Standard 2 Reflection
Standard 2 Reflection
Standard 2 Reflection
Reflection Papers must be typed and 2-3 pages in length following the four domain headings
Describe the context in which these artifacts were collected and identify the standard and
competency(s) that the artifact represents.
The artifact I am offering to demonstrate my competency of the State of Iowa School Counseling
Standard comes from a paper I wrote in GEDU:544, Social and Cultural Foundations of School
Counseling. The paper was entitled The Interview Paper. The assignment instructed us to
design a set of interview questions and interview at- least 2 people from 2 diverse social or
cultural lifestyles. We were to choose from ages relationships, social economic statuses, jobs, etc.
I received a perfect score in all areas on this paper. I offer it in total belief that it exhibits my
complete understanding of the this standard. Specifically competency 1 & 2.
What do they demonstrate to you about your learning and mastery of the competencies
which fall under this standard?
One of the things that I love about myself is the fact that I have a very clear understanding of
self. I pride myself on knowing who I am, and where I came from. I unapologetically stand firm
on my beliefs and have no issue sharing them with others. I think of this strong sense of self as a
gift and a wonderful characteristic to possess as a Professional School Counselor. Having this
characteristic allows me not only to be respectful of the differences of others; it allows me
appreciate them.This level of awareness makes me very strong in this area. As a Professional
school counselor I believe in most cases we are many things to many people. That being said, it
is very important that a Professional School Counseling understand themselves and their beliefs
so that they will be able to keep them under subjection when rendering services to students and
families that are different than ourselves. The artifact, The Interview Paper challenged me to to
do just this. In this paper I chose two topics that challenged my belief systems, lesbianism and
interracial dating. I went into this assignment with many questions as I did not understand why a
person would choose a life where their options to various freedoms are called into question daily
or limited as a result of their choice.
After interviewing the chosen subjects I was a changed woman. I no longer had questions; I also
no longer just respected their choices. I walked away from this assignment valuing the choices
they had made. Having this experience increased my awareness and sensitivity to the unique
social, cultural, and economic circumstances of students and their racial/ethnic, gender age,
physical, and learning differences and the roles they play in the school and community contexts
regarding my students. I will end this reflection quoting a statement that I made in my paper,
My personal opinion, on this topic is one that is non-judgemental, believing that because it is
not a decision I would make for my life does not give me the right to say that it is wrong for the
next person. I ts my firm belief that my job to allow every individual the freedom to be
whomever, whatever they choose.
What do these items of evidence tell you about your overall progress toward your personal
goals and your strength as a professional school counselor?
This artifact shows tells that me that I am well on my way to being a counselor that is able to
provide ASCA Model counseling services with undertone of love, support, and a genuine belief
in their success. I will be able to meet the needs of all students because I will take the time to
understand community and family dynamic in which the student functions in.
What are your plans for additional growth in this area?
My plan for additional growth in this area is to have a increased community presence. Doing so
will keep my understanding of the reality that the student lives very clear. I will also continue to
engage parents meeting them where they are, without imposing illict expectations of where I
believe they should be. If that means me meeting them in their homes because they do not feel
comfortable coming to the school; then that is what I will do. I believe that educating teachers
and staff on the need to be aware and sensitive should happen. I will arrange professional
learning on this and present it to them. Doing so will not only produce academic success for the
students, it will help teachers who struggle in the area classroom management because they will
better understand their students needs.