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Classroom Assessment Techniques:

Understanding and Reacting to Student

Derina Samuel
Center for Teaching Excellence

Center for teaching excellence

Ideas Today That You Can Use Next Week

As a result of participating in todays

workshop you will be able to:
1. List an array of tools for eliciting student
feedback and describe how to use them.
2. Discuss how to translate student feedback into
improved teaching and learning.

Center for teaching excellence

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How do you know

If your students are learning?
How your students are responding to your
teaching methods?

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Recent research on the evaluation of

teaching and learning suggests that students
are valid and reliable sources of information
on the effects of teaching or its impact on
their learning (Cross, 1988) (Cross &
Angelo, 1993 p. 106)

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Formative vs Summative

What is the difference?

Which do you typically use?

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Formative vs Summative


Students monitored during the learning process



Students evaluated after learning

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What is Classroom Assessment?


The process of collecting student feedback

during class, in order to understand their learning
and their response to your teaching approaches.

Instructors can learn what, how much and how

well students are learning.

Based on the feedback, instructors can modify

their teaching to increase effectiveness.
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Why Use Classroom Assessment?


Research suggests that there is a gap between

what students think they know and what they
actually know (Steadman, 1998; Bell and
Volckmann, 2011).

Research also indicates that there is gap between

student background knowledge and faculty
members expectations of student knowledge
(Eckert et. al., 1997).
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Benefits of Classroom Assessment

Helps students:
! Engage in learning
! Become more aware of their learning processes
! Build classroom community
! Experience satisfaction with learning
! Perform better academically
(Angelo & Cross, 1993; Angelo, 1995;
Goldstein, 2007; Walker, 1991)
Center for teaching excellence

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Benefits of Classroom Assessment

Helps instructors:

Understand student learning more deeply

Connect with students

Reflect on teaching strategies and effectiveness


Discover issues while there is still time to

address them

(Angelo & Cross, 1993; Lieberman, et.al. 2001)

Center for teaching excellence

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Classroom Assessment Techniques

CATs are informal, quick prompts that provides valuable
student feedback. There are a number of them (see Angelo
& Cross, 1993), but a few are easily modified for a
number of purposes:
! The Minute Paper
! The Muddiest Point
! One-Sentence Summary
! Application Cards
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3-Step Process for Using CATs (Angelo &

Cross, 1993)

Plan- Decide what your purpose is. What information

do you want to know? What prompts will get you this

Implement- Incorporate CAT into your lesson and

collect the data. Analyze student feedback.

Respond- Interpret the results. Decide how this will

inform your next teaching strategies and share this with
your students. Try the response and evaluate its
Center for teaching excellence

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Planning tips
Start small. Choose one class in which to
implement a CAT.
! Choose a class that you have had a positive
experience with and will likely teach again.
! Then ask:
Is there something (specific and reasonably
focused) I would like to improve?
Am I able to dedicate the time and effort needed
to carry out a CAT and follow up on it?

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What do you want to know? Planning the Question.

Identify a teaching or learning goal. Blooms Taxonomy:


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Implementing the CAT. Some tips:


Keep it simple. CATs should not disrupt the target


Try it out first on yourself, or consult a colleague.

Plan more than enough time to explain the CATs

purpose and process effectively and then allow for
student responses.

Make CATs anonymous if it poses any risk to

students and regard them as formative, not
summative assessments.
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CAT example 1: Minute Paper

Easy to implement
! Can assess background knowledge, recall and
What was the most important concept from the
What were the most important points in todays
Questions can be modified easily depending on the

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CAT example 2: Application Cards

Instructor directs students to write one possible real
world application for an applicable theory,
principle, generalization or procedure they have

Assesses problem solving/ application skills

Let students work in pairs for difficult applications

Students might want to discuss their applications

Can allow students to complete as homework

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Analyzing Student Feedback

In a class the professor asked, What were
the five most important points from class?
Students cumulatively identified over 20
most important points. What does this tell
you? How would you respond?

Center for teaching excellence

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Analyzing Feedback and


Type of analysis depends on the CAT. Plan

accordingly considering your time
Important to share the feedback with your
students (How will it inform your teaching
How could you modify your teaching in
response to the feedback?
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Chart of Various CATs

Review the
summary of
selected CATs

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Designing your Classroom Assessment


Based on the question you are asking, choose

an appropriate CAT

Consider how you will introduce the CAT to

students, and how you will integrate it into
class activities

How will you collect feedback? Index cards?


How much time do you need to do this

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Considering your needs:

Which CAT would you use, for what purpose?
What kind of information would you expect
to find and what would you do with this

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Last CAT example: The Muddiest

Before you leave, please write the muddiest
point of this workshop on a card.

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Resources for CATs


Cornell University


Iowa State University


Vanderbilt University


Field Tested Learning Assessment Guide


Center for teaching excellence

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Angelo, T. A. (1995). Classroom assessment for critical thinking. Teaching of
Psychology 22 (1). 6-7.
Angelo, T. A. and K.P. Cross (1993). Classroom Assessment Techniques: A
Handbook for College Teachers, Second Edition, San Francisco: JosseyBass Publishers.
Bell, P. & Volvkmann, D. (2011). Knowledge surveys in general chemistry:
Confidence, overconfidence, and performance. Journal of Chemical
Education. The American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical
Education, Inc.
Eckert, C.M., Bower, D.J., Stiff, K.S., Hinkle, A.J., and Davis, A.R. (1997).
Students knowledge and faculty members expectations: The case for
classroom assessment. Teaching Sociology 25 (20). 150-159.
Goldstein, G.S. (2007). Using classroom assessment techniques in an
introductory statistics class. College Teaching 55 (2). 77-82.

Center for teaching excellence

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Lieberman, D., Bowers, N., Moore, D.R., (2001). Use of electronic tools to
enhance student evaluation feedback. New Directions for Teaching and
Learning 87. 45-54.
Walker, C.J. (1991). Classroom research in psychology: Assessment techniques
to enhance teaching and learning. New Directions for Teaching and
Learning 46. 67-78.

Center for teaching excellence

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