Upgranding Relay Protection
Upgranding Relay Protection
Upgranding Relay Protection
Be prepared for the next replacement
or upgrade project
B y D A N I E L L . R A NSO M
HERE ARE MANY ADVANTAGES TO analog/digital inputs, and thermal measurement capabilities
upgrading old electromechanical (EM), solid- have expanded protection, control, and monitoring. New pro-
state, and first-generation numeric relays tection and monitoring features improve power system
with modern numeric relays. Reliability equipment life and increase personnel safety. Maintenance
increases because there is less direct wiring and interconnec- costs are reduced, while internal watchdogs alert the user if
tion wiring, and the reliability and security of multifunction the relay has a problem. Settings groups can be changed
logic and settings are improved with the next-generation user instantaneously to adapt to varying power-system require-
interface software. Remote input–output modules, remote ments. Modern second-generation numeric relays offer a vari-
ety of secure communications capabilities for interfacing with
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIAS.2013.2288404
smart-grid controls, supervisory control and data-acquisition 71
Date of publication: 2 July 2014
systems, and business networks. Event memory is larger poor solder joints. The heating and cooling of circuit
for more onboard, standardized oscillographs and event boards also leads to problems, such as bad vias (electrical
reporting. Relay security is in accord with the latest connections from one layer of the circuit board to another)
North American Electric Reliability Corporation and electrolytic capacitor failure, particularly in the power
(NERC) standards. supplies. Because the first-generation numeric relays have
Initially, every relay upgrade seems simple and straight- built-in test routines (a “watchdog”) that signal an alarm
forward, but then come the details. Operating personnel output, operators know when the numeric relay fails. EM
have expectations for reading targets, resetting trips, ease of designs and most solid-state designs did not have a watch-
interface for settings and events, motor restarting, sync dog alarm output.
closing, and so on. Regulator requirements [NERC critical The new-technology second-generation numeric relays
infrastructure protection (CIP), for example] must be are equipped with more powerful microprocessors, have a
implemented while maintaining smooth operations. Relay more reliable surface-mount construction, and have
engineers must ensure that operational ease is retained with improved algorithms and elements. These developments
the new upgrade relay. Accurate one-line and connection have provided relay protection engineers with new protec-
drawings as well as good wiring documentation are essen- tion schemes and advanced the quest for more reliable,
tial. Escutcheon plates might be necessary, or perhaps more secure, and more dependable operation. However,
switchgear will need modification (panel cutting, new some manufacturers have provided so much programming
doors, relocation, etc.). In addition, this is an opportunity capability in these second-generation products that exten-
to re-evaluate arc-flash hazards and possibly reduce the sive training is required to set and operate these relays. In
risks. These and other considerations are taken from actual some cases, the customer contracts with the manufacturer
relay-replacement projects. to develop setting files. In other cases, the manufacturer
This article provides guidance for your next replacement has simplified the setting process by using computing
or upgrade project, including ways to reduce costs, save power to make setting a relay more straightforward and by
time, and minimize unexpected or unplanned complications. providing setting intelligence in relay-setting software.
Operations personnel now have input into the second-
History of Relays generation numeric relay settings because the newer relay
Protective relaying in industrial and utility power sys- front panels have operating indicators and push buttons
tems has changed greatly since the beginning of system directly related to system operation.
protection over a hundred years ago. At first, finely made The total costs of upgrading relays must be consid-
“Swiss watch” precision EM relays were developed and ered, including engineering, labor, testing, and com-
installed by the hundreds of thousands. missioning costs. Also, you must consider the future
In the 1970s, solid-state (or static) relays became avail- values of longer-lasting relays and newer setting-check-
IEEE In dustry A p plication s M ag az in e • SEP t|OCT 2014 • www.ieee.or g/ia s
able and replaced the EM relays with a slight change in ing features that help relay engineers to improve set-
scheme protection or relay function. These relays had the tings, avoid expensive outages, reduce paperwork, and
advantage of being cheaper and smaller, being less of a bur- avoid possible fines.
den, being easier to maintain, and having less calibration
drift and some programming. Typically, solid-state relays Replacing/Upgrading Relays
have no communication or event-recording functions. Some Knowing when to upgrade your relay protection should
plug-and-play solid-state relays remain very popular because be a proactive function, and you should not operate pro-
there is minimal installation labor, low outage time for tective relays to failure. Operating to failure might seem
replacements, and the scheme design remains simple. Some to be a cost-saving method, but this philosophy reduces
prefer to keep their systems in this configuration because no the reliability, security, and dependability of the power
extensive computer software training is required to operate system. Relevant standards for determining relay life are
an effective power-system protective scheme. found in American National Standards Institute C37.90
Widespread growth of computer technology in the [1] for the United States and in International Electro-
1970s resulted in the introduction of microprocessor-based technical Commission (IEC) 60255 [2].
numeric (or digital) relays. This first generation of
numeric relays brought innovations in developing new Replacement/Upgrade Timing
algorithms and the beginning of combining several pro- You must monitor the rise in relay failures so you can
tection functions in one multifunction relay package. track and schedule the replacement/upgrade before an
Desktop and laptop computers configured the first-gener- existing relay fails [3]. Monitoring is necessary, especially
ation numeric relays via DE-9 and DB-25 serial ports for older EM relays, solid-state relays, and first-generation
(with all the complications of configuring these connec- numeric relays. Figure 1 shows the study results on relay
tions). Initially, first-generation numeric relays operated longevity [3].
on ASCII protocol or proprietary serial commands; relay The longer a relay is in service, the more likely it is to
manufacturers later developed graphical user interface fail, which is why primary/backup relaying is recommended.
(GUI) software to generate the background serial com- In general, the lifetime of a numeric relay is 15–20 years.
mands to program the relay elements. This is based on the life of capacitors (loss of capacitance
Now, these first-generation numeric relays are reaching because of electrolyte drying and leakage) and by semicon-
an end-of-service-life state. A major reason for this situa- ductors (mainly integrated circuits) that degrade because of
tion is through-hole component-mounting design and thermal vibration and humidity. Most of the first-generation
numeric relays have already reached or passed
normal lifetime. It is recommended that you 500
schedule a replacement or upgrade to the sec- 450 Electromechanical
ond-generation relays (or replace the existing
0 MTTF 0
life obsolescence period, where relay failures accumulate
rapidly (Figure 2). The IEC describes the useful life as
where C d is the price of a protection device (including “the time interval beginning at a given moment in time,
installation), C x is the average cost of maintenance, C t is and ending when the failure intensity becomes unaccept-
the cost effect when the power system is out of service able or when the time is considered to be unrepairable as
because of a protective relay failure, and the function a result of a fault” (International Electrotechnical Vocabu-
t (t) is the probability distribution. lary 191-19-06) [7].
cost of training on another relay and added spares is offset
by the savings realized in avoiding a fault.
Upgrading to the Second-Generation
Numeric Relays
Upgrading to the latest or “second generation” of numeric
Hardware Advances
The second-generation protective relays have the follow-
ing advantages over previous offerings.
2 Faster and Better Processors
Relay failures over time. Faster analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion benefits protection
because more samples of the power system voltages and cur-
rents are available to the relay internal microprocessor. Thus,
the relay has a more accurate representation of the actual
During the middle constant-aging period, the failure conditions in the power system. The newer A/D converters
rate, l (t), remains steady during this useful-life period. The also offer a wider range so small signals and large fault sig-
average operating time is nals can be more accurately measured (if current transform-
ers and voltage transformers are of good quality).
MTTF = #0 3 R (t) dt = #0 3 e - (t) = 1m , (3)
m The processing power of the new microprocessors in
protective relays mirrors the computing power improve-
ments in ordinary office computing platforms. While the
where R (t) is the reliability at time t. The natural expo- first generations could be compared with an old Intel 286
nential function of the probability of failure m (t) also or 386, the latest protective relays have PowerPC (perfor-
describes reliability R (t) . mance optimization with enhanced reduced instruction
Thus, the relationship of MTTF and the failure rate m (t) set computing—performance computing) or multicore-
is inverse. When the failure rate goes up, the MTTF goes type processing chips. These new microprocessors are
down, and vice versa. An MTTF of 300 years means that faster, smaller, and less expensive and have had an effect
IEEE In dustry A p plication s M ag az in e • SEP t|OCT 2014 • www.ieee.or g/ia s
one relay out of 300 relays will fail during an operational on the relay-design trend toward improved algorithms
year (0.33%/year). and simplicity.
Availability is the probability that a system operates
properly at a given time. During the useful life and over a Surface-Mount Reliability
long period of use, availability ( A) is Older relays employed “wire-lead” components that experi-
enced vibration and heating issues, making the protective-
A= MTTF (MTTF & MTTR) .(4) relay circuit board unreliable over time. Power supplies
MTTF + MTTR were of the brute-force design, requiring large electrolytic
capacitors, which are known to dry or leak, and fail. This
To increase the availability, the MTTR must be as brief drying effect is significant, especially with shelf spares that
as possible. Having on-the-shelf spares speeds repair and are not powered on a yearly basis.
increases availability. In addition, be sure to apply power to Surface-mount technology has made protective-relay
spare relays for 30 min every year. Doing so keeps the circuit boards more robust because the surface-mount
internal electrolytic capacitors fresh, improving the usable components lay on the circuit board. The components
life of shelf spares. have better thermal conduction to the circuit board so
the components are less subject to heating and to vibra-
Primary/Backup Relay Systems tion problems.
Protective relays should have a primary/backup arrange- Power-supply design reliability has improved using
ment with different manufacturers, especially when switching designs, where dc and low-frequency ac are
applied to critical protection areas, and in the severe con- converted to a higher frequency and then smoothed to
ditions mentioned above. In this manner, mutual failure internal working power using smaller electrolytic capaci-
modes from hardware and from software algorithms used tors with a longer lifetime. In addition, manufacturers
by one manufacturer are avoided. Relay manufacturers have learned to optimize component selection for a more
often use different algorithms, which have different accu- reliable working life.
racy and precision and different hardware. Using different
manufacturers makes the primary/backup different-ven- Plug-Out Design More Reliable Than Drawout
dor solution more robust. Using two different relays can There is a move to eliminate drawout protective relays in
save valuable equipment if one relay does not detect a second-generation products. Many drawout designs damage
fault but the other relay does detect a fault. The added the internal relay plug/jack interfaces with repeated use.
One popular solution to this problem time-aligned data across multiple
is to use a “plug-out” design where, if There are many relays. Ethernet connections allow
the protective relay needs to be replaced, faster downloading speeds from these
technicians detach the already-wired ter- advantages large-data-volume relays.
minal blocks from the back of the relay. Second-generation relays provide
After the entire relay is removed from to upgrading more elements that can be used for the
the panel, the technician replaces the early warning of impending failure and
already-wired terminal blocks (plugs) old electro- for through-fault and remaining-life esti-
onto the back of the relay. This method mates. Thus, you can realize long-term
has a lower force distributed over a mechanical, savings because of the ability to extend
number of connections, providing a
more gentle connection scenario. Cur-
solid-state, equipment maintenance intervals.
rent-input circuits have shorting-type and first- Improved Relay Internal Diagnoses
mechanisms for protecting personnel EM relays had no diagnostic features.
from open-current-transformer arcing. generation You could test the EM relay, then put it
The reliability is increased with compa- back into service only for it to fail imme-
rable downtimes to a drawout-case relay. numeric diately. You would not discover this fail-
ure until the next testing interval, when
Ethernet-Based Connections relays. it was time to test again. Some solid-state
The second-generation hardware sup- relays have power-supply alarms but no
ports Ethernet-based communication. diagnostic testing. The first-generation of
Usually, copper 100BASE-T and fiber-optic 100BASE-FX numeric relays have a microprocessor watchdog with a “dead-
are provided. Properly managed for cybersecurity using man” alarm that would close alarm contacts upon suspension
the NERC CIP requirements [8], these interfaces achieve of algorithm execution and of power loss.
connections to a substation LAN and remote locations. The second-generation protective relays employ more
New control and reporting protocols like IEC 61850 are intricate self-tests that analyze not only when the
available on the Ethernet interface. microprocessor(s) is operating, but these relays also check
memory status, measure accuracy of the A/D converter,
Firmware and Software Advances and monitor power supply tolerances. If the relay exceeds
The second-generation numeric relay firmware offers any of these parameters, it sends an alarm via contacts or
improvements in the available number and type of protective communications protocols to operators to check the relay.
elements, which allows new protection schemes, increases Again, long-term costs are lower and power-system pro-
Note that advances in component technology and cir- the section “History of Relays,” all of the EM, solid-state,
cuit board reliability have made a useful contribution to and first-generation numeric relays are coming to the end of
relay life. Components such as electrolytic capacitors con- usable life. The loss of one power transformer for which the
tinue to be a limiting factor. Improvements in component utility or commercial customer has no backup, or must re-
technology and proper manufacturer selection have made duce service/production to provide remediation, can be pro-
the second-generation numeric relays last longer (estimate hibitive. Management and the protection division must
based upon data to date in Figure 3). work together to identify the high-risk protection areas and
get these relays upgraded as a high priority.
EM Transformer Differential Scheme
Some practical examples of relay replacement show effi- Upgrading Costs to Consider
ciency gains in having multiple functions in one relay, com- Upgrading relay protection can save money in the long
munications ease, and space savings. Figure 4 shows the run. The future values of a relay upgrade far outweigh
Lifetime (Years)
EM Solid State First- Second-
Generation Generation
Numeric Numeric
Relay Type
3 4
The relay longevity by type (years). The old EM transformer differential relays. (Photo courtesy of
Basler Electric Company.)
the initial cost of implementation (see transformer replacements/connections,
the “History of Relays” section). Costs Relays etc.) tools, and labor that will be
to consider include required for a successful transition.
drawing changes
physical mounting considerations
operated in Consult the relay manufacturers’
Web sites and contact the manufactur-
(including building subpanels severe ers’ application engineers in your area
and rewiring to reach the new for a final overview of your plans. This
relays, if needed) conditions action helps to reveal any assumptions
▪▪ upgrading communication infra-
structure will need more about the relay operation that might
have been missed. In addition, you can
▪▪▪▪ resizing battery requirements
labor, including engineering,
maintenance find tools for settings, application
notes, and white papers that pertain to
installation, settings, and com- and more your upgrade work. Developing a rela-
missioning tionship with the manufacturer and
▪▪ system downtime and damaged
record manufacturers’ field organizations now
can save you money in the future by
▪▪ end-of-life maintenance. keeping to reducing rework.
Prepare a detailed list of step-by-
Implementing a document the step procedures for the work. This
Relay Upgrade
When you have made the decision to
performance. planning reduces cost, increases effi-
ciency, reduces upgrade overall time,
upgrade protective relaying, these are and makes the probability of excessive
the steps to follow. commissioning troubleshooting time
▪▪ Obtain management approval and
team acceptance.
much less.
and within budget. avoids outage cost increases and project delays
avoids unforeseen circumstances during the outage
Obtain Management Approval because you have “walked through” the upcoming work
and Team Acceptance
Organization management should be aware of your plans
▪▪ simplifies coordinating your technical staff during
inspections and commissioning
and grant approval for the upgrade project. Use this arti-
cle to help justify replacement so that you can obtain
▪▪ increases personnel productivity.
from the old relay to the upgrade relay using the same ter- expected results against the scheme design to ensure trou-
minal number. This method has been known not only to ble-free operation. When changes come (and changes are a
reduce cost, but it also reduces mistakes during the certainty), be ready with a revision-tracking method.
upgrade. Laser-cut plastic overlays on the back of the new These days, there are many software library management
relay or prewired terminal blocks marked with the old programs that can assist in enforcing one copy of the
relay terminal numbers are a few examples. End-to-end changes as the working set.
wire testing would be reduced. If replacing an entire relay
panel, be sure that some method of support is available for Complete Drawings with As-Left Data
these heavy panels. Documentation is essential for saving time and money.
Getting key labor supervisors involved is important at From good planning to smooth installation and final
this point. These men and women can make the job go testing, complete, accurate documentation furthers effi-
well because of their special insights about the system ciency. Updating project drawings should be an ongoing
hardware on which they and their subordinates work. effort. Make final notes on protection design. File logic
Listen and learn. Not only is it important for a protec- and software reports in a place where you can find these
tion engineer to determine the protection settings, but in the future. Capturing the as-left data now keeps those
also it is important to apply the right amount of effort who follow you from guessing and wasting time on
on the user interface, screens, labels, and so on [12]. If understanding the work.
you do not get labor buy-in, consulting labor later could Besides updating drawings, now is a good time to write
cause additional work and an unsuitable working rela- a project summary and update project design documents.
tionship that makes for late, over-budget upgrades. Those who come after you will thank you.