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From Database To Browser: November 1996, Volume 2, Number 11

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November 1996, Volume 2, Number 11

From Database
to Browser
Generating HTML from Table Data

Cover Art By: Doug Smith

From the Database to the Browser Keith Wood
Mr Wood combines his THTMLWriter component with TDataSource to
create a dynamic, data-aware component for your Delphi Web projects.

11 Informant Spotlight Robert Vivrette
Fingerpainting for Adults: Mr Vivrette shows us how easy it is to
manipulate colors with Delphi and builds a custom color property
editor to prove it.

44 Delphi at Work Shamiq Cader

Too short on time to deal with year 2000 problems? Mr Caders discussion of how to manipulate date and time in Object Pascal can help
you come to terms with the ticking clock.

18 OP Tech Ray Lischner

Q: How can you create subproperty editors? A: You cant or can you?
With some clever (and undocumented) programming, Mr Lischner
supplies the definitive answer.


25 DBNavigator Cary Jensen, Ph.D.

Until one version of Delphi can handle 16- and 32-bit applications,
reports Dr Jensen, compiling executables of both persuasions from one
set of source code requires planning and compromise.


28 Columns & Rows James Callan

Polymorphism, extra-sensory perception ... and Delphi? Mr Callan
explains how to make different objects do the same thing in this
case, to implement Mighty Morphing Power Grids.
39 At Your Fingertips David Rippy
Singing the praises of planned obsolescence, Mr Rippy explains how to
programmatically create and free components at run time. As a bonus,
he describes how to make text blink.

41 Case Study David Rippy

Lincoln Property Company needed a way to charm potential apartment
tenants. Mr Rippy reports that Ensembles solution, a Delphi-powered
kiosk, has proven both congenial and frugal.

November 1996 Delphi Informant



Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in 21 Days

Book Review by James Callan

Delphi Tools
File | New by Richard Wagner

New Products
and Solutions

New Delphi Book

Kick Ass Delphi Programming
Don Taylor, et al.
Coriolis Group

New Delphi
Raize Software Solutions,
Inc. of Naperville, IL has
announced Raize Components
for Delphi, a collection of
more than 40 native Delphi
components designed for both
16- and 32-bit development.
Featured components
include: RzSplitter for creating
Microsoft Explorer-style applications; RzTrackBar for
adding standard thumb styles,
owner-draw tick marks, and
custom thumbs; and
RzToolbar which adjusts its
style according to the operating system, and its component
editor adds buttons (including
bitmaps) to the toolbar from a
palette of 45 standard buttons.
Raize Components also features status components and
RzSendMessage for creating
Windows 95 logo-compliant
applications that satisfy the email requirement. This
MAPI-compliant control

sends e-mail by using string

list properties to specify recipients and attached files.
It also includes more than
10 data-aware components.
Data sets can be monitored
using the RzDBStateStatus
These two components
serve as the foundation for
other list-oriented controls,
such as RzCheckList and
There are two demonstration
programs available at the

Raize Software Solutions Web

site. Raize Components ship
with complete source code,
including all source code for
the custom component and
property editors.
Price: US$199.95
Contact: Raize Software Solutions,
Inc., 2111 Templar Drive, Naperville,
IL 60565
Phone: (630) 717-7217
Fax: (630) 717-7329
E-Mail: Internet: sales@raize.com
Web Site: http://www.raize.com

OOPSoft Inc. Introduces Object Express for Delphi

ISBN: 1-57610-044-8
Price: US$39.99
(523 pages, CD-ROM)
Phone: (602) 483-0192

November 1996 Delphi Informant

OOPSoft, Inc. of Dallas, TX

has introduced Object Express,
software that navigates the
Delphi VCL and inherited
classes. Object Express uses a
tree-view format, and is currently available for Delphi 1
and 2 running on Windows
95 and Windows NT.
With Object Express, users
can browse 16- and 32-bit

VCL object trees, right-click

to access a class source code,
directly inherit classes, add
classes, and access Delphis
Help files.
Object Express Quick
Search feature provides direct
access to more than 300 classes that comprise the VCL
Tree. The user clicks on the
Quick Search button, then
enters the class name. Quick
Search finds the class and displays its location on the tree.
It also lists all properties and
methods for the class. A rightclick takes the user to the
Object Pascal source where
the class is defined.
Object Express includes
drag-and-drop inheritance
capabilities, enabling users to
click on a particular class, and
drag and drop it off the tree.
In addition, users can access
Delphis Help files. With the
Extended Help button, the

user can get in-depth information on a class in the VCL

Tree, an object in the Class
Object Tree, or a message in
the Messages Tree.
With the ability to add custom classes to the VCL Tree,
users can create a Personal
Component Library.
Object Express makes it
possible to create and manage
multiple inherited classes
simultaneously. This eliminates the need to close one
file while working on another, and gives the user the ability to create inherited classes
as fast as the PC allows.
Price: US$159
Contact: OOPSoft, Inc., 3422 Swan
Lane, Irving, TX 75062
Phone: (888) 667-7638 or
(972) 355-7401
Fax: (972) 255-4365
E-Mail: Internet:

New Products
and Solutions

New Delphi Book

Secrets of Delphi 2
Ray Lischner
Waite Group Press

ISBN: 1-57619-026-3
Price: US$49.99
(831 pages, CD-ROM)
Phone: (415) 924-2575

Classic Software Ships Classic Component Set Version 1.20

Classic Software of
Inglewood, Australia
released Version 1.20 of the
Classic Component Set.
This version adds the
TcsDBDateEdit and
TcsEZKeys components,
and TcsEZForm class.
TcsDBDateEdit is an
enhanced DBEdit component which uses an Epoch
setting to determine the
century when inputting
dates with no explicit century digits, much like SET
EPOCH in CA-Clipper.
TcsEZForm is an abstract
form class used to derive
new forms that allow navigation between controls
using the keyboard. The
TcsEZKeys component can
be used to change the
default settings at design
Adding enhanced navigation to new or existing
forms is handled by adding
the CSEZForm unit to the
project, and adding
CSEZForm to the new or
existing forms uses clause,
and changing the forms
ancestor class from TForm

to TcsEZForm. Enhanced
navigation can be enabled
or disabled on a form-byform basis, or for all
TcsEZForm forms.
Other components in the
Classic Component Set
include: TcsNotebook,
TcsFormPanel, TcsGrid,
TcsRankListBox, and, in
Delphi 1 only,
A free trial version is
available from Classic

Softwares Web site.

Price: Version 1.20, US$69,
AUS$90, source code is included.
There are no run-time royalties, and
free technical support is available. The
set ships with a 30-day money-back
Contact: Classic Software, Unit 2,
19A Wood St., Inglewood, WA 6052,
Phone: 61 9 271 5407
Fax: 61 9 271 5407
E-Mail: Internet: 100033.1230@compuserve.com
Web Site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/classicsoftware

HREF Tools Announces the Release of WebHub EEP 8.9

HREF Tools Corp., of
Santa Rosa, CA, announced
the release of WebHub Early
Experience Package (EEP)
8.9. Based on Delphi 2,
WebHub EEP 8.9 is a Web

November 1996 Delphi Informant

application development tool

that allows developers to put
database information on the
Web without CGI programming for intranets and the
Internet. The new version
integrates several components
which perform various tasks,
including database field
lookup, full record display,
VRML support, and e-mail
generation. WebHub sites run
on the Windows platform.
WebHub EEP 8.9 adds a
TWebDataForm component
which generates HTML for
viewing or editing a database
record. It connects to any
Delphi-compliant database,
including Oracle, Paradox,
Access, dBASE, Sybase,

Informix, and InterBase.

WebHub includes over 30
Web-specific components that
can be combined to create an
unlimited number of applications for interactive sites. The
components can save state,
track surfers individually, handle multiple simultaneous
requests for high traffic sites,
and separate HTML from
programming code.
Price: Starts at US$575
Contact: HREF Tools Corp., 300 B St.,
Ste. 215, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Phone: (800) 898-4733 or
(707) 542-0844
E-Mail: Internet: martha@mail.href.com
Web Site: http://www.href.com

New Products
and Solutions

New Delphi Book

Developing Windows Applications
Using Delphi
Paul Penrod
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Kalliopi International Announces Release of Security Components

Kalliopi International of
Seattle, WA announced the
release of its 32-bit compatible Security VCL components
for Delphi. The two components, TKpSecurityGuard and
TKpGuardList, work together
to provide a complete Delphi
Security Management System.
The GuardList component
allows visual objects on the
form to be protected. As users
log in and out, the objects
protected by the GuardList are
enabled and disabled, based
on the users security level.
User login and logout,
password verification, and
functions to change passwords and edit user information are also provided.
The components are
designed to be completely
Every piece of text can be
customized, including dialog
captions and button labels.
Properties are provided for

access to important names

such as user ID and password.
Security VCL features a
one-way encryption algorithm, and supports a custom algorithm attached to
the EncryptionEvent trigger.
The components are available through the CompuServe
Shareware Registration Forum
(ID 11704, and 11703 respectively, for the 16-bit version,
and 13007 for the 32-bit
compatible version).

Price: Version 1.0 (16-bit) and

Version 1.02 (32-bit) with source code,
US$49.95; Version 1.0, and 1.02,
Contact: Kalliopi International, 10423
40th Ave. NE, Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: (206) 522-7327
Fax: (206) 522-7327
E-Mail: CIS: 73523,342 or
Internet: support@kalliopi.com
Web Site: http://www.kalliopi.com

Seagates Information Management Group Ships Crystal Reports 5.0

ISBN: 0-471-11017-5
Price: US$29.95 (353 pages)
Phone: (212) 850-6630

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Seagate Softwares
Information Management
Group has launched Crystal
Reports 5.0. This version
adds new report types, database drivers, object-oriented
report design control, additional developer features, and

report distribution options,

including the ability to publish reports on the Web.
With new native drivers for
Oracle, Sybase, and
Microsoft SQL Server,
Crystal Reports 5.0 can read
over 25 PC and SQL data
sources, and access other data
sources such as Microsoft
Windows NT event logs,
Microsoft Exchange data,
and Web server activity logs.
Reports can be exported to
more than 20 formats,
including HTML, and distributed via e-mail, Lotus
Notes, Microsoft Exchange,
or the Web.
Crystal Reports can also be
used as an application development tool. Rather then coding reports, developers can
create and integrate reports
into their database applications using various programming interfaces, including: the

Delphi Visual Component

Library (VCL), ActiveX
Controls, Visual Basic Custom
Controls (VBX), the MFC
Class Library with
AppWizard, or direct calls to
the Crystal Report Engine.
Price: Crystal Reports Professional 5.0,
US$395; upgrade for existing users,
US$199. Crystal Reports Standard 5.0,
US$195; upgrade for current users,
US$79. The Crystal Report Engine can
be distributed royalty free. The New
Features Interactive Learning CD,
Contact: Seagate Software,
Information Management Group,
1095 West Pender St., Vancouver,
BC, Canada V6E 2M6
Phone: (800) 877-2340 or
(604) 681-3435
Fax: (604) 681-2934
E-Mail: Internet: sales@img.seagatesoftware.com
Web Site: http://www.img.seagatesoftware.com


November 1996

Borland to Co-Sponsor
Developers Conference
Desktop Associates Ltd. and
Dunston Thomas Ltd., in
conjunction with Borland, will
host the Borland Developers
Conference in London from
April 20-24, 1997.
This year, the Borland
Developers Conference will be
divided into four major tracks,
and multiple categories within
those tracks. The tracks are:
Delphi, Internet and intranet,
client/server and databases, and
a general track that includes sessions covering business solutions, operating systems, and the
use of companion products to
extend your Borland applications
and development environments.
For more information,
e-mail Chris Read at
cread@dtuk.demon.co.uk, or
call Borland at (408) 431-1000.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Borland Announces Its Latest Version of InterBase

Scotts Valley, CA Borland
International Inc. has released
InterBase 4.2, a platformindependent, SQL database
server for Windows 95 and
Windows NT. InterBase 4.2
features an improved version
of the InterBase SuperServer
Architecture. It also includes
ODBC 2.5 drivers for
Windows 95 and Windows
NT, and thread-safe 32-bit
client libraries.
The InterBase 4.2 advanced
feature set includes: dramatic
performance enhancements
for large, multi-user systems;
32-bit GUI tools for interactive SQL, server management,
and license management; and
an identical code base and feature set across Windows 95
and Windows NT. Its also
certified and optimized for
Microsoft NT 4.0, and tuned
for use with Borlands forthcoming all-Java JDBC driver
for InterBase and InterClient.
Local InterBase, a single-

user version of the server, is

priced at US$249.95. The
InterBase Server for
Windows 95 is designed
specifically for small teams
that require no more than
four concurrent users, and
retails for US$599.95.
InterBase Server for
Windows NT is designed
and optimized for larger
client/server solutions, and is

certified for use with SMP

servers. It is priced at
US$850. InterBase upgrades
for 4.0 or 4.1 are priced at
US$499.95. Additional
license packs for Windows
NT are available in single-,
10-, and 20-user configurations. For more information
call Borland at (800) 2332444, or visit their Web site
at http://www.borland.com.

Borland Names Paul W. Emery II as CFO

Scotts Valley, CA Borland
International Inc. has named
Paul W. Emery vice president
of finance and administration,
and chief financial officer
(CFO). Emery, who reports
to Borlands Acting Chief
Executive Officer and
Chairman of the Board,
William F. Miller, will be
responsible for managing
finance, information services,
and operations.
Emery joins Borland after
serving as CFO for

Micromodule Systems.
Previously, Emery held positions as vice president of
finance and administration,
and acting vice president of
marketing for Megatest Corp.;
CEO for System Industries;
senior vice president of Santa
Cruz Operation; CEO for
Airmac Technology Systems;
and CFO for Xynetics.
Additionally, Emery served as
a senior manager for IBM,
and a finance manager for
Ford Motor Co.

Borland Announces IntraBuilder in Three Configurations

Scotts Valley, CA Borland
has announced product line
and pricing strategies for its
IntraBuilder line of live, datadriven intranet application
development suites for
Windows NT and Windows
95. Variously bundling
Netscape FastTrack Web
Server and Navigator Gold
Internet client software,
IntraBuilder is available in

three configurations.
Designed for small workgroups and low-volume
intranet applications, the
Standard version includes
Netscape Navigator Gold, and
Borlands Personal Web Server
with access to Paradox,
FoxPro, dBASE, and Access
data. The Standard version is
priced at US$99.95.
IntraBuilder Professional version includes Netscape
FastTrack Web server for
Windows NT and the
Netscape Navigator Gold
browser, and is designed for
higher-volume intranets. It
includes support for desktop
database formats, as well as
remote data access to
Microsoft SQL Server, and
InterBase Windows NT
Server. It also supports the
leading Web server APIs,
including NSAPI, ISAPI, and

CGI. The Professional version

retails for US$499.95.
Designed for high-volume,
scalable, decentralized, and
centralized IT environments,
IntraBuilder Client/Server
offers all the Professional version features, plus access to all
corporate database servers,
including native drivers for
Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and
DB2, and others through
ODBC. IntraBuilder
Client/Server allows developers to build multi-tier applications using Remote
IntraBuilder Agents, which
distribute incoming requests
among several machines.
IntraBuilder Client/Server is
available for US$1,995.
For more information, contact Borland at (408) 4311000, or visit their Web site at

On the Cover
Delphi 1 / Delphi 2 / Object Pascal / HTML

By Keith Wood

From Database to Browser

A Component to Write Data to HTML Tables

arlier this year, we developed an HTML-writing component that allowed

us to control the generation of a Web page from a Delphi program with
little knowledge of HTML. [Keith Wood introduced his THTMLWriter component in the May 1996 Delphi Informant.] This article builds on that work and
describes another component that extracts data from any database available to Delphi and presents it in an HTML table for display on the Web.

Dynamic Web pages are becoming more

common every day. Organizations are placing data on the Web for clients and other
interested people to access. Managing all
this data is quite a task one well-suited
to a database. Combining the abilities of
the THTMLWriter and TDataSource components makes it easier to create your Web
site and keep it up-to-date.

To recap, the THTMLWriter component
provides numerous methods that either
format text into HTML code as strings, or
write HTML to a file for viewing. This
article is about those methods related to
HTML tables.

<table border=2 width=100% bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

<caption align=center valign=top>A sample HTML table
<tr><th align=right>Part No</th><th>Description</th>
<th align=right>List Price</th></tr>
<tr><td align=right>900</td><td>Dive kayak</td>
<td align=right>3999.95</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor=#FF0000><td align=right>912</td>
<td>Underwater Diver Vehicle</td>
<td align=right>1680.00</td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>1313</td><td>Regulator System</td>
<td align=right>250.00</td></tr>
<tr><td align=right>1314</td>
<td>Second Stage Regulator</td>
<td align=right>365.00</td></tr>

Figure 1: A sample table description in HTML.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

HTML tables are delimited by the <table>

and </table> tags. Within these boundaries, tables comprise rows, denoted by the
<tr> tag, which are composed of headings
<th>, or cells <td>. Headings and cells contain text and other HTML tags. Additional
table elements include borders that can be
sized and made invisible (or colored in some
browsers), and a caption that is applied to
the entire table. All table elements can be
aligned horizontally and vertically.
An example of HTML code for a table is
shown in Figure 1. Figure 2 lists the
THTMLWriter methods used to produce
tables. Our new component invokes
these methods at the appropriate times to
present the information from the database in HTML.

HTML Data Source

We want the ability to take data from any
source available to Delphi and display it as
an HTML table. Fortunately, Delphi is set
up to easily interact with a large variety of
data sources while hiding most of the operations complexities. TTable provides an interface to database tables (desktop or server),
while TQuery gives us access to the same data
via SQL. These components are derived
from TDataset, which encapsulates the common interface for any data source, allowing
both to be treated the same when accessing
the data (polymorphism in OO terminology).

On the Cover


































Figure 2: These THTMLWriter component methods deal with


Delphi also provides the TDataSource as a buffer

between TTable and TQuery and the display components
we place on our forms. TDataSource can communicate in
a standard way with any of the data sets. From this component, we derive our new THTMLDataSource component, which provides the DataSet property and our link
to the data itself. Deriving the component, rather than
simply including a DataSet property, retains all the functionality of the original, allowing the new component to
be used just as the old one.
Next, we need a link to the THTMLWriter component
that does all the work for us, so we add an
HTMLWriter property to the component. To enable us
to take full advantage of the abilities of this component, we must surface all the attributes we want to
access. This involves creating a property from all the
parameters we may want to alter when generating the
table, including the alignment and color attributes.
The fields displayed in the table are provided by the
DataSet in its Fields property, which can be set manually
at design time, or generated automatically by Delphi. As
with the TDBGrid component, we show only the visible
fields, allowing additional fields required for the data
access to be present without affecting the final output.
Also from the field definitions, we take the label to be
displayed at the top of each column and the fields alignment. The column label is taken from the DisplayName
property of the field. This is a pointer to the
DisplayLabel, if entered, or FieldName property, and

November 1996 Delphi Informant

reflects what would appear in a DBGrid header for this

field. To access the value, we need to de-reference the
pointer by using the pointer symbol ( ^ ).
This de-referencing is not required in Delphi 2. To overcome
this and have a single source for Delphi 1 and 2, we employ
conditional compiler directives. This allows sections of code
to be included or excluded based on various criteria. In this
case, we require a conditional symbol defined only in Delphi
2, and achieved through the pre-defined WIN32 symbol:
sCell := Fields[i].DisplayName;
sCell := Fields[i].DisplayName^;

The column labels may not be required in all cases, so a

Boolean property, Headers, is added to control their presence. Similarly, the default alignment within HTML may
be desired over the field alignments as specified here,
resulting in another Boolean property, UseFieldAlign.

Displaying the Data

The data displayed for each field is taken from the
DisplayText property of the fields. This is what Delphi
uses in its data-aware components, incorporating any formatting specified in the DisplayFormat or EditMask properties. A consequence of this is that BLOB fields (such as
graphics) arent displayed in a meaningful way, but simply
as field types in parentheses. Memo fields in the database
are handled separately. Each line in the memo is extracted
and written into the HTML table. To alter the values of
the fields, we could also tap into their OnGetText event.
Another problem is that HTML doesnt include the graphic fields content on the page itself. Instead, a reference is
made to an external image file. One way to show these
images in an HTML table is to extract them from the database, write them to a temporary file, and include references
to that file. The difficulty then becomes when to remove
these temporary files. We cant tell when the user may
request them again. An alternate, better solution is to set
up a CGI program that extracts the graphic from the database and delivers it to the user directly on request, but that
is not the topic of this article.
Calculated or lookup fields can be added as if we are displaying the results on a Delphi form. This allows more
complicated formatting to be applied to the fields if necessary. Remember that we have the HTML generating
resources of the THTMLWriter component at our disposal.
One of the more common reformatting tasks is to turn
one of the columns into a link to other HTML documents. To expedite this, two additional properties are provided: the LinkField property, which specifies the field that
supplies the text for the hot-spot within the table, and the
LinkTarget property, which identifies the field to be used
as the destination of the link.

On the Cover
To provide greater control over the appearance of the
table, two events have been defined: OnRowShow and
OnCellShow. The former is triggered at the start of every
row, and the latter is triggered for each individual cell as
it is formatted. Neither event is called for the header row
if its displayed. These events allow the alignment and colors for that row or cell to be altered as required. The type
declaration for the OnRowShow property is shown here:
THTMLRowEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject;
var ahAlignHoriz: THTMLAlignHoriz;
var avAlignVert: THTMLAlignVert;
var clrBackground, clrBorder, clrBorderLight,
clrBorderDark: TColor) of object;

Note the use of the var directive to allow for changes to

these values.
All of this is brought together in the one new method
of the component, the GenerateHTML procedure. After
the links to the HTML writer and data set have been
made and the output parameters have been set, this
method is invoked to produce the HTML table. It
assumes the table is part of a larger HTML document,
and doesnt perform any initialization or finalizing of
that document. Thus the calling sequence should be:

Normally, additional code would provide a heading for

the page and any other text related to the contents.
The complete code for the GenerateHTML method is
shown in Listing One beginning on page 9.

Several error conditions can occur during the generation
of the HTML table. These include having no
HTMLWriter or DataSet assigned; specifying only one of
the LinkField and LinkTarget fields; and the LinkField
not being visible, having no visible fields, and having no
records selected from the database. As usual, these are
raised as exceptions for the calling routine to handle.
To simplify the processing of any errors, the exception
used in this component is derived from the EHTMLError
exception belonging to the THTMLWriter component.
This means all HTML-related errors can be trapped and
dealt with together by looking for the common ancestor.

Demonstration Project
The demonstration project included with this article
shows some of what the THTMLDataSource component
can do. In each case, the HTML is generated into the file
HTMLData.HTM, which can then be loaded into your
browser. The data source is a Paradox table: WebSites.DB.
The first page (see Figure 3) extracts data from the
Parts.DB table that ships with Delphi. Access is provided through either a TTable or TQuery component, each

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 3 (Top): The first page of the demonstration project extracts

data from a Paradox table (Parts.DB) that ships with Delphi.
Figure 4 (Bottom): The HTML page resulting from the query of

with additional options. The tables order can be

changed by selecting an index from the list, and the
Cost column can be included or excluded. The latter is
done by setting the fields Visible property to match the
check box on the form. The query searches for text
entered anywhere in the Description field. Try Dive or
Regulator to get some results.
The right half of the page allows several of the properties of THTMLDataSource to be altered. The resulting
HTML page can be seen in Figure 4. Try different combinations of options to see how they affect the output.
If you have a browser that supports colored cells in tables,
you can see the colors selected for the table and header
row. Also, the Cost column, when visible, is yellow, and
rows with less than 20 items on hand are red. This is
achieved through the OnRowShow and OnCellShow
events. Check out the code to see how it works.
The second page of the demonstration project (see
Figure 5) shows the components ability to automatically generate links to other documents in the HTML
table. A sample database with some URLs is provided
and displayed on the screen. The LinkField and
LinkTarget properties of the THTMLDataSource com-

On the Cover
The THTMLWriter component and demonstration project referenced in this article are available on the Delphi Informant
Works CD located in INFORM\96\NOV\DI9611KW. Note:
The THTMLWriter component featured in this download is
an update to that provided with the previous article. The
change involves moving the open HTML file from the Create
method to Initialise. This allows multiple pages with the same
name to be generated consecutively.

Keith Wood is an analyst/programmer with CSC Australia, based in Canberra. He

started using Borlands products with Turbo Pascal on a CP/M machine.
Occasionally working with Delphi, he has enjoyed exploring it since it first
appeared. You can reach him via e-mail at kwood@netinfo.com.au, or by phone
at 6 291 8070.

Begin Listing One The Generated HTML Method

Figure 5 (Top): The second page of the demonstration program.

Figure 6 (Bottom): When generated, the contents of the Web
Site column become a link, with the destination coming from
the URL field.

ponent are set to the Web Site and URL fields respectively. When generated (see Figure 6), the contents of
the Web Site column become a link, with the destination coming from the URL field.
The demonstration project is best run outside of
Delphi. Otherwise, exceptions that are trapped internally may appear (if Break on Exceptions is on) and disrupt the flow of the program.

This extension to the THTMLWriter component enables
us to display data as HTML from any data source available to Delphi. The quantity and appearance of the data
is controlled in the same manner as showing it on a
form in Delphi. Combine this with a CGI program to
allow users to specify the data they are interested in, and
you have a dynamic, up-to-date Web site.
Windows platforms are becoming more common as Web
servers. By leveraging our knowledge and abilities in
Delphi, we can provide more responsive applications to
run on them, and move into new areas of endeavor.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

{ Generate HTML to display the table }

procedure THTMLDataSource.GenerateHTML;
ahAlignments: array [TAlignment] of THTMLAlignHoriz =
(ahLeft, ahRight, ahCentre);
i, iCount: Integer;
ahAlignHoriz: THTMLAlignHoriz;
avAlignVert: THTMLAlignVert;
clrBackground, clrBorder,
clrBorderLight, clrBorderDark: TColor;
sCell: string;
slMemo: TStringList;
bmkSave: TBookmark;
{ Check that HTMLWriter is set }
if not Assigned(FHTMLWriter) then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'No HTMLWriter assigned');
{ Check that DataSet is set }
if DataSet = nil then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'No DataSet assigned');
{ Check linked fields }
if (LinkField <> nil) or
(LinkTarget <> nil) then
if LinkField = nil then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'Missing linked field name');
if not LinkField.Visible then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'Linked field is not visible');
if LinkTarget = nil then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'Missing link target field name');
with DataSet do begin
{ Determine whether table has visible fields & records }
iCount := 0;
for i := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
if Fields[i].Visible then
if iCount = 0 then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'No fields in this dataset are visible');
if RecordCount = 0 then
raise EHTMLDataSource.Create(tcTable,
'There are no records in this dataset');

On the Cover
{ Dump table to HTML }
with HTMLWriter do begin
TableStartParams(Border, Width, CellSpacing,
CellPadding, ColourBackground, ColourBorder,
ColourBorderLight, ColourBorderDark, Caption,
CaptionAlignHoriz, CaptionAlignVert);


{ Write headers }
if Headers then
TableRowStartParams(AlignHoriz, AlignVert,
for i := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
if Fields[i].Visible then
sCell := Fields[i].DisplayName;

if Assigned(FOnCellShow) then
clrBorderLight, clrBorderDark);
{ And display the field }
if Fields[i] is TMemoField then
{ Add all the lines }
ahAlignHoriz, avAlignVert,
clrBorderLight, clrBorderDark);
for iCount := 0 to slMemo.Count-1 do
EscapeText(slMemo[iCount] + ' ');

sCell := Fields[i].DisplayName^;
if UseFieldAlign then

else { Add text representation of field }

if Fields[i] = LinkField then
sCell :=
sCell := FormatEscapeText(

{ Don't update screen while processing }

{ Save data set position }
bmkSave := GetBookmark;
{ Create temporary area for memo fields }
slMemo := TStringList.Create;
{ Write contents of rows }
while not EOF do begin { Process all rows }
{ Check row alignment and colours }
:= ahDefault;
:= avDefault;
:= clDefault;
:= clDefault;
clrBorderLight := clDefault;
:= clDefault;
if Assigned(FOnRowShow) then
{ And start the row }
{ Display each visible field }
for i := 0 to FieldCount - 1 do
if Fields[i].Visible then
{ Check column alignment and colours
- default to row values }
if UseFieldAlign then
ahAlignHoriz :=
:= ahDefault;
:= avDefault;
:= clDefault;


November 1996 Delphi Informant

:= clDefault;
:= clDefault;
:= clDefault;

{ Finish the row }

{ while }
{ Return to original position }
{ Update screen again }
{ Finish off the HTML table }
{ Release string list resources }
{ try..finally }
{ if Headers then... }
{ with HTMLWriter do begin... }
{ with DataSet do begin... }

End Listing One

Informant Spotlight
Delphi 2 / Object Pascal

By Robert Vivrette

Building a Custom Color Property Editor

emember fingerpainting as a child? Sticking your fingers in four or five

jars of paint and then smearing your hands around to create countless
new colors. Remember the feeling? It was cool!

Well, it still feels cool, but the tools have

changed. Instead of your fingers, you now
have the Microsoft Windows color system.
Granted, the system isnt perfectly designed,
but it does allow you to fiddle with colors
and come up with new ones.
In this article, well investigate how colors are
represented in Delphi (and Windows), and
how you can manipulate them to your
advantage. At the end of the article, well
cover how to integrate your custom colors
directly into the Delphi IDE with the
ColorEdt property editor.

How Much Money Is $00FF80FF?

What happens when you select a color for a
component, but the color is not one of the
pre-defined ones? (By pre-defined, I mean of
course, colors such as clYellow, clSilver, and
clLime.) Lets say you want to change a forms
color via the Object Inspector. You doubleclick on the value for the forms Color property to display the Color dialog box and see
that some of the available colors dont match
the standard set of colors in Windows. If you
select one of these non-standard colors, you
might expect the Object Inspector to display
a descriptive word for your selection (e.g.
clPaleYellow or clUglyPink). Instead, the
Object Inspector displays something like
$00FF80FF (see Figure 1). What the heck is
this value? And what good is it to you?
To understand a bit more, we need to see the
format of the type TColor (the base type hiding behind Color properties). Searching on
TColor | TColor Type in Delphis online
Help reveals that TColor is declared as:

This type declaration defines a range of colors. The beginning (negative) values are used
to represent the System colors (such as
clBtnFace and clWindow). The positive values
denote literal colors that the Windows GDI
can represent.
If you continue reading online Helps
description of the TColor type, youll see that

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Informant Spotlight
unit Coloradj;
function AdjustColor(A: TColor; Factor: Real): TColor;

High Word


Low Word


function AdjustColor(A: TColor; Factor: Real): TColor;

R,G,B : Byte;
Result := A;
R := Round(GetRValue(ColorToRGB(A))*Factor);
G := Round(GetGValue(ColorToRGB(A))*Factor);
B := Round(GetBValue(ColorToRGB(A))*Factor);
Result := RGB(R,G,B);

Figure 3: The AdjustColor function.

High Byte

Low Byte

High Byte

Low Byte

Figure 1 (Top): When a custom color is selected from the

Windows Color dialog box, the Object Inspector displays a cryptic hexadecimal value.
Figure 2 (Bottom): The layout of the TColor type.

Delphi defines TColor as a four-byte hexadecimal number.

This four-byte value is then disseminated into each of its
component bytes. Again, from online Help:
If you specify TColor as a specific 4-byte hexadecimal
number instead of using the constants defined in the
Graphics unit, the low three bytes represent RGB color
intensities for blue, green, and red, respectively. The
value $00FF0000 represents full-intensity, pure blue,
$0000FF00 is pure green, and $000000FF is pure red.
$00000000 is black and $00FFFFFF is white.
Now we have a little more information. According to this definition, the organization of TColor appears as shown in Figure 2.
For each of these words, a high and low word (two bytes each)
and high and low bytes (one byte) exist. The value diagrammed
in Figure 2 would be $0000FF00, equating to solid green. The
high byte of the high word is reserved for Delphi to specify the
system-wide colors. For the purposes of this article, were only
interested in the low three bytes.

Stop and Think

Lets think about this a bit. Suppose we dont want solid green,
but something thats only about 80 percent green. Its simple to
achieve. As mentioned, the low three bytes in TColor represent
the amount of red, green, and blue in the color. Since each of
these colors is represented by a single byte, we see that the allowable range for each of the red, green, and blue components of a
TColor can be in the range of 0 to 255 (i.e. the range for a byte).

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 4:
Clicking on Color
Demos top panel
displays the Color
dialog box.

If solid green was represented as 0 for red, 255 for green, and
0 for blue, then it should be easy to reduce the green value of
255 by 20 percent to get our 80 percent green. So, thats
exactly what well do!
Figure 3 is the AdjustColor function. It accepts a color and
a percentage, and returns a new color. The new color is
formed by breaking the passed-in color into its component
RGB values, which are then multiplied by the percentage
supplied, and then recombined as a TColor for the function result.
The ColorToRGB function takes the passed-in TColor value
and converts it to an RGB value. In most cases, the TColor
is exactly equal to the RGB value. Yet when the TColor is
holding a System color (such as clBtnFace or clWindow), its
first converted into the appropriate RGB value.
After obtaining an RGB value with ColorToRGB, the
GetRValue, GetGValue, and GetBValue functions are used
to break out the individual amounts of red, green, and
blue. The results are then multiplied by the percentage
passed in and assigned to the R, G, and B variables. Lastly,

Informant Spotlight
these three variables are passed in to the Windows API
function, RGB, that combines them back into a composite
RGB (or TColor) value.

Into Action
Lets put this function into action with two examples.
AdjustColor has been saved as a unit named COLORADJ.PAS, and this unit has been placed into the uses
clause for each of the sample programs well discuss.
Figure 4 shows the simple Color
Demo program (DEMO1.DPR)
which contains a number of panels. Clicking on the top panel
(Click Here To Set Color) displays
the common Color dialog box.
After selecting a color, you can
click the OK button to close the
Color dialog box. The Color
Demo application then dyes each
of the 10 panels on the form with
varying shades of the chosen color
(see Figure 5).

Figure 5: After youve

selected a color, each
panel in the Color
Demo application displays a shade 10 percent lighter than the
previous one.

unit Demo1u;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,
Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ColorAdj, ExtCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Panel1: TPanel;
Panel2: TPanel;
Panel3: TPanel;
Panel4: TPanel;
Panel5: TPanel;
Panel6: TPanel;
Panel7: TPanel;
Panel8: TPanel;
Panel9: TPanel;
Panel10: TPanel;
MainPanel: TPanel;
ColorDialog1: TColorDialog;
procedure MainPanelClick(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;

The effect you see on-screen will be governed primarily by

the color depth that your video card is configured to display. If you are viewing 16 or 256 colors, the panels will
be displayed using dithered colors. This is Windows way
of simulating another color by using only a limited set of
primary colors. If your system is displaying 16 million colors or higher, then youll see perfectly solid color representations for each panel. The 16-million color depth can display these colors accurately because its using exactly the
specified values of red, green, and blue. The 16 and 256
color depths must map the selected RGB values to the
closest one available in either the current Color palette or
the System palette. Figure 6 shows the source code for the
Color Demo application.
The second demonstration program (DEMO2.DPR) shows
how you can put gradient fill patterns on your forms.
Implementing a simple routine in a forms FormPaint event
handler will allow you to control how any form is displayed.
In this example, a gradient fill pattern is drawn using our
AdjustColor function.
This technique is applied to a simple dialog box (see
Figure 7). Figure 8 is the code behind this sample application. All that is done here is to repeatedly draw small rectangles across the panels surface. Each rectangle is drawn
in a slightly different shade than the last. The result is a
simple, effective gradient fill across the forms surface.

The ColorEdt Property Editor

Now that we know more about colors and how theyre represented, well create a property editor to add custom colors to
the Delphi IDE.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.MainPanelClick(Sender: TObject);
if ColorDialog1.Execute then
with ColorDialog1 do begin
MainPanel.Color := Color;
:= AdjustColor(Color,1.0);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.9);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.8);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.7);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.6);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.5);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.4);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.3);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.2);
:= AdjustColor(Color,0.1);

Figure 6: A sample program showing colors being modified

with the AdjustColor function.

Whenever you display the Color

propertys drop-down list in the
Object Inspector, Delphi uses a
property editor that populates
this list with its currently-defined
TColor constants. To integrate
custom colors into the Object
Figure 7: Using AdjustColor
Inspector, its a simple matter of to do gradient backgrounds.
creating a new property editor for
TColor values and extending it to handle custom values. This
new property editor actually descends from the existing Color
property editor so that we gain all the existing functionality
Delphi provides.

Informant Spotlight
unit Demo2u;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,
Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
Buttons, ExtCtrls, ColorAdj;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
BitBtn1: TBitBtn;
BitBtn2: TBitBtn;
procedure FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
procedure BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.FormPaint(Sender: TObject);
a : Integer;
with Inherited Canvas do
Pen.Style := psClear;
for a := 0 to ClientHeight div 2 do
Brush.Color :=
procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);

Figure 8: A sample program showing how to do gradient fills.

To build the color property editor, we must first create the

interface that allows us to select the colors (see Figure 9).
This is often the best approach for creating a dialog boxbased property editor such as this. After creating a standalone application, youll find that converting it to a property
editor is fairly simple.
A name for the color the user has specified will appear in the
edit field at the top of the form. The panel below it will show
the currently-selected color, and the list box on the right will
show the custom colors that have already been defined.

Friendly, Friendly, Friendly

Some selected enhancements make the property editor as userfriendly as possible. The list box on the right is of an owner14

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 9: The interface for the ColorEdt property editor.

draw variety, allowing us to include small swatches of the colors. This will help a user visually associate the custom colors
with their constants. Clicking on the color panel activates a
TColorDialog (provided in Delphi) that allows the user to
select and mix custom colors. After selecting a color in this
way, a user can type in a color constant and click on the Save
button to add the new color to the list of those currently
Although the property editor completely integrates custom
colors into the Delphi IDE, it must perform one additional task to be a complete solution. To allow a user to specify any of the constants within a piece of Delphi source
code (e.g. a unit or project file) the compiler must know
how these constants are defined. As a result, the property
editor includes a button (named Save Source) that writes
out the currently-defined custom color constants as a
source code unit. Then, by adding this unit to any project,
a user can continue to use the custom colors even outside
the IDE.
The interface to the property editor is straightforward. Two
principal ways of activating it are to enter a question mark
( ? ) instead of a color name. The second is to type any
color constant into the Object Inspector that has not
already been defined. For the value of a forms Color property, for example, you could type in clPeriwinkle. This
color is not one of the standard color constants, and it
wasnt already specified as a custom color. Therefore, the
property editor presents our dialog box to allow the user to
pick the color. To enforce the naming scheme that Borland
has established, a color constant is only recognized as such
if the first two characters of the name are cl.
When the custom property editor is displayed, the user can
simply click on the panel under the constant name. This displays the common Color dialog box provided by Windows.
The user can then select one of the basic colors shown, or create
a new color by clicking the Define Custom Colors button. After
closing this dialog box, the panel that had been clicked will be
the selected color. By clicking the Save button, the property
editor adds that color constant definition into its internal array
(which is then displayed by means of the list box). Clicking the

Informant Spotlight
OK button closes the property
editor and populates the original
Color property with the selected
color constant.

defined. Each of the entries defines a constant name (e.g.

clPaleBlue), followed by an equal sign ( = ) and the hexadecimal number assigned to that label. For example:

Now, if you return to Delphis

IDE and click on the Color
property in the Object
Inspector, the drop-down list
displays the custom colors that
were defined (see Figure 10).
These custom colors are
inserted at the top of the list
above the already-defined
color constants.

Examining the ColorEdt

Property Editor

Figure 10: The Object

Inspector displaying the
custom colors in the Color
propertys drop-down list.

Lets take a closer look at the ColorEdt property editor.

The first place you can find information on creating property editors is in the DSGNINTF.PAS file that ships with
Delphi. DSGNINTF.PAS is the principal unit of Object
Pascal source code that controls all the behavior for property editors, from the simplest to the most complex. The
organization of Delphis property editors is much like the
hierarchy of its VCL; very simple property editors exist,
from which the more complex ones descend.
All we do for the ColorEdt property editor is descend from
the already existing TColorProperty. Here is the declaration
section of ColorEdt:
TRVColorProperty = class(TColorProperty)
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;

You can see that the property class we are deriving is

named TRVColorProperty and that it descends from
TColorProperty. There are only three areas where we alter
TColorProperty: the GetValues and SetValue procedures,
and the GetValue function.
GetValues is a procedure that the Object Inspector uses
whenever it must have a drop-down list property filled
with values. That is exactly the type of property we have
here. First, lets examine how we modify the behavior of
procedure TRVColorProperty.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
I : Integer;
for I := 0 to RVColorsList.Count-1 do
inherited GetValues(Proc);

Within the ColorEdt property editor, a string list is configured to hold the custom color constants that have been

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Notice that GetValues expects a passed-in parameter of

TGetStrProc. The Object Inspector is passing in a pointer to a
procedure that its using to populate the list box. All that needs
to be done is to call the passed-in procedure once for each of the
custom colors in our list. The code simply runs through
RVColorsList and passes the left side of the string (everything up
to, but not including, the equal sign) to the passed-in procedure.
To simplify the appearance of this code, the FirstHalf function
was created. It simply accepts a color constant item as above, and
strips the color name on the left side of the equal sign.
If that was all that was done, we would see only our custom colors. Because we have overridden the GetValues procedure, we
need to duplicate the original work necessary to put in all of
Delphis standard color values. In this case, its a simple matter of
calling the inherited GetValues procedure from TColorProperty.
Next, the GetValue function was altered. This function,
although named similarly to the procedure GetValues, serves a
very different purpose. Whenever Delphi has a TColor value
that it needs to convert to a color name, it uses GetValues.
Because the GetValue function that came with TColorProperty
is not aware of our custom color scheme, we must make
some modifications here as well:
function TRVColorProperty.GetValue: string;
I : Integer;
if not ColorToIdent(GetOrdValue, Result) then
for I := 0 to RVColorsList.Count-1 do
if StrToInt(SecondHalf(RVColorsList[I]))=
GetOrdValue then
Result := FirstHalf(RVColorsList[I]);
FmtStr(Result, '$%.8x', [GetOrdValue]);

When Delphi has a TColor value that must be converted, it

calls this function. First, the program calls Delphis
ColorToIdent function that looks up TColor values that
Borland already defined in the Graphics unit. The
GetOrdValue function is declared in the DsgnIntf unit and
returns the numeric representation of a property. If
ColorToIdent finds the color constant (i.e. if its one of the
stock colors) then GetValue returns the string representation
of the color in Result. If its not found, however, we need to
look through our string list (RVColorsList) to see if its a custom color. If its not found in that string list, then we need to
take the numeric value of the color and format it into hexadecimal notation (just as Delphi always does with unrecognized colors). All that was changed here is the section that
searches RVColorsList. The rest is the code in TColorProperty.

Informant Spotlight
procedure TRVColorProperty.SetValue(const Value: string);
: Longint;
CurrentValue : string;
RVColorDialog : TRVColorDialog;
if IdentToColor(Value, NewValue) then
if Value <> '' then
CurrentValue := RVColorsList.Values[Value];
if CurrentValue <> '' then
if (UpperCase(Copy(Value,1,2)) = 'CL') or
(Value[1]='?') then
RVColorDialog := TRVColorDialog.Create(Application);
with RVColorDialog do begin
if Value[1] <> '?' then
edtColorConstant.Text := Value
edtColorConstant.Text := '';
pnlColor.Color := clWhite;
if ShowModal = mrOK then
inherited SetValue(Value);
inherited SetValue(Value);

Figure 11: The SetValue procedure.

Now well discuss the last of the three modifications: the procedure SetValue, the exact opposite of GetValue. It takes a
color label (such as clOrange) and converts it into the color
constant that is defined in Figure 11.
SetValue is just a little more complicated than GetValue.
First, we see if the color label is one that is already defined
by Delphi. The IdentToColor function is used to make this
determination. If so, SetValue ends and uses SetOrdValue
to pass the numeric value of the color back to the Object
If its not a standard color, then we again need to look
into the RVColorsList string list to see if the color label is
defined as one of our custom colors. Again, if its found,
the procedure exits and returns the selected value back to
the Object Inspector by means of the SetOrdValue procedure. However, if it isnt, we need to check whether the
user is typing in a new custom color, or wants to see the
ColorEdt dialog box.
As mentioned before, we had established that if a string
value was entered and wasnt recognized, but began with
the letters cl, then the property editor dialog box is displayed. In addition, if the string value entered was a question mark, the dialog box is also displayed. If the user

November 1996 Delphi Informant

procedure LoadCustomColorsFromIni;
ColorINI := TIniFile.Create('RVCOLORS.INI');
ColorINI.ReadSectionValues('Custom Colors',RVColorsList);
procedure SaveCustomColorsToIni;
I : Integer;
ColorINI := TIniFile.Create('RVCOLORS.INI');
ColorINI.EraseSection('Custom Colors');
for I := 0 to RVColorsList.Count-1 do
ColorINI.WriteString('Custom Colors',
RVColorsList := TStringList.Create;

Figure 12: The final pieces of code in the COLOREDT.PAS unit.

closes the property editor dialog box by clicking OK, then

the color that was selected is used by SetValue and is
passed back to the Object Inspector.
Another interesting behavior of ColorEdt is that it does not
interfere with the normal behavior of the Color property. If
you double-click on the Color property, you still get Delphis
Color dialog box.

Finishing Touches
Finally, we had to instruct the property editor to save these
custom colors somewhere, and to restore them each time
Delphi was restarted. The simplest way was to use an .INI
file. At the bottom of the COLOREDT.PAS file we see the
code shown in Figure 12.
The initialization and finalization sections of the code may
be new to some of you. The code in the initialization section
of a unit is executed once when the application starts. The
code in the finalization section of a unit is likewise executed
once, when the application closes.
These two sections are used to load and save the custom colors
to the .INI file. When the program starts, the string list
RVColorsList is created. Then the LoadCustomColorsFromIni procedure is called to populate this string list. When the application
shuts down, the SaveCustomColorsToIni procedure writes out the
custom colors and disposes of the RVColorsList string list.

Because of space limitations, a discussion of how the
ColorEdt property editor dialog box functions is beyond the
scope of this article. However, all of its features are fairly

Informant Spotlight
straightforward and are covered in the accompanying source
code. You may want to examine some of the more interesting aspects of this dialog box, e.g. how the owner-draw list
box is built.
The simple function AdjustColor shows an easy way of scaling color brightness, but the principles involved can easily
be extended into additional types of color manipulation.
For example, you could provide a function that decreases
the blue component, while increasing the green component.
These techniques of manipulating Delphis color constants
demonstrate more of Delphis easy-to-implement graphics
capabilities. Just like fingerpainting, the possibilities are limited only by your artistic flair.
The demonstration files referenced in this article are available on
the Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Robert Vivrette is a Senior Programmer/Analyst for Pacific Gas & Electric and
Technical Editor for Delphi Informant. He is also author of a free, online journal,
The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users, that can be found at
http://www.informant.com/undu. He can be reached on CompuServe at
76416,1373 (on the Internet, use 76416.1373@compuserve.com).


November 1996 Delphi Informant

OP Tech
Delphi 2 / Object Pascal

By Ray Lischner

Subproperty Editors
Undocumented Tricks for Creating Surrogate

oure finishing a nifty new calendar component. All you need to complete
your finest work is a property editor that lets the user choose the date the
calendar displays. You consult the Component Writers Guide and find the
paSubProperties flag. Great! Its just what you want. The user can double-click
the Date property to expose the Day, Month, and Year properties.

But, how do you create the subproperty editors? The short answer is ... you cant. The
only property editors that can have subproperties are TClassProperty and TSetProperty
(and their subclasses). If you want to define
subproperties for any other type of property,
such as TDateTime, youre out of luck.
Or are you? Through a little clever programming, you can create fake subproperties. This
article instructs you how to create subproperty editors for any type of property.

Subproperty Review
Lets quickly review properties and subproperties. The Object Inspector displays the
published properties of a component. When
you write a custom component, you can also
supply property editors to make it easier to
use your component at design time. You can
also write property editors for any of the
standard components, and you can replace
standard property editors with your own.
Every property has a type specifically, an
integer, floating point (except Real ), enumerated, set, character, class, method, or string.
In Delphi 2, you can also have Variant or
WideChar properties. Each property has a
property editor, which is an instance of the


November 1996 Delphi Informant

class TPropertyEditor, or one of its subclasses.

Delphi defines a property editor class for
every type, and you can register a property
editor class for a specific property, or any
property of a particular type.
Properties can in turn have their own properties, just as components have properties. A
property of a property is called a subproperty,
as illustrated in Figure 1. In the pre-defined
property editors, the only uses for subproperties are in set and class properties. A sets subproperties are the set elements, which use the
TSetElementProperty editor. The subproperties of a class property are the published
properties of the class.
Figure 2 illustrates class and set subproperties
for the TFont class and the TFontStyles set
type. There are other uses for subproperties,
though. For example, your new calendar
component would be easier to use if the Date
property had subproperties for its constituent
Day, Month, and Year. This is a natural use
for subproperties. Unfortunately, Delphi
hides the pieces necessary to define your own

Why Subproperties Are Hard to Define

Its instructive to see how Delphi hides the

OP Tech
TLabel component

Properties of TLabel








Subproperties of Font


Subproperties of FontStyles



Figure 1: Properties with subproperties.

subproperty feature, if only as

a lesson in how not to design
object-oriented software.
When the paSubProperty
attribute is set, the Object
Inspector calls the GetProperty
routine. The property editor
overrides this method to create a property editor for each
subproperty. Theres the rub.
You cant create an instance of
a property editor.

It is not a real property of a component, so

GetComponentProperties cannot create a property editor for a
Object Pascal honors private declarations in units that use
the unit where the class is declared. Any code in the same
unit as TPropertyEditor (such as TSetProperty and
TClassProperty) can refer to the private fields of
TPropertyEditor. This allows developers to create mutually
cooperating classes, such as the property editors, but it also
allows sloppy programming, such as making the constructor
private, not protected.

It turns out the base class

Figure 2: The Object
TPropertyEditor declares its
Inspector displaying subpropCreate constructor in its prierties.
vate section, not protected.
This means you can never create a valid instance of any class
derived from TPropertyEditor. Sure, you could call
TObject.Create to create an instance, but it would not be
valid. Only TPropertyEditor can set the Designer property,
which it does in its constructor.

Use a Surrogate Component

So how does the Object Inspector create its property editors?

The same way you do by calling GetComponentProperties.
This routine, shown in Figure 3, is the only way to create a
property editor object. The only problem is that it creates a
property editor for every property of a component. This is
fine for the Object Inspector, but a subproperty is different.

Lets look at how to define a surrogate component for

TDateTime that would allow users to set the parts of a date
and time in the Object Inspector, while still allowing for convenient use in the components code. This example creates a
subproperty for all the constituent parts of the TDateTime
class. Its a simple exercise to create a property editor for just


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Now you know what you cant do. So what can you do? You
can derive a class from TSetProperty or TClassProperty, and let
the parent class handle the subproperties for you. If you want
to define subproperties for a type other than a set or class
type, then you need to fake out Delphi. You can create a
property editor that looks like it has subproperties to the user.
The way to accomplish this trick is to define a hidden component whose published properties are the desired subproperties.

OP Tech
procedure GetComponentProperties(
Components: TComponentList; Filter: TTypeKinds;
Designer: TFormDesigner; Proc: TGetPropEditProc);

{ Define a unique type identifier for each constituent
part. The default property editors limit the input to
the specified range. You can also supply custom
property editors, like TS_PropMonthProperty. }
= 0..31;
= 0..12;
= Integer;
= 0..23;
= 0..59;
= 0..59;
TS_PropDateTimeMilliSec = 0..999;
{ Pseudocomponent that is used to create subproperty
editors for the constituent parts of a TDateTime. }
TS_PropDateTime = class(TComponent)
{ Cache the Date/Time property value. }
fDateTime: TDateTime;
{ Pointer back to the property editor. }
fEditor: TS_DateTimeProperty;
function GetDay: TS_PropDateTimeDay;
function GetMonth: TS_PropDateTimeMonth;
function GetYear: TS_PropDateTimeYear;
function GetHour: TS_PropDateTimeHour;
function GetMinute: TS_PropDateTimeMinute;
function GetSecond: TS_PropDateTimeSecond;
function GetMilliSec: TS_PropDateTimeMilliSec;
procedure SetDay(Value: TS_PropDateTimeDay);
procedure SetMonth(Value: TS_PropDateTimeMonth);
procedure SetYear(Value: TS_PropDateTimeYear);
procedure SetHour(Value: TS_PropDateTimeHour);
procedure SetMinute(Value: TS_PropDateTimeMinute);
procedure SetSecond(Value: TS_PropDateTimeSecond);
procedure SetMilliSec(Value: TS_PropDateTimeMilliSec);
procedure SetDateTime(Value: TDateTime);
property DateTime: TDateTime read fDateTime
write SetDateTime;
property Editor: TS_DateTimeProperty read fEditor
write fEditor;
{ Declare the properties in the order they should be
shown to the user. TS_DateTimeProperty preserves the
declaration order. }
property Year: TS_PropDateTimeYear read GetYear
write SetYear;
property Month: TS_PropDateTimeMonth read GetMonth
write SetMonth;
property Day: TS_PropDateTimeDay read GetDay
write SetDay;
property Hour: TS_PropDateTimeHour read GetHour
write SetHour;
property Minute: TS_PropDateTimeMinute read GetMinute
write SetMinute;
property Second: TS_PropDateTimeSecond read GetSecond
write SetSecond;
property MilliSec: TS_PropDateTimeMilliSec
read GetMilliSec write SetMilliSec;

{ Return the year part of the DateTime. }

function TS_PropDateTime.GetYear: TS_PropDateTimeYear;
Year, Month, Day: Word;
DecodeDate(DateTime, Year, Month, Day);
Result := Year;
{ Return the hour part of the DateTime. }
function TS_PropDateTime.GetHour: TS_PropDateTimeHour;
Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSec: Word;
DecodeTime(DateTime, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSec);
Result := Hour;
{ Set the year part of the DateTime. }
procedure TS_PropDateTime.SetYear(
Value: TS_PropDateTimeYear);
Year, Month, Day: Word;
DecodeDate(DateTime, Year, Month, Day);
DateTime := EncodeDate(Value, Month, Day) +
{ Set the hour part of the DateTime. }
procedure TS_PropDateTime.SetHour(
Value: TS_PropDateTimeHour);
Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSec: Word;
DecodeTime(DateTime, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSec);
DateTime := EncodeTime(Value, Minute, Second, MilliSec) +

Figure 5: Getting and setting part of a date and time.

First, you need to define a component as shown in Figure 4.

The component has published properties for the constituent
parts of a date and time. Only the property editor creates an
instance of the component class, so no one ever places this
component on a form. The TS_PropDateTime class is a trick
class, useful only when implementing a property editor.
You must declare the TS_PropDateTime types, because a propertys type must be declared with an identifier. General type
specifications are not allowed by Object Pascal. In this situation,
its helpful to use unwieldy names that wont clash with names
in other units.

Figure 3 (Top): Declaration of GetComponentProperties.

Figure 4 (Bottom): Declaration for the surrogate date and time

The definition of these methods is straightforward, using

Delphis encode and decode routines. Just be sure that when
you set part of the date and time, you dont accidentally alter
the other parts. Because all the routines are similar, only some
are shown in Figure 5. The source code that accompanies this
article contains the full class definition. When rebuilding the
date and time, remember that the date is the integer part, so
the encoded time is added to Int(DateTime), and the
encoded date is added to Frac(DateTime).

the date or time part of TDateTime. This is left as an exercise

for the reader.

When the date and time are set, the property editor must be
informed of the new value. This happens in the SetDateTime


November 1996 Delphi Informant

OP Tech
{ When the user changes a constituent part of the DateTime,
notify the master property editor, so it can update the
property value string. As per standard property editor
usage, changing a property value sets the value for all
selected property editors. }
procedure TS_PropDateTime.SetDateTime(Value: TDateTime);
if fDateTime <> Value then
fDateTime := Value;
if Editor <> nil then

Figure 6: Setting the date and time and updating the property

{ The property editor for TDateTime. It creates a hidden
object and property editor just to access the subproperty
editors of the hidden property editors, pretending that
they are subproperties of TS_DateTimeProperty. }
TS_DateTimeProperty = class(TFloatProperty)
SubProps: TList;
{ Sorted list of subproperties. }
ChildList: TComponentList; { List of hidden objects. }
procedure GetSubProps(PropEdit: TPropertyEditor);
procedure SetChildValues;
destructor Destroy; override;
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
procedure GetProperties(
Proc: TGetPropEditProc); override;
procedure SetDateTime(Value: TDateTime);

Figure 7: Declaration of TS_DateTimeProperty.

procedure (see Figure 6). The property editor creates an

instance of the surrogate component, and calls
GetComponentProperties to retrieve the components property
editors as though they were subproperty editors. Because the
user can select multiple components, the property editor
must create a TS_PropDateTime component for each component selected by the user.
Figure 7 shows the TS_DateTimeProperty editor. The list
of surrogate components is stored in the ChildList field.

{ Return the property editor attributes, including

paSubProperties. }
function TS_DateTimeProperty.GetAttributes :
Result := inherited GetAttributes + [paSubProperties];
{ The value 0.0 is not a valid TDateTime (month=0, day=0),
so just use an empty string. }
function TS_DateTimeProperty.GetValue: string;
if GetFloatValue = 0.0 then
Result := ''
Result := DateTimeToStr(GetFloatValue)
{ Set the date/time value from the string Value. }
procedure TS_DateTimeProperty.SetValue(
const Value: string);
if Value = '' then

Figure 8: Setting and getting the value of TS_DateTimeProperty.

{ Destroy the property editor and free its list

of hidden components. }
destructor TS_DateTimeProperty.Destroy;
inherited Destroy;
{ Update all the hidden, child property editors, if any. }
procedure TS_DateTimeProperty.SetChildValues;
I: Integer;
if ChildList <> nil then
for I := 0 to ChildList.Count-1 do
TS_PropDateTime(ChildList[I]).DateTime :=
{ When Date/Time changes, notify all hidden components. }
procedure TS_DateTimeProperty.SetDateTime(Value: TDateTime);

Get Set
Implementing the new GetValue and SetValue functions is
easy, as shown in Figure 8. A zero date time is displayed as
an empty string, because its not a valid TDateTime value.
Similarly, an empty string is stored as a zero TDateTime
value. You must also override GetAttributes to set the
paSubProperties attribute.

the property editor by calling the SetDateTime method.

This method, in turn, propagates the change to the other
child components. These methods are shown in Figure 9.

When the TDateTime value changes in the property editor, the SetValue method calls SetChildValues. This notifies
the surrogate components of the new value. When the
property editor is destroyed, the list of child components
must also be freed. You have already seen that when any
child components value changes, the component notifies

The hard part is having the Object Inspector request the

subproperties by calling the GetProperties method. If the
user has edited the subproperties earlier, the list of surrogate components already exists. If it doesnt exist, its created. Because the user can select multiple components, each
with a different TDateTime value, every TS_PropDateTime


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 9: Using the list of child components for


OP Tech
{ When the Object Inspector requests the subproperties, it
is time for TS_DateTimeProperty to do its thing. Create a
hidden TS_PropDateTime object to parallel each component
that is currently selected. Then request the property
editors for the hidden TS_PropDateTime objects. Unfortunately, GetComponentProperties sorts the properties
alphabetically, which makes the subproperties more difficult to use. Instead, use the property's run-time type
info (TPropInfo) to get its NameIndex. The NameIndex
gives the order in which properties are declared, which
is the order in which these particular properties should
be shown to the user. }
procedure TS_DateTimeProperty.GetProperties(Proc:
PropDateTime: TS_PropDateTime;
I: Integer;
if ChildList <> nil then
ChildList := TComponentList.Create;
for I := 0 to PropCount-1 do begin
PropDateTime := TS_PropDateTime.Create;
PropDateTime.DateTime := GetFloatValueAt(I);
PropDateTime.Editor := Self;
SubProps := TList.Create;
{ Build a list of subproperty editors,
in declaration order. }
GetComponentProperties(ChildList, [tkInteger],
Designer, GetSubProps);
for I := 0 to SubProps.Count-1 do
{ The subproperty editor list has holes for
Name and Tag. Skip them. }
if SubProps[I] <> nil then
SubProps := nil;
{ Discard property editor for Tag, so only the ones that
are specific to date and time are shown to the user. }
procedure TS_DateTimeProperty.GetSubProps(
PropEdit: TPropertyEditor);
Index: Integer;
if CompareText(PropEdit.GetName, 'Tag') = 0 then
{ Keep the sub property editors in
declaration order. }
Index := TExposePropertyEditor(PropEdit).NameIndex;
if Index >= SubProps.Count then
SubProps.Count := Index+1;
SubProps[Index] := PropEdit;

{ Typecast any property editor to TExposePropertyEditor to

expose the property's NameIndex fields from the PropInfo.
This is just a clever hack to gain access to an otherwise
protected field of TPropertyEditor. }
TExposePropertyEditor = class(TPropertyEditor)
function NameIndex: Integer;
function TExposePropertyEditor.NameIndex: Integer;
Result := GetPropInfo^.NameIndex

Figure 11: Exposing a protected method with


value changes. The ChildList field holds the list of surrogate components.
The GetProperties method must issue a callback procedure
for each subproperty editor. Start by calling
GetComponentProperties, which creates and initializes the
property editors for the subproperties. Set the filter to
tkInteger, so GetComponentProperties returns property editors only for the integer-type properties. All the constituent date and time properties are integers, but so is the
Tag property. Remove the Tag property by looking at its
name and freeing the property editor if it is Tag.

All in Order
By default, these property editors are sorted in alphabetical
order (Day, Hour, MilliSec, Minute, Month, Second, Year). They
are most useful, however, when they are ordered by magnitude
(i.e. Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, MilliSec), so you
should rearrange them. Thus, GetSubProps stores the property
editors in a list, SubProps. The index of each property editor in
the list is given by the editors NameIndex, which is its index in
declaration order. Remember that in TS_PropDateTime, the
order of the published properties is the same order the Object
Inspector should use. This leaves holes in the list (e.g. for Tag),
so skip over any nil items in the list.
After the list is built, issue the callback procedure Proc for
each subproperty. The Object Inspector can then display the
property values for the subproperties. Figure 10 shows the
GetProperties and GetSubProps methods.

Into the RTTI

Figure 10: Getting the subproperties for TS_DateTimeProperty.

The NameIndex field is part of the Run-Time Type

Information (RTTI) for a property, in the TPropInfo record.
(This information is not documented, but you can learn
about it in the TypInfo.int or TypInfo.pas file. Look in
Delphis \Source or \Doc directory.) The GetPropInfo method
returns a pointer to the TPropInfo record for the property.

component is initialized with the TDateTime value for its

respective component. The surrogate components also
point back to the property editor, so they can propagate

Unfortunately, the GetPropInfo method is protected in

TPropertyEditor. For TS_DateTimeProperty to get the property information, it must be able to call a protected
method. Figure 11 shows the trick that exposes the


November 1996 Delphi Informant

OP Tech
{ A special property editor for the month. }
TS_MonthProperty = class(TIntegerProperty)
function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override;
function GetValue: string; override;
procedure SetValue(const Value: string); override;
procedure GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); override;
{ Add a value list, with all the month names. }
function TS_MonthProperty.GetAttributes:
Result := inherited GetAttributes + [paValueList]
{ Get the value string by looking up the month number. }
function TS_MonthProperty.GetValue: string;
Result := LongMonthNames[GetOrdValue]
{ Set a new value by looking up the month name. If its not
found, call the inherited SetValue to convert the integer
value. Check the long and short month names. }
procedure TS_MonthProperty.SetValue(const Value: string);
Month: Integer;
for Month := Low(LongMonthNames)
to High(LongMonthNames) do
if CompareText(Value, LongMonthNames[Month]) = 0 then
for Month := Low(ShortMonthNames)
to High(ShortMonthNames) do
if CompareText(Value, ShortMonthNames[Month]) = 0 then

gerous trick, and you should use it

only in specific circumstances. In
the right situation, however, it is a
powerful technique, and one that
makes the TS_DateTimeProperty
class feasible.

Putting It to Use
Remember that the purpose of
adding subproperty editors to the
date/time property editor is to
Figure 13: An example of
make it easier for the user to set a the TS_DateTimeProperty
editor in use.
date and time. It is simplest to
choose a month by name, not by
number. Thus, you can define the TS_MonthProperty editor,
as shown in Figure 12.
Now that the TS_DateTimeProperty editor is complete,
how is it used? Again, quite simply! Remember that this
property editor will apply to any property of type
TDateTime. Therefore, all you need to do is add a new
property for a component that is of type TDateTime, and
the TS_DateTimeProperty will automatically provide the
property editor for it.
Figure 13 shows the new TS_DateTimeProperty editor in
use. Notice how easy it is to enter a specific date or time
by entering the constituent parts. Figure 14 shows the unit
S_Test.pas used to test the TS_DateTimeProperty editor.
unit S_Test;
{ Test components for demonstrating property editors. }

inherited SetValue(Value);

SysUtils, Classes, DsgnIntf;

{ Retrieve all the month names, for the value list. }

procedure TS_MonthProperty.GetValues(Proc: TGetStrProc);
I: Integer;
for I := Low(LongMonthNames) to High(LongMonthNames) do

TS_DateTimeTester = class(TComponent)
fDateTime: TDateTime;
constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override;
property FancyDateTime: TDateTime read fDateTime
write fDateTime;
property DateOnly: TDateTime read fDateTime
write fDateTime;

Figure 12: Editing a month by name with TS_MonthProperty.

NameIndex field. By casting any property editor to

TExposePropertyEditor, you can call the NameIndex method.
Because TExposePropertyEditor derives from TPropertyEditor,
it can call a protected method, such as GetPropInfo. Because
the NameIndex method is not virtual, there is no problem
with the fact that the property editor object does not derive
from TExposePropertyEditor.

Not without Risk

However, a warning is in order. If you were to use the as operator to cast the property editor to TExposePropertyEditor,
Delphi would raise a run-time exception. Thus, this is a dan23

November 1996 Delphi Informant

{ An object is initialized to zero, but that is not a valid
TDateTime value, so initialize the TDateTime to something
that makes sense, such as the current date and time. }
constructor TS_DateTimeTester.Create(Owner: TComponent);
inherited Create(Owner);
SimpleDateTime := Now;

Figure 14: The unit S_Test.pas used to test the TDateTime property editor.

OP Tech
Delphi makes it difficult to create subproperties for arbitrary
property types, but it is possible. You can create a surrogate
component that defines the desired subproperties. The parent
property editor creates an instance of the surrogate component, and pretends that the components properties are its
own subproperties. With a little extra work to ensure the parent property editor and the subproperty editors communicate
their changes, you can complete the illusion that your property has subproperties. And users never know about the
magic that takes place behind the scenes.
This article is based on material for Ray Lischners Secrets
of Delphi 2 [Waite Group Press, 1996]. The book is available for US$49.99 from your local bookstore, or by calling
(800) 428-5331.
The demonstration source referenced in this article is available
on the Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Ray Lischner is a software author and consultant for Tempest Software

(http://www.tempest-sw.com). His current focus is object technology, especially in
Delphi, Java, and Smalltalk. You can reach him at delphi@tempest-sw.com.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Delphi 1 / Delphi 2

By Cary Jensen Ph.D.

Cross-Platform Delphi
or, IFDEFing for Fun and Profit

t seems we are forever writing applications for two platforms: the one
that dominates the marketplace (currently Windows 3.1), and the one
that will (Windows 95). Specifically, Delphi programmers must be able to
move easily between the 16-bit, segmented-memory environment of
Delphi 1, and the 32-bit, flat-memory world of Delphi 2 often with the
same application.

However, compiling 16- and 32-bit executables from one set of source requires planning,
and sometimes, compromise. This months
column discusses why this is increasingly so.
It also reviews some of the issues and techniques you need to keep in mind when
building cross-platform applications.

Delphi 2 has been available for almost nine
months. Unfortunately for Borland, the
acceptance of Microsoft Windows 95 is less
widespread than expected, especially among
large corporations. Likewise, the number of
end-users running Windows NT is relatively
small. Consequently, not many Delphi developers have been developing applications
exclusively for the 32-bit platform, which is
the only platform that can run Delphi 2. In
fact, based on my interactions with other
Delphi developers, most continue to program exclusively in Delphi 1.
This situation wont last forever; recent developments pave the way for an increase in 32bit applications. The first is the cost of RAM
and hard disk space. Because Windows 95,
and particularly Windows NT, require a lot
of both, the cost of these resources was one

November 1996 Delphi Informant

obstacle preventing companies from upgrading their operating systems. Now, however,
price is not nearly as big a factor.
The second development is the release of
Windows NT 4.0. Many companies have
been waiting to make their operating system
decision based on this new release of NT.
Now that its available, some corporations
will upgrade to NT 4.0, while others will
decide to migrate to Windows 95.
As a result of these developments, its likely
most independent consultants, as well as
many corporate developers, will find themselves building Delphi applications that must
run on both 16- and 32-bit operating systems. Unfortunately, unlike Borlands C/C++
product line, Delphi 2 doesnt permit you to
compile both. Instead, a developer must
compile an application using Delphi 1 to
create a 16-bit .EXE, and again in Delphi 2
to create the 32-bit version.
Using two versions of Delphi to compile an
application in 16 and 32 bits is often more
than inconvenient. It can involve major compromises and time-consuming coordination.
The reason is that Delphi 2s feature set is not

only more extensive than Delphi 1s, but there are also incompatibilities between the two products. While the original Delphi
1 VCL (Visual Component Library), and RTL (run-time
library) were designed to be compilable on 16- or 32-bit operating systems, the same is not entirely true of Delphi 2s VCL.

example, while the TRegIniFile class is defined in the Registry

unit, the TIniFile class is defined in the IniFiles unit.
Sometimes, however, you may find that including a conditional compiler directive in the middle of a uses clause will
generate a compiler error. Specifically, sometimes a statement
like the following will not compile:

What to Do?
The following is a list of considerations, potential problems,
and possible solutions that you can use when you need to
build a cross-platform application.
Use Delphi 1 to design and maintain the application. Start
by using only those components shared by Delphi 1 and 2.
One way to ensure this is to do all your design work in
Delphi 1; every component available in Delphi 1 is available
in Delphi 2. While this may result in a 32-bit application
that looks more like a Windows 3.x application, it prevents
you from maintaining two sets of source files.
Another reason to do all your design work in Delphi 1 is that
it prevents Delphi 2 from storing properties in the DFM file
that arent in the Delphi 1 version. If you accidentally modify
a project under Delphi 2 and it adds a property to the DFM
file, youll see an error message when you attempt to load
that application in Delphi 1. (You can usually get around this
by instructing Delphi 1 to ignore the error. As long as you do
not need that property in which case the application cannot be compiled with Delphi 1 the next time you compile
the application in Delphi 1, it will remove the unnecessary
property from the DFM file.)
Avoid non-Delphi objects. Avoid using objects that arent
native Delphi components. Specifically, do not use VBXes,
OCXes, or ActiveX controls. VBXes are only supported
under Windows 3.x, while OCXes and ActiveX controls are
supported only under Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Be aware of data type ambiguities. Avoid code that is sensitive to the size and range of platform-dependent data types.
For example, dont write code that assumes an integer will be
either 16- or 32-bit. (This includes strings, which well discuss shortly.)
Use conditional compiles. Use compiler directives to conditionally compile code that can only be compiled under one
platform or the other. For example, the following statement
checks the pre-defined conditional symbol, WIN32, and then
declares the variable InitStorage as a TIniFile type in Delphi
1, or a TRegIniFile type in Delphi 2, accordingly:
InitStorage: TRegIniFile;
InitStorage: TIniFile;

Another location where conditional compiler directives can

be useful regards the inclusion of units in uses clauses. For

November 1996 Delphi Informant

SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages,
Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;

In those cases, make the entire uses clause conditional:

SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Registry,
Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, IniFiles,
Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs;

Be careful with strings. The default string type in Delphi 2 is

an ANSIString, while the default string type in Delphi 1 is
comparable to Delphi 2s ShortString. These string types are not
compatible. There are two ways to get around this problem.
One is to explicitly declare the length of a string to be 255
characters or less using the string[nnn] syntax. For example, even in Delphi 2, the following statement will declare the
string variable MyString to be of type ShortString:
MyString: string[30];

The second technique is to conditionally include the {$H-}

compiler directive under Delphi 2. The {$H-} compiler
directive instructs Delphi 2 to use ShortString by default. You
must execute this statement conditionally, because {$H-} will
produce a compile error in Delphi 1:

Watch those DLLs. 16- and 32-bit DLLs are not compatible, so youll need to create and compile them separately.
DLLs created for Windows 95 should use the stdcall directive for compatibility with other 32-bit DLLs. This directive takes the place of the export directive used in Delphi 1.
[For an in-depth discussion of this topic (and many others),
see Ray Lischners article Classy DLLs in the October
1996 Delphi Informant.]
Watch unit size. Remember that Delphi 1 cant use units
over 64KB. Delphi 2 has no such limit. This is why Delphi 1
uses two units to provide the Windows 3.x interface:


Figure 1:
The Library
page of the
dialog box.

WinProcs and WinTypes. Delphi 2 uses a single unit,

Windows, for this purpose. This is one more reason you
shouldnt create your cross-platform applications in Delphi 2;
Delphi 2 will add the Windows unit to the interface uses
clause, and Windows is not defined for Delphi 1.
However, Delphi 2 still recognizes WinProcs and WinTypes.
It does this through the Unit aliases definition found on the
Library page of the Environment Options dialog box (see
Figure 1). Notice that this field includes the statement
WinTypes=Windows. This instructs Delphi 2 to use the
Windows unit any time it sees a reference to WinTypes in a
uses clause.
Watch those resource files. 32-bit resources are not compatible with 16-bit resources. You will need to compile these
resource files separately for each platform. You can compile a
resource script into a 16-bit resource file with the
BRCC.EXE version of the Borland Resource Compiler. Use
Delphi 2s BRCC32.EXE to compile resource scripts into 32bit resources.
Beware of Windows API calls. Some of the Windows 3.1
API calls have been changed or made obsolete in Windows
95. If you need to make explicit API calls, make sure they are
compatible. Again, this is a place where conditional compiler
directives can be helpful.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Provide a uniform look. Delphi 2 applications use a smaller,

lighter-weight font than Delphi 1 applications. If you want to
change a Delphi 1 application to have a look similar to that
of Delphi 2, use the Object Inspector to set the Font property
of each form to MS San Serif, Regular style, 8 point. All
objects on that form whose ParentFont property are set to
True will then use that font.
Respond to
errors. When
opening a
Figure 2: Youve probably seen this one. Its
project in
Delphi 1 that the error message often displayed when, from
the Delphi 1 IDE, you open a project compiled
was compiled in Delphi 2.
in Delphi 2,
youll often get the Error dialog box shown in Figure 2. Its a
common error that simply means you must rebuild the project. Click on OK, then select Compile | Build All from the
menu. This will cause all units to recompile to 16-bit DCUs
(Delphi Compiled Units).

While creating a single set of source files that can be compiled using Delphi 1 and Delphi 2 requires some coordination, it is not particularly difficult. Furthermore, the benefit
of maintaining a single source base will usually far outweigh
the burden of making the source compatible with both
Delphi 1 and 2.
Interestingly, the two most common requests from Delphi
developers at the recent Borland Developers Conference were
for a single version of Delphi that can compile 16- or 32-bit
applications, and an updated version of Delphi for Windows
3.x. If either request is granted, building cross-platform applications with Delphi would be even easier.
Cary Jensen is President of Jensen Data Systems, Inc., a Houston-based database
development company. He is author of more than a dozen books, including Delphi
In Depth [Osborne/McGraw-Hill, 1996]. He is also Contributing Editor to Delphi
Informant. You can reach Jensen Data Systems at (713) 359-3311, or via
CompuServe at 76307,1533.

Columns & Rows

Delphi 2 / Object Pascal / Client/Server

By James Callan

Data of Many Shapes

or, Building Mighty Morphing Power Grids

olymorphism can simplify your life. This barely-pronounceable OOP

technique curbs complexity and imposes order on an otherwise chaotic
world. By shrouding diversity, polymorphism helps us build generic, enduring systems. Widely believed to be a specialized technique useful only for
graphics applications or programming books, the P-word has in fact long
been used in database applications. Surprised?

This article explains how you can use inheritance, polymorphism, and specialization in
your client/server applications. Well begin with
concrete examples of these techniques in action,
and provide a firm conceptual foundation.
Moving to database modeling, well introduce
subtypes. Well end by creating an Extra
Sensory Perception (ESP) game that builds on
all the ideas introduced in this article, and
shows you how to add Mighty Morphing
Power Grids to your next application.

ferent kinds of transactions. Figure 1 illustrates one such transaction in a commercial

product named QuickXpense.
If youre like me, youre under a constant barrage to add the latest clever features to your
projects, but whats a software designer to do?
Lose more sleep? Drink more Jolt Cola? Theres
a better way, using yes polymorphism,
and Delphi makes it easier than you think.

Polly Who?
What, you may ask, are Mighty Morphing
Power Grids? Theyre those super-snazzy
dual-row grids in Quicken and other killer
applications that visibly change, depending
on what kind of data you add. These applications use one simple form for dozens of dif-

Im amazed how academics can obfuscate.

Lets define polymorphism simply and directly.
Literally, the term means having many forms.
In the world of objects, it means you can ask
two different objects to do the same thing,
and both will respond sanely.
Consider the following example: In the
first, big-screen Batman movie, Bruce
Wayne invites Vicki Vale to his mansion
for a romantic evening. Once theyre
asleep, Batman slumbers hanging upsidedown, but Vicki dozes in a bed. Here, you
have two people objects, each receiving a
sleep message. One sleeps in bed, the
other on a chin-up bar.

Figure 1: QuickXpense is a good example of an application with morphing capabilities.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Strange, yet polymorphic. Batman and

Vicki Vale are both people. All people
sleep, so both are capable of sleeping.
However, there are some differences
between bats and people. Hence, the
method by which a Batman implements
the sleep function is different from how

Columns & Rows

an ordinary person implements sleep. This difference is
how each person specializes their way of sleeping.
The power of polymorphism gives client objects a common way
of dealing with server objects that share a common ancestry. For
example, all shapes have a Draw method, and all windows have
a Paint method. Polymorphism eliminates diversity in areas
where objects share similar experiences. Specialization, on the
other hand, is what permits a square to implement the Draw
method differently than the way a circle implements Draw.
Perhaps one of the best illustrations of the relationships between
polymorphism, inheritance, and specialization is to remind you
where you first encountered these very old concepts.

Some of these sets are nested within other sets. These nested
sets are called subsets. The set of all books is a superset to the
set of all books youve read. Similarly, the books youve read
are a subset of all books. Both My Books and Your
Books share a common ancestry. We could say that both
subsets inherit characteristics from their superset. Lets examine this inheritance more closely.
Books can be read. I read with a pen in hand and tend to
make notes in the margins. When you read, however, you
may leave your books in pristine condition. Both sets of books
can respond to being read, yet the fact that their state is different after having been read can be an indication of polymorphism. Thus, the mere act of reading could specialize a book,
and be used to distinguish one book from another.

From Sets ...

Its funny how every generation learns new math. Math is
ancient, yet we seem to constantly reinvent it. In one of the
latest reincarnations of math, grade school teachers introduced Venn Diagrams to teach the concept of sets.
In a Venn Diagram, sets are represented by different, colored
ovals. The set of everything is called the universal set, designated by the letter u. Because everything belongs in the
universe, the universal set frames a Venn Diagram.
When we have a set of ducks and a set of geese and put them
together, we call the combined set a union. The union results
in a set of ducks and geese. Similarly, lets say we take all
books I have read as one set, and as another set, take all the
books you have read. If we create an intersection between the
two sets, we end up with a third set that contains only the
books we both have read.
The notion of set intersections inevitably leads to the concept
of set subtraction. If there are books we both have read, and
books that each of us has read, then there must be books that
neither of us have read. These books are what remains when
we subtract our books from the set of all books. Figure 2 contains a series of Venn Diagrams that illustrate these points
using the book example.

The subject matter covered in each book is another way of

distinguishing them there may be many such ways. When
a characteristic (or characteristics) of an item (a.k.a. an element) determines its membership in a set, its called the characteristic function for the set. The characteristic function for
the set of books you have read is the test to determine
whether you have read the book.
Intuitively, we see that sets form the theoretical basis underlying
inheritance, polymorphism, and specialization. There is much
more to object-orientation than set theory, but consider the
Venn Diagrams in Figure 2 as a foundation for what follows.

... to Databases
A relational database is a collection of tables that interact
based on the principles of relational algebra (which is itself
used to manipulate sets). A well-designed database provides
rich information about the real world entities represented by
the data stored in the tables. A database is a set of tables. A
table is a collection of interesting characteristics about similar
entities such as people, places, or things. Tables are represented by columns and rows. Each row represents one entity
(or object). A table is thus a set of characteristics of entities in
the world we are modeling.
Understanding sets is imperative to developing useful databases.
For example, you create an intersection between two sets when
you execute a SQL SELECT statement that joins two tables. As
well see, sets are also critical to building powerful data grids.

The Power behind the Grids

Figure 2: Venn Diagrams are used to describe sets.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Staring at Figure 1 probably wont tell you a lot about the

database design that lies behind the spiffy screen. Figure 1
is only one view of a grid that changes (or morphs) based
on the type of expense being entered. For example, entering a meal expense requires different information from the
user than entering a mileage expense or that of a plane
ticket. The grid gains its power from its ability to accommodate different types of expenses in a single, compact,
consistent, and convenient manner. Lets consider the
problem of how we might design a database to support
time and expenses like that shown in Figure 1.

Columns & Rows

The first thing to notice
about this screen is that the
master source of data seems
to be the employee.
Employees enter their
expenses, and expenses are
tied to a specific employee.
This gives us one set of
relationships (they are bidirectional) between
expenses and employees.
Based on this relationship,
we can construct the very
simple entity relationship
Figure 3: An entity relationdiagram (ERD) shown in
ship diagram (ERD).
Figure 3. An ERD is a
standard way of analyzing data relationships. In an ERD,
boxes represent entities and lines represent the relationship
of the entities. The ERD in Figure 3 can be read as:
Each Employee may be reimbursed for expenses recorded in
one or more Expense Items, and
Each Expense Item must be a record of expense for only one
The formalisms of the diagram nicely capture the requirements of the system. ERDs per se are outside the scope of
this article, but here are a few of the rules:
A single line (like that connecting the EMPLOYEE entity)
indicates that only one record can exist in the relationship.
Conversely, the line with the crows foot (like that connecting the EXPENSE LINE entity) indicates there can
be multiple records.
The line perpendicular to the line connecting the EMPLOYEE entity indicates there must be an EMPLOYEE entity.
The open circle on the line connecting the EXPENSE
LINE entity indicates there may be no EXPENSE LINE.
The next thing to notice about Figure 1 is that the Expense
Line morphs on the basis of the type of expense entered.
When the line morphs, it displays different fields for the
user to enter. Some fields have drop-down lists, while others are simple edit fields. From this observation we can
conclude that certain fields (known as attributes in data
modeling parlance) are only applicable for certain types of
expenses. We can also conclude (based on drop-down
combo boxes) that certain expenses have relationships to
other entities in the system.
These two conclusions lead to extending the ERD in
Figure 3 to one that resembles Figure 4. Each type of
expense has been broken out into its own entity. Also note
that the new expense entities are contained inside the larger
Expense Line entity. These new entities are called subtypes,
and the larger containing entities, such as Expense Item,
are termed supertypes. Subtypes and supertypes are the database equivalents of subsets and supersets.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 4: A
more complex

The new and improved ERD in Figure 4 may be read the

same way as the ERD in Figure 3, but with the additional
provisions that:
There are five types of Expense Lines: Airfare,
Entertainment, Mileage, Lodging, and Meal,
Each Meal Expense Line must be to annotate a business meal
with only one Customer, and
Each Customer may be referenced within one or more Meal
Expense Lines.
Clearly, we are simplifying a detailed and improved model to
illustrate a point. Figure 4 captures more of the requirements
than Figure 3. In many ways, the version in Figure 4 is also
more powerful.
Subtypes are interesting because they inherit all the relationships and attributes present in their supertype. Thus, from
inheritance we know that:
Each Mileage Expense Line must be a record of expense for
only one Employee.
Subtypes in ERDs correspond precisely with persistent inherited classes (when relational databases are used for the persistent
store) in the class diagrams of all leading object-oriented design
(OOD) methodologies. Figure 4 illustrates this technique of
data inheritance. Later, well develop a program that demonstrates behavioral and data inheritance working together.
The ERD in Figure 4 can be implemented in many ways. You
could store all the expenses in one, two, or five tables. Although
the rationale to select one method over another is beyond the
scope of this article, the analysis techniques that lead to this
type of ERD are relevant to creating powerful data grids.

Making the Static Dynamic

ERDs create only a static view of the relationships between
the entities of our systems. ERDs also have limitations in
the way they move us toward presenting our data to users.
Alternative design techniques must be used. OOD techniques were introduced to permit us to capture both the
static relationships and the dynamic interaction between

Columns & Rows

objects. OOD techniques can also help us model the way
we present data to users.
Ideally, we would like a common manner of dealing with our
data so that access to it can be controlled and well managed.
For now, relational databases are that common access
method. (However, good commercial object-oriented databases are just over the horizon, e.g. Oracle8.) In addition to data
access, we also want a consistent way of presenting our data,
yet in a manner that supports diversity among our objects.
The expense entry grid of Figure 1 presents data consistently
(row per expense), yet it permits high variability in how data
is displayed and entered (row-to-row morphing). The power
grid is an example of what we want in our applications. And
do we need to resort to C++ to create Mighty Morphing
Power Grids? Of course not; Delphi has the power.

Subtle Power: The Best Kind

The best kind of power is the kind that goes unnoticed. I
drive a Jaguar XJS, V-12. Many people think the Jaguar is
wimpy compared to the BMW 7xx series, until they drive
one and feel its subtle power. Delphi is like this.
Delphi 2 introduced the DBCtrlGrid component as a way of
displaying multi-column data. The DBCtrlGrid provides a
data-aware, multi-column grid that allows you to place certain data-aware controls, such as DBEdit fields, into the first
grid cell. It then dynamically replicates the controls in the
other cells as needed. Its cool, but doesnt permit you to place
just any kind of control into the cells.
The DBCtrlGrid surfaces an OnPaintPanel event that allows
you to control the appearance of how data is displayed.
Unfortunately, this event is not very helpful in overcoming
the component-imposed limitations on what controls are
allowed on panels during data entry and editing. We need a
better way to edit in DBCtrlGrids. We need freedom in our
choice of controls, as well as a way to maintain control programmatically. We need a way to morph while editing.

based on the type of data entered, we can alter the visibility of

our controls, or switch panels altogether. Intuitively, this
scheme works; however, how will it look in a real application?

The Personal Psychic Network

Imagine you are the Director of Information Technology for
the world famous Personal Psychic Network (PPN). People
from all over the globe call the psychics at PPN for personal
readings (credit cards accepted). PPNs popularity is growing,
but they have a shortage of psychics. The human resources
manager approaches you, explaining that she wants an
employment exam to help her separate the good psychics
from the also-rans. You propose a simple Extrasensory
Perception (ESP) exam to test for psychic aptitude.
After researching ESP, you determine that a simple program
using the ESP symbols (developed by Dr Rhine of Duke
University) will serve nicely. In his experiments, he used a
deck of cards depicting triangles, crosses, circles, waves, stars,
and squares. Youll use an electronic deck of cards, the computer will select a card, and the psychic will attempt to name
the card.
You decide to avoid text, keeping the program symbolic and
intuitive, yet colorful and inviting. Your program has seven
basic functions that allow a user to:
1) read about the program,
2) create new tests,
3) delete tests,
4) take a test by making ESP symbol selections,
5) retrieve previous tests,
6) graph their test results, and
7) exit the program.
To select a symbol, a user simply presses the corresponding
button depicting the desired symbol. After the user makes a
selection, the choice is committed. The computer immediately reveals its choice and the users selection, and signals a
match. The test is fair because the computer commits to all
its choices when the test begins.

Hover Editing

Data Model

Because the DBCtrlGrid is tied to a DataSource component,

the Grids state is governed by the DataSources state.
Therefore, when the DataSource is in edit mode, the Grid is
in edit mode; and when the DataSource is read-only, the
Grid is read-only. What if we used a component that gives us
more flexibility when we are editing, and used the
DBCtrlGrid to display our data? Furthermore, because the
OnPaintPanel event provides the coordinates of a rectangular
region in which we can display the current record, we can
position our editing component directly over this region
(think of it as hover editing). Well simply stack the components and have them collaborate.

Figure 5 illustrates the data model for PPNs Psychic

Diviner. Each ESP Test must comprise precisely 24 ESP
Trials. Each ESP
Trial must be for
only one ESP
Furthermore, each
ESP Trial is either
Correct, or
Incorrect. Nonselected means the
computer has
selected a symbol,
but the psychic
Figure 5: The data model for PPNs
has not. Correct
Psychic Diviner.

Well use the ubiquitous Panel component as an editing surface. Because you can place any control on it, using a Panel
brings control choice freedom. If we need to morph our panel

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Columns & Rows

and Incorrect correspond to whether
the psychic and
computer match.
Notice that subtypes are mutually
exclusive. Figure 6
illustrates the database tables that correspond to the ERD
in Figure 5.

Figure 6: The structures of the tables for

Psychic Diviner.

Beyond the table

design, we must
define a characteristic function that will help us place each
trial record into either the Non-selected, Correct, or Incorrect
sets. Therefore, if the Choice field contains an N (default
during creation), the record is Non-selected. If the Choice
field matches the Choice field, then the record is Correct. If
the Choice field is not an N and does not match the
Choice field, the record is Incorrect.
Although our ERD is simpler than the ERD depicted in
Figure 4, and our table design is much less complex than one
needed to represent corporate expenses, our use of subtypes is
exactly the same. Instead of using an expense type field,
well use a combination of two fields on which to build a
characteristic function. A grid display for expenses would
look different than one for ESP symbols. However, the methods are similar for painting the grids, editing within cells, and
morphing. An expense grid, or any other business grid, could
include lookup combo boxes that appear and disappear, or
other, similar morphing features.
To build your Psychic Diviner application, create the tables
shown in Figure 6 using the Database Desktop. Under Tools |
Alias Manager create a new public alias named SubTypes. Set its
path to the directory where you have stored the Tests and Trials
tables. Use the Image Editor (see Figure 7) to create 32x32 pixel
bitmaps of a red triangle, a blue cross, a lime circle, three purple
wavy lines, a yellow star, and a magenta square. (The simplest
way to create the star is to draw a pentacle and erase the interior
lines.) Well use the values T, C, E, W, S, and R in our Trials table
to represent each of these symbols, respectively.

Forming the Form

Start a new project. On the default form, drop two Panel components, aligning one to the top of the form and the other to
the bottom. On the top Panel, place a DBLookupComboBox,
a DBEdit, and two Labels. Using the Object Inspector, name
the DBLookupComboBox TestNameLKUFld and the DBEdit
control TestDescriptionFld. Set the Caption property of the
first Label to Test &Name:, and the second to
&Description:. Then change their focus controls to the
DBLookupComboBox and DBEdit controls, respectively.
Make the value for the Panels Caption property blank and then
set its BevelOuter property to bvNone. Resize and position the
controls on the Panel to resemble Figure 8.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 7: Using the Image Editor to modify the shapes used in

the Psychic Diviners test.

Figure 8: The Psychic Diviner at design time.

Next, add a MainMenu component to the form, then double-click on it to create the forms main menu. Using the
Menu Designer, add &File, &View, and &Help as top-level
menu options. Under File add &New and &Delete, followed
by a separator (insert a dash character for its Caption), and
E&xit. Add &Accuracy under View and set its shortcut key to
1 via the drop-down list of keys. Lastly, add an &About
option under Help, and close the Menu Designer.
On Panel2, place a third Panel and a Button. Set Panel3s
Alignment property to taLeftJustify, its BevelOuter property to
bvLowered, and its Font.Color property to clBlue. Name the
Button OkBtn and set its Caption to &OK. Next, make sure the
Caption properties for Panel2 and Panel3 are blank. The lower
panel should now match the one in Figure 8.
On the main form, just above Panel2, drop an additional
Panel and name it EditPanel. On EditPanel, place six
BitBtn components and space them equally. Set their
Height and Width properties to 38 and make their Caption
properties blank; then set their Glyph properties to the
bitmap files that you created earlier in the Image Editor.
Set the Tag properties for the BitBtn components to 1
through 6 (well use the Tags later) and name them

Columns & Rows

TriangleBtn, CrossBtn, etc. Change the EditPanels
Visible property to False (well programmatically control
the Panel), and make its Caption blank.

Next, position a DBCtrlGrid component in the center of the

form and change its Name property to TrialsGrid. Set its
RowCount property to 5, its ColCount property to 2, and its
Color property to clBtnFace. Right-click on EditPanel, and
from the SpeedMenu, select Bring To Front. This raises the Zorder for EditPanel above that of TrialsGrid. You can
check this by overlapping the edge of TrialsGrid with
EditPanel. EditPanel should obscure TrialsGrid.
Now set the forms Caption property to: Personal Psychic
Network - Psychic Diviner and set its Color property to
clActiveCaption. After proper sizing, your form should look
exactly (less the non-visible components of the next section)
like the form shown in Figure 8. Now save the form as PSYCHIC and the project as PPNESP.

Becoming Data Aware

Next, youll add links to the database tables you created in
the Database Desktop. Begin by adding three DataSource
components and three Table components to the form. Set all
the Table DatabaseName properties to SubTypes. Name one
DataSource TestsDS, and set its DataSet property to the
Table youve named TestsTB, and for which you have set its
TableName property to TESTS. Name another DataSource
TestsLKUDS, and set its DataSet property to a Table that you
have named TestsLKUTB, and for which you have set its
TableName property to TESTS. Similarly, set up a DataSource
(TrialsDS) and Table (TrialsTB) for the Trials table. Point
the TrialsTBs MasterSource property to TestsDS, and use
the Field Links Designer to link the TestID fields for both
tables. This sets the MasterFields property to TestID.
Set the DataSource and DataField properties for
TestNameLKUFld to TestsDS and Name, respectively. Next,
specify TestNameLKUFlds lookup by setting its ListSource
property to TestsLKUDS, its ListField property to
Name;Description, and its KeyField to Name. Now change
TestNameLKUFlds DropDownWidth property to 300 so the

Description field will appear in the drop-down list. After this,

set the DataSource and DataField properties for
TestDescriptionFld to TestsDS and Descrip, respectively.
Finally, set TrialsGrids DataSource to TrialsDS.
Our last step is to create a cascaded delete for tests. Whenever
we delete a test, we must delete all of its related trials. To
illustrate the manual method, add a Query component to the
form (named DeleteTrialsSQL), which contains this
DELETE statement in its SQL property:

Set the TESTID parameters DataType property to Integer,

and point its DataSource to TestsDS. Now we can cascade
delete all the trials for a test by executing DeleteTrialsSQLs
ExecSQL method.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

The Power Plan

The Psychic Diviner will be an unusual Delphi database
application for a variety of reasons. Notice that the application lacks a DBNavigator component. This control would
clutter our form, so we wont use one. The application also
differentiates itself in the use of its drop-down combo box.
The combo box serves as a browser rather than as a tool to
allow the user to select new values. It replaces the
DBNavigators Prior, Next, First, and Last buttons. The most
obvious difference is that our DBCtrlGrid has no fields. Its a
bit crazy to use a component that replicates fields without
fields, but it does highlight the powerful things you can
accomplish through component collaboration. We dont need
fields because the OnPaintPanel event handler will paint the
fields as we need them.
After selecting File | New, the user will be prompted to enter
the name for a new test. After validating the name, the program will add a new Test record and randomly select 24 ESP
symbols, adding a Trial record for each. The program will
then generate a default Test Description and pre-position the
cursor for data entry.
After generating the new trials, the TrialsGrid will call the
OnPaintPanel event handler for each record. Because the user
has not made a choice yet, the program will position the
EditPanel over the active record for user selection. All
remaining records are Non-selected, so they remain blank.
When the user makes a selection, its saved. After the selection is saved, three things occur:
The cursor advances to the next record. Changing records
causes the OnPaintPanel event to be called twice.
OnPaintPanel is called once for the previous panel and
once for the panel containing the new record.
The new panels Paint call repositions the EditPanel for
user selection. The old panel will paint the panel using
the bitmaps on the EditPanels buttons.
Additionally, the old panel will number the trial, highlighting the trial number in red or green, depending on
the users accuracy. If you find the application colors too
loud, you can always build a monochrome version, or one
using more muted colors.
Before leaving the subject of program design, we should also
discuss our programs use of Windows resources. The user
sees many ESP symbols in the program; however, a single
copy of each of the six bitmaps will be used. When the user
requests an accuracy display, a pie chart is created and displayed on the EditPanel. The EditPanel morphs into a
custom dialog box. This is done to save system resources,
demonstrate an alternative dialog box method, and provide
an example of how the Panel can be morphed.
Of the remaining program elements, some perform various
data translations between our bitmap names and the characters weve chosen to store in our database. Others communicate with the user through various system message boxes.

Columns & Rows

cell to cell. The array-indexing equations, provided in the
TrialsDS OnDataChange event handler, should work for any
size grid. The only caveat is to ensure your controls fit on the
EditPanel when its sized to fit into the cell.
Pay particular attention to the TrialsGrids OnPaintPanel
event handler. The varEmpty and varNull conditions are
checked using a Variant variable. This checking was not
required for Delphi 1, but Delphi 2 introduced Variants for
OLE and OCX compliance. Unfortunately, some of the Variant
data conversions raise exceptions when DataSets encounter null
records. This test eliminates the nasty conversions.
The DrawChoice method paints the cells for Correct and
Incorrect trials by drawing on the TrialsGrid canvas. The
DBCtrlGrid provides a separate canvas for each cell that can be
used in the OnPaintPanel event handler. We reduce memory by
reusing the same bitmaps that are on our EditPanels BitBtn
components. Memory can also be reduced further by dynamically loading the bitmaps from files, but this adds overhead.
The IndexSymbol method converts a random number from 1
to 6 into a single character representation for an ESP symbol.
ExpandSymbol converts from the single character representation into the full word name that corresponds to the component names of the EditPanels BitBtns.

Figure 9 (Top): A view of the run-time version of the ESP test.

Figure 10 (Bottom): The percentage meter shows the accuracy
of the current ESP test participant.

Adding the Power

To add the power to your mighty morphing power grid, add
the code contained in Listing Two (beginning on page 35).
Until you add an About box to the project, you may want to
forego adding the About1.OnClick event handler. Figure 9
shows the Psychic Diviner at run time. Figure 10 shows the
pie chart that reports the accuracy of the psychic.
If you add hints to each component, the hints will be displayed in Panel3. You will need to manually set the OnClick
event handler for each BitBtn on the EditPanel to the
ESPSymbolClick procedure that you manually create. By
declaring the ESPSymbolClick method in the class definition
for the form, Delphi automatically picks it up in the Event
Inspectors drop-down list for the buttons.
By setting the drop-down lists DataSource to nil, we allow it
to activate and the current record to change. Because the tests
are WORM (write once, read many), we wont need to use
the drop-down list for setting a name. You could embellish
the combo box by adding OnKeyDown handlers, but most
users find the way this additional handler blanks the combo
box field a bit distracting.
Using the mod and div operators in conjunction with the
TrialsGrids Panel properties moves the EditPanel from

November 1996 Delphi Informant

The MorphPanel method changes the EditPanel into a decorated modal dialog box. This is a nifty technique that is helpful for eliminating additional forms from projects. The Close
SpeedButtons OnClick event is dynamically set to the
CloseGraph method. It restores the EditPanel and returns it
to its proper position. The CalcAccuracy method uses some
embedded dynamic SQL to determine the percentage of correct answers as the test proceeds.

Weve discussed how and why subtypes arise in data models.
We have also demonstrated that using subtypes in our data
models gives us new ways of adding inheritance and specialization to our database applications.
By using polymorphism in data-aware grids, we can alter
the appearance of data, and change the way the data is
entered. Through polymorphism, we can shroud diversity
and divine differences. Perhaps the subtle power of Delphi
is now more apparent?
All source code, bitmaps, and database files for the sample
Psychic Diviner program are available on the Delphi Informant
Works CD located in INFORM\96\NOV\DI9611JC.
James Callan, an 18-year computing veteran and former consulting director for
Oracle Corporation, is currently president of Gordian Solutions, Inc., an information technology consulting provider in Cary, NC. A frequent writer and speaker on
information technology and client/server computing, Jim specializes in product
design. He can be reached at (919) 460-0555, or by e-mail at

Columns & Rows

Begin Listing Two The Psychic Unit
unit Psychic;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls,
Forms, Dialogs, DBCGrids, Buttons, StdCtrls, Menus, Mask,
DBCtrls, ExtCtrls, DBTables, DB, Gauges { Add to list };
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Panel1: TPanel;
Panel2: TPanel;
TestNameLKUFld: TDBLookupComboBox;
TestDescriptionFld: TDBEdit;
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
MainMenu1: TMainMenu;
File1: TMenuItem;
View1: TMenuItem;
Help1: TMenuItem;
New1: TMenuItem;
Delete1: TMenuItem;
N1: TMenuItem;
Exit1: TMenuItem;
Accuracy1: TMenuItem;
About1: TMenuItem;
Panel3: TPanel;
OKBtn: TButton;
EditPanel: TPanel;
TriangleBtn: TBitBtn;
CrossBtn: TBitBtn;
CircleBtn: TBitBtn;
WavesBtn: TBitBtn;
StarBtn: TBitBtn;
SquareBtn: TBitBtn;
TrialsGrid: TDBCtrlGrid;
TestsDS: TDataSource;
TestsTB: TTable;
TestsLKUDS: TDataSource;
TestsLKUTB: TTable;
TrialsDS: TDataSource;
TrialsTB: TTable;
DeleteTrialsSQL: TQuery;
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
procedure OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure Exit1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TestNameLKUFldDropDown(Sender: TObject);
procedure TestNameLKUFldCloseUp(Sender: TObject);
procedure Panel1Exit(Sender: TObject);
procedure New1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Delete1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TrialsDSDataChange(Sender: TObject;
Field: TField);
procedure TrialsGridPaintPanel(DBCtrlGrid: TDBCtrlGrid;
Index: Integer);
procedure ESPSymbolClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure Accuracy1Click(Sender: TObject);
// Manually add this handler
procedure About1Click(Sender: TObject);
Closer: TSpeedButton;
// To close accuracy display
Graph: TGauge;
// To display accuracy graph
Editing: Boolean;
// Are we editing?
OldLeft: Integer;
// Where were we?
OldTop: Integer;
Morphed: Boolean;
// Are we morphed?
function IndexSymbol(Index: Integer): string;
function ExpandSymbol(Symbol: string): string;
procedure DrawChoice(Index: Integer;
Target, Choice: string);
// See events for TApplication
procedure DisplayHint(Sender: TObject);
// Morphs EditPanel to accuracy graph
procedure MorphPanel;
// Closes accuracy graph
procedure CloseGraph(Sender: TObject);
// Calculates the accuracy rating
function CalcAccuracy: Integer;


November 1996 Delphi Informant

function GetBitMap(Symbol: string): TBitMap;

Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
uses AboutDlg;
{ IndexSymbol - Translates an integer into a one character
symbol that represents a Rhine ESP Symbol
T = Triangle
C = Cross
E = Circle (Ellipse)

W = Waves
S = Star
R = Square (Rectangle) }

function TForm1.IndexSymbol(Index: Integer): string;

Trans = 'TCEWSR';
Result := Trans[Index];
{ ExpandSymbol - Translates a single character ESP symbol
into the full ESP symbol name }
function TForm1.ExpandSymbol(Symbol: string): string;
case Symbol[1] of
'T': Result := 'Triangle';
'C': Result := 'Cross';
'E': Result := 'Circle';
'W': Result := 'Waves';
'S': Result := 'Star';
'R': Result := 'Square';
{ GetBitMap - Searches the BitButtons on the form by name
looking for a full ESP symbol name in the component name
and returns the bitmap contained on the bit button }
function TForm1.GetBitMap(Symbol: string): TBitMap;
I : Integer;
// Use Tag property to speed up the loop
for I:= 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
if (Components[I].Tag <> 0)
(Pos(Symbol,Components[I].Name) > 0) then
Result := TBitBtn(Components[I]).Glyph;
{ DrawChoice - Paints the grid cell based on whether the
choice is Correct or Incorrect }
procedure TForm1.DrawChoice(Index: Integer;
Target, Choice: string);
Glyph: TBitMap;
with TrialsGrid.Canvas do begin // Paint on Cell's Canvas
// Characteristic Function for SubType
if Target = Choice then
Font.Color := clGreen
Font.Color := clRed;
Font.Size := 14;
TextOut(5, 5, IntToStr(Index));
Font.Size := 8;
Font.Color := clBlack;
TextOut(40, 14, 'Target:');
Draw(80, 6, GetBitMap(Target));
TextOut(155, 14, 'Choice:');
Draw(195, 6, GetBitMap(Choice));

Columns & Rows

{ ESPSymbolClick - All bit buttons come here
to be serviced }
procedure TForm1.ESPSymbolClick(Sender: TObject);
Choice: string;
if not Morphed then
Choice := IndexSymbol(TComponent(Sender).Tag);
// Set choice
TrialsTB['Choice'] := Choice;
// Save the change
// Hide the panel
EditPanel.Visible := False;
// Auto-advance to next record

for I:= 0 to ComponentCount-1 do

if Components[I].Tag <> 0 then
with TBitBtn(Components[I]) do Top := Top+20;
Closer := TSpeedButton.Create(EditPanel);
with Closer do begin
:= EditPanel;
Font.Style := [fsBold];
:= 13;
:= 13;
// Add some new components
:= 'X';
:= EditPanel.Width-16;
:= 2;
:= CloseGraph; // Map the click event
:= True;
Graph := TGauge.Create(EditPanel);
with Graph do begin
:= EditPanel;
BorderStyle := bsNone;
:= clRed;
:= clGreen;
:= 175;
:= 65;
:= 35;
:= 175;
:= gkPie;
:= 18; // Provide a hint
:= True;
Hint := 'The percentage indicates the ' +
'ESP rating for this exam';
Graph.Progress := CalcAccuracy;
EditPanel.Visible := True;
except // Empty table creates exception
messageDlg('Must have test to calculate accuracy.',
mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);

// Move back to top when done

if TrialsTB.EOF then
{ CalcAccuracy - Calculates the accuracy rating from all
selected trials by counting the number or correct and the
number of incorrect and determining the percentage
correct out of the total }
function TForm1.CalcAccuracy: Integer;
// Dynamic SQL query used to count answers
Counter: TQuery;
NumRight: Integer;
NumWrong: Integer;
Counter := TQuery.Create(EditPanel);
with Counter do begin
DatabaseName := 'SubTypes'; // Count right answers
TestsTB.FieldByName('TestID').AsString +
NumRight := Fields[0].AsInteger;
// Count wrong answers
TestsTB.FieldByName('TestID').AsString +
'''' + 'N' + '''' + ')');
NumWrong := Fields[0].AsInteger;
Result := Trunc(NumRight/(NumRight+NumWrong)*100);
{ MorphPanel - Changes EditPanel into an accuracy
graph modal window }
procedure TForm1.MorphPanel;
I: Integer;
Morphed := True;
Editing := EditPanel.Visible;
TrialsGrid.Enabled := False; // Disable grid
with EditPanel do begin
Visible := False;
OldLeft := Left;
:= Top; // Morph the panel
:= 150;
:= 25;
:= Height+200;


November 1996 Delphi Informant


{ CloseGraph - Changes the accuracy graph back into

the edit panel }
procedure TForm1.CloseGraph(Sender: TObject);
I: Integer;
EditPanel.Visible := False;
for I:= 0 to ComponentCount-1 do
if Components[I].Tag <> 0 then
with TBitBtn(Components[I]) do Top := Top-20;
with EditPanel do begin
:= OldLeft;
:= OldTop; // Restore panel
Height := Height-200;
if Editing then
Visible := True;
TrialsGrid.Enabled := True;
Morphed := False;
procedure TForm1.DisplayHint(Sender: TObject);
// Displays hints at form bottom
Panel3.Caption := Application.Hint;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
// See on-line help on TApplication
Application.OnHint := DisplayHint;
// Hides space below grid
Height := Height-45;

Columns & Rows

// Open the tables
Morphed := False;
procedure TForm1.OKBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.Exit1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure TForm1.TestNameLKUFldDropDown(Sender: TObject);
// Make the field editable
TestNameLKUFld.DataSource := nil;

TrialsDS.Enabled := True;
// Position on description field
// Resynch test name field
// Make sure lookup refreshes
TestNameLKUFld.DataSource := nil;
TestNameLKUFld.DataSource := TestsDS;
messageDlg('New Test Generation Cancelled',
mtInformation, [mbOK], 0)
procedure TForm1.Delete1Click(Sender: TObject);
if messageDlg(
'Are you sure you want to delete this test?',
mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
if EditPanel.Visible then
EditPanel.Visible := False;
DeleteTrialsSQL.ParamByName('TESTID').AsInteger :=

procedure TForm1.TestNameLKUFldCloseUp(Sender: TObject);

// Move to selected record
TestsTB.Locate('Name', TestNameLKUFld.Text, []);
TestNameLKUFld.DataSource := TestsDS
procedure TForm1.Panel1Exit(Sender: TObject);
// Implicit posting
if TestsTB.State in [dsEdit] then
{ File:New - Creates a new test and randomly generates
the 24 trials that comprise the test }
procedure TForm1.New1Click(Sender: TObject);
NewTest: string;
TestID: Integer;
I: Integer;
NewTest := InputBox('Enter New Test Name',
'Test Name:', '');
if NewTest <> '' then
if TestsTB.Locate('Name', NewTest, []) then
messageDlg('A test named ' + NewTest +
' already has been saved. ' +
'Try another test name.', mtError,
[mbOK], 0);
TestsTB['Name'] := NewTest;
TestsTB['Description'] :=
'Describe the new test here.';
TestID := TestsTB['TestID'];
Randomize; // Set up the random generator
TrialsDS.Enabled := False; // Avoid screen flicker
for I:= 1 to 24 do begin
TrialsTB['Target'] :=
TrialsTB['TrialNo'] := I;
// Explicitly set Non-selected value


November 1996 Delphi Informant

:= 'N';

{ This handler is responsible for causing the EditPanel to

hover over the active cell in the TrialsGrid. You may
want to experiment with different size grids. }
procedure TForm1.TrialsDSDataChange(Sender: TObject;
Field: TField);
if TrialsTB['Choice'] = 'N' then
with TrialsGrid do begin
EditPanel.Left :=
(PanelIndex mod ColCount)*PanelWidth+Left;
EditPanel.Top :=
(PanelIndex div ColCount)*PanelHeight+Top;
:= PanelWidth;
EditPanel.Height := PanelHeight;
EditPanel.Visible := True;
procedure TForm1.TrialsGridPaintPanel(
DBCtrlGrid: TDBCtrlGrid; Index: Integer);
Choice: string;
// Workaround for OLE variant NULL field assignment
V: Variant;
V := TrialsTB.FieldByName('Choice').AsString;
if (VarType(V) = varEmpty) or
(VarType(V) = varNull) then
Choice := ''
Choice := V;
if (Choice <> '') and
(Choice <> 'N') then
procedure TForm1.Accuracy1Click(Sender: TObject);

Columns & Rows

procedure TForm1.About1Click(Sender: TObject);
AboutBox := TAboutBox.Create(Application);

End Listing Two


November 1996 Delphi Informant

At Your Fingertips
Delphi / Object Pascal

By David Rippy

othing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.

How do I create a table at run time?

One of the most important aspects of programming in Object Pascal is gaining a firm
understanding of creating and freeing components at run time. A classic example is to
programmatically create a Table object that is
freed once it isnt needed. This is more efficient than adding a Table component to the
form. In addition, the form is less cluttered
and easier to work with at design time.
The purpose of this example is to create a
temporary table (TblTemp) to populate
Form1s ListBox with the contents of the
Name field from table FRUIT.DB (see
Figure 1). Because the table is only needed
for a short time to add items to the
ListBox there is no need to use a Table
component. Instead, the example creates the
TblTemp component at run time, then frees
it once ListBox1 has been populated.
The first step is to add the DB and
DBTables units to the uses clause. These
units must be included to use the Table com-

Henry Ford

ponent created by the code. (When you add

a Table component at design time, these
units are added automatically.)
The code in Figure 2 is attached to the
OnClick event handler of the Populate ListBox
button. This code creates the temporary
TblTemp Table and assigns the necessary
properties, iterates through the FRUIT.DB
table to populate ListBox1, and finally closes
and frees the table. The first key statement:
TblTemp := TTable.Create(Self);

creates an instance of TblTemp. Note that

because we dont want to assign an owner to
TblTemp, Self is passed to the Create method.
When you create a component (or any
object) explicitly in this fashion, its vitally
important to free the resources its using by
calling the Free method. In this code example, the with construct makes the statement
a bit hard to discern. Outside a with block,
the statement would appear like this:

Once you become familiar with this technique,

it can be applied to essentially any Delphi
component, such as TQuery, TIniFile, and
TMediaPlayer. (Please note that in an actual
application you would never refer to a table in
the hard-wire fashion shown here. You would
instead assign and use an alias.) D.R.

How can I quickly view the SQL assigned

to a TQuery object at run time?
Figure 1: The list box is populated by a temporary table.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Debugging forms that contain Query components can be tricky at times, particularly if several SQL statements can potentially be assigned

At Your Fingertips
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
TblTemp: TTable; { Declare TblTemp }
{ Create instance of TblTemp }
TblTemp := TTable.Create(Self);
TblTemp.DatabaseName := '';
with TblTemp do begin
TableName := 'FRUIT.DB';
while not EOF do begin

ton. Again, you would not hard-wire any directory or table

name. Mike Leftwich, Ensemble Corporation

How can I add blinking text to a form?

Adding a blinking text Label to a form is a great way to attract
attention or display an applications status during a lengthy
process. For example, the blinking message Working
shown in Figure 5 will deter an impatient user from rebooting
the machine while the National Budget is being balanced.
Although Delphis Label component doesnt have a blink
property, the same effect is obtained by toggling the Visible
property of the component. The form in Figure 5 contains a
Timer, Button, and Label. The Timers OnTimer event handler contains the code that creates the blinking effect for
Label1. With this code in place, the timers Enabled property
is set to True in the OnClick event handler of Button1, causing the Label to start blinking (see Figure 6).

Figure 2: This code is attached to the OnClick event handler of

Figure 5:
Label blinks
in this

to a single Query object. A technique often used by client/server

developers to help the debugging process is to save the Querys
SQL code to a text file. The SQL statement can then be easily
viewed with a text editor to ensure its whats expected and is
This technique is easy to implement, requiring only a few
lines of code. Figure 3 shows the OnClick method of the Save
SQL button (see Figure 4). The key to this example is the
SaveToFile method for the SQL property of the Query object.
When the button is pressed, SaveToFile is invoked, and the
SQL property value is written to the file SQL.TXT in the
current directory. The contents of SQL.TXT can then be
viewed in any text editor (see Figure 4).
In a production environment, you would place this code just
before the query is executed, instead of attaching it to a but-

Figure 3:
allows you
to save
the SQL
value to a
text file.

Figure 6:
events for
the Timer

You can adjust the blink rate by setting the Interval property
of Timer1. The lower the value, the faster the Label will
blink. As you might have guessed, this technique will work
on any object with a Visible property not just Label components. D.R.

The demonstration projects referenced in this article are available

on the Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Figure 4: You can use any text editor to view the SQL statement
once it is saved.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

David Rippy is a Senior Consultant with Ensemble Corporation, specializing in the design and deployment of client/server database applications. He has contributed to several books published by QUE. David
can be reached on CompuServe at 74444,415.

Case Study
By David Rippy

Inquire Within
Engaging Kiosk System Reels in Apartment Shoppers

ith over 97,000 apartments in nearly 200 cities, Lincoln Property

Company (LPC) is one of the largest property management companies in the United States. To maintain this status, LPC is constantly looking
for innovative ways to attract and retain new renters; companies like LPC
lose business when a potential renter leaves the rental office of an apartment complex before a leasing agent can offer assistance. Another area of
concern is the high cost of printed materials, specifically the floor plans and
related pamphlets taken by prospective renters who often do not return.

With these pitfalls in mind, LPC partnered

with Ensemble Corporations Multimedia
Division to implement a high-profile, stateof-the-art kiosk system for the reception
area of its Knoxbridge rental office. A kiosk
system combats the walkout problem by
entertaining and informing the customer
when the leasing agent is busy. Also, a kiosk
system can dramatically reduce off-site

printing costs by supplying printouts of

floor plans and other literature as needed.
Equally important is that the system allows
modifications to the literature as often as
necessary, for a fraction of what a print
shop would charge.
These were the goals of the Knoxbridge
reduce printing costs by at least 75 percent,
reduce the number of walkouts by 50
provide a system that reflects the corporate image and quality standards of LPC,
provide a modular system that can be
expanded as needed,
provide professional-quality 2D and 3D
graphics throughout the system, and
provide a high-quality musical soundtrack throughout the system.


The application has a stately appearance on a 21-inch touchscreen monitor.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Several development environments were

available for creating interactive applications, but only Delphi offered both the
multimedia aspects and the solid database

Case Study

Potential renters can preview any of Knoxbridges seven floor


The rotating, 3D floor plans fuel prospective renters imaginations.

Still shots of each room round out the visual presentation.

The interactive map helps sell the neighborhood.

functionality needed for a project of this nature. In fact,

Delphi provided all the necessary development features
out of the box.
The multiple 2D and 3D animations found throughout
the application were created with Autodesks 3D Studio.
Featuring highly detailed renderings of each room, the animations give the user a completely unique and memorable
way to shop for an apartment. Unlike other marketing
materials that force the shopper to imagine a floor plans
appearance, the Knoxbridge kiosk application provides an
accurate view of every available option. These animations,
combined with the speed and power of Delphi, give the
application a highly professional look and feel.
The four-person project team included a senior consultant
from Ensemble, a seasoned Delphi programmer, and a pair
of artists specializing in 3D graphics. Working jointly with
LPCs Marketing Director and Vice President of Technology,
Ensemble created a flexible system that can accommodate
any of LPCs apartment complexes across the United States.

A slide show takes visitors on a virtual tour of the Knoxbridge


ing methodology, the team could continually test and

refine the system until it achieved a perfect combination
of excitement and ease of use.

A critical factor to the success of the system was
Ensembles ability to bring to life the vision of LPCs
Marketing Director. Using Ensembles iterative prototyp42

November 1996 Delphi Informant

The kiosk application was an instant success, with many

potential tenants using the system each day. Since implementation, the kiosk system has substantially reduced

Case Study
walkouts, increased apartment rentals, and saved thousands of dollars annually in
printing and administrative
costs. With the business concept now proven, the system
will be rolled out to other
LPC properties, each with its
own set of custom floor
plans, amenities, and area
The kiosk system is truly a testament to Delphis ideal balance of compiler technology
and rock-solid database features a perfect match for
interactive applications such as
this. More importantly to the
client, Delphis Rapid
Application Design approach
kept development time (and
cost) to a minimum.

Ensemble Corporation of Dallas, TX recently
implemented a state-of-the-art, multimedia
kiosk system for the Knoxbridge apartment
complex, managed by Lincoln Property
Company. The interactive application was
designed to entertain and inform potential
apartment renters when a leasing agent is not
available. Users can review and print out
apartment floor plans, examine amenities, and
learn about local merchants and institutions.
Target Audience: Property management
companies and real-estate agents.
Users: Potential apartment renters and
apartment leasing agents.
Third-Party Tools: Autodesk 3D Studio.
Ensemble Corporation
12655 N. Central Expressway, Suite 700
Dallas, TX 75243
Phone: (214) 960-2700
Fax: (214) 960-2704
642 Harrison St., San Francisco, CA 94107
Phone: (415) 547-2000
Fax: (415) 547-2222
Web Site: http://www.autodesk.com
E-mail: Internet: ktxwebmaster@ktx.com

David Rippy is a Senior Consultant with Ensemble Corporation, specializing in

the design and deployment of client/server database applications. He has contributed to several books published by QUE. David can be reached on
CompuServe at 74444,415.


November 1996 Delphi Informant

Delphi at Work
Delphi 1/ Delphi 2 / Object Pascal

By Shamiq Cader

A Matter of Time
Exploring the TDateTime Object

ave you ever tried to add five minutes and 30 seconds to the current
time? At first this may seem like a trivial computation. If you look closer, however, the complexity of this logical operation becomes clear. For
example, what do you do if the time is 11:55 PM on the 31st of
December? Suddenly, this doesnt look so trivial.

Wouldnt it be nice if a programming language exists that allows you to easily perform
date and time manipulation? Actually there
is. The language, of course, is Object Pascal,
and its the TDateTime type that makes date
and time manipulation a breeze.

TTimeDates Advantages

The TDateTime Type

Second, handling date/time values as a

Float makes date and/or time math easy as
well. For example, assume we must determine the correct time after 10 minutes has
elapsed. If the beginning time is 11:55 PM,
10 minutes will take us into the next day.
With the TDateTime format, everything
takes care of itself.

The TDateTime type stores date and/or time

values in one object. TDateTime is of type
Float, and stores date and time information
in an X.Y format, where X is the date information and Y is the time information. The
date is stored as the number of days since
year 1 (i.e. 1/1/1); the time is stored as a decimal fraction of the day.
To clarify, consider the following example.
Lets say Delphi needs to store 9:00 AM in
the TDateTime format. At this time, nine
hours has elapsed (that is, 9/24 of the day has
expired). Therefore, the fraction of the day
that has elapsed (since midnight) is 0.375.
This scenario is more complex when minutes
are introduced. For instance, what if 9:15 AM
must be stored? Fifteen minutes is 15/60 of an
hour, or 0.25 hours. This is 0.25/24 of a day,
which equates to 0.0104167. Therefore,
TDateTime stores 9:15 AM as 0.37500 +
0.0104167, or simply 0.3854167.

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Before proceeding, lets discuss the advantages

of storing date and time in this format. First,
as already described, one variable stores date
and time, making date/time manipulation
much easier.

For example, when 10 minutes is added to the

fraction part, and if the result exceeds 12:00
AM, TDateTime will automatically carry a
one into the integer part, i.e. the date will be
increased by one. An example shows this idea
more clearly. Lets say a TDateTime object is
storing 728902.996527778 (8/31/96 11:55
PM). If we add 10 minutes, 0.006944444, to
this value, the result is 728903.003472222 (or
9/1/96 12:05 AM).
Examining this, you may wonder how much
logic is needed to convert this TDateTime
type into a readable date and time format.
After all, what good is 693500.44543 if it

Delphi at Work
cannot be understood as a valid date and time? Fortunately,
Delphi provides several functions to convert this cryptic

More importantly, DateToStr and TimeToStr convert the

TDateTime format into readable strings. The .PAS unit for
the System Date and Time program is shown in Listing
Three on page 49.

Time, Date, and Now

Delphi provides three simple
ways to get the system date
and/or time via the TDateTime
object. To illustrate, Figure 1
shows the results of the following OnFormShow routine.
(Note that this example
assumes six appropriatelynamed Edit components.)

More Date and Time functions

Figure 1: The TDateTime

object stores date/time information as a Float value.

procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);

:= TimeToStr(Time);
EditTimeValue.Text := FloatToStr(Time);
:= DateToStr(Date);
EditDateValue.Text := FloatToStr(Date);
:= DateTimeToStr(Now);
EditNowValue.Text := FloatToStr(Now);

The Object Pascal Time function returns the system time as a

TDateTime type which allows us to format it as we see fit.
Figure 1 shows the results in two formats. First, the
TimeToStr function is used to display the time in the standard fashion for the United States (more about this later).
Below it, the FloatToStr function shows us the value behind
the scenes, 0.471743171296296, where the integer (date)
portion is set to zero.
The Date function returns the system date. The Float value is
728927 and there is no fractional (time) value.
The Now function returns the entire date/time value:

Displaying the System Date and Time

System date and time are often displayed in an edit box,
label, or memo field. In all cases, the information must be
converted to a string format. Delphi provides several functions to display the system date and time.
The program in Figure 2 uses
the DateToStr function to
convert the date part of the
TDateTime format into a
readable string that can be
displayed in an edit box.
Similarly, the TimeToStr
Figure 2: Extracting and
function converts the time
displaying the system date
part of the TDateTime forand time.
mat into a readable string.
The strings format (e.g. 23:00:00, or 11:00:00 PM) is determined by Windows settings (which are outside the scope of
this article).

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure 3, the Add 15 Minutes program, is an implementation of the

scenario we discussed earlier. This
program adds 15 minutes (instead
of 10) to a date and time entered
by the user, and displays the resulting date and time in separate edit
Figure 3: A sample
boxes. Here we are introduced to
program to add 15
the StrToDate and StrToTime func- minutes to the current
tions that try to convert strings to
the TDateTime format. If the conversion fails, an EConvertError exception is raised. This can
be used to validate the date or time the user has entered.
Note that this program uses the MyDate and MyTime variables to hold the date and time values the user has entered.
Lets say the same variable is used:
{ X.0 where X is an integer }
MyDate := StrToDate(Edit2.Text);
{ 0.Y where Y is a fraction }
MyDate := StrToTime(Edit1.Text);

This code causes a problem, because the second call to the

StrToTime function will overwrite the date portion of
MyDate. However, using two variables to construct a third
works just fine:

:= StrToDate(Edit2.Text);
:= StrToTime(Edit1.Text);
:= MyDate + MyTime;

{ MyDate
= X.0 }
{ MyTime
= 0.Y }
{ DateTime = X.Y }

Because 15 minutes equates to 0.0104166 (or 15/60/24) days,

adding 0.0104166 to DateTime adds 15 minutes to the date
and time entered by the user. The DateToStr and TimeToStr
functions will display the result in the appropriate edit boxes.
If the user enters 11:55:00 PM into Enter Time and 2/28/96
into Enter Date, the result displays 12:10:00 AM and 2/29/96
in New Time and New Date, respectively. Similarly, if the user
enters 11:55:00 PM as the time and 2/28/95 as the date, the
result is displayed as 12:10:00 AM and 3/1/95. Thus, we can
see Delphi handles every detail, including leap years. (Error
checking was not implemented in the program referenced here.
Well discuss exception handling later.) The code for the Add
15 Minutes program is shown in Listing Four on page 49.

Formatting the Date and Time String

Although several methods exist for formatting the date and
time string, a convenient way to do this is to use the
FormatDateTime function. FormatDateTime can be used in
place of DateToStr or TimeToStr to format the display string
to any desired form (see Figure 4). For a complete code listing of the associated .PAS file, see Listing Five on page 50.

Delphi at Work
and 96 indicate
very different
things, i.e. 96
equates to 96 AD,
not 1996 AD.

Figure 4: A program that displays the date and time in different


The FormatDateTime function takes two parameters: the format string indicating the desired format and TDateTime.
Several formats can be obtained by using FormatDateTime.
Delphis online Help features a complete list of format specifiers; just search using FormatDateTime.
Lets look at an example of FormatDateTime. Assuming
MyDate has 01/08/96, using:
FormatDateTime('yyyy mmmm dd',MyDate)

yields 1996

January 08

in the display.

The yyyy indicates a four-digit, complete-year format (1996).

Several other functions belong to the

same family as
EncodeDate. These
are EncodeTime,
DecodeDate, and

Figure 5: A program demonstrating the

EncodeDate and DayOfWeek functions
and the exception thats raised when converting to and from the TDateTime format.

The EncodeTime function works similarly to EncodeDate:

DT := EncodeTime(Hour, Min, Sec, Msec);

where DT is of type TDateTime, and Hour, Min, Sec, and Msec

are all of type Word.
The functionality of DecodeDate is just the opposite of
EncodeDate. DecodeDate is a procedure that takes four
DecodeDate(DT, Year, Month, Day)

DT is of type TDateTime, and Year, Month, and Day are of

type Word. DecodeDate is defined as:

If yy was used:
FormatDateTime('yy mmmm dd',MyDate)

DecodeDate(DT: TDateTime, var Year, Month, Day: Word);

the short-year format displays 96

January 08.

The sidebar Date and Time Combos on page 47 lists all the
possible combinations for the date January 8, 1996 and the
time 2:05:08 (assigned to the MyDate variable).

More Date and Time Functions

The program in Figure 5 introduces the use of the
EncodeDate and DayOfWeek functions. The EncodeDate
function takes three parameters: Year, Month, and Day.
EncodeDate then tries to put them together and return a
valid date as a TDateTime format:
DT := EncodeDate(Year, Month, Day);
on EConvertError do
{ something }

If the conversion fails, an EConvertError is raised. This

could be used to inform the user that an invalid date was
entered. Any error message can be generated in place of
the { something } comment. In this program, a flag is
set and a message dialog box is displayed. A flag was used
simply because an else clause was preferred.
Note that all three parameters for EncodeDate are of type
Word. This is important when dealing with the year parameter. A valid year falls between 1 and 9999. Therefore, 1996

November 1996 Delphi Informant

As youve probably guessed, this function will disseminate a

TDateTime structure and extract the year, month, and day as
separate variables.
The DecodeTime function is similar to DecodeDate. DecodeTime
extracts hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds from a
TDateTime object and returns the values as four variables.
The program in Figure 5 also introduces the DayOfWeek
function (see Listing Six, beginning on page 50). It takes a
TDateTime and returns an integer that corresponds to the
day of the week. It returns 1 through 7 in place of Sunday
through Saturday.
This program obtains three values from the user (year, month,
and day) and tries to convert that information into a
TDateTime format. If it succeeds, the program displays the
complete date using the DateToStr function, and the day of the
week using the DayOfWeek function. The value returned by
DayOfWeek is passed into the case statement and the appropriate string is displayed. If the conversion fails, an EConvertError
exception is raised, and a message dialog box is generated.

Converting to and from the DOS Date and Time Format

DOS often stores its date and time format as a Longint.
Two bytes are used as the date and two bytes are used as the
time. When interfacing with DOS, converting from one
format to the other is often necessary. Delphi provides two

Delphi at Work
functions to achieve this. These are

Date and Time Combos

Delphi provides a number of variables for date and time formatting. Delphi automatically manages the variables ShortDateFormat and LongDateFormat to contain a date or
time formatting string that is appropriate for your locale. For example, if Windows is
configured for use in a European country, the date and time formats may be different
than those for the United States. Its recommended that you use these pre-defined variables whenever possible because they will allow your program to automatically adapt for
use in regions with different date and time formats.
In all cases, the format
strings used should be
enclosed within
Date. The date consists
of the date, month,
year, and day of the
week. Figure A
assumes the date is
January 8, 1996.
If the date must be
displayed as
the format
statement is:






Monday January
8, 1996






day without leading zero

day with leading zero
day as abbreviation
full day
date using short-date
date using long-date
month without leading
month with leading
month as abbreviation
month in full
year in two digits
year in full

Figure A: Formatting dates.


The separator used ( / ) could be changed to ( - ) by changing the format string to:








Time. Time consists

of hours, minutes,
and seconds. The
time could also be
formatted in several
different ways.
Figure B assumes
the time in MyTime
is 2:05:08.


2:05 AM


02:05:08 AM





instead of:

Displays hour without leading zero
Displays hour with leading zero
Displays minutes without leading
Displays minutes with leading zero
Displays seconds without leading
Displays seconds with leading zero
Displays time using short time
Displays time using long time
Uses 12-hour clock and inserts
am/pm immediately after time
Same as above but inserts a or p

Figure B: Formatting time.

If the time must be displayed as (10-50-00-p), the format statement is:


Notice that the separator can be changed by inserting any value between the format
Delphis online Help has a list of the available format strings. To reference them,
search on formatting data.
Shamiq Cader

November 1996 Delphi Informant

FileDateToDateTime(DosVar : Longint) :

and DateTimeToFileDate:
DateTimeToFileDate(DT : TDateTime) :

FileDateToDateTime takes a Longint

and returns the corresponding
TDateTime conversion. This value
can then be used within Delphi as the
familiar TDateTime type.
DateTimeToFileDate takes a
TDateTime type and returns a
Longint. This Longint can then be
used from within any DOS application as a regular DOS date/time type.
(Note that this article does not intend
to show you how DOS stores date and
time. This information is available in
most DOS-related materials. The
point is that Delphi provides two
functions to convert the DOS date
and time into a format Delphi recognizes, and vice versa.)

Object Pascal Routines

Before concluding, lets discuss several
other date/time routines provided by
Object Pascal. These routines were
left in Delphi to provide backward
compatibility with previous versions
of Pascal, and are still valuable.
The GetDate function corresponds to
using the Now and DecodeDate functions. DayofWeek takes any value
between 0 to 6 where 0 corresponds
to Sunday:
procedure GetDate(var Year, Month, Day,
DayofWeek : Word);

The GetTime function corresponds to

using the Now function followed by
the DecodeTime function. Here
Sec100 corresponds to 100th of a second:
procedure GetTime(var Hour, Minute,
Second, Sec100 : Word);

Delphi at Work
Now, Date, Time
DateToStr, TimeToStr
StrToDate, StrToTime
GetTime, GetDate,
SetTime, SetDate

Retrieves system date/time or both
Converts TDateTime to string
Converts string to TDateTime
Separates date/time into individual
Assembles the TDateTime from the
individual components
Returns day of week for given date
Formats date/time for output
Converts to and from DOS date/time
Object Pascal routines

Figure 6: A summary of functions used in the demonstration


The SetDate and SetTime functions can be used to set the

operating system date and time:
procedure SetDate(Year, Month, Day : Word);
procedure SetTime(Hour, Minute, Second, Sec100 : Word);

The valid parameter ranges are:


Unlike the Delphi routines, if a parameter is invalid, no

exception is raised the request is simply ignored. For a
summary of all the functions weve covered, see Figure 6.

Confronting date and time issues in your Windows applications is not easy. (And this programmers task will be monstrous as the year 2000 approaches. For more information on
managing end-of-the-century software issues, see the sidebar
On December 31, 1999, at 11:59:59 PM ... on page 48).

On December 31, 1999, at 11:59:59 PM ...

... you wont be kissing your sweetheart when the Big Apple
drops in New Yorks Times Square. Instead, your palms will
sweat, your brows will twitch, and you wont rest the weekend
of January 1, 2000.
Because on Monday, January 3, 2000, several of your best software
clients will complain about the incorrect dates in the programs
youve built. (Consider this: if you have created a financial, numbers-crunching application based on a fiscal-year calendar, your
clients should start becoming frustrated, oh, sometime around
September 30, 1999.)
Most developers never thought their programs would live to see the
end of the 20th century. As a result, many applications will behave
badly when the date switches from 12/31/99 to 1/1/00. For example, some programmers may have only reserved two digits in a
database field to hold the year number (e.g. 92). The programmer
would then hard-code 19 in front of the date to display or print
it accurately. However, when the year turns over to 00, we are
suddenly thrown back to 1900 from the softwares point of view.
One estimate states this problem will easily cost billions of dollars in software maintenance and lost revenue. Other reports add
that its quite likely consumers will receive telephone or cable
bills for 100 years plus 30 days of service. Think of the irate customers youd have to face. And all because you wanted to save
two bytes per date field! Fortunately, this isnt an issue for Delphi
applications, because the date/time fields and routines encapsulate a complete date in them.
For more information about issues facing developers as the
20th century ends, check out the Year2000 Web site at
http://www/year2000.com/cgi-bin/clock.cgi (see Figure C). It
contains links to articles about software problems and the
year 2000, discussion groups, press releases, and 21st century
FAQs. You can also find information on 1999/2000 solutions
conferences and seminars for developers.
Robert Vivrette & Myrna Dingle-Gold

Fortunately, Delphi provides the tools necessary for your

applications to handle date/time topics with ease.
The demonstration projects referenced in this article are available
on the Delphi Informant Works CD located in

Shamiq Cader is a Software Engineer at Texas Engineering & Mechanical Co. in

Galveston, TX. He has an MS in Computer Science from the University of Houston
at Clear Lake and worked on designing and building FaxLink Enterprise, a
Windows-based fax server. Released in May 1996, FaxLink Enterprise is written
totally in Delphi. You can contact Shamiq at shameek@neosoft.com or

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Figure C: The Year2000 Web site.

Delphi at Work
Begin Listing Three System Date and Time
{ Demo program to extract system date and time }
unit Fig1;

Form1: TForm1;

{$R *.DFM}
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,
Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
DateTime : TDateTime;
{ Extracts the date and time }
DateTime := Now;
{ Converts the date to a string }
Edit1.Text := DateToStr(DateTime);
{ Converts the time to a string }
Edit2.Text := TimeToStr(DateTime);

End Listing Three

Begin Listing Four Add 15 Minutes Program
{ This program adds 15 minutes to the time entered by the
user. It will also take care of the date if the time goes
beyond midnight. Leap years are also handled. }
unit Fig2;
SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,
Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;
Label2: TLabel;
Label3: TLabel;
Label4: TLabel;
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;
Edit3: TEdit;
Edit4: TEdit;
Button1: TButton;
Button2: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }


November 1996 Delphi Informant

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

: TDateTime;
MyDate, MyTime : TDateTime;
{ Get the date entered by the user }
MyDate := StrToDate(Edit2.Text);
{ Get the time entered by the user }
MyTime := StrToTime(Edit1.Text);
{ Add them to get one TDateTime type }
DateTime := MyDate + MyTime;
{ Adds 15 minutes to the time }
DateTime := DateTime + (15/60/24);
{ Converts back to a string for displaying }
Edit3.Text := TimeToStr(DateTime);
Edit4.Text := DateToStr(DateTime);
procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Clears all edit boxes }
Edit1.Text := '';
Edit2.Text := '';
Edit3.Text := '';
Edit4.Text := '';

End Listing Four

Delphi at Work
{ e.g. 1996-January-08 }

Begin Listing Five Formatting Date and Time Strings

Edit2.Text := FormatDateTime('yyyy-mmmm-dd',MyDate);

{ Demonstation program that displays date and time in

{ e.g. Jan,8,96,Mon }

specific formats }

Edit3.Text := FormatDateTime('mmm,d,yy,ddd',MyDate);

unit Fig3;

{ e.g. Monday/08/01/96 }
Edit4.Text := FormatDateTime('dddd/dd/mm/yy',MyDate);


{ e.g. 10:50 PM }
Edit6.Text := FormatDateTime('t',MyTime);


{ e.g. 10:50:00 PM }

SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,

Edit7.Text := FormatDateTime('tt',MyTime);

Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;

{ e.g. 10-50-00-p }
Edit8.Text := FormatDateTime('hh-nn-ss-a/p',MyTime);



TForm1 = class(TForm)
Label1: TLabel;


Label2: TLabel;

End Listing Five

Label3: TLabel;
Edit1: TEdit;
Edit2: TEdit;

Begin Listing Six Day of Week

Edit3: TEdit;

{ Demonstration program to demonstrate EncodeDate,

Edit4: TEdit;

DayOfWeek, and the exceptions that can be raised when

Label4: TLabel;

converting to and from the TDateTime format }

Edit5: TEdit;

unit Fig4;

Edit6: TEdit;
Edit7: TEdit;


Edit8: TEdit;
Label5: TLabel;


Label6: TLabel;

SysUtils, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes,

Button1: TButton;

Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls;

Button2: TButton;
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

TForm1 = class(TForm)


Label1: TLabel;

{ Private declarations }

Label2: TLabel;


Label3: TLabel;
Label4: TLabel;

{ Public declarations }

Edit1: TEdit;


Edit2: TEdit;
Edit3: TEdit;


Button1: TButton;

Form1: TForm1;

Button2: TButton;
Label5: TLabel;


Edit4: TEdit;
Label6: TLabel;

{$R *.DFM}

Edit5: TEdit;
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);


procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);


{ Clear Edit boxes }

{ Private declarations }

Edit1.Text := '';


Edit2.Text := '';
Edit3.Text := '';

{ Public declarations }

Edit4.Text := '';


Edit5.Text := '';
Edit6.Text := '';


Edit7.Text := '';

Form1: TForm1;

Edit8.Text := '';


procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

{$R *.DFM}

MyDate, MyTime : TDateTime;

procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);




MyDate := StrToDate(Edit1.Text);

{ e.g. 01/08/96 }

{ Clears the Edit Boxes }

MyTime := StrToTime(Edit5.Text);

{ e.g. 22:50 }

Edit1.Text := '';

November 1996 Delphi Informant

Delphi at Work
Edit2.Text := '';
Edit3.Text := '';
Edit4.Text := '';
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

: TDateTime;


: Boolean;


: Integer;

ErrorFlag := FALSE;
{ Try to encode the year, month and day given by
the user }
DT := EncodeDate(StrToInt(Edit3.Text),
{ Exception clause }
{ If an error occurs set the flag }
on EConvertError do ErrorFlag := True;
if ErrorFlag then
{ Error flag was needed to catch the else part }
ShowMessage('Invalid Date')
{ If valid display date }
Edit4.Text := DateToStr(DT);
{ Get DayOfWeek integer and pass it into
the case statement }
DOW := DayOfWeek(DT);
{ Match the string }
case DOW of
1 : Edit5.Text := 'Sunday';
2 : Edit5.Text := 'Monday';
3 : Edit5.Text := 'Tuesday';
4 : Edit5.Text := 'Wednesday';
5 : Edit5.Text := 'Thursday';
6 : Edit5.Text := 'Friday';
7 : Edit5.Text := 'Saturday';

End Listing Six


November 1996 Delphi Informant


Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in 21 Days: A Worthwhile Challenge

If you have programming
experience and need a fast way
to learn Delphi 2, youll find
what you need in Teach
Yourself Delphi 2 in 21 Days
by Dan Osier, Steve
Grobman, and Steve Batson
[SAMS, 1996]. Anything
worth having is worth working for, and the authors intend
to make you work. Written for
the commercial developer who
needs practical how-to knowledge, Teach Yourself will get
you up to speed in no time
(well, 21 days).
More than a simple update of
Teach Yourself Delphi in 21
Days by Andrew Wozniewicz
and Namir Shammas [SAMS,
1995], Teach Yourself Delphi 2
in 21 Days was completely rewritten, using new examples,
covering more material, and
moving at a faster pace than
the first edition; the only similarity is the books format.
As with other 21 Days
titles by SAMS, this release is
well organized; it contains
daily reviews and exercises,
weekly overviews, and weekending retrospectives. The
daily exercises are arranged in
logical order, and can be easily managed in your spare
time. Teach Yourself is a
build-it-as-you-go book, as
it should be. Dont expect a
CD-ROM, you wont find
one. You dont need one,
either; the authors teach you
Delphi 2 with short and
snappy exercises. For the best
results, work through all the
examples. However, if you
need a quick fix, you can
always download the source

November 1996 Delphi Informant

from the MCP Forum on

CompuServe (GO
Day 1 kicks off your threeweek odyssey with an
overview of Delphi, including discussions about RAD
programming, the differences
between Delphi 1 and 2,
VCLs, variables, constants,
procedures, functions,
events ... you get the idea.
Day 2 covers the IDE,
including the basics
(Component Palette, Object
Inspector, etc.), the Delphi
menu structure, and customization. Days 3 and 4
introduce and address Object
Pascal. Before you know it,
youll have a grasp of constants, variables, data types
and structures, operators, etc.
On Day 5 you learn what
constitutes a Delphi application: projects, forms, units,
and more. Youll enjoy learning the fundamentals of GUI
design on Day 6. The week
ends with lessons in objectoriented programming.
Topics include the software
life-cycle, software engineering, object-oriented design,
and more. The exercises here
could be better, but the
authors intent to foster good
Windows applications is
The concise Week 1 review
and Week 2 preview offer a
good time to reflect on what
youve learned, as well as prepare for the coming exercises.
Teach Yourself begins the second week with exceptions and

events, and Day 9 provides a

good primer on the Visual
Component Library, possibly
the most concise VCL introduction Ive read. The next
section introduces topics necessary to spice up your applications. Day 10 offers instruction about graphics; youll
sample the color palette, draw
shapes, and learn to use
PaintBoxes and Bitmaps. On
Day 11 youre introduced to
multimedia and animation.
By days end youll know double-buffered animation techniques, and will have built a
3D spinning cube applet. Day
12 addresses the important
and well-covered subject of
file and directory management. This section teaches
about text and binary files, as
well as binary arithmetic, file
attributes, and block reads.
No Delphi book would be
complete without addressing
databases. Day 13 covers databases, the Database Desktop,
data-aware controls and grids,
and accessing field values
using Object Pascal. Calculated fields and searching by
range are also addressed. Youll
end the week with an introduction to SQL. By this time
you should be starting to get
serious about Delphi 2.
The final week begins with
instruction on InterBase, and
the use of transaction management, subqueries, joins,
and stored procedures. Day
16 introduces the fundamentals of ReportSmith, and
Day 17 teaches you how to
print the reports youve just
created. After all, what good

is a database if you cant format and print the reports?

The final days in this threeweek tutorial include instruction on OLE 2, using and
writing DLLs, writing your
own visual components, and
developing your own installation program. Your final exercise teaches you how to
manipulate the Registry and
qualify your applications for
the Windows 95 logo. A
review of Week 3 completes
the 21-day training.
Every day of instruction ends
with a summary, Q&A section, quiz, and set of appropriate exercises. All in all, the format lends itself to quickly
teaching the basics of working
in and with Delphi 2. Youll
find Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in
21 Days a challenge, but well
worth the effort.
James Callan
Teach Yourself Delphi 2 in 21
Days by Dan Osier, Steve
Grobman, and Steve Batson,
SAMS Publishing, 1996,
201 West 103rd Street,
Indianapolis, IN 46290,
(800) 428-5331.
ISBN: 0-672-30863-0
Price: US$35.00
706 pages

File | New
Directions / Commentary

A Lexus with Hardwood Seats?

eveloping a successful software application is not unlike engineering a quality automobile. The most respected autoD
mobile makers in the world such as Lexus, BMW, and Volvo are successful because of their ability to combine performance, reliability, and ergodynamics into a marketable package. So too, the most popular software applications combine these three qualities.
Unfortunately, this is far from typical of most software applications
built today. While most developers
focus on speed and stability, there is
a tendency to overlook the final element of this triad: usability. This
propensity to dismiss user interface
(UI) issues as trivial is prevalent
among developers and IT managers
alike. And even if Lexus had a superior engine and unrivaled reliability,
not many people would buy one if
it had wooden seats and an AM
radio. The same principle holds true
for your application: no matter
what is under the hood, the application will only be accepted if its UI
is successful. This month well look
at the Windows interface, focusing
on emerging trends in interface
design to keep in mind when creating Delphi applications.
Similarity. UIs are becoming increasingly similar. Windows applications
look far more alike today than they did
five years ago. At one time, it seemed
that every major Windows software
vendor had their own distinct look and
feel, as did Borland with BWCC.DLL
custom controls. Windows 95s new
interface along with Microsofts
rigid Win95 logo requirements
helped curb this trend. While different
vendors still put their own twists on an
applications UI, Windows 95 applications are remarkably similar.
The result is consistency across
applications. As Charles Petzold
once said, Even a bad interface is
good so long as its consistent

November 1996 Delphi Informant

among applications. I dont care

what I have to do to invoke a File
Open dialog box, or to navigate
among the fields of the dialog, as
long as once I learn how to do it, I
dont ever have to learn something
else. (PC Magazine)
Organization. UIs are becoming
better organized in terms of controls, commands, and online Help.
Windows controls certainly have
evolved since Windows 3.0, which
had little to offer. Windows 3.1
made several advancements, particularly with the tabbed dialog box.
Windows 95, however, goes far
beyond this interface metaphor with
several new controls, the most significant of which is the Treeview.
The Treeview control is significant
because most applications deal with
managing organized collections of
data, and this data is often assembled hierarchically in the real world.
Many types of database applications, for example, could use a
Treeview control rather than relying
on the ubiquitous table grid.
Commands are also better organized. In Windows 3.0, most commands were accessed either through
a top-level menu or through keyboard shortcuts. By Windows 3.1,
most applications employed toolbars
and some even provided contextsensitive, pull-down menus. In
Windows 95, users have the most
flexible interface environment ever;
for example, applications typically
have multiple, dockable toolbars,

enabling you to mix and match

depending on your current tasks.
Furthermore, Help is more accessible. In the past, online Help was
always held in a separate application
window. Applications provided
some degree of context sensitivity,
but Windows 95 transformed this
to bring Help into the application
itself. For more information on how
to use Whats This?-style Help in
your applications, I recommend an
excellent resource named
WHTHLP.TXT in the Delphi 2
forum (GO BDELPHI32) on
Innovation vs. Consistency. Creating a
successful UI involves balancing innovation with consistency. A developers
goal should be to produce an innovative interface, but one that respects the
boundaries of Windows 95 standards.
Dont get uppity: the same truth
applies to automobile makers. You
may see Lexus come out with state-ofthe-art stereo technology next year, but
you wont see them replace the steering
wheel or brake pedal with controls
they believe work better.
Richard Wagner
Richard Wagner is Contributing Editor
to Delphi Informant and Chief
Technology Officer of Acadia Software in
the Boston, MA area. He welcomes your
comments at rwagner@acadians.com, or
on the File | New home page at

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