Smart Crane Control - Improving
Smart Crane Control - Improving
Smart Crane Control - Improving
52 ✦ Iron & Steel Technology A Publication of the Association for Iron & Steel Technology
Figure 1
To make the material tracking system work, an closed-loop flux vector system. The hoist VFD also
automation system is used to automatically update uses the encoder signal to generate a hoist position.
the stored position of each slab and coil as they are The hoist position also must be offset based on the
moved through the manufacturing process. Overhead tooling used on the hook. Magnets and coil grabs
and gantry cranes are used to move most, if not all, have varying heights and must be compensated for in
material in a strip mill. An automated crane control the positioning system. The accuracy of the vertical
system can report the absolute position of its loads in axis must allow for identification of multiple slabs
three dimensions. stacked directly on top of each other. The bridge and
The core of the solution is a smart combination of trolley accuracies are not as critical, but are widely
automation hardware, software and integration. The available in ± 1 inch capability.
programmable automation controller (PAC) operates The next step in the process is to interface the
and communicates for the crane on several levels. At position data from the PAC to the mill’s warehouse
the base level, the PAC interprets the operator’s con- management database. Since the crane is already
trols (either cab-based or remote) and commands the using Ethernet for PAC to VFD communications, it is
variable frequency drives (VFDs) to move the crane a simple step to add a secure wireless link from the
axes. At the next level, the PAC interprets a variety crane to the plant information systems. In a low-level
of position feedback devices. Depending on the dis- solution, the crane will tell the plant information sys-
tances and environment, there are choices ranging tem anytime it moves a coil or slab. This would keep
from optical encoders to lasers to radar-based feed- the database accurate but would require manual work
back systems. The PAC reads the position transducer orders to be created for the crane operators. The ideal
and converts the absolute position data to applicable solution would have the plant warehouse system issue
engineering units. orders for material movement electronically (using
External absolute feedback devices are used to the secure wireless Ethernet network) directly to the
determine the bridge and trolley positions from a crane operators. This information is passed to the
known reference point. Absolute devices are used operator using a human machine interface (HMI)
to avoid having to “home” the crane after any power terminal in the cab of the crane. Whether or not
failures. The hoist position is generated by the hoist the operator follows the instructions, the crane still
VFD. The hoist axis uses an encoder as part of its reports the actual pickup and drop-off positions.
When the warehouse management software com- to monitor bearing and gearbox performance. The
mands the crane operator to pick up a specific piece PAC can monitor this data for out-of-tolerance perfor-
of steel and place it somewhere, the operator receives mance and indicate alarms to alert maintenance of
this command visually through the HMI software sys- potential future failures. The HMI can display trends
tem. Meanwhile, the PAC tracks and collects all of this of this data for maintenance to periodically review.
information and communicates with the warehouse Pending problems may be delayed by adding preven-
management software, telling it where each piece of tive maintenance to failing performance attributes.
steel is located and that items have been successfully As an added benefit, the HMI gives operations
moved. While the warehouse management software personnel the ability to remotely monitor the operat-
tells the operator what it wants it to do, the PACs ing performance of the cranes. In this situation, the
track and report what the operator actually did. Using cranes are used all day, every day, and aren’t typically
this system, each piece of steel is graphically tracked inspected for maintenance issues unless something
throughout its entire stay at the strip mill. goes wrong. Using the HMI’s embedded Web server
The HMIs also allow the operators to switch and the secure wireless network, maintenance can
between viewing the warehouse data, maintenance monitor the cranes’ status and performance with-
information and operating performance of the crane. out interrupting the operator or crane operations.
In addition, they use the HMI to complete a required Messaging services can also be used to alert plant
Occupational Safety and Health Administration personnel of a potential problem via email or instant
(OSHA) safety checklist before they are able to oper- messaging. The system will proactively alert opera-
ate the crane. tions personnel if and when there’s a problem with
the crane.
Maintenance Monitoring System
The PAC controller, in combination with the HMI, Performance Monitoring System
can monitor key operational points for the crane and Along with maintenance points, the PAC can track
indicate possible problems before failures actually key performance indicators (KPIs) of the crane and
occur. Using its Ethernet link to the VFDs, the PAC operator. KPIs such as number of loads moved per
can monitor all of the drive currents and power con- shift, day, week, etc., can be collected, displayed and
sumptions. RTD temperature inputs allow the PAC trended.
54 ✦ Iron & Steel Technology A Publication of the Association for Iron & Steel Technology
Figure 3
Table 1
Sample List of Key Performance Indicators
Number of crane starts Requested speed reference
Operators’ daily checklist verification Requested speed reference percentage
Amount of time the crane was powered Time crane controlled by cab
Amount of time the crane was active Time crane controlled by remote
Time spent unloaded Ambient temperature average
Time from pick (loaded) to unload Average bearing temperature — all bearings together
Average time from pick (loaded) to unload Average bearing temperature — each bearing
Time: Average loaded Maximum bearing temperature with ID and time stamp
Bridge master drive run time Number of crane alarms
Trolley drive run time Instant skew
Main hoist drive run time Average skew amount
Auxiliary hoist drive run time Maximum skew amount
Total weight main hoist lifted Bridge master current 1
Average main hoist load weight Bridge master current 2
Maximum weight main hoist lifted Bridge slave current 1
Number of lifts for the main hoist Bridge slave current 2
Total number of main hoist overloads Bridge master voltage 1
Total distance bridge travelled Bridge master voltage 2
Bridge travel: loaded Bridge slave voltage 1
Bridge travel: unloaded Bridge slave voltage 2
Total distance trolley travelled Bridge master power 1
Trolley travel: loaded Bridge master power 2
Trolley travel: unloaded Bridge slave power 1
Total distance main hoist raised Bridge slave power 2
Hoist travel: loaded Bridge master power consumed 1
Hoist travel: unloaded Bridge master power consumed 2
Automatic moves Bridge slave power consumed 1
Average main hoist speed Bridge slave power consumed 2
Average gantry speed Bridge master torque 1
Average trolley speed Bridge master torque 2
This paper was presented at AISTech 2011 — The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition, Indianapolis, Ind., and published in the Conference Proceedings.
56 ✦ Iron & Steel Technology A Publication of the Association for Iron & Steel Technology