Bluetooth Based Home Automation
Bluetooth Based Home Automation
Bluetooth Based Home Automation
Types of automation
Components description
Automation is a key concept in 21st century. It plays an important role in the betterment of
human lives. Automation is enabling us to control various devices from anywhere in the world.
Automation is basically using various control systems to operate various equipments like
machineries in factories, homes etc with the least intervention of humans the advantage of
automating machinery is that it saves labor, and also it is more accurate and has a better
improved quality.
Automation can be done through many wireless networks like IOT, zigbee, Bluetooth etc. this
project is designed to work with a Bluetooth network. The main aim of the project is to control
various appliances like lights and fans through mobile phones using an android application. The
appliances are controlled by an aurdino board connected to them. This aurdino board acts as a
controller which would control the devices. The appliances which need to be controlled are
connected to the aurdino board using relays. The aurdino and the mobile phone are connected
wirelessly. This is done by connecting a Bluetooth module to the aurdino board. The data from
the application is send to the Bluetooth module via Bluetooth. The Bluetooth module receives the
data and passes it on to the microcontroller. The micro controller is designed such that the
desired application can be switched on and off
Here a Bluetooth technology is used because it is secured and can also be encrypted so that no
other device or person is able to use the facility. Also Bluetooth is a technology commonly
available in all smart phones and is very easy to use. Bluetooth works for a short distance range
also designing an android application for Bluetooth is very easy.
The android application for the mobile phone is created through the MIT application developer
tool (MIT application inventor 2).this application inventor is an openly available internet
application created by Google and maintained by MIT. It makes use of a graphical interface that
help us to design the application as we want it.
The growing technology has given rise to the automation of various processes which were earlier
done by mankind. Automation is the combined use of information technology and control
systems to reduce the intervention of human being. Automation is a step beyond mechanization.
Automation can be done by various methods like electrical, mechanical or electronic devices. It
also can be done in a combination of various types. The main aim of automating is to reduce the
time and power and also to increase the quality of the work done.
In this project the automation is achieved with the help of Bluetooth technology. Here the
Bluetooth module replaces all the cables as in case of the conventional circuits. The Bluetooth
transmits the data earlier transmitted through cables at a special frequency to another receiver
Bluetooth device. This Bluetooth module then transmits the data to the controller which controls
the device. Bluetooth, since a wireless technology is very useful and revolutionizes the way
people perceive digital devices. This technology is useful in interconnecting intelligent
The Bluetooth based automation system gives us the leisure to operate our devices from
anywhere within the given range. There is no need to operate
perk of the Bluetooth device is that the data transmitted from the Bluetooth module can be
encrypted so that no other devices are able to operate the appliances. The only need is to program
the aurdino for one time and we can control the appliances with the android application. The
android application is designed to send 0 1 etc to the Bluetooth module which switches it
ON and OFF respectively.
Home automation through Bluetooth is very usefull for those who cannot walk to the switch
board to on and off the appliances. People who due to old age could not walk are in need of such
type of projects. They can on/off the devices with formidable ease. Also Bluetooth based
automation is very cost effective and easily implementable.
Automation can be achieved by many methods like pneumatic,hydraulic, electronic or electrical
which is generally implemented in combination of all. Automation can be of various types based
on how a device is controlled. The various types are:
1. Discrete control:
This is the simplest kind of automation i.e. the on and off control. For e.g. the thermostats
used in household appliances. These thermostats only have the provision of on and off.
Further different controllers may add to the controlling aspect.
2. Continuous control:
This is the advanced type of automation. This is called the continuous control because it
has an aspect of feedback in it which makes it continuous. This type of control involves
taking inputs from a sensor and manipulating it and adapting accordingly.
3. Open and closed loop
Such a control where the measurement and controlling of single element is done is
known as a control loop. A control that measures a quantity, carries the information back
(as a feedback) and equates it to a preset value and corrects the information accordingly,
is called a closed control loop but on the same side the loop that does not have a feedback
mechanism is called an open loop
4. Sequential control
Bluetooth is a cordless technology for transferring the data over a small distance using small
wavelength ultra high frequency (UHF) radio waves. The data is transmitted in ISM band which
expands in 2.4 GHz to 2.485GHz. The data is transmitted from fixed mobile devices building a
PAN network (personal area network).the Bluetooth technology was invented by Ericson in
1994. A Bluetooth network was first designed as the alternative to the RS 232
overcomes the problem of synchronization and can connect several devices.
Bluetooth nowadays is overseen by the SIG the IEEE standardize IEEE 802.15.1 the standard
Bluetooth. A device must meet the Bluetooth SIG standards to be marketed as a standard
Bluetooth device.
The Bluetooth gives its credits to the development of small link radio which was started in 1989
by dr.nils rydbeck . The main purpose was to develop a cordless headset.
The Bluetooth technology operates at frequencies between 2402 and 24800MHz or 2400 and
2483.5MHz.this includes the guard band of 3.5MHz at the top and 2MHz at the bottom end. This
frequency band lies in the worldwide unlicensed scientific and industrial(ISM) 2.4 GHz small
range RF band. The Bluetooth technology uses the radio technology known as frequency
hopping spread spectrum.
The Bluetooth separates the information into separate packets and sends these packets into one of
the 79 channels available. Every one of channels has the bandwidth of 1MHz. It enables the AHF
(Adaptive Frequency hopping) and executes 800 hops/second.
The Bluetooth protocol is a packet dependent protocol and has a master-slave structure. In a
piconet, one master can contact with seven slaves. All the devices share the master clock. The
packet exchange takes place according to the basic clock defined by the master.
The microcontroller is the most important part of the system in this project. The microcontroller
acts as the brain of the system. Here an arduino-UNO is used as the main controller. An aurdino
uno board consists of an atmel 8,16, or 32 bit AVR microcontroller. It Is generally based upon the
Atmega328. It has 14 i/o pins. Six of these pins are used as PWM outputs.6 are analog inputs and
consists of a 16 MHz crystal oscillator. This main controller facilitates the connection between
the appliances and the Bluetooth. The appliances are connected to a relay to which in turn is
connected to the aurdino-uno board. The aurdino board is then connected to the Bluetooth
module. The Bluetooth module is connected to the android device wirelessly
The software part consists of programming the aurdino using embedded c language. The
software used for this purpose is the aurdino software(IDE). This software is an open source
software which makes it easy to code and to transfer it into the aurdino. The software is
developed in java platform. This software can be used to burn the program in any aurdino board.
The graphical user interface i.e the android application is designed through the MIT app
inventor tool. This is an open source tool for developing android applications without using
codes. The mit app inventor is developed in a java platform.
This above figure shows the general connectivity between the components in the automation
system. Here the cell phone which contains an user interface (i.e. the android app) which helps to
control the equipments sends a signal indicating which appliance is to be controlled. The signal
is received by the Bluetooth module (HC-05) which is then transferred to the aurdino board. The
signal is transferred from one Bluetooth to the other by the means of serial communication. The
aurdino board contains a program burned into it. The program is designed such that the aurdino
sends an logic 1 to those appliances which are to be switched on and a logical 0 to the devices
which are to be switched off. The power to the microcontroller is provided by a 12 v adaptor
The above picture shows the connection between the Bluetooth module the relay and the aurdino the appliances to be controlled are connected to the aurdino board through relay
module. The relay module has 6 pins to which the 3 pins are connected to say 8,9,10 pins of the
aurdino. The GND pin of the relay module is connected to the GND pin of the aurdino and the
vcc pin Is connected to 5v of the aurdino board. The Bluetooth module has three pins the vcc
ground and the output pin. The VCC pin is connected to 5v pin of the aurdino board,the ground
is connected is connected to the ground of the aurdino board. Since the Bluetooth module
transmits and receives data serially,the output pin is connected to the serial communication pins
of the aurdino, i.e. A0.the Bluetooth module is connected to the android device wirelessly.
Appliance 1 is on
1. It does not make use of wires
2. Its less costly
3. Its automated
4. It has very low disturbances.
5. It consumes less power
1. there are some other technologies that can provide even greater speed in comparison to
the Bluetooth technology
2. Bluetooth technology lacks in security measures.
3. It has a short range
The automation system using Bluetooth technology has been implemented and the devices are
controlled by the android device through an application developed on mit spp inventor tool
The official Bluetooth website from Bluetooth SIG:
Piyare, Rajeev, and M. Tazil. "Bluetooth based home automation system using cell
phone." Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2011 IEEE 15th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2011.
6. Sunehra, Dhiraj, and M. Yeena. "Implementation of interactive home automation systems based
on email and Bluetooth technologies." 2015 International Conference on Information Processing
(ICIP). IEEE, 2015.
7. Kumar, Shiu, and Seong Ro Lee. "Android based smart home system with control via Bluetooth
and internet connectivity." The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics
(ISCE 2014). IEEE, 2014.