

Chaired by Alexander Horstmann, Max Planck

Institute for Ethnic and Religious Diversity

Who Borders? Refugee Crisis, Humanitarianism, Control,

and Repression at the Thai-Burmese Border

Alexander Horstmann, Max Planck Institute for Ethnic

and Religious Diversity




Stakeholders at the Sino-Myanmar Border: Who Benefits,

Who Borders?
Karin Dean, Tallinn University

Mart Viirand, University of Edinburgh

Port Cities II

Borderline Divide: Identity-Perception and Refugee Life of

the Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh

Kazi Fahmida Farzana, National University of

Insurgent Territories, Environmental Nostalgia, and
the Natural Boundary of the Salween River Gorge in
Northeast Burma

Jane M. Ferguson, Australia National University
The History of Borders in the Wa Lands
Jianxiong Ma, Hong Kong University of Science and


SESSION 258. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Politics of Space in Asian Cities

Chaired by Gayatri A. Menon, Franklin and Marshall


Insiders as Outsiders, Outsiders as Insiders: Redefining

Identity in Modern Urban Japan
Natalie Close, Australian National University
Spatial Patterns of Occupational Structure and Their
Changes in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area
Transformations in Work Travel Patterns and Travel
Inequities in the Globalizing City of Bangalore, India
Taxpayers and Trespassers: Struggles over Citizenship in
Contemporary Mumbai

Gayatri A. Menon, Franklin and Marshall College
Incendiary Central: The Politics of Space and Class in
Locating Civic Life in Urban Space: Lessons from Muang
Klang, Thailand
Katia Balassiano, Cornell University

SESSION 259. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Asian Perceptions of Democracy and Human

Rights II
Re-assessing Consensus: The First Three Years of
Democracy with Bhutanese Characteristics, 2008-2011
Brian Carl J. Shaw, University of Hong Kong
The Politics of Civil Liberties: Freedom of Information,
Privacy, and Human Rights in Japan
The Social and Political Consequences of Non-regular
Employment in Japan: Do New Employment Risks
Translate into New Electoral Risks?

Steffen Heinrich, University of Duisburg-Essen
Founding the Father of Korean Democracy beyond the
Ideological Controversy: Tosans Political Philosophy of
the Humane Democracy and Its Moral Foundation

Ilsup Ahn, North Park University


SESSION 260. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Lands of Moving Borders

Women and Contemporary Shanghai: Post-Socialist

Configurations of Gender in Television Drama

Chenying Pi, University of Tokyo
Chinese Womens Calligraphy and Painting Society and
the Female Modernities of 1930s Shanghai

Lesley W. Ma, University of California, San Diego
Modes of Production in the Cantonese Film Industry of the
1940s-1950s: The Case of Sing-Song Comedy

Yuet Wah Stephanie Ng, Hong Kong Baptist University
The Role of Hakata Shonin as Intercultural Mediators
Shame on You! Grassroots Nationalism, Coercive
Nationalism, and Competing Narratives of the Nation
in the Laoxikai Incident and the Tianjin Anti-French
Campaign, 1916-1917

SESSION 261. 10:15AM-12:15PM


New Paradigms

Chaired by Akiko Sugiyama, University of Macau

Theory, Area Studies, and Subjects in Family History: A

Javanese Case in 1800-1940s
Akiko Sugiyama, University of Macau
Qi-Transformation and the Steam Engine: Visualizing the
Body in Chinese Medicine in the Nineteenth Century
The History of Futures Studies in South Korea
Hyeonju Son, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Beyond Pluralism: Exploring New Possibilities of
Intercultural Communication through the Analysis of Endo
Shusakus Silence
Masamichi S. Inoue, University of Kentucky
Rethinking Legitimation Theory
Thomas M. Hunter, Udayana University

SESSION 262. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Food for Thought

Chaired by Isaac Yue, University of Hong Kong

The Raising of Pigs and the Practice of Eating Pork in

Early Modern China

Chunghao Pio Kuo, New York University
Whats in the Stew? American Cultural Influx during the
Korean War

Sa-Im Park, Korea University
Food and Virtues: Conflict and Harmony of Body and Mind

Siu Fu Tang, University of Hong Kong
Gastronomy and the Objectification of the Female Body in
Jingpingmei cihua
Isaac Yue, University of Hong Kong
Discourse on Foods and Drinks during the Jianan Era and
about the Jianan Era

Qiaomei Tang, Harvard University
Fare for All: Prasada as Universal Hindu Food

Andrea M. Pinkney, National University of Singapore

2011 Joint Meeting

Travelogues II

Nineteenth-Century Korea Revisited

Japanese Travel Diaries: Cultural and Literary Aspects

Priscilla Mary Anne Blinco, Stanford University

Jealous Husband, Heartless Wet Nurse, Drunken Monk,

and Distressed Father: Mid-Nineteenth-Century Korea
through Inquest Records
Sun Joo Kim, Harvard University

Why Did Heian Monk Pilgrims to China Keep Journals?

Considering Ennin, Jojin, and Chonens Journals as a
Jesse Palmer, Wabash College

To an Exiles Eye: Chong Tasans (1762-1836) View of

Confucian Scholars
Yoonjeong Shim, University of Illinois, Urbana-


Navigating in the Archipelagic Network: Thomas Forrests

Voyage to New Guinea, and the Moluccas (1779)

Panida Lorlertratna, University of California, Riverside

Conceptualizing Freedom and Liberty in Late Choson Korea

Joy S. Kim, Princeton University

Chaired by Priscilla Mary Anne Blinco, Stanford


The Romance with the Frontier: Chinese Travel Writings

on the Frontiers during the Nanjing Decade

Zhihong Chen, Guilford College

SESSION 266. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 301B


SESSION 263. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Changes of the Seoul Market in the First Half of the

Nineteenth Century: Merchants Guilds and Monopoly

Donghwan Ko, Korea Advanced Institute of Science

and Technology

Jungwon Kim, University of Illinois, Urbana-


SESSION 264. 10:15AM-12:15PM


Tran-Asia Cinemas II
SESSION 267. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Forbidden Pleasure: Porn, Erotica, Technology, and Desire

Taeyun Yu, Independent Scholar

Underground Japan: Tokyo and the Subcultural

Imagination in Western Cinema

The Age of Commerce in Mainland

Southeast Asia: Case Studies on a
Contested Theory

Tokyo as a Postcolonial Imaginary in Recent East Asian


Jiwon Ahn, Keene State College
Mirror, Train, and Screen in Korean Cinematic Modernism
Hyun Seon Park, University of California, Irvine
Soo Yong (1902-84): Hollywood Star and Cosmopolitan
of the Asian Diaspora

Yunxiang Gao, Ryerson University
Reimagining the Vietnam War: History, Memory, and
Victimhood in New Korean Cinema

Room 309

(This is one of two panels critically examining the impact

of Anthony Reids work on Southeast Asian Studies.
There will be no discussants but rather active participation
from the audience.)

Chaired by Tana Li, Australian National University
Representing the Other in Thai Early Modern Visual
Tongking in the Age of Commerce

Tana Li, Australian National University

Room 308A

God in the Age of Commerce: Catholic Conversion in

Vietnam, 1600-1700
Nhung Tran, University of Toronto

The Poetics of Fractured Space: Korean

Literature and Cinema

SESSION 265. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Imagined Spaces: The Newspaper Serialization of

Translated Novels

Heekyoung Cho, University of Washington
Urban Malaise: Neurasthenia in the Colonial City

Christopher P. Hanscom, University of California, Los

The City and the Country in Recent Korean Cinema

Kelly Y. Jeong, University of California, Riverside
Fractured Space and the Poetics of the 1990s

SESSION 268. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 313C

Roundtable: Digital Access to Scholarly

Resources on Southeast Asia: Trends and
Challenges - Supported by CORMOSEA

Chaired by Virginia Shih, University of California,


Jeffrey Hadler, University of California, Berkeley
Gregory H. Green, Cornell University

James Simon, Center for Research Libraries

Christopher A. Miller, Arizona State University




SESSION 269. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 316B

Militarized Natures and Development

Narratives in Southeast Asia

Indian-English Fiction, 2000-2010: Major

Themes and Trends

Feeding the Revolution: Highland Identity and the

Mobilization for War at Dien Bien Phu
Christian C. Lentz, Cornell University

Indian Literature 70 Years On: With Particular Reference

to Amitav Ghoshs Sea of Poppies

Hedgerows versus Hardpan: Reading Military Occupation

in the Lowland Landscapes of Central Vietnam
David A. Biggs, University of California, Riverside
Political Ecologies of War and Forests: Counterinsurgencies and the Making of National Natures

Nancy Lee Peluso, University of California, Berkeley
Shelley Feldman, Cornell University

Parables of the Nation: Shalimar the Clown and The

Inheritance of Loss

Krishna Sen, University of Calcutta
Inspiring India: The Fiction of Chetan Bhagat and the
Discourse of Motivation
Of Art and the Artist: Kunal Basus The Miniaturist as a
Contemporary Novel Set in Mughal Times

Rituparna Roy, International Institute for Asian Studies

SESSION 270. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 317B

Patterns of Governance in Contemporary

In Search of Good Governance and Public Goods in Rural
Fiscalization of Land and Public Goods Provision

Susan Hayes Whiting, University of Washington
Urban Governance and Public Goods Provision
Anthony J. Saich, Harvard Kennedy School

SESSION 273. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 314

Old Voices, New Visions: Reinterpreting Jain

Perspectives in Early Modern India

Chaired by Dipti Khera, Columbia University

Genres of Power: The Nexus of Politics and Devotion in

the Fourteenth-Century Oeuvre of Jinaprabha Suri
Steve Vose, University of Pennsylvania
Setting the Record Wrong: A Jain Vision of Mughal

Audrey A. Truschke, Columbia University

They Have Issues: Do Public Goods Produce Public

Support in China?
Bruce Dickson, George Washington University

Jain Reinterpretations of Classical Mahakavyas in the

17th Century
Christine Chojnacki, University Lyon 3

Basile Leclere, University Lyon 3

In Search of Good Governance and Public Goods in Rural

Jean C. Oi, Stanford University

Writing, Singing, and Listening about Places: Jains

Visualizing Urban Locales in Eighteenth Century Rajasthan
Dipti Khera, Columbia University

SESSION 271. 10:15AM-12:15PM

John E. Cort, Denison University

Room 318B

Exploring Agrarian Transformations in

Southeast Asia
(Part 1 of 2, see Session 312)
Thaksin, Forest Conservation, and the Question of Illegal
Land Occupation: The Birth and Destruction of a Less
Coercive Forest Policy?

Jean-Philippe Leblond, University of Montreal
Resource Governance at the Margins: Experiences from
the Mangrove-Estuary Communities of Southwestern
Resettlement, Rehabilitation, and Differentiation in
Northern Uplands Vietnam
Nga Dao, York University
Agrarian Change in Vietnam: The View from the City
Expansion of Rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in Mainland
Southeast Asia: What Are the Prospects for Small

Jeff Fox, East-West Center


SESSION 272. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 311

SESSION 274. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 315

Creating an Interface: The Challenges

of Interpreting Varieties of Material and
Textual Evidence from South Asia, Part A:
Religion, Ethnography, and Literature
Textual Paradigms and Archaeological Evidence for Jaina
Relic Worship in Ancient India
Peter Flugel, SOAS, University of London
Centers and Peripheries: Buddhism in Ancient Sri Lanka
and Gandhara and Beyond

Osmund Bopearachchi, CNRS
Staging Social Life in Ancient India: Perspectives from the
Early Sanskrit Drama
Jesse R. Knutson, University of California, Berkeley
Living Histories: Interpreting Contested Shrine Histories
from Medieval Gujarat to the Present
Samira Sheikh, Vanderbilt University

2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 275. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 316A

Belief, Belonging, and Generic Practices:

Vernacular Religion in India

Chaired by Desmond L. Kharmawphlang, North-

Eastern Hill University

Between Beliefs and Narratives: Ka Lukhmi Cult and the

Construction of Social and Cultural Identities among the
Bhoi Khasis of Meghalaya

Desmond L. Kharmawphlang, North-Eastern Hill University
Ancestor Worship among the Khasis: An Intertextual
Approach to the Knia Lyngdoh and the Pynhir Myndhan
Rituals alongside the Weretiger Legends
The End of Brahminhood? Oral Performance and Elite
Religious Culture in Urban Maharashtra
Adheesh Sathaye, University of British Columbia
Tangible Storyworlds: Textualised Places in the Vernacular
Religion of Assam
Ulo Valk, University of Tartu

Frank J. Korom, Boston University

SESSION 276. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Rethinking the Kyoto Schools Politics in the

Japanese Empire
Chaired by John N. Kim, University of California,

Nishida Kitaro as a Philosopher of Empire

Takeshi Kimoto, University of Oklahoma
Talking about Culture Politically: Nakai Masakazu and the
Question of Democratic Subjectivity under Fascism

Hirotaka Kasai, Tsuda College
A Genealogy of the Social in the 1930s: Between
Society and Empire in Miki Kiyoshi

Masayuki Fukuda, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
An Hosang: The Kyoto School and Postwar South
Korean Nationalism

Spaces of Contestation/Contestations of
Space: Counterculture and Public Space in
Postindustrial Tokyo
Whose Public Space? Mapping Tokyos Contested
Geographies Between Global and Local Transformation
Christian Dimmer, University of Tokyo
Representing Thirdspace: Autonomous Geographies in
Miyashita Park
Freeters into Precariat: Counterculture, Counterspectacle,
and the Production of Alternative Space in Dystopic Tokyo
Colin S. Smith, University of Hong Kong
Globalisation from Below: Producing Commons in Tokyos
Radical Spaces

Alexander J. Brown, University of Wollongong

SESSION 279. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 322A

Room 319B

SESSION 278. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 321B


Old-Age Policies in Japan: Effects on

Communities and People - Sponsored by
The Japan Foundation, Center for Global

Long-Term Care Insurance and Local Government

Masaya Shimmei, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of

Policy for the Elderly and the Challenge of Rural
Transportation Needs

Yoko S. Crume, North Carolina A&T State University
Aging Bodies, Policy, and Technology
Susan Orpett Long, John Carroll University
Ruth Campbell, University of Tokyo

SESSION 277. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Chaired by John C. Campbell, University of Michigan

Long-Term-Care Insurance after a Decade: Achievements,

Problems, Solutions, Prospects
John C. Campbell, University of Michigan

SESSION 280. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 312

Room 302A

Handle with Care: Private Parts and Public

Concerns in Japanese History

The Dark Valley: Japanese Art and the

Second World War - Sponsored by JAHF
Chaired by Ming Tiampo, Carleton University

The Social Role of War Art: Yasukuni Shrine Festivals

Akihisa Kawata, Chiba Institute of Technology
Taisho Chic, Showa Sophistication, or Prelude to Total
War? New Japanese-Style Paintings of the Late 1930s

Asato Ikeda, University of British Columbia
The War Art of Foujita Tsugouharu, 1938-1945

Louisa McDonald, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Roaring Tigers or Miserable Refugees? Chinese Ink
Paintings in the Sino-Japanese War

Kure Motoyuki, Kyoto National Museum

Rectal Fitness and National Strength: Hemorrhoids in

Modern Japan
Alexander R. Bay, Chapman University
Whats Wrong with Me? Cultivating Male Penis Envy in
Early-Twentieth-Century Japan

Gregory M. Pflugfelder, Columbia University
Medicine and Sexual Health in Medieval Japan
Andrew E. Goble, University of Oregon

Akihito Suzuki, Keio University

Body, War, and the Discourses of History: Rethinking

Postwar Japanese Art
Ming Tiampo, Carleton University




SESSION 281. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 323A

Recasting Okinawa: Race, Gender, and

Transnationality in the Cold War and Beyond
From Primitive Savages to Holders of Indigenous Rights:
The Reformulation of Okinawan (Uchinanchu) Identity as
Ryan M. Yokota, University of Chicago
Leaders for Tomorrow: Identity Formation of Okinawan
Students in the United States during the U.S. Occupation
of Okinawa
Kinuko Maehara-Yamazato, University of Hawaii
Mobilizing Women for Scientific Domesticity: Gender,
Technical Education, and the Cold War in US-occupied
Mire Koikari, University of Hawaii, Manoa
To Resist against the Politics of Agreement

Yasuhiro Tanaka, International Christian University

Robert N. Huey, University of Hawaii, Manoa

SESSION 282. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 323B

Beyond Cultural Essentialism: NeoOrientalism in Chinese Studies

Chaired by Longxi Zhang, City University of Hong Kong

Theory in Asia

Miranda D. Brown, University of Michigan

SESSION 284. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 324

The White Snake and the Wise Judge:

Literature and the Local in Late Imperial

Chaired by Margaret B. Wan, University of Utah

Localizing White Snake: Hangzhou, Zhenjiang, and the

Dread of Flooding

Roland Altenburger, University of Zurich
Zhiguai and the Local in the Early Seventeenth Century:
The Case of Qian Xiyans Kuai Yuan
Rania Huntington, University of Wisconsin, Madison
General Conventions and Local Adaptations in Mulian
Drama: A Case Study of Mulian Plays in Anhui, Jiangsu,
and Zhengjiang Provinces

Yilin Liu, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Drum Ballads as Local Literature in Nineteenth Century
Margaret B. Wan, University of Utah

SESSION 285. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 325A

Transnationalism and Chineseness in the

Cinematic and Performing Arts
The French Gao Xingjian
Claire Conceison, Duke University

Whos Afraid of Chinese Ghosts?

Geographies and Geometries of Exchange: Conceptualizing

Transnational Chinese Theatre(s)
Rossella Ferrari, SOAS, University of London

Neo-Orientalism and the Myth of Chinese Holism

Edward G. Slingerland, University of British Columbia

Zhang Yimous Hero and Its Strange Debt to Kurosawa

Margaret Hillenbrand, University of Oxford

Character Fetishization in Chinese Studies

Edward McDonald, University of Auckland

Remaking Chineseness in the Era of Trans-Studies

Yiman Wang, University of California, Santa Cruz

SESSION 283. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 323C

From Hand Craft to Industry: Chinas Rural

Economy & Gender Relations, 1880-1980

Chaired by Mareile Flitsch, University of Zurich

Footbinding and Chinese Textiles: Womens Labor and

Footbinding in Early 20th Century Rural China
Laurel Bossen, McGill University
The Effect of Footbinding on Womens Marriage Mobility
Melissa J. Brown, Stanford University
Political Action against Footbinding
Hill Gates, Stanford University
Womens Work and the Politics of Homespun in Socialist
China, 1949-1980

Jacob Eyferth, University of Chicago
Matthew H. Sommer, Stanford University


SESSION 286. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 325B

Marginal Incorporation: The Second

Generation of Rural Migrants in Urban China
Inherited Distinction: Peasant Identity as a Durable
Chinese Institution
Li Ma, Cornell University
Underclass, School, and Class Reproduction: Why Did
Education Fail to Provide Upward Mobility for Migrant
Children in Shanghai
Yihan Xiong, Fudan University
New Citizens in Between: Second-Generation Migrants
and NGOs in Contemporary Urban China
Minhua Ling, Yale University
Unfulfilled Desires and Fractured Identities: The Second
Generation of Rural-to-Urban Migrants in China
Pei-chia Lan, National Taiwan University

2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 287. 10:15AM-12:15PM

The Possible Origins of Jade Goblet in China

Hau Ling Eileen Lam, Art Institute of Chicago

Room 327

Rethinking the 1911 Revolution:

Interrogating the Chinese Republic

The Sogdians and Their Role in Cultural Exchange

between Ancient China and the Persian Cultural Sphere
Susanna Lam, University of California, Los Angeles

The Politicization of the Concept of Pingdeng in the

1911 Revolution

Jeng-Guo Chen, Academia Sinica

Haicheng Wang, University of Washington, Seattle

Gender and the Virtue of Violence: Creating a New

Vision of Public Engagement

Louise Edwards, University of Hong Kong

The Genealogy of the Chinese Nation in Modern China

In the Name of the Republic: Cai Yuanpei in 1912
Chaohua Wang, Academia Sinica

SESSION 291. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 317A

Metropologies: Imperial Cities and Literary

Form in China

Chaired by Shuen-fu Lin, University of Michigan

Living the Revolution: Narratives of 1911 in the Early


Peter G. Zarrow, Academia Sinica

A Neo-Classical City: Changan in Late Western Han

Edicts and Memorials
Michael Nylan, University of California, Berkeley

Mary B. Rankin, Independent Scholar

Writ in Shadows: Urban Commerce and Social Pageantry

in Tang Examination Anecdotes
Linda R. Feng, University of Toronto

A City of Substance: Regional Custom and the Political

Landscape of Shaoxing in a Southern Song Rhapsody

Benjamin Ridgway, Valparaiso University

SESSION 288. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 310, Theatre

Can the Subaltern Speak Chinese?

Imagining State and Society: Illegal Labor Activism in a
Harmonious Society
Diana X. Fu, University of Oxford
Desperately Seeking My Wage: Rural Construction
Workers and the Cultural Politics of Voice in Urban China
Wanning Sun, Sydney University of Technology

A City of Remembrance and Remorse: Literary

Representations of Hangzhou in Yuan-Dynasty Notebooks
Gang Liu, University of Michigan

Christian de Pee, University of Michigan

SESSION 759. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 303A

Demolition as Crisis: Documentary Cinema and the

Subaltern in Todays China
Ying Qian, Harvard University

Session 759 moved from Sunday at 2:45PM.

Subalterns in Maoist China: A Critical Exploration of the

Resistance Paradigm
Felix Wemheuer, University of Vienna

SESSION 289. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Planning and Power: Shaping Chinas

Urbanizing Localities

Chaired by Vivienne Shue, University of Oxford

Urbanization of the State

You-tien Hsing, University of California, Berkeley

Room 313A

The Politics of Spatial Stagnation in Harbin, 1978-Present

Meg E. Rithmire, Harvard University

Roundtable: Chinese Ancient Classics

Publishing: Trends and Challenges
Chaired by Meishyan Chang, National Association of

Planning, Territory, and Social Contestation in Urbanizing

Nick R. Smith, Harvard University

Chinese Ancient Classics


Yan Li, National Association of Chinese Ancient Classics

Xiaowei Gong, Independent Scholar


In Situ Urbanization and Planning for Urban-Rural

Yu Zhu, Fujian Normal University
Vivienne Shue, University of Oxford

SESSION 290. 10:15AM-12:15PM

Room 307A

China and Beyond: Exchange of Material

Chasing Deer beyond the Central Plain: Deer-Shaped Jade
Carvings in the Western Zhou Period (1046-771 BCE)

Lai Pik Chan, University of Hong Kong

Names in program are those

the December 2 deadline.




Friday 12:30 P.M.

Formal Sessions

Crossing Boundaries: Esoteric Buddhist Art

and Practice in Medieval Asia

Chaired by Rob N. Linrothe, Northwestern University

Room 304B

Icon and Image in Early Esoteric Spaces: Issues Relating

to Japan and China
Cynthea J. Bogel, University of Washington

Compliance or Confrontation? Emerging

Models of Governance in Asia

Mirror Image: Deity and Donor as Vajrasattva

Rob N. Linrothe, Northwestern University

SESSION 292. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Chaired by Soo Young Hwang, University of

Hawaii, Manoa

The Logics of Appropriateness: Korea and the National

Human Rights Commission of Korea

Soo Young Hwang, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Weight of Performance Measures in Chinese Top
Management Contracts
Towards Sustainable Development: Conservation
Values, Resource Governance, and Community
Participation in an Indian Tiger Reserve

Sugato Dutt, East-West Center
Establishing a State of Gross National Happiness:
Emergent Structure in the National Identity of Bhutan
Carl A. Polley, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Are Development and Cultural Preservation Compatible
Objectives? An Inquiry into Public Health Care in India
Subir K. Kole, East-West Center

Sugato Dutt, East-West Center

Subir K. Kole, East-West Center

Carl A. Polley, University of Hawaii, Manoa

SESSION 293. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Space of Movement: Anthropological Studies

of Social Space for Transnational Migrants
in Asia and Beyond
Chaired by Tetsu Ichikawa, Rikkyo University

Ancestral Homeland and Their Own Homeland: Multiple

Meanings of Home for Papua New Guinean Chinese
Tetsu Ichikawa, Rikkyo University
Maintaining the Space of Commemoration in the Overseas
Homeland: Spirit-Consoling Tours Conducted by the ExImmigrants from Okinawa to the Nanyo (Micronesia)
Shingo Iitaka, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Ethnic and Religious Landscapes of Yunnanese Muslim
Migrants in the Transnational Social Sphere
Mizuka Kimura, Osaka University
From Dependency to Autonomy: Refugees Self-Help
Tadayuki Kubo, Kobe University


Enter the Mandala: Reflections on the Tantric Visual

Corpus of Tenth-Century Dunhuang
Amanda K. Goodman, University of Toronto
Localized Visions, Trans-regional Practices: Iconographic
Innovations of Indian Esoteric Buddhism
Jinah Kim, Vanderbilt University
Matthew Kapstein, cole Pratique des Hautes tudes

SESSION 295. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 327

Studies of Lives in Early Modern East

Asia: How Selves Were Constructed and
Unraveled in China and Korea
Interstitial Memories: The Forensic Life of Wang Mingde

C. D. Alison Bailey, University of British Columbia
A House Divided against Itself: Competing Strands of
Ming Loyalist Biography

Adam C Bohnet, University of British Columbia
Lives and Legends of Yang Shen: Creating a Man for All
Ihor Pidhainy, Marietta College

Room 316A

SESSION 294. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 323C

The Ming Pi (Craving) for Mountains and Waters

Lidu Yi, McGill University
Life of a Korean Woman at the Mongol Imperial Court:
Lady Ki and Her Political Involvement in the 14th Century
George Qingzhi Zhao, Skidmore College

Kenneth J. Hammond, New Mexico State University

SESSION 296. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 303A

Family Changes in East Asia: Declining

Marriage and Rising Divorce Rates and Their
Comparative Explanations of Education,
Gender Roles, and Family Policies
Whether and How Family Policy Affects Divorce Rates in
Marriage and Divorce in Contemporary Taiwan
Chingli Yang, National Cheng Kung University

The Social Space of Baseball: A Case Study of Dominican

Immigrants in Pennsylvania and Japan

Satoru Kubota, Graduate University for Advanced


Educational Differences in Marriage and Divorce in Japan

Miho Iwasawa, NIPSSR

How to Get to Tehrangeles? A Consideration of the

Production of Space for Migrants

Atsuko Tsubakihara, Osaka University

Explaining the Recent Rise and Fall of Divorce Rates in

Korea: Family Policies and Gender and Class Dynamics

Yean-Ju Lee, University of Hawaii

2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 297. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 303B

Economic Relations between East and

Southeast Asia: Historical Ties and
Contemporary Issues of Power, Trade, and
China, ASEAN, and Asias Transitioning Regional System:
The Constraints and Possibilities of Leadership

Alice D. Ba, University of Delaware
Coooperation for Diversification: The Origin and
Partnership Selection of China and Japans Preferential
Trade Agreements in East Asia

Guan-Yi Leu, University of Virginia
Chinese and Japanese Investment in Southeast Asia:
Case Studies in Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, and

Eric Harwit, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Daniel C. Lynch, University of Southern California

SESSION 300. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 305A

Behind and Beyond the Lens: Photography in

Imperial Japan, 1896-1945


Chaired by Laura Hein, Northwestern University

Colonial Itineraries: Japanese Conquest Photography in

Taiwan, 1896-1899
Joseph R. Allen, University of Minnesota
Romancing the Conquered Other in the Korean
Peninsula: Travel Myths, Images, and the Imperial Tourist
Hyung I. Pai, University of California, Santa Barbara
When a Thousand Words Arent Worth a Single Picture:
Harrison Forman, the China War, and Propaganda by
Paul D. Barclay, Lafayette College
A War without Pictures: Photographys Curious Position in
Wartime Japan
Julia Adeney Thomas, University of Notre Dame
Laura Hein, Northwestern University

SESSION 298. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 304A

Korean Women Abroad: Shifting Modes of

Transnational Identity

Remembering Multiple Displacements, Embodying

Memories of (Lost) Homeland(s)

Kyung Hee Ha, University of California, San Diego

Institutionalizing Security and the Future

of Regional Architecture in Eastern Asia
- Sponsored by the Japan Foundation, Center
for Global Partnership

Women and Migrations: Korean Migrant Women in

Argentina and the United States

Lili M. Kim, Harvard University

Identities in Transition: Korean Women in Japan

Jackie J. Kim-Wachutka, University of Tuebingen
Communist Korean Women in China and Japan, 1940s
and 1950s
Postcolonial Feminist Activism by Korean Diaspora
Women in Japan
Akwi Seo, Ochanomizu University

SESSION 299. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 301A

Contemporary Haunting: How Ghosts

Reconfigure Space, Memory, and the State
in East Asia
Chaired by Laurel Kendall, American Museum of

Natural History

Mother Ghost Wants to Get a Son-in-Law: The Relations

Between Ghosts and Human Beings

Wei-ping Lin, National Taiwan University

SESSION 301. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 305B

Chaired by Rouben Azizian, Asia Pacific Center for

Security Studies

Regional Security Cooperation: What the EU Can Tell Us

about ASEAN

Maia K. Davis Cross, University of Southern

Japan in the US-Japan Alliance: Self-Defense versus
Defense of the Self

Jacques E. C. Hymans, University of Southern

Regional Leadership, Chinas Rise, and the Coming Asian

Alexander Vuving, Asia Pacific Center for Security

Russia in the Asia-Pacific: Between Diplomatic Rise and
Socioeconomic Decline

Rouben Azizian, Asia Pacific Center for Security

David A. Welch, University of Waterloo

Haunting Memory of Violence, Ritual Laments of the

Dead, and Koreas Jeju Massacre
Seong-nae Kim, Sogang University
The Ghost Object: Circulating Trauma and Remaking Place
on Taiwan
Donald John W. Hatfield, Berklee College of Music
Laurel Kendall, American Museum of Natural History




SESSION 302. 12:30PM-2:30PM

SESSION 305. 12:30PM-2:30PM


Room 306A

Transcription and Transformation: Buddhist

Scribal and Manuscript Cultures in Japan,
Tibet, and Thailand

Chaired by Heather E. Blair, Indiana University

Text as Practice: Patrons, Scribes, and Sutra Copying in

Eighth-Century Japan
Local Transformations in Illuminated Tibetan Biography

Andrew H. Quintman, Yale University
The Buddhas Embodied Word and the Legitimization of
Power: Pali Manuscripts from Northern Thailand

Daniel Veidlinger, California State University, Chico

Heather E. Blair, Indiana University

Urban Future in East Asia

Shanghai after the Expo: What Next for the City?

Gregory Bracken, International Institute for Asian

The Modern Practice of Otaku Labeling in Postmodern
Bjoern-Ole Kamm, University of Leipzig
Opportunities and Challenges for Studying Urban
Transformation: Integrating Social Ecology and Physical
Ecology in a Case Study of Beijing, China
You, Me, and S/He are the World: The Ideological
Articulation of the Global Imaginary at the 2010 Shanghai
Manfred B. Steger, Royal Melbourne Institute of

Technology University

SESSION 303. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 306B

How Stuff Works: Ritual, Technology, and

the Question of Efficacy in East Asia
The Transformation of Nourishing Life in Early Modern

Juhn Y. Ahn, University of Toronto
Choson Cannibalism: The State and Ritualized
Consumption of Human Parts
Se-Woong Koo, Asian University for Women
Style and Efficacy in Qing Rainmaking
Andreas Janousch, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

Grace Y. Shen, York University

Urban Housing Reform in Changing China: Shanghai and

Chongqing Compared
Mei-chuan Wei, National Chengchi University
Urbanization Processes in China: A Structural and
Geographic Analysis
Master Plan Seoul 2020 and Its Historic Precedents for
Seoul, South Korea
Dick G. Winchell, Eastern Washington University

SESSION 306. 12:30PM-2:30PM


Transnational Literature I

SESSION 304. 12:30PM-2:30PM


Chaired by Yoko Fujimoto, Waseda University

The Chinese Immigrant Writer Yang Yi and the

Transnational Literature in Japanese

Lianying Shan, Gustavus Adolphus College

Women in Asia I
Feminism and Marxism in the All India Democratic
Womens Association. A Leftist Approach to the
Womens Question in Contemporary India

Susanne Kranz, Zayed University
A Woman is a Womans Worst Enemy: Understanding
Mother-In-Law Violence in Domestic Violence Cases in
Beyond the Mousm and the Karayuki : The Commodified
Bodies of Japanese Women in French Indochina
Frederic Roustan, EHESS Paris
Do Women Born in Japan Readily Accept Mens
Superiority? The Analysis of Individuals Culture
Orientations by Birth place, Ethnicity, and Gender
Claire I. Hitosugi, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Self-Searching Migrants and Workers Identity: Why
Japanese Women (and Men) Prolong Their Stay in
Etsuko Kato, International Christian University


Chaired by Manfred B. Steger, Royal Melbourne

Institute of Technology University

The Role of the Individual in Writing Global History: Case

Studies of Three Chinese Transcultural Writers
Sufumi So, George Mason University
Macanese Literature with Sino-Portuguese Cultural
Expression: Camilo Pessanha and His Poems

Denise Ngan Hong Wong, Macao Polytechnic Institute
Transcultural Feminine Modernism: Ling Shuhuas Ecriture
Romance and Revolution: Han Suyin in America

Daniel Sanderson, Australian National University
South Asian Diaspora as Multiple Positionings in M.G.
Vassanjis Narrativisation of the Past and Present

Yoko Fujimoto, Waseda University
Grafting Korean, Engendering Koreannness Through the
Foreign: Korean American and North Korean Identity as
Spy in Chang-rae Lees Native Speaker and Kim YoungHas Your Republic Is Calling You

Ju Young Jin, Indiana University-Bloomington

2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 307. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 308B

SESSION 310. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 314

Beyond the Middle Kingdom: Chinas

Political Economy in Comparative

Between History and Literature:

Establishing, Molding, and Subverting
Hegemonic Narratives in South(ern) Korea

Crossing the River by Feeling for Stones or Carried across

by the Current? The Transformation of the Chinese and
Russian Automotive Sectors
Andrew H. Wedeman, University of Nebraska

Constructing the Present and Yi Tae-juns Before and

after Liberation
Jonathan Glade, University of Chicago

Chinese Welfare Policy and the Politics of Uneven


Mark W. Frazier, University of Oklahoma

Two-Way Street: Traversing History and Literature in

Hong I-sop and Kim Yunsik, 1960-70
Hyun Joo Kim, Yonsei University

Fragmented Influence: Business Lobbying in China in

Comparative Perspective
Scott Kennedy, Indiana University

Stammering from the Dark Recesses of Memory:

Traumatic Recall and Broken Narratives of the Past in Pak
Wansos Early Works
Seunghei C. Hong, Sungkyunkwan University

Comparing Chinas Capitalists: Neither Democratic nor


SESSION 311. 12:30PM-2:30PM


When Are Banks Sold to Foreigners? An Examination of

the Politics of Selling Banks in Mexico, Korea, and China

Victor Shih, Northwestern University

Kevin J. OBrien, University of California, Berkeley

Migration and Citizenship in South Korea

Chaired by Jung-Sun Park, California State University,

Dominguez Hills

From Gender Equality to Class Privilege: Development of

Dual Nationality in South Korea

Nora H. J. Kim, University of Mary Washington

Politics and Identity of Food in Asia

Constructing and Negotiating Selves in a New Land: Three

Narratives of North Korean Migrant Women in South Korea

SESSION 308. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Becoming Nuoc Mam: Insight into Vietnamese History
through Fish Sauce

Mei Feng Mok, University of Washington, Seattle
Ji-Biiru and Japanese Cultural Identity

Mark F. Meli, Kansai Daigaku
Taipei Beef Noodle Festival: Analyzing the Festivalization
of the Colonial Food in Taiwan
Hui-tun Chuang, New School for Social Research
Japanese Food for the Global Market: Gender,
Biopolitics, and Nationalism
Aya Kimura, University of Hawaii, Manoa


Korean Amerasians and the Myths of Multiculturalism in

South Korea
South Koreas Multiple Citizenship
Jung-Sun Park, California State University, Dominguez


SESSION 312. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 318B

Exploring Agrarian Transformations in

Southeast Asia
(Part 2 of 2, see Session 271)

SESSION 309. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 312

Rethinking Korean Socialist Culture in the

Twenty-First Century
Reading Colonial Leftist Literature after the Cold War

Sunyoung Park, University of Southern California
The Development of Mass Intellectuality: Reading Circles
and Socialist Culture in 1920s Korea

Jung-hwan Cheon, Sungkyunkwan University
The Revolution of Sensibility: Emotion in Korean
Proletarian Literature
Youkyung Son, Ajou University
Everyday Life in Extraordinary Times: North Korea in the

Suzy Kim, Rutgers University

Increased Market Integration, Value, and Ecological

Knowledge of Tea Agro-Forests in the Akha Highlands of
Southern Yunnan

Selena Ahmed, New York Botanical Garden
Securing Food Sovereignty

Elizabeth Louis, East-West Center
Rural Discontent and Politics of the Underclass in Northern

Chusak Wittayapak, Chiang Mai University
Deagrarianization and Reagrarianization: Making Sense
of a Revitalization in Agrarian Livelihoods in Southern
Peter Vandergeest, York University


Namhee Lee, University of California, Los Angeles




SESSION 313. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 301B

Land, Rivers, and Villagers: New Research

on Rural Politics in Southeast Asia Sponsored by the Southeast Asia Council
Struggle over Land and Land Policy in Contemporary Indonesia

Noer Fauzi Rachman, University of California, Berkeley
The More Things Change the More They Stay the Same:
How Rural Uplands Have Been Transformed by Migration,
Forest Conservation and Land Tenure Policy in Vietnam
and Indonesia
Pamela McElwee, Arizona State University
Not So Colorful: Looking at the Red-Shirt Movement from
the Thai Countryside
Yoshinori Nishizaki, National University of Singapore
Rivers in Southeast Asian History and State-Building
Jennifer Franco, Brandeis University

SESSION 314. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 313C

Roundtable: Translating Old Thai Literature:

Learnings from Khun Chang Khun Phaen

Chaired by Chris Baker, Independent Scholar


Pasuk Phongpaichit, Chulalongkorn University

Robert J. Bickner, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Susan F. Kepner, University of California, Berkeley

John F. Hartmann, Northern Illinois University

Bonnie Brereton, Khon Kaen University

SESSION 315. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Finding the Keshava Deva Temple through Text and


Edward Rothfarb, University of California, Los Angeles
Use Perfumes and Share them with One Another:
Olfactory History as Sociopolitical History
Emma Flatt, Nanyang Technological University
On the Road with Muhammad b. Tughluq in the Deccan,
1321-26: Integrating Inscriptions, Chronicles, and
Richard M. Eaton, University of Arizona

SESSION 317. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 317A

Swadeshi in the Time of Nations: Reflections

on Sumit Sarkars Swadeshi Movement in
Bengal, India, and Elsewhere - Sponsored by
the South Asia Council
The Many Spaces and Times of the Swadeshi Movement
Dilip M. Menon, University of the Witwatersrand
Anarchist History and Historiography in the Shadow of
Sumit Sarkars Swadeshi Movement

Maia Ramnath, New York University
Swadeshi Semeiotic: Political Tamil and the Invention of
Vernacular Shorthand
Bernard Bate, Yale University
Fashioning Swadeshi: Clothing Women in Colonial North

Charu Gupta, University of Delhi

SESSION 318. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 316B

The Age of Commerce in the Longe Dure:

Local Indentities and State Powers in the
Modern Era

Outside the National Fold: Partition

Subjectivities, Pluralism, and Resistance

Chaired by James F. Warren, Murdoch University

Ransom, Escape, and Debt: Emancipation and Its Legacy

of Indebtedness in the Sulu Zone

James F. Warren, Murdoch University
Love and Hate of Southeast Asia to the West:
Ambivalence of Indonesian People toward Western
Medicine in the Colonial Era
Akira Oki, Meiji Gakuin University
God and Nation: Catholicism and the Emergence of Indonesian
National Identities on the Island of Flores, Eastern Indonesia
Caty Husbands, University of California, Los Angeles
Two Models of Catholic-Muslim Cooperation: Catholic NGO
Responses to the Tsunami in Aceh, Indonesia, 2004-2005
George D. Teodoro, University of Toronto

SESSION 316. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 316C

Creating an Interface: The Challenges

of Interpreting Varieties of Material and
Textual Evidence from South Asia, Part B:
Texts, Monuments, and Material Culture


Material Evidence for Indian Court Culture in the Sixth to

Eighth Century: The Chalukyas of Badami
Julie Romain, University of California, Los Angeles

Room 317B

Absent Women, Bivalent Masculinities, and Impossible

Sovereignties: Sikhs in Partition Cinema

Nicola Mooney, University of the Fraser Valley
Sufi Pluralism and Punjabiyat: Amrita Pritam (Re)Writes
Staying Put: Partition, Homeland, and Resistance in Hasan
Azizul Huqs Agunpakhi
Nation and Narration in Partition Oral Histories

Shuchi Kapila, Grinnell College

SESSION 319. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 318A

New Subalterns? Theorizing Subaltern

Politics in Contemporary India
Adivasis in and against the State: Exploring the Dynamics
of Sulbaltern Politics and State Power in Contemporary
From Autonomy to Hybridity: Feminist Politics in
Neoliberal India

Srila Roy, University of Nottingham

2011 Joint Meeting

To Be Beautiful, or Not to Be Beautiful, That Is the

Question: Himeno Kaorukos Seikei Bijo

Satoko Kan, Ochanomizu University

Subalterns, Civil Society, and Political Society in

Contemporary India: Concepts and Contexts in a
Neoliberal Time
Subir Sinha, SOAS, University of London

Celebrations of the Heart: Romantic Lit by Yuikawa Kei

Eileen Mikals-Adachi, Eckerd College

SESSION 323. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 321B

SESSION 320. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Parenting and Child care in Japan

Post-bubble Aesthetics in Japan: Counterurbanist and Slow Life Philosophies in

Japanese Contemporary Art and Architecture

Seeking a Better Balance: Womens Experience of

Childrearing and Work in Contemporary Japan
Susan D. Holloway, University of California, Berkeley

Rise of the Northern River: Art and Regional Urban

Development in the Festival Curatorship of Fram Kitagawa
Adrian Favell, Aarhus University

The Role of Grandparents in Child care in Contemporary


Barbara G. Holthus, German Institute for Japanese


The Possibilities of an Island: Rebuilding Culture in the

Inland Sea

Julian D. Worrall, Waseda University

Room 319A

Chaired by Emiko Ochiai, Kyoto University

Chaired by Adrian Favell, Aarhus University

Japanese Transnational Families in Hawaii

Hiroki Igarashi, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Six-Decade Analysis of Gender Disparities in Japanese
Mothers Day and Fathers Day Comic Strips

Saori Yasumoto, Georgia State University

Emiko Ochiai, Kyoto University

Unpacking a Post-digital Sensibility in Recent Japanese Art

Olivier Krischer, University of Tsukuba
The Spirit of Place: An Artists Perspective on New
Exhibition Formats in Japan

James Jack, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Thomas C. Daniell, Kyoto Seika University

SESSION 321. 12:30PM-2:30PM

SESSION 324. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 322A

Room 319B

Workshop: Researching Japan from Home,

Even if You Cant Get There Soon: New
Strategies and Digital Resources

Before and after the Banquet: Culinary

Discourse in Japan (1500-1900)
Food Imagery and Parody in 16th-Century Japan: About
the Shuhanron Emaki (The Illustrated Scroll of the Sake
and Rice Debate)
Claire-Akiko Brisset, Universite Paris Diderot
From Warming Stone to Memorial Stone: Rethinking the
History of Japanese Tea Cuisine

Eric C. Rath, University of Kansas
Wine and Eau-de-Cologne: From the Introduction of
Western Food to the Birth of Yoshoku

Shoko Higashiyotsuyanagi, International Christian

Admonitions Regarding Food: Some Glimpses into the
Pleasures and Dangers of Eating in Edo Period Japan

Michael Kinski, University of Frankfurt am Main

Jordan Sand, Georgetown University


Beyond the Politics of Representation: The Indigenous

Subject of New Subaltern Politics
Rashmi Varma, University of Warwick


Michiko Ito, University of Kansas

Dawn Lawson, New York University

Fabiano Rocha, University of Toronto

Victoria Lyon Bestor, NCC

SESSION 325. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 313B

Roundtable: Translation: Why and How to

Teach It - Sponsored by the Association of
Teachers of Japanese
Chaired by Stephen Snyder, Middlebury College

Laurel Rasplica Rodd, University of Colorado, Boulder

Sonja Arntzen, University of Toronto

Frank Baldwin, Social Science Research Council

Judy Wakabayashi, Kent State University

SESSION 322. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 321A

Japanese Chick Lit: Women Writers of the

Baby Boomer Generation
Portraits of Modern Japanese Working Women: The
Literature of Hayashi Mariko
Hiromi Tsuchiya Dollase, Vassar College
Who is Aiko? The Absent Father in Natsuo Kirinos Im
Sorry, Mama
Kayo Takeuchi, Ochanomizu University

SESSION 326. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 323A

Approaching the Socialist New Man in China:

Aesthetics and Politics
Primitive Communism, the Ancient Society, and the
Socialist Newness: A Genealogy of the Human from
Engels to Guo Moruo
Pu Wang, New York University




The Construction of the New Man: From the October

Revolution to the Post-Communist Era: A Historical

Angel Ferrero, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
The Anxiety of Legitimacy: The Socialist New Man and
His Aesthetic Judgment, 1956-1964
Xiang He, New York University
The Curtain Falls on the Socialist New Man: Case Study
of a Red Guard Literature and Arts Propaganda Troupe
Amy R. M. OKeefe, University of California, San Diego

Fraught Identities: Visual Tensions in Northern Dynasties


Bonnie Cheng, Oberlin College
Sociopolitical Network and Legitimated Power: Sogdian
Merchants and Their Xianbei Rulers in Mid-Sixth Century

Mandy Jui-Man Wu, University of Pittsburgh
Politics of the Fictive Family: Tang Surname Bestowal,
Fosterage and Adoption

Jonathan K. Skaff, Shippensburg University of


Room 323B


Albert E. Dien, Stanford University

Constructions of Daoist Pantheons and Their

Functions in Ritual

SESSION 327. 12:30PM-2:30PM

The Pantheon of the Yushu jing and the Gods of Late

Song Thunder Rites

Poul Andersen, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Gods, Patriarchs, and Masters in Living Color:
Representations of a Daoist Pantheon from Hunan
With Both Feet Firmly up in the Air: Who Controls Zhang
Wulang, the Controller of Demons?

Mark Meulenbeld, University of Wisconsin, Madison
What Pantheon Is This? The Gods and Practices of the
Central Scripture of Laozi

Gil Raz, Dartmouth College

Sheng-chih Lin, Academia Sinica

SESSION 328. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Chinese Cinema

Chaired by Wendy Su, University of California,


From Two-Line Struggle to Triangular Love: Blooming

Flowers and Full Moon (1958) as a Polyvocal Microcosm

Zhuoyi Wang, Hamilton College
Film as Manifestation of Chinas Soft Power: Latest
Trends of Chinas Film Industry
Wendy Su, University of California, Riverside
The Uncontainable Flow in the Networks: The CounterEspionage Films at the Turn of 1980s
Xiao Liu, University of California, Berkeley
Beyond the New Waves: Uncovering Taiwanese Comedy
George Chun Han Wang, University of Hawaii

SESSION 329. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 324

Political Culture, Identity, and Legitimacy

during the Northern Dynasties, Sui and Tang

Environmental Management and Nation

Building in Chinas Periphery: Historical and
Geographical Approaches

Chaired by Emily Yeh, University of Colorado, Boulder

Mining and State Building in Xinjiang during the 1940s

Judd C. Kinzley, University of California, San Diego
The Great Green Wall: Forests for the State, Trees for the

Hong Jiang, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Fur Politics in the Qing Empire: Defending Lake Khovsgol,
Jonathan Schlesinger, Harvard University
Drinking Water Security and National Development in
Northwest China

Afton E. Clarke-Sather, University of Colorado,


SESSION 330. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 325A

Chaired by Nicola Di Cosmo, Institute for Advanced


Emily Yeh, University of Colorado, Boulder


SESSION 331. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 313A

Roundtable: The (Re)Globalization of

China - Sponsored by the China and
Inner Asia Council

Chaired by Mayfair Mei-hui Yang, University of

California, Santa Barbara


Mayfair M. Yang, University of California, Santa


Timothy Brook, University of British Columbia

Tansen Sen, City University of New York,

Baruch College

Mingming Wang, Beijing University

Deborah Brautigam, American University

Ying Him Anthony Fung, Chinese University of

Hong Kong

The Nation as Army, the Lord as Warrior-King: Definition

and Redefinition of the Nature of the Northern Wei State

Scott Pearce, Western Washington University


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 332. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 325B

SESSION 335. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 311

Place, Heritage, and Construction of the

Alais Native-Place Ethnography: Re/locating Tibet?
Yiyan Wang, University of Sydney

Social Impacts of Chinas New Growth Model

Packaging Policies of the New Growth Model
Flemming Christiansen, University of Leeds

Mosuo Identity in Nuer Guo: Toward Theorizing

Ethnotourism, Authenticity, and Place

In Dire Need of Skilled Labor: New Challenges to the

Vocational Education System

Guenter Schucher, GIGA Institute of Sciences

Scripture Rounds at Moerduo Mountain: Spatial Practice

and Embodied Text

Xinjian Xu, Sichuan University

Demographic Challenges and the Coming Change of the

One-Child Policy

Thomas Scharping, University of Cologne

Provincial Republicanism and the Local Epic

Yi Zheng, University of Sydney

The Violence of Human Capital: Education, Development,

and Failed Youth


Edward M. Gunn, Cornell University

Sexualities at Work: White-Collar Beauties in Urban China


Chinas New Challenge: Balancing the Interests of Labour

and Overseas Investors
Chun-yi Lee, University of Duisburg-Essen

SESSION 333. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 302B

The Politics and Practices of Knowledge

Production in China Studies

Friday 2:45 P.M.

Formal Sessions

A Census for Policing the Colony: The First Census in

Colonial Taiwan in 1905
Akiko Ishii, Cornell University
The Practices and Politics of Investigative Research during
the Great Leap Forward
Ping-Chun Hsiung, University of Toronto
Representing and Practicing Class during the Cultural

Yiching Wu, University of Toronto
The Pitfall of the Middle-Class Conscience in Doing
Ethnographic Research in China

Suowei Xiao, Beijing Normal University

SESSION 337. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 301A

The Past Is Present: Reflections of Ancient

Traditions in Modern Asian Art
Rematerializing Buddha Bhakti: Religious Competition and
Sinhala Buddhist Religious Identity in the Late Colonial

Sherry Harlacher, McNeese State University
Reimagining Ono no Komachi in Edo Japan

Joni M. Koehn, Rio Salado College


Xiangming Chen, Ohio Wesleyan University

Female Warriors and Foreign Women: Female Equestrian

Prints in Edo
Shiloh Blair, Arizona State University

SESSION 334. 12:30PM-2:30PM

Room 310, Theatre

Negotiating Cultural Boundaries in Taiwan

Over Alcohol Consumption in Truku Society: A Political
Economic Perspective
Hung-Yu Ru, Tzu-Chi University
Who Are the Disabled People? Politics of Recognition in
the Disability Classification System in Taiwan
Heng-hao Chang, National Taipei University

Collaboration Condition: Takashi Murakamis Impact on

the East/West Binary
Cindy Lisica, Tate, UK
Modern Traditions: The Art of Chan Shengyao

Jacqueline J. Chao, Arizona State University

Deborah A. Deacon, Harrison Middleton University

Mapping Indigenous Knowledge, Negotiating

Environmental Policy: An Action Research on the
Watershed Conservation in Taiwan
Re-negotiating Chineseness: Taiwanese Migrants in China

Shuling Huang, Chiao Tung University
Tea-Serving Volunteers and Wilderness Crusade: Cultural
Conflicts in Taiwans Environmentalism
Ming-sho Ho, National Taiwan University

Ming-Bao Yue, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Stephen E. Philion, St. Cloud State University

Names in program are those

the December 2 deadline.




SESSION 338. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 304B

Aesthetics and Authenticity in the Production

and Consumption of Food and Drink in East Asia
Crafting the Working-Class Taste: Passion and Obsession
for Ramen Consumption in Japan
Satomi Fukutomi, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Ramen Rage: Instant Noodles in Global Capitalism and the
Production, Reproduction, and Transformation of Social
Meanings and Taste
Annie Sheng, Columbia University
Japanese Sake Labels: Tales of Valor and Aesthetic
Patricia Yarrow, Meiji Gakuin University
Individuality for the Masses? Coffee Consumption and the
Imagination of the Chinese Middle Class
Lena Henningsen, University of Heidelberg

SESSION 342. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 323B

Interrogating Ideology and National Identity

in Colonial, Wartime, and Postwar East Asia
Japanese Dissidents in Colonial Korea: The Case of Joko
Yonetaro and the Teachers Union Incident of December

Atsuko Aoki, Rikkyo University
Liberal Humanism and Wartime Spiritual Mobilization: Zhu
Guangqian as Guomindang Propagandist

Brian Tsui, Columbia University

Qing Zhen Noodles in Qing Zhen Spaces: Crafting

Authentic Food in the Noodle Shops of Ningxia Hui
Autonomous Region
Stephanie Clarey, University of Chicago

American Imperialism and Asias New Order: A View from

Wartime Nanjing
Maggie Clinton, Middlebury College


R. Kenji Tierney, Skidmore College

Utopians in Defeat: Ishiwara Kanji, Yan Xishan, and a

World United

Konrad M. Lawson, Harvard University

SESSION 339. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 317A

Music Making People Move: The Travelling

Production and Consumption of Asian Pop
Birmingham, Bombay, and Beyond: The Politics of
Circulation in Transnational Punjabi Pop Music
Patrick R. Froelicher, University of Heidelberg
Hitting the Wave: Global Encounters in Korean Pop Music
Michael Fuhr, University of Heidelberg
Silk Road Sounds: The Roots and Routes of Uzbek Pop
Transnational Musician: A Study on How Ethnicity Is
Promoted in the East Asian Popular Music Industry
Eve Leung, SOAS, University of London
Travelogues from the World Behind the Mirror: On
Western Visual-Kei Fans Voyaging to Japan


Julia S. Lamb, Northern Illinois University

Miho Matsugu, DePaul University

SESSION 343. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 303B

People on the Move: Migration Networks and

Their Demise in Colonial East Asia, 1870s to
Omi Merchants in the Japanese Colonial Diaspora

Jun Uchida, Stanford University
Reconstructing the Everyday Life of Chinese Migrant
Laborers in Colonial Korea
The Unseen Hand: The United States Military Coordination
of the Post-World War II East Asian Population Transfers

Lori Watt, Washington University, St. Louis

SESSION 344. 2:45PM-4:45PM

The 1911 Revolution and the Transpacific

Chinese Diaspora

Chaired by Elizabeth J. Perry, Harvard University

A Tripartite Revolutionary System in Southeast Asia: Sun

Yat-sen and the Chinese Diaspora, 1900-1911

Sin-kiong Wong, National University of Singapore
The Wandering Prophet and His Apostles: Sun Yat-sens
Revolutionary Propaganda in the TokyoHong Kong
Singapore Nexus, 1905-1911

Hideo Fukamachi, Chuo University

SESSION 341. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 313A

Roundtable: Developments and Tensions in

Asian Regionalism

Room 312

Workshop on Using Media and Technology

in Language Acquisition - Sponsored by the
Committee on Teaching about Asia

Kaji Wataru and East Asian Democracy at the Intersection

of Chinese Victory and Japanese Defeat

Erik W. Esselstrom, University of Vermont

SESSION 340. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 302B



Amitav Acharya, American University

William F. Tow, Australian National University

Mely Caballero Anthony, S. Rajaratnam School of

International Studies

Keisuke Iida, Tokyo University

Chaired by T. J. Pempel, University of California,


From Reform to Revolution: Political and Personal

Transition in the Chinese Diaspora of Canada and the
Transpacific Arena, 1895-1911

Zhongping Chen, University of Victoria

2011 Joint Meeting

The Health Administration of Beijing Municipality and

Disinfection under Japanese Occupation (1937-1945)
Kyu-hwan Sihn, Yonsei University

Chi-Kong Lai, University of Queensland


Yun-jae Park, Yonsei University

Sonja M. Kim, State University of New York, Binghamton

SESSION 345. 2:45PM-4:45PM

SESSION 348. 2:45PM-4:45PM


Room 301B

Constructing a Multi-ethnic Utopian Culture

in Manchukuo: Images of Manchuria
in Painting, Photography, Commercial
Advertisements, and Architecture, 1932-1945

Transnational Literature II
Whos Afraid of Arundhati Roy: A Reading of Roys
Activism and Position within Postcolonial Debates in India

Surrealism at the Service of the State: Fukuzawa Ichir

and Associates, 1935-1936
Annika A. Culver, University of North Carolina, Pembroke

Reinventing a Literary Tradition: Aesthetics of Haiku,

Poetics of Seduction, and Annihilation in Aki Shimazaki

Janusz Przychodzen, York University

Romancing the Frontier: Fuchigami Hakuy, Art

Photography, and the Promotion of a Cultural Connoisseur

Kari Shepherdson-Scott, Duke University

Taking a Left Turn: Sino-Malay Social Novels in the 1950s

Selling Utopian Health in Manchukuo: The Case of Ruosu

Norman Smith, University of Guelph

Transnationalism, Memory, and New Malaysian Diasporic


An Uneasy Balancing Act: The Russian migr Community

and Utopian Ideals of Manchukuo
Victor Zatsepine, University of Hong Kong


Ronald Suleski, Suffolk University

Changing Forms of Labour Organizations

SESSION 346. 2:45PM-4:45PM

The Past Contested: National, Cultural, and

Global Dimensions of History Education in
Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore
Chaired by Ethan Segal, Michigan State University

H.R.121 and the International Response to the Japanese

Textbook Controversy

Elizabeth Anne Dutridge-Corp, Michigan State

Who am I? An International Study of Cultural Identity in
Post-democratic Taiwanese Elementary Schools
The Politics of History Education and Nation-Building in
Malaysia (19602010)

Lee Lan Wong, National Chengchi University
History Education for National Building and State
Formation: The Case of Singapore

Yeow Tong Chia, University of Toronto

SESSION 349. 2:45PM-4:45PM


An Assessment of Deprivation Involved in Child Labour

and Child Work in India
Demise of Korean Workers Movement?

Suk-Man Hwang, Changwon National University
Managing the Meanings of Haken: The Structuration of
Temporary Dispatched Work in Neoliberal Japan

Shinji Kojima, University of Hawaii, Manoa
Measured Invisibility: Ghumauri and the Challenges of Worker
Organizing within Fair Trade Certified Plantation Systems

SESSION 350. 2:45PM-4:45PM


Foreign Relations in East Asia

Chaired by Ming Hwa Ting, University of Nottingham

From Confrontation to Conciliation? Building Trust across

the Taiwan Strait

Nien-chung Chang Liao, National Chengchi University


Ethan Segal, Michigan State University

David L. Grossman, Chaminade University

Filipinas Writing Hawaii

Lilia Q. Santiago, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Competing Approaches to Child Domestic Work in Asian

Developing Countries: Evidence from the Case Study in

Room 305A


Merchant Networks and Revolutionary Conversion in the

Chinese Diaspora of Japan, 1895-1912

Laixing Chen, University of Hyogo

The Diminishing Effect of Taiwans Nationalist

Mobilization: An Examination of President Chen Shuibians Cross-Strait Policy
Hsiao-Chi Hsu, University of Washington

SESSION 347. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Disease as Text: Living with and Managing

Disease in East Asia

Reaction to Popular Pressure or a Political Tool? Different

Interpretations of Chinas Policy Regarding Koizumis
Visits to the Yasukuni Shrine

Karol Zakowski, University of Lodz

Malaria in Pre-modern Korea

In-sok Yeo, Yonsei University

Comparing China, Japan, and South Koreas Policies vis-vis North Korea

Enumerating Prostitute Disease in Modern Japan (18501912)

Ann Marie L. Davis, Connecticut College

Spice Wars Revisited: US, China, Japan, and the

Competition for Rare Metals

Ming Hwa Ting, University of Nottingham

Room 305B




SESSION 351. 2:45PM-4:45PM


Love and Desire

Weavers Stories from Island Southeast Asia

Chaired by Kai-man Chang, Tulane University

Cyberspace Romance in Translation: The Case of Chinas

Email-Order Brides

Haiyi Liu, University of California, San Diego
A Thwarted Romance: The Space-Off Created by One
Malaysia and Intersex in Yasmin Ahmads Films
Tragicomic Transformations: Food, Sex, and Beauty in
301/302 and 200 Pounds Beauty

Jane Chi Hyun Park, University of Sydney
Love Is Blind? Performativity and Violence in Uno Chiyos
Confessions of Love

Juliana Choi, University of California, San Diego
Romancing Taipei: Global-Local Dialectics of Love and
Commerce in Taiwans Youth Cinema

Kai-man Chang, Tulane University

SESSION 352. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 308A

North Korea Re-examined: Literature, Film,

and the Everyday
The North Korean State and the Autonomy of Writers:
The Case of Hong Sok-jung
Jae-yong Kim, Wonkwang University
Continuity in Early North Korean Cinema
Steven Chung, Princeton University
Vinalon City: An Industrial Myth for the Everyday Life
Cheehyung Kim, Columbia University
The Discourse of Worker-Mother in North Korean
Womens Literature: Its Official Promotion and Unofficial
Rupture after the Time of Arduous March

Sang-kyung Lee, Korea Advanced Institute of Science

and Technology

Jin Kyung Lee, University of California, San Diego

SESSION 353. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 308B

Diversity in South Koreas Democratization


Chaired by Yeun Jee Song, University of California,

Los Angeles

Getting the Story: Motivations and Methods in Filming

Weavers Stories
The Weavers House: Situated Listening, Translation, and
Video in the Highlands of Mindanao

Cherubim A. Quizon, Seton Hall University
On Owning and Losing: Weavers Tales from Sumba and
East Timor

Jill K. Forshee, Columbia College
Weavers Stories: Evaluating the Educational Programs
Gina M. Hall, Fowler Museum at UCLA

SESSION 355. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 311

Historical Narratives and Societal Change in

Cambodia since 1979
Formal and Informal Education and Genocide in Cambodia
since 1979

Sothy Eng, Royal University of Phnom Penh
Performance as (Re)Incarnation: The Sdech Korn Narrative

Astrid Noren-Nilsson, University of Cambridge
Genocide, Memory, and Ambivalence in Cambodia: A
Cambodian American Perspective

Teri Shaffer Yamada, California State University, Long


Kheang Un, Northern Illinois University

SESSION 356. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 304A

Encounters between the Living and Dead:

Practices of Commemorating, Finding,
Appeasing, and Burying Dead Vietnamese
within and beyond Vietnam

Chaired by Tobias F. Rettig, Singapore Management


Voices from the Otherworld: War Martyrs and Their

Mediums in Post-Doi Moi Vietnam

Kirsten W. Endres, Max Planck Institute for Social

Your Words Echo Forever: Memorial Songs of the
Vietnam Wars (1945-1975)

Politicization of Social Groups in South Koreas

Democracy Movement
Paul Y. Chang, Yonsei University

Remembering the War Dead of the Vietnamese Liberation

Forces: The Operation Wandering Souls Project

Bob Hall, University of New South Wales

Change the Present by Changing History: The Movement

of Chinilpa Chongsan as a New Form of Democratic
Yeun Jee Song, University of California, Los Angeles

Vietnamese Concepts of Appeasing Wandering Souls as

a Methodology of Psychological Healing for American
and Vietnamese War Veterans, Their Families, and
Their Communities: A Powerpoint, Film Clip, and Oral

Wayne Karlin, College of Southern Maryland

The Unification Movement by Korean American Activists

and the Korean Congress for Democracy and Unification
(KCDU) in the 1970s and 1980s

Chris Hyunkyu Park, Yonsei University

Elli S. Kim, University of California, Los Angeles


SESSION 354. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 309

Commemorating the Vietnamese First World War Dead,

1915-2011: French Hegemony Uncontested?

Tobias F. Rettig, Singapore Management University

2011 Joint Meeting

Roundtable: Hinduism Studies in America

with a Focus on Wendy Donigers The
Hindus: An Alternative History, 2009


Ruth Y. Hsu, University of Hawaii, Manoa

SESSION 357. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Asia as a Problem in Transnational


Chaired by Jie-Hyun Lim, Hanyang University


Naoki Sakai, Cornell University

Charles K. Armstrong, Columbia University

Rada Ivekovic, University of Saint-Etienne, France

Joyce Chi-Hui Liu, National Chiao Tung University

Chaired by M. Lal Goel, University of West Florida

Srinivasan Kalyanaraman, Sarasvati Research Centre

Ramdas Lamb, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Room 318A

SESSION 360. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 313B


Objects of Tension: The Vietnamese Boat Peoples

Memorials and the Politics of Memorialization

Quan T. Tran, Yale University

SESSION 361. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 316B

Politics of Transgenic Crops in India

Indias New Gene Wars: Cotton to Brinjal

Ronald J. Herring, Cornell University
GM Crops and Transnational Activist Imaginaries in India

SESSION 358. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 315

Various Faces of Political Islam in

Democratic Indonesia: Origins, Processes,
and Consequences
Capitalism, the State, and Civil Islam in Indonesia
Tuong Vu, University of Oregon
Ideological Adaptability and the Role of Islamic Groups in
Indonesias Democratization
LaiYee Leong, Southern Methodist University

Smallholder Articulation and Economic Transition in

Andhra Pradesh, India

Priti Ramamurthy, University of Washington
Choice, Freedom, and Child Labor in Bt Cottonseed

Kacy McKinney, University of Washington
Does Bt Cotton Show the Way Forward for Indian

SESSION 362. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Islam for All? Electoral Changes and Religious Party

Mobilization in Democratic Indonesia
Kikue Hamayotsu, Northern Illinois University

Room 313C

The Decline of Traditionalist Muslim Party in Indonesia

Yon Machmudi, University of Indonesia

Roundtable: The Political Thought of


Chaired by Anupama Rao, Barnard College, Columbia


Integrated Islamic Education, Political Islam, and

Indonesian Democracy

Ajay Skaria, University of Minnesota


Robin Bush, Asia Foundation

SESSION 363. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 316C

SESSION 359. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 316A

The Intellectual Legacy of Southeast Asian

Historian Constance Wilson - Sponsored by
the Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Studies Group
Politics across the Mekong River: The Relationship
between Nan and Sipsong Panna in the Early Nineteenth

Ratanaporn Sethakul, Payap University
The 1901-1902 Millenarian Revolts of Southern Laos
and Ubon Ratchathani: Considering the Influence of the
Champassak Royal Family

Ian G. Baird, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Crossing the Pacific: Asia and America in

the Work of Ian Hideo Levy
Exophony and the Locations of Identity in Levy Hideos

Faye Kleeman, University of Colorado, Boulder
Memoirs of a Gaijin: Whiteness and White Privilege in Ian
Hideo Levys Fiction

Christopher D. Scott, Macalester College
Transversal, Translingual: Levy Hideos Pursuit

Keijiro Suga, Meiji University

Ian Hideo Levy, Hosei University

Nation Building, the Nation-State, and Shan in

Maehongson Province, Northwestern Thailand
Nicola Tannenbaum, Lehigh University
Whither Southeast Asia? Constance Wilson, the Middle
Mekong, and Scholarship
Richard A. OConnor, University of the South




SESSION 364. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Coolness in Japan: A Literary Motif and Historical

Discourse Based Investigation

Room 302A

The Sympathetic Magic of Art: Forming Artist

and Artwork in and beyond Postwar Japan
Shiraga Kazuo: The Hero and Concrete Violence

Namiko A. Kunimoto, American University
The Asian Guru as a Model of Artistic Charisma in
Transnational Avant-Garde Practice

Bert Winther-Tamaki, University of California, Irvine
The Reportage of the Living Object: Japanese AvantGarde Approaches to Material, Society, and Artistic
Practice ca. 1960

William Marotti, University of California, Los Angeles

SESSION 365. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Science Fiction, Empire, Japan: On the Literary-Historical

Unconscious in The Skycrawlers

Baryon Tensor Posadas, University of Toronto
Reading Murakami Harukis Later Works: Beans Sprouting
after Dark
Naomi P. Chiku, University of Auckland
Subverting Language: Social Critique in Yokomitsu Riichis
Modernist Fiction

Arthur M. Mitchell, Yale University

Room 317B

Roundtable: Japanese E-books: New

Research Horizons

Sacred Transgression and Desecration in Mishima Yukios

Homba (Runaway Horses)
Thomas Garcin, IETT, Universit Lyon 3 Jean Moulin

Chaired by Keiko Yokota-Carter, University of



Takaaki Ohkuma, Maruzen International

SESSION 368. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 319A

Women in Transit: Gender and Mobility in

Early Modern Japan
The Seventeenth-Century Transformation of Female
Officials in the Ryukyu Kingdom

Gregory J. Smits, Pennsylvania State University
Tsunenos Journey: Rethinking Status, Mobility, and the
Household in Tempo-Era Japan

Amy Stanley, Northwestern University

SESSION 366. 2:45PM-4:45PM


Women in Asia II

Making Sense of Transit: The Life of Naito Jushinin,

Daughter, Wife, and Sister of Daimyo

Bettina Gramlich-Oka, Sophia University

Advancing Womens Political Representation: A

Comparative Analysis of Japan and South Korea

The Many Reincarnations of a Bakumatsu Woman:

Mobility and Female Agency in Historical Interpretation

Laura Nenzi, University of Tennessee

Affective Attachments to Japanese Womens Language:

Language, Gender, and Emotion in Colonialism
Momoko Nakamura, Kanto Gakuin University

Gerald A. Figal, Vanderbilt University

Chaired by Ana M. Goy Yamamoto, Universidad

Autonoma de Madrid

Japanese Husbands Participation in Housework and Child

care before and during Pregnancy: The Persistence of
Gender Roles in Japan
Haruko Shinkawa, Hiroshima International University
The Not-So-Forgotten Asset of the Japanese Economy:
How Women Are Shaping Labour and Consumer Markets

Ana M. Goy Yamamoto, Universidad Autonoma de

Politics of Childbirth and Maternal Health Policy in
Postwar Japan

Kayo Onishi, University of Tokyo
The Expansion of Womens Education and Its Effect on
Family Values: A Comparative Study Based on East Asian
Social Survey in 2006

Hachiro Iwai, Kyoto University

SESSION 369. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 319B

Sacred Governance and Popular Culture in

Tokyo Religious Sites

Chaired by Jim Heisig, Nanzan Institute for Religion

and Culture

The Kyuchu Sanden: The Tokyo Palace, the Ise Shrines,

and the Energizing of the Imperial Institution

John Breen, SOAS, University of London
Sanno Hie Jinja and Nogi Jinja: A Tale of Two Akasaka
Steven Heine, Florida International University
Sacralizing Sengakuji Temple in the Age of Hello Kitty

John A. Tucker, East Carolina University

Michaela Mross, Komazawa University

SESSION 367. 2:45PM-4:45PM


Contemporary Japan

Chaired by Baryon Tensor Posadas, University of


In between Japan and Korea: Reading Yi Yang-jis Nabi

taryong from a Postcolonial Perspective

Nadeschda Bachem, University of Cologne


2011 Joint Meeting

SESSION 370. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 321A

Is Chinas Climate Policy at Home Better

Than It Is Appearing in International

Chinas Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Positions

Ying Chen, RCSD, CASS
Climate Change Policies as Multi-level, Multi-actor

Doris Fischer, German Development Institute
CO2-emission Reduction in the Building Sector and Its
Contribution to Chinas Climate Change Mitigation Targets
Andreas Oberheitmann, Tsinghua University

SESSION 373. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 323A

SESSION 371. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 321B

The New Chinese Political and Cultural

Identity: Harmonious in the Nation or the

Shaped Images: Social and Artistic

Responses to Pictorial Formats in Chinese
Artistic Sensitivity to Formats as Revealed in Depictions
of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
Ellen Johnston Laing, University of Michigan
Not Suitable for Gentlemen: Shin tu in the Song
Bo Liu, John Carroll University
Meditating Formats: The Case of Representing Peach
Blossom Spring in Chinese Painting
Wen-chien Cheng, University of Michigan
The Album Format in Seventeenth-Century Nanjing
Gregory M. Seiffert, Princeton University

Richard E. Vinograd, Stanford University

Foreign Policy: Harmony under Heaven? Chinas View and

Discourse of a Globalized, Multipolarized World

Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, University of Gttingen

Inner Policy: Economic Forgetting and Self-Contradictory

Nationalism in Contemporary China
Guoguang Wu, University of Victoria

Rethinking Empress Dowager Cixi through

the Production of Art

Identity and Literature: What Is Chineseness, Again:

Old Myths and New Insights Drawn from Contemporary
Chinese Literature
Civil Society: The Public Sphere in China of 1917-1937
and Today, Stimulated by Lu Xun and Han Han in Their
Role as the National Critical Conscience

Martin Woesler, University of Applied Languages

Daniel Dooghan, University of Minnesota


SESSION 374. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 303A

Chaired by Kate A. Lingley, University of Hawaii,


The Empress Dowager as Dramaturg: Reinventing LateQing Court Theatre

Liana Chen, George Washington University
En-gendering Space: Empress Dowager Cixi and the
Reconstruction Project of the Garden of Perfectly Bright

Ying-chen Peng, University of California, Los Angeles
Oneself as a Female Deity: Representations of Empress
Dowager Cixi Dressing as Guanyin

Yuhang Li, University of Chicago

SESSION 372. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 322A

Sinophone Interventions: Reconfigurating

Sinophonic Time and Space in East Asian
Negotiating with the Foreign: Wang Zhenhes
Linguistic Transgressions and Radicalization of National

Yin Wang, University of California, San Diego
The Local as the Translational: Sinophone Performances in
Colonial Taiwan
Chun-Yen Wang, Cornell University
Sinophonic Articulations within China: Historicizing
Protect Cantonese Street and Media Activism
Jia Tan, University of Southern California
From Critique of Ideology to Jargon of Authenticity: the
Other Question in Wu Hes Remains of Life
Chien-heng Wu, University of California, Los Angeles


Evelyn S. Rawski, University of Pittsburgh

Cheng-hua Wang, Academia Sinica

SESSION 375. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 323C

The Politics of Media Representation in

China: The Maoist Era and Beyond
Changing Society and Changing Images of Women in

Yuping Zhang, Lehigh University
Representations of China in Asia: CCTVs Overseas
Reading Red through Black: How Maoist China Used Race
to Legitimize its Leadership of the Third World
Vera L. Fennell, Lehigh University




SESSION 376. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 324

Fitting the Foreign into China, 1861-1901:

Late-Qing Responses to Global Uniformities
in Diplomacy and State-Making

SESSION 379. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 327

Chaired by R. Kent Guy, University of Washington

They Will Look upon the Most Secret and Important

Places: Political Globalization and Its Enemies in
Nineteenth-Century China

Richard S. Horowitz, California State University,

Restructuring Late-19th-Century Power: Balancing Central
and Local Concerns

Jennifer Rudolph, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Provincializing Foreign Affairs: Late-Qing Regionalism,
State-Making, and the Communication Crisis of 1900
Roger R. Thompson, Western Washington University

Operatic Genre-Crossing and Visual

Adaptation in the Shadow of Wartime China
The Reincarnation of the White Snake in the Shadow of
the Cold War

Liang Luo, University of Kentucky
Love between the Theatrical Heaven and Cinematic
Clouds: A Study of the Chinese Mythology Opera Film
The Heavenly Match (Tianxian pei)

Lanjun Xu, National University of Singapore
Affect, Folklore, and Cantonese Opera Film
Xiangyang Chen, New York University
Restoring China: Uses of the Past in Fei Mus Operatic

Kenny Ng, Hong Kong University of Science and



R. Kent Guy, University of Washington

SESSION 377. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 325A

Law and Legal Literature in the Early Chinese

Empires: New Perspectives on the Formation
of the Chinese Intellectual Tradition
Conceptualizing Written Law in Early China: Philosophical
Debates over the Nature of Law and the Influence of Writing

Ernest Caldwell, University of Chicago
Practical Casebook or Early Court-Case Literature: A New
Interpretation of the Zouyan shu (Book of Submitted
Doubtful Cases)

Anthony J. Barbieri-Low, University of California,

Santa Barbara
Two Faces of Law in Han China

Karen Turner, College of the Holy Cross
A New Framework for Old Problems: The Meaning of the
Han Confucian Turn as Exemplified in Legal Argument

Michael Luedke, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Mu-Chou Poo, Chinese University of Hong Kong

SESSION 378. 2:45PM-4:45PM

Room 325B

Creating Socialist Urban Space: Chinese

Cities in the 1950s

Chaired by David Strand, Dickinson College

State and Popular Entertainment in Early PRC Shanghai

Jin Jiang, East China Normal University
State Control and Rise of Socialist Amusement: Reform of
Popular Performance and Performers at the Teahouse in
early 1950s Chengdu
Di Wang, Texas A&M University
Mobilizing Women and Creating Socialist Neighborhoods
in Beijing, 1949-1952

Zhao Ma, Washington University, St. Louis

Janet Y. Chen, Princeton University


2011 Joint Meeting


Friday Evening
Special Events
AAS/ICAS Presidential Address/Awards Ceremony

Kalakaua Ballroom C Level 4

(See page 14)
AAS Member Reception Convention Center Rooftop

Deck Level 4
ANU-IU Pan Asia Institute Room 323A
Association for Teachers of Japanese Classical SIG

Room 302A
Association for Teachers of Japanese Board Meeting

Room 305A
CAORC Reception Room 321A
Chinese Historians in the United States 1 Room 307A
Cross Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review

Room 322B
Harvard-Yenching Institute Reception Room 317B
Japan Foundation Room 319A/319B
Malyasia-Singapore-Brunei Studies Group Room 309
Performance Royal Hawaiian Band

Convention Center Rooftop Deck Level 4

Philippines Studies Group Room 308B

Society for Ming Studies Room 305B
South Asia Microform Project: SAMP Room 303B
Thailand, Laos, Cambodia Studies Group Room 302B
Tibet Society Tibetan and Himalayan Studies Pedagogy

and Business Meeting Room 308A
University of Washington Room 318B
Vietnam Studies Group Room 304A
Chinese Historians in the United States 2 Room 307A
Journal of Asian Studies Editorial Manager Meeting

Room 303A



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