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CE251 Labmanual

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Department of Civil Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Manual for some of the laboratory experiments

CE 251

(Construction materials)
July 2009

Dr. Sudhir Misra
Staff of Structural Engineering Laboratory

(This manual has been prepared only for internal circulation)


To the students
This document has been prepared to facilitate carrying out the laboratory experiments in this course on
Construction Materials. It should be pointed out at the very outset that this document has NOT been
prepared to replace the codes and specifications that lay down procedures for carrying out experiments
or for evaluating the results obtained. You MUST go through those documents carefully and come
appropriately prepared to carry out the experiments in the laboratory.
Now, though certain specific procedures to be followed are laid down in the methods of test, you are
encouraged to apply your mind and try to understand the spirit behind such procedures. You should
remember that the procedures laid down serve not only an instructional purpose, but are also used by
practicing engineers and technicians at site, or even by lawyers to resolve contractual disputes. To that
extent, procedures need to be as unambiguous as possible, and should be such the tests may be carried
out at different places, by different people and at different times, but the results can be compared.
However, as students you should bear in mind that the procedures can and should be changed with the
passage of time, to incorporate changes in technology, needs, and the like.
Thus, rather than thinking of codal procedures as binding you should study them carefully and try to
grasp the spirit, in addition to of course the letter, of a certain requirement. For example, if the code
requires that the gauging of cement should be completed within two minutes from the time the water comes in contact
with the cement, the important thing is to appreciate that mixing cannot be continued indefinitely. Though
the limit of two minutes should also indeed be adhered to, but should be understood in the light that it
may be different if the tests are being carried out for special cements, or a special mixing method (than
gauging by hand) is being used.
In this document, Explanatory Notes have been given for most of the experiments to provide the
backdrop for the experiment, and facilitate your understanding of the procedure, which is also laid
down. An effort has also been made to provide Food For Thought, at the end of each experiment. The
questions included therein will perhaps help you check your understanding of the experiment, though
the answers to some of the questions also require knowledge of the underlying theoretical principles.
Some tasks have also been included to give direction to further reading in a certain area. Though the
procedures described here are primarily based on relevant Indian codes, you are encouraged to study
other codes (e.g. British, American or Japanese) and see how the provisions (methods of test or the
specifications), compare with the corresponding Indian documents.




UNIT - 1

Tensile testing of steel


Standard consistency and initial and final setting time of cement


Specific gravity, fineness, soundness & compressive strength of cement



Physical properties of coarse aggregates

(particle size distribution, fineness modulus, water absorption, bulk
density, specific gravity)
Mechanical properties of coarse aggregates
(aggregate crushing value, aggregate impact value, aggregate
abrasion value)
Properties of fine aggregate
(particle size distribution, fineness modulus, water absorption, bulk
density & specific gravity)
Dimensions, water absorption, compressive strength and efflorescence
of bricks
Flash point, penetration value, softening point & ductility value of








To experimentally obtain the stress-strain curve for mild steel bar, high strength deformed steel bar, and
high tensile steel wire, and study the properties such as yield or proof stress and elongation.
Explanatory Notes
Steel is an extremely important construction material, and is used in the construction industry in various
forms. Rolled and built-up sections are used in steel construction, and bars, wires, etc. are used as
reinforcing material in the construction of reinforced concrete structures.
Depending upon the situation in which steel is used, it is expected to meet certain strength, durability
and ductility requirements. Indeed these characteristics are closely related to the manufacturing process,
a detailed discussion of which is quite outside the purview of this document. Attention here is confined
to general principles of testing steel (or any other material, for that matter) in tension.
When carrying out a test in tension, it is often important to define a gauge length over which the strain
is recorded. Further, though it is desirable that the failure (rupture) of the specimen occurs in this gauge
length, the possibility of failure outside this length cannot be ruled out. Codes lay down specific
procedures how to deal with such failures. In this connection, it may also be noted that special attention
needs to be paid to the grips at the ends that are used to hold a specimen as the tensile load is applied.
Though concepts such as stress, strain, modulus of elasticity, elongation, ductility, etc. are fairly well
understood, it is not always possible to determine them accurately. Elaborate measures need to be taken
to ensure that only the minimum approximations are made and that the assumptions and definitions are
actually adhered to. The following examples are discussed in some detail as representative illustrations.
Example 1: Let us consider the simple example of determination of the cross-sectional area. Indeed,
unless the cross-section is such that the dimensions can be easily measured, indirect measures have to be
resorted to. For example, in the case of a deformed steel bar, the presence of ribs on the surface makes a
direct measurement of the diameter impossible, and an indirect estimate of the cross-sectional area (or
the diameter) needs to be made from the measurement of the weight and length of the given sample
assuming a certain density of the sample.
Example 2: The variation of the stress applied on a sample during the tensile test is another example,
which brings out the subtleties of experimental conditions. Usually the test can be carried out keeping
either the applied load or the rate of displacement between the crossheads constant. In either case, as the
specimen deforms, some changes take place in the cross-sectional area (which reduces as the sample
elongates). Under such conditions, thus, it is clear that the material is not being tested under constant
stress. In fact, this is the difference between engineering and true stress, the former being based on the
(fallacious!!) assumption the area does not change, whereas the latter takes into account the changes in
the area and thus gives more of an instantaneous stress. Obviously a similar definition for engineering
and true strains can be drawn up. It should be pointed out that the engineering stress and strain have a
lot of engineering significance, in spite of the approximation involved in their estimation.
Example 3: The modulus of elasticity is defined as the ratio of stress and strain, or the slope of the
stress-strain curve, which is simple enough so long as the stress-strain behaviour is linear. In other cases,
we can at best define the modulus of elasticity in terms of instantaneous slope of the stress-strain curve.

Now, different kinds of steel show different stress-strain behaviour, and thus we need to define concepts
such as proof stress, etc. as has been described in the codes and text books.
Equipment and Materials

Vernier calipers
Measuring Tape
Universal testing machine

Center punch
Mechanical extensometer
Test Specimens

Relevant Indian codes

IS 432 : 1982

IS 1785 (Part I)

Specifications for mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and harddrawn steel wire for concrete reinforcement.
Specification for high strength deformed steel bars for concrete
Specifications for plain hard-drawn steel wire for pre-stressed concrete.

IS 1521
IS 1608
IS 3803

Method for tensile testing of steel wire.

Method for tensile testing of steel products.
Method for elongation conversion for steel.

IS 1786 : 1985

You may also refer to the description of tensile test in your text on Mechanics of Solids by Crandall and Dahl.

Test Procedure



For mild steel bars and HTS wire, cross sectional area shall be Though in the laboratory tests, only
determined by measuring the diameter with the help of vernier one specimen for each of the types
of steel will be tested, a larger
number of individual specimens are
required to be tested to be able to
get results, which can be used for
quality control, etc

For HYSD bar, the cross sectional area shall be determined by

recording the length, L in metres and the mass, W in kg, and
taking the specific gravity of steel as 7.85. Thus, cross sectional
area, A in mm2 =W/(0.00785L)
In order to fix extensometer, a non-proportional gauge length
(Lo) of 200 mm shall be marked on all the three bars by making
punch marks.
A parallel length (length of the bar between the grips of the
universal testing machine) equal to (Lo + 2d) shall also be
marked on each of the bars.
The extensometer shall be attached firmly to the test specimen,
by tightening the screws of the extensometer at the gauge
The test specimen along with the attached extensometer, shall
be gripped firmly at the marks of the parallel length in the
UTM with the help of flat grips and wedge plates.
The extensometer dial gauge reading shall be recorded at zero
load. The load shall be applied gradually and simultaneous
observations of load and extensometer dial gauge readings shall
be recorded. The application of load shall be such that the
elastic stress shall under no circumstances exceed 30 N/mm2/s.
In the case of mild steel bar, yield load, i.e., the load at which

The procedure described here is

based on estimates of strain using
an extensometer. However, it will
need to be suitably modified in
cases when strain gauges are used
for the (direct) measurement of
strain. It should also be noted in
that case the surface of the sample
needs to be appropriately prepared,
which could involve grinding,
polishing, etc. Care should be taken
to ensure that in such cases, any
changes in the cross-sectional area
is accounted for when making the
final calculations.




there shall be a momentary halt of the needle of load gauge of

UTM shall be recorded. While continuing the application of
load, after getting an elongation of 3.60 mm (360 divisions), the
extensometer shall be detached from the test specimen in order
to avoid any possible damage to the extensometer. The
application of load shall be continued until the test specimen
The ultimate tensile load (maximum load shall be recorded.
The two pieces of the fractured specimen shall be removed
from the grips of the UTM and the ultimate length, LU between
the gauge points shall be measured.
Ultimate tensile strength in MPa (or simply tensile strength) =
Ultimate load (in N)/Original cross sectional area (in mm2).
Yield stress inMPa = Yield load (in N)/ Original cross sectional
area (in mm2).
0.2% proof stress for high strength deformed steel bar and
HTS wire shall be determined from the stress-strain plot. A line
shall be drawn parallel to the straight portion of curve at 0.2%
(i.e., 0.002) strain and the point of intersection of this line and
the curve gives the 0.2% proof stress.
Percent elongation for MS bar and HYSD bar shall be
determined from the ultimate gauge length, LU and the original
gauge length, Lo.
% elongation = 100 ( LU Lo )/Lo
The above percent elongation shall be converted to percent
elongation corresponding to proportional gauge length of

To determine LU, the fractured pieces

should be brought together and the
failure surfaces appropriately matched,
and the distance between the points

5.65 A , by dividing with a conversion factor as obtained

from IS 3803.
Percent elongation for HTS wire shall be determined and
reported over a gauge length of 200 mm itself.





Type and nominal size

Mild steel bars: Grade I

a) For bars up to and including
20 mm dia.
b) For bars over 20 mm, up to
and including 50 mm dia.
Mild steel bars: Grade II



MPa Yield stress/

0.2% Proof stress elongation
MPa (min.)















a) For bars up to and including

20 mm dia.
b) For bars over 20 mm, up to
and including 50 mm dia.
High strength deformed steel bars
a) Fe 415 bars
1.1 times the actual 0.2%
proof stress but not less
than 485 MPa.
b) Fe 500 bars
1.08 times the actual 0.2%
proof stress but not less
than 545 MPa.

c) Fe 550 bars


Plain hard drawn steel wire

Nominal dia. of 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 7
and 8 mm.

1.06 times the actual 0.2%

proof stress but not less
than 585 MPa.


2010, 1865, 1715, 1570, 85% of minimum 2.5, 2.5, 3.0,

1470 and 1375 MPa specified tensile 4.0, 4.0, and


1. Find out whether the stress-strain curve drawn for steel is normally drawn using true stress and
strain, or, the engineering stress and strain.
2. Compare the stress-strain curves for steel drawn using the true values (of stress and strain) and
the engineering values (of stress and strain).
3. Define proof stress.
4. Why do codes lay down a minimum required elongation (before rupture) for steel reinforcement
to be used in concrete construction.
5. How is the strain determined from the reading obtained from the dial gauge attached to the
6. What is the chemical composition of the steel normally used in civil engineering construction?
7. Carefully study the overall shape and the teeth in the chucks that are used to hold the steel
specimens in place at the two ends during the tensile test.
8. What kind of modification in the holding arrangement could be suggested if some other
materials (say plastics) were to be tested in tension?
9. Obtain the modulus of elasticity of the steel samples, and compare the values obtained with
those suggested in standards such as IS 456 or IS 800.

Observation Table for Expt. No. 1

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Load (kgf)

Reading (mm)


Stress (MPa)

Strain (elongation/Lo)

Results & Conclusions:

Test specimen

Yield stress/0.2% Proof stress Tensile


strength Elongation (%)


MS Bar
HTS Wire

To determine the following properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC):
(a) standard consistency
(b) initial setting time
(c) final setting time
Explanatory notes
A mixture of cement and water is called cement paste, and it could vary in consistency depending upon:

amount of water added to the paste (as a percentage of cement), and,

properties of the cement, e.g. fineness, chemical composition, etc.

Constituents of cement react chemically with water and the formation of hydration products leads to
changes in the consistency of the cement paste. It should be borne in mind that this reaction starts as
soon as cement comes in contact with water and stiffening, setting, hardening and strength gain are
some of the other terms used extensively in studies related to hydration of cement. Now, in the absence
of methods to measure consistency, an indirect method based on penetration resistance is used.
Generally the Vicat apparatus is used.
Standard consistency and initial and final setting times are routinely used as a measure of quality control
and better understand the properties of the cement being used for a concrete construction project. They
can be briefly described as follows:
(a) Standard consistency: A paste is said to have standard consistency if the Vicat plunger penetrates to a
point 5-7 mm from the bottom of the Vicat mould. Usually the amount of water required to prepare
such a paste is referred to as standard consistency of the cement sample. It generally varies between 26
~ 30%.
(b) Initial and final setting time: Setting refers to the process of solidification of cement as more
hydration products are formed. The test for initial and final setting is, in principle, based on
penetration resistance (as more solidification occurs the penetration resistance increases).
Initial setting time (IST) is said to have reached when the paste (prepared in a specified manner) does
not allow the (standard) IST needle to penetrate beyond 5+0.5 mm measured from the bottom of
the mould.
Final setting time (FST) is said to have reached when the (standard) FST needle makes an impression
upon applying gently to the surface of the test block while the annular attachment fails to do so.
Equipment and Materials

Appropriate weighing machine with corresponding accuracy. (the code lays down minimum
standards for machines of different capacities)
Vicat apparatus
Consistency plunger and setting times needles
Gauging trowel
At least 3 kg of Portland cement
Potable water

Relevant Indian codes

IS 3535: 1986
IS 269 : 1989

Methods of sampling Hydraulic cements

Specification for ordinary Portland cement, 33 grade.

IS 8112 : 1989
IS 12269 : 1987
IS 4031 (part 4) : 1988
IS 4031(Part 5) : 1988
IS 4845 : 1968

Specification for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.

Specification for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement.
Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement : Part 4
- Determination of consistency of standard cement paste
Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement : Part 5
- Determination of initial and final setting times.
Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement.

Test Procedure



Standard consistency

Weigh 400g of cement from the provided sample. Prepare

a paste using this (400 g of) cement with an accurately
weighed quantity of potable water, say, 28% (112 g). The
paste should be prepared by gauging using a gauging
trowel to a mix of uniform colour. The gauging process
should be completed within 3-5 minutes.


Immediately fill the Vicat mould with the paste

completely, with the mould resting on a non-porous
surface. Smooth of the surface of the paste making it level
with the top of the mould. Shake it slightly to expel the
air. The cement block thus prepared in the mould is
referred to as a test block.
Place the test block (immediately after preparing it) under
the rod bearing the Vicat plunger and lower the plunger
gently to touch the surface of the test block. Quickly
release the rod allowing it to sink into the paste and
measure the penetration of the plunger.
Depending upon the penetration of the Vicat plunger alter
the amount of water added to the paste, and repeat steps 1
to 3. The exercise ends when the bottom end of the
plunger stops 5-7 mm above the bottom of the mould.
Note down the percentage of water added, and we call
this percentage as standard consistency (P).



An initial value 28% is suggested

only as a guideline. Upper bound
is given on the time to ensure that
the setting process does not
interfere with the readings taken.
For subsequent pastes
proportion of water should be
adjusted depending upon the
consistency obtained in the initial

If the penetration of plunger is

too little, increase the percentage
of water and if it is too much,
decrease the percentage.

Setting times



Prepare the test block by gauging a known quantity cement

with 0.85P percent water (by mass of the dry cement). For
example, if 400 g of OPC is used, and the standard
consistency of the cement is known to be 30%, 102g (i.e.
0.85 x 30 x 400) of water needs to be added to make the
paste for the test block.

Since the initial and final setting

times of the cement may be
several hours, and it may not be
possible for the observations to
stipulated time in the laboratory, a
pre-prepared test block may be
provided. Check the time when
the paste was prepared to enable
determination of the initial and
final setting times.
Place the test block under the rod bearing Initial Setting In the beginning, the needle will
Time (IST) needle and lower the needle so that it comes completely pierce the test block.

in contact with the surface of the test block. Quickly

release and allow it to penetrate into the test block.
Repeat this step until the needle fails to pierce beyond
5+0.5 mm measured from the bottom of the mould. Let
this time instant be t1 from the instant of adding water.
Using the same test block as used for determination of
initial setting time, replace the IST needle by Final Setting
Time (FST) needle. Note the time t2 (from the instant of
adding water), at which the needle makes an impression
upon applying gently to the surface of the test block while
the annular attachment fails to do so. t1 and t2 are
respectively the initial and final setting times, and these
should be reported to the nearest five minutes.



As t2 is usually in several hours,

the test block should be kept in
90% relative humidity when the
tests for setting time are not being
done. (Please also see note

Maintain the temperature of room, cement and water at 27+2oC and relative humidity of the
room at 65+5%.
Record the time when the standard IST needle is changed to the standard FST needle.

For 33 grade OPC and 43 grade OPC, t1 > 30 min and t2 < 10 hours.
[As per IS 269: 1989 and IS 8112 : 1989]
1. Study the standard needles for the consistency, IST and FST tests carefully and note the
similarities and differences.
2. How is the fineness of a cement likely to its affect the standard consistency or the initial and final
setting times. Give reasons.
3. What are the major constituents of cement.
4. How is the chemical composition usually expressed.
5. Why do codes usually place a limit on the minimum initial setting time and a maximum final
setting time.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 2

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Temperature of room:
Relative humidity of room:
Standard consistency


used (g)

Water added (g)













Penetration of
needle (mm)


Standard consistency: P = _________ %

Initial and final setting time
Wt of water used: ___________ g

Wt of cement taken: ________g

Time (min)

Penetration of needle (mm)

Time (min)



















IST : __________


Penetration of needle (mm)

FST: __________ (minutes)

Results & Conclusions:


To determine the following properties of Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC):
a) specific gravity
b) fineness
c) soundness
d) compressive strength
Explanatory notes
It is important that the properties of a cement are properly determined and understood before the
material is actually used in construction.
In this context, it may be pointed out that fineness of the cement plays an important role in determining
the rate of hydration and strength development (in concrete). Unsoundness (deleterious expansion) is
caused by the presence of harmful levels of magnesium oxides (these are usually present in small
quantities) in the raw materials used in the manufacture of cement. Further, since cements are, in
principle, the only binding materials used in concrete, their classification is often based on the
compressive strength developed using standard mortar specimens. Also, the specific gravity of cement
could affect the proportioning of concrete mixes, and could be also indicative of presence of other
mineral admixtures. It should be borne in mind that admixtures such as flyash and blast furnace slag are
indeed marginally lighter than OPC.
The clinker obtained from the fusion and cooling of the ingredients is ground in ball mills during the
manufacture, and depending upon the efficiency of the grinding process, cement could be ground to
varying degrees of fineness. Cement particles are thus irregular in shape and could vary between between
about 10m and about 75m in size. It has been agreed that cement particles larger than about 45m
may be difficult to hydrate and those larger than 75m may never really completely hydrate. Given the
fine nature of cement particles, the fineness is often expressed in terms of surface area (finer particles
have a higher surface are). This measurement could be based on adsorption (directly related to the
surface area of the sample), or, could be carried out through an estimation of the permeability
characteristics of a bed made with the material. Fineness of cement is often measured by the Blaines
apparatus, which is based on the latter principle.
As far as testing the cement for soundness is concerned, since it may take a very long time for the
symptoms of unsoundness (cracking, etc.) to appear, the tests in the laboratory are usually carried out
using accelerated methods. The hydration process is accelerated by curing the sample prepared at high
temperature, and observing any potential expansion.
The strength (rate of development and also the final strength) is closely related to factors such as the
properties of ingredients (including sand) and proportion (of ingredients) of the mortar used, the
conditions of curing (temperature and pressure), age of testing and conditions of the test (e.g. specimen
size and rate of loading). Thus, when the determination of strength of a cement is carried out as part of a
quality control exercise (or to compare different cements), it is important that care is taken NOT to
disturb the other factors. Attention is thus drawn to the following:
1) Due to the fact that paste is hardly ever used as a construction material, and displays excessive drying
shrinkage, mortar is used to prepare samples for the purpose of characterization of the cement.
2) Given the fact that the ability to compact the sample could be affected by the consistency of the
mortar, an effort is made to relate the amount of water used to prepare the mortar to the standard
consistency of the cement. Also, since the properties of the sand used in the preparation of the

mortar also affect the consistency of the mortar, and may contribute to absorption of the water
mixed in the mortar, the sand used for the purpose is also standardized.
3) In an effort to standardize the proportion of the ingredients, the cement : sand ratio of the mortar is
fixed at 1:3 in Indian standards. As far as the amount of water to be added is concerned, it is
prescribed as [0.25P + 3] % of the total weight of cement and sand.
4) Thus, it is clear that the water-cement ratio, per se has not been fixed in the experiments [See (2)
above also]. For example, for 200g of cement, 600g of sand needs to be taken, and if the standard
consistency for a cement is 28%, the water to be added is 80g [0.25x28 + 3 = 10% of 800, i.e. 80]
which gives a water-cement ratio of 40% [80/200], which changes to 42% if the standard
consistency for the cement is 30%. This factor should always be kept in mind when comparing the
strength characteristics of different cements.
5) The size of the specimen, curing conditions, age at the time of testing, and parameters such as the
rate of loading, etc. are also laid down in standards, so as to enable a fair estimation of the strength
development characteristics of the cement being used.
Equipment and Materials
1. Specific gravity
Standard Le Chatelier flask
Heavy rubber pad about 30 cm x 30 cm
Lead-ring weight to fit around stem of the flask
2. Fineness
Blaine air permeability apparatus
90 micron IS Sieve
Timer accurate to 0.5 sec.
Standard Reference Material No. SRM-1001 (Standard cement sample with known
fineness) of NCCBM
3. Soundness
Standard mould (small split cylinder of 0.5 mm thickness, 30 mm internal diameter and
30 mm height)
Tray, heater, balance
Two glass sheets 5 cm x 5 cm
Moulds 25 x 25 x 250 mm size
Water bath
Scale to measure length (Should we not be using Vernier Callipers)
4. Compressive Strength
Vibration machine
Poking rod
Cube moulds (for cubes of 5000mm2 area on each face)
Gauging trowel as per the BIS specifications
Indian Standard Sand conforming to IS 650 : 1991

Relevant Indian codes

IS 269: 1989
IS 8112: 1989
IS 12269: 1987
IS 4031: 1988
-do--do---do---do-IS 4845 : 1968

Specifications for 33 grade ordinary Portland cement.

Specifications for 43 grade ordinary Portland cement.
Specifications for 53 grade ordinary Portland cement.
Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement:
Part 1- Determination of fineness by dry sieving
Part 2 Determination of fineness by specific surface by Blaine Air
Permeability method
Part 3 Determination of soundness
Part 6 Determination of compressive strength of hydraulic cement
Part 11 Determination of density
Definitions and terminology relating to hydraulic cement.

Test Procedure



Specific gravity of cement







Fill the flask with kerosene so that the meniscus stands

between the 0 and 1 ml mark on the stem. Dry the
inside of the flask if there are any drops above the liquid
Place the flask in a constant temperature bath and record
the initial height of the kerosene in the flask. Also record
the temperature of the stem of the flask when
commencing the experiment (A) and temperature of the
stem of the flask upon completion of the experiment (B).
The constant temperature bath should be maintained at a
temperature such that the difference between the two
temperatures should not be more than 0.2oC.
Weigh about 64 gm of cement (between 62 gm and 66
gm) using a paper boat and record its actual weight
Introduce the cement into the flask.

To measure the change in volume

accurately, special care needs to
be taken to rid the drops above
the liquid level.
The temperature and volume is
recorded to ensure that the
change in volume of the kerosene
measured cannot be attributed to
changes in temperature.

Make sure that OPC does not

adhere to the sides of the stem. If
required, the cement may be
introduced slowly with the help of
a paper funnel. The actual mass of
cement added should also be
checked by weighing the flask
before and after addition of the

Remove the flask from the bath and place it on the rubber
mat. Take off the lead weight and roll the flask in inclined
position on the mat so as to remove all air bubbles from
the flask.
Return the flask to the bath and check the temperature
within the flask. If it is within 0.2oC of the original
temperature inside the flask, proceed to take the final
reading (of the volume).
Compute the density of the OPC using the following
Density, = mass of cement (g)/displaced volume (cc)

Conduct the density determination on two samples of

cement. If the results do not differ by more than 0.03
g/cm3, the average of the two results may be taken.
Otherwise, additional determinations should be carried
out until a pair of values is obtained within 0.03 g/cm3.
The density (g/cc) should be expressed as specific gravity
without any units.

Fineness of cement




Calibration of the apparatus is made by determining the

bulk volume of the compacted bed of the Standard
Reference Material No. 1001 of NCCBM. Press down two
filter paper disks in the permeability cell on the perforated
metal disk with a slightly smaller diameter rod and fill the
cell with mercury. Use tongs when handling the cell and
remove any air bubbles adhering to the sides of the cell.
Level the mercury to the top of the cell with a glass plate
and remove the mercury from the cell and weigh it, WA.
Remove the top filter paper from the permeability cell and
compress a trial quantity of 2.80 grams of the Portland
cement into the space above the filter paper to the gauge
line (height of 15 1.0 mm) in the cell. It should be
ensured that the cement bed is firm. If it cannot be
compressed to the desired volume, adjust the quantity of
cement and place the other filter paper above the cement
bed. Fill the remaining space in the cell above the filter
paper with mercury, remove entrapped air in the mercury
column, again use tongs when holding the cell and
remove any air bubbles adhering to the sides of the cell.
Level the mercury to the top of the cell with a glass plate
and remove the mercury from the cell and weigh it, WB.
Compute the volume occupied by the cement bed in the
cell from the following equation: V = (WA WB)/D.
If the results do not differ by more than 0.005 cm3, the
average of the two results may be taken. Otherwise,
additional determinations should be carried out until a
pair of values is obtained within that limit.
The mass (in g) of the NCCBM Standard Reference
Material No. 1001 required to produce a bed of cement
having a porosity of 0.005 + 0.005 is computed as: M=
1.58 V
Prepare a cement bed of the NCCBM Standard Reference
Material No. 1001 of mass M, to the nearest 0.001 grams;
tap the sides of the cell to level the cement, using filter
papers at the top and bottom as described in the previous
step. Compress the cement with the plunger until the
plunger collar is in contact with the top of the cell.
Compress the cement with the plunger a short distance,
rotate 90, repress the cement bed, and then slowly
withdraw. Attach the permeability cell to the manometer
tube with an airtight connection and slowly evacuate the
air in the manometer U-tube until the liquid reaches the
top mark, then tightly close the valve. Start the timer

D is the density of mercury which

can be assumed as 13.54 g/cm3 at
room temperatures between 18 to


when the bottom of the meniscus reaches the second (

next to the top) mark and stop the timer when the bottom
of the meniscus reaches the third ( next to the bottom)
mark. Note and record the time interval and repeat this
procedure three times. The same cement bed may be used
by refluffing the cement between each determination. The
average of these determinations is designated as TS. All
the tests in this procedure should be conducted at
approximately the same room temperature. All of the
cements tested should be at room temperature.
Repeat step 3, only this time use the Portland cement
whose fineness is to be found, using the same mass M,
with the following exceptions: only a one time-of-flow
determination needs to be made and M for a Type III, or
other very fine ground Portland cement,
use a M = 1.48 V. The resulting time is designated as T.


Soundness of cement





In the Le Chatelier method of determination of P is the standard consistency of

soundness, cement paste formed by gauging cement with the cement, and needs to be
0.78P water, is used.
determined before this test is
carried out. Thus, if P=30%,
23.4g of water needs to be added
for every 100g of cement used in
preparing the paste.
The mould (consisting of a small split cylinder of 0.5 mm
thickness, 30 mm internal diameter and 30 mm height) is
lightly oiled, is kept on a lightly oiled glass sheet, and is
filled up with this cement paste. The mould is then
covered by another lightly oiled glass sheet and a small
weight is placed on it. The whole assembly is immediately
immersed in water at a temperature of 27+2oC and is kept
there for 24 hours. The distance between the indicator
points is now measured to the nearest 0.5 mm.
After this, the mould is again submerged in water and the
water is brought to boiling in 25 to 30 minutes, with the
mould kept submerged. The water is kept boiling for 3
hours. The mould is now removed from the water, is
allowed to cool, and the distance between the indicator
points is measured. The difference between the two
measurements is reported as the Le Chatelier expansion of
the given cement sample.
In the Autoclave Method, specimens of 25x25x282 mm
size are prepared from cement paste of standard
consistency (made from 500g cement), and their lengths
are measured after keeping for 24 hours in a room of 90%
These specimens are then kept in the autoclave where
steam pressure is brought up to 2.1 MPa in about 1.25
hours. This pressure is maintained along with a
temperature of about 215.71.7oC for 3 hours, and then
specimens are cooled for one hour. These are then placed
in water with temperature greater than 90oC, which is then
cooled down to 27+2oC in 15 minutes. After keeping for

15 more minutes in the same water, their surfaces are

dried and lengths are measured again.

Compressive strength of cement


For preparing one mortar cube, a mixture of 200g cement,

600g standard sand(#), and (0.25P + 3.0)% water is
prepared on a non-porous plate. The cement and sand are
first mixed dry for about one minute and then, with water
for 3-4 minutes until the mixture gets a uniform colour.


The mould is treated with a thin coating of mould oil on

its interior faces while petroleum jelly is used to stop the
escape of water through the joints of the mould halves
during vibrations. The assembled mould is placed on the
table of the vibration machine and is firmly held in
position by means of a suitable clamp. To facilitate filling,
a hopper is kept attached at the top of the mould until the
end of vibrations.
The mortar is placed in the cube mould immediately after
mixing and is prodded 20 times in about 8 seconds with
the help of tamping rod.
The remaining quantity of mortar is placed in the hopper
and prodding is done once again. The mortar is then
compacted by vibrations @ 12000+400 vibrations/minute
for 2 minutes. The mould is removed together with the
base plate from the machine and the top surface is
finished with the blade of a trowel.
The filled moulds are kept at 27+2oC in an atmosphere of
having more than 90% humidity for 24 hours. The cubes
are then removed from the moulds and are submerged in
clean water of 27+2oC temperature. Water is renewed
every 7 days.




At the time of testing, the cubes are taken out and tested
for compressive strength at each relevant period (i.e. 3
days, 7 days, and 28 days) as measured from the
completion of vibration (rate of loading being 35
MPa/minute). 3 cubes should be tested and average
obtained (to the nearest of 0.5 MPa) is reported as the
compressive strength.

Since casting a cube could take

some time it may be advisable to
mix the mortar for each cube
The amount of water should be
calculated on the basis of the total
quantity of cement and sand.
Thus, if P = 28% and 200 gm and
600 gm of cement and sand
respectively is being used, 80 gm
of water should be added .

Tamping and compaction using

the vibratory table is carried out
to eliminate any entrapped air.
The cubes may be appropriately
numbered before putting in the
tank for future identification.

Cubes should be kept covered

with wet gunny bags in a room of
humidity, to prevent drying of
specimens during the initial
period when they cannot be
immersed in water.
Before test the cubes should be
wiped clean of excess water etc.
and tested on their sisdes . The
top and bottom surfaces of the
cube (at the time of casting)
should not be used to apply the
load as they (specially the top)
could be uneven.

(#) Standard sand is regraded sand which passes 100% through 2 mm IS sieve and is retained 100% on
the 90 micron IS sieve (IS: 650-1966, Indian Standard Specification for Standard Sand for Testing of
Cement). This sand has one-third particles (by weight) greater than 1 mm, one-third particles smaller
than 1 mm and greater than 500 microns, and the remaining one-third below 500 microns. The
particles are of quartz, light grey, or of whitish variety, with most of the particles approximating to
the spherical form

Note :

Maintain the temperature of room, cement and water at 27+2oC and relative humidity of the
room at 65+5%.
If the strength of any cube differs by more than 10% from the average strength, the average is
recomputed after ignoring the strength of this cube. If there are two specimens with greater
than 10 % deviation, the results of the test should be rejected and the test carried out again.
All cubes should be measured in size to nearest 0.1 mm. and the actual area of load application
The cubes should be weighed to the nearest of 0.1 gm. and the weight reported.

Soundness: BIS standards require that the Le Chatelier expansion shall not exceed 10 mm (for 33 grade
cement). In the event that this is not satisfied, there is also a provision to test an aerated cement sample
(obtained after spreading cement in layers of 75 mm thickness and is stored for 7 days at 27+2oC and
50-80% humidity). The Le Chatelier expansion for aerated cement sample shall not be more than 5mm.
Further, the mean value of the difference is calculated to the nearest 0.01% of the 250 mm gauge length
and is reported as the autoclave expansion of the cement. For 33 grade OPC, this expansion should not
exceed 0.8% and if the expansion exceeds this limit, the test may be carried out using an aerated sample,
and then the mean expansion should not exceed 0.6%.
Strength: as given in the following table.
Grade of OPC

3 days (72+1 hours)

16 MPa
23 MPa

7 days (168+2 hours)

22 MPa
33 Mpa

28 days (672+4 hours)

33 Mpa
43 Mpa


1. Describe any method(s) for surface area determination based on adsorption.
2. Can any other liquid (other than kerosene used here, say water) be used in the determination of
specific gravity of cement?
3. Apart from the properties discussed here, what are some of the other properties that are of
interest for concrete and construction engineers?
4. On what properties of cement, does its strength development depend?


Observation Table for Expt. No. 3

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Temperature of room:
Relative humidity of room:
Specific gravity of cement

Initial bath temperature, oC

Initial reading, ml
Final reading, ml
Displaced volume, cm3
Final bath temperature, oC
Density of cement = 64 grams/displaced volume, cm3
Average specific gravity of accepted specimen results =
Fineness of cement
Weight in grams: WA =
Determination of V in cm3: V =

, WB =

Accepted value for V after at least two determinations =

Measured time interval for standard sample, Ts in sec.:
Accepted value. Ts, after at least three determinations =
Measured time interval for for test sample, T in sec. =
Specific surface of cement specimen: S=Ss(T)1/2/(Ts)1/2
Ss is obtained from the data on the vial containing the standard cement sample (NCCBM
Standard Reference Material No. SRM 1001).


Soundness of cement
Le Chatelier Method:

Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 1

Sample 2

Initial distance between the indicator points (mm)

Final distance between the indicator points (mm)
Difference between final and initial measurements (mm)
Average expansion in mm
Autoclave Method:
Initial length of specimen in mm (l1)
Final length of specimen in mm (l2)
Autoclave expansion = (l2-l1)/250 * 100
Compressive Strength
Date of casting:

Time of
Loading (s)

Date of testing:
Ultimate Load

Area of specimen

Strength (Mpa)

Average compressive strength

Results & Conclusions:


To determine the following properties of coarse aggregates:
(a) particle size distribution
(b) fineness modulus
(c) water absorption
(d) bulk density
(e) specific gravity
Explanatory notes
Though it is widely believed that coarse aggregate are inert by nature, and only act as fillers in the
concrete, it should be borne in mind that they constitute a very large percentage of the total volume of
concrete and, as such have a very important bearing on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete.
Besides the mechanical properties of the coarse aggregate, the physical properties such as the shape, size,
water absorption, etc. are also very important and should be carefully studied.
Now, coarse aggregates should, in principle, be so graded that the voids between the particles are
minimized and at the same time, all the aggregates are adequately coated with a layer of mortar. Thus,
most specifications require that the grading (fraction of particles of a certain size) falls between
prescribed limits. Fineness modulus (FM) is one of the single measures that can be used to convey the
idea of the overall particle sizes. For example, the FM of normally used 20mm down aggregate could be
between 6.5 and 7.0, whereas that for fine aggregate used in concrete could be about 2.7. (The FM of
sand used for plaster could be about 1.2.) As far as the shape of particles is concerned, use of elongated
and/or flat particles is also considered undesirable.
The aggregates used are normally derived from rocks and have a finite (though, indeed, very small)
porosity. Now, when the aggregates are mixed with the other ingredients, they could either take away the
water from the mix, or contribute additional water to the mix, depending upon whether they are dry or
wet at that time. Both the possibilities are not desirable, and it is emphasized that aggregates used should
be saturated surface dry. In any case, it is important that the water absorption of the aggregates is
determined, so that that can be accounted for in case it becomes necessary to use aggregates that are not
saturated surface dry. Obviously, the absorption is related to the density (specific gravity) of the
aggregates, which is related to the type of the parent rock. The aggregate density is also related to the
mineralogical composition of the rocks. Aggregates such as limonite, magnetite, etc are heavier, whereas
those such as pumice, or expanded slate are lightweight in nature.
Now, though it is desirable and recommended that the ingredients of concrete are proportioned by
weight, it often becomes necessary to use batching by volume. This requires an understanding of the
bulk density of the aggregates, as there is invariably a large amount of void space that is usually (and
inevitably) present when aggregates are taken in a heap.
Equipment and Materials
1. Particle size distribution and Fineness Modulus
A set of IS Sieves of apperture size 40, 25, 20, 16, 12.5, 10, 4,75 and 2.36 mm
Balance with a capacity of atleast 2 kg, accurate to 0.1g
A wire brush

Aggregate sample

2. Water absorption and specific gravity

Balance of atleast 3 kg capacity accurate to 0.5 g
Electric Oven
A tray
An air tight container
3. Bulk density
Cylindrical metal container of capacity 3, 15 or 30 liters depending upon the largest size
of the aggregates
Balance sensitive to 0.5% of the weight of sample
Tamping bar of 16 mm dia and 600 mm long
Relevant Indian Codes
IS 383: 1970

Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
IS 2386 (parts 1 and 3): 1963 Methods of test for aggregates for concrete
Test Procedure



Particle size distribution and fineness modulus



Take 5 kg of oven dry sample of aggregate and sieve

successively on the appropriate sieves, starting with the
sieve of largest aperture size. The sieves should be shaken
with a varied motion, backwards and forwards, left to
right, circular clockwise and anti clockwise and with
frequent jarring so that the material is kept moving over
the surface of the sieve.
Weigh the quantity of aggregate retained on each of the
sieves used.
Compute cumulative weight retained, percentage
cumulative retained on each of the sieves and thereby
percentage passing from each of the sieves.
Compute Fineness Modulus (FM) as given below,
FM = [sum of % cumulative weights of aggregates
retained on all the sieves]/ [100].

Bulk density


For coarse aggregates of nominal

size 20 mm, a set of sieves of
aperture size 40, 20, 10 and
4.75mm and for aggregates of
nominal size 12.5 mm a set of
sieves of size 16, 12.5, 10, 4.75
and 2.36 mm, should be used.

For computing FM, a set of IS

sieves of aperture size 150, 80, 40,
20, 10, 4.75, 2.36, 1.18, 0.6, 0.3
and 0.15 mm, should be

Take a cylindrical metal container of about 3, 15 or 30 In cases when the actual volume
liters capacity depending upon the nominal size of of the container is not known, it
aggregate. Let the actual volume be V.
should be evaluated by weighing
the empty container, and weighing
it again after filling with water.
Weigh and record the weight (W1) of empty cylinder (kg).
Fill the container with the given sample of aggregate in
three equal layers, tamping each layer with 25 strokes of


tamping bar. Fill the container completely and strike off

the surplus material using the tamping bar.
Weigh the container completely filled with aggregate.
Record this weight (W2) [kg].
Compute bulk density (kg/liter) as (W2 - W1) / V

Specific gravity and water absorption




Place a sample of about 1 kg in a tray and cover with

distilled water at a temperature of 22 to 32C. The sample
should be remaining immersed for 24 hours .
Drain the water completely from the sample by
decantation and then air dry it by exposing to a gentle
current of warm air to evaporate only the surface
moisture, to make the sample Saturated Surface Dry
(SSD). Weigh this SSD sample and record its weight, A in
Place the aggregate sample in the pycnometer which
should be completely filled with distilled water. The
pycnometer should be dried on the outside and weighed
(B kg).
Empty the contents of the pycnometer into the tray. The
pycnometer should then be completely filled with distilled
water only, dried on outside and weighed in kg ( C ).
Place the sample in the tray in an electric oven after the
water is drained out from the sample by decantation, at a
temperature of 100 1100C for 24 hours. The sample
should be cooled in an air-tight container and weighed in
kg (D).

SSD sample is directly provided

to you after carrying out the
process mentioned in steps 1 and

IS sieve size % passing for single sized aggregates of % passing for graded
nominal size
aggregate of nominal size
40 mm
20 mm
12.5 mm
10 mm
40 mm
20 mm 12.5 mm


1. Codes sometimes define and specify indices such as flakiness index or elongation index. How are
these indices determined.
2. What is the approximate porosity of some of the commonly available rocks.
3. what factors could affect the determination of bulk density of coarse aggregate, if the procedure
described above is followed.
4. It is not considered desirable to use very dry or wet aggregates in concrete construction. Why.
5. Define saturated surface dry aggregates.
6. Assuming aggregates to be spherical particles and in contact with one another, what are the
possible ways of close packing them and what would be the resulting void ratios.
7. It is not desirable to use elongated or flaky particles in concrete construction. Why.

8. Can crushed concrete be used as a coarse aggregate in fresh concrete construction.

9. Comment on the extent of difference observed between the bulk density and the specific gravity.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 4

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Particle size distribution and Fineness modulus
IS Sieve
size (mm)

retained (g)

Cumulative weight
retained (g)

Cumulative weight
retained (%)

% Passing

Fineness Modulus =
Bulk Density

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2

Weight of empty cylindrical measure in kg (W1)

Weight of cylindrical measure completely filled with
aggregate, in kg (W2)
Bulk Density in kg/litre =(W1 W2) / V, where V is the
volume of the cylindrical measure in litres
Average Bulk Density =
Specific gravity and water absorption

Sample 1

Sample 2

Nominal size of the aggregate sample

Weight of SSD sample in g (A)
Weight of pycnometer with SSD sample filled with water (B)

Weight of pycnometer filled with water only ( C )

Weight of oven dried sample in g (D)
Specific gravity = D / [ A ( B C ) ]
Apparent Specific gravity = D / [ D ( B C ) ]
Water absorption = 100 ( A D ) / D
Average specific gravity

Average apparent specific gravity =

Average water absorption

Results & Conclusions:


To determine the following mechanical properties of coarse aggregates
a) Crushing value
b) Impact value
c) Abrasion Value
Explanatory notes
The mechanical properties of the coarse aggregate are a very important factor in determining the
properties of hardened concrete. This is especially true in the recent years, when effort is made to
develop and use high strength concrete, where the strength of the mortar phase could be comparable to
that of the aggregate. This has implications in terms of the failure mechanism of the concrete (traditional
low to medium strength concretes, say upto M 25 - M 30 grade, the failure is almost invariably because
of the weakness in the transition zone (between the aggregates and the mortar) and the mortar itself.
However, in high strength concrete, the fracture could occur because of the failure of the rock itself),
and hence it is imperative that greater attention is paid to the properties of the aggregates used.
In addition to high strength concrete, as discussed above, certain specific applications, such as roadways
and airport runways, where concrete could be subjected to abrasion, require use of good quality (in
terms of mechanical properties) aggregate in concrete.
Equipment and Materials
1. Aggregate crushing value
Aggregate Crushing value apparatus comprising 150 mm nominal diameter steel cylinder,
plunger and base plate
IS Sieves 12.5, 10, 2.36 mm
Balance of capacity 3 kg and accurate to 1 gm.
Metal measure, 115 mm diameter and 180 mm depth
Steel tamping rod of 16 mm diameter and 450 600 mm length
2. Aggregate impact value
Aggregate impact value apparatus
Cylindrical measure 75 mm diameter and 50 mm depth
Steel tamping rod of 10 mm diameter and 230 mm length
3. Aggregate abrasion Value
Los Angeles Abrasion Machine, comprising a heavy steel cylinder, rotated about its
horizontal axis at 20 to 33 rpm and a removable internal shelf
Set of abrasive charges, cast iron or steel spheres of about 48 mm diameter and 390-445
g weight each
Relevant Indian Codes
IS 383: 1970

Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for

IS 2386 (Part IV): 1963

Methods of test for aggregates for concrete

Part IV Methods of tests for Mechanical Properties


Test Procedure



Aggregate crushing value





Use the available aggregate sample and obtain 6.5 kg. of

aggregate finer than 12.5 mm. that does not pass through the
10 mm. IS sieve and divide it into 2 parts. Use the 2 parts for
separate readings. Each sample is surface dried before testing
(lay oven-drying at 100-110oC for not more than four hours)
and is filled in a 15 cm diameter cylinder with plunger and
base plate to 100 mm depth.
Take one part of the aggregate sample and the cylinder is
filled in three layers of approximately equal depth and each
layer is tamped 25 times with the rounded end of the tamping
rod. Take the weight (A) of the sample.
The aggregate is subjected to increasing compressive load of
40 tonnes in about 10 minutes with the help of plunger
inserted into the cylinder. The crushed material is then
removed from the cylinder and is sieved through a 2.36 mm
IS sieve. The fraction passing through the sieve is weighed
(say, B).
The aggregate crushing value is obtained as 100B/A to the
first decimal place, the test is repeated with the other fraction
of the sample from step 1 and the mean of two results is
reported to the nearest whole number along with the size of
the aggregate.

Aggregate impact value



In this test, weight, A, is determined in the same way as in the

test for determining the crushing value of the aggregate.
However, the cylindrical measure here has 75 mm diameter
and 50 mm height.
The measured aggregates are placed in a cylindrical steel cup
(102 mm diameter and 50 mm height) and compacted by a
single tamping of 25 strokes of the tamping rod.
This test sample is then subjected to 15 blows of a 13.5-14 kg
hammer freely falling by 380 mm. Each blow is delivered at
an interval of not less than one second.
The crushed aggregate is sieved on the 2.36 mm IS sieve and
the fraction passing the sieve (say, B) is weighed to an
accuracy of 0.1 g. The fraction retained on the sieve is also
weighed (say, C), and if B + C < A 1 (where, A, B, and C
are in g), a fresh test is made. Aggregate Impact Value = 100
B / A.

Aggregate abrasion value


In Los Angeles (abrasion testing) machine, we use cast iron or

steel spheres of about 48 mm diameter and 390-445 g weight
each (called as abrasive charge). Depending on the grading of
the test sample from A to G, the number of these spheres
(total abrasive charge) and total weight of sample is fixed.
The test sample is oven dried at 105-110oC and placed in the



steel cylinder of the Los Angeles machine along with the

charge. The cylinder is then rotated at the speed of 20-33
revolutions per minute with uniform peripheral speed.
The total number of revolutions is 500 and 1000 respectively
for A-C and D-F gradings. At the end of this, the fraction of
test sample retained on 1.7 mm IS sieve is washed; oven dried
at 105-110oC, and is weighed to the nearest gram.
Difference between the original weight and the final weight of
the sample, expressed as a percentage of the original weight of
the test sample, is reported as Abrasion Value.


The aggregate crushing value shall not exceed 45 percent for aggregate used for concrete other
than for wearing surfaces, and 30 percent for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and
The aggregate impact value shall not exceed 45 percent for aggregate used for concrete other
than for wearing surfaces, and 30 percent for wearing surfaces, such as runways, roads and
In aggregate impact value determination, if B + C < A 1 (where, A, B, and C are in g), a fresh
test is made.
The abrasion value of aggregates when tested using Los Angeles machine, shall not exceed the
following values:
a. For aggregates to be used in concrete for wearing surfaces ----- 30 percent
b. For aggregates to be used in other concrete
----- 50 percent
1. What is the compressive strength of some of the rocks commonly used to obtain crushed
2. Why is the strength of rock not of major concern in most of the concrete construction?
3. Which of the three parameters defined here are closest to the compressive strength of the
rock, should that be determined.
4. Can crushed concrete be used as coarse aggregate in new concrete construction?


Observation Table for Expt. No. 5

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Aggregate crushing value

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2

Empty weight of cylindrical measure: X

Weight of cylindrical measure after filling with aggregate: Y
Weight of the material to be filled in the cylinder: A = Y - X
Weight of material passing 2.36 mm IS sieve: B
Aggregate crushing value = 100B/A
Aggregate impact value

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2

Empty weight of cylindrical measure: X

Weight of cylindrical measure after filling with aggregate: Y
Weight of the material to be filled in the cylinder: A = Y - X
Weight of material passing 2.36 mm IS sieve(after impact
test) : B
Weight of material retained on 2.36 mm IS sieve: C
Aggregate impact value = 100B/A
Aggregate abrasion value

Sample No. 1

Sample No. 2

Initial weight of sample placed in the steel drum of Los

Angeles Abrasion machine: A
Weight of test sample retained on 1.7 mm IS sieve after
washing and oven drying: B
Aggregate abrasion resistance value = 100(A B)/A %

Results & Conclusions:


To determine the following properties of fine aggregate

particle size distribution and fineness modulus

specific gravity
water absorption
bulk density

Explanatory notes
In principle, there is no difference between the coarse and fine aggregate, and reference should be made
to the relevant Explanatory notes for the coarse aggregate. It may be borne in mind, however, that
special attention needs to be paid to (a) the fineness modulus of a given sand (fine aggregate) sample,
and, (b) the zone the given sand belongs. Appropriate adjustments need to be made in the proportioning
of the concrete mixes. Further, the proportioning should also take into account the bulking that may be
encountered in fine aggregate.
Bulking is the apparent increase in the volume of sand when it is wet. The presence of water causes the
sand particles to be artificially separated on account of the surface tension. Though the presence of
water (beyond the amount required render a sand saturate surface dry) is accounted for when batching
the sand by weight, in the case that the sand is batched volumetrically, the presence of the excess water
can be accounted for only by accounting for the bulking.
Equipment and Materials

1. Particle size distribution and fineness modulus

Set of IS sieves of sizes 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm and pan
Mechanical sieve shaker
Balance with a capacity of at least 2 kg with an accuracy of 0.1 grams

2. Bulk density

Balance a balance sensitive to 0.5 percent of the weight of the sample to be weighed
Cylindrical metal measure 15 cm diameter (inside)
Tamping rod 16 mm dia , 600 mm long

3. Specific gravity and water absorption

Balance with a capacity of at least 3 kg with an accuracy of 0.5 grams
An air-tight container
3 kg of fine aggregates, all particles passing the 10 mm IS sieve
Oven well ventilated, maintain a temperature between 100C and 110C
Relevant Indian codes
IS 383: 1970
IS 2386: 1963 (parts 1 &3)

Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for
Methods of test for aggregates for concrete

Test Procedure



Particle size distribution and fineness modulus



Weigh 500 grams of oven dry sample of sand and transfer it to

top sieve of the standard set comprising of IS sieves 4.75 mm,
2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm and pan and
place the lid on the top sieve, ie., 4.75mm sieve
Put the set in the mechanical sieve shaker and let it run for 15
Weigh the fractions of sand cumulatively starting with the
material retained on the top sieve.
Fineness modulus is obtained by adding the percent cumulative
weight of material retained on each of the sieves and dividing
the resulting sum by 100.

Bulk density



Take a standard cylindrical metal measure of 15 cm diameter

and fill it with thoroughly mixed aggregate.
The measure is filled with the given fine aggregate in three equal
layers, each layer tamped with 25 strokes of the rounded end of
the tamping rod. The measure then completely filled and
surplus aggregate is struck off by using the tamping rod as a
straight edge.
The net weight of the aggregate in the measure is determined
and the bulk density is calculated in kg/litre to the nearest 0.01
To determine the exact capacity of the measure, calibration The volume of the
should be done with the help of water at 27oC and by assuming measure given to you is
the density of water as 1 kg/litre.
2.80 liters

Specific gravity and water absorption





A sample of about 1 kg of fine aggregate is placed in a tray and

covered with distilled water at a temperature of 22 to 320C. The
sample shall remain immersed for 24 hours.
The water shall be completely drained from the sample by
decantation and the sample air-dried by exposing to a gentle
current of warm air to evaporate only the surface moisture, to
make the sample Saturated Surface Dry (SSD). Take 500 g of
this SSD sample and record this weight (A).
Place this weighed aggregate sample in the pycnometer, fill it
completely with distilled water. Clean and dry outside of the
pycnometer and weigh it. (B)
Empty the contents of the pycnometer into the tray. Clean the
pycnometer for any left out particles of the sample and pour it
in the tray. Now fill the pycnometer completely with distilled
water, clean and dry outside, and record its weight (C).
Place the tray in an electric oven after the water is drained out
completely from the sample by decantation, at a temperature of
100 1100C for 24 hours. Cool the sample in an air tight
container and record its weight (D).
Compute specific gravity, apparent specific gravity and water

SSD sample is directly

provided to you after
carrying out the process
mentioned in steps 1
and 2.

observation tables.

Grading zones for fine aggregate: As per IS 383 1970, fine aggregate is divided into 4 grading
zones as defined below. It is further recommended that fine aggregate confirming to Grading Zone
IV should not be used in reinforced concrete.
IS sieve

Percentage passing for

Zone I

Zone II

Zone III

Zone IV

90 100
60 95
30 70
15 34
5 20
0 10

90 100
75 100
55 90
35 59
8 30
0 10

90 100
85 100
75 100
60 79
12 40
0 10

95 100
95 100
90 100
80 100
15 50
0 - 15


1. What is the fineness modulus of the sand on the banks of the river Ganga likely to be.
2. Why is bulking of sand only of marginal significance when concrete is to be batched by weight.
3. Can crushed concrete be used as a (partial) replacement for fine aggregate in new concrete
4. Compare the particle size distributions of the fine aggregate used with that of standard sand,
used in the testing of cement for its compressive strength.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 6

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Particle size distribution and Fineness modulus
Weight Retained

IS Sieve size
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
1.18 mm
0.6 mm
0.3 mm
0.15 mm

% Cumulative
Weight Retained

% Passing


Bulk density



Weight of empty cylindrical measure: ( W1 kg )

Weight of cylindrical measure after filling with aggregate: ( W2 kg)
Net weight of aggregate in the measure: (W2 W1) kg
Volume of measure ( V litres )
Bulk density:

( W2 W1 ) / V

kg / litre

Average bulk density: (kg/litre)

Specific gravity and water absorption

Sample 1

Sample 2

Weight of SSD sample of fine aggregate in g (A)

Weight of pycnometer with SSD sample and filled with
water, in g ( B )
Weight of pycnometer filled completely with water only,
in g ( C )
Weight of oven dried sample in g ( D )
Specific gravity = D / [ A ( B C ) ]
Apparent specific gravity = D / [ D ( B C ) ]
Water absorption = 100 ( A D ) / D

Results & Conclusions:


To determine the variation in dimensions, water absorption, extent of efflorescence, and compressive
strength of bricks.
Equipment and Materials
1. Dimensions or tolerances
Suitable measuring tape
A set of 20 bricks
2. Water absorption
Balance with an accuracy of 0.1 % of the mass of the specimen.
Ventilated oven
A set of 5 bricks
3. Compressive strength
Suitable, graduated metal scale 30 cm in length accurate to 1 mm, to measure brick
Two 3-ply plywood sheets each of 3 mm thickness
Compression testing machine
A set of 5 bricks

4. Efflorescence

A shallow flat bottom tray / dish

Distilled water
A set of 5 bricks

Relevant Indian codes

IS 1077: 1992
IS 3495 (Parts I to IV): 1992
IS 5454: 1978
IS 2180: 1988
IS 2222: 1991
IS 2691: 1988
IS 3583: 1988
IS 4885: 1988
IS 5779 : 1986

Common burnt clay building bricks specifications

Method of tests of burnt clay building bricks.
Methods for sampling of clay building bricks.
Specifications for heavy-duty burnt clay building bricks.
Specifications for burnt clay perforated building bricks.
Specifications for burnt clay facing bricks.
Specifications for burnt clay paving bricks.
Specifications for sewer bricks.
Specifications for burnt clay soling bricks.

Test Procedure



Dimensions and tolerances


Select twenty (or more according to the size of stack) whole 20 common burnt clay
bricks at random from the sample.
building bricks shall be
provided to you.
Remove all blisters, loose particles of clay and small projections
from the surfaces of all the bricks. Arrange upon a level surface in

a straight line to measure their overall length, width and height.


Interchange the positions of some bricks and again take the

overall dimensions.
Take 5 readings to get an average of the dimensions of the brick
and compute variations in dimensions.

Water absorption


Dry five whole bricks in an electric oven for 24 hours at 105 to

Cool the samples to room temperature and obtain its weight (W1).
Before weighing, remove all loose particles/dust etc. with the help
of a brush.
Immerse the specimens in clear water for 24 hours at a
temperature of 272C.
Remove these from water, and weigh (W2) the specimens after
wiping out traces of water with damp cloth.
Water absorption = 100 ( W2 W1 ) / W1 %



Place the end of 5 bricks in a shallow flat bottom tray, the depth
of immersion in the distilled water being 25 mm.
Let the tray remain in a warm (20 to 300C) well-ventilated room
until the specimens absorb all the water and the surplus water
evaporates. Cover the tray containing the brick with suitable glass
cylinder so that excessive evaporation from the dish may not
When the water has been absorbed and the bricks appear to be
dry, place a similar quantity of water again in the tray and allow it
to evaporate as before.
Examine the bricks for efflorescence after the second evaporation
and report the rating of efflorescence according to the area of
white patches and general appearance of the bricks.

Compressive strength of bricks




Take a sample of at least 5 bricks, remove unevenness if observed

in the bed faces by grinding, if necessary, to get two smooth and
parallel faces.
After immersion in water for 24 hours and draining out any
surplus moisture, fill the frog and all voids in the bed face flush
with cement mortar ( 1 cement, 1 clean coarse sand of grade 3mm
and down).
Store under damp jute bags for 24 hours followed by immersion
in clean water for 72 hours.
Remove the bricks; wipe out any traces of water and note down
the dimensions (length and width) of each brick to get the surface
area (cm2).
Then place the specimen with flat faces horizontal, and mortar
filled face facing upwards between two 3-ply plywood sheets each
of 3 mm thickness, between the platens of the compressive
testing machine.
Apply the load axially at a uniform rate of 140 kg/cm2/minute till
failure occurs and note the maximum load at failure.
Compressive strength = Maximum load taken (kg) / Average area
of the bed faces (cm2)

The load at failure shall

be the maximum load at
which the specimen fails
to produce any further


increase in the indicator

reading in the testing
Express the compressive strength of all 5 bricks in MPa and The classification of
classify the bricks as to which class the whole lot of bricks bricks based on their
conform, depending upon the least strength of the five bricks.
strength: classes 5, 7.5,
10, 12.5, 15, 20, 25 etc.
Class 15 means that the
strength of any brick in
the sample of 5 bricks is
not less than 15 Mpa
and not more than 20
Mpa, and so on.

Dimensions: Depending upon the type of the brick, different specifications are applicable as indicated
in the following table.

Physical property

Heavy duty Perforated

IS 2180
IS 2222

IS 2691

IS 3583

IS 4885

IS 5779

Tolerances in dimensions (mm)

a) Length
b) Width
c) Height





strength (kg/cm2)
not less than







absorption (%)
not more than






+ 80 (for 20 bricks)
+ 40 (for 20 bricks)
+ 40 (for 20 bricks)


Efflorescence: The rating of efflorescence shall be reported as nil, slight, moderate, heavy or
serious in accordance with the following definitions:
Nil when there is no perceptible deposit of efflorescence.
Slight when not more than 10 percent of the exposed area of the brick is covered with a thin
deposit of salts.
Moderate when there is a heavier deposit than under slight and covering up to 50 percent of
the exposed area of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
Heavy when there is a heavy deposit of salts covering 50 percent or more of the exposed area
of the brick surface but unaccompanied by powdering or flaking of the surface.
Serious when there is a heavy deposit of salts accompanied by powdering and/or flaking of the
exposed surface.
The efflorescence rating shall be not more than moderate for bricks up to class 125 and slight for
higher classes.

Observation Table for Expt. No. 7

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Size of bricks
of 20 bricks






Average Length of one brick =

Average width of one brick =
Average height of one brick =
Water absorption
Sample No.

Weight of oven dry bricks: W1 (kg)

Weight after immersing in water: (W2 (kg)
W2 W1
Average water absorption (%)

% Water absorption =

Compressive strength of bricks

Sl. No.





load (kg)


Average compressive strength in Mpa =
Results & Conclusions:


To determine flash point of bitumen.
The flash point of a bituminous material is the lowest temperature at which the application of the test
flame causes the vapours from the material to catch fire momentarily in the form of a flash under
specified conditions of test.
Equipments & Materials

Heater (attached with temperature control device)

Bitumen cup
Thermometer (Range 90C to 370C, graduation 2C

Relevant Indian codes

Test Procedure
1. Clean the cup and dry it thoroughly before the test.
2. Fill bitumen in the cup up to a depth of approximately 1 cm from top.
3. Insert the thermometer into the material so that the tip penetrates at least 1cm. Ensure the tip not
to touch the bottom of the cup.
4. Heat the bitumen sample. Stir the bitumen in the cup at approximately 60 revolutions per minute.
5. Apply the flame at 100C and at every 5C rise initially up to 150C and at 1C rise subsequently till
the first bright flash occurs. Discontinue the stirring during the application of test flame.
6. Report the temperature at which flash occurred as flash point of the bitumen.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 8(A)

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:

Bitumen grade :
Closed or open cup :

Test name

No. of tests

Flash point value, C



Flash point

Results & Conclusions:



To determine the consistency of bitumen for classifying bitumen sample into different grade.
The penetration of a bituminous material is the distance in tenths of a millimeter that a standard needle
will penetrate vertically into a sample of the material under standard conditions of temperature, load and
Equipments & Materials

Universal Penetrometer
Penetration needle
Water bath (Thermostat maintained at 25.0C 0.1C)
Time device (graduated 0.1 s or less and accuracy within 0.1 s for a 60s interval)
Thermometer (Range 0C to 44C)

Relevant Indian codes

Test Procedure
1. Connect the penetrometer to the timer and the timer to the external power source. Set the timer to 5
2. Place the bitumen sample cup on the stand of the penetration apparatus.
3. Clean the needle with benzene and fix it to the penetrometer. Adjust the needle assembly so that the
tip of the needle just touches the top surface of the bitumen.
4. Take the initial reading on graduated disk say, A.
5. Trigger the timer to release the needle for 5 sec.
6. Take the final reading, say B. Report (B-A) as penetration value.
7. Make at least three determinations, at points on the surface of the sample not less than 10 mm apart
and not less than 10 mm from side of the dish. After each test clean the needle with benzene.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 8(B)

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Temperature of room:
Test name

No. of tests


Final reading


Mean value


Results & Conclusions:


To determine the ductility of given bitumen sample.
The ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in centimeters to which it will
elongate before breaking when the specimen of a specified form is pulled apart at a specified speed and
at a specified temperature.
Equipments & Materials

Two ductility moulds

Thermostat maintained water bath
Pulling machine attached with scale
Thermometer (Range 0C to 44C)
Methyl alcohol or sodium chloride (To adjust the specific gravity of water if required)

Relevant Indian codes

IS: 1209 1978
Test Procedure
1. Set the rate of pull of ductility machine to 50 mm/min.
2. Take out the moulds containing specimens (two) from water bath. Remove the side of the moulds
and hook the samples on the machine without causing any strain.
3. Check whether the sample is immersed in water at depth of at least 10mm. The water temperature is
to be maintained at 27C.
4. Start the machine to pull the samples.
5. Report the mean value of the lengths in cm at which the bitumen thread of each specimen breaks as
the ductility value at test temperature.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 8(C)

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Temperature of room:
Grade of bitumen:
Specific gravity of bitumen:
Test name

Value, cm.

No. of tests



Results & Conclusions:


To determine the softening point of bitumen defined as the temperature at which bitumen attains a
particular degree of softening.
Equipments & Materials
"Ring and ball apparatus" consisting of:
Two steel balls
Two brass rings
Ball guide
Thermometer (Range - 2C to 80C for low temperature and 30C to 200C for high
Heat proof glass vessel
Water or Glycerine
Relevant Indian codes
IS: 1205-1978
Test Procedure
1. Assemble the ring and ball apparatus with the rings and ball guides in position, and place the balls on
the bitumen sample put inside the rings.
2. Insert the thermometer such that its tip is approximately in level with the specimen rings.
3. Fill the beaker with water/ glycerine to a height of approximately 5 cm above the upper surface of
the rings. Glycerine is recommended when the expected softening point is more than 80oC.
4. Heat the ring and ball apparatus such that the temperature of water rises by 5oC per minute. Bitumen
softens and allows the ball to pass through the rings. The temperature at which the sample
surrounding the ball touches the lower plate of the ring and ball guide is the softening point.
5. The mean of two temperatures recorded for two samples is reported as softening point. If the values
differ by 2C, it requires repetition of test.


Observation Table for Expt. No. 8(d)

Students Name:

Group No.:

Date of expt.:
Bitumen grade:
Weight of the ball:
Approximate softening point: bellow/above 80C
Liquid used: Water / Glycerine
Test name

Value, C

No. of tests


Softening Point

Results & Conclusions:


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